
#' @title estimiate the DM parameters
#' @param alpha shape factor
#' @return a matrix represents the true proportion of the ref.otu.tab, row is otu, column is sample
#' @import stats
#' @rdname rdirichlet.m
#' @export

rdirichlet.m <- function (alpha) {
	Gam <- matrix(rgamma(length(alpha), shape = alpha), nrow(alpha), ncol(alpha))
	t(t(Gam) / colSums(Gam))

#' @title estimiate the true proportion of ref.otu.tab
#' @param ref.otu.tab shape factor
#' @return A list with the elements
#' \item{mu}{absolute abundance before applying size factor}
#' \item{ref.otu.tab}{absolute abundance renormalized by size factor}
#' @rdname EstPara
#' @import dirmult
#' @import stats
#' @export

EstPara <- function (ref.otu.tab) {
	if (is.null(rownames(ref.otu.tab))) {
		rownames(ref.otu.tab) <- paste0('OTU', 1 : nrow(ref.otu.tab))
	} # otu * sample
	samplenames = colnames(ref.otu.tab)
	taxnames = rownames(ref.otu.tab)
	dirmult.paras <- dirmult::dirmult(t(ref.otu.tab))
	gamma = dirmult.paras$gamma
	names(gamma) = names(dirmult.paras$pi)
	# Add pseduo count(each OTU add gamma estimated from dirmult)
	ref.otu.tab = sapply(1:ncol(ref.otu.tab), function (i) gamma + ref.otu.tab[,i]) # C_ij otu * sample
	# back to dirchlet, calculate the true proportion
	ref.otu.tab.p <- rdirichlet.m(ref.otu.tab) # P_ij nOTU*nSam
	colnames(ref.otu.tab.p) = samplenames
	rownames(ref.otu.tab.p) = taxnames
	# order OTUs by mean OTU proportion, for later selection
	ord = order(rowMeans(ref.otu.tab.p), decreasing = TRUE)
	ref.otu.tab.p =  ref.otu.tab.p[ord,]
	# apply size factor
	Si = exp(rnorm(ncol(ref.otu.tab.p)))
	ref.otu.tab0 = t(t(ref.otu.tab.p)*Si)
	colnames(ref.otu.tab0) = colnames(ref.otu.tab.p)
	return(list(mu = ref.otu.tab.p, ref.otu.tab = ref.otu.tab0))

#' @title Simulate microbiome data for differential abundance analysis
#' @param ref.otu.tab taxa in rows, and samples in columns.
#' @param nSam an integer: indicating the number of samples you want to simulate.
#' @param nOTU an integer: indicating the number of taxa you want to simulate.
#' @param diff.otu.pct a number between 0-1: indicating the proportion of differential taxa, default is 0.
#' @param diff.otu.direct a character: consists "balanced" and "unbalanced". "balanced" is default, means differential taxa increase and decrease, "unbalanced" means differetial taxa only increase or only decrease.
#' @param diff.otu.mode a character: consists "rare", "mix", "abundant". "rare" means differential taxa come from the least abundant 0.25 taxa. "abundant", is default, means the most abundant 0.25 taxa. "mix" means 0.5 of the differential taxa come from "abundnat" and "rare", respectively.
#' @param covariate.type a character:"binary", "continuous". "binary" is default, means covariate is binary variable, i.e., case vs control. "continuous" means the covariate is continuous variable, i.e., age.
#' @param covariate.eff.mean a number: indicating the effect size, default is 0.
#' @param grp.ratio a number between 0-1: indicating the ratio of case and control. default is 1, means 50 percentage samples are case and  50 percentage  are control. formula is grp.ratio / (1 + grp.ratio)).
#' @param covariate.eff.sd a number: indicating the variation of the taxa. default is 0, default is 0.
#' @param confounder.type a character: consists "none", "binary", "continuous", "both". default is "none", means no confounding variable. binary" means confounder is 2-group variable, i.e., sex. "continuous" means a continuous variable, i.e., BMI. "both" means two confouders, including binary and continuous variable.
#' @param conf.cov.cor a number between 0-1: indicating the correlation between covariate and confounders, default is 0.6.
#' @param conf.diff.otu.pct a number between 0-1: indicating the proportion of taxa are influenced by confounders, default is 0.05.
#' @param conf.nondiff.otu.pct a number between 0-1: indicating the proportion of taxa are not influenced by confounders, default is 0.1.
#' @param confounder.eff.mean a number: effect size of the confounding effect, default is 0.
#' @param confounder.eff.sd a number: variation of the taxa that have confounding effect. default is 0.
#' @param depth.mu an integer: define the mean sequencing depth to be simulated, default is 10000.
#' @param depth.theta theta value in defining the variance 'mu + mu^2/theta' of the negative binomial distribution, default is 5.
#' @param depth.conf.factor a number: depth confounding factor, 0 means no depth confounding, default is 0
#' @return Return a list with the elements:
#' \item{otu.tab.sim}{simulated otu table}
#' \item{covariate}{simulated covariate}
#' \item{diff.otu.ind}{index of the differential taxa}
#' \item{otu.names}{the otu names of the simulated otu table}
#' \item{conf.otu.ind}{taxa with confounding effect}
#' @rdname SimulateSeq
#' @import dirmult
#' @import MASS
#' @import stats
#' @export

