Nothing <-
function (x, y, id, initial.values, scaleWB, parameterization, derivForm, control) {
# response vectors
logT <- as.vector(y$logT)
d <- as.vector(y$d)
y <- as.vector(y$y)
# design matrices
X <- x$X
Xtime <- x$Xtime
Xs <- x$Xs
Xtime.deriv <- x$Xtime.deriv
Xs.deriv <- x$Xs.deriv
Z <- x$Z
Ztime <- x$Ztime
Zs <- x$Zs
Ztime.deriv <- x$Ztime.deriv
Zs.deriv <- x$Zs.deriv
W1 <- x$W
WW <- if (is.null(W1)) as.matrix(rep(1, length(logT))) else cbind(1, W1)
WintF.vl <- x$WintF.vl <- x$
Ws.intF.vl <- x$Ws.intF.vl <- x$
X <- dropAttr(X); Z <- dropAttr(Z); WW <- dropAttr(WW)
WintF.vl <- dropAttr(WintF.vl); <- dropAttr(
Ws.intF.vl <- dropAttr(Ws.intF.vl); <- dropAttr(
if (parameterization == "value") {
Xtime <- dropAttr(Xtime); Ztime <- dropAttr(Ztime); Xs <- dropAttr(Xs); Zs <- dropAttr(Zs)
} else if (parameterization == "slope") {
Xtime.deriv <- dropAttr(Xtime.deriv); Ztime.deriv <- dropAttr(Ztime.deriv)
Xs.deriv <- dropAttr(Xs.deriv); Zs.deriv <- dropAttr(Zs.deriv)
} else {
Xtime <- dropAttr(Xtime); Ztime <- dropAttr(Ztime); Xs <- dropAttr(Xs); Zs <- dropAttr(Zs)
Xtime.deriv <- dropAttr(Xtime.deriv); Ztime.deriv <- dropAttr(Ztime.deriv)
Xs.deriv <- dropAttr(Xs.deriv); Zs.deriv <- dropAttr(Zs.deriv)
indFixed <- derivForm$indFixed
indRandom <- derivForm$indRandom
# sample size settings
ncx <- ncol(X)
ncz <- ncol(Z)
ncww <- ncol(WW)
n <- length(logT)
N <- length(y)
ni <- as.vector(tapply(id, id, length))
# crossproducts and others
XtX <- crossprod(X)
ZtZ <- lapply(split(Z, id), function (x) crossprod(matrix(x, ncol = ncz)))
names(ZtZ) <- NULL
ZtZ <- matrix(unlist(ZtZ), n, ncz * ncz, TRUE)
outer.Ztime <- lapply(1:n, function (x) Ztime[x, ] %o% Ztime[x, ])
# Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule components
GH <- gauher(control$GHk)
b <- as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(GH$x), ncz)))
k <- nrow(b)
wGH <- as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(GH$w), ncz)))
wGH <- 2^(ncz/2) * apply(wGH, 1, prod) * exp(rowSums(b * b))
if (control$typeGH == "simple") {
b <- sqrt(2) * t(control$inv.chol.VC %*% t(b))
wGH <- wGH * control$det.inv.chol.VC
} else {
b <- sqrt(2) * b
VCdets <- control$det.inv.chol.VCs
dimnames(b) <- NULL
b2 <- if (ncz == 1) b * b else t(apply(b, 1, function (x) x %o% x))
Ztb <- Z %*% t(b)
if (parameterization %in% c("value", "both")) {
Ztime.b <- Ztime %*% t(b)
Zsb <- Zs %*% t(b)
if (parameterization %in% c("slope", "both")) {
if (length(indRandom) > 1 || indRandom) {
Ztime.b.deriv <- Ztime.deriv %*% t(b[, indRandom, drop = FALSE])
Zsb.deriv <- Zs.deriv %*% t(b[, indRandom, drop = FALSE])
} else {
Ztime.b.deriv <- matrix(0, nrow(Ztime.deriv), k)
Zsb.deriv <- matrix(0, nrow(Zs.deriv), k)
# Gauss-Kronrod rule
st <- x$st <- log(st)
wk <- rep(x$wk, length(logT))
P <- as.vector(x$P)
id.GK <- rep(seq_along(logT), each = control$GKk)
# pseudo-adaptive Gauss-Hermite
if (control$typeGH != "simple") {
lis.b <- vector("list", n)
