
Defines functions getFormula mzMatch heatmapResults getSummaryTable getResultsTable plotResults plotDistributions fitSSE estimatePars dataElong dataSynth gridElong gridSynth checkparameters runElongationAnalysis estimateSynthesis runSynthesisAnalysis elongationqmult synthesisqmult combAcetate msbatch2fadata

Documented in checkparameters combAcetate dataElong dataSynth elongationqmult estimatePars estimateSynthesis fitSSE getFormula getResultsTable getSummaryTable gridElong gridSynth heatmapResults msbatch2fadata mzMatch plotDistributions plotResults runElongationAnalysis runSynthesisAnalysis synthesisqmult

# msbatch2fadata
#' Extract FA data from an annotated msbatch.
#' Extract FA data from an annotated msbatch.
#' @param msbatch annotated msbatch.
#' @param faid data frame with two columns (ID and Compound) specifying FA ids
#' and FA names. FA names must be unique and omega series must be indicated
#' (i.e. FA(20:4)n3, FA(24:1)n9, FA(16:0)). Unknown FA series can be named as nx,
#' ny, nz to differentiate between isomers.
#' @return fadata.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
msbatch2fadata <- function(msbatch, faid){

  # Check arguments
  # check msbatch structure
  if (!"fas" %in% names(msbatch)){
    stop("FA must be annotated. Use annotateFA(msbatch).")
  if (!is.list(msbatch) | !all(c("metaData", "msobjects", "alignment", "grouping", "features") %in% names(msbatch)) |
      !is.data.frame(msbatch$metaData) | !is.list(msbatch$msobjects) | !is.list(msbatch$alignment) |
      !is.list(msbatch$grouping) | !is.data.frame(msbatch$features)){
    stop("Wrong msbatch format")
  # check faid structure
  if (!is.data.frame(faid)){
    stop("faid must be a data.frame with two columns: ID and FAid.")
  if (!all(c("ID", "FAid") %in% colnames(faid))){
    stop("faid must be a data.frame with two columns: ID and FAid.")
  if (any(duplicated(faid$FAid))){
    stop("Compound names must be unique.")
  if (any(duplicated(faid$ID))){
    stop("ID must be unique.")

  # Change data structure
  fas <- merge(faid[,c("ID"), drop=FALSE], msbatch$isotopes, by="ID")

  if ("Isotope" %in% colnames(fas)){
    label <- fas$Isotope
    label <- as.numeric(unlist(sapply(label, function(x) {
      x <- gsub("\\[M\\+", "", x)
      x <- gsub("]", "", x)
    fas$Label <- label
  fas <- fas[order(fas$FAid, fas$Label),]

  fattyacids <- fas[,c("ID", "FAid", "Label")]
  colnames(fattyacids) <- c("ID", "Compound", "Label")
  if (length(unique(fattyacids$ID)) != length(unique(fattyacids$Compound))){
    stop("Unique Compound names must be provided for each ID")
  fattyacids <- fattyacids[,c("Compound", "Label")]

  data <- fas[,colnames(fas) %in% make.names(msbatch$metaData$sample)]
  data <- data[order(fattyacids$Compound, fattyacids$Label),]
  fattyacids <- fattyacids[order(fattyacids$Compound, fattyacids$Label),]
  rownames(data) <- paste(fattyacids$Compound, "_M+", fattyacids$Label, sep="")

  if ("IS" %in% names(msbatch)){
    IS <- msbatch$IS
  } else {
    IS <- t(data.frame(IS = rep(1, ncol(data))))
    colnames(IS) <- colnames(data)

  # create fadata
  fadata <- list(metadata = msbatch$metaData, fattyacids = fattyacids, IS = IS,
                 intensities = data)
  fadata$metadata <- fadata$metadata[order(colnames(fadata$intensities)),]
  if ("IS" %in% names(fadata)){
    fadata$IS <- fadata$IS[,order(colnames(fadata$intensities)), drop=FALSE]
  fadata$intensities <- fadata$intensities[order(fadata$fattyacids$Compound, fadata$fattyacids$Label),
  fadata$fattyacids <- fadata$fattyacids[order(fadata$fattyacids$Compound, fadata$fattyacids$Label),]


# combAcetate
#' acetate combinations for M+0, M+1 and M+2.
#' acetate combinations for M+0, M+1 and M+2.
#' @param M total number of carbons for the FA.
#' @return acetate combination for M carbon atoms.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
combAcetate <- function(M){
  if (M%%2 != 0){
    stop("M must be an even number")

  if (M > 0){
    N <- M/2

    perm <- gtools::permutations(n=3, r=N, v=c(0,1,2), repeats.allowed=TRUE)
    sumperm <- apply(perm, 1, sum)

    tperm <- t(apply(perm, 1, function(x){
      zero <- sum(x == 0)
      one <- sum(x ==1)
      two <- sum(x == 2)
      return(c(zero = zero, one = one, two = two))

    comb <- sapply(c(0:M), function(x){
      c <- unique(tperm[which(sumperm == x),, drop=FALSE])
    }, simplify = FALSE)
  } else {
    comb <- as.matrix(data.frame(zero = 0, one = 0, two = 0))


# synthesisqmult
#' calculate FA isotope distribution for newly synthesized FAs using the quasi
#' multinomial distribution.
#' calculate FA isotope distribution for newly synthesized FAs using the quasi
#' multinomial distribution.
#' @param D1 tracer contribution to M+1 acetate pool.
#' @param D2 tracer contribution to M+2 acetate pool.
#' @param P overdispersion parameter. If different to 0, quasi-multinomial
#' distribution is obtained, while if set to 0, it is simplified to a multinomial
#' distribution.
#' @param S fraction of newly synthesized FA.
#' @param M total number of carbons for the FA.
#' @param vcomb list of acetate combinations obtained with \link{combAcetate}
#' function.
#' @return numeric vector with the FA isotope distribution.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
synthesisqmult <- function(D1, D2, P, S, M, vcomb){

  N <- M/2             # N molecules of acetate
  D0 <- 1 - D1 - D2    # contributions from M+0, M+1 and M+2 to the acetate pool
  if (D0 == 0){D0 <- 1e-20}
  if (D1 == 0){D1 <- 1e-20}
  if (D2 == 0){D2 <- 1e-20}

