#' @import Rcpp
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @useDynLib MGDrivE

#' MGDrivE: Mosquito Gene Drive Explorer
#' @section Introduction:
#' Recent developments of CRISPR-Cas9 based homing endonuclease gene drive systems,
#' for the suppression or replacement of mosquito populations, have generated much
#' interest in their use for control of mosquito-borne diseases (such as dengue,
#' malaria, Chikungunya and Zika). This is because genetic control of pathogen
#' transmission may complement or even substitute traditional vector-control
#' interventions, which have had limited success in bringing the spread of these
#' diseases to a halt. Despite excitement for the use of gene drives for mosquito
#' control, current modeling efforts have analyzed only a handful of these new
#' approaches (usually studying just one per framework). Moreover, these models
#' usually consider well-mixed populations with no explicit spatial dynamics. To
#' this end, we are developing MGDrivE (Mosquito Gene DRIVe Explorer), in
#' cooperation with the 'UCI Malaria Elimination Initiative', as a flexible
#' modeling framework to evaluate a variety of drive systems in spatial networks
#' of mosquito populations. This framework provides a reliable testbed to evaluate
#' and optimize the efficacy of gene drive mosquito releases. What separates MGDrivE
#' from other models is the incorporation of mathematical and computational
#' mechanisms to simulate a wide array of inheritance-based technologies within
#' the same, coherent set of equations. We do this by treating the population
#' dynamics, genetic inheritance operations, and migration between habitats as
#' separate processes coupled together through the use of mathematical tensor
#' operations. This way we can conveniently swap inheritance patterns whilst
#' still making use of the same set of population dynamics equations. This is a
#' crucial advantage of our system, as it allows other research groups to test
#' their ideas without developing new models and without the need to spend time
#' adapting other frameworks to suit their needs.
#' @section Brief Description:
#' MGDrivE is based on the idea that we can decouple the genotype inheritance
#' process from the population dynamics equations. This allows the system to be
#' treated and developed in three semi-independent modules that come together to
#' form the system. The way this is done will be described later in this document
#' but a reference diagram is shown here.
#' @section Previous Work:
#' The original version of this model was based on work by \insertCite{Deredec2011,Hancock2007}{MGDrivE}
#' and adapted to accommodate CRISPR homing dynamics in a previous publication
#' by our team \insertCite{JohnMarshallAnnaBuchmanHectorMSanchezC.2017}{MGDrivE}.
#' As it was described, we extended this framework to be able to handle a variable
#' number of genotypes, and migration across spatial scenarios. We accomplish this
#' by adapting the equations to work in a tensor-oriented manner, where each
#' genotype can have different processes affecting their particular strain
#' (death rates, mating fitness, sex-ratio bias, et cetera).
#' @section Notation and Conventions:
#' Before beginning the full description of the model we will define some of the
#' conventions we followed for the notation of the written description of the system.
#'  * Overlines are used to denote the dimension of a tensor.
#'  * Subscript brackets are used to indicate an element in time. For example: \eqn{L_{[t-1]}} is the larval population at time: \eqn{t-1}.
#'  * Parentheses are used to indicate the parameter(s) of a function. For example: \eqn{\overline{O(T_{e}+T_{l})}} represents the function \eqn{O} evaluated with the parameter: \eqn{T_{e}+T_{l}}
#'  * Matrices follow a 'row-first' indexing order (i: row, j: column)
#' In the case of one dimensional tensors, each slot represents a genotype of the
#' population. For example, the male population is stored in the following way:
#' \deqn{\overline{Am} = \left(\begin{array}{c} g_1 \\ g_2 \\ g_3 \\ \vdots \\ g_n \end{array}\right) _{i}}
#' All the processes that affect mosquitoes in a genotype-specific way are defined
#' and stored in this way within the framework.
#' There are two tensors of squared dimensionality in the model: the adult females
#' matrix, and the genotype-specific male-mating ability (\eqn{\overline{\eta}})
#' In the case of the former the rows represent the females' genotype, whilst the
#' columns represent the genotype of the male they mated with:
#' \deqn{\overline{\overline{Af}} = \left(\begin{array}{ccccc} g_{11} & g_{12} & g_{13} & \cdots & g_{1n}\\ g_{21} & g_{22} & g_{23} & \cdots & g_{2n}\\ g_{31} & g_{32} & g_{33} & \cdots & g_{3n}\\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\ g_{n1} & g_{n2} & g_{n3} & \cdots & g_{nn} \end{array}\right) _{ij}}
#' The genotype-specific male mating ability, on the other hand, stores the females'
#' genotype in the rows, and the male genotypes in the columns of the matrix.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited
#' @name MGDrivE

#' MGDrivE: Model's Mathematical Description
#' The original version of this model was based on work by \insertCite{Deredec2011,Hancock2007}{MGDrivE}
#' and adapted to accommodate CRISPR homing dynamics in a previous publication by
#' our team \insertCite{JohnMarshallAnnaBuchmanHectorMSanchezC.2017}{MGDrivE}. As
#' it was described, we extended this framework to be able to handle a variable
#' number of genotypes, and migration across spatial scenarios. We did this by
#' adapting the equations to work in a tensor-oriented manner, where each genotype
#' can have different processes affecting their particular strain
#' (death rates, mating fitness, sex-ratio bias, et cetera).
