.MuMInEnv <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
testStart <-
function(...) {
p <- c(...)
res <- length(find.package(p, quiet = TRUE)) == length(p)
if(res) {
for(a in p) suppressPackageStartupMessages(
library(a, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE))
require(.packageName, character.only = TRUE)
options(na.action = "")
warnonce <-
function(..., show.instance = 0L) {
id <- make.names(deparse1( = FALSE)$...))
count <- get0(flag <- paste0("warned.", as.character(id)[1L]), .MuMInEnv,
ifnotfound = 0L)
if(count <= show.instance)
assign(flag, count + 1L, envir = .MuMInEnv)
if(count == show.instance) {
cl <-
cl$show.instance <- NULL
cl[[1L]] <-"warning")
`cry` <-
function(Call = NA, Message, ..., warn = FALSE, domain = paste0("R-", .packageName)) {
if (is.character(Call)) {
Call <- call(Call[1L],[[1L]])
} else if(is.numeric(Call)) {
Call <- - 1L)
} else if (! && !is.null(Call))
Call <-
if(warn) warning(simpleWarning(gettextf(Message, ..., domain = domain), Call)) else
stop(simpleError(gettextf(Message, ..., domain = domain), Call))
`getElement` <- function (object, name) {
if (isS4(object))
if (.hasSlot(object, name)) slot(object, name) else NULL
else object[[name, exact = TRUE]]
# cbind list of data.frames omitting duplicated column (names)
`cbindDataFrameList` <-
function(x) {
dfnames <- unlist(lapply(x, colnames), use.names = FALSE)
uq <- !duplicated(dfnames)
res <-"cbind", x)[,uq]
colnames(res) <- dfnames[uq]
# same for rbind, check colnames and add NA's when any are missing
`rbindDataFrameList` <-
function(x) {
all.colnames <- unique(unlist(lapply(x, colnames), use.names = FALSE))
x <- lapply(x, function(y) {
y[all.colnames[!(all.colnames %in% colnames(y))]] <- NA
return("rbind", x))
`videntical` <-
function(x) all(vapply(x[-1L], identical, logical(1L), x[[1L]]))
# Check class for each object in a list
`linherits` <- function(x, whats) {
as.logical(vapply(x, inherits, integer(length(whats)), names(whats),
which = TRUE)) == whats
# tries to make a list of element names
`.makeListNames` <- function(x) {
nm <- names(x)
lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
if(is.null(nm) || nm[i] == "") {
call = {
v <- asChar(x[[i]], width.cutoff = 20L)
if(length(v) != 1L) v <- sprintf("%s...", v[1L])
v },
symbol =, name = as.character(x[[i]]),
NULL =, logical =, numeric =, complex =, character = x[[i]], i
} else nm[i]
# test if dependency chain is satisfied: x[n] can be TRUE only if x[n+1] are also TRUE
`.subset_dc` <- function(...) {
n <- length(x <- c(...))
if(n > 1L) all(x[-n] >= x[-1L]) else TRUE
# vectorized version of .subset_do (used within subset.model.selection)
`.subset_vdc` <- function(...) apply(cbind(..., deparse.level = 0L), 1L, .subset_dc)
`prettyEnumStr` <- function(x, sep = ", ", sep.last = gettext(" and "), quote = TRUE) {
n <- length(x)
x <- quote(x) else {
if(identical(quote, TRUE)) quote <- '"'
if(is.character(quote)) x <- paste0(quote, x, quote)
paste0(x, if(n > 1L) c(rep(sep, n - 2L), sep.last, "") else NULL,
collapse = "")
# `splitList` <- function (x, k) {
# n <- length(x)
# ret <- unname(split.default(x, findInterval(seq_len(n), seq(0L, n +
# 1L, length = k + 1L))))
# if(k > n) ret <- c(ret, vector(k - n, mode = "list"))
# ret
# }
`.parallelPkgCheck` <- function(quiet = FALSE) {
# all this is to trick the R-check
if(!("snow" %in% loadedNamespaces())) {
if(getRversion() < "2.14.0") {
if(length(find.package("snow", quiet = TRUE)))"require", list("snow"))
} else if(length(find.package("parallel", quiet = TRUE)))"require", list("parallel", quiet = TRUE))
if(!exists("clusterCall", mode = "function")) {
if(quiet) return(FALSE) else
stop("cannot find function 'clusterCall'")
} else return(TRUE)
`clusterVExport` <- local({
`getv` <- function(obj, env = as.environment(1L))
for (i in names(obj)) assign(i, obj[[i]], envir = env)
function(cluster, ...) {
Call <-
Call$cluster <- NULL
Call <- Call[-1L]
vars <- list(...)
vnames <- names(vars)
if (is.null(vnames)) {
names(vars) <- vapply(Call, asChar, "")
} else if (any(vnames == "")) {
names(vars) <- ifelse(vnames == "", vapply(Call, asChar, ""), vnames)
get("clusterCall")(cluster, getv, vars)
# clusterCall(cluster, getv, vars)
# test if 'x' can be updated (in current environment or on a cluster)
# level is 0/FALSE - no checking, 1 - check if variables and functions exist,
# >1 - reevaluate x and compare with original
`testUpdatedObj` <- function(cluster = NA, x, call = get_call(x),
level = 1L, exclude = "subset") {
if(isTRUE(level)) level <- 2L
if (level > 0L) {
xname <- asChar(substitute(x))
doParallel <- inherits(cluster, "cluster")
if(doParallel) {
clusterCall <- get("clusterCall")
whereStr <- gettext(" in the cluster nodes' environment")
csapply <- function(...) clusterCall(cluster, "sapply", ...)