SimulateMSeq <- function (
		ref.otu.tab, nSam = 100, nOTU = 500,
		diff.otu.pct = 0.1, diff.otu.direct = c("balanced", "unbalanced"), diff.otu.mode = c("abundant", "rare", "mix"),
		covariate.type = c("binary", "continuous"), grp.ratio = 1, covariate.eff.mean = 1, covariate.eff.sd = 0,
		confounder.type = c("none", "binary", "continuous", "both"), conf.cov.cor = 0.6, 
		conf.diff.otu.pct = 0, conf.nondiff.otu.pct = 0.1, confounder.eff.mean = 0, confounder.eff.sd = 0,
		error.sd = 0, depth.mu = 10000, depth.theta = 5,  depth.conf.factor = 0
	diff.otu.direct <- match.arg(diff.otu.direct)
	diff.otu.mode <- match.arg(diff.otu.mode)
	covariate.type <- match.arg(covariate.type)
	confounder.type <- match.arg(confounder.type)
	ref.otu.tab0 <- ref.otu.tab
	model.paras <- EstPara(ref.otu.tab = ref.otu.tab) # full ref.otu.tab + estimated parameters
	sample.names <- colnames(model.paras$ref.otu.tab)
	ref.otu.tab <- model.paras$ref.otu.tab[(1 : (nOTU)),] # otu * sample
	idx.otu <- rownames(ref.otu.tab)
	idx.sample <- sample(sample.names, nSam)
	idx.nonsample <- colnames(ref.otu.tab)[!(colnames(ref.otu.tab) %in% idx.sample)]
	ref.otu.tab = ref.otu.tab[,idx.sample] # otu * sample, final selected OTU tab by User
	ref.otu.tab.unselect = ref.otu.tab0[c(1 : (nOTU)),][,idx.nonsample] # For overfitting test
	if (confounder.type == "none")  {
		confounder.type <- "continuous"
		confounder.eff.mean <- 0
		confounder.eff.sd <- 0
		Z <- NULL
	if (confounder.type == "continuous") Z <- cbind(rnorm(nSam))
	if (confounder.type == "binary") Z <- cbind(c(rep(0, nSam %/% 2), rep(1, nSam - nSam %/% 2)))
	if (confounder.type == "both") Z <- cbind(rnorm(nSam), c(rep(0, nSam %/% 2), rep(1, nSam - nSam %/% 2)))
	rho <- sqrt(conf.cov.cor ^ 2 / (1 - conf.cov.cor ^ 2))
	if (covariate.type == 'continuous') {
		X <- rho * scale(scale(Z) %*% rep(1, ncol(Z)))  + rnorm(nSam)
	if (covariate.type == "binary") {
		X <- rho * scale(scale(Z) %*% rep(1, ncol(Z)))  + rnorm(nSam)
		X <- cbind(ifelse(X <= quantile(X, grp.ratio / (1 + grp.ratio)), 0, 1))
	rownames(X) <- colnames(ref.otu.tab)
	covariate.eff.mean1 = covariate.eff.mean
	covariate.eff.mean2 = covariate.eff.mean
	if (diff.otu.direct == "balanced") {
		if (diff.otu.mode == 'abundant'){
			eta.diff <- sample(c(rnorm(floor(nOTU / 2), mean = -covariate.eff.mean2, sd = covariate.eff.sd),
							rnorm(nOTU - floor(nOTU / 2), mean = covariate.eff.mean2, sd = covariate.eff.sd)))  %*% t(scale(X)) # multiple means * xb, eta = xb
		}else if(diff.otu.mode == 'rare'){
			eta.diff <- sample(c(rnorm(floor(nOTU / 2), mean = -covariate.eff.mean2, sd = covariate.eff.sd),