#' @section Inheritance Cube and Oviposition:
#' To allow the extension of the framework to an arbitrary number of genotypes,
#' we transformed traditional inheritance matrices into inheritance cubes, where
#' each of the axis represents the following information:
#'  * x: female adult mate genotype
#'  * y: male adult mate genotype
#'  * z: proportion of the offspring that inherits a given genotype (slice)
#' The 'cube' structure gives us the flexibility to apply tensor operations to
#' the elements within our equations, so that we can calculate the stratified
#' population dynamics rapidly; and within a readable, flexible computational
#' framework. This becomes apparent when we define the equation we use for the
#' computation of eggs laid at any given point in time:
#' \deqn{\overline{O(T_x)} = \sum_{j=1}^{n} \Bigg( \bigg( (\beta*\overline{s} * \overline{ \overline{Af_{[t-T_x]}}}) * \overline{\overline{\overline{Ih}}} \bigg) * \Lambda  \Bigg)^{\top}_{ij}}
#' In this equation, the matrix containing the number of mated adult females
#' (\eqn{\overline{\overline{Af}}}) is multiplied element-wise with each one of
#' the slices containing the eggs genotypes proportions expected from this cross
#' (\eqn{\overline{\overline{\overline{Ih}}}}). The resulting matrix is then
#' multiplied by a binary 'viability mask' (\eqn{\Lambda}) that filters out
#' female-parent to offspring genetic combinations that are not viable due to
#' biological impediments (such as cytoplasmic incompatibility). The summation
#' of the transposed resulting matrix returns us the total fraction of eggs
#' resulting from all the male to female genotype crosses (\eqn{\overline{O(T_{x})}}).
#' Note: For inheritance operations to be consistent within the framework, the
#' summation of each element in the 'z' axis (this is, the proportions of each
#' one of the offspring's genotypes) must be equal to one.
#' @section Population Dynamics:
#' During the three aquatic stages, a density-independent mortality process takes place:
#' \deqn{\theta_{st}=(1-\mu_{st})^{T_{st}}}
#' Along with a density dependent process dependent on the number of larvae in the environment:
#' \deqn{F(L[t])=\Bigg(\frac{\alpha}{\alpha+\sum{\overline{L[t]}}}\Bigg)^{1/T_l}}
#' where \eqn{\alpha} represents the strength of the density-dependent process.
#' This parameter  is calculated with:
#' \deqn{\alpha=\Bigg( \frac{1/2 * \beta * \theta_e * Ad_{eq}}{R_m-1} \Bigg) * \Bigg( \frac{1-(\theta_l / R_m)}{1-(\theta_l / R_m)^{1/T_l}} \Bigg)}
#' in which \eqn{\beta} is the species' fertility in the absence of gene-drives,
#' \eqn{Ad_{eq}} is the adult mosquito population equilibrium size, and \eqn{R_{m}}
#' is the population growth in the absence of density-dependent mortality. This
#' population growth is calculated with the average generation time (\eqn{g}),
#' the adult mortality rate (\eqn{\mu_{ad}}), and the daily population growth rate (\eqn{r_{m}}):
#' \deqn{	g=T_{e}+T_{l}+T_{p}+\frac{1}{\mu_{ad}}\\R_{m}=(r_{m})^{g}}
#' \subsection{Larval Stages}{
#' The computation of the larval stage in the population is crucial to the model
#' because the density dependent processes necessary for equilibrium trajectories
#' to be calculated occur here. This calculation is performed with the following equation:
#' \deqn{D(\theta_l,T_x) =
#'         \begin{array}{ll}
#'             \theta_{l[0]}^{'}=\theta_l 								& \quad i = 0 \\
#'             \theta_{l[i+1]}^{'} = \theta_{l[i]}^{'} *F(\overline{L_{[t-i-T_x]}})	& \quad i \leq T_l
#'         \end{array}
#' }
#' In addition to this, we need the larval mortality (\eqn{\mu_{l}}):
#' \deqn{
#' 	%L_{eq}=&\alpha*\lfloor R_{m} -1\rfloor
#' 	%&
#' 	\mu_{l}=1-\Bigg( \frac{R_{m} * \mu_{ad}}{1/2 * \beta * (1-\mu_{m})} \Bigg)^{\frac{1}{T_{e}+T_{l}+T_{p}}}
#' }
#' With these mortality processes, we are now able to calculate the larval population:
#' \deqn{
#' 	\overline{L_{[t]}}=
#' 		\overline{L_{[t-1]}} * (1-\mu_{l}) * F(\overline{L_{[t-1]})}\\
#' 		+\overline{O(T_{e})}* \theta_{e} \\
#' 		%+\overline{\beta}* \theta_{e} * (\overline{\overline{Af_{(t-T_{e})}}} \circ \overline{\overline{\overline{Ih}}})\\
#' 		- \overline{O(T_{e}+T_{l})} * \theta_{e} * D(\theta_{l},0)
#' 		%\prod_{i=1}^{T_{l}} F(\overline{L_{[t-i]}})
#' 		%\theta_{l}
#' }
#' where the first term accounts for larvae surviving one day to the other; the
#' second term accounts for the eggs that have hatched within the same period of
#' time; and the last term computes the number of larvae that have transformed into pupae.
