
### code chunk number 2: Cs00_required-libraries

### code chunk number 3: Cs101_structTS-level
y <- window(treering, start = 0, end = 20)

fit1 <- StructTS(y, type = "level")

### code chunk number 4: Cs102_structTS-level
vy <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE) / 100
mod.list <- list(
  x0 = matrix(y[1]), U = "zero", tinitx = 0,
  Q = matrix(fit1$coef[1]), R = matrix(fit1$coef[2]),
  V0 = matrix(1e+06 * vy)
fit2 <- MARSS(as.vector(y), model = mod.list)
# Now estimate the parameters
mod.list <- list(
  x0 = matrix(y[1]), U = "zero", tinitx = 0, V0 = matrix(1e+06 * vy),
  Q = matrix("s2xi"), R = matrix("s2eps")
fit3 <- MARSS(as.vector(y), model = mod.list, method = "BFGS")
fit4 <- MARSS(as.vector(y),
  model = mod.list,
  control = list(allow.degen = FALSE)

### code chunk number 5: Cs103_structTS-level
fit2$kf <- MARSSkfss(fit2)
fit3$kf <- MARSSkfss(fit3)
fit4$kf <- MARSSkfss(fit4)
df <- data.frame(
  StructTS = fit1$fitted, fit2 = fit2$kf$xtt[1, ],
  fit.bfgs = fit3$kf$xtt[1, ], fit.em = fit4$kf$xtt[1, ]

### code chunk number 6: Cs104_structTS-level
df1 <-$fitted)
vars <- colnames(df1)
df2 <-$kf$xtt))
colnames(df2) <- vars
df3 <-$kf$xtt))
colnames(df3) <- vars
df1$model <- "StructTS"
df2$model <- "MARSS BFGS"
df3$model <- "MARSS EM"
df1$t <- as.vector(time(fit1$fitted))
df2$t <- df1$t
df3$t <- df1$t
df <- rbind(df1, df2, df3)
df <- df %>% pivot_longer(all_of(vars))
ggplot(df, aes(x = t, y = value)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~model) +
  ggtitle("Level estimate from model fit with StructTS and MARSS")

### code chunk number 7: Cs201_structTS-leveltrend
y <- log10(forecast:::subset.ts(UKgas, quarter = 2))
fit1 <- StructTS(y, type = "trend")

### code chunk number 8: Cs202_structTS-leveltrend
vy <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE) / 100
B <- matrix(c(1, 0, 1, 1), 2, 2)
Z <- matrix(c(1, 0), 1, 2)
# fitx parameters at fit1 values
mod.list <- list(
  x0 = matrix(c(y[1], 0), 2, 1), U = "zero", tinitx = 0,
  Q = diag(fit1$coef[1:2]), R = matrix(fit1$coef[3]),
  V0 = matrix(1e+06 * vy, 2, 2), Z = Z, B = B
fit2 <- MARSS(as.vector(y),
  model = mod.list, fit = FALSE,
  control = list(trace = -1)
fit2$par <- fit2$start # otherwise par is NULL since fit=FALSE

### code chunk number 9: Cs203_structTS-leveltrend
mod.list <- list(
  x0 = matrix(c(y[1], 0), 2, 1), U = "zero", tinitx = 0,
  Q = ldiag(c("s2xi", "s2zeta")), R = matrix("s2eps"),
  V0 = matrix(1e+06 * vy, 2, 2) + diag(1e-10, 2), Z = Z, B = B
fit3 <- MARSS(as.vector(y), model = mod.list, method = "BFGS")
fit4 <- MARSS(as.vector(y),
  model = mod.list,
  control = list(allow.degen = FALSE)

### code chunk number 10: Cs204_structTS-leveltrend
fit2$kf <- MARSSkfss(fit2)
fit3$kf <- MARSSkfss(fit3)
fit4$kf <- MARSSkfss(fit4)
  StructTS = fit1$fitted[, 2], fit2 = fit2$kf$xtt[2, ],
  fit.bfgs = fit3$kf$xtt[2, ], fit.em = fit4$kf$xtt[2, ]
)[1:5, ]

