#' @title Nonlinear Least Squares Fit for OSL surface exposure data
#' @description
#' This function determines the (weighted) least-squares estimates of the
#' parameters of either equation 1 in *Sohbati et al. (2012a)* or equation 12 in
#' *Sohbati et al. (2012b)* for a given OSL surface exposure data set (**BETA**).
#' @details
#' **Weighted fitting**
#' If `weights = TRUE` the function will use the inverse square of the error (\eqn{1/\sigma^2})
#' as weights during fitting using [minpack.lm::nlsLM]. Naturally, for this to
#' take effect individual errors must be provided in the third column of the
#' `data.frame` for `data`. Weighted fitting is **not** supported if `data`
#' is a list of multiple `data.frame`s, i.e., it is not available for global
#' fitting.
#' **Dose rate**
#' If any of the arguments `Ddot` or `D0` is at its default value (`NULL`),
#' this function will fit equation 1 in Sohbati et al. (2012a) to the data. If
#' the effect of dose rate (i.e., signal saturation) needs to be considered,
#' numeric values for the dose rate (`Ddot`) (in Gy/ka) and the characteristic
#' saturation dose (`D0`) (in Gy) must be provided. The function will then fit
#' equation 12 in Sohbati et al. (2012b) to the data.
#' **NOTE**: Currently, this function does **not** consider the variability
#' of the dose rate with sample depth (`x`)! In the original equation the dose
#' rate `D` is an arbitrary function of `x` (term `D(x)`), but here `D` is assumed
#' constant.
#' **Global fitting**
#' If `data` is [list] of multiple `data.frame`s, each representing a separate
#' sample, the function automatically performs a global fit to the data. This
#' may be useful to better constrain the parameters `sigmaphi` or `mu` and
#' **requires** that known ages for each sample is provided
#' (e.g., `age = c(100, 1000)` if `data` is a list with two samples).
#' @param data [data.frame] or [list] (**required**):
#' Measured OSL surface exposure data with the following structure:
#' ```
#' (optional)
#' | depth (a.u.)| intensity | error |
#' | [ ,1] | [ ,2] | [ ,3] |
#' |-------------|-----------|-------|
#' [1, ]| ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ |
#' [2, ]| ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ |
#' ... | ... | ... | ... |
#' [x, ]| ~~~~ | ~~~~ | ~~~~ |
#' ```
#' Alternatively, a [list] of `data.frames` can be provided, where each
#' `data.frame` has the same structure as shown above, with the exception that
#' they must **not** include the optional error column. Providing a [list] as
#' input automatically activates the global fitting procedure (see details).
#' @param sigmaphi [numeric] (*optional*):
#' A numeric value for `sigmaphi`, i.e. the charge detrapping rate.
#' Example: `sigmaphi = 5e-10`
#' @param mu [numeric] (*optional*):
#' A numeric value for mu, i.e. the light attenuation coefficient.
#' Example: `mu = 0.9`
#' @param age [numeric] (*optional*):
#' The age (a) of the sample, if known. If `data` is a [list] of *x* samples,
#' then `age` must be a numeric vector of length *x*.
#' Example: `age = 10000`, or `age = c(1e4, 1e5, 1e6)`.
#' @param Ddot [numeric] (*optional*):
#' A numeric value for the environmental dose rate (Gy/ka). For this argument
#' to be considered a value for `D0` must also be provided; otherwise it will be
#' ignored.
#' @param D0 [numeric] (*optional*):
#' A numeric value for the characteristic saturation dose (Gy). For this argument
#' to be considered a value for `Ddot` must also be provided; otherwise it will be
#' ignored.
#' @param weights [logical] (*optional*):
#' If `TRUE` the fit will be weighted by the inverse square of the error.
#' Requires `data` to be a [data.frame] with three columns.
#' @param plot [logical] (*optional*):
#' Show or hide the plot.
#' @param legend [logical] (*optional*):
#' Show or hide the equation inside the plot.
#' @param error_bars [logical] (*optional*):
#' Show or hide error bars (only applies if errors were provided).
