
Defines functions MEMB_comp DISTA_ADA ADA_F_DIST WH.ADPT.FCMEANS.SSQ WH_adaptive_fcmeans WH_fcmeans

Documented in WH_adaptive_fcmeans WH_fcmeans

#' Fuzzy c-means of a dataset of histogram-valued data
#' @description The function implements the fuzzy c-means for a set of histogram-valued data.
#' @param x A MatH object (a matrix of distributionH).
#' @param k An integer, the number of groups.
#' @param m A number grater than 0, a fuzziness coefficient (default \code{m}=1.6).
#' @param rep An integer, maximum number of repetitions of the algorithm (default \code{rep}=5).
#' @param simplify A logic value (default is FALSE), if TRUE histograms are recomputed in order to speed-up the algorithm.
#' @param qua An integer, if \code{simplify}=TRUE is the number of quantiles used for recodify the histograms.
#' @param standardize A logic value (default is FALSE). If TRUE, histogram-valued data are standardized,  variable by variable, using the Wassertein based standard deviation. Use if one wants to have variables with std equal to one.
#' @return a list with the results of the fuzzy c-means of the set of Histogram-valued data \code{x} into  \code{k} cluster.
#' @slot solution A list.Returns the best solution among the \code{rep}etitions, i.e.
#' the one having the minimum sum of squares deviation.
#' @slot solution$membership A matrix. The membership degree of each unit to each cluster.
#' @slot solution$IDX A vector. The crisp assignement to a cluster.
#' @slot solution$cardinality A vector. The cardinality of each final cluster (after the crisp assignement).
#' @slot solution$Crit A number. The criterion (Sum of square deviation
#' from the prototypes) value at the end of the run.
#' @slot quality A number. The percentage of Sum of square deviation explained by the model.
#' (The higher the better)
#' @examples
#' results <- WH_fcmeans(x = BLOOD, k = 2, m = 1.5, rep = 10, 
#'                       simplify = TRUE, qua = 10, standardize = TRUE)
#' @export
WH_fcmeans <- function(x, k, m = 1.6, rep,
                       simplify = FALSE,
                       qua = 10,
                       standardize = FALSE) {
  tol <- 1e-10
  # Check initial conditions and passed parameters
  if ((k < 2) || (k >= nrow(x@M))) {
    str <- paste(
      "The number of clusters is not appropriate:\n 2<= k<",
      nrow(x@M), "(no. of individuals in x)\n"
  if (missing(rep)) {
    rep <- 5
  ind <- nrow(x@M)
  vars <- ncol(x@M)
  ## we homogeneize data for speeding up the code if required
  tmp <- Prepare(x, simplify, qua, standardize)
  MM <- tmp$MM

  # end of the preprocessing step

  ## ------------------------------------------------FCMEANS-----------------------------------------------------
  solutions <- list()
  criteria <- numeric(0)
  for (repet in (1:rep)) {
    # initialize matrix of memberships
    memb <- matrix(runif(ind * k, 0.01, 1.01), ind, k)
    for (i in (1:ind)) {
      memb[i, ] <- memb[i, ] / sum(memb[i, ])
    cat(paste("FCM---------> rep  ", repet, "\n"))
    ## initialize clusters and prototypes
    proto <- new("MatH", nrows = k, ncols = vars)

    ##  compute prototypes

    nr <- get.MatH.rownames(proto)
    nc <- get.MatH.varnames(proto)

    tmp3 <- c_ComputeFastSSQ_Fuzzy(MM, memb, m, nr, nc)

    SSQ <- tmp3$SSQ
    proto <- tmp3$proto

    GenCrit <- sum(SSQ)
    OK <- 1
    maxit <- 100
    # treshold=GenCrit*1e-10
    treshold <- 1e-3
    itcount <- 0

