
Defines functions sortLexis orderLexis transform.Lexis breaks timeBand timeSince timeScales succeeding preceding updn absorbing transient status dur exit entry rbind.Lexis cbind.Lexis merge.Lexis `[.Lexis` subset.Lexis PY.ann.Lexis print.Lexis points.Lexis lines.Lexis plot.Lexis lines.Lexis.2D points.Lexis.2D plot.Lexis.2D lines.Lexis.1D points.Lexis.1D plot.Lexis.1D valid.times check.time.scale is.Lexis Lexis

Documented in absorbing breaks cbind.Lexis dur entry exit Lexis lines.Lexis merge.Lexis orderLexis plot.Lexis points.Lexis preceding print.Lexis PY.ann.Lexis rbind.Lexis sortLexis status subset.Lexis succeeding timeBand timeScales timeSince transform.Lexis transient

Lexis <-
function(entry, exit, duration, entry.status=0, exit.status=0, id, data,
         merge=TRUE, states, notes=TRUE, tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5,
         keep.dropped=FALSE )
  nmissing <- missing(entry) + missing(exit) + missing(duration)
  if (nmissing > 2)
        stop("At least one of the arguments exit and duration must be supplied")
  only.exit <- missing( entry.status ) && !missing( exit.status )

  ## If data argument is supplied, use it to evaluate arguments
  if (!missing(data)) {
    if (!missing(entry)) {
      entry <- eval(substitute(entry), data, parent.frame())
    if (!missing(exit)) {
      exit <- eval(substitute(exit), data, parent.frame())
    if (!missing(duration)) {
      duration <- eval(substitute(duration), data, parent.frame())
    entry.status <- eval(substitute(entry.status), data, parent.frame())
    exit.status <- eval(substitute(exit.status), data, parent.frame())
    if (!missing(id)) {
      id <- eval(substitute(id), data, parent.frame())
    if (merge) {
      data <- as.data.frame(data)

  ## Check for missing values in status variables
  wh.miss <- any(is.na(entry.status)) + 2*any(is.na(exit.status))
  if ( wh.miss > 0 ) stop("Missing values in ",
                          switch( wh.miss, "entry status",
                                           "exit status",
                                           "entry AND exit status" ) )

  ## Adjust entry status mode according to exit status
  if( only.exit )
    if( is.logical( exit.status ) )
        entry.status <- FALSE
        if( notes ) cat("NOTE: entry.status has been set to FALSE for all.\n")
    if( is.character( exit.status ) )
        exit.status <- factor( exit.status )
    if( is.factor( exit.status ) )
        entry.status <- factor( rep( levels(exit.status)[1],
                                labels=levels(exit.status) )
        if( notes ) cat("NOTE: entry.status has been set to",
            paste( '"', levels(exit.status)[1], '"', sep='' ),
            "for all.\n" )
    if( is.numeric( exit.status ) )
        entry.status <- rep( 0, length( exit.status ) )
        if( notes ) cat("NOTE: entry.status has been set to 0 for all.\n")

  ## Convert character states to factors
  if( is.character(entry.status) ) entry.status <- factor(entry.status)
  if( is.character( exit.status) )  exit.status <- factor( exit.status)

  ## Check compatibility of entry and exit status
  if (is.factor(entry.status) || is.factor(exit.status)) {
      if (is.factor(entry.status) && is.factor(exit.status)) {
          if (!identical(levels(entry.status),levels(exit.status))) {
              all.levels = union(levels(entry.status),levels(exit.status))
              entry.status <- factor( entry.status, levels=all.levels )
               exit.status <- factor(  exit.status, levels=all.levels )
          if( notes ) cat("Incompatible factor levels in entry.status and exit.status:\n",
                "both lex.Cst and lex.Xst now have levels:\n", all.levels, "\n")
      else {
          stop("Incompatible classes for entry and exit status")
  else {
      if (mode(entry.status) != mode(exit.status)) {
          stop("Incompatible mode for entry and exit status")

  ## If entry is missing and one of the others is given as a list of length
  ## one, entry is assumed to be 0 on this only timescale.
  if( nmissing==2 )
    if( !missing(exit) )
      { if( length(exit)>1 )
          stop("If 'entry' is omitted, only one timescale can be specified.")
        entry <- exit
        entry[[1]] <- 0*entry[[1]]
        if( notes ) cat( "NOTE: entry is assumed to be 0 on the",names(exit),"timescale.\n")
    if( !missing(duration) )
      { if( length(duration)>1 )
          stop("If 'entry' is omitted, only one timescale can be specified")
        entry <- duration
        entry[[1]] <- 0*entry[[1]]
        if( notes ) cat( "NOTE: entry is assumed to be 0 on the",names(duration),"timescale.\n")
    stop("Either exit or duration must be supplied.")