for (i in 1:n)
lis.b[[i]] <- t(control$inv.chol.VCs[[i]] %*% t(b)) +
rep(control$ranef[i, ], each = k)
lis.b2 <- lapply(lis.b, function (b) if (ncz == 1) b * b else
t(apply(b, 1, function (x) x %o% x)))
for (i in 1:n) {
Ztb[id == i, ] <- Z[id == i, , drop = FALSE] %*% t(lis.b[[i]])
if (parameterization %in% c("value", "both")) {
Ztime.b[i, ] <- Ztime[i, , drop = FALSE] %*% t(lis.b[[i]])
Zsb[id.GK == i, ] <- Zs[id.GK == i, ] %*% t(lis.b[[i]])
if (parameterization %in% c("slope", "both") &&
(length(indRandom) > 1 || indRandom)) {
Ztime.b.deriv[i, ] <- Ztime.deriv[i, , drop = FALSE] %*% t(lis.b[[i]][, indRandom, drop = FALSE])
Zsb.deriv[id.GK == i, ] <- Zs.deriv[id.GK == i, ] %*% t(lis.b[[i]][, indRandom, drop = FALSE])
# initial values
betas <- as.vector(initial.values$betas)
sigma <- initial.values$sigma
gammas <- as.vector(initial.values$gammas)
alpha <- as.vector(initial.values$alpha)
Dalpha <- as.vector(initial.values$Dalpha)
sigma.t <- if (is.null(scaleWB)) initial.values$sigma.t else scaleWB
D <- initial.values$D
diag.D <- !is.matrix(D)
if (!diag.D) dimnames(D) <- NULL else names(D) <- NULL
# fix environments for functions
environment(opt.survAFTWB) <- environment(gr.survAFTWB) <- environment()
environment(opt.longAFTWB) <- environment(gr.longAFTWB) <- environment()
environment(LogLik.weibullAFTGH) <- environment(Score.weibullAFTGH) <- environment()
old <- options(warn = (-1))
# EM iterations
iter <- control$iter.EM
Y.mat <- matrix(0, iter + 1, ncx + 1)
T.mat <- matrix(0, iter + 1, switch(parameterization,
"value" = ncww + 1 + ncol(WintF.vl),
"slope" = ncww + 1 + ncol(,
"both" = ncww + 1 + ncol(WintF.vl) + ncol(
B.mat <- if (diag.D) matrix(0, iter + 1, ncz) else matrix(0, iter + 1, ncz * ncz)
lgLik <- numeric(iter + 1)
conv <- TRUE
for (it in 1:iter) {
# save parameter values in matrix
Y.mat[it, ] <- c(betas, sigma)
T.mat[it, ] <- switch(parameterization, "value" = c(gammas, alpha, sigma.t),
"slope" = c(gammas, Dalpha, sigma.t), "both" = c(gammas, alpha, Dalpha, sigma.t))
B.mat[it,] <- D
# linear predictors
eta.yx <- as.vector(X %*% betas) <- as.vector(WW %*% gammas)
if (parameterization %in% c("value", "both")) {
Y <- as.vector(Xtime %*% betas) + Ztime.b
Ys <- as.vector(Xs %*% betas) + Zsb
eta.t <- + c(WintF.vl %*% alpha) * Y
eta.s <- c(Ws.intF.vl %*% alpha) * Ys
if (parameterization %in% c("slope", "both")) {
Y.deriv <- as.vector(Xtime.deriv %*% betas[indFixed]) + Ztime.b.deriv
Ys.deriv <- as.vector(Xs.deriv %*% betas[indFixed]) + Zsb.deriv
eta.t <- if (parameterization == "both")
eta.t + c( %*% Dalpha) * Y.deriv
else + c( %*% Dalpha) * Y.deriv
eta.s <- if (parameterization == "both")
eta.s + c( %*% Dalpha) * Ys.deriv
c( %*% Dalpha) * Ys.deriv
# E-step
mu.y <- eta.yx + Ztb
logNorm <- dnorm(y, mu.y, sigma, TRUE)
log.p.yb <- rowsum(logNorm, id, reorder = FALSE); dimnames(log.p.yb) <- NULL
Vi <- exp( * P * rowsum(wk * exp(eta.s), id.GK, reorder = FALSE); dimnames(Vi) <- NULL