  # quasi-multinomial distribution with 2 terms: Synthesis and Importation (1-S)
  dist <- S * unlist(lapply(vcomb, function(x){
    nc <- factorial(N)/(factorial(x[,"zero"]) * factorial(x[,"one"]) * factorial(x[,"two"]))
    sum(nc * (1+N*P) *
          D0/(1+N*P) * ((D0 + x[,"zero"]*P)/(1+N*P))^(x[,"zero"]-1) *
          D1/(1+N*P) * ((D1 + x[,"one"]*P)/(1+N*P))^(x[,"one"]-1) *
          D2/(1+N*P) * ((D2 + x[,"two"]*P)/(1+N*P))^(x[,"two"]-1))
  })) + (1-S) * 0^c(0:M)

  # check results
  if (any(is.na(dist)) | any(dist < 0) |  round(sum(dist), 4) != 1 | D0 < 0 |
      P > ((1-max(D0,D1,D2))/N)){dist <- rep(0, M+1)}

# elongationqmult
#' calculate FA isotope distribution for elongated FAs using the quasi
#' multinomial distribution.
#' calculate FA isotope distribution for elongated FAs using the quasi
#' multinomial distribution.
#' @param S16 fraction of newly synthesized palmitate.
#' @param D1 tracer contribution to M+1 acetate pool.
#' @param D2 tracer contribution to M+2 acetate pool.
#' @param P overdispersion parameter. If different to 0, quasi-multinomial
#' distribution is obtained, while if set to 0, it is simplified to a multinomial
#' distribution.
#' @param E1 fraction of elongated C18 FA from C16.
#' @param E2 fraction of elongated C20 FA from C18.
#' @param E3 fraction of elongated C22 FA from C20.
#' @param E4 fraction of elongated C24 FA from C22.
#' @param E5 fraction of elongated C26 FA from C24.
#' @param M total number of carbons for the FA.
#' @param vcomb16 list of acetate combinations for C16 synthesis obtained with
#' combAcetate(16) function.
#' @param mcombe list of acetate combinations for each elongation step obtained
#' with combAcetate(2) function.
#' @return FA isotope distribution.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
elongationqmult <- function(S16, D1, D2, P,
                E1, E2, E3, E4, E5,
                M, vcomb16, mcombe){

  D0 <- 1 - D1 - D2
  if (D0 == 0){D0 <- 1e-20}
  if (D1 == 0){D1 <- 1e-20}
  if (D2 == 0){D2 <- 1e-20}
  E <- c(E1, E2, E3, E4, E5)
  n <- (M/2)-8

  # De novo synthesis and importation for FA(16:0)
  dist <- S16 * unlist(lapply(vcomb16, function(x){
    nc <- factorial(8)/(factorial(x[,"zero"]) * factorial(x[,"one"]) * factorial(x[,"two"]))
    sum(nc * (1+8*P) *
          D0/(1+8*P) * ((D0 + x[,"zero"]*P)/(1+8*P))^(x[,"zero"]-1) *
          D1/(1+8*P) * ((D1 + x[,"one"]*P)/(1+8*P))^(x[,"one"]-1) *
          D2/(1+8*P) * ((D2 + x[,"two"]*P)/(1+8*P))^(x[,"two"]-1))
  })) + (1-S16) * 0^c(0:16)

  # elongation steps from FA(16:0): each step accounts for elongation of
  # synthesized and imported precursors (Ix = 1-Ex)
  if (n > 0){
    for (e in 1:n){
      dist <- c(dist, rep(0, 2))
      dist <- E[e] * apply(t(sapply(c(1:(length(dist)-2)), function(i) {
        c(rep(0, (i-1)), dist [i] * sapply(1:length(mcombe), function (c) {
          sum(1 * D0^mcombe[[c]][,"zero"] * (D1)^mcombe[[c]][,"one"] * D2^mcombe[[c]][,"two"])
        }), rep(0,(length(dist)-i-2)))
      })), 2, sum) +
        c(1-E[e], rep(0, length(dist)-1))

  # check results
  if (any(E > 1) | any(E < 0) | any(dist < 0) |  round(sum(dist), 4) != 1 |
      D0 < 0){dist <- rep(0, M+1)}


# runSynthesisAnalysis
#' run synthesis analysis.
#' run synthesis analysis.
#' @param fadata fadata containing synthesis results.
#' @param toDo fatty acids to analyse.
#' @param R2Thr positive numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the minimum R2
#' allowed for fits.
#' @param maxiter parameter passed to \link{nls.control}. Positive integer
#' specifying the maximum number of iterations allowed.
#' @param maxconvergence positive integer specifying the maximum number of
#' successes before choosing the winning model.
#' @param D1 positive numeric vector with values between 0 and 1 specifying the
#' contribution of acetate M+1. If NA it is estimated.
#' @param D2 positive numeric vector with values between 0 and 1 specifying the
#' contribution of acetate M+2. If NA it is estimated.
#' @param P overdispersion parameter. If NA it is estimated (quasi-multinomial
#' distribution). If set to 0, no overdispersion is assumed (multinomial
#' distribution).
#' @param startpoints positive integer specifying the number of starting points
#' for each parameter to be estimated.
#' @param parameters parameters to be estimated for each fatty acid. It can be
#' modified to change them or to add new fatty acids (adding new rows).
#' @param verbose print information messages.
#' @return De novo-synthesis analysis results.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
runSynthesisAnalysis <- function(fadata, toDo, R2Thr = R2Thr,
                                 maxiter = maxiter, maxconvergence = maxconvergence,
                                 D1 = D1, D2 = D2, P = P, startpoints = startpoints,
                                 parameters = FAMetA::parameters,
                                 verbose = TRUE){

  fas <- data.frame(cbind(fadata$fattyacids[,c("Compound", "Label")],
                          fadata$mid), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  fas <- split(fas, fas$Compound)