  ## Coerce entry and exit lists to data frames

  if(!missing(entry)) {
    entry <- as.data.frame(entry)
    if (is.null(names(entry)))
      stop("entry times have no names")
    if (any(substr(names(entry),1,4) == "lex."))
      stop("names starting with \"lex.\" cannot be used for time scales")

  if(!missing(exit)) {
    exit <- as.data.frame(exit)
    if (is.null(names(exit)))
      stop("exit times have no names")
    if (any(substr(names(exit),1,4) == "lex."))
      stop("names starting with \"lex.\" cannot be used for time scales")

  if(!missing(duration)) {
    duration <- as.data.frame(duration)
    if (is.null(names(duration)))
      stop("duration have no names")
    if (any(substr(names(duration),1,4) == "lex."))
      stop("names starting with \"lex.\" cannot be used for time scales")

  if (missing(entry)) {
    ## Impute entry
    entry <- exit - duration

  if (missing(duration)) {
    ## Impute duration
    full.time.scales <- intersect(names(entry), names(exit))
    if (length(full.time.scales) == 0) {
      stop("Cannot calculate duration from entry and exit times")
    duration <- exit[,full.time.scales[1]] - entry[,full.time.scales[1]]

  if (missing(exit)) {
    all.time.scales <- names(entry)
  else {
    ## We dont need the exit times but, if they are supplied, we must
    ## make sure they are consistent with the entry and duration.

    all.time.scales <- unique(c(names(entry), names(exit)))
    ## Fill in any missing entry times
    entry.missing <- setdiff(all.time.scales, names(entry))
    if (length(entry.missing) > 0) {
      entry <- cbind(entry, exit[,entry.missing, drop=FALSE] - duration)
    ## Check that duration is the same on all time scales
    dura <- exit - entry[,names(exit),drop=FALSE]
    if (missing(duration)) {
      duration <- dura[,1] #BxC# apply( dura, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE )
                           # Allows for timescales with missing values
    ok <- sapply(lapply(dura, all.equal, duration), isTRUE)
#   ok <- sapply(lapply(dura, all.equal, duration),
#                function(x) identical(FALSE,x) )
    if (!all(ok)) {
      stop("Duration is not the same on all time scales")
#  Taken care of by the code that detects whether lex.du <= tol
#  ## Check that duration is positive
#  if (any(duration<0)) {
#    stop("Duration must be non-negative")
#  }

  ## Make sure id values - if supplied - are valid. Otherwise supply default id

  if (missing(id)) {
    id <- 1:nrow(entry)
  else if (any(duplicated(id))) {
    ##Fixme: check for overlapping intervals
    ##stop("Duplicate values in id")

  ## Return a data frame with the entry times, duration, and status
  ## variables Use the prefix "lex." for the names of reserved
  ## variables.
  if( is.data.frame( duration ) ) duration <- duration[,1]
  lex <- data.frame( entry, "lex.dur" = duration,
                            "lex.Cst" = entry.status,
                            "lex.Xst" = exit.status,
                            "lex.id"  = id )