### code chunk number 11: Cs205_structTS-leveltrend
df1 <-$fitted)
vars <- colnames(df1)
df2 <-$kf$xtt))
colnames(df2) <- vars
df3 <-$kf$xtt))
colnames(df3) <- vars
df1$model <- "StructTS"
df2$model <- "MARSS BFGS"
df3$model <- "MARSS EM"
df1$t <- as.vector(time(fit1$fitted))
df2$t <- df1$t
df3$t <- df1$t
df <- rbind(df1, df2, df3)
df <- df %>% pivot_longer(all_of(vars))
ggplot(df, aes(x = t, y = value, color = model, linetype = model, shape = model)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~name, scales = "free") +
  scale_linetype_manual("model", values = c(1, 1, 0)) +
  scale_shape_manual("model", values = c(NA, NA, 16))

### code chunk number 12: Cs301_structTS-bsm
y <- log10(UKgas)
fit1 <- StructTS(y, type = "BSM")

### code chunk number 13: Cs302_structTS-bsm
makeB <- function(nf) {
  B <- matrix(0, nf + 1L, nf + 1L)
  B[1L:2L, 1L:2L] <- c(1, 0, 1, 1)
  B[3L, ] <- c(0, 0, rep(-1, nf - 1L))
  if (nf >= 3L) {
    ind <- 3:nf
    B[cbind(ind + 1L, ind)] <- 1

### code chunk number 14: Cs303_structTS-bsm
nf <- frequency(y)
vy <- var(y) / 100
B <- makeB(nf)
Z <- matrix(c(1, 0, 1, rep(0, nf - 2L)), 1, nf + 1)

Q <- ldiag(list("s2xi", "s2zeta", "s2w", 0, 0))
R <- matrix("s2eps")
V0 <- matrix(1e+06 * vy, nf + 1, nf + 1) + diag(1e-10, nf + 1)
mod.list <- list(
  x0 = matrix(c(y[1], rep(0, nf)), ncol = 1),
  U = "zero", A = "zero", tinitx = 0,
  Q = Q, R = R, V0 = V0, Z = Z, B = B
fit3 <- MARSS(as.vector(y), model = mod.list, method = "BFGS")
fit4 <- MARSS(as.vector(y),
  model = mod.list,
  control = list(allow.degen = FALSE)
fit4$kf <- MARSSkfss(fit4)
fit3$kf <- MARSSkfss(fit3)

### code chunk number 15: Cs304_structTS-bsm
df1 <-$fitted)
vars <- colnames(df1)
df2 <-$kf$xtt)[, 1:3])
colnames(df2) <- vars
df3 <-$kf$xtt)[, 1:3])
colnames(df3) <- vars
df1$model <- "StructTS"
df2$model <- "MARSS BFGS"
df3$model <- "MARSS EM"
df1$t <- as.vector(time(fit1$fitted))
df1$Qtr <- as.vector(cycle(fit1$fitted))
df2$t <- df1$t
df2$Qtr <- df1$Qtr
df3$t <- df1$t
df3$Qtr <- df1$Qtr
df <- rbind(df1, df2, df3)
df <- subset(df, Qtr == 1) %>% pivot_longer(all_of(vars))
ggplot(df, aes(x = t, y = value, color = model, linetype = model, shape = model)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~name, scales = "free") +
  scale_linetype_manual("model", values = c(1, 1, 0)) +
  scale_shape_manual("model", values = c(NA, NA, 15))

### code chunk number 16: Cs401_forecast
y <- log10(UKgas)
fit1 <- StructTS(y, type = "BSM")

nf <- frequency(y)
vy <- var(y) / 100
B <- makeB(nf) # defined in the BSM section above
Z <- matrix(c(1, 0, 1, rep(0, nf - 2L)), 1, nf + 1)
V0 <- matrix(1e+06 * vy, nf + 1, nf + 1) + diag(1e-10, nf + 1)
mod.list <- list(
  x0 = matrix(c(y[1], rep(0, nf)), ncol = 1), 
  U = "zero", A = "zero", tinitx = 0,
  Q = diag(c(fit1$coef[1:3], 0, 0)), 
  R = matrix(fit1$coef[4]), 
  V0 = V0, Z = Z, B = B
fit2 <- MARSS(as.vector(y), model = mod.list)