log.hazard <- log(sigma.t) + (sigma.t - 1) * log(Vi) + eta.t
log.survival <- - Vi^sigma.t
log.p.tb <- d * log.hazard + log.survival
log.p.b <- if (control$typeGH == "simple") {
rep(dmvnorm(b, rep(0, ncz), D, TRUE), each = n)
} else {
matrix(dmvnorm(, lis.b), rep(0, ncz), D, TRUE), n, k, byrow = TRUE)
p.ytb <- exp(log.p.yb + log.p.tb + log.p.b)
if (control$typeGH != "simple")
p.ytb <- p.ytb * VCdets <- c(p.ytb %*% wGH)
p.byt <- p.ytb /
post.b <- if (control$typeGH == "simple") {
p.byt %*% (b * wGH)
} else {
sapply(seq_len(ncz), function (i)
(p.byt * t(sapply(lis.b, "[", seq_len(k), i))) %*% wGH)
post.vb <- if (control$typeGH == "simple") {
if (ncz == 1) {
c(p.byt %*% (b2 * wGH)) - c(post.b * post.b)
} else {
(p.byt %*% (b2 * wGH)) - t(apply(post.b, 1, function (x) x %o% x))
} else {
dd <- sapply(seq_len(ncz^2), function (i)
(p.byt * t(sapply(lis.b2, "[", seq_len(k), i))) %*% wGH)
bb <- apply(post.b, 1, function (x) x %o% x)
dd - if (ncz == 1) c(bb) else t(bb)
# compute log-likelihood <- log(
lgLik[it] <- sum([is.finite(])
# print results if verbose
if (control$verbose) {
cat("\n\niter:", it, "\n")
cat("log-likelihood:", lgLik[it], "\n")
cat("betas:", round(betas, 4), "\n")
cat("sigma:", round(sigma, 4), "\n")
cat("gammas:", -round(gammas, 4), "\n")
if (parameterization %in% c("value", "both"))
cat("alpha:", -round(alpha, 4), "\n")
if (parameterization %in% c("slope", "both"))
cat("alphaD:", -round(Dalpha, 4), "\n")
cat("sigma.t:", round(sigma.t, 4), "\n")
cat("D:", if (!diag.D) round(D[lower.tri(D, TRUE)], 4) else round(D, 4), "\n")
# check convergence
if (it > 5 && lgLik[it] > lgLik[it - 1]) {
thets1 <- c(Y.mat[it - 1, ], T.mat[it - 1, ], B.mat[it - 1, ])
thets2 <- c(Y.mat[it, ], T.mat[it, ], B.mat[it, ])
check1 <- max(abs(thets2 - thets1) / (abs(thets1) + control$tol1)) < control$tol2
check2 <- (lgLik[it] - lgLik[it - 1]) < control$tol3 * (abs(lgLik[it - 1]) + control$tol3)
if (check1 || check2) {
conv <- FALSE
if (control$verbose)
cat("\n\nconverged!\ncalculating Hessian...\n")
if (iter == 0) break
# M-step
Zb <- rowSums(Z * post.b[id, ], na.rm = TRUE)
mu <- y - eta.yx
tr.tZZvarb <- sum(ZtZ * post.vb, na.rm = TRUE)
sigman <- sqrt(c(crossprod(mu, mu - 2 * Zb) + crossprod(Zb) + tr.tZZvarb) / N)
Dn <- if (control$typeGH == "simple") {
matrix(colMeans(p.byt %*% (b2 * wGH), na.rm = TRUE), ncz, ncz)
} else {
matrix(colMeans(dd, na.rm = TRUE), ncz, ncz)
Dn <- if (diag.D) diag(Dn) else 0.5 * (Dn + t(Dn))
Hbetas <- nearPD(fd.vec(betas, gr.longAFTWB))
scbetas <- gr.longAFTWB(betas)
betasn <- betas - c(solve(Hbetas, scbetas))
list.thetas <- list(gammas = gammas, alpha = alpha, Dalpha = Dalpha, log.sigma.t = log(sigma.t))
if (!is.null(scaleWB))
list.thetas$log.sigma.t <- NULL
list.thetas <- list.thetas[!sapply(list.thetas, is.null)]
thetas <- unlist(as.relistable(list.thetas))
optz.surv <- optim(thetas, opt.survAFTWB, gr.survAFTWB, method = "BFGS",