							rnorm(nOTU - floor(nOTU / 2), mean = covariate.eff.mean2, sd = covariate.eff.sd)))  %*% t(scale(X))
			eta.diff <- c(sample(c(rnorm(floor(nOTU / 4), mean = -covariate.eff.mean1, sd = covariate.eff.sd),
									rnorm(floor(nOTU / 2) - floor(nOTU / 4), mean = covariate.eff.mean1, sd = covariate.eff.sd))),
					sample(c(rnorm(floor((nOTU -floor(nOTU / 2))/2), mean = -covariate.eff.mean2, sd = covariate.eff.sd),
									rnorm(nOTU -floor(nOTU / 2) - floor((nOTU -floor(nOTU / 2))/2), mean = covariate.eff.mean2, sd = covariate.eff.sd)))) %*% t(scale(X))
	if (diff.otu.direct == "unbalanced") {
		if (diff.otu.mode == 'abundant'){
			eta.diff <- rnorm(nOTU, mean = covariate.eff.mean2, sd = covariate.eff.sd) %*% t(scale(X)) # otu in 50% samples +, 50% sample -
		}else if(diff.otu.mode == 'rare'){
			eta.diff <- rnorm(nOTU, mean = covariate.eff.mean2, sd = covariate.eff.sd) %*% t(scale(X))
			eta.diff <- c(sample(c(rnorm(floor(nOTU / 2), mean = covariate.eff.mean1, sd = covariate.eff.sd))),
					sample(c(rnorm(nOTU - floor(nOTU / 2), mean = covariate.eff.mean2, sd = covariate.eff.sd)))) %*% t(scale(X))
	eta.conf <-  sample(c(rnorm(floor(nOTU / 2), mean = -confounder.eff.mean, sd = confounder.eff.sd),
					rnorm(nOTU - floor(nOTU / 2), mean = confounder.eff.mean, sd = confounder.eff.sd)))  %*% t(scale(scale(Z) %*% rep(1, ncol(Z))))
	otu.ord <- 1 : (nOTU)
	diff.otu.ind <- NULL
	diff.otu.num <- round(diff.otu.pct * nOTU)
	if (diff.otu.mode == 'mix') diff.otu.ind <- c(diff.otu.ind, sample(otu.ord, diff.otu.num))
	if (diff.otu.mode == 'abundant') diff.otu.ind <- c(diff.otu.ind, sample(otu.ord[1 : round(length(otu.ord) / 4)], diff.otu.num))
	if (diff.otu.mode == 'rare') diff.otu.ind <- c(diff.otu.ind, sample(otu.ord[round(3 * length(otu.ord) / 4) : length(otu.ord)], diff.otu.num))
#	if(diff.otu.pct > 0){
#		conf.otu.ind <- c(sample(diff.otu.ind, round(nOTU * conf.diff.otu.pct)), sample(setdiff(1 : (nOTU), diff.otu.ind), round(conf.nondiff.otu.pct * nOTU)))
#		eta.diff[setdiff(1 : (nOTU), diff.otu.ind), ] <- 0 # some OTUs will be 0
#		eta.conf[setdiff(1 : (nOTU), conf.otu.ind), ] <- 0
#	}else{
#		eta.diff <- eta.diff
#		eta.conf <- eta.conf
#		conf.otu.ind <- NULL
#	}
    if (length(diff.otu.ind) >= round(nOTU * conf.diff.otu.pct)) {
		conf.otu.ind1 <- sample(diff.otu.ind, round(nOTU * conf.diff.otu.pct))
	} else {
		conf.otu.ind1 <- diff.otu.ind
    conf.otu.ind <- c(conf.otu.ind1, sample(setdiff(1 : (nOTU), diff.otu.ind), round(conf.nondiff.otu.pct * nOTU)))
    eta.diff[setdiff(1 : (nOTU), diff.otu.ind), ] <- 0 # some OTUs will be 0
    eta.conf[setdiff(1 : (nOTU), conf.otu.ind), ] <- 0
	eta.error <- matrix(rnorm(nOTU * nSam, 0, error.sd), nOTU, nSam)