  #### Addition by BxC --- support for states as factors
  # Convert states to factors if states are given
  if( !missing( states ) ) #is.character( states ) )
    # This as.character-business is necessary because we cannot assume
    # that the values of states are 1,2, etc.
    st.lev <- sort( unique( as.character( c(lex$lex.Cst,lex$lex.Xst) ) ) )
    lex$lex.Cst <- factor( as.character(lex$lex.Cst), levels=st.lev, labels=states )
    lex$lex.Xst <- factor( as.character(lex$lex.Xst), levels=st.lev, labels=states )

  if (!missing(data) && merge) {
    duplicate.names <- intersect(names(lex), names(data))
    if (length(duplicate.names) > 0) {
      stop( "Cannot merge data with duplicate names:",
            paste(duplicate.names,collapse=" ") )
    lex <- cbind(lex, data)
  ## Drop rows with short or negative duration for consistency with splitLexis
  short.dur <- lex$lex.dur <= tol
  if ( any(short.dur) ) {
      if( notes ) cat("NOTE: Dropping ", sum(short.dur),
           " rows with duration of follow up < tol\n",
      if( keep.dropped ) "  The dropped rows are in the attribute 'dropped'\n",
      if( keep.dropped ) "  To see them type attr(Obj,'dropped'),\n",
      if( keep.dropped ) "  to get rid of them type: attr(Obj,'dropped') <- NULL\n",
      if( keep.dropped ) "  - where 'Obj' is the name of your Lexis object" )
      lex <- subset(lex, !short.dur)
      if( keep.dropped ) attr(lex,"dropped") <- subset(data, short.dur)

  ## Return Lexis object
  attr(lex,"time.scales") <- all.time.scales
  attr(lex,"time.since") <- rep( "", length(all.time.scales) )
  breaks <- vector("list", length(all.time.scales))
  names(breaks) <- all.time.scales
  attr(lex,"breaks") <- breaks
  class(lex) <- c("Lexis", class(lex))

is.Lexis <- function(x)
  inherits(x, "Lexis")

check.time.scale <- function(lex, time.scale=NULL)

  ## Utility function, returns the names of the time scales in a Lexis object
  ## lex - a Lexis object
  ## time.scale - a numeric or character vector. The function checks that
  ##              these are valid time scales for the Lexis object.
  ## Return value is a character vector containing the  names of the requested
  ## time scales

  all.names <- timeScales(lex)
  if (is.null(time.scale))

  nscale <- length(time.scale)
  scale.names <- character(nscale)
  if (is.character(time.scale)) {
    for (i in 1:nscale) {
      if (is.null(lex[[time.scale[i]]]))
        stop(time.scale[i], " is not a valid time scale name")
  else if (is.numeric(time.scale)) {
    if (any(time.scale > length(all.names))  || any(time.scale < 1))
      stop(time.scale, " not valid time scale column number(s)")
    time.scale <- all.names[time.scale]
  else {
    stop("invalid type for time scale")

valid.times <-
function(x, time.scale=1)
  # A utility function that returns a data.frame / Lexis object with
  # rows with missing timescales removed

plot.Lexis.1D <- function(x, time.scale=1, breaks="lightgray",
                          type="l", col="darkgray", xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab,
  ## x Lexis object
  ## time.scale  name of time scale to plot

  if (length(time.scale) != 1)
    stop("Only one time scale allowed")

  x <- valid.times(x,time.scale)
  time.entry <- x[,time.scale]
  time.exit <- x[,time.scale] + x$lex.dur
  id <- x$lex.id

  if (missing(xlim))
    xlim <- c(min(time.entry), max(time.exit))
  if (missing(ylim))
    ylim <- range(id)
  if (missing(xlab))
    xlab <- time.scale
  if (missing(ylab))
    ylab <- "id number"

  plot(time.entry, id, type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
  if (type=="b" || type=="l") {
    segments(time.entry, id, time.exit, id, col=col, ...)
  if (type=="b" || type=="p") {
    points(time.exit, id, col=col, ...)
  ## Plot break points
  brk <- attr(x,"breaks")[[time.scale]]
  abline(v=brk, col=breaks, ...)

points.Lexis.1D <- function(x, time.scale, ...)
  x <- valid.times(x,time.scale)
  time.exit <- x[,time.scale] + x$lex.dur
  points(time.exit, x$lex.id, ...)

lines.Lexis.1D <- function(x, time.scale, type="l", col="darkgray", breaks="lightgray",
  x <- valid.times(x,time.scale)
  time.entry <- x[,time.scale]
  time.exit <- x[,time.scale] + x$lex.dur
  id <- x$lex.id
  segments(time.entry, id, time.exit, id, col=col, ...)
  ## Plot break points
  brk <- attr(x,"breaks")[[time.scale]]
  abline(v=brk, col=breaks, ...)


