
Defines functions is.marssMODEL_marxss describe_marxss predict_marxss MARSSinits_marxss coef_marxss print_marxss marxss_to_marss marss_to_marxss MARSS.marxss

Documented in is.marssMODEL_marxss MARSS.marxss marss_to_marxss marxss_to_marss

# marxss form definition file
# MARSS.marxss takes MARSS() call input
# and returns the MARSS.call list with 2 model objects added
#    marssMODEL(form=marss) in the  $marss element
#    marssMODEL(form=marxss) in the $model element
# marss_to_marxss converts marssMODEL(form=marss) to marssMODEL(form=marxss)
# marxss_to_marss converts marssMODEL(form=marxss) to marssMODEL(form=marss)
# plus the following methods helper functions
# print_marxss, coef_marxss, predict_marxss, describe_marxss, MARSSinits_marxss

# Coerce model list input in MARSS() call to marxss model object (class marxss) put in $alt.forms
# Coerce marxss model into marss model and put in $marss
# using form = MARXSS
# x(t)=B(t)x(t-1) + U(t) + C(t)c(t) + w(t), W~MVN(0,Q)
# y(t)=Z(t)x(t) + A(t) + D(t)d(t) + v(t), V~MVN(0,R)
# x(t0) = x0 + l, L ~ MVN(0,V0)
# produces model object with fixed, free, tinitx, diffuse and data
# rhs is specified by fixed and free; lhs is specified with data (really should be list(x=, y=))
# attributes of model object has model.dims, X.names, form, equation

# The conversion functions has 3 parts
# Part 1 Set up the defaults and allowed structures
# Part 2 Do the conversion of model list to a marxss object
# Part 3 Do the conversion of marxss object to marss object

MARSS.marxss <- function(MARSS.call) {
  # load needed package globals
  common.allowed.in.MARSS.call <- get("common.allowed.in.MARSS.call", envir = pkg_globals)

  # Part 1 Set up defaults and check that what the user passed in is allowed

  # Check that no args were passed into MARSS that are not allowed
  marxss.allowed.in.MARSS.call <- c("model")
  allowed.in.call <- c(marxss.allowed.in.MARSS.call, common.allowed.in.MARSS.call)
  if (any(!(names(MARSS.call) %in% allowed.in.call))) {
    bad.names <- names(MARSS.call)[!(names(MARSS.call) %in% allowed.in.call)]
    msg <- paste("Argument ", paste(bad.names, collapse = ", "), "  not allowed MARSS call for form ", MARSS.call$form, ". See ?MARSS.marxss\n", sep = "")
    cat("\n", "Errors were caught in MARSS.marxss \n", msg, sep = "")
    stop("Stopped in MARSS.marxss() due to problem(s) with model specification.\n", call. = FALSE)

  # 1 Check for form dependent user inputs for method and reset defaults for inits and control if desired

  # 2 Specify the text shortcuts and whether factors or matrices can be passed in
  #   The names in the allowed list do not need to be A, B, Q .... as used in form=marss object
  #   Other names can be used if you want the user to use those names; then in the MARSS.form function
  #   you convert the user passed in names into the form marss names with the A, B, Q, R, ... names
  #   checkModelList() will check what the user passes in against these allowed values, so
  #   so you need to make sure each name in model.defaults has a model.allowed value here
  model.allowed <- list(
    A = c("scaling", "unconstrained", "unequal", "equal", "zero"),
    D = c("unconstrained", "equal", "unequal", "zero", "diagonal and unequal", "diagonal and equal", "zero"),
    B = c("identity", "zero", "unconstrained", "unequal", "diagonal and unequal", "diagonal and equal", "equalvarcov"),
    Q = c("identity", "zero", "unconstrained", "diagonal and unequal", "diagonal and equal", "equalvarcov"),
    R = c("identity", "zero", "unconstrained", "diagonal and unequal", "diagonal and equal", "equalvarcov"),
    U = c("unconstrained", "equal", "unequal", "zero"),
    C = c("unconstrained", "equal", "unequal", "zero", "diagonal and unequal", "diagonal and equal", "zero"),
    x0 = c("unconstrained", "equal", "unequal", "zero", "diagonal and unequal", "diagonal and equal"),
    V0 = c("identity", "zero", "unconstrained", "diagonal and unequal", "diagonal and equal", "equalvarcov"),
    Z = c("identity", "unconstrained", "diagonal and unequal", "diagonal and equal", "equalvarcov", "onestate"),
    G = c("identity", "zero"),
    H = c("identity", "zero"),
    L = c("identity", "zero"),
    c = c("zero"),
    d = c("zero"),
    tinitx = c(0, 1),
    diffuse = c(TRUE, FALSE),
    factors = c("Z"),
    matrices = c("A", "B", "Q", "R", "U", "x0", "Z", "V0", "D", "C", "d", "c", "G", "H", "L")

  # model.defaults is form dependent so you must specify it
  model.defaults <- list(
    Z = "identity", A = "scaling", R = "diagonal and equal", B = "identity", U = "unconstrained",
    Q = "diagonal and unequal", x0 = "unconstrained", V0 = "zero", D = "zero", d = matrix(0, 1, 1),
    C = "zero", c = matrix(0, 1, 1), G = "identity", H = "identity", L = "identity", tinitx = 0, diffuse = FALSE

  if (!is.null(MARSS.call[["model"]][["c"]])) {
    if (!identical(MARSS.call$model$c, "zero") & !all(MARSS.call$model$c == 0)) model.defaults$C <- "unconstrained"
  if (!is.null(MARSS.call[["model"]][["d"]])) {
    if (!identical(MARSS.call$model$d, "zero") & !all(MARSS.call$model$d == 0)) model.defaults$D <- "unconstrained"

  # This checks that what user passed in model list can be interpreted and converted to form marss
  # if no errors, it updates the model list by filling in missing elements with the defaults
  MARSS.call$model <- checkModelList(MARSS.call$model, model.defaults, model.allowed)

  # Part 2 Convert the model list to a marssMODEL object, form=marxss
  ## set up fixed and free elements
  fixed <- free <- list()

  model <- MARSS.call[["model"]]
  model.elem <- c("Z", "A", "R", "B", "U", "Q", "x0", "V0", "D", "d", "C", "c", "G", "H", "L")
  dat <- MARSS.call[["data"]]
  model.tsp <- attr(dat, "model.tsp")
  # Note dat is changed to matrix in MARSS()
  if (is.vector(dat)) dat <- matrix(dat, 1, length(dat))
  if (inherits(dat, "ts")) {
    model.tsp <- stats::tsp(dat)
    dat <- t(dat)
  n <- dim(dat)[1]
  TT <- dim(dat)[2]
  if (is.null(model.tsp)) model.tsp <- c(1, TT, 1)
  if (is.null(rownames(dat))) {
    Y.names <- paste("Y", seq(1, n), sep = "") # paste(seq(1, n), sep="")
    rownames(dat) <- Y.names
  } else {
    Y.names <- rownames(dat)
    if (any(duplicated(Y.names))) {
      for (i in Y.names[duplicated(Y.names)]) {
        loc <- (Y.names == i)
        nn <- sum(loc)
        Y.names[loc] <- paste(i, "-", 1:nn, sep = "")
        rownames(dat)[loc] <- Y.names[loc]
        MARSS.call[["data"]] <- dat

  ## Set m based on Z specification IF Z was specified; errors will be reported later if m conflicts with other parameters
  m <- NA
  if (identical(model$Z, "unconstrained")) m <- n
  if (identical(model$Z, "equalvarcov")) m <- n
  if (identical(model$Z, "diagonal and equal")) m <- n
  if (identical(model$Z, "diagonal and unequal")) m <- n
  if (identical(model$Z, "onestate")) m <- 1
  if (identical(model$Z, "identity")) m <- n
  if (is.factor(model$Z)) m <- length(levels(model$Z))
  if (is.array(model$Z)) m <- dim(model$Z)[2]

  X.names <- NULL
  if (!(is.null(model[["X.names"]]))) X.names <- model[["X.names"]]
  if (is.null(X.names) & identical(model$Z, "identity")) {
    X.names <- paste("X.", Y.names, sep = "")
  if (is.null(X.names) && is.array(model$Z)) {
    if (length(dim(model$Z)) == 3) {
      if (dim(model$Z)[3] == 1) {
        if (is.design(model$Z) & !is.null(colnames(model$Z))) {
          X.names <- colnames(model$Z)
  if (is.null(X.names) && is.factor(model$Z)) {
    X.names <- unique(as.character(model$Z))
  if (is.null(X.names) && is.matrix(model$Z)) {
    if (is.design(model$Z) && !is.null(colnames(model$Z))) X.names <- colnames(model$Z)
  if (is.null(X.names) && is.matrix(model$Z) && is.identity(model$Z)) {
    X.names <- paste("X.", Y.names, sep = "")
  if (is.null(X.names)) X.names <- paste("X", seq(1, m), sep = "") # paste(seq(1, m),sep="")  #