	eta.exp <- exp(t(eta.diff + eta.conf + eta.error))
	eta.exp <- eta.exp * t(ref.otu.tab)
	ref.otu.tab.prop <- eta.exp / rowSums(eta.exp)
	ref.otu.tab.prop <- t(ref.otu.tab.prop) # otu * sample
	nSeq <- rnegbin(nSam, mu = depth.mu * exp(scale(X) * depth.conf.factor), theta = depth.theta)

	otu.tab.sim <- sapply(1:ncol(ref.otu.tab.prop), function (i) rmultinom(1, nSeq[i], ref.otu.tab.prop[,i]))
	colnames(otu.tab.sim) <- rownames(eta.exp)
	rownames(otu.tab.sim) <- rownames(ref.otu.tab)
	diff.otu.ind = (1 : nOTU) %in% diff.otu.ind
	conf.otu.ind = (1 : nOTU) %in% conf.otu.ind
	return(list(otu.tab.sim = otu.tab.sim, covariate = X, confounder = Z, diff.otu.ind = diff.otu.ind, otu.names = idx.otu, conf.otu.ind = conf.otu.ind))

#' @title Simulate correlated microbiome data for differential abundance analysis
#' @param ref.otu.tab a matrix, the reference OTU count table (row - OTUs, column - samples), serving as the template for synthetic sample generation.
#' @param nSubject the number of subjects to be simulated.
#' @param nOTU the number of OTUs to be simulated.
#' @param nTime the number of time points to be simulated.
#' @param error.sd variance of the random error controls the within-subject correlation for taxa, default is 1.
#' @param MgX mean of the group effect across taxa.
#' @param SgX variance of the group effect across taxa.
#' @param X.diff.otu.pct a numeric value between 0 and 1, the percentage of differential OTUs for group effect to be simulated. If 0, global null setting is simulated. The default is 0.1.
#' @param grp.ratio a numeric value between 0 and 1. Group size ratio. The default is 1, means equal group size.
#' @param balanced.X a logical value "TRUE" or "FALSE" indicates the direction of change for these differential OTUs for group effect. "TRUE" means the direction of change for these differential OTUs is random. "FALSE" the direction of change is the same. The default is "TRUE".
#' @param MgT mean of the time effect across taxa. Default is 0.
#' @param SgT variance of the time effect across taxa. Default is 0.
#' @param SbT variance of the subject-specific time effect reflecting the between-subject variability. Default is 0.
#' @param T.diff.otu.pct a numeric value between 0 and 1, the percentage of differential OTUs for time effect to be simulated. If 0, global null setting is simulated. The default is 0.
#' @param balanced.T a logical value "TRUE" or "FALSE" indicates the direction of change for these differential OTUs for time effect. "TRUE" means the direction of change for these differential OTUs is random. "FALSE" the direction of change is the same. The default is "TRUE".
#' @param MgXT mean of the time effect across taxa. Default is 0.
#' @param SgXT variance of the time effect across taxa. Default is 0.
#' @param XT.diff.otu.pct a numeric value between 0 and 1, the percentage of differential OTUs for X:T interaction effect to be simulated. If 0, global null setting is simulated. The default is 0.
#' @param balanced.XT a logical value "TRUE" or "FALSE" indicates the direction of change for these differential OTUs for X:time interaction effect. "TRUE" means the direction of change for these differential OTUs is random. "FALSE" the direction of change is the same. The default is "TRUE".
#' @param MgZ mean of the confounder effect across taxa. Default is 0.5.
#' @param SgZ variance of confounder effect across taxa. Default is 0.
#' @param Z.diff.otu.pct a numeric value between 0 and 1, the percentage of differential OTUs for confounder effect to be sampled from group effect. If 0, global null setting is simulated. The default is 0.05.
#' @param Z.nondiff.otu.pct a numeric value between 0 and 1, the percentage of differential OTUs for confounder effect to be sampled without group effect. If 0, global null setting is simulated. The default is 0.1.
#' @param conf.cov.cor a numeric value between 0 and 1. The correlation between the covariate of interest and the confounder. The default is 0.6.
#' @param depth.mu the mean sequencing depth to be simulated. The default is 10,000.
#' @param depth.theta the theta value of the negative binomial distribution controlling the variance (mu + mu^2/theta). The default is 5.
#' @param depth.conf.factor a numeric value controlling the dependence of the sequencing depth on the covariate of interest (depth.mu * exp(scale(X) * depth.conf.factor)). The default is 0, i.e., the depth is not associated with the covariate of interest. This parameter can be used to simulate depth confounding.
#' @return Return a list with the elements:
#' \item{otu.tab.sim}{simulated OTU table}
#' \item{meta}{simulated meta data, including columns: covariate of interest(X), confounder(Z), time variable(time) and SubjectID}
#' \item{otu.names}{the names of the simulated OTUs}
#' \item{X.diff.otu.ind}{indices of the differential OTUs affected by the covariate of interest}
#' \item{T.diff.otu.ind}{indices of the differential OTUs affected by the time}
#' \item{XT.diff.otu.ind}{indices of the differential OTUs affected by the interaction between the covariate of interest and time}
#' \item{Z.diff.otu.ind}{indices of the differential OTUs affected by the confounder}
#' @rdname SimulateMSeqC
#' @import dirmult
#' @import MASS
#' @import stats
#' @export