    while (OK == 1) {
      itcount <- itcount + 1
      # computing distances

      MD <- c_ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_DMAT_simple(MM, proto)
      # compute fuzzy membership
      MD[which(MD < tol)] <- tol
      for (i in 1:ind) {
        for (cl in 1:k) {
          memb[i, cl] <- 1 / sum((MD[i, cl] / MD[i, ])^(1 / (m - 1)))
      # recompute criterion
      OldCrit <- GenCrit
      for (clust in 1:k) {
        for (variables in 1:vars) {
          tmp <- MM[[variables]][, 1:ind]
          tmpP <- rowSums(tmp * matrix(memb[, clust]^(m), nrow(tmp), ncol(tmp), byrow = TRUE)) / sum(memb[, clust]^(m))
          proto@M[clust, variables][[1]]@x <- as.vector(tmpP)
          proto@M[clust, variables][[1]]@p <- as.vector(MM[[variables]][, ind + 1])
          tmpvals <- M_STD_H(proto@M[clust, variables][[1]])
          proto@M[clust, variables][[1]]@m <- tmpvals[1]
          proto@M[clust, variables][[1]]@s <- tmpvals[2]

      tmpD <- c_ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_DMAT_simple(MM, proto)
      SSQ <- sum(tmpD * (memb^m))
      GenCrit <- SSQ
      # cat(paste(itcount,GenCrit, "\n", sep="---->"))
      # check criterion
      #      if (abs(GenCrit-OldCrit)<treshold){OK=0}
      if (1 - GenCrit / OldCrit < treshold) {
        OK <- 0
    # crisp assignment
    IDX <- apply(memb, 1, which.max)
    cardinality <- table(IDX)
    dimnames(cardinality)$IDX <- paste("Cl", dimnames(cardinality)$IDX, sep = ".")
    #    dimnames(cardinality)$IDX=paste("Cl",1:k,sep=".")
    colnames(proto@M) <- colnames(x@M)
    rownames(proto@M) <- paste("Clust", 1:k, sep = ". ")
    row.names(memb) <- get.MatH.rownames(x)
    solutions <- c(solutions, list(solution = list(membership = memb, IDX = IDX, cardinality = cardinality, proto = proto, Crit = GenCrit)))
    criteria <- c(criteria, GenCrit)
    # plot(proto,type="DENS")

  tmp <- c_ComputeFast_Fuzzy_TOT_SSQ(

  TOTSSQ <- tmp$SSQ
  Crisp_clu <- list()
  for (clu in 1:k) {
    Crisp_clu[[clu]] <- rownames(x@M)[solutions[[which.min(criteria)]]$IDX == clu]
  return(best.solution = list(
    solution = solutions[[which.min(criteria)]],
    rep = which.min(criteria),
    SSQ_det = tmp$SSQ_det,
    TSQ = tmp$SSQ,
    WSQ = min(criteria),
    BSQ = tmp$SSQ - min(criteria),
    ProtoGEN = tmp$ProtoGEN,
    quality = 1 - min(criteria) / TOTSSQ, Crisp_clu = Crisp_clu

