
Defines functions Table2 MEAN_VA compQ_vect WH.ADPT.FCMEANS.SSQ_FAST ADA_F_DIST ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_D ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_DMAT DISTA_ADA ShortestDistance DouglasPeucker data2hist ComputeFast_Fuzzy_Adaptive_TOT_SSQ ComputeFast_Fuzzy_TOT_SSQ ComputeFastSSQ_Fuzzy WH.ADPT.KMEANS.TOTALSSQ ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_D ComputeFastSSQ Prepare

Documented in data2hist DouglasPeucker ShortestDistance

# res=Prepare(x,simplify,qua,standardize)
Prepare <- function(x, simplify, qua, standardize) {
  resu <- c_Prepare(x, simplify, qua, standardize)

# compute fast SSQ
ComputeFastSSQ <- function(subMM) {
  resu <- c_ComputeFASTSSQ(subMM)

# compute fast DIST
ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_D <- function(subMM) {
  Dist <- c_MM_L2_SQ_WASS_D(subMM)

WH.ADPT.KMEANS.TOTALSSQ <- function(x, memb, m, lambdas, proto) {
  vars <- ncol(x@M)
  ind <- nrow(x@M)
  k <- ncol(memb)
  lambdas[is.na(lambdas)] <- 0
  # Compute general weights for the global PROTOTYPE
  mu <- apply(memb^m, 2, sum)
  protoGEN <- x[1, ]
  for (variables in (1:vars)) {
    protoGEN@M[1, variables][[1]] <- WH.vec.mean(proto[, variables], mu)
  # Compute general weights for the global PROTOTYPE2
  Mat_of_means <- matrix(0, ind, vars)
  CentredD <- x
  for (i in 1:ind) {
    for (j in 1:vars) {
      Mat_of_means[i, j] <- x@M[i, j][[1]]@m
      CentredD@M[i, j][[1]] <- x@M[i, j][[1]] - x@M[i, j][[1]]@m
  W_centers <- matrix(0, ind, vars)
  W_dist_cent <- matrix(0, ind, vars)
  for (i in 1:ind) {
    for (j in 1:vars) {
      W_centers[i, j] <- lambdas[(j * 2 - 1), which.max(memb[i, ])]
      W_dist_cent[i, j] <- lambdas[(j * 2), which.max(memb[i, ])]
  protoGEN2 <- x[1, ]
  mprot <- matrix(0, 1, vars)
  for (variables in (1:vars)) {
    mprot[1, variables] <- sum(Mat_of_means[, variables] * W_centers[, variables]) / sum(W_centers[, variables])
    protoGEN2@M[1, variables][[1]] <- WH.vec.mean(CentredD[, variables], W_dist_cent[, variables]) + mprot[1, variables]
  # Compute BETWEEN
  BSQ_clu <- array(0, dim = c(2, vars, k), dimnames = list(c("Mean", "Variability"), colnames(x@M), rownames(proto@M)))
  for (variables in (1:vars)) {
    GENPROTm <- protoGEN2@M[1, variables][[1]]@m
    GENPROTcent <- protoGEN2@M[1, variables][[1]] - GENPROTm
    for (clu in 1:k) {
      LOCPROTm <- proto@M[clu, variables][[1]]@m
      LOCPROTcent <- proto@M[clu, variables][[1]] - LOCPROTm
      BSQ_clu[1, variables, clu] <- sum(memb[, clu]) * lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), clu] * (GENPROTm - LOCPROTm)^2
      BSQ_clu[2, variables, clu] <- sum(memb[, clu]) * lambdas[(variables * 2), clu] * WassSqDistH(GENPROTcent, LOCPROTcent)
  # Compute the total fuzzy sum of SQUARES
  TSQ_clu <- array(0, dim = c(2, vars, k), dimnames = list(c("Mean", "Variability"), colnames(x@M), rownames(proto@M)))
  for (indiv in 1:ind) {
    for (cluster in 1:k) {
      for (variables in (1:vars)) {
        tmpD <- WassSqDistH(x@M[indiv, variables][[1]], protoGEN@M[1, variables][[1]], details = T)
        tmpD_mean <- as.numeric(tmpD[2])
        tmpD_centered <- as.numeric(tmpD[1] - tmpD[2])
        TSQ_clu[1, variables, cluster] <- TSQ_clu[1, variables, cluster] + ((memb[indiv, cluster])^m) * lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] * tmpD_mean
        TSQ_clu[2, variables, cluster] <- TSQ_clu[2, variables, cluster] + ((memb[indiv, cluster])^m) * lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] * tmpD_centered
  TSQ_clu2 <- array(0, dim = c(2, vars, k), dimnames = list(c("Mean", "Variability"), colnames(x@M), rownames(proto@M)))
  for (indiv in 1:ind) {
    for (cluster in 1:k) {
      for (variables in (1:vars)) {
        tmpD <- WassSqDistH(x@M[indiv, variables][[1]], protoGEN2@M[1, variables][[1]], details = T)
        tmpD_mean <- as.numeric(tmpD[2])
        tmpD_centered <- as.numeric(tmpD[1] - tmpD[2])
        TSQ_clu2[1, variables, cluster] <- TSQ_clu2[1, variables, cluster] + ((memb[indiv, cluster])^m) * lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] * tmpD_mean
        TSQ_clu2[2, variables, cluster] <- TSQ_clu2[2, variables, cluster] + ((memb[indiv, cluster])^m) * lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] * tmpD_centered
  return(RES = list(
    protoGEN = proto, TSQdetailed = TSQ_clu, TSQ = sum(TSQ_clu), TSQdetailed2 = TSQ_clu2, TSQ2 = sum(TSQ_clu2),
    BSQdetailed = BSQ_clu, BSQ = sum(BSQ_clu)