  if(length(toDo) > 0){
    resultsSynth <- list()
    for (c in toDo){
      if(verbose){cat(paste("\n", c, "...", sep=""))}
      fa <- fas[[c]]
      fa <- fa[order(fa$Label),, drop = FALSE]
      M <- as.numeric(parameters[parameters$FattyAcid == c, "M"])
      resultsSynth[[c]] <- estimateSynthesis(fa=fa, M=M, R2Thr = R2Thr,
                                             maxiter = maxiter,
                                             maxconvergence = maxconvergence,
                                             D1 = D1, D2 = D2, P = P,
                                             startpoints = startpoints)
    # Summarize results
    results <- cbind(FA = rep(toDo, each = ncol(fadata$intensities)),
                             Sample = colnames(fadata$intensities),
                             Group = fadata$metadata$sampletype,
                             do.call(plyr::rbind.fill, lapply(resultsSynth, function(x) x[[1]])))
    predictedValues <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(resultsSynth, function(x)
      do.call(cbind, lapply(x$models, function(y) if (!any(is.na(y))){predict(y)}else{rep(NA, nrow(x$mid))})))))
    compounds <- do.call(rbind, lapply(resultsSynth, function(x) x[[2]][,c("Compound", "Label")]))
    predictedValues <- cbind(compounds, predictedValues)
    rownames(predictedValues) <- paste(predictedValues$Compound, "_M+", 
                                       predictedValues$Label, sep="")

    plots <- plotResults(resultsSynth, fadata$metadata$sampletype, toDo)

    results <- list(fas = toDo, results = results, predictedValues = predictedValues,
                    plots = plots, details = resultsSynth)

  } else {
    stop("Unable to run synthesis analysis.")


# estimateSynthesis
#' estimate synthesis parameters.
#' estimate synthesis parameters.
#' @param fa data frame with isotope intensities for a FA. First two columns
#' correspond to Compound and Label information.
#' @param M total number of carbons for the FA.
#' @param R2Thr positive numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the minimum R2
#' allowed for fits.
#' @param maxiter parameter passed to \link{nls.control}. Positive integer
#' specifying the maximum number of iterations allowed.
#' @param maxconvergence positive integer specifying the maximum number of
#' successes before choosing the winning model.
#' @param D1 positive numeric vector with values between 0 and 1 specifying the
#' contribution of acetate M+1. If NA it is estimated.
#' @param D2 positive numeric vector with values between 0 and 1 specifying the
#' contribution of acetate M+2. If NA it is estimated.
#' @param P overdispersion parameter. If NA it is estimated (quasi-multinomial
#' distribution). If set to 0, no overdispersion is assumed (multinomial
#' distribution).
#' @param startpoints positive integer specifying the number of starting points
#' for each parameter to be estimated.
#' @return De novo-synthesis and elongation analysis results.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
estimateSynthesis <- function(fa, M, R2Thr = 0.9, maxiter = 1e3,
                                 maxconvergence = 100, D1 = NA, D2 = NA,
                                 P = NA, startpoints = 5){

  # Combinations of acetate molecules for each isotopologue
  vcomb <- combAcetate(M)

  # check distributions
  values <- apply(fa[,3:ncol(fa), drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) x/sum(x))
  values <- data.frame(apply(values, 2, function(x){
      x <- rep(0, length(x))

  # formula for synthesis distributions
  formula <- as.formula(resp ~ synthesisqmult(D1, D2, P, S, M, vcomb))

  # fit distributions
  results <- list()
  models <- list()

  rowsResults <- c("D0", "D1", "D2", "P", "S", "I", "R2")
  for (s in 1:ncol(values)){
    resp <- as.vector(values[,s])

    gridStart <- unique(gridSynth(D1=D1[s], D2=D2[s], P=P[s], M=M,
    datanls <- dataSynth(D1=D1[s], D2=D2[s], P=P[s], M=M, vcomb=vcomb)
    datanls$resp <- resp

    if (!(all(round(resp,4) == c(1, rep(0, M))) | all(resp == rep(0, M+1)))){
      model <- tryCatch({estimatePars(formula, gridStart, datanls,
                                      maxiter = maxiter,
                        error = function(e){NULL})

      if (!is.null(model)){
        if (is.na(P[s]) & is.na(D2[s])){
          if (coef(model)["D2"] >= 0.75 &
              coef(model)["P"] >= 0.5*(1-coef(model)["D2"])/(M/2)){
            model <- tryCatch({estimatePars(formula, gridStart, datanls,
                                            maxiter = maxiter,
                                            limitPhi = 0.25*(1-coef(model)["D2"])/(M/2))},
                              error = function(e){NULL})
    } else {
      model <- NULL

    # save results
    if (!is.null(model)){
      R2 <- c(1 - (sum((resp - predict(model))^2)/sum((resp - mean(predict(model)))^2)))
      if (R2 < R2Thr){
        results[[s]] <- NA[rowsResults]
        models[[s]] <- NA
      } else {
        results[[s]] <- c(coef(model), I = 1-as.numeric(coef(model)["S"]), R2 = R2)
        if (!is.na(D1[s])){results[[s]]["D1"] <- D1[s]}
        if (!is.na(D2[s])){results[[s]]["D2"] <- D2[s]}
        if (!is.na(P[s])){results[[s]]["P"] <- P[s]}
        if (results[[s]]["I"] == 1){
          results[[s]]["S"] <- results[[s]]["D1"] <- results[[s]]["D2"] <- results[[s]]["P"] <- 0
        results[[s]]["D0"] <- 1 - results[[s]]["D1"] - results[[s]]["D2"]
        results[[s]] <- results[[s]][rowsResults]
        models[[s]] <- model
    } else {
      results[[s]] <- NA[rowsResults]
      models[[s]] <- NA
  results <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, results))
  colnames(results) <- rowsResults
  rownames(results) <-  names(models) <- colnames(fa)[3:ncol(fa)]
  values <- data.frame(cbind(fa[,1:2], values), stringsAsFactors = F)

  return(list(results = results, mid = values, models = models))