#' @title Fuzzy c-means with adaptive distances for histogram-valued data
#' @description Fuzzy c-means of a dataset of histogram-valued data using different adaptive distances based on the L2 Wasserstein metric.
#' @param x A MatH object (a matrix of distributionH).
#' @param k An integer, the number of groups.
#' @param schema An integer. 1=one weight per variable, 2=two weights per variables (one for each component: the mean and the variability component),
#' 3=one weight per variable and per cluster, 4= two weights per variable and per cluster.
#' @param m A number grater than 0, a fuzziness coefficient (default \code{m}=1.6).
#' @param rep An integer, maximum number of repetitions of the algorithm (default \code{rep}=5).
#' @param simplify A logic value (default is FALSE), if TRUE histograms are recomputed in order to speed-up the algorithm.
#' @param qua An integer, if \code{simplify}=TRUE is the number of quantiles used for recodify the histograms.
#' @param standardize A logic value (default is FALSE). If TRUE, histogram-valued data are standardized,  variable by variable, using the Wassertein based standard deviation. Use if one wants to have variables with std equal to one.
#' @param init.weights A string. (default='EQUAL'). EQUAL, all variables or components have the same weight; 'RANDOM', a random assignment is done.
#' @param weight.sys  A string. (default='PROD') PROD, Weights product is equal to one. SUM, the weights sum up to one.
#' @param theta A number. (default=2) A parameter for the system of weights summing up to one.
#' @param verbose A logic value (default is FALSE). If TRUE  some details are provided.
#' @return The results of the fuzzy c-means of the set of Histogram-valued data \code{x} into  \code{k} cluster.
#' \item{solution}{A list.Returns the best solution among the \code{rep}etitions, i.e. the ona having the minimum sum of squares deviation.}
#' \item{solution$membership}{A matrix. The membership degree of each unit to each cluster.}
#' \item{solution$IDX}{A vector. The crisp assignement to a cluster.}
#' \item{solution$cardinality}{A vector. The cardinality of each final cluster (after the crisp assignement).}
#' \item{solution$Crit}{A number. The criterion (Sum od square deviation from the prototypes) value at the end of the run.}
#' \item{quality}{A number. The percentage of Sum of square deviation explained by the model. (The higher the better)}
#' @examples
#' results <- WH_adaptive_fcmeans(
#'   x = BLOOD, k = 2, schema = 4, m = 1.5, rep = 3, simplify = TRUE,
#'   qua = 10, standardize = TRUE, init.weights = "EQUAL", weight.sys = "PROD"
#' )
#' @export
WH_adaptive_fcmeans <- function(x, k = 5,
                                schema, # 1=one weight per variable
                                # 2=two weights per variables
                                # 3=one weight per variable and per cluster
                                # 4= two weights per variable and per cluster
                                # 5= two weights per variable multiplied all
                                # 6= two weights per variable and per cluster multiplied all
                                m = 1.6, rep,
                                simplify = FALSE,
                                qua = 10,
                                standardize = FALSE, init.weights = "EQUAL", weight.sys = "PROD", theta = 2,
                                verbose = FALSE) {
  tol <- 1e-10
  if (weight.sys == "PROD") weight_sys <- 1
  if (weight.sys == "SUM") weight_sys <- 2
  # Check initial conditions and passed parameters
  if ((k < 2) || (k >= nrow(x@M))) {
    str <- paste(
      "The number of clusters is not appropriate:\n 2<= k<",
      nrow(x@M), "(no. of individuals in x)\n"
  if (missing(rep)) {
    rep <- 5
  ind <- nrow(x@M)
  vars <- ncol(x@M)
  ## we homogeneize data for speeding up the code if required
  tmp <- Prepare(x, simplify, qua, standardize)
  MM <- tmp$MM
  x <- tmp$x
  # end of the preprocessing step

  TOTSSQ <- 0
  for (v in 1:vars) {
    TOTSSQ <- TOTSSQ + (WH.SSQ(x[, v]))
  if (weight.sys == "PROD") {
    theta <- 1
  ## ------------------------------------------------ADAPTIVE FCMEANS2-----------------------------------------------------
  solutions <- list()
  criteria <- numeric(0)
  # proto_empty=new("MatH",nrows=k,ncols=vars)
  # rownames(proto_empty@M)=paste('Clust',c(1:k),sep="_")
  # colnames(proto_empty@M)=colnames(x@M)

  for (repet in (1:rep)) {
    # select at random k prototypes
    # proto=proto_empty
    RSEL <- sample(c(1:ind), size = k, replace = FALSE)
    proto <- x[RSEL, ]

    # initialize matrix of variables' weights
    if (init.weights == "EQUAL") {
      cat("Weights initialization === EQUAL  \n")
      if (weight.sys == "PROD") {
        lambdas <- matrix(1, 2 * vars, k)
      else {
        if (schema == 5 | schema == 6) {
          lambdas <- matrix(1 / (2 * vars), 2 * vars, k)
        } else {
          lambdas <- matrix(1 / vars, 2 * vars, k)
    else { # Random initialization
      cat("Weights initialization === RANDOM  \n")
      m1 <- matrix(runif((vars * k), 0.01, 0.99), vars, k)
      m2 <- matrix(runif((vars * k), 0.01, 0.99), vars, k)
      m1 <- m1 / matrix(rep(apply(m1, 2, sum)), vars, k, byrow = TRUE)
      m2 <- m2 / matrix(rep(apply(m2, 2, sum)), vars, k, byrow = TRUE)
      if (weight.sys == "PROD") {
        m1 <- exp(m1 * vars - 1)
        m2 <- exp(m2 * vars - 1)

      if (schema == 1) {
        m1 <- matrix(m1[, 1], nrow = vars, ncol = k)
        m2 <- m1
      if (schema == 2) {
        m1 <- matrix(rep(m1[, 1], k), vars, k)
        m2 <- matrix(rep(m2[, 1], k), vars, k)
      if (schema == 3) {
        m2 <- m1

