#' Sensitivity of MLP models
#' @description Function for evaluating the sensitivities of the inputs
#' variables in a mlp model
#' @param fitted neural network model
#' @param trData \code{data.frame} containing the data to evaluate the sensitivity of the model
#' @param actfunc \code{character} vector indicating the activation function of each
#' neurons layer.
#' @param deractfunc \code{character} vector indicating the derivative of the activation
#' function of each neurons layer.
#' @param der2actfunc \code{character} vector indicating the second derivative of the activation
#' function of each neurons layer.
#' @param .returnSens DEPRECATED
#' @param preProc preProcess structure applied to the training data. See also
#' \code{\link[caret]{preProcess}}
#' @param terms function applied to the training data to create factors. See
#' also \code{\link[caret]{train}}
#' @param plot \code{logical} whether or not to plot the analysis. By default is
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @param .rawSens DEPRECATED
#' @param output_name \code{character} name of the output variable in order to
#' avoid changing the name of the output variable in \code{trData} to
#' '.outcome'
#' @param sens_origin_layer \code{numeric} specifies the layer of neurons with
#' respect to which the derivative must be calculated. The input layer is
#' specified by 1 (default).
#' @param sens_end_layer \code{numeric} specifies the layer of neurons of which
#' the derivative is calculated. It may also be 'last' to specify the output
#' layer (default).
#' @param sens_origin_input \code{logical} specifies if the derivative must be
#' calculated with respect to the inputs (\code{TRUE}) or output
#' (\code{FALSE}) of the \code{sens_origin_layer} layer of the model. By
#' default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param sens_end_input \code{logical} specifies if the derivative calculated
#' is of the output (\code{FALSE}) or from the input (\code{TRUE}) of the
#' \code{sens_end_layer} layer of the model. By default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return \code{SensMLP} object with the sensitivity metrics and sensitivities of
#' the MLP model passed to the function.
#' @section Plots: \itemize{ \item Plot 1: colorful plot with the classification
#' of the classes in a 2D map \item Plot 2: b/w plot with probability of the
#' chosen class in a 2D map \item Plot 3: plot with the stats::predictions of
#' the data provided }
#' @details In case of using an input of class \code{factor} and a package which
#' need to enter the input data as matrix, the dummies must be created before
#' training the neural network.
#' After that, the training data must be given to the function using the
#' \code{trData} argument.
#' @examples
#' ## Load data -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' data("DAILY_DEMAND_TR")
#' fdata <- DAILY_DEMAND_TR
#' ## Parameters of the NNET ------------------------------------------------------
#' hidden_neurons <- 5
#' iters <- 100
#' decay <- 0.1
#' ################################################################################
#' ######################### REGRESSION NNET #####################################
#' ################################################################################
#' ## Regression dataframe --------------------------------------------------------
#' # Scale the data
#' <- fdata[,2:ncol(fdata)]
#'[,3] <-[,3]/10
#'[,1] <-[,1]/1000
#' # Normalize the data for some models
#' preProc <- caret::preProcess(, method = c("center","scale"))
#' nntrData <- predict(preProc,
#' #' ## TRAIN nnet NNET --------------------------------------------------------
#' # Create a formula to train NNET
#' form <- paste(names([2:ncol(], collapse = " + ")
#' form <- formula(paste(names([1], form, sep = " ~ "))
#' set.seed(150)
#' nnetmod <- nnet::nnet(form,
#' data = nntrData,
#' linear.output = TRUE,
#' size = hidden_neurons,
#' decay = decay,
#' maxit = iters)
#' # Try HessianMLP
#' NeuralSens::HessianMLP(nnetmod, trData = nntrData, plot = FALSE)
#' \donttest{
#' # Try HessianMLP to calculate sensitivities with respect to output of hidden neurones
#' NeuralSens::HessianMLP(nnetmod, trData = nntrData,
#' sens_origin_layer = 2,
#' sens_end_layer = "last",
#' sens_origin_input = FALSE,
#' sens_end_input = FALSE)
#' ## Train caret NNET ------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Create trainControl
#' ctrl_tune <- caret::trainControl(method = "boot",
#' savePredictions = FALSE,
#' summaryFunction = caret::defaultSummary)
#' set.seed(150) #For replication
#' caretmod <- caret::train(form = DEM~.,
#' data =,
#' method = "nnet",
#' linout = TRUE,
#' tuneGrid = data.frame(size = 3,
#' decay = decay),
#' maxit = iters,
#' preProcess = c("center","scale"),
#' trControl = ctrl_tune,