#' @param coord_flip [logical] (*optional*):
#' Flip the coordinate system.
#' @param ... Further parameters passed to [plot].
#' Custom parameters include:
#' - `verbose` ([logical]): show or hide console output
#' - `line_col`: Colour of the fitted line
#' - `line_lty`: Type of the fitted line (see `lty` in `?par`)
#' - `line_lwd`: Line width of the fitted line (see `lwd` in `?par`)
#' @return
#' Function returns results numerically and graphically:
#' -----------------------------------\cr
#' -----------------------------------\cr
#' **`RLum.Results`**-object
#' **slot:** **`@data`**
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' **Element** \tab **Type** \tab **Description**\cr
#' `$summary` \tab `data.frame` \tab summary of the fitting results \cr
#' `$data` \tab `data.frame` \tab the original input data \cr
#' `$fit` \tab `nls` \tab the fitting object produced by [minpack.lm::nlsLM] \cr
#' `$args` \tab `character` \tab arguments of the call \cr
#' `$call` \tab `call` \tab the original function call \cr
#' }
#'**slot:** **`@info`**
#' Currently unused.
#' ------------------------\cr
#' `[ PLOT OUTPUT ]`\cr
#' ------------------------\cr
#' A scatter plot of the provided depth-intensity OSL surface exposure data
#' with the fitted model.
#' @section Function version: 0.1.0
#' @note
#' **This function has BETA status. If possible, results should be**
#' **cross-checked.**
#' @author Christoph Burow, University of Cologne (Germany)
#' @seealso [ExampleData.SurfaceExposure], [minpack.lm::nlsLM]
#' @references
#' Sohbati, R., Murray, A.S., Chapot, M.S., Jain, M., Pederson, J., 2012a.
#' Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) as a chronometer for surface exposure
#' dating. Journal of Geophysical Research 117, B09202. doi:
#' \doi{10.1029/2012JB009383}
#' Sohbati, R., Jain, M., Murray, A.S., 2012b. Surface exposure dating of
#' non-terrestrial bodies using optically stimulated luminescence: A new method.
#' Icarus 221, 160-166.
#' @keywords datagen
#' @examples
#' ## Load example data
#' data("ExampleData.SurfaceExposure")
#' ## Example 1 - Single sample
#' # Known parameters: 10000 a, mu = 0.9, sigmaphi = 5e-10
#' sample_1 <- ExampleData.SurfaceExposure$sample_1
#' head(sample_1)
#' results <- fit_SurfaceExposure(
#' data = sample_1,
#' mu = 0.9,
#' sigmaphi = 5e-10)
#' get_RLum(results)
#' ## Example 2 - Single sample and considering dose rate
#' # Known parameters: 10000 a, mu = 0.9, sigmaphi = 5e-10,
#' # dose rate = 2.5 Gy/ka, D0 = 40 Gy
#' sample_2 <- ExampleData.SurfaceExposure$sample_2
#' head(sample_2)
#' results <- fit_SurfaceExposure(
#' data = sample_2,
#' mu = 0.9,
#' sigmaphi = 5e-10,
#' Ddot = 2.5,
#' D0 = 40)
#' get_RLum(results)
#' ## Example 3 - Multiple samples (global fit) to better constrain 'mu'
#' # Known parameters: ages = 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6 a, mu = 0.9, sigmaphi = 5e-10
#' set_1 <- ExampleData.SurfaceExposure$set_1
#' str(set_1, max.level = 2)
#' results <- fit_SurfaceExposure(
#' data = set_1,
#' age = c(1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6),
#' sigmaphi = 5e-10)
#' get_RLum(results)
#' ## Example 4 - Multiple samples (global fit) and considering dose rate
#' # Known parameters: ages = 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6 a, mu = 0.9, sigmaphi = 5e-10,
#' # dose rate = 1.0 Ga/ka, D0 = 40 Gy
#' set_2 <- ExampleData.SurfaceExposure$set_2
#' str(set_2, max.level = 2)
#' results <- fit_SurfaceExposure(
#' data = set_2,
#' age = c(1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6),
#' sigmaphi = 5e-10,
#' Ddot = 1,
#' D0 = 40)
#' @md
#' @export
fit_SurfaceExposure <- function(
sigmaphi = NULL,
mu = NULL,
age = NULL,
Ddot = NULL,
D0 = NULL,
weights = FALSE,
plot = TRUE,
legend = TRUE,
error_bars = TRUE,
coord_flip = FALSE,
...) {
## SETTINGS ----
settings <- list(
verbose = TRUE,
info = list()
settings <- modifyList(settings, list(...))