      lambdas <- matrix(0, 2 * vars, k)
      colnames(lambdas) <- paste("Clust", c(1:k), sep = "_")

      n1 <- paste("M_Var.", c(1:vars), sep = "_")
      n2 <- paste("C_Var.", c(1:vars), sep = "_")
      nr <- list()
      for (nn in 1:vars) {
        nr[[nn * 2 - 1]] <- n1[[nn]]
        nr[[nn * 2]] <- n2[[nn]]
      rownames(lambdas) <- nr
      lambdas[(c(1:vars) * 2 - 1), ] <- m1
      lambdas[(c(1:vars) * 2), ] <- m2
    cat(paste("AFCM--", weight.sys, "--Cl. ", k, "---------> rep  ", repet, "\n"))
    ## initialize memberships
    memb <- matrix(1, nrow = ind, ncol = k)
    tmpR2 <- c_DISTA_ADA(x, MM, proto, vars, ind, k, memb, m, schema)
    diINDtoPROT_M <- tmpR2$dista_to_pro_M
    diINDtoPROT_V <- tmpR2$dista_to_pro_V
    # memberships computation (prototype, weights are fixed)

    if (weight.sys == "PROD") {
      memb <- c_MEMB_comp(
        ind, vars, k,
        m, 1
      # TMP_SSQ=WH.ADPT.FCMEANS.SSQ_FAST(MM,x,memb,m,lambdas,proto,theta=1)
      # TMP_SSQ2=c_WH_ADPT_FCMEANS_SSQ(x,memb,m, lambdas, proto, 1)
        memb, m,
        lambdas, 1
    } else {
      memb <- c_MEMB_comp(
        ind, vars, k,
        m, theta
      # TMP_SSQ=WH.ADPT.FCMEANS.SSQ_FAST(MM,x,memb,m,lambdas,proto,theta=theta)
      # TMP_SSQ2=c_WH_ADPT_FCMEANS_SSQ(x,memb,m, lambdas, proto, theta)
        memb, m,
        lambdas, theta

    ## initialize clusters and prototypes

    GenCrit <- Inf
    OK <- 1
    maxit <- 100

    treshold <- 1e-5
    itcount <- 0

    while (OK == 1) {
      OldCrit <- GenCrit
      itcount <- itcount + 1
      ## S1)  representation step Stage 1) compute initial prototypes (fix membership and weights)
      for (cluster in 1:k) {
        for (variables in (1:vars)) {
          tmp <- MM[[variables]][, 1:ind]
          tmpP <- rowSums(tmp * matrix(memb[, cluster]^(m), nrow(tmp), ncol(tmp), byrow = TRUE)) / sum(memb[, cluster]^(m))

          proto@M[cluster, variables][[1]]@x <- as.vector(tmpP)
          proto@M[cluster, variables][[1]]@p <- as.vector(MM[[variables]][, ind + 1])
          tmpvals <- M_STD_H(proto@M[cluster, variables][[1]])
          proto@M[cluster, variables][[1]]@m <- tmpvals[1]
          proto@M[cluster, variables][[1]]@s <- tmpvals[2]
      ## S2)  representation step Stage 2) compute variable weigths (fix membership and prototypes)
      tmpR2 <- c_DISTA_ADA(x, MM, proto, vars, ind, k, memb, m, schema)
      diINDtoPROT_M <- tmpR2$dista_to_pro_M
      diINDtoPROT_V <- tmpR2$dista_to_pro_V
      distances_M <- tmpR2$dista_M
      distances_V <- tmpR2$dista_V

      # S2.2) Weights computation
      # NEW
      lambdas <- c_ADA_F_WHEIGHT(
        list(distances_M, distances_V), k, vars, ind, schema, weight_sys,
        theta, m
      # S3) memberships computation (prototype, weights are fixed)
      if (weight.sys == "PROD") {
        # NEW
        memb <- c_MEMB_comp(
          ind, vars, k,
          m, 1

        # TMP_SSQ=WH.ADPT.FCMEANS.SSQ_FAST(MM,x,memb,m,lambdas,proto,theta=1)
        #   TMP_SSQ2=c_WH_ADPT_FCMEANS_SSQ(x,memb,m, lambdas, proto, 1)
          memb, m,
          lambdas, 1
      else {