ComputeFastSSQ_Fuzzy <- function(subMM, memb, m) {
  ind <- ncol(subMM) - 1
  rr <- nrow(subMM)
  SSQ <- 0
  W <- memb^m
  W2 <- W / sum(W)
  m1 <- subMM[, 1:ind] %*% as.matrix(W2)

  m1 <- as.vector(m1)
  p1 <- subMM[2:rr, ind + 1] - subMM[1:(rr - 1), ind + 1]
  cm <- (m1[2:rr] + m1[1:(rr - 1)]) / 2
  rm <- (m1[2:rr] - m1[1:(rr - 1)]) / 2
  for (indiv in 1:ind) {
    ci <- (subMM[2:rr, indiv] + subMM[1:(rr - 1), indiv]) / 2
    ri <- (subMM[2:rr, indiv] - subMM[1:(rr - 1), indiv]) / 2
    SSQ <- SSQ + (sum(p1 * ((ci - cm)^2) + p1 / 3 * ((ri - rm)^2))) * W[indiv]
  return(list(SSQ = SSQ, mx = m1, mp = subMM[, ind + 1]))

ComputeFast_Fuzzy_TOT_SSQ <- function(MM, proto, memb, m) {
  ind <- ncol(MM[[1]]) - 1
  var <- length(MM)
  k <- ncol(memb)
  # computeGenProt
  mus <- apply(memb^m, 2, sum)
  mus <- mus / sum(mus)
  GP <- new("MatH", 1, var)
  for (variable in 1:var) {
    dG <- MM[[variable]][, 1] * 0
    for (clu in 1:k) {
      dG <- dG + proto@M[clu, variable][[1]]@x * mus[clu]
    tmp <- new("distributionH", x = dG, p = MM[[variable]][, (ind + 1)])
    GP@M[1, variable][[1]] <- tmp
  # compute TOTALSSQ
  SSQ_det <- array(0, dim = c(2, var, clu), dimnames = list(c("Mean", "Variability"), colnames(proto@M), rownames(proto@M)))
  for (variable in 1:var) {
    rr <- nrow(MM[[variable]])
    p1 <- MM[[variable]][2:rr, ind + 1] - MM[[variable]][1:(rr - 1), ind + 1]
    cm <- (GP@M[1, variable][[1]]@x[2:rr] + GP@M[1, variable][[1]]@x[1:(rr - 1)]) / 2
    rm <- (GP@M[1, variable][[1]]@x[2:rr] - GP@M[1, variable][[1]]@x[1:(rr - 1)]) / 2
    for (indiv in 1:ind) {
      ci <- (MM[[variable]][2:rr, indiv] + MM[[variable]][1:(rr - 1), indiv]) / 2
      ri <- (MM[[variable]][2:rr, indiv] - MM[[variable]][1:(rr - 1), indiv]) / 2
      dist <- sum(p1 * ((ci - cm)^2 + 1 / 3 * (ri - rm)^2))
      dc <- (sum(p1 * ci) - GP@M[1, variable][[1]]@m)^2
      dv <- dist - dc
      for (clu in 1:k) {
        SSQ_det[1, variable, clu] <- SSQ_det[1, variable, clu] + memb[indiv, clu]^m * dc
        SSQ_det[2, variable, clu] <- SSQ_det[2, variable, clu] + memb[indiv, clu]^m * dv
  return(list(SSQ = sum(SSQ_det), SSQ_det = SSQ_det, ProtoGEN = GP))

ComputeFast_Fuzzy_Adaptive_TOT_SSQ <- function(MM, proto, memb, m, lambdas, theta) {