SimulateMSeqC <- function (
		# Input data
		ref.otu.tab, # otu * sample
		nSubject = 40, nOTU = 50, nTime = 2,
		# Random error
		error.sd = 1, 
		# Group effect
		MgX = 0.5, SgX = 0, X.diff.otu.pct = 0.1, grp.ratio = 1, balanced.X = TRUE,
		# Time effect
		MgT = 0, SgT = 0, SbT = 0, T.diff.otu.pct =0, balanced.T = TRUE,
		# Interaction effect
		MgXT = 0, SgXT = 0, XT.diff.otu.pct = 0, balanced.XT = TRUE,
		# Confounding effect
		conf.cov.cor = 0.6, confounder = c('X', 'T'),
		MgZ = 0.5, SgZ = 0,  Z.diff.otu.pct = 0.05, Z.nondiff.otu.pct = 0.1, 
		# Sequence depth
		depth.mu = 10000, depth.theta = 5,  depth.conf.factor = 0
	confounder <- match.arg(confounder)
	if (confounder  == 'X') {
		if (Z.diff.otu.pct > X.diff.otu.pct)  stop("Z.diff.otu.pct should not be larger than X.diff.otu.pct!\n")
	if (confounder  == 'T') {
		if (Z.diff.otu.pct > T.diff.otu.pct)  stop("Z.diff.otu.pct should not be larger than T.diff.otu.pct!\n")
	## Estimate parameters
	model.paras <- EstPara(ref.otu.tab)
	## select top nOTU
	sample.names <- colnames(model.paras$ref.otu.tab)
	idx.sample <- sample(sample.names, nSubject, replace = T)
	OTU <- model.paras$ref.otu.tab[,idx.sample, drop=F]
	otu.names <- names(sort(rowMeans(OTU),decreasing=T))[1:nOTU]
	otu_tab <- OTU[otu.names,, drop=F]
	error.mean <- 0
	## Replicate template sample in each Subject, generate baseline otu table
	otu.tab <- otu_tab[, rep(1:nSubject, each=nTime)]
	colnames(otu.tab) <- paste0(paste0('rep',1:nTime), '_',rep(paste0('Subject',1:nSubject), each = nTime))
	## Generate meta data
	nSam <- ncol(otu.tab)
	SubjectID <- as.numeric(gsub('.*Subject','',colnames(otu.tab)))
	time <- as.numeric(as.factor(gsub('_.*','',colnames(otu.tab))))-1
	X <- as.vector(ifelse(SubjectID <= quantile(unique(SubjectID), grp.ratio / (1 + grp.ratio)), 0, 1))

