
Defines functions .compute_mu_O .compute_Y_O .TMB_initialise .TMB_fit .dropzerocolumns .regularise_K .update_K .SRE.Mstep.ind .SRE.Estep.ind .SRE.Mstep .loglik.ind .SRE.Estep .EM_fit .SRE.fit SRE.fit

Documented in SRE.fit

#' @rdname SRE
#' @export
SRE.fit <- function(object, n_EM = 100L, tol = 0.01, method = c("EM", "TMB"),
                    lambda = 0, print_lik = FALSE, optimiser = nlminb, 
                    known_sigma2fs = NULL, taper = NULL, 
                    simple_kriging_fixed = FALSE, ...) {
  ## Deprecation coercion
  tmp <- list(...)
  if(!is.null(tmp$SRE_model)) {
    object <- tmp$SRE_model
    warning("The argument 'SRE_model' is deprecated: Please use 'object'")
  method <- match.arg(method)
  optimiser <- match.fun(optimiser)
  if (!is.null(known_sigma2fs)) object@sigma2fshat <- known_sigma2fs
  if (method == "TMB" & object@K_type == "block-exponential") {
    answer <- user_decision("You have selected method = 'TMB' and K_type = 'block-exponential'. While this combination is allowed, it is significantly more computationally demanding than K_type = 'precision'. Please enter Y if you would like to continue with the block-exponential formulation, or N if you would like to change to the sparse precision matrix formulation.\n")
    if (answer == "N") {
      object@K_type <- "precision"
      if(opts_FRK$get("verbose")) cat("Setting K-type = 'precision'.\n")
  ## Check the arguments are OK
  ## (Note that we cannot pass the SRE model, because it complicates things 
  ## for the FRK() wrapper)
  .check_args2(n_EM = n_EM, tol = tol, lambda = lambda,
               method = method, print_lik = print_lik,
               fs_by_spatial_BAU = object@fs_by_spatial_BAU,
               response = object@response,
               K_type = object@K_type,
               link = object@link,
               known_sigma2fs = known_sigma2fs,
               BAUs = object@BAUs,
               optimiser = optimiser, taper = taper,
               simple_kriging_fixed = simple_kriging_fixed,
               random_eff = .reff_in_f(object@f),
               ...) # control parameters to optimiser()

  object@simple_kriging_fixed <- simple_kriging_fixed
  ## Call internal fitting function with checked arguments
  object <- .SRE.fit(object = object, n_EM = n_EM, tol = tol, 
                     method = method, lambda = lambda, print_lik = print_lik, 
                     optimiser = optimiser, known_sigma2fs = known_sigma2fs, taper = taper, ...)

# ---- NOT EXPORTED ----

.SRE.fit <- function(object, n_EM, tol, method, lambda, 
                     print_lik, optimiser, known_sigma2fs, taper, ...) {
  if(method == "EM") {
    object <- .EM_fit(object = object, n_EM = n_EM, lambda = lambda, 
                      tol = tol, print_lik = print_lik, known_sigma2fs = known_sigma2fs, taper = taper)
  } else if (method == "TMB") {
    object <- .TMB_fit(object, optimiser = optimiser, known_sigma2fs = known_sigma2fs, taper = taper, ...)
  } else {
    stop("No other estimation method implemented yet. Please use method = 'EM' or method = 'TMB'.")
  object@method <- method
  return(object) # return fitted SRE model

# ---- EM fitting functions ----

.EM_fit <- function(object, n_EM, lambda, tol, print_lik, known_sigma2fs, taper) {
  info_fit <- list()      
  info_fit$time <- system.time({
    n <- nbasis(object)  # number of basis functions
    X <- object@X        # covariates
    info_fit$method <- "EM"  # updated info_fit
    llk <- rep(0,n_EM)       # log-likelihood
    ## If user wishes to show progress show progress bar
      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n_EM, style = 3)
    ## If the user has requested covariance tapering, construct the taper matrix
    if (!is.null(taper)) {
      beta   <- .tapering_params(D_matrices = object@D_basis, taper = taper)
      T_beta <- .T_beta_taper_matrix(D_matrices = object@D_basis, beta = beta)
      info_fit$taper <- "NULL"
    } else {
      T_beta <- 1 
    ## For each EM iteration step
    for(i in 1:n_EM) {
      llk[i] <- logLik(object)                          # compute the log-lik
      object <- .SRE.Estep(object)                   # compute E-step
      object <- .SRE.Mstep(object, lambda, known_sigma2fs, T_beta) # compute M-step
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)                    # update progress bar
      if(i>1)                                              # If we're not on first iteration
        if(abs(llk[i] - llk[i-1]) < tol) {                 # Compute change in log-lik
          cat("Minimum tolerance reached\n")               # and stop if less than tol
    if(opts_FRK$get("progress")) close(pb)           # close progress bar
    info_fit$num_iterations <- i                     # update fit info
    ## If zero fine-scale variation detected just make sure user knows.
    ## This can be symptomatic of poor fitting
    if(object@sigma2fshat == 0) {
      info_fit$sigma2fshat_equal_0 <- 1
      if(opts_FRK$get("verbose") > 0)
        message("sigma2fs is being estimated to zero.
                        This might because of an incorrect binning
                        procedure or because too much measurement error
                        is being assumed (or because the latent
                        field is indeed that smooth, but unlikely).")
    } else {
      info_fit$sigma2fshat_equal_0 <- 0
    ## If we have reached max. iterations, tell the user
    if(i == n_EM) {
      cat("Maximum EM iterations reached\n")
      info_fit$converged <- 0    # update info_fit
    } else {
      info_fit$converged <- 1   # update info_fit
    ## Plot log-lik vs EM iteration plot
    info_fit$plot_lik <- list(x = 1:i, llk = llk[1:i],
                              ylab = "log likelihood",
                              xlab = "EM iteration")
    ## If user wants to see the log-lik vs EM iteration plot, plot it
    if(print_lik & !is.na(tol)) {
      plot(1:i, llk[1:i],
           ylab = "log likelihood",
           xlab = "EM iteration")
  }) # system.time brackets
  object@info_fit <- info_fit

## E-Step
.SRE.Estep <- function(Sm) {
  # This is structured this way so that extra models for fs-variation
  # can be implemented later
  if(Sm@fs_model == "ind")
    Sm <- .SRE.Estep.ind(Sm)
  else stop("E-step only for independent fs-variation model currently implemented")