## Input object handling -----------------------------------------------------
## Data type validation
if (inherits(data, "RLum.Results"))
object <- get_RLum(data, "data")
if (inherits(data, "matrix"))
data <-
if (inherits(data, "data.table"))
data <-
## For global fitting of multiple data sets 'data' must be a list
if (inherits(data, "list")) {
# Global fitting requires and equal amount of ages to be provided
if (length(data) != length(age))
stop("If 'data' is a list of data sets for global fitting, 'age' must be of the same length.", call. = FALSE)
# TODO: Support weighted fitting for global fit
if (weights) {
if (settings$verbose)
warning("Argument 'weights' is not supported when multiple data sets are provided for global fitting.", call. = FALSE)
weights <- FALSE
# collapse list into a data.frame with a $group column to distinguish
# between individual samples
data_list <- data
for (i in 1:length(data))
data[[i]]$group <- LETTERS[[i]]
data <-, data)
data$group <- as.factor(data$group)
global_fit <- TRUE
} else {
# ignore 'global_fit' if 'data' is a data.frame
global_fit <- FALSE
# Exit if data type is invalid
if (!inherits(data, "data.frame"))
stop("'data' must be of class data.frame.", call. = FALSE)
# Check which parameters have been provided
if (!is.null(age) && any( age <- NULL
if (!is.null(sigmaphi) && any( sigmaphi <- NULL
if (!is.null(mu) && any( mu <- NULL
## Weighting options (only available for global fitting)
if (ncol(data) >= 3 && weights && !global_fit)
wi <- (1 / data[ ,3]^2) / sum(1 / data[ ,3]^2)
wi <- rep(1, times = nrow(data))
# extract errors into seperate variable
if (ncol(data) >= 3 && !global_fit)
error <- data[ ,3]
error <- NULL
## Take only the first to columns (depth, signal)
if (ncol(data) > 2 && !global_fit)
data <- data[ ,1:2]
## remove rows with NA
if (any( {
data <- data[complete.cases(data), ]
if (settings$verbose)
warning("NA values in 'data' were removed.", call. = FALSE)
## Data preprocessing ----
# set column names
if (!global_fit)
colnames(data) <- c("x", "y")
colnames(data) <- c("x", "y", "group")
## FITTING ----
## Functions
# w/o dose rate
fun <- formula(y ~ exp(-sigmaphi * age * 365.25*24*3600 * exp(-mu * x)))
fun_global <- formula(y ~ exp(-sigmaphi * age[group] * 365.25*24*3600 * exp(-mu * x)))
# w/ dose rate (Sohbati et al. 2012, eq 12)
if (!is.null(Ddot))
Ddot <- Ddot / 1000 / 365.25 / 24 / 60 / 60
fun_w_dr <- formula( y ~ (sigmaphi * exp(-mu * x) * exp(-(age * 365.25*24*3600) * (sigmaphi * exp(-mu * x) + Ddot/D0)) + Ddot/D0) /
(sigmaphi * exp(-mu * x) + Ddot/D0) )
fun_global_w_dr <- formula( y ~ (sigmaphi * exp(-mu * x) * exp(-(age[group] * 365.25*24*3600) * (sigmaphi * exp(-mu * x) + Ddot/D0)) + Ddot/D0) /