  ind <- ncol(MM[[1]]) - 1
  var <- length(MM)
  k <- ncol(memb)
  # computeGenProt

  GP <- new("MatH", 1, var)
  for (variable in 1:var) {
    rr <- nrow(MM[[variable]])
    ci <- (MM[[variable]][2:rr, 1:ind] + MM[[variable]][1:(rr - 1), 1:ind]) / 2
    ri <- (MM[[variable]][2:rr, 1:ind] - MM[[variable]][1:(rr - 1), 1:ind]) / 2
    wi <- (MM[[variable]][2:rr, (ind + 1)] - MM[[variable]][1:(rr - 1), (ind + 1)])
    LMc <- memb^m * matrix(lambdas[(variable * 2 - 1), ]^theta, ind, k, byrow = TRUE)
    LMc <- LMc / sum(LMc)
    LMv <- memb^m * matrix(lambdas[(variable * 2), ]^theta, ind, k, byrow = TRUE)
    LMv <- LMv / sum(LMv)
    Cen <- MM[[variable]][, 1] * 0
    MG <- 0
    McG <- ci[, 1] * 0
    RcG <- ri[, 1] * 0
    for (clu in 1:k) {
      for (i in 1:ind) {
        mui <- sum(ci[, i] * wi)
        MG <- MG + LMc[i, clu] * mui
        Cen <- Cen + (MM[[variable]][, i] - mui) * LMv[i, clu]
    Cen <- Cen + MG
    tmp <- new("distributionH", x = Cen, p = MM[[variable]][, (ind + 1)])
    GP@M[1, variable][[1]] <- tmp
  # compute G by protos

  # compute TOTALSSQ
  SSQ_det <- array(0, dim = c(2, var, clu), dimnames = list(c("Mean", "Variability"), colnames(proto@M), rownames(proto@M)))
  for (variable in 1:var) {
    rr <- nrow(MM[[variable]])
    p1 <- MM[[variable]][2:rr, ind + 1] - MM[[variable]][1:(rr - 1), ind + 1]
    cm <- (GP@M[1, variable][[1]]@x[2:rr] + GP@M[1, variable][[1]]@x[1:(rr - 1)]) / 2
    rm <- (GP@M[1, variable][[1]]@p[2:rr] - GP@M[1, variable][[1]]@p[1:(rr - 1)]) / 2
    for (indiv in 1:ind) {
      ci <- (MM[[variable]][2:rr, indiv] + MM[[variable]][1:(rr - 1), indiv]) / 2
      ri <- (MM[[variable]][2:rr, indiv] - MM[[variable]][1:(rr - 1), indiv]) / 2
      dist <- sum(p1 * ((ci - cm)^2 + 1 / 3 * (ri - rm)^2))
      dc <- (sum(p1 * ci) - GP@M[1, variable][[1]]@m)^2
      dv <- dist - dc
      for (clu in 1:k) {
        SSQ_det[1, variable, clu] <- SSQ_det[1, variable, clu] +
          lambdas[(variable * 2 - 1), clu]^theta * (memb[indiv, clu]^m) * dc
        SSQ_det[2, variable, clu] <- SSQ_det[2, variable, clu] +
          lambdas[(variable * 2), clu]^theta * (memb[indiv, clu]^m) * dv
  return(list(SSQ = sum(SSQ_det), SSQ_det = SSQ_det, ProtoGEN = GP))