## Compute log-likelihood for independent fs-variation model
.loglik.ind <- function(Sm) {
  S <- Sm@S                               # basis-function matrix
  K <- Sm@Khat                            # random-effects cov. matrix
  chol_K <- chol(K)                       # its Cholesky
  Kinv <- chol2inv(chol_K)                # random-effects prec. matrix
  resid <- Sm@Z - Sm@X %*% Sm@alphahat    # residuals at fitted estimates
  N <- length(Sm@Z)                       # number of data points
  D <- Sm@sigma2fshat*Sm@Vfs + Sm@Ve      # total variance of data
  if(isDiagonal(D)) {                     # if this is diagonal
    D <- Diagonal(x = D@x)              # cast to diagonal matrix
    cholD <- sqrt(D)                    # just compute sqrt
    cholDinvT <- solve(cholD)           # and the inverse is just the reciprocal
  } else {
    cholD <- chol(D)                    # otherwise do the Cholesky
    cholDinvT <- t(solve(cholD))        # find the transposed (lower) inverse of the factor
  ## Compute log-determinant. This is given by a formula in Section 2.2
  S_Dinv_S <-  crossprod(cholDinvT %*% S)
  R <- chol(Kinv + S_Dinv_S)
  log_det_SigmaZ <- logdet(R) +
    determinant(K,logarithm = TRUE)$modulus +
    logdet(cholD)  # this computes the log-determinant of a matrix from its Cholesky factor
  ## Alternatively: (slower but more direct)
  # Dinv <- chol2inv(chol(D))
  # SigmaZ_inv <- Dinv - Dinv %*% S %*% solve(Kinv + S_Dinv_S) %*% t(S) %*% Dinv
  # SigmaZ_inv2 <- Dinv - tcrossprod(Dinv %*% S %*% solve(R))
  ## Compute efficiently rDinv <- t(resid) %*% Dinv
  rDinv <- crossprod(cholDinvT %*% resid,cholDinvT)
  ## Compute the quadratic portion of the log-lik
  ## This is the same as quad_bit <- rDinv %*% resid - tcrossprod(rDinv %*% S %*% solve(R))
  ## but more efficient
  quad_bit <- crossprod(cholDinvT %*% resid) - tcrossprod(rDinv %*% S %*% solve(R))
  ## Now just add the bits together
  llik <- -0.5 * N * log(2*pi) -
    0.5 * log_det_SigmaZ -
    0.5 * quad_bit

## M-step
.SRE.Mstep <- function(Sm, lambda = 0, known_sigma2fs, T_beta) {
  # This is structured this way so that extra models for fs-variation
  # can be implemented later
  if(Sm@fs_model == "ind")
    Sm <- .SRE.Mstep.ind(Sm, lambda = lambda, known_sigma2fs = known_sigma2fs, T_beta = T_beta)
  else stop("M-step only for independent fs-variation model currently implemented")

## E-step for independent fs-variation model
.SRE.Estep.ind <- function(Sm, known_sigma2fs) {
  alpha <- Sm@alphahat           # current regression coefficients estimates
  K <- Sm@Khat                   # current random effects covariance matrix estimate
  Kinv <- Sm@Khat_inv            # current random effects precision matrix estimate
  sigma2fs <- Sm@sigma2fshat     # current fs-variation factor estimate
  D <- sigma2fs*Sm@Vfs + Sm@Ve   # total variance-covariance of Z
  if(isDiagonal(D)) {            # if this is diagonal
    D <- Diagonal(x=D@x)       # cast to diagonal
    cholD <- sqrt(D)           # then the Cholesky is the sqrt
    cholDinv <- solve(cholD)   # the inverse Cholesky is the inverse-sqrt
    Dinv <- solve(D)           # the inverse is just reciprocal of diagonal elements
  } else {
    cholD <- Matrix::chol(D)   # if not diagonal then do Cholesky
    cholDinv <- solve(cholD)   # invery Cholesky factor
    Dinv <- chol2inv(cholD)    # find the inverse from the Cholesky factor
  ## The below are simple Gaussian updating equations in Section 2.2 of the vignette
  Q_eta <- (crossprod(t(cholDinv) %*% Sm@S) + Kinv)
  S_eta <- chol2inv(chol(Q_eta))  # we can invert since we are low rank in FRK
  mu_eta <- (S_eta) %*%(t(Sm@S) %*% Dinv %*% (Sm@Z - Sm@X %*% alpha))
  Sm@mu_eta <- mu_eta  # update conditional mean
  Sm@S_eta <- S_eta    # update conditional covariance
  Sm@Q_eta <- Q_eta    # update conditional precision
  Sm                   # return SRE object