plot.Lexis.2D <- function(x, time.scale, breaks="lightgray",
                          type="l", col="darkgray",
                          xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab,
  if (length(time.scale) != 2)
    stop("Two time scales are required")

  x <- valid.times(x,time.scale)

  time.entry <- time.exit <- vector("list",2)
  for (i in 1:2) {
    time.entry[[i]] <- x[,time.scale[i]]
    time.exit[[i]] <- x[,time.scale[i]] + x$lex.dur

  if (missing(xlim) && missing(ylim)) {
    ## If no axis limits are given, set the plotting region to be
    ## square, and adjust the axis limits to cover the same time interval.
    ## All life lines will then be at 45 degrees.
    opar <- par(pty="s")
    min.times <- sapply(time.entry, min)
    max.times <- sapply(time.exit, max)
    xywidth <- max(max.times - min.times)
    xlim <- min.times[1] + c(0, xywidth)
    ylim <- min.times[2] + c(0, xywidth)
  else if (missing(xlim)) {
    xlim <- c(min(time.entry[[1]]), max(time.exit[[1]]))
  else if (missing(ylim)) {
    ylim <- c(min(time.entry[[2]]), max(time.exit[[2]]))

  if (missing(xlab))
    xlab <- time.scale[1]
  if (missing(ylab))
    ylab <- time.scale[2]

  plot(time.entry[[1]], time.entry[[2]], type="n",
       xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ...)

# Set up the background grid(s):
  if (!missing(grid)) {
     if (is.logical(grid)) {
        if (grid) {
        vgrid <- pretty(xlim)
        hgrid <- pretty(ylim)
        } }
     else if (is.list(grid)) {
        vgrid <- grid[[1]]
        hgrid <- grid[[length(grid)]]
     else if (is.numeric(grid)) {
       vgrid <- grid - min( grid ) + min( pretty( xlim )[pretty(xlim)>=par("usr")[1]] )
       hgrid <- grid - min( grid ) + min( pretty( ylim )[pretty(ylim)>=par("usr")[3]] )
     else stop( "'grid' must be either logical, list or a numeric vector" )
   # and plot the grid:
     abline( v=vgrid, h=hgrid, col=col.grid, lty=lty.grid )
  if (!missing(grid) & coh.grid) {
     # Make the 45-degree grids as fine as the finest grid on the axes
     for (yy in c(hgrid-diff(range(hgrid)),hgrid))
         abline( yy-min(vgrid), 1, col=col.grid, lty=lty.grid )
     for (yy in c(vgrid-diff(range(vgrid)),vgrid))
         abline( min(hgrid)-yy, 1, col=col.grid, lty=lty.grid )
# End of explicitly requested background grid(s) (PHEW!)

  if (type=="b" || type=="l") {
    segments(time.entry[[1]], time.entry[[2]], time.exit[[1]], time.exit[[2]],
             col=col, ...)
  if (type=="b" || type=="p") {
    points(time.exit[[1]], time.exit[[2]], col = col, ...)
  if (type != "n") {
    ## Plot break points
    brk <- attr(x,"breaks")[time.scale]
    abline(v=brk[[1]], h=brk[[2]], col=breaks, ...)

points.Lexis.2D <- function(x, time.scale, ...)
  x <- valid.times(x,time.scale)
  time.exit <- vector("list",2)
  for (i in 1:2) {
    time.exit[[i]] <- x[,time.scale[i]] + x$lex.dur
  points( time.exit[[1]], time.exit[[2]], ...)

lines.Lexis.2D <- function(x, time.scale, col="darkgray", ...)
  x <- valid.times(x,time.scale)
  time.entry <- time.exit <- vector("list",2)
  for (i in 1:2) {
    time.entry[[i]] <- x[,time.scale[i]]
    time.exit[[i]] <- x[,time.scale[i]] + x$lex.dur
  segments(time.entry[[1]], time.entry[[2]], time.exit[[1]], time.exit[[2]],
           col=col, ...)

