#' Plot function for mapped point information
#' Plot mapped point information, e.g. model performances at observation sites.
#' @param x Information to plot, typically model performances from imported HYPE 'subassX.txt' files. Data frame object
#' with two columns, first column containing SUBIDs and second column containing model results to plot. See details.
#' @param sites,map A \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame} or \code{sf} object. Typically an imported outlet point vector point file. Import of vector points
#' requires additional packages, e.g. [sf::st_read()].
#' @param sites.subid.column,map.subid.column Integer, column index in the \code{sites} 'data' \code{\link{slot}} holding SUBIDs (sub-catchment IDs).
#' @param sites.groups Named list providing groups of SUBIDs to allow toggling of point groups in Leaflet maps. Default \code{NULL} will produce maps without
#' point groups. List names represent the names of the groups to plot, and list values represent the SUBIDs within the group.
#' Example: \code{sites.groups = list("GROUP 1" = c(1, 2, 3), "GROUP 2" = c(4, 5, 6))}.
#' @param bg A \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} or \code{sf} object to plot in the background. Typically an imported sub-basin vector polygon file.
#' For default maps with several background layers, use \code{add = TRUE} and plot background layer(s) first.
#' @param bg.label.column Integer, column index in the \code{bg} 'data' \code{\link{slot}} holding labels (e.g. SUBIDs) to use for plotting.
#' @param Character string. HYPE variable name to be plotted. Mandatory for automatic color ramp selection of pre-defined
#' HYPE variables (\code{col = "auto"}). Not case-sensitive.
#' @param map.type Map type keyword string. Choose either \code{"default"} for the default static plots or \code{"leaflet"} for interactive Leaflet maps. Use \code{"legacy"} for deprecated static plots.
#' @param Logical, if \code{map.type} is \code{"leaflet"}, then should the output be a list containing the basemap, formatted data, legend colors, and legend labels? Typically set to \code{FALSE} unless using \code{PlotMapOutput} to create Shiny apps or custom Leaflet maps.
#' @param plot.legend Logical, plot a legend along with the map.
#' @param legend.pos Keyword string for legend position. For static plots, one of: \code{"none"}, \code{"left"}, \code{"right"},
#' \code{"bottom"}, \code{"top"}, or a two-element numeric vector. For interactive Leaflet maps, one of: \code{"topleft"}, \code{"topright"}, \code{"bottomright"}, \code{"bottomleft"}. For legacy static plots, one of: \code{"left"}, \code{"topleft"}, \code{"topright"},
#' \code{"right"}, \code{"bottomright"}, \code{"bottomleft"}.
#' @param legend.title Character string or mathematical expression. An optional title for the legend. If none is provided here, the name of the second column in \code{x}
#' is used as legend title string.
#' @param legend.signif Integer, number of significant digits to display in legend labels.
#' @param col Colors to use on the map. One of the following: \itemize{
#' \item \code{NULL}, to use a default purple-red-yellow-blue color ramp, best used with \code{col.breaks = NULL}.
#' \item A color ramp palette function, e.g. as returned from a call to \code{\link{colorRampPalette}}
#' \item A vector of colors. This can be a character vector of R's built-in color names or hexadecimal strings as returned by
#' \code{\link{rgb}}, or an integer vector of current \code{\link{palette}} indices.
#' }
#' @param col.breaks A numeric vector, specifying break points for discretization of model result values into classes. Class boundaries will be
#' interpreted as right-closed, i.e upper boundaries included in class. Lowest class boundary included in lowest class as well.
#' Meaningful results require the lowest and uppermost breaks to bracket all model result values, otherwise there will be
#' unclassified white spots on the map plot. If \code{NULL} (the default), \code{col.breaks} covers a range from 0 to 1
#' with 9 intervals, and an additional interval for negative values. This is suitable for e.g. NSE performances.
#' @param col.labels A character vector, specifying custom labels to be used for each legend item. Works with \code{map.type} set to \code{default} or \code{leaflet}.
#' @param col.rev Logical, If \code{TRUE}, then color palette will be reversed.
#' @param plot.scale Logical, plot a scale bar on map. NOTE: Scale bar may be inaccurate for geographic coordinate systems (Consider switching to projected coordinate system).
#' @param scale.pos Keyword string for scalebar position for static maps. One of \code{bl}, \code{br}, \code{tr}, or \code{tl}.
#' @param plot.arrow Logical, plot a North arrow in static maps.
#' @param arrow.pos Keyword string for north arrow position for static maps. One of \code{bl}, \code{br}, \code{tr}, or \code{tl}.
#' @param radius Numeric, radius of markers maps. See [ggplot2::geom_sf] for static maps and [leaflet::addCircleMarkers] for Leaflet maps.
#' @param weight Numeric, weight of marker outlines in Leaflet maps. See [leaflet::addCircleMarkers].
#' @param opacity Numeric, opacity of marker outlines in Leaflet maps. See [leaflet::addCircleMarkers].
#' @param fillOpacity Numeric, opacity of markers in Leaflet maps. See [leaflet::addCircleMarkers].
#' @param na.color Character string of color to use to symbolize markers in maps which correspond to \code{NA} values.
#' @param jitter Numeric, amount to jitter points with duplicate geometries. See [sf::st_jitter].
#' @param bg.weight Numeric, weight of \code{bg} subbasin outlines in Leaflet maps. See [leaflet::addPolygons].
#' @param bg.opacity Numeric, opacity of \code{bg} subbasin outlines in Leaflet maps. See [ggplot2::geom_sf] for static maps and [leaflet::addPolygons] for Leaflet maps.
#' @param bg.fillColor Character string of color to use to symbolize \code{bg} subbasin polygons in maps. See [ggplot2::geom_sf] for static maps and [leaflet::addPolygons] for Leaflet maps.
#' @param bg.fillOpacity Numeric in range 0-1, opacity of \code{bg} subbasin polygons in maps. See [ggplot2::geom_sf] for static maps and [leaflet::addPolygons] for Leaflet maps.
#' @param plot.label Logical, if \code{TRUE}, then labels will be displayed on default static maps and in Leaflet maps when the cursor hovers over markers.
#' See [ggplot2::geom_sf_text] for default maps and [leaflet::addCircleMarkers] for Leaflet maps.
#' @param plot.label.size Numeric, size of text for labels on default static plots. See [ggplot2::geom_sf_text].
#' @param plot.label.geometry Keyword string to select where plot labels should be displayed on the default static plots. Either \code{centroid} to use \code{sf::st_centroid} or \code{surface} to use \code{sf::st_point_on_surface}.
#' @param noHide Logical, set to \code{TRUE} to always display marker labels in Leaflet maps. See [leaflet::labelOptions].
