
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname mr_lasso
                   distribution = "normal",
                   alpha = 0.05,
                   lambda = numeric(0)){

            Bx = abs(object@betaX)
            By = object@betaY*sign(object@betaX)
            Bxse = object@betaXse
            Byse = object@betaYse
            nsnps = length(Bx)
            if(distribution %in% c("normal", "t-dist")){
              S = diag(Byse^-2)
              b = S^(1/2) %*% Bx
              Pb = b %*% solve(t(b) %*% b, t(b))
              xlas = (diag(nsnps) - Pb) %*% S^(1/2)
              ylas = (diag(nsnps) - Pb) %*% S^(1/2) %*% By
              if (length(lambda) != 0) {
                las_fit = glmnet(xlas, ylas, intercept = FALSE, lambda = lambda)
                las_mod = list(fit = las_fit$beta[, 1], lambda = lambda)
              } else {
                las_fit = glmnet(xlas, ylas, intercept = FALSE)
                lamseq = sort(las_fit$lambda)
                lamlen = length(lamseq)
                rse = sapply(1:lamlen, function(j){
                  av = which(las_fit$beta[, (lamlen - j + 1)] == 0)
                  mod = lm(S[av, av]^(1/2) %*% By[av] ~ S[av, av]^(1/2) %*% Bx[av] - 1)
                  c(sqrt(t(mod$residuals) %*% (mod$residuals) / (mod$df.residual)), length(av))
                rse_inc = rse[1, 2:lamlen] - rse[1, 1:(lamlen-1)]
                het = which(rse[1, 2:lamlen] > 1 & rse_inc > ((qchisq(0.95, 1) / rse[2, 2:lamlen])))
                if (length(het) == 0){
                  lam_pos = lamlen
                } else {
                  lam_pos = min(het)
                num_valid = rse[2, ]
                min_lam_pos = min(which(num_valid > 1))
                if (lam_pos < min_lam_pos){lam_pos = min_lam_pos}
                las_mod = list(fit = las_fit$beta[, (lamlen - lam_pos + 1)], lambda = lamseq[lam_pos])
              a = las_mod$fit
              e = By - a
              est = solve(t(Bx) %*% S %*% Bx, t(Bx) %*% S %*% e)
              v = which(a == 0)
              if (length(v) > 1){
                post_mod = summary(lm(By[v] ~ Bx[v] - 1, weights = Byse[v]^-2))
                post_est = post_mod$coef[, 1]
                post_se = post_mod$coef[, 2] / min(post_mod$sigma, 1)
              } else {
                post_est = NA
                post_se = NA
                cat("Specified value of lambda results in fewer than two valid instruments. Post-lasso method cannot be performed.")
              if(distribution == "normal"){
                ciLower <- ci_normal("l", post_est, post_se, alpha)
                ciUpper <- ci_normal("u", post_est, post_se, alpha)
              } else if (distribution == "t-dist"){
                ciLower <- ci_t("l", post_est, post_se, length(v)-1, alpha)
                ciUpper <- ci_t("u", post_est, post_se, length(v)-1, alpha)
              if (distribution == "normal") { pvalue = 2*pnorm(-abs(post_est/post_se)) }
              if (distribution == "t-dist") { pvalue = 2*pt(-abs(post_est/post_se), df=length(v)-1) }
                         Exposure = object@exposure,
                         Outcome = object@outcome,
                         Estimate = as.numeric(post_est),
                         StdError = as.numeric(post_se),
                         CILower =  as.numeric(ciLower),
                         CIUpper = as.numeric(ciUpper),
                         Alpha = alpha,
                         Pvalue = as.numeric(pvalue),
                         SNPs = nsnps,
                         RegEstimate = as.numeric(est),
                         RegIntercept = as.numeric(a),
                         Valid = length(v),
                         ValidSNPs= as.character(object$snps[v]),
                         Lambda = las_mod$lambda))
            } else {
              cat("Distribution must be one of : normal, t-dist. \n")
              cat("See documentation for details. \n")

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