## M-step for the indepdent fine-scale variation model
.SRE.Mstep.ind <- function(Sm, lambda = 0, known_sigma2fs, T_beta) {
  mu_eta <- Sm@mu_eta              # current cond. mean of random effects
  S_eta <- Sm@S_eta                # current cond. cov. matrix of random effects
  alpha <- Sm@alphahat             # regression coefficients
  sigma2fs <- Sm@sigma2fshat       # fine-scale variance
  K <- .update_K(Sm,method=Sm@K_type,  # update the prior covariance matrix K
                 lambda = lambda)
  K <- K * T_beta # apply covariance taper, or just multiply by 1 if taper is not requested
  Khat_inv <- chol2inv(chol(K))        # compute the precision
  ## If the measurement and fs. variational covariance matricies
  ## are proportional to the identity then we have the
  ## special case of homoscedasticity
  homoscedastic <- all((a <- diag(Sm@Ve)) == a[1]) & 
    all((b <- diag(Sm@Vfs)) == b[1]) &
  ## If the measurement and fs. variational covariance matricies
  ## are diagonal then we have another special case
  diagonal_mats <- isDiagonal(Sm@Ve) & isDiagonal(Sm@Vfs)  
  ## If the user has supplied a known value for the fine-scale variance, we 
  ## don't need to estimate sigma2fs.
  if(!is.null(known_sigma2fs)) {
    est_sigma2fs <- FALSE
    sigma2fs_new <- known_sigma2fs
  } else {
    est_sigma2fs <- TRUE # and sigma2fs_new will be estimated below 
  ## If we have some fine-scale variation terms
  if(!all(diag(Sm@Vfs) == 0))
    ## And we're not in the diagonal case (this is the most comp. intensive)
    if(!diagonal_mats) {
      ## We first need to create a function whose root is sigma2fshat
      ## See 2.2 of vignette for equation details
      J <- function(sigma2fs) {
        if(sigma2fs < 0) {
          return(Inf)                              # cannot be less than 0
        } else {
          D <- sigma2fs*Sm@Vfs + Sm@Ve             # total data variance-covariance
          Dinv <- chol2inv(chol(D))                # it's inverse (this will be blocked so still sparse)
          DinvV <- Dinv %*% Sm@Vfs                 # summary matrix
          DinvVDinv <- Dinv %*% Sm@Vfs %*% Dinv    # summary matrix
          alpha <- solve(t(Sm@X) %*% Dinv %*% Sm@X) %*%
            t(Sm@X) %*% Dinv %*%                 # regression coefficients GLS estimates
            (Sm@Z - Sm@S %*% mu_eta)
          resid <- Sm@Z - Sm@X %*% alpha           # fitted residuals
          Dinvr <- DinvVDinv %*% resid             # summary vector
          DinvS <- DinvVDinv %*% Sm@S              # summary vector
          tr1 <- tr(DinvV)                         # compute trace of first term
          ## Compute trace of second term
          tr2 <- sum(diag2(DinvS %*% (S_eta +  tcrossprod(mu_eta)),t(Sm@S))  -
                       2*diag2(DinvS %*% mu_eta,t(resid)) +
          ## return value of function
          -(-0.5*tr1 +0.5*tr2)
    } else {
      ## If we have diagonal matrices then some simplifications are possible
      R_eta <- chol(S_eta + tcrossprod(mu_eta)) # Cholesky factor of E(eta eta^T)
      S_R_eta <- Sm@S %*% t(R_eta)              # summary matrix
      Omega_diag1 <- rowSums(S_R_eta^2)         # first part of diag(Omega) as in vignette
      J <- function(sigma2fs) {
        if(sigma2fs < 0) {
          return(Inf)                       # sigma2fs >= 0
        } else {
          D <- sigma2fs*Sm@Vfs + Sm@Ve    # total data variance. This must be diagonal
          Dinv <- solve(D)                # just take reciprocal since D is defo. diagonal here
          DinvV <- Dinv %*% Sm@Vfs        # summary matrix (diagonal)
          alpha <- solve(t(Sm@X) %*% Dinv %*% Sm@X) %*%
            t(Sm@X) %*% Dinv %*%          # regression coefficients GLS estimates
            (Sm@Z - Sm@S %*% mu_eta)
          resid <- Sm@Z - Sm@X %*% alpha    # fitted residuals
          Omega_diag <- Omega_diag1 -       # other parts of diag(Omega)
            2*diag2(Sm@S %*% mu_eta, t(resid)) +
          Omega_diag <- Diagonal(x=Omega_diag)  # compute a diagonal Omega matrix
          ## Since DinvV and Dinv are diagonal and we only want the trace,
          ## we only need the diagonal elements of Omega in the following
          return(-(-0.5*tr(DinvV) + 0.5*tr(DinvV %*% Dinv %*% Omega_diag)))
  ## We need to find the root in J. For this we need to start uniroot with
  ## values on either side of sigma2fshat. The below implements
  ## a simple search algorithm for finding a good starting values.
  ## If we have some fine-scale variation terms
  if(!all(diag(Sm@Vfs) == 0)) {
    ## And we're not in the special homoscedastic case
    if(!homoscedastic) {
      if(est_sigma2fs) {
        amp_factor <- 10; OK <- 0  # initialise
        while(!OK) {
          amp_factor <- amp_factor * 10 # widen the interval
          ## If the signs are different, then we're OK, otherwise not
          if(!(sign(J(sigma2fs/amp_factor)) == sign(J(sigma2fs*amp_factor)))) OK <- 1
          ## If we have a really big amp_factor, it means we're not getting anywhere and
          ## sigma2fshat is probably tending to zero.
          if(amp_factor > 1e9) {
            OK <- 1
        if(amp_factor > 1e9) {
          sigma2fs_new <- 0  # fix sigma2fshat to zero since we couldn't estimate it
        } else {
          ## Otherwise find the root of the equation with the sought initial conditions
          sigma2fs_new <- stats::uniroot(f = J,
                                         interval = c(sigma2fs/amp_factor,
      D <- sigma2fs_new*Sm@Vfs + Sm@Ve  # total data variance-covariance
      if(isDiagonal(D)) {               # inverse of D (as above)
        D <- Diagonal(x=D@x)          # cast to Diagonal
        Dinv <- solve(D)
      } else {
        Dinv <- chol2inv(chol(D))
      alpha <- solve(t(Sm@X) %*% Dinv %*% Sm@X) %*%      # alpha GLS estimate (as above)
        t(Sm@X) %*% Dinv %*% (Sm@Z - Sm@S %*% mu_eta)
    } else {
      ## Here we are in the homoscedastic (diagonal) case and we can
      ## solve for alpha independently of sigma2fshat
      alpha <- solve(t(Sm@X) %*% Sm@X) %*%      # alpha GLS estimate
        t(Sm@X) %*% (Sm@Z - Sm@S %*% mu_eta)
      resid <- Sm@Z - Sm@X %*% alpha            # residual
      if(est_sigma2fs) {
        Omega_diag <- Omega_diag1 -               # just compute Omega once
          2*diag2(Sm@S %*% mu_eta, t(resid)) +
        Omega_diag <- Diagonal(x=Omega_diag)
        ## Closed-form solution for sigma2fs (see vignette)
        sigma2fs_new <- 1/b[1]*(sum(Omega_diag)/length(Sm@Z) - a[1])
        if(sigma2fs_new < 0) {  # If we get less than zero because of numeric instability
          sigma2fs_new = 0    # just fix to zero
  ## If we do NOT have any fine-scale variation (e.g., estimated to zero in previous iteration)
  if(all(diag(Sm@Vfs) == 0)) {
    alpha <- solve(t(Sm@X) %*% solve(Sm@Ve) %*% Sm@X) %*% t(Sm@X) %*%  # just find GLS
      solve(Sm@Ve) %*% (Sm@Z - Sm@S %*% mu_eta)
    if(est_sigma2fs) sigma2fs_new <- 0                                 # and keep sigma2fs at zero
  ## Update SRE model with estimated quantities
  Sm@Khat <- K
  Sm@Khat_inv <- Khat_inv
  Sm@alphahat <- alpha
  Sm@sigma2fshat <- sigma2fs_new
  ## Return SRE model

