
Defines functions zonalVariety zonalMinority zonalMajority zonalFreq zonalMean zonalStats focalRaster pixelCount recodeRaster clipRaster rasterizePolygons rasterFromVectorExtent reprojectRaster rasterInfo extractPtsFromRasterList extractPtsFromRaster .getPixelValue getPixelValue TPI TRI roughness eastness northness Modes Mode basename.NoExt getGDALformat getOffset getDefaultNodata

Documented in basename.NoExt clipRaster eastness extractPtsFromRaster extractPtsFromRasterList focalRaster getDefaultNodata getGDALformat getOffset getPixelValue .getPixelValue Mode Modes northness pixelCount rasterFromVectorExtent rasterInfo rasterizePolygons recodeRaster reprojectRaster roughness TPI TRI zonalFreq zonalMajority zonalMean zonalMinority zonalStats zonalVariety

# functions for raster data
# Chris Toney, chris.toney at usda.gov

# depends on packages Rcpp, gdalraster, sf

# r_rasterize.cpp file required - implements RasterizePolygon()

# for stand-alone use:
# library(gdalraster)
# library(sf)
# library(parallel)
# Rcpp::sourceCpp("r_rasterize.cpp")
# source("raster_analysis.R")

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
getDefaultNodata <- function(GDT_name) {

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
getOffset <- function(coord, origin, gt_pixel_size) {

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
getGDALformat <- function(file) {
    # GDAL format code from file extension for common output formats
    file <- as.character(file)
    if (endsWith(file, ".img")) {
    if (endsWith(file, ".tif")) {
    if (endsWith(file, ".vrt")) {


#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
basename.NoExt <- function(filepath) {

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
Mode <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE) {
    #Ties handled as first-appearing value
    if (na.rm) x <- na.omit(x)
    ux <- unique(x)
    return(ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))])

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
Modes <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE) {
    if (na.rm) x <- na.omit(x)
    ux <- unique(x)
    tab <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
    return(ux[tab == max(tab)])

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
northness <- function(asp_deg) {
    ## transform aspect degrees to northness
    # set flat to east (90 degrees) for neutral value
    asp_deg[asp_deg == -1] <- 90

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
eastness <- function(asp_deg) {
    ## transform aspect degrees to eastness
    # set flat to north (0 degrees) for neutral value
    asp_deg[asp_deg == -1] <- 0

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
roughness <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, asInt=TRUE) {
    ## a terrain variability parameter
    # For example, applied to a neighborhood of elevation pixel values
    # Wilson et al. 2007. Marine Geodesy, 30: 3–35.
    # Calculated as the difference between the maximum and minimum values
    r <- max(x, na.rm=na.rm) - min(x, na.rm=na.rm)
    return(ifelse(asInt, round(r), r))

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
TRI <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, asInt=TRUE) {
    ## terrain ruggedness index
    # Wilson et al. 2007. Marine Geodesy, 30: 3–35.
    # Calculated by comparing a central pixel with its neighbors, taking the
    # absolute values of the differences, and averaging the result.
    if (length(x) < 3) return(NA_real_)
    center <- ceiling(length(x)/2)
    i <- mean(abs(x[-center] - x[center]), na.rm=na.rm)
    return(ifelse(asInt, round(i), i))

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
TPI <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, asInt=TRUE) {
    ## topographic position index
    # Provides an indication of whether any	particular pixel forms part of a
    # positive (e.g., crest) or negative (e.g., trough) feature of the
    # surrounding terrain.
    # Calculated as the difference between a central pixel and the mean of its
    # surrounding cells. The surrounding neighborhood is often defined in terms
    # of a circle or annulus.
    # see Wilson et al. 2007. Marine Geodesy, 30: 3–35.
    if (length(x) < 3) return(NA_real_)
    center <- ceiling(length(x)/2)
    i <- x[center] - mean(x[-center], na.rm=na.rm)
    return(ifelse(asInt, round(i), i))

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
getPixelValue <- function(pt, ds, ri=NULL, band=1, interpolate=FALSE,
                          windowsize=1, statistic=NULL, na.rm=TRUE) {
    # pt - vector containing a single coordinate c(x,y)
    # ds - GDALRaster object for the raster
    # ri - object returned by rasterInfo()  ***deprecated/no longer needed
    # if interpolate is TRUE, return an interpolated value for pt
    # (bilinear interpolation, windowsize and statistic args ignored)
    # windowsize - extract a square window of pixels centered on pt
    # (for example, windowsize=3 for a 3x3 window of pixels)
    # statistic - summary statistic to calculate on the window of pixels
    # statistic one of: "mean", "min", "max", "median", "sum", "var", "sd",
    #                   "rsd", "mode"
    # if windowsize > 1 and statistic is NULL, returns a vector of the raw
    # pixel values in window
    # na.rm only applies to summary statistics on windowsize > 1

    # *** getPixelValue() is not normally called directly ***
    # *** see extractPtsFromRaster() and extractPtsFromRasterList() ***

    if (interpolate) {
        if (windowsize > 2 || !is.null(statistic)) {
            warning("interpolate is TRUE, ignoring windowsize and statistic",
        windowsize <- 2
        statistic <- NULL

    ptX <- pt[1]
    ptY <- pt[2]

    nrows <- ds$getRasterYSize()
    ncols <- ds$getRasterXSize()
    gt <- ds$getGeoTransform()
    xmin <- ds$bbox()[1]
    ymin <- ds$bbox()[2]
    xmax <- ds$bbox()[3]
    ymax <- ds$bbox()[4]
    cellsizeX <- gt[2]
    cellsizeY <- gt[6]