  ## Set c1 based on C specification if C specified with a particular shape
  ## error checking later will complain if C and c (or D and d) conflict
  if (is.array(model$C)) c1 <- dim(model$C)[2] else c1 <- 1
  if (is.array(model$D)) d1 <- dim(model$D)[2] else d1 <- 1

  ## Set based on G and H specification
  ## error checking later will complain if conflict
  if (is.array(model$G)) g1 <- dim(model$G)[2] else g1 <- m
  if (is.array(model$H)) h1 <- dim(model$H)[2] else h1 <- n
  if (is.array(model$L)) l1 <- dim(model$L)[2] else l1 <- m

  for (el in c("c", "d")) {
    thedim <- get(paste(el, "1", sep = ""))
    if (identical(model[[el]], "zero")) {
      model[[el]] <- matrix(0, thedim, 1)
    # if(!any(is.na(model[[el]])) & all(model[[el]]==0)) model[[toupper(el)]]="zero"
    if (is.vector(model[[el]])) model[[el]] <- matrix(model[[el]], 1, length(model[[el]]))
    if (inherits(model[[el]], "ts")) model[[el]] <- t(model[[el]])
  # Now set c1 and d1 based on c and d, which should now be a matrix of some sort.  This ensures that c1 and d1 are set
  # if c and C or d and D conflict, this will be picked up the error checking because dims of C or D and model.dims won't match
  c1 <- dim(model$c)[1]
  d1 <- dim(model$d)[1]
  # 3rd dim of params are set to 1 and will be reset to correct value at end
  model.dims <- list(
    data = c(n, TT), x = c(m, TT), y = c(n, TT), w = c(m, TT), v = c(n, TT), Z = c(n, m, 1), U = c(m, 1, 1),
    A = c(n, 1, 1), B = c(m, m, 1), Q = c(g1, g1, 1), R = c(h1, h1, 1), x0 = c(m, 1, 1), V0 = c(l1, l1, 1),
    D = c(n, d1, 1), d = c(d1, 1, 1), C = c(m, c1, 1), c = c(c1, 1, 1), G = c(m, g1, 1), H = c(n, h1, 1), L = c(m, l1, 1)

  ## Error-checking section that is specific to marxss form
  # Note most error checking happens in checkMARSSInputs, checkModelList, and is.marssMLE
  # If a model elements passed in as a factors, make sure it is the correct length otherwise construction of marssMODEL object will break
  problem <- FALSE
  msg <- NULL
  ## Check model structures that are passed in as factors
  correct.factor.len <- list(Z = n, A = n, R = n, B = m, U = m, Q = m, x0 = m, V0 = m)
  for (el in model.elem) {
    # if a factor then it needs to have the correct length otherwise construction of marssMODEL object will break and no NAs
    if (is.factor(model[[el]])) {
      if (length(model[[el]]) != correct.factor.len[[el]]) {
        problem <- TRUE
        msg <- c(msg, paste(" The model$", el, " is being passed as a factor and should be length ", correct.factor.len[[el]], " based on data dims. It's not. See help file.\n", sep = ""))
      if (NA.in.fac <- NA %in% model[[el]]) {
        problem <- TRUE
        msg <- c(msg, paste(" NAs are not allowed in model factor for ", el, ". See help file.\n", sep = ""))
    } # is factor
  } # end for (el in model.elem)

  # if el == Z then factor needs to have m levels
  if (is.factor(model$Z)) {
    if (length(levels(model$Z)) != m) {
      problem <- TRUE
      msg <- c(msg, " When Z is a factor, the number of levels must equal the number of state processes (m).\n")

  # Check that if A is scaling, then Z spec must lead to a design matrix
  if (identical(model$A, "scaling")) {
    if (is.array(model$Z) && length(dim(model$Z)) == 3 && dim(model$Z)[3] != 1) {
      # Z is time-varying
      problem <- TRUE
      msg <- c(msg, " If A=\"scaling\" (the default), then Z must be a time-constant design matrix:(0,1) and rowsums=1. Since your Z is time-varying (array with 3rd dimension != 1), you need to construct A and pass that into the model argument in MARSS.\n")
    if ((!is.array(model$Z) & !is.factor(model$Z))) { # if it is a string
      if (!(model$Z %in% c("onestate", "identity", "zero"))) {
        problem <- TRUE
        msg <- c(msg, " If A is scaling(the default), then Z must be a time-constant design matrix:(0,1) and rowsums=1.\nYou need to specify A in your model list. You can construct a scaling A matrix and pass that in.")
    if (is.matrix(model$Z) && !is.design(model$Z, zero.cols.ok = TRUE)) { # if it is a matrix, won't be array due to first test
      problem <- TRUE
      msg <- c(msg, " If A is scaling (the default), then Z must be a time-constant design matrix:(0,1) and rowsums=1.\nYou need to specify A in your model list. You can construct a scaling A matrix and pass that in.")
  if (is.array(model$x0) & length(dim(model$x0)) == 3) {
    if (dim(model$x0)[3] != 1) {
      problem <- TRUE
      msg <- c(msg, " x0 cannot be time-varying. If x0 in model arg is 3D, the 3rd dim must equal 1.\n")
  if (is.array(model$V0) & length(dim(model$V0)) == 3) {
    if (dim(model$V0)[3] != 1) {
      problem <- TRUE
      msg <- c(msg, " V0 cannot be time-varying. If V0 in model arg is 3D, the 3rd dim must equal 1.\n")
  if (is.array(model$L) & length(dim(model$L)) == 3) {
    if (dim(model$L)[3] != 1) {
      problem <- TRUE
      msg <- c(msg, " V0 and thus L cannot be time-varying. If L in model arg is 3D, the 3rd dim must equal 1.\n")
  # if C is diagonal and equal or diagonal and unequal, then d1=m
  if (identical(model$C, "diagonal and equal") || identical(model$C, "diagonal and unequal")) {
    if (c1 != m) {
      problem <- TRUE
      msg <- c(msg, " If C is diagonal, it must be square and c must be m x 1.\n")
  # if D is diagonal and equal or diagonal and unequal, then d1=n
  if (identical(model$D, "diagonal and equal") || identical(model$D, "diagonal and unequal")) {
    if (d1 != n) {
      problem <- TRUE
      msg <- c(msg, " If D is diagonal, it must be square and d must be n x 1.\n")
  # if c and d can't have any NAs or Infs
  for (el in c("c", "d")) {
    if (any(is.na(model[[el]])) || !is.numeric(model[[el]]) || any(is.infinite(model[[el]]))) {
      problem <- TRUE
      msg <- c(msg, paste(" ", el, "must be numeric and have no NAs, NaNs, or Infs.\n"))
  # c and d must be a 2D matrix and 2nd dim must be 1 or TT or a 3D matrix with 2nd dim = 1
  for (el in c("c", "d")) {
    if (length(dim(model[[el]])) != 2 & length(dim(model[[el]])) != 3) {
      problem <- TRUE
      msg <- c(msg, paste(" ", el, "must be a 2D matrix with time in 2nd dim or 3D with time in 3rd dim.\n"))
    } else {
      if (length(dim(model[[el]])) == 3) { # 3D
        if (dim(model[[el]])[2] != 1) {
          problem <- TRUE
          msg <- c(msg, paste(" if", el, "is 3D, 2nd dim must be 1 and time is in 3rd dim.\n"))
        if (!(dim(model[[el]])[3] == 1 || dim(model[[el]])[3] == TT)) {
          problem <- TRUE
          msg <- c(msg, paste(" if", el, "is 3D, 3rd dim equal to 1 or T (length of data).\n"))
      } else { # is matrix
        if (!(dim(model[[el]])[2] == 1 || dim(model[[el]])[2] == TT)) {
          problem <- TRUE
          msg <- c(msg, paste(" ", el, "must be a 2D matrix with 2nd dim equal to 1 or T (length of data).\n"))

  # If there are problems
  if (problem) {
    cat("\n", "Errors were caught in MARSS.marxss \n", msg, sep = "")
    stop("Stopped in MARSS.marxss() due to problem(s) with model specification.\n", call. = FALSE)
  # end of error section

  # If 2D matrix, change c and d to array so that it can be handled by the normal fixed/free constructions
  for (el in c("c", "d")) {
    if (is.matrix(model[[el]])) {
      row.names <- rownames(model[[el]])
      model[[el]] <- array(model[[el]], dim = c(dim(model[[el]])[1], 1, dim(model[[el]])[2]))
      rownames(model[[el]]) <- row.names