#' @param textOnly Logical, set to \code{TRUE} to hide marker label background in Leaflet maps. See [leaflet::labelOptions].
#' @param font.size Numeric, font size (px) for marker labels in Leaflet maps.
#' @param String, if \code{hover}, then labels will be displayed in Leaflet maps for \code{bg} when the cursor hovers over polygons. If \code{static}, then static
#' labels for \code{bg} will be displayed in Leaflet maps. If any string is specified, then background labels will be added to default static maps.
#' @param file Save map to an image file by specifying the path to the desired output file using this argument. File extension must be specified. See [ggplot2::ggsave] for static maps and
#' [mapview::mapshot] for Leaflet maps. You may need to run \code{webshot::install_phantomjs()} the first time you save a Leaflet map to an image file. See [webshot::install_phantomjs].
#' @param width Numeric, width of output plot for static maps in units of \code{units}. See [ggplot2::ggsave].
#' @param height Numeric, height of output plot for static maps in units of \code{units}. See [ggplot2::ggsave].
#' @param units Keyword string for units to save static map. One of \code{"in"}, \code{"cm"}, \code{"mm"}, \code{"px"}. See [ggplot2::ggsave].
#' @param dpi Integer, resolution to save static map. See [ggplot2::ggsave].
#' @param vwidth Numeric, width of the exported Leaflet map image in pixels. See [webshot::webshot].
#' @param vheight Numeric, height of the exported Leaflet map image in pixels. See [webshot::webshot].
#' @param Save Leaflet map to an interactive HTML file by specifying the path to the desired output file using this argument. File extension must be specified.
#' See [htmlwidgets::saveWidget].
#' @param map.adj Numeric, map adjustment in direction where it is smaller than the plot window. A value of \code{0} means left-justified
#' or bottom-justified, \code{0.5} (the default) means centered, and \code{1} means right-justified or top-justified. Only used for legacy static maps.
#' @param legend.outer Logical. If \code{TRUE}, outer break point values will be plotted in legend. Only used for legacy static maps.
#' @param legend.inset Numeric, inset distance(s) from the margins as a fraction of the plot region for legend, scale and north arrow.
#' See \code{\link{legend}} and details below. Only used for legacy static maps.
#' @param pt.cex Numeric, plot point size expansion factor, works on top of \code{par.cex}.
#' @param par.cex Numeric, character expansion factor. See description of \code{cex} in \code{\link{par}}. Only used for legacy maps.
#' @param par.mar Plot margins as in \code{\link{par}} argument \code{mar}. Defaults to a nearly margin-less plot.
#' In standard use cases of this function, plot margins do not need to be changed. Only used for legacy maps.
#' @param pch,lwd Integer, plotting symbol and line width. See \code{\link{points}}. Only used for legacy maps.
#' @param add Logical, default \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, add to existing plot. In that case \code{map.adj} has no effect. Only used for legacy maps.
#' @details
#' \code{PlotMapPoints} can be used to print point information on a mapped surface. The primary target are model performance
#' measures as written to
#' \href{}{HYPE 'subassX.txt' files}, but
#' color scale and break point arguments are flexible enough to also be used with e.g. HYPE output variables or other data.
#' \code{PlotMapOutput} can return static plots or interactive Leaflet maps depending on value provided for the argument \code{map.type}.
#' For backwards compatibility, legacy static plots can still be generated by setting \code{map.type} to \code{legacy}. For legacy plots, \code{legend.pos} and
#' \code{map.adj} should be chosen so that legend and map do not overlap, and the legend position can be fine-tuned using
#' argument \code{legend.inset}. This is particularly useful for legend titles with more than one line. For details on inset
#' specification for the default maps, see \code{inset} in \code{\link{legend}}.
#' @return
#' For default static maps, \code{PlotMapPoints} returns an object of class \code{ggplot}. This plot can also be assigned to a variable in the environment.
#' For interactive Leaflet maps, \code{PlotMapOutput} returns an object of class \code{leaflet}. For legacy static plots, \code{PlotMapOutput} returns a plot to the
#' currently active plot device and invisibly an object of class \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame} as provided in argument \code{sites}, with plotted values and color codes added as columns
#' in the data slot.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{ReadSubass}} for HYPE result import; \code{\link{ReadMapOutput}} for a similar plot function
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Import plot data and subbasin points
#' require(sf)
#' te1 <- ReadSubass(filename = system.file("demo_model",
#' "results", "subass1.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te2 <- st_read(dsn = system.file("demo_model",
#' "gis", "Nytorp_station.gpkg", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te2$SUBID <- 3587 # add station SUBID to point
#' te3 <- st_read(dsn = system.file("demo_model",
#' "gis", "Nytorp_map.gpkg", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' # plot NSE performance for discharge
#' PlotMapPoints(x = te1[, 1:2], sites = te2, sites.subid.column = 4, bg = te3)
#' }
#' @importFrom dplyr right_join %>% mutate filter across
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes geom_sf ggplot ggsave scale_color_manual scale_fill_manual theme element_text element_blank
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.list colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom graphics par frame legend strwidth text
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
PlotMapPoints <- function(x, sites = NULL, sites.subid.column = 1, sites.groups = NULL, bg = NULL, bg.label.column = 1, = "", map.type = "default", = FALSE,
plot.legend = TRUE, legend.pos = "right", legend.title = NULL,
legend.signif = 2, col = NULL, col.breaks = NULL, col.labels = NULL, col.rev = FALSE,
plot.scale = TRUE, scale.pos = "br", plot.arrow = TRUE, arrow.pos = "tr",
radius = 5, weight = 0.15, opacity = 0.75, fillOpacity = 0.5, na.color = "#808080", jitter = 0.01,
bg.weight = 0.15, bg.opacity = 0.75, bg.fillColor = "#e5e5e5", bg.fillOpacity = 0.75,