#' }
#' \subsection{Adult Stages}{
#' We are ultimately interested in calculating how many adults of each genotype
#' exist at any given point in time. For this, we first calculate the number of
#' eggs that are laid and survive to the adult stages with the equation:
#' \deqn{
#' 	\overline{E^{'}}= \overline{O(T_{e}+T_{l}+T_{p})} \\
#' 	* \bigg(\overline{\xi_{m}} * (\theta_{e} * \theta_{p}) * (1-\mu_{ad}) * D(\theta_{l},T_{p}) \bigg)
#' }
#' With this information we can calculate the current number of male adults in
#' the population by computing the following equation:
#' \deqn{
#' 	\overline{Am_{[t]}}=
#' 		\overline{Am_{[t-1]}} * (1-\mu_{ad})*\overline{\omega_{m}}\\
#' 		+ (1-\overline{\phi}) *  \overline{E^{'}}\\
#'  		+ \overline{\nu m_{[t-1]}}
#' }
#' in which the first term represents the number of males surviving from one day
#' to the next; the second one, the fraction of males that survive to adulthood
#' (\eqn{\overline{E'}}) and emerge as males (\eqn{1-\phi}); the last one is used
#' to add males into the population as part of gene-drive release campaigns.
#' Female adult populations are calculated in a similar way:
#' \deqn{
#'  \overline{\overline{Af_{[t]}}}=
#'    \overline{\overline{Af_{[t-1]}}} * (1-\mu_{ad}) * \overline{\omega_{f}}\\
#'    +  \bigg( \overline{\phi} * \overline{E^{'}}+\overline{\nu f_{[t-1]}}\bigg)^{\top} * \bigg( \frac{\overline{\overline{\eta}}*\overline{Am_{[t-1]}}}{\sum{\overline{Am_{[t-1]}}}} \bigg)%\overline{\overline{Mf}}
#' }
#' where we first compute the surviving female adults from one day to the next;
#' and then we calculate the mating composition of the female fraction emerging
#' from pupa stage. To do this, we obtain the surviving fraction of eggs that
#' survive to adulthood (\eqn{\overline{E'}}) and emerge as females (\eqn{\phi}),
#' we then add the new females added as a result of gene-drive releases (\eqn{\overline{\nu f_{[t-1]}}}).
#' After doing this, we calculate the proportion of males that are allocated to
#' each female genotype, taking into account their respective mating fitnesses
#' (\eqn{\overline{\overline{\eta}}}) so that we can introduce the new adult
#' females into the population pool.
#' }
#' @section Gene Drive Releases and Effects:
#' As it was briefly mentioned before, we are including the option to release
#' both male and/or female individuals into the populations. Another important t
#' hing to emphasize is that we allow flexible releases sizes and schedules. Our ]
#' model handles releases internally as lists of populations compositions so, it
#' is possible to have releases performed at irregular intervals and with different
#' numbers of mosquito genetic compositions as long as no new genotypes are
#' introduced (which have not been previously defined in the inheritance cube).
#' \deqn{
#'  \overline{\nu} = \bigg\{
#'    \left(\begin{array}{c} g_1 \\ g_2 \\ g_3 \\ \vdots \\ g_n \end{array}\right)_{t=1} ,
#'    \left(\begin{array}{c} g_1 \\ g_2 \\ g_3 \\ \vdots \\ g_n \end{array}\right)_{t=2} ,
#'    \cdots ,
#'    \left(\begin{array}{c} g_1 \\ g_2 \\ g_3 \\ \vdots \\ g_n \end{array}\right)_{t=x}
#'	\bigg\}
#' }
#' So far, however, we have not described the way in which the effects of these
#' gene-drives are included into the mosquito populations dynamics. This is done
#' through the use of various modifiers included in the equations:
#'  * \eqn{\overline{\omega}}: Relative increase in mortality (zero being full mortality effects and one no mortality effect)
#'  * \eqn{\overline{\phi}}: Relative shift in the sex of the pupating mosquitoes (zero biases the sex ratio towards males, whilst 1 biases the ratio towards females).