  ## Translate the text shortcuts into a marssMODEL object
  ## Translate the model structure names (shortcuts) into fixed and free
  ## fixed is a dim(1)*dim(2) X 1 vector of the fixed (intercepts) values
  ## free is a dim(1)*dim(2) X p vector of the free (betas) values for the p estimated elements

  model.elem <- c("Z", "A", "R", "B", "U", "Q", "x0", "V0", "D", "C", "d", "c", "G", "H", "L")
  if (which(model.elem == "Z") > which(model.elem == "A")) model.elem <- rev(model.elem) # Z must go first

  tmp <- list()
  for (el in model.elem) {
    if (MARSS.call$silent == 2) cat(paste("  Building fixed and free matrices for ", el, ".\n", sep = ""))
    tmp[[el]] <- "not assigned"
    if (el == "Z" & is.factor(model$Z)) {
      tmp[[el]] <- matrix(0, model.dims$Z[1], model.dims$Z[2])
      for (i in X.names) tmp[[el]][which(model$Z == i), which(as.vector(X.names) == i)] <- 1
    if (el == "Z" & identical(model$Z, "onestate")) { # m=1
      tmp[[el]] <- matrix(1, n, 0)
    if (identical(model[[el]], "identity")) {
      tmp[[el]] <- diag(1, model.dims[[el]][1])
    if (identical(model[[el]], "diagonal and equal")) {
      tmp[[el]] <- array(list(0), dim = c(model.dims[[el]][1], model.dims[[el]][2]))
      diag(tmp[[el]]) <- "diag" # paste(el,"(diag)",sep="")
      if (length(tmp[[el]]) == 1) tmp[[el]][1, 1] <- el
    if (identical(model[[el]], "diagonal and unequal")) {
      tmp[[el]] <- array(list(0), dim = c(model.dims[[el]][1], model.dims[[el]][2]))
      dim.mat <- model.dims[[el]][1]
      el.labs <- as.character(1:dim.mat)
      if (el %in% c("V0", "Q", "B")) el.labs <- X.names
      if (el %in% c("Z", "R")) el.labs <- Y.names
      diag(tmp[[el]]) <- paste("(", el.labs, ",", el.labs, ")", sep = "") # paste(el,"(",as.character(1:dim.mat),",",as.character(1:dim.mat),")",sep="")
      if (length(tmp[[el]]) == 1) tmp[[el]][1, 1] <- el
    if (identical(model[[el]], "unconstrained") || identical(model[[el]], "unequal")) {
      tmp[[el]] <- array(NA, dim = c(model.dims[[el]][1], model.dims[[el]][2]))
      if (el %in% c("Q", "R", "V0")) { # variance-covariance matrices
        dim.mat <- model.dims[[el]][1]
        #         for(i in 1:dim.mat){
        #           for(j in 1:dim.mat) tmp[[el]][i,j]=tmp[[el]][j,i]=paste("(",i,",",j,")",sep="") #paste(el,"(",i,",",j,")",sep="")
        #         }
        tmp[[el]] <- matrix(paste("(", rep(1:dim.mat, dim.mat), ",", rep(1:dim.mat, each = dim.mat), ")", sep = ""), dim.mat, dim.mat)
        tmp[[el]][upper.tri(tmp[[el]])] <- t(tmp[[el]])[upper.tri(t(tmp[[el]]))]
      } else { # not var-cov matrix
        row.name <- 1:model.dims[[el]][1]
        col.name <- 1:model.dims[[el]][2]
        if (el %in% c("U", "x0")) row.name <- X.names
        if (el == "A") row.name <- Y.names
        if (el %in% c("C", "D")) {
          if (el == "C") row.name <- X.names
          if (el == "D") row.name <- Y.names
          if (!is.null(rownames(model[[tolower(el)]]))) col.name <- rownames(model[[tolower(el)]])
        #         for(i in 1:model.dims[[el]][1]){
        #           for(j in 1:model.dims[[el]][2]){
        #             if(model.dims[[el]][2]>1) tmp[[el]][i,j]=paste("(",row.name[i],",",col.name[j],")",sep="") #paste(el,"(",row.name[i],",",col.name[j],")",sep="")
        #             else tmp[[el]][i,j]=paste(row.name[i],sep=",") #paste(el,row.name[i],sep=",")
        #           }
        #         }
        if (model.dims[[el]][2] > 1) {
          tmp[[el]] <- matrix(paste("(", rep(row.name, model.dims[[el]][2]), ",", rep(col.name, each = model.dims[[el]][1]), ")", sep = ""), model.dims[[el]][1], model.dims[[el]][2])
        } else {
          tmp[[el]] <- matrix(row.name, model.dims[[el]][1], 1)
      if (length(tmp[[el]]) == 1) tmp[[el]][1, 1] <- el
    } # unconstrained
    if (identical(model[[el]], "equalvarcov")) {
      tmp[[el]] <- array("offdiag", dim = c(model.dims[[el]][1], model.dims[[el]][2])) # array(paste(el,"(offdiag)",sep=""),dim=model.dims[[el]])
      diag(tmp[[el]]) <- "diag" # paste(el,"(diag)",sep="")
      if (length(tmp[[el]]) == 1) tmp[[el]][1, 1] <- el
    if (identical(model[[el]], "equal")) {
      tmp[[el]] <- array("1", dim = c(model.dims[[el]][1], model.dims[[el]][2])) # array(el,dim=model.dims[[el]])
    if (identical(model[[el]], "zero")) {
      tmp[[el]] <- array(0, dim = c(model.dims[[el]][1], model.dims[[el]][2]))
    if (is.array(model[[el]])) {
      tmp[[el]] <- model[[el]]
    if (el == "A" & identical(model[[el]], "scaling")) { # check above ensures that Z is design and time-invariant
      ## Construct A from fixed Z matrix
      tmp[[el]] <- matrix(list(), model.dims$A[1], model.dims$A[2])
      tmp[[el]][, 1] <- Y.names
      for (i in 1:m) {
        nonzeroZ <- tmp$Z[, i] != 0
        if (any(nonzeroZ)) tmp[[el]][min(which(nonzeroZ)), 1] <- 0
    if (identical(tmp[[el]], "not assigned")) stop(paste("Stopped in MARSS.marxss(): tmp was not assigned for ", el, ".\n", sep = ""))
    tmpconst <- convert.model.mat(tmp[[el]])
    free[[el]] <- tmpconst$free
    fixed[[el]] <- tmpconst$fixed

    # set the last dim of the model.dims since it was at a temp value to start
    model.dims[[el]][3] <- max(dim(free[[el]])[3], dim(fixed[[el]])[3])

  # save the row names for the inputs by setting in fixed
  for (el in c("c", "d")) {
    if (is.null(rownames(tmp[[el]]))) rownames(tmp[[el]]) <- paste(el, seq(1, dim(tmp[[el]])[1]), sep = "")
    rownames(fixed[[el]]) <- rownames(tmp[[el]])

  # Set the marssMODEL form marxss
  # This is the f+Dp form for the MARXSS model used for user displays, printing and such
  attr(dat, "model.tsp") <- NULL # remove model.tsp from data before adding to model object.
  marxss_object <- list(fixed = fixed, free = free, data = dat, tinitx = model$tinitx, diffuse = model$diffuse)
  # set the attributes
  class(marxss_object) <- "marssMODEL"
  attr(marxss_object, "obj.elements") <- c("fixed", "free", "data", "tinitx", "diffuse")
  attr(marxss_object, "form") <- "marxss"
  attr(marxss_object, "model.dims") <- model.dims
  attr(marxss_object, "model.tsp") <- model.tsp
  # par.names are what needs to be in fixed/free pair
  attr(marxss_object, "par.names") <- c("Z", "A", "R", "B", "U", "Q", "x0", "V0", "D", "C", "d", "c", "G", "H", "L")
  attr(marxss_object, "X.names") <- X.names
  attr(marxss_object, "Y.names") <- Y.names
  attr(marxss_object, "equation") <- "x_{t}=B_{t}*x_{t-1}+U_{t}+C_{t}*c_{t}+G_{t}*w_{t}; w_{t}~MVN(0,Q_{t})\ny_{t}=Z_{t}*x_{t}+A_{t}+D_{t}*d_{t}+H_{t}*v_{t}; v_{t}~MVN(0,R_{t})"

  # Change alldefaults global to match the form
  # first load the defaults
  alldefaults <- get("alldefaults", envir = pkg_globals)
  alldefaults[[MARSS.call$method]][["inits"]][["C"]] <- 0
  alldefaults[[MARSS.call$method]][["inits"]][["D"]] <- 0
  # c and d and G and H inits won't be used but assigned defaults so users can pass in inits as coef(fit)
  alldefaults[[MARSS.call$method]][["inits"]][["c"]] <- 0
  alldefaults[[MARSS.call$method]][["inits"]][["d"]] <- 0
  alldefaults[[MARSS.call$method]][["inits"]][["G"]] <- 0
  alldefaults[[MARSS.call$method]][["inits"]][["H"]] <- 0
  alldefaults[[MARSS.call$method]][["inits"]][["L"]] <- 0
  assign("alldefaults", alldefaults, pkg_globals)

  ## Check that the marssMODEL object output by MARSS.form() is ok since marxss_to_marss will go south otherwise
  if (!identical(MARSS.call$control$trace, -1)) { # turn off all error checking if trace = -1
    if (MARSS.call$silent == 2) cat(paste("  Running is.marssMODEL on the marxss model.\n", sep = ""))
    tmp <- is.marssMODEL(marxss_object, method = MARSS.call$method)
    if (!isTRUE(tmp)) {
      stop("Stopped in MARSS.marxss() due to problem(s) with model specification.", call. = FALSE)