# plot.searchbar = FALSE, # leaflet.extras searchbar currently doesn't work for CircleMarkers
plot.label = FALSE, plot.label.size = 2.5, plot.label.geometry = c("centroid", "surface"), noHide = FALSE, textOnly = FALSE, font.size = 10, = NULL,
file = "", width = NA, height = NA, units = c("in", "cm", "mm", "px"), dpi = 300,
vwidth = 1424, vheight = 1000, = "",
map.adj = 0, legend.outer = FALSE, legend.inset = c(0, 0), pt.cex = 1, par.cex = 1, par.mar = rep(0, 4) + .1, pch = 21, lwd = .8, add = FALSE,
map = NULL, map.subid.column = NULL) {
# Backup par and restore on function exit
userpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # Backup par
on.exit(suppressWarnings(par(userpar))) # Restore par on function exit - suppress warnings because par not updated when using leaflet map so you get warning on exit that you call par with no plot
# Check/Load Dependencies for interactive mapping features - do this here so that these packages are not required for the base HYPEtools installation
if (map.type == "leaflet" & !all(
requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE),
requireNamespace("leaflet", quietly = TRUE),
requireNamespace("leaflet.extras", quietly = TRUE),
requireNamespace("mapview", quietly = TRUE),
requireNamespace("htmlwidgets", quietly = TRUE)
)) {
# Warn that a dependency is not installed
stop('To use the interactive mapping features, please ensure that the following packages are installed: c("sf", "leaflet", "leaflet.extras", "mapview", "htmlwidgets")', call.=FALSE)
# Perform function
} else {
# Clear plotting devices if argument is true - prevents R fatal errors caused if PlotMapPoints tries to add default plot to existing Leaflet map
# if ( == TRUE & !is.null(dev.list()))
# Argument Verification
units <- match.arg(units)
plot.label.geometry <- match.arg(plot.label.geometry)
# Get plot label geometry
if(plot.label.geometry == "centroid"){
plot.label.geometry <- sf::st_centroid
} else if(plot.label.geometry == "surface"){
plot.label.geometry <- sf::st_point_on_surface
# Adjust legend position for leaflet
if(map.type == "leaflet" & plot.legend == TRUE){
if(legend.pos == "top"){
warning(paste0('For Leaflet maps legend.pos must be one of "bottomright", "topright", "topleft", or "bottomleft", not "', legend.pos, '". Switching to "topright".'), call. = FALSE)
legend.pos <- "topright"
} else if(legend.pos == "left"){
warning(paste0('For Leaflet maps legend.pos must be one of "bottomright", "topright", "topleft", or "bottomleft", not "', legend.pos, '". Switching to "bottomleft".'), call. = FALSE)
legend.pos <- "bottomleft"
} else if(legend.pos == "right"){
warning(paste0('For Leaflet maps legend.pos must be one of "bottomright", "topright", "topleft", or "bottomleft", not "', legend.pos, '". Switching to "bottomright".'), call. = FALSE)
legend.pos <- "bottomright"
} else if(legend.pos == "bottom"){
warning(paste0('For Leaflet maps legend.pos must be one of "bottomright", "topright", "topleft", or "bottomleft", not "', legend.pos, '". Switching to "bottomright".'), call. = FALSE)
legend.pos <- "bottomright"
# Check that sites/map are specified
stopifnot(!is.null(sites) | !is.null(map))
# Handle if both sites/map are specified or if only sites specified
if(!is.null(sites) & !is.null(map)){
warning('Both "sites" and "map" arguments specified. Ignoring "map".', call. = FALSE)
} else if(!is.null(map)){
sites <- map
# Handle if map.subid.column is specified
warning('"map.subid.column" argument specified. Ignoring "sites.subid.column".', call. = FALSE)
sites.subid.column <- map.subid.column
# input argument checks
stopifnot(, dim(x)[2] == 2,
("sf" %in% class(sites) | "SpatialPointsDataFrame" %in% class(sites)),
("sf" %in% class(bg) | "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" %in% class(bg) | is.null(bg)),
is.null(col.breaks) || is.numeric(col.breaks)
# Force x to data.frame format from e.g. tibble or data.table
x <-
# Check if GIS data exists for all mapoutput SUBIDs
if(!all(as.character(x[[1]]) %in% as.character(sites[[sites.subid.column]]))){
warning("Some MapOutput (x) SUBIDs not present in GIS data (sites)", call. = FALSE)
# Check if mapoutput data exists for all GIS SUBIDs
if(!all(as.character(sites[[sites.subid.column]]) %in% as.character(x[[1]]))){
warning("Some GIS (sites) SUBIDs not present in MapOutput (x)", call. = FALSE)
# Only get subbasins in the gis data
x <- x %>%
filter(as.character(!!sym(colnames(x)[1])) %in% as.character(sites[[sites.subid.column]]))
# Convert GIS types
if (map.type == "legacy") {
if ("sf" %in% class(sites)) {
sites <- sf::as_Spatial(sites)
if ("sf" %in% class(bg) & !is.null(bg)) {
bg <- sf::as_Spatial(bg)
} else if (map.type %in% c("default", "leaflet")) {
if ("SpatialPointsDataFrame" %in% class(sites)) {
sites <- sf::st_as_sf(sites)
if ("SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" %in% class(bg) & !is.null(bg)) {
bg <- sf::st_as_sf(bg)
stopifnot(map.adj %in% c(0, .5, 1))
if (map.type == "legacy") {
stopifnot(legend.pos %in% c("bottomright", "right", "topright", "topleft", "left", "bottomleft"))
} else if (map.type == "default" & plot.legend == TRUE){
stopifnot(legend.pos %in% c("none", "left", "right", "bottom", "top"))
} else if (map.type == "leaflet" & plot.legend == TRUE) {
stopifnot(legend.pos %in% c("bottomright", "topright", "topleft", "bottomleft"))
# if (length(col.breaks) == 1) {
# col.breaks <- range(x[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
# warning("Just one value in user-provided argument 'col.breaks', set to range of 'x[, 2]'.")
# }
if (!is.null(col.breaks) && (min(col.breaks, na.rm = TRUE) > min(x[, 2], na.rm = TRUE) || max(col.breaks, na.rm = TRUE) < max(x[, 2], na.rm = TRUE))) {
warning("Range of user-provided argument 'col.breaks' does not cover range of 'x[, 2].
Areas outside range will be excluded from plot.")
# sort col.breaks to make sure breaks are in increasing order
if (!is.null(col.breaks)) {
col.breaks <- sort(col.breaks, decreasing = FALSE)
# add y to legend inset if not provided by user
if (length(legend.inset) == 1) {
legend.inset[2] <- 0
## data preparation and conditional assignment of break point vectors and colors to x
# create color breaks vector from user input or internally
if (!is.null(col.breaks)) {
cbrks <- col.breaks
mnx <- min(cbrks)
# special treatment for single-value maps
if (length(cbrks) == 1) {
cbrks <- range(cbrks) + c(-1, 1)
} else {
if (max(x[, 2], na.rm = TRUE) > 1) {
warning("Plot values in 'x' outside range of automatic color range. Provide suitable range in 'col.breaks' to plot them.")
