
Defines functions summary.ISOFIND print.ISOFIND .Fisher_method .assign_test isofind

Documented in isofind print.ISOFIND summary.ISOFIND

#' Infer spatial origins
#' This function performs the assignment of samples of unknown origins.
#' An assignment is a comparison, for a given organism, of the predicted
#' isotopic source value at its location of origin and the predicted isotopic
#' source value at each location of the `isoscape`. The difference between
#' these two values constitute the statistic of the assignment test. Under the
#' null hypothesis (the organism is at a location with the same isotopic value
#' than its original location), the test statistics follows a normal
#' distribution with mean zero and a certain variance that stems from both the
#' isoscape model fits and the calibration fit. The function
#' [`isofind`] computes the map of p-value for such an assignment test
#' (i.e. the p-values in all locations of the isoscape) for all samples in the
#' dataframe `data`. The function also performs a single assignment for the
#' entire group by combining the p-value maps of all samples using the Fisher's
#' method (Fisher 1925). Significant p-values are strong evidence that the
#' sample do NOT come from the candidate location (and not the opposite!). For
#' statistical details about this procedure as well as a discussion of which
#' uncertainties are captured and which are not, please refer to Courtiol et al.
#' 2019.
#' **Details on parameters:**
#' - *neglect_covPredCalib*: as long as the calibration method used in
#' [`calibfit`] is "wild", a covariance is expected between the
#' uncertainty of predictions from the isoscape mean fit and the uncertainty in
#' predictions from the calibration fit. This is because both the isoscape and
#' the calibration use in part the same data. By default this term is omitted
#' (i.e. the value for the argument `neglect_covPredCalib` is `TRUE`)
#' since in practice it seems to affect the results only negligibly in our
#' trials and the computation of this term can be quite computer intensive. We
#' nonetheless recommend to set `neglect_covPredCalib` to `FALSE` in
#' your final analysis. If the calibration method used in [`calibfit`]
#' is not "wild", this parameter has no effect.
#' - *mask*: a mask can be used so to remove all values falling in the mask.
#' This can be useful for performing for example assignments on lands only and
#' discard anything falling in large bodies of water (see example). By default
#' our [`OceanMask`] is considered. Setting `mask` to NULL allows
#' to prevent this automatic behaviour.
#' @aliases isofind print.ISOFIND summary.ISOFIND
#' @param data A *dataframe* containing the assignment data (see note below)
#' @param isoscape The output of the function [`isoscape`]
#' @param calibfit The output of the function [`calibfit`] (This
#'   argument is not needed if the isoscape had been fitted using isotopic
#'   ratios from sedentary animals.)
#' @param mask A polygon of class *SpatVector* representing a mask to replace values on all
#'   rasters by NA inside polygons (see details)
#' @param neglect_covPredCalib A *logical* indicating whether to neglect the
#'   covariance between the uncertainty of predictions from the isoscape mean
#'   fit and the uncertainty in predictions from the calibration fit (default =
#'   `TRUE`). See **Details**.
#' @param verbose A *logical* indicating whether information about the
#'   progress of the procedure should be displayed or not while the function is
#'   running. By default verbose is `TRUE` if users use an interactive R
#'   session and `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @return This function returns a *list* of class *ISOFIND* containing
#'   itself three lists (`sample`, `group`, and `sp_points`)
#'   storing all rasters built during assignment and the spatial points for
#'   sources, calibration and assignments. The *list* `sample` contains
#'   three set of raster layers: one storing the value of the test statistic
#'   ("stat"), one storing the value of the variance of the test statistic
#'   ("var") and one storing the p-value of the test ("pv"). The *list*