    #check that point is inside extent rectangle
    if (ptX > xmax || ptX < xmin) {
        warning("point X value is outside raster extent", call.=FALSE)
    if (ptY > ymax || ptY < ymin) {
        warning("point Y value is outside raster extent", call.=FALSE)

    #get pixel offsets
    if (windowsize == 1) {
        offX <- floor(getOffset(ptX, xmin, cellsizeX))
        offY <- floor(getOffset(ptY, ymax, cellsizeY))
    else {
        if (interpolate) {
            # 2x2 window for bilinear interpolation
            offX <- floor(getOffset(ptX, xmin, cellsizeX) - 0.5)
            offY <- floor(getOffset(ptY, ymax, cellsizeY) - 0.5)
        else {
            offX <- floor(getOffset(ptX, xmin, cellsizeX)) - trunc(windowsize/2)
            offY <- floor(getOffset(ptY, ymax, cellsizeY)) - trunc(windowsize/2)

        #entire window should be inside else return NA
        if (offX < 0 || (offX+windowsize-1) > ncols ||
                offY < 0 || (offY+windowsize-1) > nrows) {
            warning("window is not completely within raster extent",

    #get pixel value(s)
    a <- ds$read(band = band,
                 xoff = offX,
                 yoff = offY,
                 xsize = windowsize,
                 ysize = windowsize,
                 out_xsize = windowsize,
                 out_ysize = windowsize)

    if (interpolate) {
        #return interpolated value at pt

        #convert to unit square coordinates for the 2x2 window
        #center of ll pixel in the window is 0,0
        x <- getOffset(ptX, xmin, cellsizeX) - (offX + 0.5)
        y <- (offY + 1.5) - getOffset(ptY, ymax, cellsizeY)

        #pixel values in the square
        #0,0: a[1,2]
        #1,0: a[2,2]
        #0,1: a[1,1]
        #1,1: a[2,1]
        pixelValue <- (a[1,2]*(1-x)*(1-y) + a[2,2]*x*(1-y) +
                           a[1,1]*(1-x)*y + a[2,1]*x*y)
    else if (windowsize==1) {
        #return value of the single pixel containing pt
        pixelValue <- a[1]
    else if (is.null(statistic) && windowsize > 1) {
        #return a vector of the raw pixel values in the window centered on pt
        pixelValue <- as.vector(a)
    else if (!is.null(statistic) && windowsize > 1) {
        #return a summary statistic for the window
        if (statistic == "mean") {
            pixelValue <- mean(a, na.rm=na.rm)
        else if (statistic == "min") {
            pixelValue <- min(a, na.rm=na.rm)
        else if (statistic == "max") {
            pixelValue <- max(a, na.rm=na.rm)
        else if (statistic == "median") {
            pixelValue <- median(a, na.rm=na.rm)
        else if (statistic == "sum") {
            pixelValue <- sum(a, na.rm=na.rm)
        else if (statistic == "range") {
            r <- range(a, na.rm=na.rm)
            pixelValue <- r[2]-r[1]
        else if (statistic == "var") {
            pixelValue <- var(a, na.rm=na.rm)
        else if (statistic == "sd") {
            pixelValue <- sd(a, na.rm=na.rm)
        else if (statistic == "rsd") {
            pixelValue <- sd(a, na.rm=na.rm) / mean(a, na.rm=na.rm)
        else if (statistic == "mode") {
            # TODO: use Modes() and add option to return ties?
            if (length(a[!is.na(a)]) > 0) {
                pixelValue <- Mode(a)
            else {
                pixelValue <- NA
        else {
            warning("invalid summary statistic", call.=FALSE)
            pixelValue <- NA
    else {
        warning("invalid option", call.=FALSE)
        pixelValue <- NA


#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
.getPixelValue <- function(pt, rasterfile, ds, ...) {
    if (!missing(rasterfile)) {
        ds <- new(GDALRaster, rasterfile, read_only=TRUE)
        return(getPixelValue(pt, ds, ...))
    else if (missing(ds)) {
        if (exists(".cl_ds")) {
            # use the GDAL dataset opened on a cluster node
            return(getPixelValue(pt, ds=.cl_ds, ...))
        else {
            stop("GDAL dataset object does not exist")
    else {
        return(getPixelValue(pt, ds, ...))

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
extractPtsFromRaster <- function(ptdata, rasterfile, band=NULL, var.name=NULL,
                                 interpolate=FALSE, windowsize=1,
                                 statistic=NULL, na.rm=TRUE, ncores=1) {
    # ptdata is a dataframe with three columns: point id, x, y

    ri <- rasterInfo(rasterfile)
    if (is.null(ri)) {
        stop("open raster failed")

    if (ncores > 1) {
        if (!isNamespaceLoaded("parallel")) {
            stop("ncores > 1 requires 'parallel' namespace")
        cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
        parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(gdalraster))
        # open GDAL datasets on the cluster
        parallel::clusterExport(cl, "rasterfile", envir=environment())
        parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, {.cl_ds <- new(GDALRaster, rasterfile,
                                                  read_only=TRUE); NULL})

