Fixed defunct tidyr functions nest_() and unnest_(), and depreciated tidyr functions spread_() and gather_(). This is in compliance with tidyr version 1.0.0
HTSSIP 1.4.0
replaced sample data with smaller dataset for storage/memory and processing time constraints
updated package requirements to more up-to-data packages
HTSSIP 1.3.2
transferred maintainership from NY to SB
HTSSIP 1.3.1
added citation information following publication in PLoS ONE
HTSSIP 1.3.0
added heavy_SIP() function for conducting historically used SIP analysis methods
altered and expanded the permutation methods used for BD_shift()
HTSSIP 1.2.0
added permutation test to BD_shift()
update function documentation
fixed a couple of small bugs
HTSSIP 1.1.1
small documentation updates and bug fixes
HTSSIP 1.1.0
fixed BD ordination plotting standard evaluation bug
HTSSIP 1.0.3
CRAN release
HTSSIP 1.0.2
Fixed CRAN namesspace warnings/notes
Reduced run time of examples, tests, and vignettes
HTSSIP 1.0.1
Reduced run time of examples, tests, and vignettes
HTSSIP 1.0.0
Examples for exported functions.
Tests covering all exported functions.
Vignettes for each category of analyses available with the package.