
Defines functions summaryRc

Documented in summaryRc

summaryRc <-
  function(formula, data=NULL, subset=NULL, na.action=NULL, 
           fun=function(x) x, na.rm=TRUE,
           ylab=NULL, ylim = NULL, xlim=NULL, nloc=NULL, datadensity=NULL,
           quant = c(0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95),
           quantloc = c('top', 'bottom'), cex.quant=.6, srt.quant=0,
           bpplot = c('none', 'top', 'top outside', 'top inside', 'bottom'),
           height.bpplot = 0.08,
           trim=NULL, test=FALSE, vnames=c('labels','names'),
  call     <- match.call()
  quantloc <- match.arg(quantloc)
  vnames   <- match.arg(vnames)
  bpplot   <- match.arg(bpplot)
  if(bpplot == 'top') bpplot <- 'top inside'
  X <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
  X$fun <- X$na.rm <- X$ylim <- X$xlim <- X$ylab <- X$nloc <- X$datadensity <-
    X$quant <- X$quantloc <- X$cex.quant <- X$srt.quant <- X$trim <- X$test <-
      X$vnames <- X$bpplot <- X$height.bpplot <- X$... <- NULL
  if(missing(na.action)) X$na.action <- na.retain
  Terms <- if(missing(data)) terms(formula, 'stratify')
  else terms(formula, 'stratify', data=data)
  X$formula <- Terms
  X[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  X <- eval(X, sys.parent())
  Terms <- attr(X, "terms")
  resp <- attr(Terms, "response")
  nact  <- attr(X, "na.action")
  nvar  <- ncol(X) - 1
  strat <- attr(Terms, 'specials')$stratify

  getlab <- function(x, default) {
    if(vnames == 'names') return(default)
    lab <- attr(x, 'label')
    if(!length(lab) || lab=='') default else lab

  if(length(strat)) {
    temp <- survival::untangle.specials(Terms,'stratify')
    strat.name <- var.inner(Terms)[temp$terms]
    strat <- if(length(temp$vars) == 1) as.factor(X[[temp$vars]])
    else stratify(X[,temp$vars])
    strat.label <- getlab(X[, temp$vars[1]], strat.name)
    X[[temp$vars]] <- NULL   # remove strata factors
  Y <- X[[resp]]
  yname <- as.character(attr(Terms, 'variables'))[2]
  ylabel <- if(length(ylab)) ylab else getlab(Y, yname)

  X[[resp]] <- NULL   # remove response var
  Y <- as.matrix(Y)
  s <- rowSums(is.na(Y)) == ncol(Y)
  nmissy <- sum(s)
  if(nmissy) {
    X <- X[!s,, drop=FALSE]
    Y <- Y[!s,, drop=FALSE]
    strat <- strat[!s]

  pl <- function(x, y, strat=NULL, quant, bpplot, width.bpplot,
                 xlab='', ylab='',
                 ylim=NULL, xlim=NULL, fun=function(x) x, ...) {
    n   <- sum(!is.na(x))
    group <- if(length(strat)) strat else rep(1, length(x))
    if(!length(trim)) trim <- if(n > 200) 10 / n else 0
    if(!length(xlim)) {
      xlim <- if(trim == 0) range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
      else quantile(x, c(trim, 1 - trim), na.rm=TRUE)
    a <- list(x=x, y=y, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, trim=0, group=group,
              datadensity=if(length(datadensity)) datadensity
              else length(strat) > 0, ...)
    if(length(fun))  a$fun <- fun
    if(length(ylim)) a$ylim <- ylim
    z <- do.call('plsmo', a)
    usr  <- par('usr')
    xl <- usr[1:2]
    yl <- usr[3:4]
    if(! (length(nloc) && is.logical(nloc) && !nloc)) {
      if(length(nloc)) {
        xx <- nloc[[1]]
        yy <- nloc[[2]]
        xx <- xl[1] + xx * diff(xl)
        yy <- yl[1] + yy * diff(yl)
        w <- list(x=xx, y=yy)
      else {
        xs <- unlist(lapply(z, function(x)x$x))
        ys <- unlist(lapply(z, function(x)x$y))
        w  <- largest.empty(xs, ys, method='area')
      text(w, paste('n=', n, sep=''), cex=.75, font=3, adj=.5)
    # Compute user y-units per inch
    u <- diff(yl) / par('fin')[2]
    if(bpplot != 'none') {
      h <- u * height.bpplot
      yy <- switch(bpplot,
                   'top outside' = yl[2] + h/2 + u*.11,
                   'top inside'  = yl[2] - h/2 - u*.11,
                   bottom        = yl[1] + h/2 + u*.11) 
      panel.bpplot(x, yy, nogrid=TRUE, pch=19, cex.means=.6, height=h)
      if(length(quant)) {
        h    <- u * .15
        qu <- quantile(x, quant, na.rm=TRUE)
        names(qu) <- as.character(quant)
        qu <- pooleq(qu)
        yq <- if(quantloc == 'top') yl[2] else yl[1]
        arrows(qu, yq + h, qu, yq, col='blue', length=.05, xpd=NA)
        if(cex.quant > 0)
          text(qu, yq + 1.4 * h, names(qu), adj=if(srt.quant == 0) .5 else 0,
               cex=cex.quant, srt=srt.quant, xpd=NA)
    ## text(xl[2], yl[2] + h/4, paste('n=', n, sep=''),
    ##      cex=.75, font=3, adj=c(1,0), xpd=NA)

  ## Find all ties in quantiles and build combined labels
  pooleq <- function(x) {
    w <- tapply(names(x), x, paste, collapse=', ')
    x <- as.numeric(names(w))
    names(x) <- w

  i <- 0
  nams <- names(X)
  for(v in nams) {
    i <- i + 1
    x <- X[[v]]
    xlab <- getlab(x, nams[i])
    units  <- if(length(l <- attr(x,'units'))) l else ''
    xlab <- labelPlotmath(xlab, units)
    pl(x, Y, strat=strat, quant=quant, bpplot=bpplot,
       xlab=xlab, ylab=ylabel, ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim[[v]], ...)

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