# runElongationAnalysis
#' run the elongation analysis.
#' run the elongation analysis.
#' @param fa data frame with isotope intensities for a FA. First two columns
#' correspond to Compound and Label information.
#' @param M total number of carbons for the FA.
#' @param D1 positive numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the contribution of
#' acetate M+1. Estimated with \link{synthesisAnalysis}.
#' @param D2 positive numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the contribution of
#' acetate M+2. Estimated with \link{synthesisAnalysis}.
#' @param P overdispersion parameter. Estimated with \link{synthesisAnalysis}.
#' @param S16 fraction of newly synthesized C16 FA. If NA it is estimated.
#' It is set to 0 for n3 and n6 FA series.
#' @param E1 fraction of elongated C18 FA from C16. If NA it is estimated.
#' It is set to 0 for n3 and n6 FA series.
#' @param E2 fraction of elongated C20 FA from C18. If NA it is estimated.
#' @param E3 fraction of elongated C22 FA from C20. If NA it is estimated.
#' @param E4 fraction of elongated C24 FA from C22. If NA it is estimated.
#' @param E5 fraction of elongated C26 FA from C24. If NA it is estimated.
#' @param R2Thr positive numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the minimum R2
#' allowed for fits.
#' @param maxiter parameter passed to \link{nls.control}. Positive integer
#' specifying the maximum number of iterations allowed.
#' @param maxconvergence positive integer specifying the maximum number of
#' successes before choosing the winning model.
#' @param startpoints positive integer specifying the number of starting points
#' for each parameter to be estimated.
#' @param D2Thr minimum D2 value allowed to perform the elongation analysis.
#' @return Elongation and importation analysis results.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
runElongationAnalysis <- function(fa, M, D1, D2, P, S16, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, R2Thr = 0.9,
                   maxiter = 1e4, maxconvergence = 100, startpoints = 5, D2Thr = D2Thr){

  vcomb16 <- combAcetate(16)
  mcombe <- combAcetate(2) # acetate combination for elongation steps

  SEini <- list(S16, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5)

  # distributions
  values <- apply(fa[,3:ncol(fa), drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) x/sum(x))
  values <- data.frame(apply(values, 2, function(x){
      x <- rep(0, length(x))

  formula <- as.formula(resp ~ elongationqmult(S16, D1, D2, P, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5,
                                   M, vcomb16, mcombe))

  # Run FASA
  results <- list()
  models <- list()

  rowsResults <- c("D0", "D1", "D2", "P", "S16", "E1", "E2", "E3", "E4", "E5", "I", "R2")
  for (s in 1:ncol(values)){
    resp <- as.vector(values[,s])
    # check parameters based on distribution
    n <- (M-16)/2
    if (!is.na(S16)) {imported <- TRUE} else {imported <- FALSE}
    SE <- checkparameters(resp, M, n, SEini, imported, D2=D2[s])
    gridStart <- gridElong(S16=SE[[1]], E1 = SE[[2]], E2=SE[[3]], E3=SE[[4]],
                           E4=SE[[5]], E5=SE[[6]], startpoints=startpoints)

    datanls <- dataElong(S16=SE[[1]], D1=D1[s], D2=D2[s], P=P[s], E1 = SE[[2]], 
                         E2=SE[[3]], E3=SE[[4]], E4=SE[[5]], E5=SE[[6]],
                       M=M, vcomb16=vcomb16, mcombe=mcombe)
    datanls$resp <- resp
    if (!any(is.na(c(D2[s], D1[s], P[s])))){
      if (D2[s]+D1[s]*0.5 >= D2Thr){
        if (!all(resp == rep(0, M+1)) | any(unlist(lapply(SE[2:6], is.na)))){
          model <- tryCatch({estimatePars(formula, gridStart, datanls,
                                          maxiter = maxiter, maxconvergence=maxconvergence)},
                            error = function(e){NULL})
        } else {
          model <- NULL
      } else {
        model <- NULL
    } else {
      model <- NULL

    if (!is.null(model) & !any(is.na(model))){
      R2 <- c(1 - (sum((resp - predict(model))^2)/sum((resp - mean(predict(model)))^2)))
      results[[s]] <- c(coef(model), P = as.numeric(P[s]), R2 = R2)
      if (R2 < R2Thr){
        results[[s]] <- NA[rowsResults]
        models[[s]] <- NA
      } else {
        if (!is.na(D1[s])){results[[s]]["D1"] <- D1[s]}
        if (!is.na(D2[s])){results[[s]]["D2"] <- D2[s]}
        if (!is.na(P[s])){results[[s]]["P"] <- P[s]}
        results[[s]]["D0"] <- 1 - results[[s]]["D1"] - results[[s]]["D2"]
        if (!is.na(SE[[1]])){results[[s]]["S16"] <- SE[[1]]}
        results[[s]][c("E1", "E2", "E3", "E4", "E5")[!unlist(lapply(SE[2:6], is.na))]] <- 0
        results[[s]]["I"] <- 1 - results[[s]][c("E1", "E2", "E3", "E4", "E5")[(M/2)-8]]
        results[[s]] <- results[[s]][rowsResults]
        models[[s]] <- model
    } else {
      results[[s]] <- NA[rowsResults]
      models[[s]] <- NA
  results <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, results))
  colnames(results) <- rowsResults
  rownames(results) <-  names(models) <- colnames(fa)[3:ncol(fa)]
  values <- data.frame(cbind(fa[,1:2], values),
                       stringsAsFactors = F)
  return(list(results = results, mid = values, models = models))

# checkparameters
#' check S and E steps based on isotopologue distribution.
#' check S and E steps based on isotopologue distribution.
#' @param resp isotopologue distribution
#' @param M total number of carbons of the fatty acid.
#' @param n maximum number of elongation steps.
#' @param SE list with S and E parameters. NA indicates they must be estimated 
#' while 0 indicates it does not occur.
#' @param imported logical. TRUE if S16 is predefined as 0 (n3 or n6 series). 
#' @param D2 numeric between 0 and 1. Only if D2 >= 0.4 parameters are checked 
#' based on distribution.
#' @return SE list corrected.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
checkparameters <- function(resp, M, n, SE, imported, D2){
  if (!is.na(D2)){
    if (D2 >= 0.4){
      if (!imported & (sum(resp[seq(2*n+3, M+1, 2)] > 0.0001) >= 3 | 
                       sum(resp[seq(2*n+3, M+1, 2)] > 0.001) >= 2)){  
        #floor(0.33*length(resp[seq(2*n+3, M+1, 2)]))
        SE[[1]] <- NA
      } else {
        SE[[1]] <- 0
      if (!is.na(SE[[1]])){
        if (resp[2*n+1] > 0.001){
          SE[[2]] <- NA
        } else {
          SE[[2]] <- 0
      if (!is.na(SE[[2]]) & n > 1){
        if (resp[2*(n-1)+1] > 0.001){
          SE[[3]] <- NA
        } else {
          SE[[3]] <- 0
      if (!is.na(SE[[3]]) & n > 2){
        if (resp[2*(n-2)+1] > 0.001){
          SE[[4]] <- NA
        } else {
          SE[[4]] <- 0
      if (!is.na(SE[[4]]) & n > 3){
        if (resp[2*(n-3)+1] > 0.001){
          SE[[5]] <- NA
        } else {
          SE[[5]] <- 0
      if (!is.na(SE[[5]]) & n > 4){
        if (resp[2*(n-4)+1] > 0.001){
          SE[[6]] <- NA
        } else {
          SE[[6]] <- 0

