coefplot <-
function (x, lci, uci, labels = NULL,
width = 0.15, shift = 0,
horizontal = TRUE,
main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
labAsExpr = TRUE, mar.adj = TRUE, lab.line = 0.5,
lty = par("lty"), lwd = par("lwd"), pch = 21,
col = par("col"), bg = par("bg"),
dotcex = par("cex"), dotcol = col,
staplelty = lty, staplelwd = lwd, staplecol = col,
zerolty = "dotted", zerolwd = lwd, zerocol = "gray",
las = 2,
ann = TRUE, axes = TRUE, add = FALSE,
type = "p",
...) {
do.plot <- !identical(type, "n")
horizontal <- as.logical(horizontal)[1L]
y <- x
x <- seq_len(n <- length(y))
if(is.matrix(lci) && ncol(lci) == 2L) {
uci <- lci[, 2L]
lci <- lci[, 1L]
if(horizontal) x <- rev(x)
add <- isTRUE(add)
if(!add) {
if(is.null(labels)) labels <- names(y)
if(labAsExpr) labels <- .lab2expr(labels)
mai <- par("mai")
if(...length() != 0L) {
op2 <- par(...)
on.exit(par(op2), add = TRUE)
inset <- max(.33, (width + abs(shift)) * 1.05)
if(isTRUE(horizontal)) {
if(!add) {
if(mar.adj && las %in% c(1, 2)) {
mai[2L] <- max(mai[2L],
grconvertX(.5 + lab.line, from = "lines", to = "inches") +
strwidth(labels, cex = par("cex.axis"), units = "inches"))
if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(c(lci, uci))
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(1 - inset, length(x) + inset)
zl <- c(NA, 0)
ly0 <- ly1 <- x + shift
lx0 <- lci
lx1 <- uci
wy0 <- x + shift - width
wy1 <- x + shift + width
wx0 <- wx1 <- c(lci, uci)
py <- x + shift
px <- y
axn <- c(1L, 2L)
} else { # vertical
if(!add) {
if(mar.adj && las == 2) {
mai[1L] <- max(mai[1L],
grconvertY(.5 + lab.line, from = "lines", to = "inches") +
strwidth(labels, cex = par("cex.axis"), units = "inches"))
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(c(lci, uci))
if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(1 - inset, length(x) + inset)
zl <- c(0, NA)
lx0 <- lx1 <- x + shift
ly0 <- lci
ly1 <- uci
wx0 <- x + shift - width
wx1 <- x + shift + width
wy0 <- wy1 <- c(lci, uci)
px <- x + shift
py <- y
axn <- c(2L, 1L)
} # horizontal
#on.exit(par(op), add = TRUE)
if(!add) {
#op <-
par(mai = mai)
plot.window(xlim, ylim)
abline(h = zl[1L], v = zl[2L], lty = zerolty, col = zerocol,
lwd = zerolwd)
title(main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
if(do.plot) {
segments(lx0, ly0, lx1, ly1, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
lend = 1L)
if(width > 0)
segments(wx0, wy0, wx1, wy1, col = staplecol, lty = staplelty,
lwd = staplelwd)
points(px, py, pch = pch, cex = dotcex, col = dotcol, bg = bg)
if(!add && isTRUE(axes)) {
axis(axn[2L], at = x, labels = labels, tick = 0, las = las,
mgp = c(3, lab.line, 0))
invisible(cbind(px, py, lx0, ly0, lx1, ly1))
plot.averaging <-
function(x, full = TRUE, level = 0.95,
intercept = TRUE, parm = NULL, labels = NULL,
width = 0.1, shift = max(.2, width * 2.1 + .05),
horizontal = TRUE,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
main = "Model-averaged coefficients",
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
add = FALSE,
...) {
full <- as.logical(full[1L])
if( full <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
horizontal <- as.logical(horizontal)[1L]
coeftypes <- c("full", "subset")[2L - full]
if(!isTRUE(as.logical(add))) {
lab <- substitute(lab %+-% level * `%` ~ CI,
list(lab = sprintf("%s average ", prettyEnumStr(coeftypes)),
level = round(level * 100, 1)))
if(horizontal && missing(xlab)) xlab <- lab
if(!horizontal && missing(ylab)) ylab <- lab
beta <- x$coefficients
if(is.null(parm)) {
parm <- if(isFALSE(intercept)) {
interceptLabel <- if(!is.null(attr(x, "modelList"))) {
unique(unlist(lapply(attr(x, "modelList"),
function(m) attr(getAllTerms(m), "interceptLabel"))))
} else if(!is.null(attr(x, "interceptLabel")))
attr(x, "interceptLabel")
which(! colnames(beta) %in% interceptLabel)
} else
} else if(isFALSE(intercept))
warning("argument 'intercept' ignored, since 'parm' is given")
beta <- beta[, parm, drop = FALSE]
lim <- numeric(0L)
val <- vector("list", n <- length(full))
for(i in {
ci <- confint(x, full = full[i], level = level, parm = parm)
lim <- range(lim, ci, finite = TRUE)
val[[i]] <- list(x = beta[2L - full[i], ], lci = ci)
xlim <- if(horizontal && is.null(xlim)) lim else xlim
ylim <- if(!horizontal && is.null(ylim)) lim else ylim
np <- sum(pn <- sapply(val, function(a) length(a$x)))
fi <- rep(2 - full, pn)
pi <- split(1L:np, rep(seq(length(pn)), pn))
gparnm <- c("lty", "lwd", "pch", "col", "bg", "dotcex",
"dotcol", "staplelty", "staplelwd", "staplecol", "zerolty", "zerolwd", "zerocol")
dots <- list(...)
gpar <- dots[gpi <- names(dots) %in% gparnm]
dots <- dots[!gpi]
if(is.null(gpar$bg)) gpar$bg <- c("black", "white")[fi]
if(is.null(gpar$pch)) gpar$pch <- 22L
gpar <-, rep, length.out = np), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
off <- ((1:n) - ((n + 1) / 2)) * shift
rval <- vector("list", n)
names(rval) <- coeftypes
for(i in {
rval[[i]] <-"coefplot", c(val[[i]],
list(labels = labels,
horizontal = horizontal,
width = width, shift = off[i],
add = add || i != 1L,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim), gpar[pi[[i]], , drop = FALSE], dots))
invisible(if(n == 1L) rval[[1L]] else rval)
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