### Plotting generic functions
plot.Lexis <-
function( x = Lexis( entry=list(Date=1900,Age=0), exit=list(Age=0) ),
          time.scale=NULL, type="l", breaks="lightgray", ...)
  time.scale <- check.time.scale(x, time.scale)
  if (length(time.scale) > 2)
    time.scale <- time.scale[1:2]
  # Save the timescale(s) for use in subsequent calls
  options( Lexis.time.scale = time.scale )

  if (length(time.scale) == 1)
    plot.Lexis.1D(x, time.scale=time.scale, type=type, breaks=breaks, ...)
  else if (length(time.scale) == 2)
    plot.Lexis.2D(x, time.scale=time.scale, type=type, breaks=breaks, ...)

lines.Lexis <- function(x, time.scale=options()[["Lexis.time.scale"]], ...)
  time.scale <- check.time.scale(x, time.scale)
  if (length(time.scale) > 2)
    time.scale <- time.scale[1:2]

  if (length(time.scale) == 1)
    lines.Lexis.1D(x, time.scale=time.scale, ...)
  else if (length(time.scale) == 2)
    lines.Lexis.2D(x, time.scale=time.scale, ...)

points.Lexis <- function(x, time.scale=options()[["Lexis.time.scale"]], ...)
  time.scale <- check.time.scale(x, time.scale)
  if (length(time.scale) > 2)
    time.scale <- time.scale[1:2]
  if (length(time.scale) == 1)
    points.Lexis.1D(x, time.scale=time.scale, ...)
  else if (length(time.scale) == 2)
    points.Lexis.2D(x, time.scale=time.scale, ...)

print.Lexis <-
function(x, ..., td = 2, nd = 3, rnam = FALSE, org = FALSE)
    # "intersect" is to allow subsets of variables to be printed
    # result is ordered as the first argument to intersect()
    # The time-scale variables
    tsl <- intersect(c(timeScales(x), "lex.dur"), names(x))
    # The Lexis variables
    whL <- intersect(c("lex.id", tsl, "lex.Cst", "lex.Xst"), names(x))
    # non-Lexis variables"
    oth <- setdiff(names(x), whL)
    # non-Lexis numerical variables
    nuv <- setdiff(names(which(sapply(x, is.numeric))), whL)
    # round the time-scale variables
    x[,tsl] <- round(x[,tsl], td)
    # round the non-Lexis numerical variables
    x[,nuv] <- round(x[,nuv], nd)
    if (org) print.data.frame(x, row.names = rnam, ...)
        else print.data.frame(x[,c(whL, oth)],
                                 row.names = rnam, ...)
    # return the printed ordering of variables 
    invisible(c(whL, oth))

PY.ann <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("PY.ann")
PY.ann.Lexis <-
function( x, time.scale=options()[["Lexis.time.scale"]], digits=1, ... )
  if (!inherits(x,"Lexis"))
    stop("Only meaningful for Lexis objects not for objects of class ",
  wh.x <- x[,time.scale[1]] + x[,"lex.dur"]/2
  if( two.scales <- length(time.scale)==2 )
     wh.y <- x[,time.scale[2]] + x[,"lex.dur"]/2
     wh.y <- x[,"lex.id"]
  text( wh.x, wh.y,
        adj=c(0.5,-0.5), srt=if(two.scales) 45 else 0, ... )

### Generic functions

### Methods for data.frame drop Lexis attributes, so we need Lexis
### methods that retain them

subset.Lexis <- function(x, ... )
  y <-  subset.data.frame(x, ...)
  attr(y,"breaks") <- attr(x, "breaks")
  attr(y,"time.scales") <- attr(x, "time.scales")
  attr(y,"time.since") <- attr(x, "time.since")

`[.Lexis` <-
function(x, ...)
  y <- NextMethod(x)
  if (is.data.frame(y)) {
    for (a in c("class", "time.scales", "time.since", "breaks")) {
        data.table::setattr(y ,a, attr(x, a))}

merge.Lexis <- function(x, y, id, by, ...)
  if (!missing(id)) {
    if (!is.character(id) || length(id) != 1 || !(id %in% names(y))) {
      stop("id must be the name of a single variable in y")
    if (any(duplicated(y[[id]]))) {
      stop("values of the id variable must be unique in y")
    y$lex.id <- y[[id]]
  else if (missing(by)) {
    by <- intersect(names(x), names(y))
    if (length(by)==0) {
      stop("x and y have no variable names in common")