#'   `group` contains one raster storing the p-values of the assignment for
#'   the group. The *list* `sp_points` contains two spatial point
#'   objects: `sources` and `calibs`.
#' @note See [`AssignDataAlien`] to know which variables are needed to
#'   perform the assignment and their names.
#' @references Courtiol A, Rousset F, Rohwäder M, Soto DX, Lehnert L, Voigt CC, Hobson KA, Wassenaar LI & Kramer-Schadt S (2019). Isoscape
#' computation and inference of spatial origins with mixed models using the R package IsoriX. In Hobson KA & Wassenaar LI (eds.),
#' Tracking Animal Migration with Stable Isotopes, second edition. Academic Press, London.
#' Fisher, R.A. (1925). Statistical Methods for Research Workers.
#' Oliver and Boyd (Edinburgh). ISBN 0-05-002170-2.
#' @keywords models regression
#' @examples
#' ## The examples below will only be run if sufficient time is allowed
#' ## You can change that by typing e.g. options_IsoriX(example_maxtime = XX)
#' ## if you want to allow for examples taking up to ca. XX seconds to run
#' ## (so don't write XX but put a number instead!)
#' if (getOption_IsoriX("example_maxtime") > 200) {
#'   ## We fit the models for Germany
#'   GNIPDataDEagg <- prepsources(data = GNIPDataDE)
#'   GermanFit <- isofit(
#'     data = GNIPDataDEagg,
#'     mean_model_fix = list(elev = TRUE, lat_abs = TRUE)
#'   )
#'   ## We build the isoscape
#'   GermanScape <- isoscape(
#'     raster = ElevRasterDE,
#'     isofit = GermanFit
#'   )
#'   ## We fit the calibration model
#'   CalibAlien <- calibfit(
#'     data = CalibDataAlien,
#'     isofit = GermanFit
#'   )
#'   ## We perform the assignment on land only
#'   AssignmentDry <- isofind(
#'     data = AssignDataAlien,
#'     isoscape = GermanScape,
#'     calibfit = CalibAlien
#'   )
#'   ## perform the assignment on land and water
#'   Assignment <- isofind(
#'     data = AssignDataAlien,
#'     isoscape = GermanScape,
#'     calibfit = CalibAlien,
#'     mask = NULL
#'   )
#'   ## We plot the group assignment
#'   plot(Assignment, who = "group", mask = list(mask = NULL))
#'   plot(AssignmentDry, who = "group", mask = list(mask = NULL))
#'   ## We plot the assignment for the 8 first samples
#'   plot(AssignmentDry,
#'     who = 1:8,
#'     sources = list(draw = FALSE),
#'     calibs = list(draw = FALSE)
#'   )
#'   ## We plot the assignment for the sample "Alien_10"
#'   plot(AssignmentDry, who = "Alien_10")
#'   ### Other example without calibration:
#'   ### We will try to assign a weather station
#'   ### in the water isoscape
#'   ## We create the assignment data taking
#'   ## GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN as the station to assign
#'   GPIso <- GNIPDataDEagg[GNIPDataDEagg$source_ID == "GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN", "mean_source_value"]
#'   AssignDataGP <- data.frame(
#'     sample_value = GPIso,
#'   )
#'   ## We perform the assignment
#'   AssignedGP <- isofind(
#'     data = AssignDataGP,
#'     isoscape = GermanScape,
#'     calibfit = NULL
#'   )
#'   ## We plot the assignment and
#'   ## show where the station really is (using lattice)
#'   plot(AssignedGP, plot = FALSE) +
#'     xyplot(47.48 ~ 11.06,
#'       cex = 5, pch = 13, lwd = 2, col = "black"
#'     )
#' }
#' @export
isofind <- function(data,
                    calibfit = NULL,
                    mask = NA,
                    neglect_covPredCalib = TRUE,
                    verbose = interactive()) {
  ### Check that sample_IDs correspond to unique locations if lat and long provided (not compulsory since not used to do the assignment but only for plotting)
  if (!is.null(data$lat) && !is.null(data$long)) {
    data$.location <- paste(data[, "lat", drop = TRUE], data[, "long", drop = TRUE], sep = "_")
    test_unique_locations <- tapply(data$.location, as.character(data[, "sample_ID", drop = TRUE]), \(x) length(unique(x)) == 1)
    if (!all(test_unique_locations)) {
      issues <- names(test_unique_locations[!test_unique_locations])
        paste("Different combinations of latitude and longitude share the same sample_ID. Please consider fixing the data for the following sample(s):\n"),
        paste(issues, collapse = ", ")
    data$.location <- NULL