## This routine updates the covariance matrix of the random effects
.update_K <- function(Sm,method="unstructured",
                      S_eta= NULL,mu_eta = NULL,
                      lambda = 0) {
  if (is.null(S_eta)) S_eta <- Sm@S_eta      # Conditional covariance matrix of random effects
  if (is.null(mu_eta)) mu_eta <- Sm@mu_eta   # Conditional mean of random effects
  if(method == "unstructured") {
    ## If K is unstructured, then the update is trivial, see vignette Section 2.2
    ## I allow for some regularisation through lambda should this be deemed required
    ## (This is useful for when we have lots of basis and few data points)
    K <- .regularise_K(Sm, lambda = lambda)
  } else if (method == "block-exponential") {
    ## If K is block exponential (blocked by resolution) then
    ## we need to find the (i) precision, (ii) spatial length scale, and
    ## (iii) temporal length scale by resolution
    all_res <- count_res(Sm)               # number of resolutions
    eta2 <- lapply(1:nrow(all_res),function(i) {
      ## find which indices correspond to these basis functions
      idx <- which(data.frame(Sm@basis)$res == i)
      S_eta[idx,idx] +
    ## (i) Find the precision associated with each resolution
    omega <- lapply(1:nrow(all_res),       # for each resolution
                    function(i) {
                      ## number of basis functions in i-th resolution
                      ni <- all_res[i,]$n
                      ## find which indices correspond to these basis functions
                      idx <- which(data.frame(Sm@basis)$res == i)
                      ## # find the current CORRELATION matrix associated with this resolution
                      Ki <- Sm@Khat[idx,idx]/Sm@Khat[idx[1],idx[1]]
                      ## Compute INVERSE CORRELATION matrix associated with this resolution
                      Ki_inv <- chol2inv(chol(Ki))
                      ## The precision is given by n / tr(Kinv %*% (S_eta + mu.mu'))
                      ni / sum(diag2(Ki_inv,eta2[[i]]))
    ## (ii,iii) Likelihood function for spatial/temporal length scales
    f_tau <- function(tau_i,i) {   # tau_i are the scales, i is the resolution
      if(any(tau_i <= 1e-10)) {  # do not let any of the taus be too small
      } else {
        ## Find which bases are at this resolution
        idx <- which(data.frame(Sm@basis)$res == i)
        ## Since we're block exponential, the correlation matrix is simply
        ## computed from the distances using the appropriate decay parameters
        if(is(Sm@basis,"TensorP_Basis")) {
          ## If we have a tensor basis then construct Ki using the Kronecker product
          Ki1 <- exp(-Sm@D_basis$Basis2[[1]]/tau_i[2])  # temporal part
          Ki2 <- exp(-Sm@D_basis$Basis1[[i]]/tau_i[1])  # spatial part
          ## time runs slowest (and only one time resolution),  space runs fastest
          Ki <- kronecker(Ki1,Ki2)
          ## Compute the inverse correlation matrix
          Qi1 <- chol2inv(chol(Ki1))
          Qi2 <- chol2inv(chol(Ki2))
          Ki_inv <- kronecker(Qi1,Qi2)
          ## Compute log determinant
          R1 <- chol(Qi1)
          R2 <- chol(Qi2)
          det_part <- 0.5*(nrow(R2)*logdet(R1) + nrow(R1)*logdet(R2))
          ## Compute the log=likelihood. There doesn't seem to be a way to
          ## simplify this using the Kronecker product
          -as.numeric(det_part - omega[[i]]/2*sum(diag2(Ki_inv,eta2[[i]],symm=TRUE)))
        } else {
          ## Just spatial, from distances between centroid
          Ki <- exp(-Sm@D_basis[[i]]/tau_i)
          ## Compute the inverse correlation matrix
          Ki_inv <- chol2inv(chol(Ki))
          ## Compute the log-likelihood
          -as.numeric(0.5*determinant(Ki_inv)$modulus -
    ## (ii,iii) GRADIENT of the likelihood function for spatial/temporal length scales
    gr_f_tau <- function(tau_i,i) {
      idx <- which(Sm@basis@df$res == i)  # tau_i are the scales, i is the resolution
      if(is(Sm@basis,"TensorP_Basis")) {
        Ki1 <- exp(-Sm@D_basis$Basis2[[1]]/tau_i[2])  # temporal part
        Ki2 <- exp(-Sm@D_basis$Basis1[[i]]/tau_i[1])  # spatial part
        Ki <- kronecker(Ki1,Ki2)                      # Kronecker of the two
        ## Compute the inverse correlation matrix
        Qi1 <- chol2inv(chol(Ki1))
        Qi2 <- chol2inv(chol(Ki2))
        Ki_inv <- kronecker(Qi1,Qi2)
        ## d(X kron Y) = dX kron Y + X cron dY. Compute these below
        dKi <- kronecker(Ki1,(Sm@D_basis$Basis1[[i]]/(tau_i[1]^2))*Ki2)
        dKit <- kronecker((Sm@D_basis$Basis2[[1]]/(tau_i[2]^2))*Ki1,Ki2)
      } else {
        ## If only spatial then just compute derivative of exponential
        Ki <- exp(-Sm@D_basis[[i]]/tau_i)
        dKi <- (Sm@D_basis[[i]]/(tau_i^2))*exp(-Sm@D_basis[[i]]/tau_i)
        Ki_inv <- chol2inv(chol(Ki))  # inverse
      ## derivative of log-likelihood w.r.t tau_1 (spatial)
      tau_i1 <- -(-0.5*sum(diag2(dKi,Ki_inv)) +
                    0.5*omega[[i]]*sum(diag2(eta2[[i]]%*% Ki_inv,
                                             dKi %*% Ki_inv)))
      tau_i1 <- as.numeric(tau_i1)
      if(length(tau_i) == 1) {  # Then we just have space
      } else {                  # We have time aswell
        ## derivative of log-likelihood w.r.t tau_2 (temporal)
        tau_i2 <-  -(-0.5*sum(diag2(dKit,Ki_inv)) +
                       0.5*omega[[i]]*sum(diag2(eta2[[i]]%*% Ki_inv,
                                                dKit %*% Ki_inv)))
        tau_i2 <- as.numeric(tau_i2)
        ## Return both derivatives
    ## Find the maximum spatial distance between centroids of all basis functions. This is used for initialisation
    max_l <- max(unlist(Sm@D_basis[[1]]))
    ## Below we actually estimate the parameters
    ## For each resolution
    tau <- lapply(1:nrow(all_res),
                  function(i) {
                    ## Find the basis functions for this resolution
                    idx <- which(Sm@basis@df$res == i)
                    ## Compute the correlation matrix
                    Ki <- Sm@Khat[idx,idx]/Sm@Khat[idx[1],idx[1]]
                    ## If we are in space-time
                    if(is(Sm@basis,"TensorP_Basis")) {
                      ## Extract previous estimate from current covariance matrix.
                      ## If zero (e.g., initial matrix is the identity), then pin to 1e-9
                      ## If only one basis function at this resolution then don't
                      ## attempt to estimate
                      par_init <- ifelse(all_res$n[i]>1,
                      ## Same as above but for temporal (assume we have always more than one temporal basis function)
                      par_init[2] <- max(-Sm@D_basis$Basis2[[1]][1,2]/log(Ki[1,1+count_res(Sm@basis@Basis1)$n[i]]),1e-9) ## time
                      ## If we clamped the temporal length scale then set it initially to 1
                      if(par_init[2] == 1e-9) par_init[2] <- 1
                    } else {
                      ## As above but just for space
                      par_init <- ifelse(all_res$n[i]>1,
                    ## If we clamped the spatial length scale then set it initially to max(length) / 10
                    if(par_init[1] == 1e-9) par_init[1] <- max_l/10
                    ## Suppress warnings in case we hit max-iterations. If it hasn't converged we would be
                    ## in a GEM settings which is still OK
                    suppressWarnings(optim(par = par_init,
                                           fn = f_tau,
                                           gr = gr_f_tau,
    ## Reconstruct the K matrix based on above parameter estimates
    K <- lapply(1:nrow(all_res),
                function(i) {
                  if(is(Sm@basis,"TensorP_Basis")) {
                    Ki <- kronecker(exp(-Sm@D_basis$Basis2[[1]]/tau[[i]][2]),
                  } else {
                    Ki <- exp(-Sm@D_basis[[i]]/tau[[i]])/omega[[i]]
    ## Since we are in block diagonal mode we can just block-diagonalise across resolutions
    K <- do.call("bdiag",K)
    ## Now, if we have space AND time, block diagonalising by resolution is not correct
    ## as we have the following indices (res1t1....res1tN,res2t1,...,res2tN,...)
    ## This can be corrected by seeing how the indices were in the original data frame
    ## (which were correct by construction), and then permuting the K matrix using
    ## and internal function reverse_permute
    idx_all <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(all_res),
                             function(i) which(Sm@basis@df$res == i)))
    # reverse_permute rearranges the order of time/resolution when we have tensor products
    # When we don't have tensor product idx_all and 1:nrow(K) are the same so nothing changes
    K <- reverse_permute(K,idx_all)
    ## If user wants verbose output show estimates
    if( opts_FRK$get("verbose") > 0) {
      cat("  Estimates of omega: ",unlist(omega),"  ")
      cat("  Estimates of tau: ",unlist(tau),"  ")
  ## Return the estimated matrix