  # Put the marxss model into $model since model holds the model in the 'form' form
  MARSS.call$model <- marxss_object

  ## Create marssMODEL(form=marss) object added to call
  # when called with a marssMODEL object (as here), marxss_to_marss returns a marssMODEL object
  MARSS.call$marss <- marxss_to_marss(marxss_object)

  ## Return MARSS call list with $marss and $model added

marss_to_marxss <- function(x, C.and.D.are.zero = FALSE) {
  if (!(inherits(x, "marssMLE") || inherits(x, "marssMODEL"))) stop("Stopped in marss_to_marxss(): this function needs a marssMODEL or marssMLE object")
  # This function returns a MLE object where the model and par parts of the MLE object are in marxss form for printing purposes.
  # This function needs a marxss marssMODEL object and will break otherwise
  # You cannot back construct a marxss from the marss model
  # The function will also work is x is a model object, but then it just returns marxss.marssMODEL
  # written this way so it doesn't crash if x happens to be a marssMODEL in case I later dynamically write function names/calls

  if (inherits(x, "marssMODEL")) {
    marss.model <- x
    if (!("marss" %in% attr(marss.model, "form"))) stop("Stopped in marss_to_marxss(): this function requires a marssMODEL object in marss form.\n", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    marss.model <- x[["marss"]]
    if (!("marss" %in% attr(marss.model, "form"))) stop("Stopped in marss_to_marxss(): this function requires a marssMLE object with element $marss a marssMODEL in marss form.\n", call. = FALSE)

  if (!C.and.D.are.zero) {
    if (inherits(x, "marssMODEL")) {
      stop("Stopped in marss_to_marxss(: function was called with a marss model object instead of MLE object, so needs a marxss model passed in.")
    } else {
      marxss.model <- x[["model"]] # should be model since we want the marxss form
      if (any(is.null(attr(marxss.model, "form")), !("marxss" %in% attr(marxss.model, "form")))) {
        stop("Stopped in marss_to_marxss(: function was called with a MLE object, so needs the $model element to be form marxss.")
  } else { # C and D are zero so we can construct a marxss object
    marxss.model <- marss.model # use the marss model as a template
    marxss.dims <- attr(marss.model, "model.dims")
    marxss.model[["fixed"]][["C"]] <- array(0, dim = c(marxss.dims[["x"]][1], 1, 1))
    marxss.model[["fixed"]][["D"]] <- array(0, dim = c(marxss.dims[["y"]][1], 1, 1))
    marxss.model[["free"]][["C"]] <- array(0, dim = c(marxss.dims[["x"]][1], 0, 1))
    marxss.model[["free"]][["D"]] <- array(0, dim = c(marxss.dims[["y"]][1], 0, 1))
    marxss.model[["fixed"]][["c"]] <- array(0, dim = c(1, 1, 1))
    marxss.model[["fixed"]][["d"]] <- array(0, dim = c(1, 1, 1))
    marxss.model[["free"]][["c"]] <- array(0, dim = c(1, 0, 1))
    marxss.model[["free"]][["d"]] <- array(0, dim = c(1, 0, 1))
    marxss.dims[["C"]] <- c(marxss.dims[["x"]][1], 1, 1)
    marxss.dims[["D"]] <- c(marxss.dims[["y"]][1], 1, 1)
    marxss.dims[["c"]] <- c(1, 1, 1)
    marxss.dims[["d"]] <- c(1, 1, 1)
    # reset the attributes to marxss form
    # obj.elements, X.names and Y.names stay the same
    attr(marxss.model, "form") <- "marxss"
    attr(marxss.model, "model.dims") <- marxss.dims
    # par.names are what needs to be in fixed/free pair; order is important
    attr(marxss.model, "par.names") <- c("Z", "A", "R", "B", "U", "Q", "x0", "V0", "D", "C", "d", "c", "G", "H", "L")
    attr(marxss.model, "equation") <- "x_{t}=B_{t}*x_{t-1}+U_{t}+C_{t}*c_{t}+G_{t}*w_{t}; w_{t}~MVN(0,Q_{t})\ny_{t}=Z_{t}*x_{t}+A_{t}+D_{t}*d_{t}+H_{t}*v_{t}; v_{t}~MVN(0,R_{t})"
  if (inherits(x, "marssMODEL")) {
  } # in marxss form

  x[["model"]] <- marxss.model # now in marxss form
  marxss.dims <- attr(marxss.model, "model.dims")

  # got here, so class of x is marssMLE
  for (val in c("par", "start", "par.se", "par.bias", "par.upCI", "par.lowCI")) {
    if (!is.null(x[[val]])) {
      tmp.dim <- dim(marxss.model$free$C)[2] # how many C parameters
      if (tmp.dim == 0) {
        x[[val]][["C"]] <- matrix(0, 0, 1)
      } else {
        # because marss.U is [marxss.C marxss.U]
        x[[val]][["C"]] <- x[[val]][["U"]][1:tmp.dim, , drop = FALSE]
        x[[val]][["U"]] <- x[[val]][["U"]][-(1:tmp.dim), , drop = FALSE]
      tmp.dim <- dim(marxss.model$free$D)[2] # how many D parameters
      if (tmp.dim == 0) {
        x[[val]][["D"]] <- matrix(0, 0, 1)
      } else {
        # because marss.A is [marxss.D marxss.A]
        x[[val]][["D"]] <- x[[val]][["A"]][1:tmp.dim, , drop = FALSE]
        x[[val]][["A"]] <- x[[val]][["A"]][-(1:tmp.dim), , drop = FALSE]
      for (el in c("c", "d")) {
        x[[val]][[el]] <- matrix(0, 0, 1) # because c and d are inputs not estimated
    } # not is null val
  } # for val in par, start

  # returning a marssMLE object where the par, start etc are in marxss form
  # $model is in marxss and $marss stays the same

marxss_to_marss <- function(x, only.par = FALSE) {
  # x is a marssMODEL of form marxss
  # this will create a marss model object (if !only.par) and a par list in form marss
  # if only.par=TRUE then only the par element is changed and marss is used for the marss object

  # hold on to this since x will be changing and need to know what to return
  class.x <- class(x)
  if (!(class.x %in% c("marssMODEL", "marssMLE"))) {
    stop("Stopped in marss_to_marxss(): x$model must be a marssMODEL or marssMLE.", call. = FALSE)

  # check form if user passed in marssMODEL
  if (class.x == "marssMODEL") {
    if (!("marxss" %in% attr(x, "form"))) stop("Stopped in marss_to_marxss(): this function requires a marssMODEL object in marxss form.")

  if (class.x == "marssMLE") { # Then set the par elements to correspond to marss if they are in marxss form
    # check that the model element they passed in is marxss
    if (!("marxss" %in% attr(x[["model"]], "form"))) stop("Stopped in marss_to_marxss(): x$model must be in marxss form.", call. = FALSE)

    x.marss <- list()

    # this will go through x and reset any par-like obj in marxss form
    for (val in c("par", "start", "par.se", "par.bias", "par.upCI", "par.lowCI")) {
      if (!is.null(x[[val]])) {
        # because marss.U is [marxss.C marxss.U]
        x.marss[[val]][["U"]] <- rbind(x[[val]][["C"]], x[[val]][["U"]])
        # because marss.A is [marxss.D marxss.A]
        x.marss[[val]][["A"]] <- rbind(x[[val]][["D"]], x[[val]][["A"]])
        # other elements are the same as for marxss
        for (el in c("R", "Q", "B", "Z", "x0", "V0", "G", "H", "L")) {
          x.marss[[val]][[el]] <- x[[val]][[el]]
        # reset x[[val]] so it only includes the marss elements
        x[[val]] <- x.marss[[val]] # replace the x[[val]] with marss version
      } # not is null val
    } # for val in par, start

    marxss.model <- x[["model"]]
  } else { # end if x is marssMLE
    marxss.model <- x
  # marxss.model is a marssMODEL in marxss form and x is the original marssMLE object
  # if only.par updating was requested, return x
  if (class.x == "marssMLE" & only.par & !is.null(x[["marss"]])) {

  # else construct a marss model object from marxss.model and put in $marss

  marxss.dims <- attr(marxss.model, "model.dims")
  fixed <- marxss.model[["fixed"]] # fixed and free will be modified, so these are holders not shortcuts
  free <- marxss.model[["free"]]
  # marss.dims will be modified, so this is a holder not a shortcut
  marss.dims <- marxss.dims
  n <- marss.dims[["y"]][1]
  m <- marss.dims[["x"]][1]
  TT <- marss.dims[["x"]][2]
  # This step converts U+Cc into equivalent Uu and A+Dd into Aa
  # So U --> [C U] and u --> [c \\ 1]; A --> [D A] and a --> [d \\ 1]
  # This code adds fixed$u and fixed$a, and changes fixed$U and fixed$A; otherwise all stays the same
  for (el in c("C", "D")) {
    if (el == "C") el2 <- "U" else el2 <- "A"
    # if el all zero (fixed and all zero), it doesn't appear in the equation and U-->U and u-->1
    if (!is.fixed(marxss.model[["free"]][[el]]) | !all(sapply(marxss.model[["fixed"]][[el]], function(x) {
      isTRUE(all.equal(x, 0))
    }))) {
      # create fixed$u or fixed$a by add 1 to bottom of fixed$c or fixed$d
      # since fixed$c is a 3D array, we need to do this in an odd way:
      fixed[[tolower(el2)]] <- array(apply(fixed[[tolower(el)]], 3, rbind, 1), dim = dim(fixed[[tolower(el)]]) + c(1, 0, 0))
      # this fixed$u is just an input so we set the free to not estimated
      free[[tolower(el2)]] <- array(0, dim = c(1, 0, 1)) # not estimated so 0 columns