#'  * \eqn{\overline{\overline{\eta}}}: Standardized mating fitness (zero being complete fitness ineptitude, and one being regular mating skills).
#'  * \eqn{\overline{\beta}}: Fecundity (average number of eggs laid).
#'  * \eqn{\overline{\xi}}: Pupation success (zero being full mortality and one full pupation success).
#' @section Migration:
#' To simulate migration within our framework we are considering patches (or nodes)
#' of fully-mixed populations in a network structure. This allows us to handle
#' mosquito movement across spatially-distributed populations with a transitions
#' matrix, which is calculated with the tensor outer product of the genotypes
#' populations tensors and the transitions matrix of the network as follows:
#' \deqn{
#'    \overline{Am_{(t)}^{i}}=
#'    	\sum{\overline{A_{m}^j} \otimes \overline{\overline{\tau m_{[t-1]}}}} \\
#'      	\overline{\overline{Af_{(t)}^{i}}}=
#'      \sum{\overline{\overline{A_{f}^j}} \otimes \overline{\overline{\tau f_{[t-1]}}}}
#' }
#' In these equations the new population of the patch \eqn{i} is calculated by
#' summing the migrating mosquitoes of all the \eqn{j} patches across the network
#' defined by the transitions matrix \eqn{\tau}, which stores the mosquito migration
#' probabilities from patch to patch. It is worth noting that the migration
#' probabilities matrices can be different for males and females; and that there's
#' no inherent need for them to be static (the migration probabilities may vary
#' over time to accommodate wind changes due to seasonality).
#' @section Parameters:
#' This table compiles all the parameters required to run MGDrivE clustered in six categories:
#'  * Life Stages: These deal with the structure of mosquito population.
#'  * Bionomics: This set of parameters is related to the behavior of the specific mosquito species being modeled.
#'  * Gene Drive: Genotype-specific vectors of parameters that affect how each gene-drive modifies the responses of populations to them.
#'  * Releases:  List of vectors that control the release of genetically-modified mosquitoes.
#'  * Population:  General mosquito-population parameters that control environmentally-determined variables.
#'  * Network: Related to migration between nodes of population units
#' @section Stochasticity:
#' \emph{MGDrivE} allows stochasticity to be included in the dynamics of various
#' processes; in an effort to simulate processes that affect various stages of
#' mosquitoes lives. In the next section, we will describe all the stochastic
#' processes that can be activated in the program. It should be noted that all
#' of these can be turned on and off independently from one another as required
#' by the researcher.
#' \subsection{Mosquito Biology}{
#'  **Oviposition**
#' Stochastic egg laying by female/male pairs is separated into two steps:
#' calculating the number of eggs laid by the females and then distributing laid
#' eggs according to their genotypes. The number of eggs laid follows a Poisson
#' distribution conditioned on the number of female/male pairs and the fertility
#' of each female.
#' \deqn{Poisson( \lambda = numFemales*Fertility)}
#' Multinomial sampling, conditioned on the number of offspring and the relative
#' viability of each genotype, determines the genotypes of the offspring.
#' \deqn{Multinomial \left(numOffspring, p_1, p_2\dots p_b \right)=\frac{numOffspring!}{p_1!\,p_2\,\dots p_n}p_1^{n_1}p_2^{n_2}\dots p_n^{n_n}}
#'  **Sex Determination**
#' Sex of the offspring is determined by multinomial sampling. This is conditioned
#' on the number of eggs that live to hatching and a probability of being female,
#' allowing the user to design systems that skew the sex ratio of the offspring
#' through reproductive mechanisms.
#' \deqn{Multinomial(numHatchingEggs, p_{female}, p_{female})}
#'  **Mating**
#' Stochastic mating is determined by multinomial sampling conditioned on the
#' number of males and their fitness. It is assumed that females mate only once
#' in their life, therefore each female will sample from the available males and
#' be done, while the males are free to potentially mate with multiple females.
#' The males' ability to mate is modulated with a fitness term, thereby allowing
#' some genotypes to be less fit than others (as seen often with lab releases).
#' \deqn{Multinomial(numFemales, p_1f_1, p_2f_2, \dots p_nf_n)}
#'  **Hatching**
#'  **Other Stochastic Processes**
#' All remaining stochastic processes (larval survival, hatching , pupating,
#' surviving to adult hood) are determined by multinomial sampling conditioned
#' on factors affecting the current life stage. These factors are determined
#' empirically from mosquito population data.
#' }
#' \subsection{Migration}{
#' Variance of stochastic movement (not used in diffusion model of migration).
#' }
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited
#' @name MGDrivE-Model

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