## The function below regularises the K matrix when the K_type is "unstructured"
.regularise_K <- function(Sm,S_eta= NULL,mu_eta = NULL, lambda = 0) {
  if (is.null(S_eta)) S_eta <- Sm@S_eta      # extract from SRE model if not supplied
  if (is.null(mu_eta)) mu_eta <- Sm@mu_eta   # extract from SRE model if not supplied
  if(any(lambda > 0)) {  # if at least one lambda > 0
    ## If we have just one regulatisation parameter for all resolutions
    if(length(lambda) == 1) {
      reg_matrix <- lambda*Diagonal(nrow(S_eta)) # reg. matrix = lambda*I
    } else {
      ## If we have one regularisation parameter per resolution then the reg. matrix
      ## is diagonal but not proportional to the identity matrix
      ## We use the data frame returned by count_res which has the resolution number
      ## in the first column and the number of basis in the second column
      reg_matrix <- Diagonal(x = do.call("c",
                                               function(x) rep(lambda[x[1]],x[2]))))
    ## Update K but this time regularising
    Q <- chol2inv(chol(S_eta + tcrossprod(mu_eta))) + reg_matrix
    K <- chol2inv(chol(Q))
  } else {
    ## If there is no regularisation then use the following simple update (see vignette for details)
    K <- S_eta + tcrossprod(mu_eta)
  ## Return K

# ---- TMB fitting functions ----

.dropzerocolumns <- function(matrix_list) lapply(matrix_list, function(matrix) matrix[,unique(summary(matrix)$j)])