### code chunk number 17: Cs402_forecast
fr1 <- predict(fit1, n.ahead = 5)

### code chunk number 18: Cs403_forecast
fr2 <- predict(fit2, n.ahead = 5, interval = "prediction")

### code chunk number 19: Cs404_forecast
  pred1 = fr1$pred, pred2 = fr2$pred$estimate[fr2$ft],
  se1 = fr1$se, se2 = fr2$pred$se[fr2$ft]

### code chunk number 20: Cs405_forecast
fr1 <- forecast:::forecast.StructTS(fit1, h = 10)
fr2 <- forecast(fit2, h = 10)
p1 <- ggplot2::autoplot(fr1, include = 8)
p2 <- ggplot2::autoplot(fr2, include = 8)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, nrow = 1)

### code chunk number 21: Cs501_fitted
fitted1 <- fitted(fit1)

### code chunk number 22: Cs502_fitted
fitted2 <- tsSmooth(fit2, type = "xtt")
fitted2 <- subset(fitted2, .rownames %in% c("X1", "X2", "X3"))

### code chunk number 23: Cs503_fitted
ggplot(fitted2, aes(x = t, y = .estimate)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~.rownames, ncol = 1, scale = "free_y")

### code chunk number 24: Cs504_fitted
fitted3 <- MARSSkfss(fit2)$xtt
fitted3 <- ts(t(fitted3[1:3, ]))

### code chunk number 25: Cs505_fitted
fitted2 <- fitted(fit2, type = "ytt")
df2 <- data.frame(t = as.numeric(time(fitted1)), fitted = fitted2$.fitted, name = "MARSS")
df1 <- data.frame(t = df2$t, fitted = as.numeric(fitted1[, 1] + fitted1[, 3]), name = "StructTS")
df <- rbind(df1, df2)
df$y <- fitted2$y

ggplot(df) +
  geom_line(aes(x = t, y = fitted)) +
  geom_point(aes(x = t, y = y), col = "blue") +
  facet_wrap(~name, ncol = 1)

### code chunk number 26: Cs601_residuals
resids1 <- residuals(fit1)

### code chunk number 27: Cs602_residuals
resids2 <- residuals(fit2, type = "tt", standardization = "marginal")

### code chunk number 28: Cs603_residuals
df2 <- data.frame(t = as.numeric(time(resids1)), resids = resids2$.std.resids, name = "MARSS")
df1 <- data.frame(t = df2$t, resids = as.numeric(resids1), name = "StructTS")
df3 <- data.frame(t = df2$t, resids = df1$resids - df2$resids, name = "difference")
df <- rbind(df1, df2, df3)

ggplot(df, aes(x = t, y = resids)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~name, ncol = 1, scale = "free_y") +
  ggtitle("Marginal standardized model residuals")

### code chunk number 29: Cs701_multivariate
TT <- 60
t <- 1:TT
q <- 0.01
r <- 0.01
trend <- 0.2 * sin((1:TT) / 4)
level <- cumsum(rnorm(TT, trend, sqrt(q)))

# Simulated data
n <- 5
miss.percent <- 0.5
ym <- matrix(1, n, 1) %*% level + matrix(rnorm(TT * n, 0, sqrt(r * 100)), n, TT)
ym[sample(n * TT, miss.percent * n * TT)] <- NA

### code chunk number 30: Cs702_multivariate
par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(3, 3, 1, 1))
ylims <- c(min(ym, na.rm = TRUE), max(ym, na.rm = TRUE))
plot(t, trend, ylim = ylims, col = "red", type = "l")
lines(t, level, col = "black")
legend("topright", c("trend", "level"), lty = 1, col = c("red", "black"))
matplot(t, t(ym), pch = 1:n, ylab = "y", xlab = "", ylim = ylims, main = "bad data")
lines(t, level)

### code chunk number 31: Cs703_multivariate
vy <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE) / 100
mod.list.x <- list(
  x0 = matrix(list("x0", 0), nrow = 2), tinitx = 1,
  V0 = matrix(1e+06 * vy, 2, 2) + diag(1e-10, 2),
  Q = ldiag(list(q, "qt")),
  B = matrix(c(1, 0, 1, 1), 2, 2),
  U = "zero"