      # next change U to [C U] and A to [D A]; need to figure out the dims since
      # C or U might be time-varying
      Tmax.fixed <- max(dim(fixed[[el]])[3], dim(fixed[[el2]])[3])
      Tmax.free <- max(dim(free[[el]])[3], dim(free[[el2]])[3])
      # dim. is c(dim 1 of C, dim 2 of C, dim 1 of U, dim 2 of U)
      dim.fixed <- c(dim(fixed[[el]])[1], dim(fixed[[el]])[2], dim(fixed[[el2]])[1], dim(fixed[[el2]])[2])
      dim.free <- c(dim(free[[el]])[1], dim(free[[el]])[2], dim(free[[el2]])[1], dim(free[[el2]])[2])
      # now that the dimensions are known, create and array holder for fixed$U and fixed$A
      tmp.fixed <- array(NA, dim = c(dim.fixed[1] + dim.fixed[3], 1, Tmax.fixed))
      tmp.free <- array(0, dim = c(dim.free[1] + dim.free[3], dim.free[2] + dim.free[4], Tmax.free))
      # the first rows of fixed$U are fixed$C
      tmp.fixed[1:dim.fixed[1], , ] <- fixed[[el]]
      # the next rows are marxss.model$fixed$U
      tmp.fixed[(dim.fixed[1] + 1):dim(tmp.fixed)[1], , ] <- fixed[[el2]]
      # Now create the new free$U.  If C estimated, free$C appears in the upper left
      if (dim.free[2] > 0) tmp.free[1:dim.free[1], 1:dim.free[2], ] <- free[[el]]
      # If U estimated, free$U appears in the lower right
      if (dim.free[4] > 0) tmp.free[(dim.free[1] + 1):dim(tmp.free)[1], (dim.free[2] + 1):dim(tmp.free)[2], ] <- free[[el2]]
      # retain the column names (estimated parameter names)
      colnames(tmp.free) <- c(colnames(free[[el]]), colnames(free[[el2]]))
      # assign the new fixed$U and free$U to fixed and free
      fixed[[el2]] <- tmp.fixed
      free[[el2]] <- tmp.free
      # settign U and A dims
      marss.dims[[el2]][2] <- marxss.dims[[el]][2] + marxss.dims[[el2]][2]
    } else { # Both C and U are all zero (fixed and all zero)
      # so u is just 1 (a 1x1 matrix)
      fixed[[tolower(el2)]] <- array(1, dim = c(1, 1, 1))
      free[[tolower(el2)]] <- array(0, dim = c(1, 0, 1)) # not estimated

  # Now the fixed/free specify x=Bx+U(t)u(t)+w(t) and y=Zx+A(t)a(t)+v(t)
  # this part converts U(t)u(t) to U(t) and A(t)a(t) to A(t)
  # This requires making a vec(U(t)) that is specified by (rhs at end):
  # vec(Uu)=(t.u kron I_m)vec(U)=fixed+free*p=(t.u kron I_m)f+(t.u kron I_m)Dp
  # where f and D are fixed$U and free$U for U(t)u(t) form
  # the small case are inputs and the large case are estimated parameters
  for (el in c("U", "A")) {
    # if c or a passed in. If not will be array(1,dim=c(1,1,1))
    # this if statement is just avoiding unneccesary code.  The math should still hold whether or not c is 1
    if (!identical(unname(fixed[[tolower(el)]]), array(1, dim = c(1, 1, 1)))) {
      # hold onto fixed$U and free$U (not marxss.model$fixed and free but the new ones)
      free.orig <- free[[el]]
      fixed.orig <- fixed[[el]]
      dim.free2 <- dim(free.orig)[2]
      dim.free3 <- dim(free.orig)[3]
      dim.fixed3 <- dim(fixed.orig)[3]
      dim.u.3 <- dim(fixed[[tolower(el)]])[3]
      Tmax <- max(dim.free3, dim.fixed3, dim.u.3)
      # need the new marss U and A dims here which were defined above
      free[[el]] <- array(0, dim = c(marss.dims[[el]][1], dim.free2, Tmax))
      colnames(free[[el]]) <- colnames(free.orig)
      fixed[[el]] <- array(0, dim = c(marss.dims[[el]][1], 1, Tmax))
      for (t in 1:Tmax) {
        # the f and D of U (or A)
        f.t <- sub3D(fixed.orig, t = min(t, dim.fixed3))
        d.t <- sub3D(free.orig, t = min(t, dim.free3))
        # column vector of the u (or a) at time t
        ua.t <- sub3D(fixed[[tolower(el)]], t = min(t, dim.u.3))
        # vec(Uu)=(t.u kron I_m)vec(U)=(t.u kron I_m)f+(t.u kron I_m)Dp
        # again we want the new marss.dims defined above
        free[[el]][, , t] <- (t(ua.t) %x% diag(1, marss.dims[[el]][1])) %*% d.t
        fixed[[el]][, , t] <- (t(ua.t) %x% diag(1, marss.dims[[el]][1])) %*% f.t
  marss.elem <- c("Z", "A", "R", "B", "U", "Q", "x0", "V0", "G", "H", "L")
  free <- free[marss.elem]
  fixed <- fixed[marss.elem]
  dim3s <- apply(rbind(unlist(lapply(free[marss.elem], function(x) {
  })), unlist(lapply(fixed[marss.elem], function(x) {
  }))), 2, max)
  marss.dims <- marxss.dims[!(names(marxss.dims) %in% c("C", "c", "D", "d"))]
  marss.dims$U <- c(m, 1, dim3s[["U"]])
  marss.dims$A <- c(n, 1, dim3s[["A"]])
  #   marss.dims = list(data=c(n,TT),x=c(m,TT),y=c(n,TT),w=c(m,TT),v=c(n,TT),
  #                     Z=c(n,m,dim3s[["Z"]]),U=c(m,1,dim3s[["U"]]),A=c(n,1,dim3s[["A"]]),
  #                     B=c(m,m,dim3s[["B"]]),Q=c(m,m,dim3s[["Q"]]),R=c(n,n,dim3s[["R"]]),
  #                     x0=c(m,1,1),V0=c(m,m,1))

  ## Create the marss marssMODEL object
  marss.model <- list(fixed = fixed, free = free, data = marxss.model[["data"]], tinitx = marxss.model[["tinitx"]], diffuse = marxss.model[["diffuse"]])
  # set the attributes that change
  class(marss.model) <- "marssMODEL"
  attr(marss.model, "form") <- "marss"
  attr(marss.model, "obj.elements") <- c("fixed", "free", "data", "tinitx", "diffuse")
  attr(marss.model, "model.dims") <- marss.dims
  attr(marss.model, "model.tsp") <- attr(marxss.model, "model.tsp")
  attr(marss.model, "par.names") <- marss.elem
  attr(marss.model, "X.names") <- attr(marxss.model, "X.names")
  attr(marss.model, "Y.names") <- attr(marxss.model, "Y.names")
  attr(marss.model, "equation") <- "x_{t}=B_{t}*x_{t-1}+U_{t}+G_{t}*w_{t}; w_{t}~MVN(0,Q_{t})\ny_{t}=Z_{t}*x_{t}+A_{t}+H_{t}*v_{t}; v_{t}~MVN(0,R_{t})"
  if (class.x == "marssMODEL") {
    return(marss.model) # marssMODEL of form marss
  } else {
    # class.x=marssMLE, then adds the marss element to the marssMLE object
    x[["marss"]] <- marss.model
    return(x) # returning a marssMLE object where the par, start etc are in marss form and marss element is set

# the par element of a marssMLE object is in form=marss.  Convert to form=marxss for printing
print_marxss <- function(x) {

# the par element of a marssMLE object is in form=marss.  Convert to form=marxss for printing
coef_marxss <- function(x) {
} # this uses $model for marxss object

MARSSinits_marxss <- function(MLEobj, inits) {
  alldefaults <- get("alldefaults", envir = pkg_globals)
  if (is.null(MLEobj[["model"]])) {
    stop("Stopped in MARSSinits_marxss(): this function needs a marssMODEL in marxss form in $model", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    if (!inherits(MLEobj[["model"]], "marssMODEL")) stop("Stopped in MARSSinits_marxss(): this function needs a marssMODEL in marxss form in $model", call. = FALSE)
    if (!("marxss" %in% attr(MLEobj[["model"]], "form"))) stop("Stopped in MARSSinits_marxss(): this function needs a marssMODEL in marxss form in $model", call. = FALSE)