        # NEW
        memb <- c_MEMB_comp(
          ind, vars, k,
          m, theta
        # TMP_SSQ=WH.ADPT.FCMEANS.SSQ_FAST(MM,x,memb,m,lambdas,proto,theta=theta)
        # TMP_SSQ2=c_WH_ADPT_FCMEANS_SSQ_FAST(MM,x,memb,m, lambdas, proto, theta)
          memb, m,
          lambdas, theta
      # browser()
      ## compute criterion (fix membership and weights)

      GenCrit <- TMP_SSQ

      if (verbose) {
        cat(paste(itcount, GenCrit, "\n", sep = "---->"))
      # check criterion
      if (1 - GenCrit / OldCrit < treshold) {
        OK <- 0
    if (verbose) {
      cat(paste(itcount, GenCrit, "\n", sep = "---->"))
    # crisp assignment
    IDX <- apply(memb, 1, which.max)
    cardinality <- table(IDX)
    dimnames(cardinality)$IDX <- paste("Cl", dimnames(cardinality)$IDX, sep = ".")
    #    dimnames(cardinality)$IDX=paste("Clust",1:k,sep=".")
    colnames(proto@M) <- colnames(x@M)
    rownames(proto@M) <- paste("Clust", 1:k, sep = ". ")

    solutions <- c(solutions, list(solution = list(
      var.weights = lambdas, membership = memb,
      IDX = IDX, cardinality = cardinality, proto = proto, Crit = GenCrit
    criteria <- c(criteria, GenCrit)
    # plot(proto,type="DENS")
  BestSOL <- solutions[[which.min(criteria)]]
  if (weight.sys == "PROD") {
    resTOTSQ <- ComputeFast_Fuzzy_Adaptive_TOT_SSQ(MM,
      proto = BestSOL$proto,
      memb = BestSOL$membership, m = m,
      lambdas = BestSOL$var.weights, theta = 1
  else {
    resTOTSQ <- ComputeFast_Fuzzy_Adaptive_TOT_SSQ(MM,
      proto = BestSOL$proto,
      memb = BestSOL$membership, m = m,
      lambdas = BestSOL$var.weights, theta = theta
  GEN_proto <- resTOTSQ$ProtoGEN
  TOTFSSQ <- sum(resTOTSQ$SSQ)
  quality <- 1 - min(criteria) / TOTFSSQ
                                         c("(Cen.)", "(Var.)"))
  return(best.solution = list(
    solution = BestSOL,
    rep = which.min(criteria),
    WSQ = min(criteria),
    BSQ = TOTFSSQ - min(criteria),
    quality = 1 - min(criteria) / TOTFSSQ,
    schema = schema, weight.sys = weight.sys

WH.ADPT.FCMEANS.SSQ <- function(x, memb, m, lambdas, proto, theta) {
  vars <- ncol(x@M)
  ind <- nrow(x@M)
  k <- ncol(memb)
  lambdas[is.na(lambdas)] <- 0
  SSQ <- 0
  for (indiv in 1:ind) {
    for (cluster in 1:k) {
      for (variables in (1:vars)) {
        tmpD <- WassSqDistH(x@M[indiv, variables][[1]], proto@M[cluster, variables][[1]], details = T)
        tmpD_mean <- as.numeric(tmpD[2])
        tmpD_centered <- as.numeric(tmpD[1] - tmpD[2])
        SSQ <- SSQ + ((memb[indiv, cluster])^m) * (lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster]^theta * tmpD_mean
          + lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster]^theta * tmpD_centered)