  z <-  base::merge.data.frame(x, y, ...)
  attr(z,"breaks") <- attr(x, "breaks")
  attr(z,"time.scales") <- attr(x, "time.scales")
  attr(z,"time.since") <- attr(x, "time.since")
  class(z) <- c("Lexis", "data.frame")

cbind.Lexis <-
function( ... )
allargs <- list( ... )
# Check that at least one argument is Lexis
is.lex <- sapply( allargs, inherits, "Lexis" )
if( all(!is.lex) ) stop( "At least one argument nust be a Lexis object\n",
                         "and none of the given are.\n")
if( sum(is.lex)>1 ) stop( "It is meaningless to 'cbind' several Lexis objects:",
                          " arguments ", paste( which(is.lex), collapse=","),
                          " are Lexis objects.\n" )
is.lex <- which(is.lex) 
res <- do.call( base::cbind.data.frame, allargs )
attr( res, "class"       ) <- attr( allargs[[is.lex]], "class"       )
attr( res, "breaks"      ) <- attr( allargs[[is.lex]], "breaks"      )
attr( res, "time.scales" ) <- attr( allargs[[is.lex]], "time.scales" )
attr( res, "time.since"  ) <- attr( allargs[[is.lex]], "time.since"  )

rbind.Lexis <-
function( ... )
# A list of all Lexis objects    
allargs <- list( ... )
# Check if they are all Lexis
# (or possibly NULL - often rbind-ing with NULL is very useful)
is.lex <- sapply( allargs, inherits, "Lexis" )
is.nul <- sapply( allargs, is.null )
if( !all(is.lex[!is.nul]) )
    stop( "All arguments must be Lexis objects,\n",
          "arguments number ", which(!is.lex & !is.null), " are not." )
# Put them all together
allargs <- allargs[!is.nul]
res <- plyr::rbind.fill( allargs )
# Get the union of time.scale names and the corresponding time.since
tscl <- do.call( c, lapply( allargs, function(x) attr(x,"time.scales") ) )
tsin <- do.call( c, lapply( allargs, function(x) attr(x,"time.since" ) ) )
# but only one copy of each
scls <- match( unique(tscl), tscl )
tscl <- tscl[scls]
tsin <- tsin[scls]    
# Fish out the breaks on timescale in turn from all input objects and
# - if all the non-NULL are identical use this
# - if not, set the corresponding break to NULL
newbrks <- list()
# all the breaks attributes in a list    
brks <- lapply( allargs, function(x) attr(x,"breaks") )
# run through the timescales found 
for( scl in tscl )
   # breaks for this timescale in any of the objects   
   brk <- lapply( brks, function(x) x[[scl]] )
   # but only the non-null ones
   brk <- brk[!sapply( brk, is.null )]
   # if more than one occurrence, all non-NULL breaks should be identical
   if( ( length(brk)>1 & 
         all( sapply( brk[-1], function(x) identical(brk[[1]],x) ) ) )
       | length(brk) == 1 ) newbrks[scl] <- brk[1]
   else newbrks[scl] <- list(NULL)    
# define attributes of the reulting object:
attr( res, "class"       ) <- c( "Lexis", "data.frame" )
attr( res, "breaks"      ) <- newbrks
attr( res, "time.scales" ) <- tscl
attr( res, "time.since"  ) <- tsin

## Extractor functions

entry <- function(x, time.scale = NULL, by.id = FALSE )
    time.scale <- check.time.scale(x, time.scale)
    wh <- x[,time.scale[1]] ==
     ave( x[,time.scale[1]], x$lex.id, FUN=if( by.id ) min else I )
    if (length(time.scale) > 1) {
        res <- as.matrix(x[wh, time.scale])
        if( by.id ) rownames( res ) <- x$lex.id[wh]
        return( res )
    else {
        res <- x[wh, time.scale]
        if( by.id ) names( res ) <- x$lex.id[wh]
        return( res )

exit <- function(x, time.scale = NULL, by.id = FALSE )
    time.scale <- check.time.scale(x, time.scale)
    wh <- x[,time.scale[1]] ==
     ave( x[,time.scale[1]], x$lex.id, FUN=if( by.id ) max else I )
    if (length(time.scale) > 1) {
        res <- as.matrix(x[wh, time.scale]) + x$lex.dur[wh]
        if( by.id ) rownames( res ) <- x$lex.id[wh]
        return( res )
    else {
        res <- x[wh, time.scale] + x$lex.dur[wh]
        if( by.id ) names( res ) <- x$lex.id[wh]
        return( res )

