# Mega2R: Mega2 for R.
# Copyright 2018-2019, University of Pittsburgh. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributors to Mega2R: Robert V. Baron and Daniel E. Weeks.
# This file is part of the Mega2R program, which is free software; you
# can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Mega2R is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# For further information contact:
# Daniel E. Weeks
# e-mail:
# ===========================================================================
## For installation do:
## source("")
## biocLite("gdsfmt")
#' transcode mega2 to gdsfmt/SNP_ARRAY
#' @description
#' Reads the data frames in "envir" and builds a GDSFMT COREARRAY file from them.
#' @param filename gdsfmt file to create
#' @param markers data frame of markers to be processed
#' @param snp.order TRUE indicates that the "genotype" data matrix has SNP as the first index
#' which changes more quickly than subsequent indices. FALSE indicates that SAMPLE is the
#' the first index.
#' @param SeqArray TRUE uses SeqArray labels for the gdsfmt vector elements. FALSE it uses labels
#' shown in SNPRelate
#' @param envir 'environment' containing SQLite database and other globals
#' @return writes the "filename" file containing the CoreArray data. Then returns an internal
#' pointer, class .gds, to the file data.
#' @export
#' @importFrom gdsfmt createfn.gds openfn.gds closefn.gds cleanup.gds
#' @importFrom gdsfmt add.gdsn addfolder.gdsn compression.gdsn
#' @importFrom gdsfmt index.gdsn read.gdsn write.gdsn append.gdsn
#' @importFrom gdsfmt put.attr.gdsn get.attr.gdsn
#' @seealso \code{\link{gdsfmt}}
#' @examples
#' db = system.file("exdata", "seqsimm.db", package="Mega2R")
#' ENV = read.Mega2DB(db)
#' gdsfmtfile = file.path(where_mega2rtutorial_data(), "test.gds")
#' append_genotype_a = TRUE
#' append_genotype_b = append_genotype_c = FALSE
#' gn = Mega2gdsfmt(gdsfmtfile, envir=ENV)
#' gn
Mega2gdsfmt = function(filename = "test.gds", markers = NULL, snp.order = FALSE, SeqArray = FALSE, envir = ENV)
if (missing(envir)) envir = get("ENV", parent.frame(), inherits = TRUE)
if (SeqArray)
Mega2gdsfmtSeq(filename, markers, snp.order, envir)
Mega2gdsfmtSNP(filename, markers, snp.order, envir)
Mega2gdsfmtSeq = function(filename, markers, snp.order, envir) {
# print(system.time ({
g = createfn.gds(filename)
if (missing(envir)) envir = get("ENV", parent.frame(), inherits = TRUE)
if (is.null(markers)) markers = envir$markers
put.attr.gdsn(g$root, "FileFormat", "SEQ_ARRAY")
put.attr.gdsn(g$root, "FileVersion", "v1.0")
desf = addfolder.gdsn(g, "description")
gsam = add.gdsn(g, "", envir$fam$PerPre, compress=COMPRESSION)
nsam = nrow(envir$fam)
gsnp = add.gdsn(g, "", as.integer(markers$locus_link - envir$PhenoCnt + 1), compress=COMPRESSION)
nsnp = nrow(markers)
gpos = add.gdsn(g, "position", as.integer(markers$position), compress=COMPRESSION)
gchr = add.gdsn(g, "chromosome", markers$chromosome, compress=COMPRESSION)
put.attr.gdsn(gchr, "autosome.start", 1)
put.attr.gdsn(gchr, "autosome.end", 22)
put.attr.gdsn(gchr, "X", 23)
put.attr.gdsn(gchr, "XY", 25)
put.attr.gdsn(gchr, "Y", 24)
put.attr.gdsn(gchr, "M", 26)
put.attr.gdsn(gchr, "MT", 26)
# alleles = mkAlleles(markers, envir = envir)
alleles = getAlleles(markers, envir = envir)
gall = add.gdsn(g, "allele", alleles, compress=COMPRESSION)
genf = addfolder.gdsn(g, "genotype")
if (snp.order) {
vdim = c(2, nsnp, nsam)
snpFirst(genf, markers, "data", vdim, envir)
} else {