### code chunk number 32: Cs704_multivariate
mod.list.y <- list(
  A = "zero",
  R = "diagonal and equal"

### code chunk number 33: Cs705_multivariate
Z <- matrix(c(1, 0), 1, 2, byrow = TRUE)
mod.list <- c(mod.list.x, mod.list.y, list(Z = Z))
fitu <- MARSS(ym[1, ], model = mod.list, method = "BFGS", inits = list(x0 = 0))

### code chunk number 34: Cs706_multivariate
Z <- matrix(c(1, 0), n, 2, byrow = TRUE)
mod.list <- c(mod.list.x, mod.list.y, list(Z = Z))
fitm <- MARSS(ym, model = mod.list, method = "BFGS", inits = list(x0 = 0))

### code chunk number 35: Cs707_multivariate
true <- data.frame(
  .rownames = rep(c("X1", "X2"), each = TT), t = t,
  .estimate = c(level, trend), .se = NA, name = "true"
statesu <- tsSmooth(fitu)
statesu$name <- "one bad"
statesm <- tsSmooth(fitm)
statesm$name <- "multiple bad"
df <- rbind(true, statesu, statesm)

ggplot(df, aes(x = t, y = .estimate, col = name)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~.rownames, scale = "free_y")

### code chunk number 36: Cs708_multivariate
par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(3, 3, 1, 1))
covariate <- matrix(c(rep(0, TT - 10), rep(1, 10)), nrow = 1)
ymc <- ym
D <- matrix(c(-1, -1, 0, 1, 1), ncol = 1)
ymc <- ym + D %*% covariate
matplot(t, t(ymc), pch = 1:n, ylab = "y", xlab = "", main = "data")
plot(t, covariate[1, ], col = "blue", lty = 2, type = "l", main = "covariate")

### code chunk number 37: Cs709_multivariate
Z <- matrix(c(1, 0), n, 2, byrow = TRUE)
mod.list <- c(mod.list.x, mod.list.y, list(Z = Z, d = covariate))
fitmc <- MARSS(ymc, model = mod.list, method = "BFGS", inits = list(x0 = 0))

### code chunk number 38: Cs710_multivariate
dvals <- data.frame(
  x = paste0("y", 1:n),
  val = c(D, coef(fitmc, type = "matrix")$D),
  name = rep(c("true", "estimate"), each = n)
ggplot(dvals, aes(x = x, y = val, col = name)) +
  geom_point() +
  xlab("observation series") +
  ylab("D estimate") +
  ggtitle("D true and estimated values")

### code chunk number 39: Cs711_multivariate
statesmc <- tsSmooth(fitmc)
statesmc$name <- "multiple w covariate"
df <- rbind(true, statesu, statesm, statesmc)

ggplot(df, aes(x = t, y = .estimate, col = name)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~.rownames, scale = "free_y")

### code chunk number 40: Cs712_multivariate
r2 <- r * c(100, 10, 10, 200, 400)
a <- runif(n, -1, 1)
err <- rnorm(n * TT, mean = rep(a, each = TT), sd = rep(sqrt(r2), each = TT))
ym2 <- matrix(1, nrow = n) %*% level + matrix(err, nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)
ym2[sample(n * TT, miss.percent * n * TT)] <- NA
matplot(t, t(ym2), pch = 1:n, ylab = "y", xlab = "", main = "data with different error and bias")

### code chunk number 41: Cs713_multivariate
Z <- matrix(c(1, 0), n, 2, byrow = TRUE)
mod.list <- c(mod.list.x, list(Z = Z, R = "diagonal and unequal", A = "scaling"))
fitm2 <- MARSS(ym2, model = mod.list, method = "BFGS", inits = list(x0 = 0))

### code chunk number 42: Cs714_multivariate
rvals <- data.frame(
  x = paste0("y", 1:n),
  val = c(r2, coef(fitm2)$R),
  name = rep(c("true", "estimate"), each = n)
ggplot(rvals, aes(x = x, y = val, col = name)) +
  geom_point() +
  xlab("observation series") +
  ylab("R variance estimate") +
  ggtitle("R true and estimated values")