# gridSynth
#' generate starting points grid for  synthesis analysis.
#' generate starting points grid for synthesis analysis.
#' @param D1 positive numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the contribution of
#' acetate M+1. If NA it is included in the starting points grid.
#' @param D2 positive numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the contribution of
#' acetate M+2. If NA it is included in the starting points grid.
#' @param P overdispersion parameter. If NA, it is included in the starting
#' points grid.
#' @param S fraction of newly synthesized C16 FA. If NA it is included in the
#' starting points grid.
#' @param M total number of carbons for the FA.
#' @param startpoints positive integer specifying the number of starting points
#' for each parameter to be estimated.
#' @return Starting points grid for synthesis analysis.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
gridSynth <- function(D1=NA, D2=NA, P=NA, S=NA, M, startpoints){
  toestimate <- c()

  if (missing(D1) | is.na(D1)){
    D1 <- (0:(startpoints-1))/(startpoints-1)
    toestimate <- c(toestimate, "D1")
  } else {
    D1 <- D1
  if (missing(D2) | is.na(D2)){
    D2 <- (0:(startpoints-1))/(startpoints-1)
    toestimate <- c(toestimate, "D2")
  } else {
    D2 <- D2

  gridContrib <- expand.grid(D1 = D1, D2 = D2)
  gridContrib <- gridContrib[apply(gridContrib, 1, sum) <= 1,]

  if (missing(P) | is.na(P)){
    iniPhi <- 0 # -1/(M/2)
    endPhi <- 0.1 # 1/(M/2)

    gridOD <- seq(iniPhi, endPhi, length=startpoints)
    gridMult <- as.data.frame(tidyr::crossing(gridContrib, gridOD))
    colnames(gridMult) <- c("D1", "D2", "P")
    gridMult <- gridMult[apply(gridMult, 1, function(x) x["P"] >= -min(x[c("D1", "D2")])/(M/2) &
                                 x["P"] <= (1-max(x[c("D1", "D2")]))/(M/2)),]
    toestimate <- c(toestimate, "P")
  } else {
    gridMult <- gridContrib
    gridMult$P <- P

  gridSE <- expand.grid(S = 0:(startpoints-1))/(startpoints-1)
  toestimate <- c(toestimate, "S")

  gridFinal <- as.data.frame(tidyr::crossing(gridMult, gridSE))
  colnames(gridFinal) <- c("D1", "D2", "P", "S")
  gridFinal <- gridFinal[,toestimate, drop = FALSE]


# gridElong
#' generate starting points grid for elongation analysis.
#' generate starting points grid for elongation analysis.
#' @param S16 fraction of newly synthesized C16 FA. If NA it is included in
#' the starting points grid.
#' @param E1 fraction of elongated C18 FA from C16. If NA it is included in
#' the starting points grid.
#' @param E2 fraction of elongated C20 FA from C18. If NA it is included in
#' the starting points grid.
#' @param E3 fraction of elongated C22 FA from C20. If NA it is included in
#' the starting points grid.
#' @param E4 fraction of elongated C24 FA from C22. If NA it is included in
#' the starting points grid.
#' @param E5 fraction of elongated C26 FA from C124. If NA it is included in
#' the starting points grid.
#' @param startpoints positive integer specifying the number of starting points
#' for each parameter to be estimated.
#' @return Starting points grid for elongation analysis.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
gridElong <- function(S16=NA, E1=NA, E2=NA, E3=NA, E4=NA, E5=NA, startpoints){
  toestimate <- c()

  if (is.na(S16)){
    S16 <- (0:(startpoints-1))/(startpoints-1)
    toestimate <- c(toestimate, "S16")
    S16 <- S16
  if (is.na(E1)){
    E1 <- (0:(startpoints-1))/(startpoints-1)
    toestimate <- c(toestimate, "E1")
    E1 <- E1
  if (is.na(E2)){
    E2 <- (0:(startpoints-1))/(startpoints-1)
    toestimate <- c(toestimate, "E2")
    E2 <- E2
  if (is.na(E3)){
    E3 <- (0:(startpoints-1))/(startpoints-1)
    toestimate <- c(toestimate, "E3")
    E3 <- E3
  if (is.na(E4)){
    E4 <- (0:(startpoints-1))/(startpoints-1)
    toestimate <- c(toestimate, "E4")
    E4 <- E4
  if (is.na(E5)){
    E5 <- (0:(startpoints-1))/(startpoints-1)
    toestimate <- c(toestimate, "E5")
    E5 <- E5

  gridSE <- expand.grid(S16 = S16,
                        E1 = E1,
                        E2 = E2,
                        E3 = E3,
                        E4 = E4,
                        E5 = E5)

  colnames(gridSE) <- c("S16", "E1", "E2", "E3", "E4", "E5")
  gridFinal <- gridSE[,toestimate, drop = FALSE]


# dataSynth
#' data list for synthesis analysis.
#' data list for synthesis analysis.
#' @param D1 positive numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the contribution of
#' acetate M+1. If different to NULL it is included in the data list.
#' @param D2 positive numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the contribution of
#' acetate M+2. If different to NULL it is included in the data list.
#' @param P overdispersion parameter. If different to NULL it is included in the
#' data list.
#' @param M total number of carbons for the FA.
#' @param vcomb list of acetate combinations for C16 synthesis.
#' @return Data list for synthesis analysis.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
dataSynth <- function(D1, D2, P, M, vcomb){
  datanls <- list(D1 = D1,
                  D2 = D2,
                  P = P,
                  M = M,
                  vcomb = vcomb)
  datanls <- datanls[!unlist(lapply(datanls, function(x) any(is.na(x))))]