mnx <- min(x[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
if (mnx < 0) {
cbrks <- c(mnx, seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))
} else {
cbrks <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)
# define colors for classes
if (is.function(col) || is.null(col)) {
# color definition through color ramp function, either automatic or user-supplied
if (is.function(col)) {
# user-supplied color ramp function
crfun <- col
col.class <- crfun(length(cbrks) - 1)
} else {
if (toupper( == "CCTN") {
crfun <- ColNitr
cbrks <- c(0, 10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, ifelse(max(x[, 2], na.rm = TRUE) > 5000, max(x[, 2], na.rm = TRUE) + 1, 10000))
col.class <- crfun(length(cbrks) - 1)
if (is.null(legend.title)) {
if (map.type == "default") {
legend.title <- expression(paste("Total N (", mu, "g l"^"-1", ")"))
} else if (map.type == "leaflet") {
legend.title <- paste("Total N (ug/L)")
} else if (toupper( == "CCTP") {
crfun <- ColPhos
cbrks <- c(0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, ifelse(max(x[, 2], na.rm = TRUE) > 250, max(x[, 2], na.rm = TRUE) + 1, 1000))
col.class <- crfun(length(cbrks) - 1)
if (is.null(legend.title)) {
if (map.type == "default") {
legend.title <- expression(paste("Total P (", mu, "g l"^"-1", ")"))
} else if (map.type == "leaflet") {
legend.title <- paste("Total P (ug/L)")
} else if (toupper( == "COUT") {
crfun <- ColQ
cbrks <- c(0, .5, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, ifelse(max(x[, 2], na.rm = TRUE) > 500, max(x[, 2], na.rm = TRUE) + 1, 2000))
col.class <- crfun(length(cbrks) - 1)
if (is.null(legend.title)) {
if (map.type == "default") {
legend.title <- expression(paste("Q (m"^3, "s"^"-1", ")"))
} else if (map.type == "leaflet") {
legend.title <- paste("Q (m3/s)")
} else if (toupper( == "TEMP") {
crfun <- ColTemp
cbrks <- c(ifelse(min(x[, 2]) < -7.5, min(x[, 2]) - 1, -30), -7.5, -5, -2.5, -1, 0, 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, ifelse(max(x[, 2], na.rm = TRUE) > 7.5, max(x[, 2], na.rm = TRUE) + 1, 30))
col.class <- crfun(length(cbrks) - 1)
if (is.null(legend.title)) {
if (map.type == "default") {
legend.title <- expression(paste("Air Temp. (" * degree, "C)"))
} else if (map.type == "leaflet") {
legend.title <- paste("Air Temp. (C)")
} else if(toupper( == "NSE") {
crfun <- colorRampPalette(c("#e81515", "#EEEE00", "#2892c7"))
cbrks <- c(-Inf, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
col.class <- c("purple", crfun(length(cbrks) - 2))
legend.title <- "NSE"
} else if(toupper( == "CC") {
crfun <- ColDiffGeneric
cbrks <- c(-1, -0.50, -0.25, -0.1, 0.1, 0.25, 0.50, 1)
col.class <- crfun(length(cbrks) - 1)
if(map.type == "default"){
legend.title <- "Pearsons\nCorrelation\nCoefficient"
} else if(map.type == "leaflet"){
legend.title <- "Pearsons<br>Correlation<br>Coefficient"
} else if(toupper( == "RE") {
crfun <- ColDiffGeneric
cbrks <- c(-Inf, -100, -50, -25, -10, 10, 25, 50, 100, Inf)
col.class <- crfun(length(cbrks) - 1)
legend.title <- "Relative Error (%)"
} else if(toupper( == "RSDE") {
crfun <- ColDiffGeneric
cbrks <- c(-Inf, -100, -50, -25, -10, 10, 25, 50, 100, Inf)
col.class <- crfun(length(cbrks) - 1)
if (map.type == "default") {
legend.title <- "Relative Error in\nStandard Deviation (%)"
} else if (map.type == "leaflet"){
legend.title <- "Relative Error in<br>Standard Deviation (%)"
} else if(toupper( == "KGE") {
crfun <- colorRampPalette(c("#e81515", "#EEEE00", "#2892c7"))
cbrks <- c(-Inf, -0.41, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
col.class <- c("purple", crfun(length(cbrks) - 2))
legend.title <- "KGE"
} else if(!toupper( == ""){
crfun <- ColDiffGeneric
cbrks <- quantile(x[, 2], probs = seq(0, 1, .1), na.rm = TRUE)
# in variables with large numbers of "0" values, the lower 10%-percentiles can be repeatedly "0", which leads to an error with cut,
# so cbrks is shortened to unique values (this affects only the automatic quantile-based breaks)
# if just one value remains (or was requested by user), replace crbks by minmax-based range (this also resolves unexpected behaviour
# with single-value cbrks in 'cut' below).
cbrks <- unique(cbrks)
if (length(cbrks) == 1) {
cbrks <- range(cbrks) + c(-1, 1)
col.class <- crfun(length(cbrks) - 1)
legend.title =
} else{
# no color ramp function supplied, create default, add purple for negative values if they exist in x
crfun <- colorRampPalette(c("#e81515", "#EEEE00", "#2892c7"))
if (mnx < 0) {
col.class <- c("purple", crfun(length(cbrks) - 2))
} else {
col.class <- crfun(length(cbrks) - 1)
} else if (is.vector(col)) {
# a vector of colors is supplied
if (length(col) == length(col.breaks) - 1) {
col.class <- col
} else {
stop("If colors are specified as vector in 'col', the number of colors in 'col' must be one less than the number of breakpoints in 'col.breaks'.")
} else {
# Error treatment for all other types of user input
stop("Invalid 'col' argument.")