(sigmaphi * exp(-mu * x) + Ddot/D0) )
## start parameter
start <- list(sigmaphi = if (is.null(sigmaphi)) 5.890e-09 else NULL,
mu = if (is.null(mu)) 1 else NULL,
age = if (is.null(age)) 2 else NULL)
start <- start[!sapply(start, is.null)]
## fitting boundaries
lower <- list(sigmaphi = if (is.null(sigmaphi)) -Inf else NULL,
mu = if (is.null(mu)) 0 else NULL,
age = if (is.null(age)) 0 else NULL)
upper <- list(sigmaphi = if (is.null(sigmaphi)) Inf else NULL,
mu = if (is.null(mu)) Inf else NULL,
age = if (is.null(age)) Inf else NULL)
## Decision tree which of the functions to use
if (!is.null(Ddot) && !is.null(D0)) {
if (global_fit)
use_fun <- fun_global_w_dr
use_fun <- fun_w_dr
} else {
if (global_fit)
use_fun <- fun_global
use_fun <- fun
# (un)constrained fitting
fit <- tryCatch({
minpack.lm::nlsLM(formula = use_fun,
data = data,
start = start,
lower = unlist(lower),
upper = unlist(upper),
weights = wi)
error = function(e) { e }
# return NULL if fitting failed
if (!inherits(fit, "simpleError") && !inherits(try(summary(fit), silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {
# Extract coefficients
coef <-
} else {
if (settings$verbose)
message("[fit_SurfaceExposure()] \n- Unable to fit the data. Original error from minpack::nlsLM():\n\n", fit$message)
# Fill with NA values
coef <- data.frame(
"Estimate" = rep(NA, 3),
"Std. Error" = rep(NA, 3),
row.names = c("age", "sigmaphi", "mu"), check.names = FALSE
## RESULTS ----
summary <- data.frame(
age = if (is.null(age)) coef["age", "Estimate"] else age,
age_error = coef["age", "Std. Error"],
sigmaphi = if (is.null(sigmaphi)) coef["sigmaphi", "Estimate"] else sigmaphi,
sigmaphi_error = coef["sigmaphi", "Std. Error"],
mu = if (is.null(mu)) coef["mu", "Estimate"] else mu,
mu_error = coef["mu", "Std. Error"]
## Create RLum.Results object
results <- set_RLum(class = "RLum.Results",
originator = "fit_SurfaceExposure",
data = list(summary = summary,
data = data,
fit = fit,
args = as.list([-1]),
call =,
info = settings$info
## PLOT ----
if (plot) {
# remove $group column for easier data handling
if (global_fit)
data$group <- NULL
# re-order x,y columns
if (coord_flip)
data <- data.frame(data$y, data$x)
# set default plot settings
plot_settings <- list(
x = data,
main = "",
pch = 21,
col = "black",
bg = "red",
xlab = if (!coord_flip) "Depth (mm)" else "OSL intensity (Ln/Tn)",
ylab = if (!coord_flip) "OSL intensity (Ln/Tn)" else "Depth (mm)",
cex = 1.0,
lty = 1,
lwd = 1,
log = "",
ylim = if (!coord_flip) range(pretty(data[ ,2])) else rev(range(pretty(data[ ,2]))),
xlim = range(pretty(data[ ,1]))
# override default settings with valid arguments in ...
plot_settings <- modifyList(plot_settings, list(...))
