`r params$title`"

if (params$tabs) {
  cat('### Spatial & Movement {.tabset .tabset-fade .tabset-pills}' )
} else {
  cat('### Spatial & Movement')

dd <- params$Pars$Stock$M_ageArray %>% dim()
nsim <- dd[1]
maxage <- dd[2]

nsamp <- length(params$its)

Sampled Parameters

Histograms of r nsim simulations of size of area 1 (Size_area_1), fraction of unfished biomass in area 1 (Frac_area_1), and the probability of staying in area 1 in a year (Frac_area_1), with vertical colored lines indicating r nsamp randomly drawn values used in other plots:

MSEtool:::plot.Spatial(params$Pars, nsamp=nsamp, plotPars=params$plotPars, plot.num=1)

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MSEtool documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:02 a.m.