# discretise the modeled values in x into classed groups, add to x as new column (of type factor)
x[, 3] <- cut(x[, 2], breaks = cbrks, include.lowest = TRUE)
# For leaflet mapping add NA Factor Level if any MapOutput data is NA
if (map.type %in% c("default", "leaflet") & any([[2]]))) {
x[, 3] <- addNA(x[, 3])
# replace the factor levels with color codes using the color ramp function assigned above
if (map.type %in% c("default", "leaflet") & any([[2]]))) {
if(col.rev == FALSE){
levels(x[, 3]) <- c(col.class, na.color) # Add extra color for NA in leaflet maps
} else{
levels(x[, 3]) <- c(rev(col.class), na.color) # Reorder colors so that NA color is still last
} else {
if(col.rev == FALSE){
levels(x[, 3]) <- col.class
} else{
levels(x[, 3]) <- rev(col.class)
# Leaflet Legend Colors
lcol <- levels(x[, 3])
# convert to character to make it conform to plotting requirements below
x[, 3] <- as.character(x[, 3])
# give it a name
names(x)[3] <- "color"
if (map.type == "legacy") {
# number of columns in original sites map
nc.sites <- ncol(sites@data)
# add x to subid map table (in data slot, indicated by @), merge by SUBID
sites@data <- data.frame(sites@data, x[match(sites@data[, sites.subid.column], x[, 1]), ])
# select sites for which x exists and sort in order of x so that user-supplied vectors of pch, lwd, etc. are assigned to the right map point
sts <- sites[![, nc.sites + 1]), ]
sts <- sts[match(x[, 1], sts@data[, sites.subid.column]), ]
} else if (map.type %in% c("default", "leaflet")) {
message(paste0('Joining "', colnames(sites)[sites.subid.column], '" from GIS Data (sites) To "', colnames(x)[1], '" from subass (x)'))
# Check for duplicate SUBIDS
if(any(duplicated(sites[, sites.subid.column]%>%sf::st_drop_geometry()))){message(paste(" - Duplicate SUBIDS exist in GIS Data (sites)!"))}
if(any(duplicated(x[,1]))){message(" - Duplicate SUBIDS exist in subass (x)!")}
x <- right_join(sites[, sites.subid.column] %>% mutate(across(1, ~ as.character(.x))), x %>% mutate(across(1, ~ as.character(.x))), by = setNames(nm = colnames(sites)[sites.subid.column], colnames(x)[1])) # Join GIS Data with subass in a manner in which column names don't have to be identical (e.g. "SUBID" and "subid" is okay, character and integer is okay)
# Jitter points with duplicate geometry
if(any(duplicated(x[[attr(x, "sf_column")]]))){
message(" - Jittering Duplicate Geometries!")
# Add variable to get original row order
x$sort <- 1:nrow(x)
# Get points that don't have duplicate geometry + first occurance of points with duplicate geometry
non_duplicated <- x %>% filter(!duplicated(!!sym(attr(x, "sf_column"))))
# Jitter points that have duplicate geometry
duplicated <- x %>% filter(duplicated(!!sym(attr(x, "sf_column")))) %>% sf::st_jitter(jitter)
# Recombine points
x <- rbind(duplicated, non_duplicated) %>%
arrange(sort) %>%
# update legend title if none was provided by user or "auto" selection
if (is.null(legend.title)) {
legend.title <- toupper(names(x)[2])
if (map.type == "legacy") {
## plot settings
if (!add) {
par(mar = par.mar, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", lend = 1, xpd = TRUE, cex = par.cex)
} else {
par(xpd = TRUE, cex = par.cex, lend = 1)
## the positioning of all plot elements works with three scales for the device's plot region:
## inches, fraction, and map coordinates
# plot width (inches) <- par("pin")[1]
# legend position (fraction if 'add' is FALSE, otherwise already in map coordinates) <- legend(legend.pos,
legend = rep(NA, length(cbrks) - 1),
col = col.class, lty = 1, lwd = 14, bty = "n", title = legend.title, plot = FALSE
# legend width (fraction if 'add' is FALSE, otherwise already in map coordinates) <-$rect$w
# legend box element height (fraction), with workaround for single-class maps
if (length($text$y) == 1) {
te <- legend(legend.pos,
legend = rep(NA, length(cbrks)),
col = crfun(length(cbrks)), lty = 1, lwd = 14, bty = "n", title = legend.title, plot = FALSE
) <- diff(c(te$text$y[length(cbrks)], te$text$y[length(cbrks) - 1]))
} else { <- diff(c($text$y[length(cbrks) - 1],$text$y[length(cbrks) - 2]))
## prepare legend annotation
# formatted annotation text (to be placed between legend boxes which is not possible with legend() directly)
ann.txt <- signif(cbrks, digits = legend.signif)
# conditional: remove outer break points
if (!legend.outer) {
ann.txt[c(1, length(ann.txt))] <- ""
# annotation width (inches) <- max(strwidth(ann.txt, "inches"))
# legend inset required to accomodate text annotation, and scalebar (always below legend)
leg.inset <- c( /, if (legend.pos %in% c("bottomright", "bottomleft")) {
} else {
# conditional on legend placement side (legend annotation always right of color boxes)
if (legend.pos %in% c("bottomright", "right", "topright")) {
# update legend inset
legend.inset <- legend.inset + leg.inset
## annotation positions (fraction if 'add' is FALSE, otherwise already in map coordinates)
# inset scaling factor, used if 'add' is TRUE, otherwise 1 (explicitly because usr does not get updated directly when set)
if (add) {
f.inset.x <- par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1]
f.inset.y <- par("usr")[4] - par("usr")[3]
} else {
f.inset.x <- 1
f.inset.y <- 1
} <- rep($text$x[1], length(ann.txt)) - legend.inset[1] * f.inset.x - 0.01
if (legend.pos == "bottomright") { <- rev(seq(from =$text$y[length(cbrks) - 1] - / 2, by =, length.out = length(cbrks))) + legend.inset[2] * f.inset.y
} else if (legend.pos == "right") { <- rev(seq(from =$text$y[length(cbrks) - 1] - / 2, by =, length.out = length(cbrks)))
} else { <- rev(seq(from =$text$y[length(cbrks) - 1] - / 2, by =, length.out = length(cbrks))) - legend.inset[2] * f.inset.y
} else {
# left side legend
# update legend inset
legend.inset[2] <- legend.inset[2] + leg.inset[2]
## annotation positions (fraction if 'add' is FALSE, otherwise already in map coordinates)
# inset scaling factor, used if 'add' is TRUE, otherwise 1 (explicitly because usr does not get updated directly when set)
if (add) {
f.inset.x <- par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1]
f.inset.y <- par("usr")[4] - par("usr")[3]
} else {
f.inset.x <- 1
f.inset.y <- 1