control = list(maxit = if (it < 5) 20 else 5,
parscale = if (it < 10) rep(0.01, length(thetas)) else rep(0.1, length(thetas))))
thetasn <- relist(optz.surv$par, skeleton = list.thetas)
# update parameter values
betas <- betasn
sigma <- sigman
D <- Dn
gammas <- thetasn$gammas
alpha <- thetasn$alpha
Dalpha <- thetasn$Dalpha
sigma.t <- if (is.null(scaleWB)) exp(thetasn$log.sigma.t) else scaleWB
list.thetas <- list(betas = betas, log.sigma = log(sigma), gammas = gammas, alpha = alpha, Dalpha = Dalpha,
log.sigma.t = log(sigma.t), D = if (diag.D) log(D) else chol.transf(D))
if (!is.null(scaleWB))
list.thetas$log.sigma.t <- NULL
list.thetas <- list.thetas[!sapply(list.thetas, is.null)]
thetas <- unlist(as.relistable(list.thetas))
lgLik <- - LogLik.weibullAFTGH(thetas)
# if not converged, start quasi-Newton iterations
if (conv && !control$only.EM) {
if (is.null(control$parscale))
control$parscale <- rep(0.01, length(thetas))
if (control$verbose)
cat("\n\nquasi-Newton iterations start.\n\n")
out <- if (control$optimizer == "optim") {
optim(thetas, LogLik.weibullAFTGH, Score.weibullAFTGH, method = "BFGS",
control = list(maxit = control$iter.qN, parscale = control$parscale,
trace = 10 * control$verbose))
} else {
nlminb(thetas, LogLik.weibullAFTGH, Score.weibullAFTGH, scale = control$parscale,
control = list(iter.max = control$iter.qN, trace = 1 * control$verbose))
if ((conv <- out$convergence) == 0 || - out[[2]] > lgLik) {
lgLik <- - out[[2]]
thetas <- relist(out$par, skeleton = list.thetas)
betas <- thetas$betas
sigma <- exp(thetas$log.sigma)
gammas <- thetas$gammas
alpha <- thetas$alpha
Dalpha <- thetas$Dalpha
sigma.t <- if (is.null(scaleWB)) exp(thetas$log.sigma.t) else scaleWB
D <- thetas$D
D <- if (diag.D) exp(D) else chol.transf(D)
it <- it + if (control$optimizer == "optim") out$counts[1] else out$iterations
# compute posterior moments for thetas after quasi-Newton
eta.yx <- as.vector(X %*% betas) <- as.vector(WW %*% gammas)
if (parameterization %in% c("value", "both")) {
Y <- as.vector(Xtime %*% betas) + Ztime.b
Ys <- as.vector(Xs %*% betas) + Zsb
eta.t <- + c(WintF.vl %*% alpha) * Y
eta.s <- c(Ws.intF.vl %*% alpha) * Ys
if (parameterization %in% c("slope", "both")) {
Y.deriv <- as.vector(Xtime.deriv %*% betas[indFixed]) + Ztime.b.deriv
Ys.deriv <- as.vector(Xs.deriv %*% betas[indFixed]) + Zsb.deriv
eta.t <- if (parameterization == "both")
eta.t + c( %*% Dalpha) * Y.deriv
else + c( %*% Dalpha) * Y.deriv
eta.s <- if (parameterization == "both")
eta.s + c( %*% Dalpha) * Ys.deriv
c( %*% Dalpha) * Ys.deriv
} <- exp(
mu.y <- eta.yx + Ztb
logNorm <- dnorm(y, mu.y, sigma, TRUE)
log.p.yb <- rowsum(logNorm, id)
Vi <- exp( * P * rowsum(wk * exp(eta.s), id.GK, reorder = FALSE); dimnames(Vi) <- NULL
log.hazard <- log(sigma.t) + (sigma.t - 1) * log(Vi) + eta.t
log.survival <- - Vi^sigma.t
log.p.tb <- d * log.hazard + log.survival
log.p.b <- if (control$typeGH == "simple") {