  if (verbose) {
    print("computing the test statistic and its variance...")

  ### check for calibration data
  if (is.null(calibfit)) {
      "The assignment is computed directly on the isoscape
without using a calibration! This means that IsoriX
considers that you directly fitted the isoscape on
the same material as the material you are trying
to assign. If this is not the case, rerun isofind()
by providing a calibration object to the argument

  ## importing ocean if missing
  if (!is.null(mask) && !inherits(mask, "SpatVector") && is.na(mask)) {
    mask <- terra::readRDS(system.file("extdata/OceanMask.rds", package = "IsoriX"))

  original_names <- as.character(data$sample_ID)
  names_layers <- gsub(" ", "_", original_names)
  names_layers <- gsub("-", ".", names_layers)

  if (any(names_layers != original_names)) {
    warning("Your sample_ID could not be used to name rasters (you may have used numbers, symbols or punctuations that is messing with the package terra), so they have been slightly modified by this package.")

  time <- system.time({
    if (!is.null(calibfit)) {
      ## we predict the isotopic value at origin location
      data$mean_origin <-
        (data$sample_value - calibfit$param["intercept"]) / calibfit$param["slope"]
      ## we create individual rasters containing the test statistics
      list_stat_layers <- sapply(
        seq_len(nrow(data)), ## ToDo: change that so it can use HD for heavy layers
        function(i) {
          data$mean_origin[i] - isoscape$isoscapes$mean
    } else {
      ## we create individual rasters containing the test statistics
      list_stat_layers <- sapply(
        function(i) {
          data$sample_value[i] - isoscape$isoscapes$mean
    names(list_stat_layers) <- names_layers
    stat_brick <- terra::rast(list_stat_layers)

    if (terra::nlyr(stat_brick) == 1) {
      names(stat_brick) <- names_layers ## workaround since terra does not consider names if only 1 layer
    if (any(names_layers != names(stat_brick))) {
      warning("Your sample_ID could not be used to name rasters (you may have used numbers, symbols or punctuations that is messing with the package terra), so they have been slightly modified by this package.")
      names_layers <- names(stat_brick) ## trick to track the good names as they can change during stacking (if numbers)


    if (!is.null(calibfit)) {
      ## term 1 in eq. 9.18 from Courtiol et al. 2019
      var_term1 <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(data)), function(i) isoscape$isoscapes$mean_predVar)

      ## term 2 in eq. 9.18 from Courtiol et al. 2019
      var_term2 <- calibfit$phi / calibfit$param[["slope"]]^2

      ## term 3 in eq. 9.18 from Courtiol et al. 2019
      X <- cbind(1, data$mean_origin)
      fixedVar <- rowSums(X * (X %*% calibfit$fixefCov)) ## = diag(X %*% calibfit$fixefCov %*% t(X))
      var_term3 <- fixedVar / calibfit$param[["slope"]]^2

      ## term 4 in eq. 9.18 from Courtiol et al. 2019

      if (calibfit$method == "wild" && !neglect_covPredCalib) {
        # Create design matrix for fixed effects
        # note: the one stored in calibfit is defective given the use of offsets to fit the calibfit model
        X.pv <- cbind(1, calibfit$calib_fit$data$mean_source_value)

        X_ginv <- spaMM::get_matrix(calibfit$calib_fit, which = "fixef_left_ginv", X.pv = X.pv) # with the non-default X.pv; dimensions are 2*(number of calibration locations)
        ## which = "fixef_left_ginv" is not yet documented in spaMM
        ## => this call replaces:
        # phi <- spaMM::residVar(calibfit$calib_fit)
        # X_ginv <- tcrossprod(solve(spaMM:::.ZtWZwrapper(X.pv, 1/phi)), spaMM:::.Dvec_times_m_Matrix(1/phi, X.pv))

        fix_X_ZAC.calib_positions <- spaMM::preprocess_fix_corr(calibfit$iso_fit$mean_fit, fixdata = calibfit$calib_fit$data)
        covmat <- spaMM::get_predCov_var_fix(calibfit$iso_fit$mean_fit,
          newdata = attr(isoscape, "xs"),
          fix_X_ZAC.object = fix_X_ZAC.calib_positions

        # account for the \beta factor in eq.19
        covmat_scaled <- -calibfit$param[["slope"]] * covmat

        # matrix of row vectors of errors of the coefficients (eps_alpha, eps_beta)
        eps_abs <- tcrossprod(covmat_scaled, X_ginv) # dimensions: ( # of putative origins ) * 2
        hat_delta_o <- terra::extract(isoscape$isoscapes$mean, attr(isoscape, "xs")[, c("long", "lat")])

        # adding all components of term 4
        var_term4_vec <- eps_abs[, 1L] + eps_abs[, 2L] * hat_delta_o
      } else {
        var_term4_vec <- 0

      # format as raster for coordinates to match
      var_term4 <- .create_raster(
        long = terra::crds(isoscape$isoscapes, na.rm = FALSE)[, "x"],
        lat = terra::crds(isoscape$isoscapes, na.rm = FALSE)[, "y"],
        values = var_term4_vec,
        proj = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"

      ## we create individual rasters containing the variance of the test statistics
      ## by summing all the terms
      list_varstat_layers <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(data)), function(i) var_term1[[i]] + var_term2 + var_term3[i] + var_term4)
    } else { ## end of if (!is.null(calibfit))

