
context("PlotCatalogToPdf for matrix like object")

test_that("PlotCatalogToPdf for matrix like object", {
  mat96 <- matrix(data = rnbinom(96, mu = 100, size = 10), nrow = 96, ncol = 1)
  out96 <- PlotCatalogToPdf(mat96,
                            file = file.path(tempdir(), "PlotCatSBS96.counts.test.pdf"))
  expect_equal(out96$plot.success, TRUE)
  mat192 <- matrix(data = rnbinom(192, mu = 100, size = 10), 
                   nrow = 192, ncol = 1)
  out192 <- PlotCatalogToPdf(mat192, 
                             file = file.path(tempdir(), "PlotCatSBS192.counts.test.pdf"))
  expect_equal(out192$plot.success, TRUE)
  mat1536 <- matrix(data = rnbinom(1536, mu = 100, size = 10), 
                    nrow = 1536, ncol = 1)
  out1536 <- PlotCatalogToPdf(mat1536,
                              file = file.path(tempdir(), "PlotCatSBS1536.counts.test.pdf"))
  expect_equal(out1536$plot.success, TRUE)
  mat78 <- matrix(data = rnbinom(78, mu = 100, size = 10), 
                  nrow = 78, ncol = 1)
  out78 <- PlotCatalogToPdf(mat78,
                            file = file.path(tempdir(), "PlotCatDBS78.counts.test.pdf"))
  expect_equal(out78$plot.success, TRUE)
  mat136 <- round(matrix(data = rnbinom(136, mu = 100, size = 10), 
                         nrow = 136, ncol = 1))
  out136 <- PlotCatalogToPdf(mat136,
                             file = file.path(tempdir(), "PlotCatDBS136.counts.test.pdf"))
  expect_equal(out136$plot.success, TRUE)
  mat144 <- round(matrix(data = rnbinom(144, mu = 100, size = 10), 
                         nrow = 144, ncol = 1))
  out144 <- PlotCatalogToPdf(mat144,
                             file = file.path(tempdir(), "PlotCatDBS144.counts.test.pdf"))
  expect_equal(out144$plot.success, TRUE)
  mat83 <- round(matrix(data = rnbinom(83, mu = 100, size = 10), 
                        nrow = 83, ncol = 1))
  out83 <- PlotCatalogToPdf(mat83,
                            file = file.path(tempdir(), "PlotCatID.counts.test.pdf"))
  expect_equal(out83$plot.success, TRUE)
  files <- list.files(path = tempdir(), pattern = ".pdf$", full.names = TRUE)

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ICAMS documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:47 p.m.