rep(dmvnorm(b, rep(0, ncz), D, TRUE), each = n)
} else {
matrix(dmvnorm(, lis.b), rep(0, ncz), D, TRUE), n, k, byrow = TRUE)
p.ytb <- exp(log.p.yb + log.p.tb + log.p.b)
if (control$typeGH != "simple")
p.ytb <- p.ytb * VCdets <- c(p.ytb %*% wGH)
p.byt <- p.ytb /
post.b <- if (control$typeGH == "simple") {
p.byt %*% (b * wGH)
} else {
sapply(seq_len(ncz), function (i)
(p.byt * t(sapply(lis.b, "[", seq_len(k), i))) %*% wGH)
post.vb <- if (control$typeGH == "simple") {
if (ncz == 1) {
c(p.byt %*% (b2 * wGH)) - c(post.b * post.b)
} else {
(p.byt %*% (b2 * wGH)) - t(apply(post.b, 1, function (x) x %o% x))
} else {
dd <- sapply(seq_len(ncz^2), function (i)
(p.byt * t(sapply(lis.b2, "[", seq_len(k), i))) %*% wGH)
bb <- apply(post.b, 1, function (x) x %o% x)
dd - if (ncz == 1) c(bb) else t(bb)
Zb <- if (ncz == 1) post.b[id] else rowSums(Z * post.b[id, ], na.rm = TRUE)
# calculate Score vector
Score <- Score.weibullAFTGH(unlist(thetas))
# calculate Hessian matrix
Hessian <- if (control$numeriDeriv == "fd") {
fd.vec(unlist(thetas), Score.weibullAFTGH, eps = control$eps.Hes)
} else {
cd.vec(unlist(thetas), Score.weibullAFTGH, eps = control$eps.Hes)
names(betas) <- names(initial.values$betas)
if (!diag.D) dimnames(D) <- dimnames(initial.values$D) else names(D) <- names(initial.values$D)
names(gammas) <- c("(Intercept)", colnames(W1))
nm.alph <- colnames(x$WintF.vl)
nm.alph <- if (!is.null(nm.alph)) {
if (nm.alph[1] == "(Intercept)")
c("", nm.alph[-1])
} else {
nm.Dalph <- colnames(x$
nm.Dalph <- if (!is.null(nm.Dalph)) {
if (nm.Dalph[1] == "(Intercept)")
c("", nm.Dalph[-1])
} else {
gg <- switch(parameterization, "value" = nm.alph, "slope" = nm.Dalph, "both" = c(nm.alph, nm.Dalph))
if (parameterization %in% c("value", "both"))
names(alpha) <- nm.alph
if (parameterization %in% c("slope", "both"))
names(Dalpha) <- nm.Dalph
nams <- c(paste("Y.", c(names(betas), "sigma"), sep = ""),
paste("T.", if (is.null(scaleWB)) c(names(gammas), gg, "sigma.t") else c(names(gammas), gg), sep = ""),
paste("B.", if (!diag.D) paste("D", seq(1, ncz * (ncz + 1) / 2), sep = "") else names(D), sep = ""))
dimnames(Hessian) <- list(nams, nams)
colnames(post.b) <- colnames(x$Z)
list(coefficients = list(betas = betas, sigma = sigma, gammas = gammas, alpha = alpha, Dalpha = Dalpha, sigma.t = sigma.t,
D = as.matrix(D)), Score = Score, Hessian = Hessian, logLik = lgLik, EB = list(post.b = post.b, post.vb = post.vb,
Zb = if (iter == 0) rowSums(Z * post.b[id, ], na.rm = TRUE) else Zb,
Ztimeb = if (parameterization %in% c("value", "both")) rowSums(Ztime * post.b) else NULL,
Ztimeb.deriv = if (parameterization %in% c("slope", "both")) {
if (length(indRandom)) rowSums(Ztime.deriv * post.b[, indRandom, drop = FALSE]) else rep(0, nrow(Ztime.deriv))
} else NULL),
iters = it, convergence = conv, n = n, N = N, ni = ni, d = d, id = id, scaleWB = scaleWB)
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