#' From real data to distributionH.
#' @param data a set of numeric values.
#' @param algo (optional) a string. Default is "histogram", i.e. the function "histogram"
#' defined in the \code{\link[histogram]{histogram}}  package. \cr If "base"
#' the \code{\link[graphics]{hist}} function is used. \cr
#' "FixedQuantiles" computes the histogram using as breaks a fixed number of quantiles.\cr
#' "ManualBreaks" computes a histogram where braks are provided as a vector of values.\cr
#' "PolyLine" computes a histogram using a piecewise linear approximation of the empirical
#' cumulative distribution function using the "Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm",
#'  \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramer-Douglas-Peucker_algorithm}.
#'  An \code{epsilon} parameter is required.
#'  The data are scaled in order to have a standard deviation equal to one.
#' @param type (optional) a string. Default is "combined" and generates
#' a histogram having regularly spaced breaks (i.e., equi-width bins) and
#' irregularly spaced ones. The choice is done accordingly with the penalization method described in
#' \code{\link[histogram]{histogram}}. "regular" returns equi-width binned histograms, "irregular" returns
#' a histogram without equi-width histograms.
#' @param qua a positive integer to provide if \code{algo="FixedQuantiles"} is chosen. Default=10.
#' @param breaks a vector of values to provide if  \code{algo="ManualBreaks"} is chosen.
#' @param epsilon a number between 0 and 1 to provide if \code{algo="PolyLine"} is chosen. Default=0.01.
#' @return A \code{distributionH} object, i.e. a distribution.
#' @importFrom histogram histogram
#' @importFrom stats quantile sd
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- rnorm(n = 1000, mean = 2, sd = 3)
#' mydist <- data2hist(data)
#' plot(mydist)
#' @seealso \code{\link[histogram]{histogram}} function
data2hist <- function(data,
                      algo = "histogram",
                      type = "combined",
                      qua = 10,
                      breaks = numeric(0),
                      epsilon = 0.01) {
  a <- switch(algo,
    "base" = 1,
    "histogram" = 2,
    "FixedQuantiles" = 3,
    "ManualBreaks" = 4,
    "PolyLine" = 5,
  t <- switch(type,
    "regular" = 1,
    "irregular" = 2,
    "combined" = 3,
  if (a == 1) {
    h <- hist(data)
    x <- h$breaks
    counts <- h$counts
    counts[which(counts == 0)] <- 0.001
    p <- c(0, cumsum(counts / sum(counts)))
  if (a == 2) {
    if (t == 1) {
      h <- histogram(data, type = "regular", verbose = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
    if (t == 2) {
      h <- histogram(data, type = "irregular", verbose = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
    if (t == 3) {
      h <- histogram(data, type = "combined", verbose = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
    x <- h$breaks
    counts <- h$counts
    counts[which(counts == 0)] <- 0.001
    p <- c(0, cumsum(counts / sum(counts)))
  if (a == 3) {
    p <- c(0:qua) / qua
    x <- rep(0, qua + 1)
    for (i in 0:qua) {
      x[i + 1] <- as.numeric(quantile(data, probs = p[i + 1]))
      if (i > 0) {
        if (x[i + 1] <= x[i]) x[i + 1] <- x[i] + (1e-10)
  if (a == 4) {
    # checking limits