valid_settings <- c(names(par()), formalArgs("title"), formalArgs("plot.default"), "cex")
plot_settings <- plot_settings[names(plot_settings) %in% valid_settings]
# set global plot settings
par(cex = plot_settings$cex)
if (grepl("y", plot_settings$log)) {
plot_settings$ylim[1] <- 0.01
plot_settings$x <- data[which(data[ ,2] > 0),]
## create main plot"plot", modifyList(plot_settings, list(x = NA)))
## add data points
if (!global_fit) {
points(data, type = "p", pch = plot_settings$pch, bg = plot_settings$bg, col = plot_settings$col)
} else {
Map(function(d, i) {
points(d, type = "p", pch = plot_settings$pch, bg = i, col = plot_settings$col)
}, split(results$data, results$data$group), 1:length(unique(results$data$group)))
## add fitted curve
if (!inherits(fit, "error") && !inherits(fit, "simpleError")) {
if (coord_flip) {
oldx <- data[ ,2]
} else {
oldx <- data[ ,1]
newx <- seq(range(oldx)[1], range(oldx)[2], length.out = 10000)
newy <- suppressWarnings(predict(fit, newdata = list(x = newx)))
if (coord_flip) {
tmp <- newx
newx <- newy
newy <- tmp
if (!global_fit) {
points(newx, newy,
type = "l",
col = ifelse("line_col" %in% names(list(...)), list(...)$line_col, "blue"),
lty = ifelse("line_lty" %in% names(list(...)), list(...)$line_lty, 1),
lwd = ifelse("line_lwd" %in% names(list(...)), list(...)$line_lwd, 1))
} else {
for (i in 1:length(data_list)) {
seg <- seq(i * 101 - 100, 10000, nrow(data))
points(newx[seg], newy[seg],
type = "l",
col = ifelse("line_col" %in% names(list(...)), list(...)$line_col, i),
lty = ifelse("line_lty" %in% names(list(...)), list(...)$line_lty, 1),
lwd = ifelse("line_lwd" %in% names(list(...)), list(...)$line_lwd, 1))
} else {
legend("center", legend = "Unable to fit the data!\t\t")
# add error bars (if weighted fit)
if (!is.null(error) && error_bars) {
segments(plot_settings$x[ ,1], plot_settings$x[ ,2] - error,
plot_settings$x[ ,1], plot_settings$x[ ,2] + error)
# add formula
if (legend && !inherits(fit, "simpleError")) {
formula_text <- paste0("y = ", as.character(fit$m$formula())[3], "\t\t")
if (!is.null(age)) {
if (!global_fit) {
formula_text <- gsub("age", age, formula_text)
} else {
formula_text <- gsub("age", paste0("[", paste(age, collapse = "|"), "]"), formula_text)
formula_text <- gsub("\\[group\\]", "", formula_text)
if (!is.null(sigmaphi))
formula_text <- gsub("sigmaphi", sigmaphi, formula_text)
if (!is.null(mu))
formula_text <- gsub("mu", mu, formula_text)
legend(ifelse(coord_flip, "bottomleft", "bottomright"), legend = formula_text, cex = 0.8, bty = "n")
## CONSOLE ----
if (settings$verbose) {
cat("\n [fit_SurfaceExposure()] \n\n")
if (!global_fit) {
cat(" Estimated paramater(s):\n",
if (is.null(age))
cat(paste0(" age (a):\t", signif(results$summary$age, 3), " \u00B1 ",
signif(results$summary$age_error, 3), "\n"))
if (is.null(sigmaphi))
cat(paste0(" sigmaphi:\t", signif(results$summary$sigmaphi, 3), " \u00B1 ",
signif(results$summary$sigmaphi_error, 3), "\n"))
if (is.null(mu))
cat(paste0(" mu:\t\t", signif(results$summary$mu, 3), " \u00B1 ",
signif(results$summary$mu_error, 3), "\n"))
} else {
cat(" Shared estimated paramater(s):\n",
if (is.null(sigmaphi))
cat(paste0(" sigmaphi:\t", signif(unique(results$summary$sigmaphi), 3), " \u00B1 ",
signif(unique(results$summary$sigmaphi_error), 3), "\n"))
if (is.null(mu))
cat(paste0(" mu:\t\t", signif(unique(results$summary$mu), 3), " \u00B1 ",
signif(unique(results$summary$mu_error), 3), "\n"))
cat(" Fixed parameters(s):\n",
if (!is.null(age))
cat(paste0(" age (a):\t", paste(age, collapse = ", "), "\n"))
if (!is.null(sigmaphi))
cat(paste0(" sigmaphi:\t", sigmaphi, "\n"))
if (!is.null(mu))
cat(paste0(" mu:\t\t", mu, "\n"))
if (!is.null(age)) {
message(paste0("To apply the estimated parameters to a sample of unknown age run:\n\n",
"fit_SurfaceExposure(data = ", capture.output(results$args[[1]]),
", sigmaphi = ", signif(unique(results$summary$sigmaphi), 3),
", mu = ", signif(unique(results$summary$mu), 3),
## EXIT ----
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