vdim = c(2, nsam, nsnp)
sampleFirst(genf, markers, "data", vdim, envir)
geif = add.gdsn(genf, "extra.index", valdim=c(3,0), compress=COMPRESSION, storage="int32")
gext = add.gdsn(genf, "extra", valdim=c(0), compress=COMPRESSION, storage="int16")
genf = addfolder.gdsn(g, "phase")
if (snp.order)
vdim = c(nsnp, nsam)
vdim = c(nsam, nsnp)
geno = add.gdsn(genf, "data", rep(0, nsam * nsnp), valdim = vdim,
storage="bit1", compress=COMPRESSION)
peif = add.gdsn(genf, "extra.index", valdim=c(3,0), compress=COMPRESSION, storage="int32")
pext = add.gdsn(genf, "extra", valdim=c(0), compress=COMPRESSION, storage="bit1")
annf = addfolder.gdsn(g, "annotation")
ann_s = add.gdsn(annf, "id", markers$MarkerName, compress=COMPRESSION)
ann_q = add.gdsn(annf, "qual", rep(100.0, nsnp), compress=COMPRESSION, storage="float32")
filter = factor(c(rep("PASS",nsnp)), levels=c("NA", "PASS"), exclude="")
ann_ff = add.gdsn(annf, "filter", filter, compress=COMPRESSION, storage="int32")
inf = addfolder.gdsn(annf, "info")
form = addfolder.gdsn(annf, "format")
samf = addfolder.gdsn(g, "sample.annotation")
sam_f = add.gdsn(samf, "family", envir$fam$PedPre, compress=COMPRESSION)
if (append_genotype_a || snp.order) {
g = openfn.gds(filename, readonly=F)
ggen = index.gdsn(g, "genotype/data")
compression.gdsn(ggen, compress=COMPRESSION)
# }))
Mega2gdsfmtSNP = function(filename, markers, snp.order, envir) {
# print(system.time ({
g = createfn.gds(filename)
if (missing(envir)) envir = get("ENV", parent.frame(), inherits = TRUE)
if (is.null(markers)) markers = envir$markers
put.attr.gdsn(g$root, "FileFormat", "SNP_ARRAY")
put.attr.gdsn(g$root, "FileVersion", "v1.0")
desf = addfolder.gdsn(g, "description")
gsam = add.gdsn(g, "", envir$fam$PerPre, compress=COMPRESSION)
nsam = nrow(envir$fam)
gsnp = add.gdsn(g, "", as.integer(markers$locus_link - envir$PhenoCnt + 1), compress=COMPRESSION)
nsnp = nrow(markers)
grs = add.gdsn(g, "", markers$MarkerName, compress=COMPRESSION)
gpos = add.gdsn(g, "snp.position", as.integer(markers$position), compress=COMPRESSION)
gchr = add.gdsn(g, "snp.chromosome", markers$chromosome, compress=COMPRESSION)
put.attr.gdsn(gchr, "autosome.start", 1)
put.attr.gdsn(gchr, "autosome.end", 22)
put.attr.gdsn(gchr, "X", 23)
put.attr.gdsn(gchr, "XY", 25)
put.attr.gdsn(gchr, "Y", 24)
put.attr.gdsn(gchr, "M", 26)
put.attr.gdsn(gchr, "MT", 26)
# alleles = mkAlleles(markers, envir = envir)
alleles = getAlleles(markers, envir = envir)
gall = add.gdsn(g, "snp.allele", alleles, compress=COMPRESSION)
genf = g
if (snp.order) {
vdim = c(nsnp, nsam)
snpFirst(genf, markers, "genotype", vdim, envir)
} else {
vdim = c(nsam, nsnp)
sampleFirst(genf, markers, "genotype", vdim, envir)
df = data.frame( = envir$fam$PerPre, = envir$fam$PedPre, = envir$fam$Father, = envir$fam$Mother, = c("male", "female")[envir$fam$Sex], = envir$fam$trait,
# = c("CEU", "HCB", "JPT", "YRI")[cc.d + 1]
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
gann = add.gdsn(g, "sample.annot", val=df, compress=COMPRESSION)
if (append_genotype_a || snp.order) {
g = openfn.gds(filename, readonly=F)
ggen = index.gdsn(g, "genotype")
compression.gdsn(ggen, compress=COMPRESSION)
# }))
## You seem to fill columns at a time, but the column can be samples (of snps) [snpOrder]
## OR snps (of samples) [sampleFirst]
## Bit2
## 0 = B/B
## 1 = A/B
## 2 = A/A
## 3 = 0/0
snpBlock = function(markers, r, envir) {
cr = getgenotypesraw(markers[envir$R, ], envir = envir )
bit2 = envir$mt2[match(cr, envir$mt1)]