# S2.2) Weights computation
ADA_F_DIST <- function(distances, k, vars, ind, schema, weight.sys, theta = 2, m = 1.6) {
  lambdas <- matrix(0, 2 * vars, k)
  for (variables in (1:vars)) {
    for (cluster in 1:k) {
      # product
      if (weight.sys == "PROD") {
        if (schema == 1) { # one weigth for one variable
          if (cluster <= 1) {
            num <- (prod(apply(distances[, , 1], MARGIN = c(1), sum)))^(1 / vars)
            denom <- max(sum(distances[variables, , 1]), 1e-10)
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- num / denom
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- num / denom
          } else {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), 1]
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2), 1]
        if (schema == 2) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable
          if (cluster <= 1) {
            num <- (prod(apply(distances[, , 1], MARGIN = c(1), sum)))^(1 / vars)
            denom <- max(sum(distances[variables, , 1]), 1e-10)
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- num / denom
            num <- (prod(apply(distances[, , 2], MARGIN = c(1), sum)))^(1 / vars)
            denom <- max(sum(distances[variables, , 2]), 1e-10)
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- num / denom
          else {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), 1]
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2), 1]
        if (schema == 3) { # a weigth for one variable and for each cluster
          num <- (prod(distances[, cluster, 1]))^(1 / vars)
          denom <- max(distances[variables, cluster, 1], 1e-10)
          lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- num / denom
          lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- num / denom
        if (schema == 4) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable and each cluster
          num <- (prod(distances[, cluster, 1]))^(1 / vars)
          denom <- max(distances[variables, cluster, 1], 1e-10)
          lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- num / denom
          num <- (prod(distances[, cluster, 2]))^(1 / vars)
          denom <- max(distances[variables, cluster, 2], 1e-10)
          lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- num / denom
        if (schema == 5) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable
          # multiplied all equal one
          if (cluster <= 1) {
            num1 <- (prod(apply(distances[, , 1], MARGIN = c(1), sum)))^(1 / (2 * vars))
            denom1 <- max(sum(distances[variables, , 1]), 1e-10)

            num2 <- (prod(apply(distances[, , 2], MARGIN = c(1), sum)))^(1 / (2 * vars))
            denom2 <- max(sum(distances[variables, , 2]), 1e-10)
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- (num1 * num2) / denom1
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- (num1 * num2) / denom2
          else {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), 1]
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2), 1]
        if (schema == 6) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable and each cluster
          # multiplied all equal one
          num <- (prod(distances[, cluster, 1]) * prod(distances[, cluster, 2]))^(1 / (2 * vars))
          denom <- max(distances[variables, cluster, 1], 1e-10)
          lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- num / denom
          # num=(prod(distances[,cluster,2]))^(1/vars)
          denom <- max(distances[variables, cluster, 2], 1e-10)
          lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- num / denom
      } else {
        # sum ugual to 1
        if (schema == 1) { # one weigth for one variable 1W GS Global-sum
          if (cluster <= 1) {
            num <- rep(sum(distances[variables, , 1]), vars)
            den <- apply(distances[, , 1], 1, sum)
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- 1 / sum((num / den)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster]
          } else {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), 1]
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2), 1]
        if (schema == 2) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable 2W GS Global-sum
          if (cluster <= 1) {
            num <- rep(sum(distances[variables, , 1]), vars)
            den <- apply(distances[, , 1], 1, sum)
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- 1 / sum((num / den)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
            num <- rep(sum(distances[variables, , 2]), vars)
            den <- apply(distances[, , 2], 1, sum)
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- 1 / sum((num / den)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
          else {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), 1]
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2), 1]
        if (schema == 3) { # a weigth for one variable and for each cluster 1W LS Local-sum
          num <- rep(distances[variables, cluster, 1], vars)
          den <- distances[, cluster, 1]

          lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- 1 / sum((num / den)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
          lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster]
        if (schema == 4) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable and each cluster 2W LS Local-sum
          num <- rep(distances[variables, cluster, 1], vars)
          den <- distances[, cluster, 1]

          lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- 1 / sum((num / den)^(1 / (theta - 1)))

          num <- rep(distances[variables, cluster, 2], vars)
          den <- distances[, cluster, 2]
          lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- 1 / sum((num / den)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
        if (schema == 5) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable 2W GS Global-sum
          if (cluster <= 1) {
            unonum <- sum(distances[variables, , 1])
            unoden <- apply(distances[, , 1], MARGIN = c(1), sum)
            uno <- sum((unonum / unoden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
            dueden <- apply(distances[, , 2], MARGIN = c(1), sum)
            due <- sum((unonum / dueden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- 1 / (uno + due)

            unonum <- sum(distances[variables, , 2])
            tre <- sum((unonum / unoden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
            quattro <- sum((unonum / dueden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- 1 / (tre + quattro)
          else {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), 1]
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2), 1]
        if (schema == 6) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable and each cluster 2W LS Local-sum
          unonum <- distances[variables, cluster, 1]
          unoden <- distances[, cluster, 1]
          uno <- sum((unonum / unoden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
          dueden <- distances[, cluster, 2]
          due <- sum((unonum / dueden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
          lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- 1 / (uno + due)

          unonum <- distances[variables, cluster, 2]
          tre <- sum((unonum / unoden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
          quattro <- sum((unonum / dueden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
          lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- 1 / (tre + quattro)
  return(lambdas = lambdas)