  # B, Z, R, Q, x0 and V0 stay the same
  # U and A change
  # this function will return a U and A element for inits
  if (is.null(inits)) inits <- list()
  elems <- c("U", "A", "C", "D")
  for (elem in elems) {
    tmp.dim <- dim(MLEobj$model$free[[elem]])[2] # how many estimated pars in marxss vers
    if (!is.null(inits[[elem]]) & !(tmp.dim == 0)) { # tmp.dim==0 means no estimated
      if (!(length(inits[[elem]]) %in% c(tmp.dim, 1))) {
        stop(paste("Stopped in MARSSinits_marxss(): ", elem, " inits must be either a scalar (dim=NULL) or a matrix with 1 col and rows equal to the number of estimated values in ", elem, ".", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
      if (tmp.dim != 0) inits[[elem]] <- matrix(inits[[elem]], tmp.dim, 1) else inits[[elem]] <- matrix(0, 0, 1)
    } else {
      inits[[elem]] <- matrix(alldefaults[[MLEobj$method]][["inits"]][[elem]], tmp.dim, 1)
  inits$U <- rbind(inits$C, inits$U) # yes, C on top
  inits$A <- rbind(inits$D, inits$A) # yes, D on top

predict_marxss <- function(x, newdata, n.ahead, t.start) {
  # x is a marssMLE object

  # This takes the newdata argument from a predict call and interprets the inputs in the context of the form of x$model
  # It will return a marssMODEL (form=marss) object ready for use in prediction
  # n.ahead is 1 by default; t.start is TT+1 by default
  # this makes tinitx=0, and uses E(x)_(t.start-1) as if t.start=1, init x is specified by x0T; V0 is V0T
  # if t.start!=1, init x is specified by xtT[,t.start-1] and VtT[,,t.start-1]

  # First get a par list in marxss form
  marxss.par <- marss_to_marxss(x)[["par"]] # we only need par changed since marxss is in $model
  marxss.dims <- attr(x[["model"]], "model.dims") # the marxss model dims
  marxss.model <- x[["model"]]
  if (!("marxss" %in% attr(marxss.model, "form"))) stop("Stopped in predict_marxss(): x$model needs to be in marxss form.", call. = FALSE)
  TT <- marxss.dims[["y"]][2]
  form <- "marxss"
  allow.in <- c("data", "c", "d") # allowed in newdata

  if (!(class(newdata)[1] %in% c("list", "data.frame"))) {
    stop("Stopped predict_marxss(): newdata must be a list or dataframe.", call. = FALSE)

  # next interpret newdata;

  # if user passes in a data.frame, make an effort to interpret that
  # the following code makes sure newdata is a list with data, c and d with same 3rd dim (n.ahead)
  if (is.data.frame(newdata)) { # try to construct the list
    newdata.dataframe <- newdata
    newdata <- list()
    names.dataframe <- names(newdata.dataframe)
    if (any(duplicated(names.dataframe))) stop("Stopped in predict_marxss(): the dataframe should not have any duplicated names", call. = FALSE)

    # first construct the data matrix from the dataframe
    Y.names <- attr(marxss.model, "Y.names")
    # find any column names in the dataframe that match the rownames in the data matrix
    Y.match <- match(Y.names, names.dataframe)
    if (any(!is.na(Y.match))) {
      if (dim(newdata)[1] != n.ahead) {
        stop("Stopped in predict_marxss(): you have passed data in with newdata as a dataframe.\nThe number of rows must equal n.ahead in this case.", call. = FALSE)
      cat(paste("Alert from predict_marxss(): y (data) are present in the dataframe and prediction will be conditioned on these values.\n", collapse = ""))
      newdata[["data"]] <- newdata.dataframe[Y.names[!is.na(Y.match)]]
    # those that are missing are replaced with NA
    if (any(is.na(Y.match))) {
      newdata[["data"]][Y.names[is.na(Y.match)]] <- as.numeric(NA)
    # make sure the columns are in the same order as Y.names
    newdata[["data"]] <- newdata$data[Y.names]
    newdata[["data"]] <- t(as.matrix(newdata[["data"]])) # time across columns

    if (!(dim(newdata)[1] == n.ahead || dim(newdata)[1] != 1)) {
      stop("Stopped in predict_marxss(): The number of rows in the newdata dataframe must be 1 or n.ahead.", call. = FALSE)

    # Create the c and d matrices
    for (el in c("c", "d")) {
      is.zero <- all(marxss.model[["fixed"]][[toupper(el)]] == 0) & all(marxss.par[[toupper(el)]] == 0)
      if (is.zero) { # if C or D is all zero then c or d is not needed; make it all 0
        newdata[[el]] <- matrix(0, marxss.dims[[el]][1], 1)
        rownames(newdata[[el]]) <- rownames(marxss.model[["fixed"]][[el]])
      } else { # need c or d
        el.names <- rownames(marxss.model[["fixed"]][[el]])
        # find any column names in the dataframe that match the rownames in the el
        el.match <- match(el.names, names.dataframe)
        # subset those columns in the dataframe that match the el names
        el.in.dataframe <- el.names[!is.na(el.match)]
        newdata[[el]] <- newdata.dataframe[el.in.dataframe]
        # make it into a matrix with time going across the columns like in $model
        newdata[[el]] <- t(as.matrix(newdata[[el]]))
        # deal with any missing c or d rows
        if (!all(el.names %in% names.dataframe)) {
          bad.names <- el.names[!(el.names %in% names.dataframe)]
          if ((n.ahead + t.start - 1) > TT) {
            # require that user passes in all the c and d inputs
            stop(c("Stopped in predict_marxss(): some of the ", el, " inputs are missing: ", paste(bad.names, collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE)
          } else { # replace missing names with values from the model
            if (marxss.dims[[el]][3] == 1) t.el <- 1 else t.el <- t.start:(t.start + n.ahead - 1)
            tmp.el <- matrix(marxss.model[["fixed"]][[el]][bad.names, 1, t.el], length(bad.names), t.start + n.ahead - 1)
            rownames(tmp.el) <- bad.names
            newdata[[el]] <- rbind(newdata[[el]], tmp.el)
        # makesure the columns are in the same order as el.names
        newdata[[el]] <- newdata[[el]][el.names, , drop = FALSE]
        if (any(is.na(newdata[[el]]))) {
          stop(paste("Stopped in predict_marxss(): there cannot be any NAs in the ", el, " matrix.\n", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
    } # for el
  } # newdata is now a list with elements data, c, and d

  # if user passed in a list
  if (is.list(newdata)) {
    for (el in c("c", "d")) {
      is.zero <- all(marxss.model[["fixed"]][[toupper(el)]] == 0) & all(marxss.par[[toupper(el)]] == 0)
      if (is.zero) { # if C or D is all zero then c or d is not needed; make it all 0
        newdata[[el]] <- matrix(0, marxss.dims[[el]][1], 1)
        rownames(newdata[[el]]) <- rownames(marxss.model[["fixed"]][[el]])
      } else { # need c or d
        if (!(el %in% names(newdata))) {
          if ((n.ahead + t.start - 1) > TT) {
            # require that user passes in all the c and d inputs
            stop(c("Stopped in predict_marxss(): Model has ", toupper(el), " but ", el, " is missing from newdata\n and cannot be inferred since prediction extends beyond original dataset."), call. = FALSE)
          } else { # replace missing names with values from the model
            if (marxss.dims[[el]][3] == 1) t.el <- 1 else t.el <- t.start:(t.start + n.ahead - 1)
            newdata[[el]] <- matrix(marxss.model[["fixed"]][[el]][, , t.el], marxss.dims[[el]][1], t.start + n.ahead - 1)
            rownames(newdata[[el]]) <- rownames(marxss.model[["fixed"]][[el]])
        if (!is.matrix(newdata[[el]])) {
          stop(c("Stopped in predict_marxss(): ", el, " in newdata must be a matrix with time across the columns and n.ahead columns."), call. = FALSE)
        names.list <- rownames(newdata[[el]])
        el.names <- rownames(marxss.model[["fixed"]][[el]])
        # find any row names in the matrix that match the rownames in the el
        el.match <- match(el.names, names.list)
        # subset those columns in the dataframe that match the el names
        el.in.matrix <- el.names[!is.na(el.match)]
        newdata[[el]] <- newdata[[el]][el.in.matrix, , drop = FALSE]
        if (!all(el.names %in% names.list)) {
          bad.names <- el.names[!(el.names %in% names.list)]
          if ((n.ahead + t.start - 1) > TT) {
            # require that user passes in all the c and d inputs
            stop(c("Stopped in predict_marxss(): some of the ", el, " inputs are missing: ", paste(bad.names, collapse = ", "), " \nand cannot be inferred since prediction is beyond the end of the original dataset."), call. = FALSE)
          } else { # replace missing names with values from the model
            if (marxss.dims[[el]][3] == 1) t.el <- 1 else t.el <- t.start:(t.start + n.ahead - 1)
            tmp.el <- matrix(marxss.model[["fixed"]][[el]][bad.names, 1, t.el], length(bad.names), t.start + n.ahead - 1)
            rownames(tmp.el) <- bad.names
            newdata[[el]] <- rbind(newdata[[el]], tmp.el)
        # makesure the columns are in the same order as el.names
        newdata[[el]] <- newdata[[el]][el.names, , drop = FALSE]
        if (any(is.na(newdata[[el]]))) {
          stop(paste("Stopped in predict_marxss(): There cannot be any NAs in the ", el, " matrix.\n", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
    if (("data" %in% names(newdata))) {
      el <- "data"
      Y.names <- attr(marxss.model, "Y.names")
      el.names <- Y.names
      if (!is.matrix(newdata[[el]])) {
        stop(c("Stopped in predict_marxss(): ", el, " in newdata must be a matrix with time across the columns and n.ahead columns."), call. = FALSE)

