#' dcutter returns the density of the cutter function
#' @title Distribution of the fitted distribution without cut.
#' @author Marc Girondot \email{}
#' @return The density of the cutter function according to observations.
#' @param par Values for parameters of distribution
#' @param observations The observations; see description.
#' @param distribution Can be gamma, normal, weibull, lognormal, or generalized.gamma.
#' @param n.mixture Number of distributions
#' @param debug If TRUE, show some information. If 2, show more information.
#' @param limits.lower Value for lower detection limit
#' @param limits.upper Value for upper detection limit
#' @param log If TRUE, return the log likelihood
#' @description If observations must be a data.frame with 4 columns:\cr
#' observations: A column for the measurements;\cr
#' LDL: A column for the lower detection limit;\cr
#' UDL: A column for the upper detection limit;\cr
#' Cut: A column for the truncated of censored nature of the data.\cr
#' @family Distributions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(HelpersMG)
#' par <- c('shape1' = 0.42265849507444225,
#' 'scale1' = 14.139457094879594,
#' 'shape2' = 1.667131542489706,
#' 'scale2' = 0.10763344388223803,
#' 'p1' = 0.12283307526788023)
#' obs <- data.frame(Observations=c(0.755, 1.013, 2.098, 6.265, 4.708, 0.078, 2.169, 0.403, 1.251,
#' 0.008, 1.419, 1.078, 2.744, 81.534, 1.426, 13.486, 7.813, 0.165,
#' 0.118, 0.864, 0.369, 7.159, 2.605, 1.579, 1.646, 0.484, 4.492,
#' 0.139, 0.28, 0.154, 0.106, 0.104, 4.185, 0.735, 0.149, 0.183,
#' 0.062, 8.246, 0.165, 0.121, 0.109, 0.092, 0.162, 0.108, 0.139,
#' 0.141, 0.124, 0.124, 0.151, 0.141, 0.364, 0.295, 0.09, 0.135,
#' 0.154, 0.218, 0.167, -Inf, 0.203, 0.228, 0.107, 0.162, 0.194,
#' 0.322, 0.351, 0.17, 0.236, 0.176, 0.107, 0.12, 0.095, 0.27, 0.194,
#' 0.125, 0.123, 0.085, 0.164, 0.106, 0.079, 0.162),
#' LDL=0.001, UDL=NA, Cut="censored")
#' dcutter(par=par, observations=obs, distribution="gamma",
#' n.mixture=NULL, debug=FALSE, limits.lower=NULL,
#' limits.upper=NULL,log=FALSE)
#' dcutter(par=par, observations=obs, distribution="gamma",
#' n.mixture=NULL, debug=FALSE, limits.lower=NULL,
#' limits.upper=NULL, log=TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
dcutter <- function(par, observations=NULL, distribution="gamma",
n.mixture=NULL, debug=FALSE, limits.lower=NULL,
limits.upper=NULL, log = TRUE) {
# par=NULL; observations=NULL; distribution="gamma"; n.mixture=NULL; debug=FALSE
# limits.lower=NULL; limits.upper=NULL; log = TRUE
# par=result$par
# observations=result$observations
# distribution=result$distribution
# n.mixture=result$n.mixture
# debug=2
# limits.lower=NULL; limits.upper=NULL; log = TRUE
getparcutter <- getFromNamespace(".getparcutter", ns="HelpersMG")
debug <- as.numeric(debug)
if (debug == 2) print(par)
if (!is.null(limits.lower)) {
if (any(limits.lower > par)) {
if (debug >= 1) {
np <- names(par[limits.lower > par])
for (i in np) {
cat(paste0("Parameter ", i," is lower than lower limit during search", "\n"))
cat(paste0("The parameter was ", as.character(par[i]), " and "))
cat(paste0("the lower limit was ", as.character(limits.lower[i]),
" (difference was ", specify_decimal(limits.lower[i]-par[i]), ")\n"))
if (!is.null(limits.upper)) {
if (any(limits.upper < par)) {
if (debug >= 1) {
np <- names(par[limits.upper < par])
for (i in np) {
cat(paste0("Parameter ", i," is higher than upper limit during search", "\n"))
cat(paste0("The parameter was ", as.character(par[i]), " and "))
cat(paste0("the upper limit was ", as.character(limits.upper[i]),
" (difference was ", specify_decimal(-limits.upper[i]+par[i]), ")\n"))
# par <- c('shape1' = 1, 'scale1' = 3, 'shape2' = 4, 'scale2' = 6, 'p1' = 0.1)
# par <- c('shape' = 1, 'scale' = 3)
# observations <- data.frame(Observations=1:10, Cut=rep("censored", 10), LDL=rep(0.01, 10), UDL=rep(NA, 10))
# distribution="gamma"
# debug=FALSE
# dcutter(par=result2$par, observations=result2$observations, distribution=result2$distribution, n.mixture=result2$n.mixture, debug=FALSE)
# gsub(".+([0-9]).+", "\\1", names(par))
if (is.null(n.mixture)) {