dim(bit2) = dim(cr)
st = envir$R[1]
ln = length(envir$R)
write.gdsn(envir$geno, t(bit2), start=c(st, 1), count=c(ln, -1))
seqBlock = function(markers, r, envir) {
cr = getgenotypesraw(markers[envir$R, ], envir = envir )
cr = t(cr)
st = envir$R[1]
ln = length(envir$R)
a1a2 = match(cr, envir$mt1)
x1 = envir$mt3[a1a2]
x2 = envir$mt4[a1a2]
x12 = array(c(x1, x2), dim = c(dim(cr), 2))
bit2 = aperm(x12, perm=c(3, 1, 2))
write.gdsn(envir$geno, bit2, start=c(1, st, 1), count=c(-1, ln, -1))
snpFirst = function(gds, markers, genotype, vdim, envir) {
geno = add.gdsn(gds, genotype, valdim = vdim, storage="bit2")
envir$geno = geno
envir$mt1 = c(0x10001, 0x10002, 0x20001, 0x20002, 0)
envir$mt2 = c( 2, 1, 1, 0, 3)
put.attr.gdsn(geno, "snp.order")
M = nrow(markers)
C = 1000
j = 0
while (TRUE) {
if (M <= 0) break
R = ((j*C+1):(j*C + C))
L = length(R)
if (M < L) {
L = M
R = ((j*C+1):(j*C+L))
envir$R = R
M = M - L
if (envir$SEQ_ARRAY)
tryFn(seqBlock, markers, NULL, envir)
tryFn(snpBlock, markers, NULL, envir)
j = j + 1
## ALL
# 12.857 0.767 13.711
# 12.896 0.766 13.863
# 5.640 0.520 6.203
# 5.601 0.527 6.179
# 6.609 0.537 7.161
# 6.624 0.542 7.181
# 6.884 0.507 7.420
# 6.899 0.508 7.427
## X0
# 3.213 0.389 3.608
# 3.469 0.418 3.892
seqsampleBlock = function(markers, r, envir) {
cr = getgenotypesraw(markers[envir$R, ], envir = envir )
st = envir$R[1]
ln = length(envir$R)
a1a2 = match(cr, envir$mt1)
x1 = envir$mt3[a1a2]
x2 = envir$mt4[a1a2]
x12 = array(c(x1, x2), dim = c(dim(cr), 2))
bit2 = aperm(x12, perm=c(3, 1, 2))
if (append_genotype_a) {
write.gdsn(envir$geno, bit2, start=c(1, 1, st), count=c(-1, -1, ln))
if (append_genotype_b) {
append.gdsn(envir$genx, bit2[,,1:ln]) ## 10.330 0.690 11.084 + geno
if (append_genotype_c) {
for (i in 1:ln) {
bt2 = bit2[,,i]
append.gdsn(envir$geny, bt2) ## 12.162 0.667 12.906 + geno
snpsampleBlock = function(markers, r, envir) {
cr = getgenotypesraw(markers[envir$R, ], envir = envir )
st = envir$R[1]
ln = length(envir$R)
a1a2 = match(cr, envir$mt1)
bit2 = envir$mt2[a1a2]
dim(bit2) = dim(cr)
if (append_genotype_a) {
write.gdsn(envir$geno, bit2, start=c(1, st), count=c(-1, ln))
if (append_genotype_b) {
append.gdsn(envir$genx, bit2[,1:ln]) ## 10.330 0.690 11.084 + geno
if (append_genotype_c) {
for (i in 1:ln) {
bt2 = bit2[,i]
append.gdsn(envir$geny, bt2) ## 12.162 0.667 12.906 + geno
sampleFirst = function(gds, markers, genotype, vdim, envir) {
if (append_genotype_a) {
geno = add.gdsn(gds, genotype, valdim = vdim, storage="bit2")
envir$geno = geno
put.attr.gdsn(geno, "sample.order")
if (append_genotype_b) {
vdim[length(vdim)] = 0
genx = add.gdsn(gds, genotype, valdim = vdim, storage="bit2", compress="LZMA_RA")
envir$genx = genx
if (append_genotype_c) {
vdim[length(vdim)] = 0
geny = add.gdsn(gds, genotype, valdim = vdim, storage="bit2", compress="LZMA_RA")
envir$geny = geny
# 65537 65538 131073 131074
# ok ok
envir$mt1 = c(0x10001, 0x10002, 0x20001, 0x20002, 0)
envir$mt2 = c( 2, 1, 1, 0, 3)
envir$mt3 = c( 0, 0, 1, 1, 3)
envir$mt4 = c( 0, 1, 0, 1, 3)
M = nrow(markers)
C = 1000
j = 0
while (TRUE) {
if (M <= 0) break
R = ((j*C+1):(j*C + C))
L = length(R)
if (M < L) {
L = M
R = ((j*C+1):(j*C+L))
envir$R = R
M = M - L
if (envir$SEQ_ARRAY)
tryFn(seqsampleBlock, markers, NULL, envir)
tryFn(snpsampleBlock, markers, NULL, envir)
j = j + 1
#' regenerate fam data frame with unique values in member column
#' @description
#' Reads the fam data frame in "envir" and returns a new one with unique entries in the member
#' column