      names.list <- rownames(newdata[[el]])
      if (!all(el.names %in% names.list)) {
        bad.names <- el.names[!(el.names %in% names.list)]
        stop(c("Stopped in predict_marxss(): Some of the ", el, " rows are missing: ", paste(bad.names, collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE)
      # find any row names in the matrix that match the rownames in the el
      el.match <- match(el.names, names.list)
      # subset those columns in the dataframe that match the el names
      el.in.matrix <- el.names[!is.na(el.match)]
      newdata[[el]] <- newdata[[el]][el.in.matrix, ]
      # makesure the columns are in the same order as el.names
      newdata[[el]] <- newdata[[el]][el.names, ]

  # now do some error checking
  if (!all(names(newdata) %in% allow.in)) stop(paste("Stopped in predict_marxss(): only allowed inputs for form ", form, " are ", allow.in, ".", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
  # Check that the dims of inputs are the same (or = 1) and fix c or d that have length 1 to have same dim 2 as other inputs
  thedims <- unlist(lapply(newdata, function(x) {
  # only consider those with length!=1
  thedims <- thedims[thedims != 1]
  # n.ahead will have some value, since n.ahead is 1 by default in predict_marssMLE which called this function.
  # make sure n.ahead and any dim 2 of data, c or d !=1 are the same
  thedims <- c(n.ahead, thedims)
  if (!all(abs(thedims - mean(thedims)) < .Machine$double.eps)) {
    stop(paste("Stopped in predict_marxss(): in newdata, the 2nd dimension of all inputs (and n.ahead if passed in) must be equal (if not =1).", sep = ""))

  # set data to be all missing if it wasn't passed in
  if (is.null(newdata[["data"]])) {
    newdata[["data"]] <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), marxss.dims[["y"]][1], n.ahead)
    rownames(newdata[["data"]]) <- attr(marxss.model, "Y.names")
  } else { # it was passed in
    if (dim(newdata[["data"]])[2] != n.ahead) {
      stop(c("Stopped in predict_marxss(): data in newdata must be a matrix with time across the columns and n.ahead columns."), call. = FALSE)

  # Now newdata ready as a list with elements c and d that correspond to model c and d as passed into MARSS()

  #### make a list of time-varying parameters
  param.names <- attr(marxss.model, "par.names")
  time.varying.fixed <- c()
  time.varying.free <- c()
  for (elem in param.names) {
    if (dim(marxss.model[["free"]][[elem]])[3] == 1) {
      time.varying.free[elem] <- FALSE # not time-varying
    } else {
      time.varying.free[elem] <- TRUE
    if (dim(marxss.model[["fixed"]][[elem]])[3] == 1) {
      time.varying.fixed[elem] <- FALSE # not time-varying
    } else {
      time.varying.fixed[elem] <- TRUE
  time.varying <- time.varying.fixed | time.varying.free

  if (any(time.varying)) {
    if ((t.start + n.ahead - 1) > TT) {
      stop(paste("Stopped in predict_marxss(): ", paste(param.names[time.varying], collapse = ", "), " are time-varying.\nIn this case, you cannot forecast past the end of the time series\n(t.start+n.ahead must be < length of original data).\n", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
    param.t <- t.start:(t.start + n.ahead - 1)
  # Now we need to construct a marssMODEL object (form=marxss) for predicting
  pred.marxss <- marxss.model # copy the elements and attributes that won't change
  pred.model.dims <- marxss.dims
  pred.model.dims[["data"]][2] <- n.ahead
  pred.model.dims[["x"]][2] <- n.ahead
  pred.model.dims[["y"]][2] <- n.ahead
  for (el in param.names[!(param.names %in% c("c", "d"))]) {
    if (!time.varying.fixed[el]) {
      pred.marxss[["fixed"]][[el]] <- marxss.model[["fixed"]][[el]]
    } else { # is time.varying
      pred.marxss[["fixed"]][[el]] <- marxss.model[["fixed"]][[el]][, , param.t, drop = FALSE]
      pred.model.dims[[el]][3] <- n.ahead
    if (!time.varying.free[el]) {
      pred.marxss[["free"]][[el]] <- marxss.model[["free"]][[el]]
    } else { # is time.varying
      pred.marxss[["free"]][[el]] <- marxss.model[["free"]][[el]][, , param.t, drop = FALSE]
      pred.model.dims[[el]][3] <- n.ahead

  for (el in c("c", "d")) {
    # this forces 2nd dim of matrix to be n.ahead
    pred.model.dims[[el]][3] <- n.ahead
    # now replace any c or d row passed in with the new values
    pred.marxss[["fixed"]][[el]] <- array(newdata[[el]], dim = c(dim(newdata[[el]])[1], 1, n.ahead))
    rownames(pred.marxss[["fixed"]][[el]]) <- rownames(newdata[[el]])
    # by definition free c and d is not estimated
    pred.marxss[["free"]][[el]] <- marxss.model[["free"]][[el]]

  # Set the initial conditons
  # Set these to the estimated distribution of x at t.start-1 conditioned on all the data (original)
  pred.marxss[["tinitx"]] <- 0
  kf <- MARSSkf(x) # x is the original marssMLE obj passed in
  if (t.start == 1) {
    pred.marxss$fixed$x0 <- array(kf$x0T, dim = marxss.dims$x0)
    pred.marxss$fixed$V0 <- array(vec(kf$V0T), dim = c(marxss.dims$V0[1] * marxss.dims$V0[2], 1, 1))
  } else {
    pred.marxss$fixed$x0 <- array(kf$xtT[, t.start - 1], dim = marxss.dims$x0)
    pred.marxss$fixed$V0 <- array(vec(kf$VtT[, , t = (t.start - 1)]), dim = c(marxss.dims$V0[1] * marxss.dims$V0[2], 1, 1))
  pred.marxss$free$x0 <- array(0, dim = c(marxss.dims$x0[1], 0, 1))
  pred.marxss$free$V0 <- array(0, dim = c(marxss.dims$V0[1] * marxss.dims$V0[2], 0, 1))

  pred.marxss[["data"]] <- newdata[["data"]]
  attr(pred.marxss, "model.dims") <- pred.model.dims # the marxss model dims

  ## Next step is to create the marssMLE object ready for predict.  This is done by changing x

  # These are not estimated when x_(tstart-1) and V_(t.start-1) are fixed at expected values
  for (val in c("par", "start")) {
    for (el in c("x0", "V0")) {
      if (!is.null(x[[val]][[el]])) {
        x[[val]][[el]] <- matrix(0, 0, 1)
  # These don't have meaning when x_(tstart-1) and V_(t.start-1) are fixed at expected values
  for (val in c("par.se", "par.bias", "par.upCI", "par.lowCI")) {
    for (el in c("x0", "V0")) {
      if (!is.null(x[[val]][[el]])) {
        x[[val]][[el]] <- NULL

  # now pred.marxss is a marssMODEL object (form=marxss) to be used for prediction
  x[["model"]] <- pred.marxss
  # convert pred.marxss to a marss object and put in $marss
  x[["marss"]] <- marxss_to_marss(pred.marxss)
  # only pass in marssMODEL since x par has been corrected above

  # x is now a marssMLE object with its marss and model changed to reflect newdata
  # with y, c and d potentially changed and t.start and t.end changed and TT changed
  # par$x0 and $V0 changed to reflect t.start

  # return this object to predict.marssMLE; only MLEobj is needed
  # but newdata list returned for debugging
  return(list(MLEobj = x, newdata = newdata))

describe_marxss <- function(MODELobj) {
# describe_marss works generally with marxss form models (of which marss is one type)
# describe_marss is in the file describe_marssMODEL.R

# is.marssMODEL_marxss function
# Check that the marxss object has all the parts it needs
# fixed, free, and par.names
# and that these have the proper size and form
# m is pulled from fixed$x0
is.marssMODEL_marxss <- function(MODELobj, method = "kem") {
  msg <- NULL

  if (!("marxss" %in% attr(MODELobj, "form"))) {
    msg <- c(msg, "Form attribute of the model object does not include marxss.\n")
  ## Set up par.names that should be marxss model
  en <- c("Z", "A", "R", "B", "U", "Q", "x0", "V0", "D", "C", "d", "c", "G", "H", "L")