        # TODO: this seems not correct / not needed?
        # export functions needed by .getPixelValue
        parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("getOffset", "getPixelValue", "Mode"))
    else {
        ds <- new(GDALRaster, rasterfile, read_only=TRUE)

    df.out <- data.frame(pid = ptdata[,1])

    if (is.null(var.name)) {
        var.name <- basename.NoExt(rasterfile)
    if (is.null(band)) {
        nbands <- ri$nbands
        bands <- 1:nbands
    else {
        bands <- band

    for (b in bands) {
        this.name <- var.name
        if (length(bands) > 1) {
            this.name <- paste0(var.name,"_b",b)
        if (ncores > 1) {
            values <- parallel::parApply(cl, ptdata[-1], 1, .getPixelValue,
                                         ri=ri, band=b,
                                         statistic=statistic, na.rm=na.rm)
        else {
            values <- apply(ptdata[-1], 1, getPixelValue, ds=ds, ri=ri, band=b,
                            interpolate=interpolate, windowsize=windowsize,
                            statistic=statistic, na.rm=na.rm)
        if (windowsize > 1 && is.null(statistic)) {
            # raw pixel values from a window, values as an array
            for (p in 1:(windowsize*windowsize)) {
                df.out[paste0(this.name,"_",p)] <- values[p,]
        else {
            # a vector of values
            df.out[this.name] <- values

    if (ncores > 1) {
        parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, .cl_ds$close())
    else {


#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
extractPtsFromRasterList <- function(ptdata, rasterfiles, bands=NULL,
                                     var.names=NULL, interpolate=FALSE,
                                     windowsizes=NULL, statistics=NULL,
                                     na.rm=TRUE, ncores=1) {
    # call extractPtsFromRaster for a list of rasters
    # allows for specific bands, or specific var.names by band, etc.

    if (!all(file.exists(rasterfiles))) {
        stop("file not found")

    nrasters <- length(rasterfiles)

    # argument lengths must all be the same
    if (!is.null(bands)) {
        if (length(bands) != nrasters) {
            stop("list of band numbers must be same length as raster list")
    if (!is.null(var.names)) {
        if (length(var.names) != nrasters) {
            stop("list of variable names must be same length as raster list")
    if (!is.null(windowsizes)) {
        if (length(windowsizes) != nrasters) {
            stop("list of window sizes must be same length as raster list")
    if (!is.null(statistics)) {
        if (length(statistics) != nrasters) {
            stop("list of statistics must be same length as raster list")

    if (is.null(windowsizes)) {
        # default to windowsize = 1
        windowsizes <- rep(1,nrasters)

    df.out <- data.frame(pid = ptdata[,1])

    for (n in 1:nrasters) {
        df.tmp <- extractPtsFromRaster(ptdata,
        df.out <- merge(df.out, df.tmp)


#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
rasterInfo <- function(srcfile) {
    ds <- new(GDALRaster, srcfile, read_only = TRUE)
    ri <- list()
    ri$format <- ds$getDriverShortName()
    ri$xsize <- ds$getRasterXSize()
    ri$ysize <- ds$getRasterYSize()
    ri$geotransform <- ds$getGeoTransform()
    ri$bbox <- ds$bbox()
    ri$cellsize <- ds$res()
    ri$crs <- ds$getProjectionRef()
    ri$nbands <- ds$getRasterCount()
    ri$datatype <- c()
    ri$has_nodata_value <- c()
    ri$nodata_value <- c()
    for (b in 1:ri$nbands) {
        ri$datatype <- c(ri$datatype, ds$getDataTypeName(b))
        ri$nodata_value <- c(ri$nodata_value, ds$getNoDataValue(b))
        ri$has_nodata_value <- c(ri$has_nodata_value,

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
reprojectRaster <- function(srcfile, dstfile, t_srs, overwrite=TRUE,
                            s_srs=NULL, of=NULL, ot=NULL,
                            te=NULL, tr=NULL, r=NULL,
                            dstnodata=NULL, co=NULL, addOptions=NULL) {

# Wrapper of gdalraster::warp() with arguments for common options.
# See full documentation for gdalwarp at gdal.org/programs/gdalwarp.html.

# Arguments that require multiple values should be given as a vector of values.
# For example, target resolution: tr=c(30,30)
# Arguments will be coerced to character.

#t_srs: <srs def> target spatial reference. EPSG:code, WKT, etc.
#s_srs: <srs def> source spatial reference. Normally read from the source file.
#overwrite: If TRUE, overwrite the target dataset if it already exists.
#of: <format> output raster format, e.g., HFA, GTiff, ...
#ot: <type> Force an output data type (i.e., Byte, Int16, ...)
#te: <xmin ymin xmax ymax> georeferenced extents of output file to be created.
#tr: <xres> <yres> output file resolution (in target georeferenced units)
#r: <resampling_method> Available methods are: near (the default), bilinear,
#	cubic, cubicspline, lanczos, average, mode, min, max, med, q1, q3
#dstnodata: <value> Set nodata values for output raster. New files will be
#	initialized to this value and if possible the nodata value will be recorded
#	in the output file. Use a value of None to ensure that nodata is not
#	defined. If this argument is not used then nodata values will be copied
#	from the source.
#co: <NAME=VALUE> Format-specific creation options
#	(e.g., enable compression, see format driver documentation at www.gdal.org)
#addOptions: additional options. See gdalwarp documentation. Pass additional
#	options as a character vector of command-line switches and their values,
#	for example, addOptions=c("-multi","-wo","NUM_THREADS=ALL_CPUS")

    opt <- vector("character")
    if (!is.null(s_srs)) {
        opt <- c(opt, "-s_srs", as.character(s_srs))
    if (!is.null(of)) {
        opt <- c(opt, "-of", as.character(of))
    if (!is.null(ot)) {
        opt <- c(opt, "-ot", as.character(ot))
    if (!is.null(te)) {
        opt <- c(opt, "-te", as.character(te))
    if (!is.null(tr)) {
        opt <- c(opt, "-tr", as.character(tr))
    if (!is.null(r)) {
        opt <- c(opt, "-r", as.character(r))
    if (!is.null(dstnodata)) {
        opt <- c(opt, "-dstnodata", as.character(dstnodata))
    if (!is.null(co)) {
        for (this_co in co)
            opt <- c(opt, "-co", as.character(this_co))
    if (overwrite) {
        opt <- c(opt, "-overwrite")
    opt <- c(opt, "-ovr", "NONE")
    opt <- c(opt, addOptions)
    if (length(opt) == 0)
        opt <- NULL

    return(gdalraster::warp(srcfile, dstfile, t_srs, cl_arg=opt))