DISTA_ADA <- function(x, MM, proto, vars, ind, k, memb, m, schema) {
  distances <- array(0, dim = c(vars, k, 2))
  diINDtoPROT <- array(0, dim = c(ind, vars, k, 2))

  DM <- array(0, c(ind, vars, k))
  DV <- DM
  for (cl in 1:k) {
    tmp <- ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_DMAT(MM, proto[cl, ], DETA = T)
    DM[, , cl] <- tmp$DM
    DV[, , cl] <- tmp$DV
  #  ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_DMAT(MM,prot,DETA=T)

  for (cluster in 1:k) {
    for (variables in (1:vars)) {
      for (indiv in 1:ind) {
        #         tmpD=ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_D(cbind(MM[[variables]][,indiv],proto@M[cluster,variables][[1]]@x,
        #                                             MM[[variables]][,(ind+1)]))
        tmpD <- (DM[indiv, variables, cluster] + DV[indiv, variables, cluster])

        if (schema == 1) { # one weigth for one variable
          distances[variables, cluster, 1] <- distances[variables, cluster, 1] + tmpD * memb[indiv, cluster]^m
          diINDtoPROT[indiv, variables, cluster, 1] <- tmpD
        if (schema == 2 | schema == 5) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable
          # tmpD_mean=(x@M[indiv,variables][[1]]@m-proto@M[cluster,variables][[1]]@m)^2
          tmpD_mean <- DM[indiv, variables, cluster]
          # tmpD_centered=tmpD-tmpD_mean
          tmpD_centered <- DV[indiv, variables, cluster]
          distances[variables, cluster, 1] <- distances[variables, cluster, 1] + tmpD_mean * memb[indiv, cluster]^m
          distances[variables, cluster, 2] <- distances[variables, cluster, 2] + tmpD_centered * memb[indiv, cluster]^m
          diINDtoPROT[indiv, variables, cluster, 1] <- tmpD_mean
          diINDtoPROT[indiv, variables, cluster, 2] <- tmpD_centered
        if (schema == 3) { # a weigth for one variable and for each cluster
          distances[variables, cluster, 1] <- distances[variables, cluster, 1] + tmpD * memb[indiv, cluster]^m
          diINDtoPROT[indiv, variables, cluster, 1] <- tmpD
        if (schema == 4 | schema == 6) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable and each cluster
          # tmpD_mean=(x@M[indiv,variables][[1]]@m-proto@M[cluster,variables][[1]]@m)^2
          tmpD_mean <- DM[indiv, variables, cluster]
          # tmpD_centered=tmpD-tmpD_mean
          tmpD_centered <- DV[indiv, variables, cluster]

          distances[variables, cluster, 1] <- distances[variables, cluster, 1] + tmpD_mean * memb[indiv, cluster]^m
          distances[variables, cluster, 2] <- distances[variables, cluster, 2] + tmpD_centered * memb[indiv, cluster]^m
          diINDtoPROT[indiv, variables, cluster, 1] <- tmpD_mean
          diINDtoPROT[indiv, variables, cluster, 2] <- tmpD_centered

  return(res = list(distances = distances, diINDtoPROT = diINDtoPROT))
MEMB_comp <- function(ind, vars, k, lambdas, diINDtoPROT, m, theta) {
  memb <- matrix(0, ind, k)
  for (indiv in 1:ind) {
    d1 <- rep(0, k)
    for (cluster in 1:k) {
      for (variables in 1:vars) {
        d1[cluster] <- d1[cluster] + lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster]^theta * diINDtoPROT[indiv, variables, cluster, 1] + lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster]^theta * diINDtoPROT[indiv, variables, cluster, 2]
    for (cluster in 1:k) {
      if (d1[cluster] > 0) {
        memb[indiv, cluster] <- 1 / sum((d1[cluster] / d1)^(1 / (m - 1)))
      else {
        memb[indiv, cluster] <- 1

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