## Fitting stage of non-Gaussian FRK (more generally, for method  = 'TMB').
.TMB_fit <- function(object, optimiser, known_sigma2fs, taper, ...) {
  ## Some matrices evaluated at observed BAUs only: 
  C_O <- .constructC_O(object) 
  X_O <- .constructX_O(object) 
  S_O <- .constructS_O(object) 
  G_O <- .constructG_O(object)
  G_O <- .dropzerocolumns(G_O) # Drop empty columns from G_O (some levels may be unobserved)
  info_fit <- list()      
  info_fit$time <- system.time({
    info_fit$method <- "TMB" 
    K_type <- object@K_type
    ## If we are using a precision matrix formulation, determine if we can use the
    ## precision matrix based on the Leroux model, or if we need to use the 
    ## precision matrix based on the distance between basis-function centroids 
    ## (see Appendix A.2 of the FRK v2 paper).
    ## This depends on whether or not the *spatial* basis is regular.
    if (K_type == "precision") {
      sp_basis <- if (is(object@basis,"TensorP_Basis")) object@basis@Basis1 else object@basis
      if (!sp_basis@regular || is(manifold(sp_basis), "sphere")) {
        K_type <- "precision-block-exponential"
      } else {
        K_type <- "neighbour"
    if (is.null(taper) && (K_type %in% c("block-exponential", "precision-block-exponential"))) {
      cat("The argument taper was not specified. Since we are using method = 'TMB' 
         with either i) a covariance matrix (K_type = 'block-exponential') 
         or ii) irregular basis functions (object@basis@regular = 0) or iii) a 
         non-plane manifold, we must use tapering for computational reasons. 
         Setting taper = 3.\n")
      taper <- 3
      info_fit$taper <- taper
    ## Parameter and data preparation for TMB
    parameters <- .TMB_initialise(object, K_type = K_type, C_O = C_O, X_O = X_O, S_O = S_O, G_O = G_O)
    data <- .TMB_data_prep(object, K_type = K_type, taper = taper, C_O = C_O, X_O = X_O, S_O = S_O, G_O = G_O, sigma2fs_hat = exp(parameters$logsigma2fs))
    ## If we are estimating a unique fine-scale variance at each spatial BAU, 
    ## simply replicate sigma2fs ns times. 
    ns <- dim(object@BAUs)[1]
    if (object@fs_by_spatial_BAU) {
      data$sigma2fs_hat <- rep(data$sigma2fs_hat, ns)
      parameters$logsigma2fs <- rep(parameters$logsigma2fs, ns)
    ## Fix sigma2fs to the known value provided by the user (if provided). 
    if (!is.null(known_sigma2fs)) {
      data$fix_sigma2fs <- 1
      data$sigma2fs_hat <- known_sigma2fs
      parameters$logsigma2fs <- log(known_sigma2fs) 
    ## Don't want to pass in variance components that are "too small" or "too big". 
    ## This has caused TMB to explode and cause R to crash in the past, with no 
    ## explanation as to why the crash occurred.
    parameters$logsigma2   <- pmin(pmax(parameters$logsigma2, -4), 8)
    parameters$logtau      <- pmin(pmax(parameters$logtau, -4), 8)
    parameters$logdelta    <- pmin(pmax(parameters$logdelta, -4), 8)
    parameters$logsigma2_t <- pmin(pmax(parameters$logsigma2_t, -4), 8)
    parameters$logsigma2gamma <- pmin(pmax(parameters$logsigma2gamma, -4), 8)
    ## Checks to catch catastrophic errors. 
    ## If we allow nonsensical values into TMB, R may crash without providing
    ## an informative warning. These checks will hopefully ensure that will not 
    ## happen. 
    if (any(sapply(data, function(x) any(length(x) == 0) || any(is.na(x)) || any(is.null(x)))))
      stop("Something has gone wrong in the data preparation for TMB: Some entries are numeric(0), NA, or NULL. Please contact the package maintainer.")
    if (any(sapply(parameters, function(x) any(length(x) == 0) || any(is.na(x)) || any(is.null(x)))))
      stop("Something has gone wrong in the parameter initialisation for TMB: Some entries are numeric(0), NA, or NULL. Please contact the package maintainer.")
    if (any(data$nnz < 0) || any(data$col_indices < 0) || any(data$row_indices < 0))
      stop("Something has gone wrong in construction of the precision matrix of the basis-function coefficients: We have negative row-indices, col-indices, or total non-zeros: Please contact the package maintainer. ")
    if (!.zero_range(c(length(data$x), length(data$col_indices), length(data$row_indices), sum(data$nnz))))
      stop("Something has gone wrong in construction of the precision matrix of the basis-function coefficients: The number of row-indices, col-indices, or non-zeros is inconsistent. Please contact the package maintainer. ")
    if(!.zero_range(c(length(object@Z), length(data$Z), nrow(data$C_O)))) #   , nrow(data$X_O), nrow(data$S_O))))
      stop("Something has gone wrong in the data preparation for TMB: The dimension of the C matrix is inconsistent with the number of observations. Please contact the package maintainer.")
    spatial_basis <- if (is(object@basis, "TensorP_Basis")) object@basis@Basis1 else object@basis
    if(!.zero_range(c(nbasis(spatial_basis), max(data$row_indices + 1), max(data$col_indices + 1), sum(data$r_si))))
      stop("Something has gone wrong in the data preparation for TMB: The number of basis functions and the matrix indices are inconsistent. Please contact the package maintainer.")
    if (!(K_type %in% c("neighbour", "block-exponential", "precision-block-exponential")))
      stop("Internal error: K_type is not one of neighbour, block-exponential, or precision-block-exponential. Please contact the package maintainer.")
    ## TMB model compilation
    if(opts_FRK$get("verbose")) cat("Making the automatic differentiation function (AD fun) for TMB...\n")
    obj <- MakeADFun(data = data,
                     parameters = parameters,
                     random = c("random_effects"),
                     DLL = "FRK", 
                     silent = !opts_FRK$get("verbose")) # hide the gradient information during fitting
    ## The following means we want to print every parameter passed to obj$fn.
    obj$env$tracepar <- opts_FRK$get("verbose")
    if(opts_FRK$get("verbose")) cat("Optimising with TMB...\n")
    ## The optimiser should have arguments: start, objective, gradient. 
    ## The remaining arguments can be whatever.
    fit <- optimiser(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr, ...)
    info_fit$iterations  <- fit$iterations
    info_fit$convergence <- fit$convergence
    info_fit$message     <- fit$message
    if(opts_FRK$get("verbose")) cat("Optimisation completed.\n")
    # ---- Joint precision/covariance matrix of random effects ----
    if(opts_FRK$get("verbose")) cat("Extracting estimates of the parameters and the joint precision matrix of the random effects from TMB...\n")
    ## Extract parameter and random effect estimates
    par <- obj$env$last.par.best
    estimates <- split(par, names(par)) # convert to named list object
    ## TMB treats all parameters (fixed effects, variance components, 
    ## and random effects) as random quantities, and so the joint precision 
    ## matrix obtained using sdreport(obj, getJointPrecision = TRUE) contains 
    ## the precision matrix for fixed and random effects. 
    ## However, we assume the regression parameters and variance components are 
    ## fixed effects, NOT random quantities, and so they should not have a 
    ## randomness associated to them. We overcome this by considering the fixed 
    ## effects and parameters as random during the fitting process, and then 
    ## post-fitting we condition on theta = \hat{theta}, the ML estimate.
    ## By conditioning on \hat{theta}, we can consider the precision matrix of  
    ## the random effects in isolation.
    s <- length(estimates$random_effects) # Number of random effects
    if (object@simple_kriging_fixed) {
      ## Extract the precision matrix of the random effects only
      Q_posterior <- obj$env$spHess(par = obj$env$last.par.best, random = TRUE)
    } else {
      ## if we wish to extract the uncertainty of the parameters and fixed effects
      ## in order to do universal kriging (or, at least give us the OPTION to do 
      ## it during the prediction stage), we need to use sdreport().
      ## This can be computationally demanding, which is why we provide the
      ## argument simple_kriging_fixed.
      Q_posterior <- sdreport(obj, getJointPrecision = TRUE)$jointPrecision
      ## We will only retain the uncertainty in the fixed effects
      ## (i.e., in alpha), and not the parameters.
      retain_idx  <- rownames(Q_posterior) %in% c("alpha", "random_effects") 
      Q_posterior <- Q_posterior[retain_idx, retain_idx]
    if(opts_FRK$get("verbose")) cat("Extraction completed.\n")
    ##  ---- Update the slots of object ----
    ## Convert to Matrix as these SRE slots require class "Matrix"
    r  <- nbasis(object)
    mstar <- ncol(C_O)
    object@alphahat <- as(estimates$alpha, "Matrix")
    object@mu_eta   <- as(estimates$random_effects[1:r], "Matrix")
    if (object@include_gamma) {
      g <- sum(sapply(G_O, ncol))
      object@mu_gamma  <- as(estimates$random_effects[(r + 1):(r + g)], "Matrix")
    if (object@include_fs) {
      object@mu_xi  <- as(estimates$random_effects[(s - mstar + 1):s], "Matrix")
    } else {
      object@mu_xi  <- as(rep(0, mstar), "Matrix")
    object@sigma2fshat <- unname(exp(estimates$logsigma2fs))
    object@sigma2gamma <- unname(exp(estimates$logsigma2gamma))
    object@Q_posterior <- Q_posterior
    object@phi <- unname(exp(estimates$logphi))
    ## update Khat_inv = Q (used for marginal simulation) 
    # Note that I haven't implemented this for K_type = "precision_block-exponential", or for spatio-temporal data.
    # object@Khat_inv <- .sparse_Q_block_diag(object@basis@df, kappa = exp(estimates$logsigma2) , rho = exp(estimates$logtau))$Q
    ## Log-likeihood (negative of the negative-log-likelihood)
    object@log_likelihood <- -obj$fn() # could also use -fit$objective
    ## If zero fine-scale variation detected just make sure user knows.
    ## This can be symptomatic of poor fitting
    if(any(object@sigma2fshat == 0)) {
      info_fit$sigma2fshat_equal_0 <- 1
      if(opts_FRK$get("verbose") > 0)
        message("sigma2fs is being estimated to zero.
      This might be because of an incorrect binning procedure or because too much 
      measurement error is being assumed (or because the latent field is indeed 
              that smooth, but unlikely).")
    } else {
      info_fit$sigma2fshat_equal_0 <- 0
  object@info_fit <- info_fit