np <- unique(as.numeric(gsub("[a-zA-Z]+([0-9]*)$", "\\1", names(par))))
if (all( np <- 0 else np <- max(np, na.rm=TRUE)
if (np == 0) {
names(par) <- paste0(names(par), "1")
np <- 1
} else {
np <- n.mixture
LDL <- observations[, "LDL"]
UDL <- observations[, "UDL"]
Cut <- observations[, "Cut"]
obs <- observations[, "Observations"]
obs_finite <- is.finite(obs)
LDLX <- LDL[obs_finite]
UDLX <- UDL[obs_finite]
CutX <- Cut[obs_finite]
obsX <- obs[obs_finite]
parX <- as.list(par)
pparX <- getparcutter(par, set=NULL)
ddistr <- switch(EXPR = distribution, gamma=dgamma, lognormal=dlnorm,
normal=dnorm, weibull=dweibull,
pdistr <- switch(EXPR = distribution, gamma=pgamma, lognormal=plnorm,
normal=pnorm, weibull=pweibull,
# L <- Inf
if (np == 1) {
parX_mixture <- getparcutter(parX, set=1)
L <- sum(, args = modifyList(list(x=obsX, log = TRUE), parX_mixture)))
L <- L-sum(log(1 - ifelse(!,, args = modifyList(list(q=LDLX, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE), parX_mixture)), 0)
-ifelse(!,, args = modifyList(list(q=UDLX, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE), parX_mixture)), 0)))
if (debug >= 1) {
cat(paste0("The log likelihood of quantifiable data is ", specify_decimal(L), "\n"))
if (any(observations$Cut == "censored")) {
cs <- subset(observations, subset = (Cut == "censored"))
fby1 <- factor(cs$LDL, exclude = "")
fby2 <- factor(cs$UDL, exclude = "")
d1 <- aggregate(x=cs, by=list(fby1, fby2), FUN=function(x) sum(is.finite(x)))
dplus <- aggregate(x=cs, by=list(fby1, fby2), FUN=function(x) sum(x == +Inf))
dmoins <- aggregate(x=cs, by=list(fby1, fby2), FUN=function(x) sum(x == -Inf))
NA_character <- structure(1L, .Label = NA_character_, class = "factor")
for (i in 1:nrow(d1)) {
if ((!identical(d1[i, "Group.1"], NA_character)) |
(!identical(d1[i, "Group.2"], NA_character))) {
# J'en ai au moins un qui a une valeur
if ((!identical(d1[i, "Group.1"], NA_character)) &
(identical(d1[i, "Group.2"], NA_character))) {
# J'ai une valeur sur LDL; donc je suis en left censored
right <- d1[i, "Observations"]
pright <-, modifyList(list(q=as.numeric(as.character(d1[i, "Group.1"])), lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE), parX_mixture))
left <- dmoins[i, "Observations"]
pleft <- 1-pright
if (pleft <= 0) pleft <- 1E-6
if (pleft >= 1) pleft <- 1-1E-6
Lint <- dbinom(x=left, size=left+right, prob=pleft, log=TRUE)
# if (!is.finite(Lint)) {
# message(paste0("L from binomial is infinite: ", d(par)))
# Lint <- 0
# }
} else {
if ((identical(d1[i, "Group.1"], NA_character)) &
(!identical(d1[i, "Group.2"], NA_character))) {
# J'ai une valeur sur UDL; donc je suis en right censored
left <- d1[i, "Observations"]
right <- dplus[i, "Observations"]
pleft <-, modifyList(list(q=as.numeric(as.character(d1[i, "Group.2"])), lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE), parX_mixture))
if (pleft <= 0) pleft <- 1E-6
if (pleft >= 1) pleft <- 1-1E-6
Lint <- dbinom(x=left, size=left+right, prob=pleft, log=TRUE)
# if (!is.finite(Lint)) {
# message(paste0("L from binomial is infinite: ", d(par)))
# Lint <- 0
# }
} else {
# if ((!identical(d1[i, "Group.1"], NA_character)) &
# (!identical(d1[i, "Group.2"], NA_character))) {
# J'ai une valeur sur LDL et UDL; donc je suis en left & right censored
left <- dmoins[i, "Observations"]
center <- d1[i, "Observations"]
right <- dplus[i, "Observations"]
pright <-, modifyList(list(q=as.numeric(as.character(d1[i, "Group.2"])), lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE), parX_mixture))
pleft <-, modifyList(list(q=as.numeric(as.character(d1[i, "Group.1"])), lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE), parX_mixture))
if (pright <= 0) pright <- 1E-6
if (pright >= 1) pright <- 1-1E-6
if (pleft <= 0) pleft <- 1E-6
if (pleft >= 1) pleft <- 1-1E-6
pcenter <- 1-pleft-pright
if (pcenter <= 0) pcenter <- 1E-6
if (pcenter >= 1) pcenter <- 1-1E-6
Lint <- dmultinom(x=c(left, center, right), size = left+center+right, prob=c(pleft, pcenter, pright), log = TRUE)
if (debug >= 1) {