} <- rep($text$x[1], length(ann.txt)) + legend.inset[1] * f.inset.x - 0.01
if (legend.pos == "bottomleft") { <- rev(seq(from =$text$y[length(cbrks) - 1] - / 2, by =, length.out = length(cbrks))) + legend.inset[2] * f.inset.y
} else if (legend.pos == "left") { <- rev(seq(from =$text$y[length(cbrks) - 1] - / 2, by =, length.out = length(cbrks)))
} else { <- rev(seq(from =$text$y[length(cbrks) - 1] - / 2, by =, length.out = length(cbrks))) - legend.inset[2] * f.inset.y
## calculate coordinates for map positioning
# map coordinates,unprojected maps need a workaround with dummy map to calculate map side ratio
if (!is.null(bg)) {
if (sf::st_is_longlat(bg) == FALSE) {
bbx <- matrix(sf::st_bbox(bg),nrow=2, ncol=2, dimnames = list(c("x","y"),c("min", "max")))
# map side ratio (h/w)
msr <- apply(bbx, 1, diff)[2] / apply(bbx, 1, diff)[1]
# plot area side ratio (h/w)
psr <- par("pin")[2] / par("pin")[1]
} else {
bbx <- matrix(sf::st_bbox(bg),nrow=2, ncol=2, dimnames = list(c("x","y"),c("min", "max")))
# set user coordinates using a dummy plot (no fast way with Spatial polygons plot, therefore construct with SpatialPoints map)
par(new = TRUE)
suppressWarnings(plot(sf::st_geometry(sf::st_as_sf(sites)), col = NULL, xlim = bbx[1, ], ylim = bbx[2, ]))
# create a map side ratio based on the device region in user coordinates and the map bounding box
p.range.x <- diff(par("usr")[1:2])
p.range.y <- diff(par("usr")[3:4])
m.range.x <- diff(bbx[1, ])
m.range.y <- diff(bbx[2, ])
# map side ratio (h/w)
msr <- m.range.y / m.range.x
# plot area side ratio (h/w)
psr <- p.range.y / p.range.x
} else {
if (sf::st_is_longlat(sites) == FALSE) {
bbx <- matrix(sf::st_bbox(sites),nrow=2, ncol=2, dimnames = list(c("x","y"),c("min", "max")))
# map side ratio (h/w)
msr <- apply(bbx, 1, diff)[2] / apply(bbx, 1, diff)[1]
# plot area side ratio (h/w)
psr <- par("pin")[2] / par("pin")[1]
} else {
bbx <- matrix(sf::st_bbox(sites),nrow=2, ncol=2, dimnames = list(c("x","y"),c("min", "max")))
# set user coordinates using a dummy plot
par(new = TRUE)
suppressWarnings(plot(sf::st_geometry(sf::st_as_sf(sites)), col = NULL, add = add))
# create a map side ratio based on the device region in user coordinates and the map bounding box
p.range.x <- diff(par("usr")[1:2])
p.range.y <- diff(par("usr")[3:4])
m.range.x <- diff(bbx[1, ])
m.range.y <- diff(bbx[2, ])
# map side ratio (h/w)
msr <- m.range.y / m.range.x
# plot area side ratio (h/w)
psr <- p.range.y / p.range.x
# define plot limits, depending on (a) map and plot ratios (plot will be centered if left to automatic) and (b) user choice
if (msr > psr) {
# map is smaller than plot window in x direction, map can be moved left or right
if (map.adj == 0) {
pylim <- as.numeric(bbx[2, ])
pxlim <- c(bbx[1, 1], bbx[1, 1] + diff(pylim) / psr)
} else if (map.adj == .5) {
pylim <- as.numeric(bbx[2, ])
pxlim <- c(mean(as.numeric(bbx[1, ])) - diff(pylim) / psr / 2, mean(as.numeric(bbx[1, ])) + diff(pylim) / psr / 2)
} else {
pylim <- as.numeric(bbx[2, ])
pxlim <- c(bbx[1, 2] - diff(pylim) / psr, bbx[1, 2])
} else {
# map is smaller than plot window in y direction, map can be moved up or down
if (map.adj == 0) {
pxlim <- as.numeric(bbx[1, ])
pylim <- c(bbx[2, 1], bbx[2, 1] + diff(pxlim) * psr)
} else if (map.adj == .5) {
pxlim <- as.numeric(bbx[1, ])
pylim <- c(mean(as.numeric(bbx[2, ])) - diff(pxlim) * psr / 2, mean(as.numeric(bbx[2, ])) + diff(pxlim) * psr / 2)
} else {
pxlim <- as.numeric(bbx[1, ])
pylim <- c(bbx[2, 2] - diff(pxlim) * psr, bbx[2, 2])
## plot the map and add legend using the positioning information derived above
# map
if (!is.null(bg)) {
# plot(bg, col = "grey90", border = "grey70", ylim = pylim, xlim = pxlim, add = add)
plot(sf::st_geometry(sf::st_as_sf(bg)), col = bg.fillColor, border = "grey70", ylim = pylim, xlim = pxlim, add = add)
plot(sf::st_geometry(sf::st_as_sf(sts)), bg = sts$color, border = 1, pch = pch, lwd = lwd, cex = 1.2 * pt.cex, add = TRUE)
} else {
plot(sf::st_geometry(sf::st_as_sf(sts)), bg = sts$color, col = 1, pch = pch, lwd = lwd, cex = 1.2 * pt.cex, ylim = pylim, xlim = pxlim, add = add)
# legend
if (plot.legend) {
legend = rep(NA, length(cbrks) - 1), inset = legend.inset,
col = rev(col.class), lty = 1, lwd = 14, bty = "n", title = legend.title, pt.cex = pt.cex
# convert annotation positioning to map coordinates, only if 'add' is FALSE
# then plot annotation text
if (!add) { <- * diff(pxlim) + pxlim[1] <- * diff(pylim) + pylim[1]
text(x =, y =, labels = rev(ann.txt), adj = c(0, .5), cex = 0.8)
} else {
text(x =, y =, labels = rev(ann.txt), adj = c(0, .5), cex = 0.8)
## scale position (reference point: lower left corner), also used as reference point for north arrow
## conditional on 'add'
if (add) {
# x position conditional on legend placement side
if (legend.pos %in% c("bottomright", "right", "topright")) {
lx <- par("usr")[2] - signif(diff(par("usr")[1:2]) / 4, 0) - legend.inset[1] * diff(par("usr")[1:2])
} else {
lx <- par("usr")[1] + (legend.inset[1] + 0.02) * diff(par("usr")[1:2])
# y position conditional legend placement position ( here is already in map coordinates)
if (legend.pos %in% c("bottomright", "bottomleft")) {
ly <- ($rect$top -$rect$h + legend.inset[2] * f.inset.y / 2)
} else if (legend.pos %in% c("right", "left")) {
ly <- ($rect$top -$rect$h + (legend.inset[2] / 2 - .1) * f.inset.y)
} else {
ly <- ($rect$top -$rect$h - (legend.inset[2] / 2 - .1) * f.inset.y)
} else {
# x position conditional on legend placement side
if (legend.pos %in% c("bottomright", "right", "topright")) {
lx <- pxlim[2] - signif(diff(bbx[1, ]) / 4, 0) - legend.inset[1] * diff(pxlim)
} else {
lx <- pxlim[1] + (legend.inset[1] + 0.02) * diff(pxlim)
# y position conditional legend placement position
if (legend.pos %in% c("bottomright", "bottomleft")) {
ly <- ($rect$top -$rect$h + legend.inset[2] / 2) * diff(pylim) + pylim[1]
} else if (legend.pos %in% c("right", "left")) {
ly <- ($rect$top -$rect$h + legend.inset[2] / 2 - .1) * diff(pylim) + pylim[1]
} else {
ly <- ($rect$top -$rect$h - legend.inset[2] / 2 - .1) * diff(pylim) + pylim[1]
if (plot.scale) {
if (sf::st_is_longlat(sites)) {
warning("Scale bar meaningless with un-projected maps. Set 'plot.scale = FALSE' to remove it.")