    ini <- min(data)
    end <- max(data)
    rr <- end - ini
    tol <- min(1e-10, (rr * (1e-10)))
    end <- end + tol
    breaks <- sort(unique(c(breaks, ini, end)))
    breaks <- breaks[which(breaks >= ini)]
    breaks <- breaks[which(breaks <= end)]
    # end check
    data.cut <- cut(data, breaks, right = FALSE)
    counts <- as.vector(table(data.cut))
    x <- breaks
    p <- c(0, cumsum(counts / sum(counts)))
  if (a == 5) {
    data <- sort(data)
    stdev <- sd(data)

    cums <- c(0:(length(data) - 1)) / (length(data) - 1)
    points <- cbind(data / stdev, cums)
    resu <- DouglasPeucker(as.matrix(points), epsilon = epsilon)
    x <- as.vector(resu[, 1]) * stdev
    p <- as.vector(resu[, 2])
  p[1] <- 0
  p[length(p)] <- 1
  mydist <- distributionH(x, p)
#' Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm for curve fitting with a PolyLine
#' @param points a 2D matrix with the coordinates of 2D points
#' @param epsilon an number between 0 and 1. Recomended 0.01.
#' @return A matrix with the points of segments of a Poly Line.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[HistDAWass]{data2hist}} function
#' @export
DouglasPeucker <- function(points, epsilon) {
  dmax <- 0
  index <- 0
  end <- nrow(points)
  ResultList <- numeric(0)
  if (end < 3) {
    return(ResultList = rbind(ResultList, points))
  for (i in 2:(end - 1)) {
    d <- ShortestDistance(points[i, ], line = rbind(points[1, ], points[end, ]))
    if (d > dmax) {
      index <- i
      dmax <- d
  # if dmax is greater than epsilon recursively apply
  if (dmax > epsilon) {
    # print(dmax)
    recResults1 <- DouglasPeucker(points[1:index, ], epsilon)
    recResults2 <- DouglasPeucker(points[index:end, ], epsilon)
    ResultList <- rbind(ResultList, recResults1, recResults2)
  else {
    ResultList <- rbind(ResultList, points[1, ], points[end, ])
  ResultList <- as.matrix(ResultList[!duplicated(ResultList), ])
  colnames(ResultList) <- c("x", "p")
#' Shortes distance from a point o a 2d segment
#' @param p coordinates of a point
#' @param line a 2x2 matrix with the coordinates of two points defining a line
#' @return A numeric value, the Euclidean distance of point \code{p} to the \code{line}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[HistDAWass]{data2hist}} function and \code{\link[HistDAWass]{DouglasPeucker}} function
#' @export
ShortestDistance <- function(p, line) {
  x1 <- line[1, 1]
  y1 <- line[1, 2]
  x2 <- line[2, 1]
  y2 <- line[2, 2]
  x0 <- p[1]
  y0 <- p[2]
  d <- abs((y2 - y1) * x0 - (x2 - x1) * y0 + x2 * y1 - y2 * x1) / sqrt((y2 - y1)^2 + (x2 - x1)^2)

## Adaptive distance computation
DISTA_ADA <- function(x, MM, proto, vars, ind, k, memb, m, schema) {
  distances <- array(0, dim = c(vars, k, 2))
  diINDtoPROT <- array(0, dim = c(ind, vars, k, 2))

  DM <- array(0, c(ind, vars, k))
  DV <- DM
  for (cl in 1:k) {
    tmp <- ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_DMAT(MM, proto[cl, ], DETA = T)
    DM[, , cl] <- tmp$DM
    DV[, , cl] <- tmp$DV
  #  ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_DMAT(MM,prot,DETA=T)

  for (cluster in 1:k) {
    for (variables in (1:vars)) {
      for (indiv in 1:ind) {
        #         tmpD=ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_D(cbind(MM[[variables]][,indiv],proto@M[cluster,variables][[1]]@x,
        #                                             MM[[variables]][,(ind+1)]))
        tmpD <- (DM[indiv, variables, cluster] + DV[indiv, variables, cluster])