  # Check that par.names has these and only these names
  par.names <- attr(MODELobj, "par.names")
  if (!all(en %in% par.names)) {
    msg <- c(msg, "Element ", en[!(en %in% par.names)], " is missing from the par.names attribute of the model object.\n")
  if (!all(par.names %in% en)) {
    msg <- c(msg, "Only ", en, "should be in the par.names attribute of the model object.\n")
  if (!is.null(msg)) { # rest of the tests won't work so stop now

  # Check model.dims attribute is correct
  n <- dim(MODELobj$data)[1]
  TT <- dim(MODELobj$data)[2]
  m <- dim(MODELobj$fixed$x0)[1]
  c1 <- dim(MODELobj$fixed$c)[1]
  d1 <- dim(MODELobj$fixed$d)[1]
  g1 <- dim(MODELobj$fixed$G)[1] / m
  h1 <- dim(MODELobj$fixed$H)[1] / n
  l1 <- dim(MODELobj$fixed$L)[1] / m

  en <- c("Z", "A", "R", "B", "U", "Q", "x0", "V0", "D", "C", "d", "c", "G", "H", "L", "data", "x", "y", "w", "v")
  correct.dim1 <- c(Z = n, A = n, R = h1, B = m, U = m, Q = g1, x0 = m, V0 = l1, D = n, C = m, c = c1, d = d1, G = m, H = n, L = m, data = n, x = m, y = n, w = m, v = n)
  correct.dim2 <- c(Z = m, A = 1, R = h1, B = m, U = 1, Q = g1, x0 = 1, V0 = l1, D = d1, C = c1, c = TT, d = TT, G = g1, H = h1, L = l1, data = TT, x = TT, y = TT, w = TT, v = TT)
  model.dims <- attr(MODELobj, "model.dims")
  for (elem in en) {
    ## Check for problems in the fixed/free pairs. Problems show up as TRUE
    dim.flag1 <- dim.flag2 <- FALSE

    # check dim
    dim.flag1 <- c(dim.flag1, !(model.dims[[elem]][1] == correct.dim1[[elem]]))
    dim.flag2 <- c(dim.flag2, !(model.dims[[elem]][2] == correct.dim2[[elem]]))
  if (any(c(dim.flag1, dim.flag2))) { # There's a problem
    if (any(dim.flag1)) {
      msg <- c(msg, paste("Dim 1 of ", en[dim.flag1], "is incorrect. Dims should be ", correct.dim1[dim.flag1], ", for a marss model.\n"))
    if (any(dim.flag2)) {
      msg <- c(msg, paste("Dim 2 of ", en[dim.flag2], "is incorrect. Dims should be ", correct.dim2[dim.flag2], ", for a marss model.\n"))
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMODEL_marxss()\n", msg)

  fixed <- MODELobj$fixed
  free <- MODELobj$free

  # Check that x0, V0 and L are not time-varying
  en <- c("x0", "V0", "L")
  time.var <- NULL
  for (elem in en) {
    time.var.flag <- FALSE
    time.var.flag <- dim(fixed[[elem]])[3] != 1 | dim(free[[elem]])[3] != 1
    time.var <- c(time.var, time.var.flag)
  if (any(time.var)) { # There's a problem
    msg <- c(msg, paste(en[time.var], "cannot be time-varying.  3rd dim of fixed and free must equal 1.\n"))
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMODEL_marxss()\n", msg)

  # Check that none of the var-cov matrices have negative values on the diagonal
  # and that there are no f+Dq elements only f+0q or 0+Dq
  # and D must be a design matrix, so no beta_1*q1 + beta_2*q2 elements
  en <- c("R", "Q", "V0")
  neg <- bad.var <- not.design <- NULL
  for (elem in en) {
    neg.flag <- bad.var.flag <- not.design.flag <- FALSE
    for (i in 1:max(dim(free[[elem]])[3], dim(fixed[[elem]])[3])) {
      if (dim(fixed[[elem]])[3] == 1) {
        i1 <- 1
      } else {
        i1 <- i
      if (dim(free[[elem]])[3] == 1) {
        i2 <- 1
      } else {
        i2 <- i
      if (is.fixed(free[[elem]][, , min(i, dim(free[[elem]])[3]), drop = FALSE])) { # this works on 3D mats
        zero.free.rows <- matrix(TRUE, correct.dim1[[elem]] * correct.dim2[[elem]], 1)
      } else {
        zero.free.rows <- apply(free[[elem]][, , i2, drop = FALSE] == 0, 1, all) # works on 3D mat
        # the requirement is that each estimated element (in p) appears only in one place in the varcov mat, but fixed rows (0 rows) are ok
        not.design.flag <- !is.design(free[[elem]][, , i2, drop = FALSE], strict = FALSE, zero.rows.ok = TRUE, zero.cols.ok = TRUE) # works on 3D if dim3=1
      zero.fixed.rows <- apply(fixed[[elem]][, , i1, drop = FALSE] == 0, 1, all) # works on 3D
      fixed.mat <- unvec(fixed[[elem]][, , i1], dim = c(correct.dim1[[elem]], correct.dim2[[elem]]))
      if (any(!zero.fixed.rows & !zero.free.rows)) {
        bad.var.flag <- TRUE # no f+Dq rows
      if (any(takediag(fixed.mat) < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) neg.flag <- TRUE # no negative diagonals
    } # end the for loop over time
    not.design <- c(not.design, not.design.flag)
    neg <- c(neg, neg.flag)
    bad.var <- c(bad.var, bad.var.flag)
  } # enf the for loop over elem
  if (any(neg)) {
    msg <- c(msg, paste("Negative values are on the diagonal of ", en[neg], ". Neg values are illegal on the diag of a var-cov matrix.\n", sep = ""))
  if (any(bad.var)) {
    msg <- c(msg, paste("Fixed and estimated values are combined in some elements of ", en[bad.var], ". This is not allowed.\n", sep = ""))
  if (any(not.design)) {
    msg <- c(msg, paste("The D matrices of ", en[not.design], " must be design matrices.\n", sep = ""))

  # Check that V0, Q and R matrices are symmetric and positive-definite
  en <- c("R", "Q", "V0")
  pos <- symm <- NULL
  for (elem in en) {
    varcov.flag <- TRUE
    varcov.msg <- ""
    var.dim <- c(correct.dim1[[elem]], correct.dim2[[elem]])
    for (i in 1:model.dims[[elem]][3]) {
      if (dim(fixed[[elem]])[3] == 1) {
        i1 <- 1
      } else {
        i1 <- i
      if (dim(free[[elem]])[3] == 1) {
        i2 <- 1
      } else {
        i2 <- i
      # works on 3D if dim3=1
      par.as.list <- fixed.free.to.formula(fixed[[elem]][, , i1, drop = FALSE], free[[elem]][, , i2, drop = FALSE], var.dim) # coverts the fixed,free pair to a list matrix
      tmp <- is.validvarcov(par.as.list, method = method)
      varcov.flag <- varcov.flag & tmp$ok
      if (!tmp$ok) varcov.msg <- c(varcov.msg, paste(" ", tmp$error, "at t=", i, "\n", sep = ""))

      if (!varcov.flag) msg <- c(msg, paste("The variance-covariance matrix ", elem, " is not properly constrained.\n", sep = ""), varcov.msg)
    } # end for loop over time
  } # end for loop over elements

  # Check that crossprod(G), crossprod(H), crossprod(L) are invertible
  en <- c("G", "H", "L")
  pos <- symm <- NULL
  for (elem in en) {
    varcov.flag <- TRUE
    varcov.msg <- ""
    var.dim <- c(correct.dim1[[elem]], correct.dim2[[elem]])
    for (i in 1:model.dims[[elem]][3]) {
      if (dim(fixed[[elem]])[3] == 1) {
        i1 <- 1
      } else {
        i1 <- i
      if (dim(free[[elem]])[3] == 1) {
        i2 <- 1
      } else {
        i2 <- i
      # works on 3D if dim3=1
      # since G, H, and L are numeric, par.as.list will be a numeric matrix not list
      par.as.list <- fixed.free.to.formula(fixed[[elem]][, , i1, drop = FALSE], free[[elem]][, , i2, drop = FALSE], var.dim) # coverts the fixed,free pair to a list matrix
      # this requirement is mention in 4.4 in EM Derivation
      # simple test for invertibility via condition number
      condition.limit <- 1E10
      tmp <- kappa(crossprod(as.numeric(par.as.list))) < condition.limit # TRUE is good
      varcov.flag <- varcov.flag & tmp
      if (!tmp) varcov.msg <- c(varcov.msg, paste(" ", tmp$error, "at t=", i, "\n", sep = ""))

      if (!varcov.flag) msg <- c(msg, paste("The matrix t(", elem, ")%*%", elem, " must be invertible.\n", sep = ""), varcov.msg)
    } # end for loop over time
  } # end for loop over elements

  if (length(msg) == 0) {
  } else {
    msg <- c("\nErrors were caught in is.marssMODEL_marxss()\n", msg)

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