if (!add) {
ldistance <- signif(diff(bbx[1, ]) / 4, 0)
} else {
ldistance <- signif(diff(par("usr")[1:2]) / 4, 0)
x = lx,
y = ly,
distance = ldistance,
scale = 0.001, t.cex = 0.8
if (plot.arrow) {
if (add) {
nlen <- diff(par("usr")[1:2]) / 70
# north arrow x position conditional on side where legend is plotted
if (legend.pos %in% c("bottomright", "right", "topright")) {
nx <- lx - 0.02 * diff(par("usr")[1:2])
} else {
nx <- lx + signif(diff(par("usr")[1:2]) / 4, 0) + 0.055 * diff(par("usr")[1:2])
} else {
nlen <- diff(bbx[1, ]) / 70
# north arrow x position conditional on side where legend is plotted
if (legend.pos %in% c("bottomright", "right", "topright")) {
nx <- lx - 0.02 * diff(pxlim)
} else {
nx <- lx + signif(diff(bbx[1, ]) / 4, 0) + 0.055 * diff(pxlim)
xb = nx,
yb = ly,
len = nlen, cex.lab = .8
# invisible unless assigned: return map with added data and color codes
# invisible(sites)
} else if (map.type %in% c("default", "leaflet")) {
# Reproject if not a lat/long CRS
if(map.type == "leaflet" & sf::st_is_longlat(x)==FALSE){
x <- x %>% sf::st_transform(sf::st_crs("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
bg <- bg %>% sf::st_transform(sf::st_crs("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
# Remove any empty geometries (these prevent labels from working)
x <- x %>%
bg <- bg %>%
# Create legend labels, change NA color to selected NA color
if (any([[2]]))) {
l.label <- c(unlist(lapply(1:(length(cbrks) - 1), function(X) {
paste(signif(cbrks[X], legend.signif), "to", signif(cbrks[X + 1], legend.signif))
})), "NA")
} else {
l.label <- unlist(lapply(1:(length(cbrks) - 1), function(X) {
paste(signif(cbrks[X], legend.signif), "to", signif(cbrks[X + 1], legend.signif))
# Override legend labels if custom labels were provided
l.label <- col.labels
# Create ggplot static map
if(map.type == "default"){
# Create plot
plot <- ggplot()
# Add background map
plot <- plot +
geom_sf(data = bg, color = "black", fill = bg.fillColor, alpha = bg.fillOpacity)
# Add points
plot <- plot +
geom_sf(data = x, aes(color = .data[["color"]], fill = .data[["color"]]), size = radius, show.legend = plot.legend) +
scale_color_manual(name = legend.title, breaks = lcol, values = lcol, labels = l.label) +
scale_fill_manual(name = legend.title, breaks = lcol, values = lcol, labels = l.label) +
theme(axis.title = element_blank())
# Add background labels
if(plot.label == FALSE){ # Add labels for all points
plot <- plot +
.geom_sf_text_repel(data = bg, aes(label = .data[[colnames(bg)[bg.label.column]]]), size = plot.label.size, fontface = "bold", fun.geometry = plot.label.geometry)
} else{ # Add labels for point that aren't already getting labeled
plot <- plot +
.geom_sf_text_repel(data = bg %>% filter(!.data[[colnames(bg)[bg.label.column]]] %in% x[[1]]), aes(label = .data[[colnames(bg)[bg.label.column]]]), size = plot.label.size, fontface = "bold", fun.geometry = plot.label.geometry)
# Add labels
if(plot.label == TRUE){
# Create labels
x <- x %>%
mutate(label = paste0("SUBID: ", .[[1]], "\n Value: ", .[[2]]))
# Add labels to plot
plot <- plot +
.geom_sf_text_repel(data = x, aes(label = .data[["label"]]), size = plot.label.size, fontface = "bold", fun.geometry = sf::st_centroid)
# Add legend
if(plot.legend == TRUE){
plot <- plot +
theme(legend.position = legend.pos,
legend.title = element_text(face = "bold"))
# Add scale bar
if(plot.scale == TRUE){
plot <- plot +
.annotation_scale(location = scale.pos)
# Add north arrow
if(plot.arrow == TRUE){
plot <- plot +
.annotation_north_arrow(location = arrow.pos)
# Save image
if(!file == ""){
ggsave(filename = file, plot = plot, width = width, height = height, units = units, dpi = dpi)
# Create Leaflet Map
} else if (map.type == "leaflet"){
# Create labels
x <- x %>%
mutate(label = paste0("SUBID: ", .[[1]], " --- Value: ", .[[2]]))
message("Generating Map")
# Setup map
leafmap <- leaflet::leaflet(options = leaflet::leafletOptions(preferCanvas = TRUE)) %>%
leaflet::addTiles() %>%
# If using point groups, then add group for all subasins that aren't already assigned to a group
unassigned <- x$SUBID[which(!x$SUBID%in%unlist(sites.groups))]
if(length(unassigned) > 0){
sites.groups[["Unassigned"]] <- unassigned
# Add Overlay Groups
# No Background + no point groups
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
baseGroups = c("Map", "Street", "Topo", "Satellite"),
overlayGroups = c("Legend", "Points"),
options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE, autoIndex = TRUE)
# No Background + point groups
} else{
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
baseGroups = c("Map", "Street", "Topo", "Satellite"),
overlayGroups = c("Legend", names(sites.groups)),
options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE, autoIndex = TRUE)
} else{
# Background + no point groups
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
baseGroups = c("Map", "Street", "Topo", "Satellite"),
overlayGroups = c("Legend", "Points", "Subbasins"),
options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE, autoIndex = TRUE)
# Background + point groups
} else{
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
baseGroups = c("Map", "Street", "Topo", "Satellite"),
overlayGroups = c("Legend", "Subbasins", names(sites.groups)),
options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE, autoIndex = TRUE)
# Add Subbasins
if (!is.null(bg)) {
# Do Not Plot Labels
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
group = "Subbasins",
data = bg,
color = "black",
weight = bg.weight,
opacity = bg.opacity,
fillColor = bg.fillColor,
fillOpacity = bg.fillOpacity
# Plot Labels
} else{
if ( == "hover"){
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
group = "Subbasins",
data = bg,
label = bg[[bg.label.column]],
color = "black",
weight = bg.weight,
opacity = bg.opacity,
fillColor = bg.fillColor,
fillOpacity = bg.fillOpacity
} else if ( == "static"){
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
group = "Subbasins",
data = bg,
color = "black",
weight = bg.weight,