## Initialise the fixed effects, random effects, and parameters for method = 'TMB'.
.TMB_initialise <- function(object, K_type, C_O, X_O, S_O, G_O) {   
  if(opts_FRK$get("verbose")) cat("Initialising parameters and random effects...\n")
  nres    <- max(object@basis@df$res) 
  r       <- object@basis@n  
  # ---- Estimate Y over the observed BAUs ----
  Y_O <- .compute_Y_O(object, C_O = C_O) 
  # ---- Parameter and random effect initialisations ----
  ## Now that we have a crude estimate of Y_O, we may initialise the variance
  ## components and random effect
  l <- list() # list of initial values
  ## i. Fixed effects alpha (OLS solution)
  l$alpha <- solve(t(X_O) %*% X_O) %*% t(X_O) %*% Y_O # OLS solution
  ## ii. Variance components
  ## Dispersion parameter depends on response; some require it to be 1. 
  if (object@response %in% c("poisson", "binomial", "negative-binomial")) {
    l$phi <- 1
  } else if (object@response == "gaussian") {
    l$phi <- mean(diag(object@Ve))
  } else {
    ## Use the variance of the data as our estimate of the dispersion parameter.
    ## This will almost certainly be an overestimate, as the mean-variance 
    ## relationship is not considered.
    l$phi <- var(as.numeric(object@Z))
  ## Variance components of the spatial basis-function coefficients
  l$sigma2  <- var(as.vector(Y_O)) * (0.1)^(0:(nres - 1))
  l$tau     <- (1 / 3)^(1:nres)
  ## If we are using a precision matrix, these are precision parameters, so 
  ## invert them:
  if (K_type != "block-exponential") {
    l$sigma2   <- 1 / l$sigma2
    l$tau      <- 1 / l$tau
  if (K_type == "precision-block-exponential") {
    ## Precision exp requires one extra parameter per resolution
    l$logdelta <- rnorm(nres)
  } else {
    l$logdelta <- 1 # Dummy value
  ## Variance components of temporal basis-function coefficients
  l$sigma2_t    <- 1
  l$rho_t       <- 0.1
  ## iii. Basis function random-effects and fine-scale random effects
  ## Fine-scale variance parameter
  l$sigma2fs <- 0.05
  ## Fine-scale random effects
  mstar <- length(Y_O) # number of observed BAUs (and hence fine-scale random effects to predict)
  l$xi_O <- rnorm(mstar, 0, sqrt(l$sigma2fs))
  ## Now initialise the basis-function coefficients. 
  ## We will do this by simulating from a mean-zero Gaussian distribution 
  ## with variance given by the previously computed variance components. 
  if (K_type != "block-exponential") {
    ## Recall from above that these are precision parameters: Just take the 
    ## inverse to get back to variance components. This is all very rough, but
    ## it doesn't matter because it is only an initialisation. 
    sigma2 <- 1 / l$sigma2
  ## Now need to create a "long" version of sigma2, replicated appropriately. 
  ## Extract the number of spatial and temporal basis functions at each resolution
  temporal <- is(object@basis,"TensorP_Basis")
  if (temporal) {
    spatial_basis <- object@basis@Basis1
    temporal_basis <- object@basis@Basis2
    r_ti  <- as.vector(table(temporal_basis@df$res))
  }  else {
    spatial_basis <- object@basis
    r_ti <- 1
  r_si <- as.vector(table(spatial_basis@df$res))
  sigma2_long <- rep(rep(sigma2, times = r_si), r_ti)
  ## Toy example for above code: rep(rep(c(6, 7), times = c(1, 2)), 3)
  ## Simulate initial values for basis-function coefficients
  l$eta <- rnorm(r, 0, sqrt(sigma2_long))
  ## Random effects
  if (object@include_gamma) {
    num_levels  <- sapply(G_O, ncol)
    l$sigma2gamma <- rep(0.1, length(num_levels))
    g <- sum(num_levels)
    l$gamma  <- rep(1, g)
  } else {
    l$sigma2gamma <- 1
  ## Return list of parameter initialisations for TMB
  transform_minus_one_to_one_inverse <- function(x) -0.5 * log(2 / (x + 1) - 1)
    alpha = as.vector(l$alpha),
    logphi = log(l$phi),
    logsigma2gamma = log(l$sigma2gamma),
    logsigma2 = log(l$sigma2),
    logtau = log(l$tau),
    logsigma2_t = log(l$sigma2_t),  
    frho_t = transform_minus_one_to_one_inverse(l$rho_t),
    logdelta = l$logdelta,
    logsigma2fs = log(l$sigma2fs),
    random_effects = c(as.vector(l$eta),  if(object@include_gamma) as.vector(l$gamma), if(object@include_fs) as.vector(l$xi_O))

.compute_Y_O <- function(object, C_O) {
  Z       <- as.vector(object@Z)         
  k_Z     <- object@k_Z      
  k_BAU_O <- object@k_BAU_O 
  ## Create the relevant link functions. When a probability parameter is 
  ## present in a model and the link-function is appropriate for modelling 
  ## probabilities (i.e., the link function maps to [0, 1]), we may use 
  ## hierarchical linking to first link the probability parameter to the 
  ## Gaussian Y-scale, and then the probability parameter to the conditional 
  ## mean at the data scale. In other situations, we simply map from Y to the mean.
  if (object@response %in% c("binomial", "negative-binomial") & object@link %in% c("logit", "probit", "cloglog")) {
    f     <- .link_fn(kind = "prob_to_Y", link = object@link)
    h     <- .link_fn(kind = "mu_to_prob", response = object@response)
  } else {
    g     <- .link_fn(kind = "mu_to_Y", link = object@link) 
  ## Create altered data to avoid the problems of applying g() to Z.
  ## This altered data is used only during the initialisation stage.
  Z0 <- Z
  if (object@link %in% c("log", "sqrt")) {
    Z0[Z <= 0] <- 0.1      
  } else if (object@response == "negative-binomial" & object@link %in% c("logit", "probit", "cloglog")) {
    Z0[Z == 0]   <- 0.1
  } else if (object@response == "binomial" & object@link %in% c("logit", "probit", "cloglog")) {
    Z0 <- Z + 0.1 * (Z == 0) - 0.1 * (Z == k_Z)
  } else if (object@link %in% c("inverse-squared", "inverse")) {
    Z0[Z == 0] <- 0.05
  # ---- Estimate mu_Z, mu_O, and Y_O ----
  ## First, we estimate mu_Z with the (adjusted) data
  mu_Z <- Z0
  ## Use mu_Z to construct mu_O
  mu_O <- .compute_mu_O(object, C_O, mu_Z)
  ## For some link functions, mu_0 = 0 causes NaNs; set these to a small positive value.
  ## The size parameter being 0 also causes NaNs.
  k_BAU_O[k_BAU_O == 0] <- 1
  mu_O <- mu_O + 0.05 * (mu_O == 0) - 0.05 * (mu_O == k_BAU_O)
  ## Transformed data: convert from data scale to Gaussian Y-scale.
  if (object@response %in% c("binomial", "negative-binomial") & object@link %in% c("logit", "probit", "cloglog")) {
    Y_O <- f(h(mu_O, k_BAU_O)) 
  } else if (object@response == "negative-binomial" & object@link %in% c("log", "sqrt")) {
    Y_O <- g(mu_O / k_BAU_O) 
  } else {
    Y_O <- g(mu_O)