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
rasterFromVectorExtent <- function(src, dstfile, res, fmt=NULL, nbands=1,
                                   dtName="Int16", options=NULL, init=NULL,
                                   dstnodata=init) {
# create a new blank raster (dst) using existing vector layer as template
# src layer can be either an sf or Spatial object
# coordinate system and extent are taken from the src layer
# must specify the pixel resolution in layer CRS units
# dtName is often one of 'Byte','UInt16','Int16','UInt32','Int32','Float32'
# optinally pass driver-specific dataset creation options to GDAL
# optinally initialize to a value

    if (canCoerce(src, "sf")) {
        src <- sf::st_as_sf(src)
    else {
        stop("Cannot coerce src object to sf.")

    if (is.null(fmt)) {
        fmt <- getGDALformat(dstfile)
        if (is.null(fmt)) {
            stop("Use fmt argument to specify a GDAL raster format code.")

    ext <- as.numeric(sf::st_bbox(src))
    srs <- sf::st_crs(src)$wkt

    xmin <- ext[1] - res
    ncols <- ceiling((ext[3] - xmin) / res)
    xmax <- xmin + res * ncols
    ymax <- ext[4] + res
    nrows <- ceiling((ymax - ext[2]) / res)
    ymin <- ymax - res * nrows
    gt <- c(xmin, res, 0, ymax, 0, -res)

    gdalraster::create(fmt, dstfile, ncols, nrows, nbands, dtName, options)
    ds <- new(GDALRaster, dstfile, read_only=FALSE)
    if (!is.null(dstnodata)) {
        for (b in 1:nbands) {
            if (!ds$setNoDataValue(b, dstnodata))
                warning("Failed to set nodata value.", call.=FALSE)
    if (!is.null(init)) {
        message("Initializing destination raster...")
        for (b in 1:nbands) {
            ds$fillRaster(b, init, 0)


#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
rasterizePolygons <- function(dsn, layer, burn_value, rasterfile, src=NULL) {

    ## Deprecated, use gdalraster::rasterize()

    # dsn, layer - a polygon layer (non-overlapping polygons assumed)
    # burn_value - an integer, or field name from layer (integer attribute)
    # rasterfile - existing raster for output, make with rasterFromRaster()

    ds <- new(GDALRaster, rasterfile, read_only=FALSE)
    nrows <- ds$getRasterYSize()
    ncols <- ds$getRasterXSize()
    gt <- ds$getGeoTransform()
    xmin <- ds$bbox()[1]
    ymax <- ds$bbox()[4]

    if (is.null(src))
        src <- sf::st_read(dsn, layer, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, quiet=TRUE)
    else if (!is(src, "sf"))
        stop("'src' must be a polygon layer as 'sf' object")

    # a write function for the C++ rasterizer
    writeRaster <- function(yoff, xoff1, xoff2, burn_value, attrib_value) {
        a <- rep(burn_value, (xoff2-xoff1+1))
        ds$write(band=1, xoff1, yoff, (xoff2-xoff1+1), 1, a)

    geom_col <- attr(src, "sf_column")
    geom_type <- sf::st_geometry_type(src, by_geometry = FALSE)
    if (!geom_type %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON"))
        stop("geometry type must be POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON", call. = FALSE)

    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(src))
    burn_this <- burn_value
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(src))) {
        if (!is.numeric(burn_value)) {
            # assume burn_value is a field name
            burn_this <- as.numeric(src[[burn_value]][i])
        coords <- src[i, geom_col] |> sf::st_coordinates()
        parts <- integer(0)
        part_sizes <- integer(0)
        if (geom_type == "POLYGON") {
            parts <- unique(coords[, "L1"])
            for (j in seq_len(NROW(parts))) {
                part_sizes[j] <- nrow(coords[coords[, "L1"] == parts[j], ])
        } else if (geom_type == "MULTIPOLYGON") {
            parts <- unique(coords[, c("L1", "L2")])
            for (j in seq_len(NROW(parts))) {
                part_sizes[j] <- nrow(coords[coords[, "L1"] == parts[j, 1] &
                                             coords[, "L2"] == parts[j, 2], ])

        grid_xs <- vapply(coords[, "X"],
                          origin = xmin,
                          gt_pixel_size = gt[2])
        grid_ys <- vapply(coords[, "Y"],
                          origin = ymax,
                          gt_pixel_size = gt[6])

        RasterizePolygon(ncols, nrows, part_sizes, grid_xs, grid_ys,
                         writeRaster, burn_this)

        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)



#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
clipRaster <- function(dsn=NULL, layer=NULL, src=NULL,
                       srcfile, src_band=NULL,
                       dstfile, fmt=NULL, options=NULL, init=NULL,
                       dstnodata=NULL, maskByPolygons=TRUE) {
# Clip a larger raster to the extent of polygon layer.
# Polygon layer from dsn/layer, or src if already open as Spatial object.
# srcfile - source raster (big raster)
# dstfile - destination raster (will be created)
# fmt - GDAL format string, if NULL will use format of srcfile if possible
# options - GDAL dataset creation options (driver-specific)
# init - initialize pixels to a background/nodata value
# dstnodata - value to set as designated nodata value on the destination raster
# Output extent will be set to maintain pixel alignment with src raster.
# Pixels in dst raster will be masked by polygons in the layer.