# dataElong
#' data list for elongation analysis.
#' data list for elongation analysis.
#' @param S16 fraction of newly synthesized C16 FA. If different to NULL it is
#' included in the data list.
#' @param D1 positive numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the contribution of
#' acetate M+1.
#' @param D2 positive numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the contribution of
#' acetate M+2.
#' @param P overdispersion parameter.
#' @param E1 fraction of elongated C18 FA from C16. If different to NULL it is
#' included in the data list.
#' @param E2 fraction of elongated C20 FA from C18. If different to NULL it is
#' included in the data list.
#' @param E3 fraction of elongated C22 FA from C20. If different to NULL it is
#' included in the data list.
#' @param E4 fraction of elongated C24 FA from C22. If different to NULL it is
#' included in the data list.
#' @param E5 fraction of elongated C26 FA from C124. If different to NULL it is
#' included in the data list.
#' @param M total number of carbons for the FA.
#' @param vcomb16 list of acetate combinations for C16 synthesis.
#' @param mcombe list of acetate combinations for each elongation step.
#' @return data list for elongation analysis.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
dataElong <- function(S16, D1, D2, P, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5,
                      M, vcomb16, mcombe){
  datanls <- list(S16 = S16,
                  D1 = D1,
                  D2 = D2,
                  P = P,
                  E1 = E1,
                  E2 = E2,
                  E3 = E3,
                  E4 = E4,
                  E5 = E5,
                  M = M,
                  vcomb16 = vcomb16,
                  mcombe = mcombe)
  datanls <- datanls[!unlist(lapply(datanls, function(x) any(is.na(x))))]

# estimatePars
#' Fit FA isotope distribution with non-linear regression using multiple
#' starting points to find the best fit.
#' Fit FA isotope distribution with non-linear regression using multiple
#' starting points to find the best fit.
#' @param formula formula.
#' @param gridStart starting points grid.
#' @param datanls data list.
#' @param maxiter parameter passed to \link{nls.control}. Positive integer
#' specifying the maximum number of iterations allowed.
#' @param maxconvergence positive integer specifying the maximum number of
#' successes before choosing the winning model.
#' @param limitPhi upper bound for overdispersion parameter.
#' @references Daniel Padfield and Granville Matheson (2020). nls.multstart: Robust Non-Linear Regression using AIC Scores. R package version 1.2.0. <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=nls.multstart>
#' @return model.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
estimatePars <- function(formula, gridStart, datanls, maxiter, maxconvergence,
                         limitPhi = 0.1){
  control <- minpack.lm::nls.lm.control(maxiter = maxiter)

  allfits <- c()
  count <- 0
  for (t in 1:nrow(gridStart)){
    if (count == maxconvergence){break}
    f <- Inf
    f <- fitSSE(formula, startpars=gridStart[t,, drop=FALSE], datanls, control,
                limitPhi = limitPhi)
    if (!is.infinite(f) & f < 0.1){
      count <- count + 1
    allfits <- c(allfits, f)
  orderallfits <- order(allfits, decreasing = FALSE)

  fit_best <- NULL
  lower <- rep(0, ncol(gridStart))
  upper <- rep(1, ncol(gridStart))
  if("P" %in% colnames(gridStart)){
    lower[colnames(gridStart) == "P"] <- 0
    upper[colnames(gridStart) == "P"] <- limitPhi

    fit_best <- minpack.lm::nlsLM(
      start = gridStart[orderallfits[1],, drop=FALSE],
      control = control,
      data = datanls,
      lower = lower,
      upper = upper
    silent <- TRUE

# fitSSE
#' Fit FA isotope distribution with non-linear regression and calculate the sum
#' of squared estimate of errors.
#' Fit FA isotope distribution with non-linear regression and calculate the sum
#' of squared estimate of errors.
#' @param formula formula.
#' @param startpars starting points for parameters to estimate.
#' @param datanls data list.
#' @param control nls control.
#' @references Daniel Padfield and Granville Matheson (2020). nls.multstart: Robust Non-Linear Regression using AIC Scores. R package version 1.2.0. <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=nls.multstart>
#' @return sum of squared estimate errors.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
fitSSE <- function(formula, startpars, datanls, control, limitPhi = 0.1) {
  fit <- NULL
  lower <- rep(0, ncol(startpars))
  upper <- rep(1, ncol(startpars))
  if("P" %in% colnames(startpars)){
    lower[colnames(startpars) == "P"] <- 0
    upper[colnames(startpars) == "P"] <- limitPhi

    fit <- minpack.lm::nlsLM(
      start = as.list(startpars),
      control = control,
      data = datanls,
      lower = lower,
      upper = upper
    silent <- TRUE

  sse <- ifelse(!is.null(fit), sum((predict(fit) - datanls$resp)^2), Inf)


# plotDistributions
#' Plot observed and predicted isotope distributions.
#' Plot observed and predicted isotope distributions.
#' @param results results.
#' @param groups character vector specifying sample groups.
#' @param title title.
#' @return plot.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
plotDistributions <- function(results, groups, title = ""){
  oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  on.exit(graphics::par(oldpar, new = FALSE))
  plots <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(results$models)){
    grDevices::pdf(NULL) # use a pdf NULL device to save plots to an object
    grDevices::dev.control(displaylist = "enable")
    graphics::par(mar = c(3,4,4,1), mgp=c(2,1,0), bg = "white")
      resp <- results$mid[,i+2]
      isotope <- paste("M+", seq(0, length(resp)-1), sep="")
        prediction <- predict(results$models[[i]])
      } else {
        prediction <- rep(0, length(resp))
    } else {
      resp <- results$mid[,i+2]
      isotope <- paste("M+", seq(0, length(resp)-1), sep="")
      prediction <- rep(0, length(resp))

    coul <- c("#66C2A5", "#FC8D62")
    barplot(t(cbind(resp, prediction)), col = coul,
            beside = T, names = rep("", length(isotope)),
            main = paste(paste(title,
                                           sep=":"), collapse="; "),
                               sep = "\n"),
                         paste(colnames(results$mid)[i+2], groups[i], sep="; "), sep="\n"),
            cex.main = 0.6,
            cex.axis = 0.6,
            cex.lab = 0.6,
            ylab = "Relative Intensity",
            ylim = c(0,1),
            las = 1)
    lab <- isotope
    at <- (1:(length(isotope)*3))[seq(2, length(isotope)*3, 3)]
    axis(1, at = at, labels = lab, cex.axis = 0.6, las = 2)
           legend = c("Observed", "Predicted"),
           fill = coul[1:2], cex = 0.6)

    plots[[i]] <- grDevices::recordPlot() # save plot
    invisible(grDevices::dev.off()) # close pdf NULL device