#' @param envir 'environment' containing SQLite database and other globals
#' @return a data frame with columns the same as the "fam" data frame but with the member column
#' containing unique entries
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{mkfam}}
#' @examples
#' db = system.file("exdata", "seqsimm.db", package="Mega2R")
#' ENV = read.Mega2DB(db)
#' setfam(uniqueFamMember(envir = ENV))
uniqueFamMember = function(envir = ENV) {
if (missing(envir)) envir = get("ENV", parent.frame(), inherits = TRUE)
fam = envir$fam
mp = fam$Father != 0
fam$Father = ifelse(mp, paste0(fam$PedPre, "__" , fam$Father), fam$Father)
mp = fam$Mother != 0
fam$Mother = ifelse(mp, paste0(fam$PedPre, "__" , fam$Mother), fam$Mother)
fam$PerPre = paste0(fam$PedPre , "__" , fam$PerPre)
#' generate allele pairs in with MAJ(or) allele first
#' @description
#' The genotypes are ordered so the allele with the greater frequency appears first.
#' @param markers data frame of markers to be processed
#' @param envir 'environment' containing SQLite database and other globals
#' @return None
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' mkAlleles(envir)
mkAlleles = function(markers = NULL, separator = "/", envir = ENV) {
if (missing(envir)) envir = get("ENV", parent.frame(), inherits = TRUE)
if (is.null(markers)) markers = envir$markers
allele_table = envir$allele_table[envir$allele_table$locus_link %in% markers$locus_link,]
mm = merge(x=allele_table[allele_table$indexX == 1,],
y=allele_table[allele_table$indexX == 2,],
nn=ifelse(mm$Frequency.x > mm$Frequency.y, # before cleaning
paste0(mm$AlleleName.x, separator, mm$AlleleName.y),
paste0(mm$AlleleName.y, separator, mm$AlleleName.x))
envir$xGTy = mm$Frequency.x > mm$Frequency.y
if (any(mm$Frequency.x == .5)) {
w = which(mm$Frequency.x == .5)
## if (envir$MARKER_SCHEME == 1) {
## ms = envir$markerscheme_table[envir$markerscheme_table$key %in% markers$locus_link,]
## print(mm[w,])
## print(ms[w,])
## print(envir$markers[w,])
## ms1 = ms$allele1[w]
## nn[w] = ifelse(ms1 == 1, paste0(mm$AlleleName.y[w], separator, mm$AlleleName.x[w]),
## paste0(mm$AlleleName.x[w], separator, mm$AlleleName.y[w]))
## } else if (envir$MARKER_SCHEME == 2) {
## print(mm[w,])
## }
nn[mm$Frequency.x == 0 & mm$Frequency.y == 0] = paste0('0', separator, '0')
fx = mm$Frequency.x == 1
nn[fx] = paste0(mm[fx, "AlleleName.x"], separator, mm[fx, "AlleleName.x"])
fy = mm$Frequency.x == 0
nn[fy] = paste0(mm[fy, "AlleleName.y"], separator, mm[fy, "AlleleName.y"])
nn[nn=="00"] = paste0('0', separator, '0')
#' pull allele pairs
#' @description
#' get alleles in order
#' @param markers data frame of markers to be processed
#' @param envir 'environment' containing SQLite database and other globals
#' @return
#' string vector of alleles with separator
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' getAlleles(envir)
getAlleles = function(markers = NULL, separator = "/", envir = ENV) {
if (missing(envir)) envir = get("ENV", parent.frame(), inherits = TRUE)
if (is.null(markers)) markers = envir$markers
allele_table = envir$allele_table[envir$allele_table$locus_link %in% markers$locus_link,]
all = vapply(split(allele_table, allele_table$locus_link), FUN.VALUE="A",
function(x) { paste0(x$AlleleName, collapse=separator) } )
names(all) = NULL
# paste(allele_table[allele_table$indexX == 1,]$AlleleName,
# allele_table[allele_table$indexX == 2,]$AlleleName,
# sep = separator)
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