        if (schema == 1) { # one weigth for one variable
          distances[variables, cluster, 1] <- distances[variables, cluster, 1] + tmpD * memb[indiv, cluster]^m
          diINDtoPROT[indiv, variables, cluster, 1] <- tmpD
        if (schema == 2 | schema == 5) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable
          # tmpD_mean=(x@M[indiv,variables][[1]]@m-proto@M[cluster,variables][[1]]@m)^2
          tmpD_mean <- DM[indiv, variables, cluster]
          # tmpD_centered=tmpD-tmpD_mean
          tmpD_centered <- DV[indiv, variables, cluster]
          distances[variables, cluster, 1] <- distances[variables, cluster, 1] + tmpD_mean * memb[indiv, cluster]^m
          distances[variables, cluster, 2] <- distances[variables, cluster, 2] + tmpD_centered * memb[indiv, cluster]^m
          diINDtoPROT[indiv, variables, cluster, 1] <- tmpD_mean
          diINDtoPROT[indiv, variables, cluster, 2] <- tmpD_centered
        if (schema == 3) { # a weigth for one variable and for each cluster
          distances[variables, cluster, 1] <- distances[variables, cluster, 1] + tmpD * memb[indiv, cluster]^m
          diINDtoPROT[indiv, variables, cluster, 1] <- tmpD
        if (schema == 4 | schema == 6) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable and each cluster
          # tmpD_mean=(x@M[indiv,variables][[1]]@m-proto@M[cluster,variables][[1]]@m)^2
          tmpD_mean <- DM[indiv, variables, cluster]
          # tmpD_centered=tmpD-tmpD_mean
          tmpD_centered <- DV[indiv, variables, cluster]

          distances[variables, cluster, 1] <- distances[variables, cluster, 1] + tmpD_mean * memb[indiv, cluster]^m
          distances[variables, cluster, 2] <- distances[variables, cluster, 2] + tmpD_centered * memb[indiv, cluster]^m
          diINDtoPROT[indiv, variables, cluster, 1] <- tmpD_mean
          diINDtoPROT[indiv, variables, cluster, 2] <- tmpD_centered

  return(res = list(distances = distances, diINDtoPROT = diINDtoPROT))

ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_DMAT <- function(MM, prot, DETA = FALSE) {
  ind <- ncol(MM[[1]]) - 1
  rr <- nrow(MM[[1]])
  Dist <- matrix(0, length(MM), ind)
  DM <- Dist
  DV <- Dist
  for (v in 1:length(MM)) {
    rr <- nrow(MM[[v]])
    MPro <- t(t(prot@M[1, v][[1]]@x)) %*% matrix(1, 1, ind)
    p1 <- MM[[v]][2:rr, ind + 1] - MM[[v]][1:(rr - 1), ind + 1]

    c1 <- (MM[[v]][2:rr, 1:ind] + MM[[v]][1:(rr - 1), 1:ind]) / 2
    r1 <- (MM[[v]][2:rr, 1:ind] - MM[[v]][1:(rr - 1), 1:ind]) / 2
    c2 <- (MPro[2:rr, ] + MPro[1:(rr - 1), ]) / 2
    r2 <- (MPro[2:rr, ] - MPro[1:(rr - 1), ]) / 2

    Dist[v, ] <- p1 %*% (((c1 - c2)^2) + 1 / 3 * ((r1 - r2)^2))
    if (DETA == TRUE) {
      DM[v, ] <- (p1 %*% (c1 - c2))^2
      DV[v, ] <- Dist[v, ] - DM[v, ]
  if (DETA == FALSE) {
  else {
    return(list(Dist = t(Dist), DM = t(DM), DV = t(DV)))

# compute fast DIST
ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_D <- function(subMM) {
  Dist <- c_MM_L2_SQ_WASS_D(subMM)