    if (is.null(fmt)) {
        fmt <- getGDALformat(dstfile)
        if (is.null(fmt)) {
            stop("use 'fmt' to specify a GDAL raster format code")

    if (is.null(src))
        src <- sf::st_read(dsn, layer, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, quiet=TRUE)
    else if (!is(src, "sf"))
        stop("'src' must be a polygon layer as 'sf' object")

    if (!is.null(init) && !maskByPolygons) {
        message("'init' value ignored when 'maskByPolygons' is FALSE")

    if (fmt == "VRT") {
        ## handle VRT as a special case
        if (!is.null(src_band)) {
            message("individual band selection not supported for clip to VRT")
        if (maskByPolygons) {
            message("'maskByPolygons' not available for clipping to VRT")

        return(invisible(rasterToVRT(srcfile = srcfile,
                                     vrtfile = dstfile,
                                     subwindow = sf::st_bbox(src))))

    # open the source raster
    ri <- rasterInfo(srcfile)
    src_ds <- new(GDALRaster, srcfile, read_only=TRUE)
    gt <- src_ds$getGeoTransform()
    xmin <- src_ds$bbox()[1]
    ymin <- src_ds$bbox()[2]
    xmax <- src_ds$bbox()[3]
    ymax <- src_ds$bbox()[4]
    cellsizeX <- gt[2]
    cellsizeY <- gt[6]

    bb <- sf::st_bbox(src)
    # bounding box should be inside the raster extent
    if (bb[1] < xmin || bb[3] > xmax ||
            bb[2] < ymin || bb[4] > ymax) {
        stop("polygon bounding box not completely within source raster extent")

    # srcwin offsets
    xminOff <- floor(getOffset(bb[1], xmin, cellsizeX))
    ymaxOff <- floor(getOffset(bb[4], ymax, cellsizeY))
    xmaxOff <- ceiling(getOffset(bb[3], xmin, cellsizeX))
    yminOff <- ceiling(getOffset(bb[2], ymax, cellsizeY))

    # lay out the clip raster so it is pixel-aligned with src raster
    clip_ncols <- xmaxOff - xminOff
    clip_nrows <- yminOff - ymaxOff
    clip_xmin <- xmin + xminOff * cellsizeX
    clip_ymax <- ymax + ymaxOff * cellsizeY
    clip_gt <- c(clip_xmin, cellsizeX, 0, clip_ymax, 0, cellsizeY)

    if (is.null(src_band)) {
        nbands <- src_ds$getRasterCount()
        src_band <- 1:nbands
    } else {
        nbands <- length(src_band)

    if (length(unique(ri$datatype)) > 1) {
        warning("multiple data types not supported", call.=FALSE)
    dtName <- ri$datatype[src_band[1]]

    setRasterNodataValue <- TRUE
    if (is.null(dstnodata)) {
        if (any(ri$has_nodata_value[src_band])) {
            dstnodata <- ri$nodata_value[src_band]
        } else {
            dstnodata <- getDefaultNodata(dtName)
            setRasterNodataValue <- FALSE
    if (is.null(init)) init <- dstnodata

    srs <- src_ds$getProjectionRef()

    # create dst raster file
    gdalraster::create(fmt, dstfile, clip_ncols, clip_nrows, nbands,
                       dtName, options)
    dst_ds <- new(GDALRaster, dstfile, read_only=FALSE)
    if (setRasterNodataValue) {
        for (b in 1:nbands) {
            if (!dst_ds$setNoDataValue(b, dstnodata))
                warning("failed to set nodata value", call.=FALSE)

    # raster I/O function for the C++ rasterizer
    writeRaster <- function(yoff, xoff1, xoff2, burn_value, attrib_value) {
        for (b in 1:nbands) {
            a <- src_ds$read(band=src_band[b],


    if (maskByPolygons) {
        message("initializing destination raster...")

        if (length(init) < nbands)
            init <- rep(init, nbands)
        for (b in 1:nbands)
            dst_ds$fillRaster(band=b, init[b], 0)

        # geom_col <- attr(src, "sf_column")
        geom_type <- sf::st_geometry_type(src, by_geometry = FALSE)
        if (!geom_type %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON"))
            stop("geometry type must be POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON", call. = FALSE)

        message("clipping to polygon layer...")
        coords <- sf::st_union(src) |> sf::st_coordinates()
        parts <- integer(0)
        part_sizes <- integer(0)
        if (geom_type == "POLYGON") {
            parts <- unique(coords[, "L1"])
            for (i in seq_len(NROW(parts))) {
                part_sizes[i] <- NROW(coords[coords[, "L1"] == parts[i], ])
        } else if (geom_type == "MULTIPOLYGON") {
            parts <- unique(coords[, c("L1", "L2")])
            for (i in seq_len(NROW(parts))) {
                part_sizes[i] <- NROW(coords[coords[, "L1"] == parts[i, 1] &
                                             coords[, "L2"] == parts[i, 2], ])

        grid_xs <- vapply(coords[, "X"],
                          origin = clip_xmin,
                          gt_pixel_size = clip_gt[2])
        grid_ys <- vapply(coords[, "Y"],
                          origin = clip_ymax,
                          gt_pixel_size = clip_gt[6])