opacity = bg.opacity,
fillColor = bg.fillColor,
fillOpacity = bg.fillOpacity
group = "Subbasins",
data = suppressWarnings(sf::st_point_on_surface(bg)),
label = bg[[bg.label.column]],
labelOptions = leaflet::labelOptions(noHide = TRUE, direction = 'auto', textOnly = TRUE)
} else{ # Do not plot labels
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
group = "Subbasins",
data = bg,
color = "black",
weight = bg.weight,
opacity = bg.opacity,
fillColor = bg.fillColor,
fillOpacity = bg.fillOpacity
# Create basemap only
if( == TRUE){
# Get Bounds of Data
bounds <- x %>%
sf::st_bbox() %>%
# Check if only one point
if(bounds[1] == bounds[3] & bounds[2] == bounds[4]){
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
leaflet::setView(bounds[1], bounds[2], zoom = 14)
# Zoom to layer
} else{
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
leaflet::fitBounds(bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], bounds[4])
# Add points to map
} else{
# Plot points without groups
if (plot.label == TRUE) { # Create points with labels
# Create labels
x <- x %>%
mutate(label = paste0("SUBID: ", .[[1]], " --- Value: ", .[[2]]))
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
group = "Points",
data = x,
color = "black",
radius = radius,
weight = weight,
opacity = opacity,
fillColor = ~color,
fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
label = ~label,
labelOptions = leaflet::labelOptions(noHide = noHide, direction = "auto", textOnly = textOnly, style = list("font-size" = paste0(font.size, "px")))
} else { # Create points without labels
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
group = "Points",
data = x,
color = "black",
radius = radius,
weight = weight,
opacity = opacity,
fillColor = ~color,
fillOpacity = fillOpacity
# Plot points with groups
} else{
if (plot.label == TRUE) { # Create points with labels
# Add points for individual groups
for(i in 1:length(sites.groups)){
# Get data for group
x_group <- x %>% filter(.data$SUBID %in% sites.groups[[i]])
# Add points
if(nrow(x_group) > 0){
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
group = names(sites.groups)[i],
data = x_group,
color = "black",
radius = radius,
weight = weight,
opacity = opacity,
fillColor = x_group$color,
fillOpacity = fillOpacity,
label = ~label,
labelOptions = leaflet::labelOptions(noHide = noHide, direction = "auto", textOnly = textOnly, style = list("font-size" = paste0(font.size, "px")))
} else { # Create points without labels
# Add points for individual groups
for(i in 1:length(sites.groups)){
# Get data for group
x_group <- x%>% filter(.data$SUBID%in%sites.groups[[i]])
# Add points
if(nrow(x_group) > 0){
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
group = names(sites.groups)[i],
data = x_group,
color = "black",
radius = radius,
weight = weight,
opacity = opacity,
fillColor = x_group$color,
fillOpacity = fillOpacity
# # Add searchbar to map
# if (plot.searchbar == TRUE) {
# leafmap <- leafmap %>%
# leaflet.extras::addSearchFeatures(
# targetGroups = c("Points"),
# options = leaflet.extras::searchFeaturesOptions(zoom = 10, hideMarkerOnCollapse = TRUE)
# )
# }
# Add scalebar to map
if (plot.scale == TRUE) {
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
leaflet::addScaleBar(position = "bottomright")
# Add legend to map
if (plot.legend == TRUE) {
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
group = "Legend",
position = legend.pos,
title = ifelse(legend.title == "", "Legend", legend.title),
colors = lcol,
labels = l.label,
values = x[[2]],
opacity = 1
# Add various basemaps
leafmap <- leafmap %>%
leaflet::addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron", group = "Map") %>%
leaflet::addTiles(group = "Street") %>%
leaflet::addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldTopoMap", group = "Topo") %>%
leaflet::addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldImagery", group = "Satellite") %>%
leaflet::addProviderTiles("CartoDB.PositronOnlyLabels", group = "Satellite")
# Save Image
if (!file == "") {
message("Saving Image")
mapview::mapshot(leafmap, file = file, vwidth = vwidth, vheight = vheight, remove_controls = c("zoomControl", "layersControl", "homeButton", "drawToolbar", "easyButton"), selfcontained = FALSE)
# Save HTML
if (! == "") {
message("Saving HTML")
temp <- file.path(tempdir(), basename(
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(leafmap, file = temp, title = sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", basename(, selfcontained = TRUE) # Save HTML file to temp directory so selfcontained=T works
file.rename(temp, # Rename/Move HTML file to desired file
# Return values
if( == TRUE){
return(list("basemap" = leafmap, "x" = x, "cbrks" = cbrks, "lcol" = lcol, "l.label" = l.label))
} else{
# x <- ReadSubass("//winfs-proj/data/proj/Fouh/Europe/Projekt/MIRACLE/WP2/model_helgean_miracle/res_wq_baseline/subass2.txt")[, c(1, 3)]
# x <- ReadGeoData("//winfs-proj/data/proj/Fouh/Europe/Projekt/MIRACLE/WP2/model_helgean_miracle/GeoData.txt")[, c("SUBID", "PARREG")]
# x <- read.table(file = "//winfs-proj/data/proj/Fouh/Europe/E-HYPE/EHYPEv3.xDev/New Data/Xobs_WQ/Xobsar/RDir/subid_xobs.txt", sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
# sites <- readOGR("//winfs-proj/data/proj/Fouh/Europe/Projekt/MIRACLE/WP2/gis", layer = "helgean_outlet_points")
# sites <- readOGR(dsn = "//winfs-proj/data/proj/Fouh/Europe/E-HYPE/EHYPEv3.0/Data/RepurposedData/WHIST/Current_shapefiles/Utloppspunkter", layer = "EHYPE3_utlopp_20141211_rev20150325")
# bg <- readOGR("//winfs-proj/data/proj/Fouh/Europe/Projekt/MIRACLE/WP2/gis/helgean/subbasin", layer = "helgean_shype_aro_y")
# bg <- NULL
# add <- F
# map.adj <- 0
# plot.legend <- T
# plot.scale <- T
# plot.arrow <- T
# legend.pos <- "right"
# legend.title <- "test"
# legend.inset <- c(0,0)
# col.breaks <- NULL
# col <- NULL
# sites.subid.column <- 5
# par.mar <- rep(0, 4) + .1
# par.cex <- 1
# pt.cex <- 1
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Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.