##  Weights computation
ADA_F_DIST <- function(distances, k, vars, ind, schema, weight.sys, theta = 2, m = 1.6) {
  lambdas <- matrix(0, 2 * vars, k)
  for (variables in (1:vars)) {
    for (cluster in 1:k) {
      # product
      if (weight.sys == "PROD") {
        if (schema == 1) { # one weigth for one variable
          if (cluster <= 1) {
            num <- (prod(apply(distances[, , 1], MARGIN = c(1), sum)))^(1 / vars)
            denom <- max(sum(distances[variables, , 1]), 1e-10)
            if ((num == 0) & (denom == 0)) {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- num / denom
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- num / denom
          } else {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), 1]
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2), 1]
        if (schema == 2) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable
          if (cluster <= 1) {
            num <- (prod(apply(distances[, , 1], MARGIN = c(1), sum)))^(1 / vars)
            denom <- max(sum(distances[variables, , 1]), 1e-10)
            if ((num == 0) & (denom == 0)) {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- num / denom
            num <- (prod(apply(distances[, , 2], MARGIN = c(1), sum)))^(1 / vars)
            denom <- max(sum(distances[variables, , 2]), 1e-10)
            if ((num == 0) & (denom == 0)) {
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- num / denom
          else {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), 1]
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2), 1]
        if (schema == 3) { # a weigth for one variable and for each cluster
          num <- (prod(distances[, cluster, 1]))^(1 / vars)
          denom <- max(distances[variables, cluster, 1], 1e-10)
          if ((num == 0) & (denom == 0)) {
          lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- num / denom
          lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- num / denom
        if (schema == 4) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable and each cluster
          num <- (prod(distances[, cluster, 1]))^(1 / vars)
          denom <- max(distances[variables, cluster, 1], 1e-10)
          if ((num == 0) & (denom == 0)) {
          lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- num / denom
          num <- (prod(distances[, cluster, 2]))^(1 / vars)
          denom <- max(distances[variables, cluster, 2], 1e-10)
          if ((num == 0) & (denom == 0)) {
          lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- num / denom
        if (schema == 5) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable
          # multiplied all equal one
          if (cluster <= 1) {
            num1 <- (prod(apply(distances[, , 1], MARGIN = c(1), sum)))^(1 / (2 * vars))
            denom1 <- max(sum(distances[variables, , 1]), 1e-10)
            if ((num1 == 0) & (denom1 == 0)) {
            num2 <- (prod(apply(distances[, , 2], MARGIN = c(1), sum)))^(1 / (2 * vars))
            denom2 <- max(sum(distances[variables, , 2]), 1e-10)
            if ((num2 == 0) & (denom2 == 0)) {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- (num1 * num2) / denom1
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- (num1 * num2) / denom2
          else {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), 1]
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2), 1]
        if (schema == 6) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable and each cluster
          # multiplied all equal one
          num <- (prod(distances[, cluster, 1]) * prod(distances[, cluster, 2]))^(1 / (2 * vars))
          denom <- max(distances[variables, cluster, 1], 1e-10)
          if ((num == 0) & (denom == 0)) {
          lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- num / denom
          # num=(prod(distances[,cluster,2]))^(1/vars)
          denom <- max(distances[variables, cluster, 2], 1e-10)
          if ((num == 0) & (denom == 0)) {
          lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- num / denom
      } else {
        # sum ugual to 1
        if (schema == 1) { # one weigth for one variable 1W GS Global-sum
          if (cluster <= 1) {
            num <- rep(sum(distances[variables, , 1]), vars)
            den <- apply(distances[, , 1], 1, sum)
            if ((num == 0) & (den == 0)) {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- 1 / sum((num / den)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster]
          } else {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), 1]
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2), 1]
        if (schema == 2) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable 2W GS Global-sum
          if (cluster <= 1) {
            num <- rep(sum(distances[variables, , 1]), vars)
            den <- apply(distances[, , 1], 1, sum)
            if ((num == 0) & (den == 0)) {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- 1 / sum((num / den)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
            num <- rep(sum(distances[variables, , 2]), vars)
            den <- apply(distances[, , 2], 1, sum)
            if ((num == 0) & (den == 0)) {
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- 1 / sum((num / den)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
          else {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), 1]
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2), 1]
        if (schema == 3) { # a weigth for one variable and for each cluster 1W LS Local-sum
          num <- rep(distances[variables, cluster, 1], vars)
          den <- distances[, cluster, 1]
          if ((num == 0) & (den == 0)) {
          lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- 1 / sum((num / den)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
          lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster]
        if (schema == 4) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable and each cluster 2W LS Local-sum
          num <- rep(distances[variables, cluster, 1], vars)
          den <- distances[, cluster, 1]
          if ((num == 0) & (den == 0)) {
          lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- 1 / sum((num / den)^(1 / (theta - 1)))