        RasterizePolygon(clip_ncols, clip_nrows, part_sizes, grid_xs, grid_ys,
                         writeRaster, 0)

    } else {
        message("clipping to polygon layer extent...")
        lapply(c(0:(clip_nrows-1)), writeRaster, xoff1=0, xoff2=clip_ncols-1, 0)

    message(paste("output written to:", dstfile))



#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
recodeRaster <- function(srcfile, dstfile, lut, srcband=1, ...) {
#Recode a raster by values in a lookup table
#srcfile - filename of source raster
#lut - dataframe with two columns containing original value, new value
#dstfile - output raster file, will be created
#... additional arguments passed to rasterFromRaster (e.g., change data type)
# rasterFromRaster <- function(srcfile, dstfile, fmt=NULL, nbands=NULL,
#                              dtName=NULL, options=NULL, init=NULL,
#                              dstnodata=init) {
#Raster values not in the lookup table will be brought through unchanged.
#Raster data assumed to be integer.

    ri <- rasterInfo(srcfile)
    src_ds <- new(GDALRaster, srcfile, read_only=TRUE)
    nrows <- src_ds$getRasterYSize()
    ncols <- src_ds$getRasterXSize()

    #create the destination raster
    gdalraster::rasterFromRaster(srcfile, dstfile, nbands=1, ...)
    dst_ds <- new(GDALRaster, dstfile, read_only=FALSE)

    # row function
    process_row <- function(row) {
        a <- as.integer(src_ds$read(band=srcband,
                                    xoff = 0,
                                    yoff = row,
                                    xsize = ncols,
                                    ysize = 1,
                                    out_xsize = ncols,
                                    out_ysize = 1))
        a2 <- lut[,2][match(a, lut[,1])]
        a2 <- ifelse(is.na(a2), a, a2)
                     xoff = 0,
                     yoff = row,
                     xsize = ncols,
                     ysize = 1,
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, row+1)

    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=0, max=nrows)
    lapply(0:(nrows-1), process_row)

    message(paste("Output written to:", dstfile))


#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
pixelCount <- function(rasterfile, band = 1) {
    # Convenience function to get pixel counts from one raster.
    # Scans the whole raster.

                                band = band,
                                col_names = c("value", "count")))

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
focalRaster <- function(srcfile, dstfile, w, fun=sum, na.rm=FALSE, ...,
                        fmt=NULL, dtName=NULL, options=NULL,
                        nodata_value=NULL, setRasterNodataValue=FALSE,
                        srcband=NULL) {

    # experimental

    ref <- rasterInfo(srcfile)
    if (is.null(ref)) stop(paste("Could not read raster info:", srcfile))
    nrows <- ref$ysize
    ncols <- ref$xsize
    if (is.null(dtName)) dtName=ref$datatype[1]
    if (is.null(nodata_value)) {
        nodata_value <- getDefaultNodata(dtName)
        if (is.null(nodata_value)) {
            stop("Invalid output data type (dtName).")
    nbands <- ifelse(is.null(srcband), ref$nbands, 1)

    # kernel info
    if (!is.matrix(w)) {
        stop("kernel must be a square matrix with odd-number dimensions.")
    if (dim(w)[1] != dim(w)[2]) {
        stop("kernel must be a square matrix with odd-number dimensions.")
    kernelsize <- dim(w)[1]
    if ((kernelsize %% 2) == 0) {
        stop("kernel must be a square matrix with odd-number dimensions.")

    N <- as.integer( (kernelsize - 1) / 2 )

    if (kernelsize > nrows || kernelsize > ncols) {
        stop("kernel must be smaller than raster size")

    # create the output raster
    dstnodata <- NULL
    if (setRasterNodataValue)
        dstnodata <- nodata_value
    gdalraster::rasterFromRaster(srcfile, dstfile, fmt=fmt, nbands=nbands,
                                 dtName=dtName, options=options,
    dst_ds <- new(GDALRaster, dstfile, read_only=FALSE)

    # source dataset
    src_ds <- new(GDALRaster, srcfile, read_only=TRUE)

    # raster input buffer for nrows = kernelsize
    # N marginal columns contain NA for when kernel is outside the raster
    rowdata <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = kernelsize, ncol = ncols+2*N)
    # define columns of the data region in rowdata (columns inside the raster)
    rowdata.cols <- (1+N):(ncols+N)

    process_row <- function(row) {
        for (b in 1:nbands) {
            # start/end row numbers for raster input
            inrow.start <- row-N
            inrow.end <- row+N

            if (row == 0) {
                # fully populate the input buffer
                i <- 1
                for (this.row in inrow.start:inrow.end) {
                    if (this.row >= 0) {
                        rowdata[i,rowdata.cols] <<- src_ds$read(band = b,
                                                    xoff = 0,
                                                    yoff = this.row,
                                                    xsize = ncols,
                                                    ysize = 1,
                                                    out_xsize = ncols,
                                                    out_ysize = 1)
                    i <- i + 1
            else {
                # update the input buffer adding one new row
                for (i in 1:(kernelsize-1)) {
                    rowdata[i,] <<- rowdata[(i+1),]
                if (inrow.end > (nrows-1)) {
                    # outside the raster
                    rowdata[kernelsize,] <<- NA_real_
                else {
                    rowdata[kernelsize,rowdata.cols] <<- src_ds$read(band = b,
                                                            xoff = 0,
                                                            yoff = inrow.end,
                                                            xsize = ncols,
                                                            ysize = 1,
                                                            out_xsize = ncols,
                                                            out_ysize = 1)