cat(paste0("The log likelihood of unquantifiable data LDL=", d1[i, "Group.1"]," and UDL=", d1[i, "Group.2"]," is ", specify_decimal(Lint), "\n"))
L <- L + Lint
# fin du censored pour np = 1
# fin du np == 1
} else {
# Je fais chaque individu
parX_mixture <- list()
for (p in 1:np)
parX_mixture <- c(parX_mixture, list(getparcutter(parX, set=p)))
L <- sapply(1:length(obsX), FUN = function(n) {
L_set <- sapply(1:np, FUN = function(p) {
pr <-, args = modifyList(list(x=obsX[n], log = FALSE), parX_mixture[[p]]))
pLDL <- 0
if (![n])) pLDL <-, args = modifyList(list(q=LDLX[n], lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE), parX_mixture[[p]]))
pUDL <- 0
if (![n])) pUDL <-, args = modifyList(list(q=UDLX[n], lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE), parX_mixture[[p]]))
prcond <- pr / (1 - pLDL - pUDL)
return(pparX[p] * prcond)
# Dans L j'ai log L
L <- sum(L)
if (debug >= 1) {
cat(paste0("The log likelihood of quantifiable data is ", specify_decimal(L), "\n"))
# Là je dois traiter le censored
if (any(observations$Cut == "censored")) {
cs <- subset(observations, subset = (Cut == "censored"))
fby1 <- factor(cs$LDL, exclude = "")
fby2 <- factor(cs$UDL, exclude = "")
d1 <- aggregate(x=cs, by=list(fby1, fby2), FUN=function(x) sum(is.finite(x)))
dplus <- aggregate(x=cs, by=list(fby1, fby2), FUN=function(x) sum(x == +Inf))
dmoins <- aggregate(x=cs, by=list(fby1, fby2), FUN=function(x) sum(x == -Inf))
NA_character <- structure(1L, .Label = NA_character_, class = "factor")
for (i in 1:nrow(d1)) {
if ((!identical(d1[i, "Group.1"], NA_character)) |
(!identical(d1[i, "Group.2"], NA_character))) {
# J'en ai au moins un qui a une valeur
if ((!identical(d1[i, "Group.1"], NA_character)) &
(identical(d1[i, "Group.2"], NA_character))) {
# J'ai une valeur sur LDL; donc je suis en left censored
right <- d1[i, "Observations"]
pright <- NULL
for (p in 1:np)
pright <- c(pright,, modifyList(list(q=as.numeric(as.character(d1[i, "Group.1"])), lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE), parX_mixture[[p]] )))
pright <- sum(pright * pparX)
left <- dmoins[i, "Observations"]
pleft <- 1-pright
if (pleft <= 0) pleft <- 1E-6
if (pleft >= 1) pleft <- 1-1E-6
Lint <- dbinom(x=left, size=left+right, prob=pleft, log=TRUE)
} else {
if ((identical(d1[i, "Group.1"], NA_character)) &
(!identical(d1[i, "Group.2"], NA_character))) {
# J'ai une valeur sur UDL; donc je suis en right censored
left <- d1[i, "Observations"]
right <- dplus[i, "Observations"]
pleft <- NULL
for (p in 1:np)
pleft <- c(pleft,, modifyList(list(q=as.numeric(as.character(d1[i, "Group.2"])), lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE), parX_mixture[[p]] )))
pleft <- sum(pleft * pparX)
# pright <- 1-pleft
if (pleft <= 0) pleft <- 1E-6
if (pleft >= 1) pleft <- 1-1E-6
Lint <- dbinom(x=left, size=left+right, prob=pleft, log=TRUE)
} else {
left <- dmoins[i, "Observations"]
center <- d1[i, "Observations"]
right <- dplus[i, "Observations"]
pright <- NULL
for (p in 1:np)
pright <- c(pright,, modifyList(list(q=as.numeric(as.character(d1[i, "Group.2"])), lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE), parX_mixture[[p]] )))
pright <- sum(pright * pparX)
if (pright <= 0) pright <- 1E-6
if (pright >= 1) pright <- 1-1E-6
pleft <- NULL
for (p in 1:np)
pleft <- c(pleft,, modifyList(list(q=as.numeric(as.character(d1[i, "Group.1"])), lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE), parX_mixture[[p]] )))
pleft <- sum(pleft * pparX)
if (pleft <= 0) pleft <- 1E-6
if (pleft >= 1) pleft <- 1-1E-6
pcenter <- 1-pleft-pright
if (pcenter <= 0) pcenter <- 1E-6
if (pcenter >= 1) pcenter <- 1-1E-6
Lint <- dmultinom(x=c(left, center, right), size = left+center+right, prob=c(pleft, pcenter, pright), log = TRUE)
if (debug >= 1) {
cat(paste0("The log likelihood of unquantifiable data LDL=", d1[i, "Group.1"]," and UDL=", d1[i, "Group.2"]," is ", specify_decimal(Lint), "\n"))
L <- L + Lint
if (as.numeric(debug) == 2) print(paste0("log Likelihood is ", specify_decimal(L)))
if ( L <- -1E6
if (is.infinite(L)) L <- -1E6
# L est log L
if (!log) L <- exp(L)
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