	rho <- sqrt(conf.cov.cor ^ 2 / (1 - conf.cov.cor ^ 2))
	if (confounder == 'X') {
		Z <- as.vector(rho * scale(X) + rnorm(nSam))
	} else {
		Z <- as.vector(rho * scale(time) + rnorm(nSam))
	meta <- cbind.data.frame(X, Z, SubjectID, time)
	rownames(meta) <- colnames(otu.tab)
	## Generate random error
	error <- replicate(nSam,rnorm(nOTU, error.mean, error.sd))
	## Generate diff.otu.ind
	otu.ord <- 1:nOTU
	X.diff.otu.ind <- T.diff.otu.ind <- XT.diff.otu.ind <-NULL
	X.diff.otu.num <- round(X.diff.otu.pct * nOTU)
	X.diff.otu.ind <- c(X.diff.otu.ind, sample(otu.ord, X.diff.otu.num))
	T.diff.otu.num <- round(T.diff.otu.pct * nOTU)
	T.diff.otu.ind <- c(T.diff.otu.ind, sample(otu.ord, T.diff.otu.num))
	Z.diff.otu.num <- round(Z.diff.otu.pct * nOTU)
	Z.nondiff.otu.num <- round(Z.nondiff.otu.pct * nOTU)
	if(confounder == 'T'){
		Z.diff.otu.ind <- c(sample(T.diff.otu.ind, Z.diff.otu.num), sample(setdiff(otu.ord, T.diff.otu.ind), Z.nondiff.otu.num))
		Z.diff.otu.ind <- c(sample(X.diff.otu.ind, Z.diff.otu.num), sample(setdiff(otu.ord, X.diff.otu.ind), Z.nondiff.otu.num))
	## Generate coefficient for X
		coef.X <- sample(c(rnorm(floor(nOTU / 2), mean = -MgX, sd = SgX), rnorm(nOTU - floor(nOTU / 2), mean = MgX, sd = SgX)))
		coef.X <- rnorm(nOTU, MgX, SgX)
	coef.X[setdiff(otu.ord, X.diff.otu.ind)] <- 0
	eta.X <- coef.X  %*% t(scale(X))
	## Generate coefficient for time
		coef.T <- sample(c(rnorm(floor(nOTU / 2), mean = -MgT, sd = SgT), rnorm(nOTU - floor(nOTU / 2), mean = MgT, sd = SgT)))
		coef.T <- rnorm(nOTU, MgT, SgT)
	coef.T[setdiff(otu.ord, T.diff.otu.ind)] <- 0
	coef.T.Subject <- replicate(nSubject, rnorm(nOTU, coef.T, SbT))
	coef.T <- matrix(data = apply(coef.T.Subject, 2, function(x) rep(x, nTime)), ncol = ncol(coef.T.Subject)*nTime)
	eta.T <- t(t(coef.T) * as.vector(scale(time)))
	## Generate coefficient for interaction
		coef.XT <- sample(c(rnorm(floor(nOTU / 2), mean = -MgXT, sd = SgXT), rnorm(nOTU - floor(nOTU / 2), mean = MgXT, sd = SgXT)))
		coef.XT  <- rnorm(nOTU, MgXT, SgXT)
	coef.XT[setdiff(otu.ord, XT.diff.otu.ind)] <- 0
	coef.XT.Subject <- replicate(nSubject, rnorm(nOTU, coef.XT, 0))
	coef.XT <- matrix(data = apply(coef.XT.Subject, 2, function(x) rep(x, nTime)), ncol = ncol(coef.XT.Subject)*nTime)
	eta.XT <-  t(t(coef.XT) * as.vector(scale(time) *scale(X)))
	## Generate coefficient for Z, assume balanced change
	coef.Z <- sample(c(rnorm(floor(nOTU / 2), mean = -MgZ, sd = SgZ), rnorm(nOTU - floor(nOTU / 2), mean = MgZ, sd = SgZ)))
	coef.Z[setdiff(otu.ord, Z.diff.otu.ind)] <- 0
	eta.Z <- coef.Z %*% t(scale(Z))
	## combine index matrix, coefficient matrix and design matrix
	eta.exp <- exp(t(eta.X + eta.Z + eta.T + eta.XT + error))
	eta.exp <- eta.exp * t(otu.tab)
	# Renormalize
	otu.tab.prop <- t(eta.exp / rowSums(eta.exp))
	# Generate the sequence depth
	nSeq <- rnegbin(ncol(otu.tab.prop), mu = depth.mu * exp(scale(X) * depth.conf.factor), theta = depth.theta)
	otu.tab.sim <- sapply(1:ncol(otu.tab.prop), function (i) rmultinom(1, nSeq[i], otu.tab.prop[,i]))
	colnames(otu.tab.sim) <- rownames(eta.exp)
	rownames(otu.tab.sim) <- colnames(eta.exp)
	otu.names <- colnames(eta.exp)
	X.diff.otu.ind = (1 : nOTU) %in% X.diff.otu.ind
	T.diff.otu.ind = (1 : nOTU) %in% T.diff.otu.ind
	XT.diff.otu.ind = (1 : nOTU) %in% XT.diff.otu.ind
	Z.diff.otu.ind = (1 : nOTU) %in% Z.diff.otu.ind
	return(list(otu.tab.sim = otu.tab.sim, meta = meta, otu.names = otu.names,
					X.diff.otu.ind = X.diff.otu.ind, T.diff.otu.ind = T.diff.otu.ind, XT.diff.otu.ind = XT.diff.otu.ind, Z.diff.otu.ind = Z.diff.otu.ind))

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GUniFrac documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 1:07 a.m.