            # move the kernel across rowdata and apply fun
            outrow <- vapply(1:ncols,
                             function(p, ...) {
                                 fun((rowdata[,p:(p+kernelsize-1)] * w), ...)
                             0, na.rm = na.rm, ...)
            outrow <- ifelse(is.na(outrow), nodata_value, outrow)

            # write a row of output
            dst_ds$write(band = b,
                         offx = 0,
                         offy = row,
                         xsize = ncols,
                         ysize = 1,

            utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, row+1)

    message("Calculating focal raster...")
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=0, max=nrows)
    lapply(0:(nrows-1), process_row)

    message(paste("Output written to:", dstfile))


#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
zonalStats <- function(dsn=NULL, layer=NULL, src=NULL, attribute,
                       rasterfile, band = 1, lut=NULL, pixelfun=NULL,
                       na.rm=TRUE, ignoreValue=NULL) {
    ## zoneid, npixels, mean, min, max, sum, var, sd

    ds <- new(GDALRaster, rasterfile, read_only = TRUE)
    nrows <- ds$getRasterYSize()
    ncols <- ds$getRasterXSize()
    gt <- ds$getGeoTransform()
    xmin <- ds$bbox()[1]
    ymax <- ds$bbox()[4]

    if (is.null(src))
        src <- sf::st_read(dsn, layer, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, quiet=TRUE)
    else if (!is(src, "sf"))
        stop("'src' must be a polygon layer as 'sf' object")

    zoneid <- unique(as.character(src[[attribute]]))

    # list of RunningStats objects for the zones
    rs_list <- list()
    for (z in zoneid) {
        rs_list[[z]] <- new(RunningStats, na_rm_in=na.rm)

    # raster I/O function for RasterizePolygon()
    readRaster <- function(yoff, xoff1, xoff2, burn_value, attrib_value) {
        a <- ds$read(band = band,
                     xoff = xoff1,
                     yoff = yoff,
                     xsize = ((xoff2-xoff1)+1),
                     ysize = 1,
                     out_xsize = ((xoff2-xoff1)+1),
                     out_ysize = 1)
        if (!is.null(ignoreValue))
            a <- a[!(a %in% ignoreValue)]
        if (!is.null(lut)) {
            a2 <- lut[,2][match(a, lut[,1])]
            a <- ifelse(is.na(a2), a, a2)
        if (!is.null(pixelfun))
            a <- pixelfun(a)

    geom_col <- attr(src, "sf_column")
    geom_type <- sf::st_geometry_type(src, by_geometry = FALSE)
    if (!geom_type %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON"))
        stop("geometry type must be POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON", call. = FALSE)

    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(src))

    for (i in seq_len(nrow(src))) {
        this_attr <- as.character(src[[attribute]][i])
        coords <- src[i, geom_col] |> sf::st_coordinates()
        parts <- integer(0)
        part_sizes <- integer(0)
        if (geom_type == "POLYGON") {
            parts <- unique(coords[, "L1"])
            for (j in seq_len(NROW(parts))) {
                part_sizes[j] <- nrow(coords[coords[, "L1"] == parts[j], ])
        } else if (geom_type == "MULTIPOLYGON") {
            parts <- unique(coords[, c("L1", "L2")])
            for (j in seq_len(NROW(parts))) {
                part_sizes[j] <- nrow(coords[coords[, "L1"] == parts[j, 1] &
                                             coords[, "L2"] == parts[j, 2], ])

        grid_xs <- vapply(coords[, "X"],
                          origin = xmin,
                          gt_pixel_size = gt[2])
        grid_ys <- vapply(coords[, "Y"],
                          origin = ymax,
                          gt_pixel_size = gt[6])

        RasterizePolygon(ncols, nrows, part_sizes, grid_xs, grid_ys,
                         readRaster, NA, this_attr)

        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)


    npixels <- rep(0, length(zoneid))
    zone.stats <- data.frame(zoneid, npixels, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    zone.stats$mean <- rep(NA_real_, length(zoneid))
    zone.stats$min <- rep(NA_real_, length(zoneid))
    zone.stats$max <- rep(NA_real_, length(zoneid))
    zone.stats$sum <- rep(NA_real_, length(zoneid))
    zone.stats$var <- rep(NA_real_, length(zoneid))
    zone.stats$sd <- rep(NA_real_, length(zoneid))
    for (z in zoneid) {
        zone.stats$npixels[zone.stats$zoneid==z] <- rs_list[[z]]$get_count()
        zone.stats$mean[zone.stats$zoneid==z] <- rs_list[[z]]$get_mean()
        zone.stats$min[zone.stats$zoneid==z] <- rs_list[[z]]$get_min()
        zone.stats$max[zone.stats$zoneid==z] <- rs_list[[z]]$get_max()
        zone.stats$sum[zone.stats$zoneid==z] <- rs_list[[z]]$get_sum()
        zone.stats$var[zone.stats$zoneid==z] <- rs_list[[z]]$get_var()
        zone.stats$sd[zone.stats$zoneid==z] <- rs_list[[z]]$get_sd()


#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
zonalMean <- function(dsn=NULL, layer=NULL, src=NULL, attribute,
                      rasterfile, band = 1,
                      lut=NULL, pixelfun=NULL, na.rm=TRUE, ...) {

    zone.stats <- zonalStats(dsn=dsn, layer=layer, src=src, attribute=attribute,
                             rasterfile=rasterfile, band=band,
                             lut=lut, pixelfun=pixelfun, na.rm=na.rm, ...)