} else {
whereStr <- ""
csapply <- function(...) sapply(...)
if(is.null(call)) stop(gettextf("'%s' has no call component", xname))
call.orig <- call
if(!is.null(call$data)) {
# get rid of formulas, as they are evaluated within 'data'
call <- call[!sapply(call, function(x) "~" %in% all.names(x))]
call[exclude] <- NULL
v <- all.vars(call, functions = FALSE)
if(!all(z <- unlist(csapply(v, "exists", where = 1L)))) {
z <- unique(names(z[!z]))
stop(sprintf(ngettext(length(z), "variable %s not found%s",
"variables %s not found%s"), prettyEnumStr(z, quote = "'"), whereStr))
vfun <- all.vars(call, functions = TRUE)
if(!all(z <- unlist(csapply(vfun[!(vfun %in% v)], "exists",
mode = "function", where = 1L)))) {
zz <- unique(names(z[!z]))
stop(sprintf(ngettext(length(zz), "function %s not found%s",
"functions %s not found%s"), prettyEnumStr(zz, quote = "'"), whereStr))
if(level > 1L && !missing(x)) {
if(doParallel) {
# XXX: Import: clusterCall
if(!all(vapply(lapply(clusterCall(cluster, eval, call.orig), all.equal, x), isTRUE, TRUE)))
stop(gettextf("'%s' evaluated on the cluster nodes differs from the original one",
} else if (!isTRUE(all.equal(x, update(x))))
stop(gettextf("updated '%s' differ(s) from the original one", xname))
`tryCatchWE` <- function (expr) {
Warnings <- NULL
list(value = withCallingHandlers(tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) e),
warning = function(w) {
Warnings <<- c(Warnings, list(w))
}), warnings = Warnings)
# like apply(, 2) but returns a list (does not do any checking)
`applyrns` <- function (X, FUN, ...) {
n <- nrow(X)
ret <- vector(n, mode = "list")
for(i in seq_len(n)) if(!is.null(z <- FUN(X[i, ], ...))) ret[[i]] <- z
## from stats:::format_perc
`format_perc` <-
function (probs, digits)
paste(format(100 * probs, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE, digits = digits),
return_null <-
function(...) NULL
## Cheating RCheck:
getFrom <-
function(pkg, name)
get(name, envir = asNamespace(pkg), inherits = FALSE)
# used by 'model.sel' and 'dredge' with argument 'extra'
.get.extras <-
function(extra, r2nullfit = FALSE) {
extraExpr <- substitute(extra)
if(!is.vector(extra)) {
extraExpr <- call("alist", extraExpr)
extra <- list(extra)
if(any(sapply(extra, is.function))) {
extraExpr[[1L]] <-"alist")
extra <- eval.parent(extraExpr)
extraNames <- sapply(extra, function(x) switch(mode(x),
call = asChar(x[[1L]]), name = asChar(x), character = , x))
extraNames <- ifelse(names(extra) != "", names(extra), extraNames)
extra <- structure(as.list(unique(extra)), names = extraNames)
if(any(i <- vapply(extra, is.language, TRUE)))
extra[i] <- lapply(extra[i], eval)
if(any(c("adjR^2", "R^2") %in% extra)) {
if(r2nullfit) {
extra[extra == "R^2"][[1L]] <-
function(x) r.squaredLR(x, null =
get("nullfit_", parent.frame()))
extra[extra == "adjR^2"][[1L]] <-
function(x) attr(r.squaredLR(x, null =
get("nullfit_", parent.frame())), "adj.r.squared")
} else {
extra[extra == "R^2"][[1L]] <- r.squaredLR
extra[extra == "adjR^2"][[1L]] <-
function(x) attr(r.squaredLR(x), "adj.r.squared")
sapply(extra,, simplify = FALSE)
## matrix multiplication with option of calculating the diagonal only
## It is more memory efficient and faster than `crossprod` for large matrices
matmult <-
function(x, y, diag.only = FALSE) {
if(ncol(x) != nrow(y)) stop('non-conformable arguments')
n1 <- nrow(x)
n2 <- ncol(y)
if(diag.only) {
if(n1 != n2) stop('non-conformable arguments')
## >2x faster:
return(rowSums(x * t(y)))
#res <- numeric(n1)
#for(i in res[i] <- sum(x[i, ] * y[, i])
} else {
res <- matrix(nrow = n1, ncol = n2)
for(i in for(j in
res[i, j] <- sum(x[i, ] * y[, j])
## matmultdiag(x, ty = y) == diag(x %*% t(y))
matmultdiag <-
function(x, y, ty = t(y)) {
if(ncol(x) != ncol(ty)) stop('non-conformable arguments')
if(nrow(x) != nrow(ty)) stop('result is not a square matrix')
return(rowSums(x * ty))
tmpvarname <-
function(envir, n = 8L) {
while(exists(x <- paste0(c("*", sample(letters, n), "*"),
collapse = ""), envir)) {}
.lab2expr <-
function(x) {
x <- gsub(":", "%*%", x, perl = TRUE)
x <- gsub("\\B_?(\\d+)(?![\\w\\._])", "[\\1]", x, perl = TRUE)
x <- gsub("((?<=[,=]) +(?=[\\w\"'])|(?<=[\\w\"']) +(?==))", "", x, perl = TRUE)
x <- gsub("[ _]", "~~", x)
x <- str2expression(x)
x[] <- lapply(x, function(x)
if( && x[[1L]] == "I" && length(x) == 2L)
x[[2]] else x)
coefmatch <-
function(x, y) {
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