# plotResults
#' Plot observed and predicted isotope distributions from the results obtained.
#' Plot observed and predicted isotope distributions from the results obtained.
#' @param results results.
#' @param groups character vector specifying sample groups.
#' @param fas character vector specifying the FAs to be plotted.
#' @return plot.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
plotResults <- function(results, groups, fas){
  plots <- list()
  for(f in fas){
    plots[[f]] <- plotDistributions(results[[f]], groups, title = f)

# getResultsTable
#' Obtain the final results table from synthesis, elongation and desaturation
#' analysis.
#' Obtain the final results table from synthesis, elongation and desaturation
#' analysis.
#' @param fadata fadata list.
#' @param parameters parameters to be estimated for each fatty acid. It can be
#' modified to change them or to add new fatty acids.
#' @return results data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
getResultsTable <- function(fadata, parameters = FAMetA::parameters){

  cnames <- c("FA", "Sample", "Group", "D0", "D1", "D2", "P", "S", "E", "Des", "I")
  resultstable <- fadata$synthesis$results
  resultstable$E <- resultstable$Des <- NA
  resultstable <- resultstable[,cnames]

  if ("elongation" %in% names(fadata)){
    for (fa in fadata$elongation$fas){
      param <- parameters[parameters$FattyAcid == fa,]
      params <- c("FA", "Sample", "Group", "D0", "D1", "D2", "P",
                    tail(names(param)[param == 1], n=1), "I")
      newresult <- fadata$elongation$results[fadata$elongation$results$FA == fa,
                                             params, drop=FALSE]
      if (fa %in% c("FA(18:2)n6", "FA(18:3)n3", "FA(18:3)n6")){ # these FA are never considered endogenously synthesized
        if ("E1" %in% params){
          newresult["E1"] <- NA
          newresult["I"] <- 1
      if (ncol(newresult) == 9){
        colnames(newresult) <- c("FA", "Sample", "Group", "D0", "D1", "D2", "P",
                                 "E", "I")
      resultstable <- plyr::rbind.fill(resultstable, newresult)

  if ("desaturation" %in% names(fadata)){
    for (fa in fadata$desaturation$fas){
      newresult <- fadata$desaturation$results[fadata$desaturation$results$FA == fa,
                                                c("Des", "I")]
      resultstable[resultstable$FA == fa, "Des"] <- newresult$Des
      resultstable[resultstable$FA == fa, "I"] <- newresult$I
      resultstable[resultstable$FA == fa, c("S", "E")] <- NA

# getSummaryTable
#' Obtain a summary results table.
#' Obtain a summary results table containing means and standard deviation for
#' each relevant parameter for each fatty acids by sample groups.
#' @param fadata fadata list.
#' @param resultstable results data frame obtained with \link{getResultsTable}.
#' @param parameters parameters to be estimated for each fatty acid. It can be
#' modified to change them or to add new fatty acids.
#' @return summary data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
getSummaryTable <- function(fadata, resultstable,
                            parameters = FAMetA::parameters){

  cnames <- c("D0", "D1", "D2", "P", "S", "E", "Des", "I")
  means <- apply(resultstable[cnames], 2, function(x)
    tapply(x, paste(resultstable$FA, resultstable$Group), mean, na.rm=TRUE))
  sds <- apply(resultstable[cnames], 2, function(x)
    tapply(x, paste(resultstable$FA, resultstable$Group), sd, na.rm=TRUE))

  colnames(means) <- paste("Mean_", colnames(means), sep="")
  colnames(sds) <- paste("SD_", colnames(sds), sep="")

  summary <- c()
  cnames <- c()
  for (c in 1:ncol(means)){
    summary <- cbind(summary, means[,c], sds[,c])
    cnames <- c(cnames, colnames(means)[c], colnames(sds)[c])
  colnames(summary) <- cnames
  summary[is.nan(summary)] <- NA

  fas <- sapply(rownames(summary), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, " "))[1])
  groups <- unique(sapply(rownames(summary), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, " "))[2]))

  summaryArranged <- c()
  cnames <- c()
  for (fa in unique(fas)){
    if (fa %in% fadata$desaturation$fas){
      columns <- c("Mean_Des", "SD_Des", "Mean_I", "SD_I")
    } else if (parameters$M[parameters$FattyAcid == fa] <= 16){
      columns <- c("Mean_D0", "SD_D0", "Mean_D1", "SD_D1", "Mean_D2", "SD_D2",
                   "Mean_P", "SD_P", "Mean_S", "SD_S", "Mean_I", "SD_I")
    } else if (parameters$M[parameters$FattyAcid == fa] > 16){
      columns <- c("Mean_E", "SD_E", "Mean_I", "SD_I")
    summaryArranged <- data.frame(cbind(summaryArranged, summary[fas == fa, columns, drop=FALSE]))
    cnames <- c(cnames, paste(fa, columns, sep="_"))
  colnames(summaryArranged) <- cnames
  rownames(summaryArranged) <- groups