          num <- rep(distances[variables, cluster, 2], vars)
          den <- distances[, cluster, 2]
          if ((num == 0) & (den == 0)) {
          lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- 1 / sum((num / den)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
        if (schema == 5) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable 2W GS Global-sum
          if (cluster <= 1) {
            unonum <- sum(distances[variables, , 1])
            unoden <- apply(distances[, , 1], MARGIN = c(1), sum)
            # if ((unonum==0)&(unoden==0)){browser()}
            uno <- sum((unonum / unoden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
            dueden <- apply(distances[, , 2], MARGIN = c(1), sum)
            due <- sum((unonum / dueden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- 1 / (uno + due)

            unonum <- sum(distances[variables, , 2])
            tre <- sum((unonum / unoden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
            quattro <- sum((unonum / dueden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- 1 / (tre + quattro)
          else {
            lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), 1]
            lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- lambdas[(variables * 2), 1]
        if (schema == 6) { # two weigths for the two components for each variable and each cluster 2W LS Local-sum
          unonum <- distances[variables, cluster, 1]
          unoden <- distances[, cluster, 1]
          uno <- sum((unonum / unoden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
          dueden <- distances[, cluster, 2]
          due <- sum((unonum / dueden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
          lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster] <- 1 / (uno + due)

          unonum <- distances[variables, cluster, 2]
          tre <- sum((unonum / unoden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
          quattro <- sum((unonum / dueden)^(1 / (theta - 1)))
          lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster] <- 1 / (tre + quattro)
  return(lambdas = lambdas)
WH.ADPT.FCMEANS.SSQ_FAST <- function(MM, x, memb, m, lambdas, proto, theta) {
  ind <- ncol(MM[[1]]) - 1
  vars <- length(MM)
  k <- ncol(memb)
  lambdas[is.na(lambdas)] <- 0

  DM <- array(0, c(ind, vars, k))
  DV <- DM
  for (cl in 1:k) {
    tmp <- ComputeFast_L2_SQ_WASS_DMAT(MM, proto[cl, ], DETA = T)
    DM[, , cl] <- tmp$DM
    DV[, , cl] <- tmp$DV

  SSQ <- 0
  for (indiv in 1:ind) {
    for (cluster in 1:k) {
      for (variables in (1:vars)) {

        #   tmpD=WassSqDistH(x@M[indiv,variables][[1]],proto@M[cluster,variables][[1]],details=T)
        tmpD_mean <- DM[indiv, variables, cluster]
        tmpD_centered <- DV[indiv, variables, cluster]
        SSQ <- SSQ + ((memb[indiv, cluster])^m) * (lambdas[(variables * 2 - 1), cluster]^theta * tmpD_mean
          + lambdas[(variables * 2), cluster]^theta * tmpD_centered)

# compute a vector of quantiles faster----
compQ_vect <- function(object, vp) {
  if (is.unsorted(vp)) vp <- sort(vp)
  x <- object@x
  pro <- object@p
  q <- COMP_Q_VECT(object@x, object@p, vp)

MEAN_VA <- function(MAT, wei) {
  res <- MEDIA_V(MAT, wei)

# an alternative to table
Table2 <- function(x, N, full = TRUE) {
  howm <- rep(0, N)
  names(howm) <- paste0(c(1:N))
  for (i in 1:N) {
    howm[i] <- length(which(x == i))
  if (full) {
  } else {
    return(howm[which(howm > 0)])

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