### code chunk number 43: Cs715_multivariate
statesm2 <- tsSmooth(fitm2)
statesm2$name <- "multiple w different Rs"
df <- rbind(true, statesu, statesm, statesmc, statesm2)

ggplot(df, aes(x = t, y = .estimate, col = name)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~.rownames, scale = "free_y")

### code chunk number 44: Cs716_multivariate
TT <- 60
t <- 1:TT
q <- 0.5
qt <- 0.01
r <- 0.1
b <- 0.5
trend <- 0.2 * sin((1:TT) / 4)
level1 <- cumsum(rnorm(TT, trend, sqrt(q)))
level2 <- cumsum(rnorm(TT, trend, sqrt(q)))

# Simulated data
ym <- rbind(level1, level2) + matrix(rnorm(TT * 2, 0, sqrt(r)), 2, TT)

### code chunk number 45: Cs717_multivariate
par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(3, 3, 1, 1))
ylims <- c(min(ym, na.rm = TRUE), max(ym, na.rm = TRUE))
plot(t, ym[1, ], ylim = ylims, type = "p")
lines(t, level1, col = "black")
plot(t, ym[2, ], ylim = ylims, type = "p")
lines(t, level2, col = "black")

### code chunk number 46: Cs718_multivariate
vy <- var(y, na.rm = TRUE) / 100
Z <- matrix(c(1, 0), 1, 2)
mod.list.x <- list(
  x0 = matrix(list("x0", 0), nrow = 2), tinitx = 1,
  V0 = matrix(1e+06 * vy, 2, 2) + diag(1e-10, 2),
  Q = ldiag(list(q, "qt")),
  B = matrix(c(1, 0, 1, 1), 2, 2),
  U = "zero"
mod.list <- c(mod.list.x, mod.list.y, list(Z = Z))
fitm1 <- MARSS(ym[1, ], model = mod.list, method = "BFGS", inits = list(x0 = 0))
fitm2 <- MARSS(ym[2, ], model = mod.list, method = "BFGS", inits = list(x0 = 0))

### code chunk number 47: Cs719_multivariate
Z <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), 2, 3, byrow = TRUE)
m <- 3
mod.list.x <- list(
  x0 = matrix(list("x0.1", "x0.2", 0), nrow = m), tinitx = 1,
  V0 = matrix(1e+06 * vy, m, m) + diag(1e-10, m),
  Q = ldiag(list("q", "q", "qt")),
  B = matrix(c(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1), m, m, byrow = TRUE),
  U = "zero"
mod.list <- c(mod.list.x, mod.list.y, list(Z = Z))
fitm3 <- MARSS(ym, model = mod.list, method = "BFGS", inits = list(x0 = 0))

### code chunk number 48: Cs720_multivariate
true <- data.frame(
  .rownames = rep(c("level 1", "level 2", "trend"), each = TT), t = t,
  .estimate = c(level1, level2, trend), .se = NA, name = "true"
statesm1 <- tsSmooth(fitm1)
statesm1$name <- "ts 1 alone"
statesm1$.rownames[statesm1$.rownames == "X2"] <- "trend"
statesm1$.rownames[statesm1$.rownames == "X1"] <- "level 1"
statesm2 <- tsSmooth(fitm2)
statesm2$name <- "ts 2 alone"
statesm2$.rownames[statesm2$.rownames == "X2"] <- "trend"
statesm2$.rownames[statesm2$.rownames == "X1"] <- "level 2"
statesm3 <- tsSmooth(fitm3)
statesm3$name <- "ts 1 & 2 together"
statesm3$.rownames[statesm3$.rownames == "X3"] <- "trend"
statesm3$.rownames[statesm3$.rownames == "X1"] <- "level 1"
statesm3$.rownames[statesm3$.rownames == "X2"] <- "level 2"
df <- rbind(true, statesm1, statesm2, statesm3)

ggplot(df, aes(x = t, y = .estimate, col = name)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~.rownames, scale = "free_y", ncol = 1)

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MARSS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:34 a.m.