# heatmapResults
#' Plot results on a heatmap.
#' Plot results on a heatmap.
#' @param toPlot data frame with data to be plotted.
#' @param cols colors for the side bar (by group).
#' @param scale "none", "row" or "column".
#' @param breaks numeric vector with breaks for colouring. Optional.
#' @param nacolor color for NA values. Grey by default.
#' @return heatmap.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
heatmapResults <- function(toPlot, cols, scale = "none", breaks,
                           nacolor = "grey"){
  oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  on.exit(graphics::par(oldpar, new = FALSE))
  grDevices::pdf(NULL) # use a pdf NULL device to save plots to an object
  grDevices::dev.control(displaylist = "enable")
  graphics::par(mar = c(3,4,4,1), mgp=c(2,1,0), bg = "white")
  cexRow <- 1 - nrow(toPlot)*0.005
  if (nrow(toPlot) > 1 & ncol(toPlot) > 1){
    if (missing(breaks)){
                        col=colorRampPalette(c("blue1", "white", "red"))(19),
                        ColSideColors = cols,
                        na.color = nacolor,
                        density.info = "none",
                        Rowv=F, Colv = F, trace = "none", cexCol = 0.6, cexRow = cexRow,
                        scale = scale,
                        dendrogram = "none", key=T, lhei=c(1, 4, 25), sepcolor="black",
                        margins = c(15,10),
    } else {
                        col=colorRampPalette(c("blue1", "white", "red"))(19),
                        ColSideColors = cols,
                        na.color = nacolor,
                        breaks = breaks,
                        symkey = F,
                        density.info = "none",
                        Rowv=F, Colv = F, trace = "none", cexCol = 0.6, cexRow = cexRow,
                        scale = scale,
                        dendrogram = "none", key=T, lhei=c(1, 4, 25), sepcolor="black",
                        margins = c(15,10),
  } else {
  hm <- grDevices::recordPlot() # save plot
  invisible(grDevices::dev.off()) # close pdf NULL device


# mzMatch
#' mz match withing a vector of mz values
#' This function searches marches between a given mz and a vector of mz values
#' with certain mass  tolerance and returns the index of the matched values. It
#' is used by identification functions to find candidates of each class of lipid
#' based on full MS information.
#' @param mz mz value to be matched
#' @param mzvector vector of mz values
#' @param ppm mass error tolerance
#' @return Numeric vector indicating the index of matched mz values and ppms for
#' each one of those matches (match1, ppm1, match2, ppm2, etc.)
#' @keywords internal
#' @references M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer (2021). LipidMS: Lipid Annotation for
#' LC-MS/MS DDA or DIA Data. R package version 3.0.1.
#' <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=LipidMS>
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
mzMatch <- function(mz, mzvector, ppm){
  matches_ppm <- vector()
  for (i in 1:length(mzvector)){
    ppm_observed <- abs(((mz-mzvector[i])/mz)*1000000)
    if (ppm_observed <= ppm){
      matches_ppm <- append(matches_ppm, c(i, ppm_observed))

# getFormula
#' Get formula and neutral mass for annotated compounds
#' Get formula and neutral mass for annotated compounds.
#' @param df data frame with the input results
#' @param dbs list of data bases required for annotation. By default, dbs
#' contains the required data frames based on the default fragmentation rules.
#' If these rules are modified, dbs may need to be supplied. See \link{createLipidDB}
#' and \link{assignDB}.
#' @return Data frame
#' @keywords internal
#' @references M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer (2021). LipidMS: Lipid Annotation for
#' LC-MS/MS DDA or DIA Data. R package version 3.0.1.
#' <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=LipidMS>
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
getFormula <- function(df, dbs){
  lipidClass <- df["Class"]
  cdb <- df["CDB"]
  if (missing(dbs)){
    dbs <- assignDB()
  if (lipidClass == "BA"){
    db <- dbs$badb
  } else if (lipidClass == "Carnitine"){
    db <- dbs$carnitinesdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "Cer"){
    db <- dbs$cerdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "CL"){
    db <- dbs$cldb
  } else if (lipidClass == "DG"){
    db <- dbs$dgdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "CE"){
    db <- dbs$CEdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "FA"){
    db <- dbs$fadb
  } else if (lipidClass == "FAHFA"){
    db <- dbs$fahfadb
  } else if (lipidClass == "HFA"){
    db <- dbs$hfadb
  } else if (lipidClass == "LPC"){
    db <- dbs$lysopcdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "LPE"){
    db <- dbs$lysopedb
  } else if (lipidClass == "LPG"){
    db <- dbs$lysopgdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "LPI"){
    db <- dbs$lysopidb
  } else if (lipidClass == "LPS"){
    db <- dbs$lysopsdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "MG"){
    db <- dbs$mgdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "PC"){
    db <- dbs$pcdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "PE"){
    db <- dbs$pedb
  } else if (lipidClass == "PG"){
    db <- dbs$pgdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "PI"){
    db <- dbs$pidb
  } else if (lipidClass == "PS"){
    db <- dbs$psdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "SM"){
    db <- dbs$smdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "Sph"){
    db <- dbs$sphdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "SphP"){
    db <- dbs$sphPdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "TG"){
    db <- dbs$tgdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "TG"){
    db <- dbs$tgdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "PCo"){
    db <- dbs$pcodb
  } else if (lipidClass == "PCp"){
    db <- dbs$pcpdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "PEo"){
    db <- dbs$peodb
  } else if (lipidClass == "PEp"){
    db <- dbs$pepdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "LPCo"){
    db <- dbs$lysopcodb
  } else if (lipidClass == "LPCp"){
    db <- dbs$lysopcpdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "LPEo"){
    db <- dbs$lysopeodb
  } else if (lipidClass == "LPEp"){
    db <- dbs$lysopepdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "CerP"){
    db <- dbs$cerPdb
  } else if (lipidClass == "AcylCer"){
    db <- dbs$acylcerdb
  index <- which(db$total == as.character(cdb))
  if(length(index) > 0){
    formula <- db$formula[index]
    Mn <- db$Mass[index]
  } else {
    tempdb <- LipidMS::createLipidDB(lipidClass,
                            chains = c(as.character(cdb),
                                       "0:0", "0:0", "0:0"),
                            chains2 = "0:0")[[1]]
    formula <- tempdb[tempdb$total == as.character(cdb), 1]
    Mn <- tempdb[tempdb$total == as.character(cdb), 3]
  return(data.frame(Formula = as.character(formula),
                    Mn = as.numeric(Mn), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

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FAMetA documentation built on Jan. 11, 2023, 5:18 p.m.