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
zonalFreq <- function(dsn=NULL, layer=NULL, src=NULL, attribute,
                      rasterfile, band=1, aggfun=NULL, lut=NULL,
                      na.rm=FALSE, ignoreValue=NULL) {
    # aggfun is an aggregate function applied to the counts by zoneid,
    # like max to get the zonal most frequent value

    ds <- new(GDALRaster, rasterfile, read_only=TRUE)
    nrows <- ds$getRasterYSize()
    ncols <- ds$getRasterXSize()
    gt <- ds$getGeoTransform()
    xmin <- ds$bbox()[1]
    ymax <- ds$bbox()[4]

    if (is.null(src))
        src <- sf::st_read(dsn, layer, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, quiet=TRUE)
    else if (!is(src, "sf"))
        stop("'src' must be a polygon layer as 'sf' object")

    zoneid <- unique(as.character(src[[attribute]]))

    # CmbTable to count the unique combinations
    tbl <- new(CmbTable, keyLen = 2, varNames = c("idx", "value"))

    # raster I/O function for RasterizePolygon
    readRaster <- function(yoff, xoff1, xoff2, burn_value, attrib_value) {
        rowlength <- (xoff2-xoff1) + 1
        rowdata <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = 2, ncol = rowlength)
        rowdata[1,] <- rep(burn_value, rowlength)
        rowdata[2,] <- as.integer(ds$read(band=band,
                                          xoff = xoff1,
                                          yoff = yoff,
                                          xsize = rowlength,
                                          ysize = 1,
                                          out_xsize = rowlength,
                                          out_ysize = 1))
        if (!is.null(lut)) {
            a2 <- lut[,2][match(rowdata[2,], lut[,1])]
            rowdata[2,] <- ifelse(is.na(a2), rowdata[2,], a2)
        tbl$updateFromMatrix(rowdata, 1)

    geom_col <- attr(src, "sf_column")
    geom_type <- sf::st_geometry_type(src, by_geometry = FALSE)
    if (!geom_type %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON"))
        stop("geometry type must be POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON", call. = FALSE)

    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(src))

    for (i in seq_len(nrow(src))) {
        this_attr <- as.character(src[[attribute]][i])
        this_attr_idx <- match(this_attr, zoneid)
        coords <- src[i, geom_col] |> sf::st_coordinates()
        parts <- integer(0)
        part_sizes <- integer(0)
        if (geom_type == "POLYGON") {
            parts <- unique(coords[, "L1"])
            for (j in seq_len(NROW(parts))) {
                part_sizes[j] <- nrow(coords[coords[, "L1"] == parts[j], ])
        } else if (geom_type == "MULTIPOLYGON") {
            parts <- unique(coords[, c("L1", "L2")])
            for (j in seq_len(NROW(parts))) {
                part_sizes[j] <- nrow(coords[coords[, "L1"] == parts[j, 1] &
                                             coords[, "L2"] == parts[j, 2], ])

        grid_xs <- vapply(coords[, "X"],
                          origin = xmin,
                          gt_pixel_size = gt[2])
        grid_ys <- vapply(coords[, "Y"],
                          origin = ymax,
                          gt_pixel_size = gt[6])

        RasterizePolygon(ncols, nrows, part_sizes, grid_xs, grid_ys,
                         readRaster, this_attr_idx)

        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)


    # for CRAN check only:
    count <- NULL

    df_out <- tbl$asDataFrame()
    df_out$cmbid <- NULL
    df_out$zoneid <- zoneid[df_out$idx]
    df_out$idx <- NULL
    firstcols <- c("zoneid","value")
    df_out <- df_out[, c(firstcols, setdiff(names(df_out), firstcols))]
    if (na.rm) {
        df_out <- df_out[!is.na(df_out$value),]
    if (!is.null(ignoreValue)) {
        df_out <- df_out[!(df_out$value %in% ignoreValue), ]
        #df_out <- subset(df_out, !(value %in% ignoreValue))
        #df_out <- df_out[(df_out$value != ignoreValue),]
    if (!is.null(aggfun)) {
        df_agg <- aggregate(count ~ zoneid, df_out, aggfun)
        df_out <- merge(df_agg, df_out)
    } else {
        df_out <- transform(df_out,
                            zoneprop = ave(count,
                                           FUN=function(x) round(x/sum(x), 9)))


    df_out <- df_out[with(df_out, order(zoneid, -count, value)), ]
    row.names(df_out) <- NULL

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
zonalMajority <- function(dsn=NULL, layer=NULL, src = NULL, attribute,
                          rasterfile, band = 1, lut=NULL, ...) {

    return(zonalFreq(dsn=dsn, layer=layer, src=src, attribute=attribute,
                     rasterfile=rasterfile, band=band, aggfun=max,
                     lut=lut, ...))

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
zonalMinority <- function(dsn=NULL, layer=NULL, src = NULL, attribute,
                          rasterfile, band = 1, lut=NULL, ...) {

    return(zonalFreq(dsn=dsn, layer=layer, src=src, attribute=attribute,
                     rasterfile=rasterfile, band=band, aggfun=min,
                     lut=lut, ...))

#' @rdname raster_desc
#' @export
zonalVariety <- function(dsn=NULL, layer=NULL, src = NULL, attribute,
                         rasterfile, band = 1, lut=NULL, ...) {

    zf <- zonalFreq(dsn=dsn, layer=layer, src=src, attribute=attribute,
                    rasterfile=rasterfile, band=band, lut=lut, ...)

    df_out <- aggregate(value ~ zoneid, zf, length)
    colnames(df_out)[2] <- "number_of_unique_values"

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FIESTAutils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:06 a.m.