dur <- function(x, by.id=FALSE)
  if( by.id ) return( tapply(x$lex.dur,x$lex.id,sum) )
  else        return(        x$lex.dur               )

status <- function(x, at="exit", by.id = FALSE)
  at <- match.arg(at, c("entry","exit"))
  wh <- x[,timeScales(x)[1]] ==
   ave( x[,timeScales(x)[1]], x$lex.id, FUN=if(by.id)
                                             else I )
  res <- switch(at, "entry"=x$lex.Cst, "exit"=x$lex.Xst)[wh]
  if( by.id ) names( res ) <- x$lex.id[wh]

transient <-
function( x )
if( !is.Lexis(x) ) stop( "Not a Lexis object" )
tc <- tapply( x$lex.dur, x$lex.Cst, sum )
nt <- names( tc[tc>0] )

absorbing <-
function( x )
if( !is.Lexis(x) ) stop( "Not a Lexis object" )
tc <- table( x$lex.Xst )
setdiff( names( tc[tc>0] ), transient(x) )

updn <-
function(x, tt, states)
if (any(is.na(match(states,levels(x)))))
  stop("'states' must be one of states: ", paste(levels(x), sep=','))
tt <- tt[, states, drop=FALSE]
cc <- intersect(rownames(tt), colnames(tt))
tt[cbind(cc,cc)] <- 0
rownames(tt[apply(tt, 1, sum) > 0, , drop = FALSE])
before <- preceding <- function( x, states ) updn( x, table(x$lex.Cst, x$lex.Xst), states)
after <- succeeding <- function( x, states ) updn( x, table(x$lex.Xst, x$lex.Cst), states)

timeScales <- function(x)
  return(attr(x, "time.scales"))

timeSince <- function(x)
        tt  <- attr(x, "time.since")
  names(tt) <- attr(x, "time.scales")
  return( tt )

timeBand <- function(lex, time.scale, type="integer")
  time.scale <- check.time.scale(lex, time.scale)[1]
  breaks <- attr(lex, "breaks")[[time.scale]]

  time1 <- lex[[time.scale]]
  band <- findInterval(time1, breaks)

  ##Check that right hand side of interval falls in the same band
  abrk <- c(breaks, Inf)
  tol <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
  if (any(time1 + lex$lex.dur > abrk[band+1] + tol)) {
    stop("Intervals spanning multiple time bands in Lexis object")

  type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("integer","factor","left","middle",
  if (type=="integer") {

  I1 <- c(-Inf, breaks)
  I2 <- c(breaks, Inf)
  labels <- switch(type,
                   "factor" = paste("(", I1, ",", I2, "]", sep=""),
                   "left" = I1,
                   "right" = I2,
                   "middle" = (I1 + I2)/2)

  if(type=="factor") {
    return(factor(band, levels=0:length(breaks), labels=labels))
  else {

breaks <- function(lex, time.scale)
  time.scale <- check.time.scale(lex, time.scale)[1]
  return(attr(lex, "breaks")[[time.scale]])

transform.Lexis <- function(`_data`, ... )
    save.at <- attributes(`_data`)
    ## We can't use NextMethod here because of the special scoping rules
    ## used by transform.data.frame
    y <- base::transform.data.frame(`_data`, ...)
    save.at[["names"]] <- attr(y, "names")
    attributes(y) <- save.at

# Two utility functions used to sort a Lexis object by (lex.id,time)    
order.Lexis <-
 orderLexis <-
function( x )
   # Some time scales may not be proper from addCov.Lexis
   # So find one which is ("X" in timeSince(x) is improper)
   if (!inherits(x, "Lexis")) stop("Argument must be a Lexis object\n")
   # Fixing things if a data.table
   attr(x, "class") <- c("Lexis", "data.frame")
   a.ts <- timeScales(x)[which(timeSince(x) != "X")[1]] 
   order(x$lex.id, x[,a.ts], na.last = FALSE)

sortLexis <- function( x ) x[orderLexis(x),]

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