      ## if no calibration, the variance of the test statistic is the response variance
      list_varstat_layers <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(data)), function(i) isoscape$isoscapes$mean_respVar)
    if (exists("var_term1")) rm(var_term2)
    if (exists("var_term2")) rm(var_term2)
    if (exists("var_term3")) rm(var_term3)
    if (exists("var_term4")) rm(var_term4)

    names(list_varstat_layers) <- names_layers
    varstat_brick <- terra::rast(list_varstat_layers)

    if (terra::nlyr(varstat_brick) == 1) {
      names(varstat_brick) <- names_layers ## workaround since terra does not consider names if only 1 layer


    if (verbose) {
      print("running the assignment test...")

    ## we create individual rasters containing the p-values of the test
    list_logpv_layers <- sapply(names_layers, function(sample_ID) {
      logpv_raster <- terra::rast(varstat_brick[[sample_ID]])
      terra::values(logpv_raster) <- .assign_test(terra::values(stat_brick[[sample_ID]]), terra::values(varstat_brick[[sample_ID]]))

    ## we store the list as a brick
    logpv_brick <- terra::rast(list_logpv_layers)
    names(list_logpv_layers) <- names_layers


    if (terra::nlyr(logpv_brick) == 1) {
      names(logpv_brick) <- names_layers ## workaround since terra does not consider names if only 1 layer

    if (verbose) {
      print("combining assignments across samples...")
    if (terra::nlyr(logpv_brick) > 1) {
      group_pv <- terra::app(logpv_brick, .Fisher_method)
    } else {
      group_pv <- .Fisher_method(logpv_brick)
    ## where isoscape values are missing, pv is NA
    group_pv[is.na(isoscape$isoscapes$mean)] <- NA_real_
  }) ## end of system.time

  ## display time
  time <- round(as.numeric((time)[3]))
  if (verbose) {
    print(paste0("assignments for all ", nrow(data), " organisms have been computed in ", time, "s."))

  ## remove log scale
  if (verbose) {
    print("converting log p-values into p-values...")
  pv_brick <- exp(logpv_brick)
  names(pv_brick) <- names_layers ## we restore the names as they are not kept when computing

  ## replacing values by zeros if they fall in the mask (e.g. in water)
  if (!is.null(mask)) {
    if (verbose) {
      print("applying the mask...")

    ## turn mask into raster with NA inside polygons
    raster_mask <- is.na(terra::rasterize(mask, stat_brick))

    ## multiplying rasters by the raster_mask
    stat_brick <- stat_brick * raster_mask
    names(stat_brick) <- names_layers ## we restore the names as they are not kept when computing

    varstat_brick <- varstat_brick * raster_mask
    names(varstat_brick) <- names_layers ## we restore the names as they are not kept when computing

    pv_brick <- pv_brick * raster_mask
    names(pv_brick) <- names_layers ## we restore the names as they are not kept when computing

    group_pv <- group_pv * raster_mask

  ### spatial points
  if (!is.null(data$lat) && !is.null(data$long)) {
    assigns <- .create_spatial_points(
      long = data$long,
      lat = data$lat,
      proj = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"
  } else {
    assigns <- NULL

  calibs <- NULL
  if (!is.null(calibfit)) {
    calibs <- calibfit$sp_points$calibs

  out <- list(
    sample = list(
      "stat" = stat_brick,
      "stat_var" = varstat_brick,
      "pv" = pv_brick
    group = list("pv" = group_pv),
    sp_points = list(
      "sources" = isoscape$sp_points$sources,
      "calibs" = calibs,
      "assigns" = assigns

  class(out) <- c("ISOFIND", "list")

  if (verbose) {


.assign_test <- function(stats, vars, log_scale = TRUE) {
  pv <- 2 * (1 - stats::pnorm(abs(stats), mean = 0, sd = sqrt(vars)))
  if (log_scale) {
    pv <- log(pv)

.Fisher_method <- function(logpv) {
  if (length(logpv) == 1) {
  Fisher_stat <- -2 * sum(logpv, na.rm = TRUE)
  df <- 2 * length(logpv[!is.na(logpv)])
  pv <- stats::pchisq(q = Fisher_stat, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)

#' @export
#' @method print ISOFIND
print.ISOFIND <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @method summary ISOFIND
summary.ISOFIND <- function(object, ...) {
  for (i in names(object)[names(object) != "sp_points"]) {
    cat(paste("######### assignment raster(s): '", i, "'"), "\n")

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IsoriX documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:22 p.m.