.compute_mu_O <- function(object, C_O, mu_Z) {
  m       <- nrow(C_O)
  mstar   <- ncol(C_O)
  obs_BAUs_df <- object@BAUs@data[object@obsidx, ]
  mu_O <- vector(mode = "list", length = mstar)
  for (Bj in 1:m) {        # for each observation (obs.) j
    w_j <- C_O[Bj, ]              # extract the incidence matrix weights for obs. j
    idx <- which(w_j > 0)         # find the BAU indices associated with obs. j
    ## If the data is bin. or neg.-bin., use the BAU level size parameters to 
    ## interpolate mu_O from mu_Z. (Note that this step is the reason why we enforce
    ## the weights of the incidence matrix to be 1 if the data is bin. or neg.-bin.)
    ## Otherwise, just use the elements (weights) of C_Z to interpolate mu_O from mu_Z.
    if (object@response %in% c("binomial", "negative-binomial")) {
      w_j <- obs_BAUs_df$k_BAU[idx]
    } else {
      w_j <- w_j[idx]
    ## Interpolate mu_Z[j] to each BAU associated with obs. j
    mu_O_j <- w_j / sum(w_j) * mu_Z[Bj] 
    for (i in 1:length(idx)) {  # for each BAU associated with obs. j,
      mu_O[[idx[i]]] <- c(mu_O[[idx[i]]], mu_O_j[i]) # assign mu_O_j[i] to BAU i
  ## If we have overlapping data supports, some entries in the list mu_O will 
  ## have a length greater than 1. If the data is bin. or neg.-bin., take the 
  ## minimum for each entry, because we must have mu_O[i] <= k_BAU_O[i] for all 
  ## i = 1...N. Otherwise, just take the average. 
  if (object@response %in% c("binomial", "negative-binomial")) {
    mu_O <- sapply(mu_O, min)
  } else {
    mu_O <- sapply(mu_O, mean)

.TMB_data_prep <- function (object, sigma2fs_hat, K_type, taper, C_O, X_O, S_O, G_O) {
  if(opts_FRK$get("verbose")) cat("Preparing data for TMB...\n")
  obsidx <- observed_BAUs(object)       # Indices of observed BAUs
  ## measurement error variance (NB: this is a vector)
  sigma2e <- if (object@response == "gaussian") diag(object@Ve) else -1
  ## Data passed to TMB which is common to all
  data <- list(Z = as.vector(object@Z),  # Binned data
               X_O = X_O, S_O = S_O, C_O = C_O,
               K_type = K_type, response = object@response, link = object@link,
               k_BAU_O = object@k_BAU_O, k_Z = object@k_Z,         
               temporal = as.integer(is(object@basis,"TensorP_Basis")), 
               fs_by_spatial_BAU = object@fs_by_spatial_BAU, sigma2e = sigma2e, 
               BAUs_fs = object@BAUs$fs[obsidx])
  ## Define the number of temporal basis function (r_t), and number of spatial BAUs (ns).
  ns <- dim(object@BAUs)[1]
  if (data$temporal) {
    spatial_dist_matrix <- object@D_basis[[1]]
    spatial_basis <- object@basis@Basis1  
    data$r_t <- object@basis@Basis2@n
  } else {
    spatial_dist_matrix <- object@D_basis
    spatial_basis <- object@basis 
    data$r_t <- 1
  data$spatial_BAU_id <- (obsidx - 1) %% ns
  data$r_si <- as.vector(table(spatial_basis@df$res))
  ## Data which depend on K_type: provide dummy data (can't provide nothing)
  ## and only change the ones we actually need.
  data$beta <- data$nnz <- data$row_indices <- data$col_indices <- 
    data$x <- data$n_r <- data$n_c  <- -1 
  if (K_type %in% c("block-exponential", "precision-block-exponential")) {
    tmp         <- .cov_tap(spatial_dist_matrix, taper = taper)
    data$beta   <- tmp$beta 
    R            <- .as(tmp$D_tap, "dgTMatrix")
    data$nnz         <- tmp$nnz 
    data$row_indices <- R@i
    data$col_indices <- R@j
    data$x           <- R@x
  } else if (K_type == "neighbour") {
    tmp <- .sparse_Q_block_diag(spatial_basis@df, kappa = 0, rho = 1)
    R <- .as(tmp$Q, "dgTMatrix")
    data$nnz         <- tmp$nnz
    data$row_indices <- R@i
    data$col_indices <- R@j
    data$x           <- R@x
  ## Create a data entry of sigma2fs_hat (one that will stay constant if we are 
  ## not estimating sigma2fs within TMB)
  data$sigma2fs_hat <- sigma2fs_hat
  ## fix sigma2fs during model fitting if all observations are associated with multiple
  ## BAUs, as TMB will explode if we don't. Otherwise, just estimate it with TMB.
  if (!any(tabulate(object@Cmat@i + 1) == 1)) {
    if(opts_FRK$get("verbose")) cat("There no observations are associated with a single BAU (i.e., all observations are associated with multiple BAUs). This makes the fine-scale variance parameter very difficult to estimate, so we will estimate it offline and fix for the remainder of model fitting; this estimate may be inaccurate.\n")
    data$fix_sigma2fs <- as.integer(1)
    if (object@fs_by_spatial_BAU) 
      stop("We do not allow each spatial BAU to have its own fine-scale variance parameter when there no observations associated with a single BAU (i.e., all observations are associated with multiple BAUs).")
  } else {
    data$fix_sigma2fs <- as.integer(0)
    if (!all(tabulate(object@Cmat@i + 1) == 1)) 
      if(opts_FRK$get("verbose")) cat("Some (but not all) observations are associated with multiple BAUs. Estimation of the fine-scale variance parameter will be done using TMB, but there should be a reasonable number of observations associated with a single BAU so that the fine-scale variance parameter can be estimated accurately.\n")
  data$include_fs <- as.integer(object@include_fs)
  ## Random effects
  if (object@include_gamma) {
    num_levels  <- sapply(G_O, ncol)
    data$gamma_id <- rep(1:length(num_levels), times = num_levels) - 1
    data$G_O        <- do.call(cbind, G_O)
  } else {
    # dummy values 
    data$gamma_id <- c(0, 1)
    data$G_O        <- as(matrix(c(0, 0)), "sparseMatrix")
  data$include_gamma <- as.integer(object@include_gamma)

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FRK documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:38 a.m.