#' metric = "RMSE")
#' # Try HessianMLP
#' NeuralSens::HessianMLP(caretmod)
#' ## Train h2o NNET --------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Create a cluster with 4 available cores
#' h2o::h2o.init(ip = "localhost",
#' nthreads = 4)
#' # Reset the cluster
#' h2o::h2o.removeAll()
#' fdata_h2o <- h2o::as.h2o(x =, destination_frame = "fdata_h2o")
#' set.seed(150)
#' h2omod <-h2o:: h2o.deeplearning(x = names([2:ncol(],
#' y = names([1],
#' distribution = "AUTO",
#' training_frame = fdata_h2o,
#' standardize = TRUE,
#' activation = "Tanh",
#' hidden = c(hidden_neurons),
#' stopping_rounds = 0,
#' epochs = iters,
#' seed = 150,
#' model_id = "nnet_h2o",
#' adaptive_rate = FALSE,
#' rate_decay = decay,
#' export_weights_and_biases = TRUE)
#' # Try HessianMLP
#' NeuralSens::HessianMLP(h2omod)
#' # Turn off the cluster
#' h2o::h2o.shutdown(prompt = FALSE)
#' rm(fdata_h2o)
#' ## Train RSNNS NNET ------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Normalize data using RSNNS algorithms
#' trData <-
#' names(trData) <- names(
#' set.seed(150)
#' RSNNSmod <-RSNNS::mlp(x = trData[,2:ncol(trData)],
#' y = trData[,1],
#' size = hidden_neurons,
#' linOut = TRUE,
#' learnFuncParams=c(decay),
#' maxit=iters)
#' # Try HessianMLP
#' NeuralSens::HessianMLP(RSNNSmod, trData = trData, output_name = "DEM")
#' ## USE DEFAULT METHOD ----------------------------------------------------------
#' NeuralSens::HessianMLP(caretmod$finalModel$wts,
#' trData =,
#' mlpstr = caretmod$finalModel$n,
#' coefnames = caretmod$coefnames,
#' actfun = c("linear","sigmoid","linear"),
#' output_name = "DEM")
#' ################################################################################
#' ######################### CLASSIFICATION NNET #################################
#' ################################################################################
#' ## Regression dataframe --------------------------------------------------------
#' # Scale the data
#' <- fdata[,2:ncol(fdata)]
#'[,2:3] <-[,2:3]/10
#'[,1] <-[,1]/1000
#' # Normalize the data for some models
#' preProc <- caret::preProcess(, method = c("center","scale"))
#' nntrData <- predict(preProc,
#' # Factorize the output
#'$DEM <- factor(round($DEM, digits = 1))
#' # Normalize the data for some models
#' preProc <- caret::preProcess(, method = c("center","scale"))
#' nntrData <- predict(preProc,
#' ## Train caret NNET ------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Create trainControl
#' ctrl_tune <- caret::trainControl(method = "boot",
#' savePredictions = FALSE,
#' summaryFunction = caret::defaultSummary)
#' set.seed(150) #For replication
#' caretmod <- caret::train(form = DEM~.,
#' data =,
#' method = "nnet",
#' linout = FALSE,
#' tuneGrid = data.frame(size = hidden_neurons,
#' decay = decay),
#' maxit = iters,
#' preProcess = c("center","scale"),
#' trControl = ctrl_tune,
#' metric = "Accuracy")
#' # Try HessianMLP
#' NeuralSens::HessianMLP(caretmod)
#' ## Train h2o NNET --------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Create local cluster with 4 available cores
#' h2o::h2o.init(ip = "localhost",
#' nthreads = 4)
#' # Reset the cluster
#' h2o::h2o.removeAll()
#' fdata_h2o <- h2o::as.h2o(x =, destination_frame = "fdata_h2o")
#' set.seed(150)
#' h2omod <- h2o::h2o.deeplearning(x = names([2:ncol(],
#' y = names([1],
#' distribution = "AUTO",
#' training_frame = fdata_h2o,
#' standardize = TRUE,
#' activation = "Tanh",
#' hidden = c(hidden_neurons),
#' stopping_rounds = 0,
#' epochs = iters,
#' seed = 150,
#' model_id = "nnet_h2o",
#' adaptive_rate = FALSE,
#' rate_decay = decay,
#' export_weights_and_biases = TRUE)
#' # Try HessianMLP
#' NeuralSens::HessianMLP(h2omod)
#' # Apaga el cluster
#' h2o::h2o.shutdown(prompt = FALSE)
#' rm(fdata_h2o)
#' ## TRAIN nnet NNET --------------------------------------------------------
#' # Create a formula to train NNET
#' form <- paste(names([2:ncol(], collapse = " + ")
#' form <- formula(paste(names([1], form, sep = " ~ "))
#' set.seed(150)
#' nnetmod <- nnet::nnet(form,
#' data = nntrData,
#' linear.output = TRUE,
#' size = hidden_neurons,
#' decay = decay,
#' maxit = iters)
#' # Try HessianMLP
#' NeuralSens::HessianMLP(nnetmod, trData = nntrData)
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname HessianMLP
HessianMLP <- function(,
.returnSens = TRUE,
plot = TRUE,
.rawSens = FALSE,
sens_origin_layer = 1,
sens_end_layer = "last",
sens_origin_input = TRUE,
sens_end_input = FALSE,
...) UseMethod('HessianMLP',
#' @rdname HessianMLP
#' @export
#' @method HessianMLP default
HessianMLP.default <- function(,
.returnSens = TRUE,
plot = TRUE,
.rawSens = FALSE,
sens_origin_layer = 1,
sens_end_layer = "last",
sens_origin_input = TRUE,
sens_end_input = FALSE,
actfunc = NULL,
deractfunc = NULL,
der2actfunc = NULL,
preProc = NULL,
terms = NULL,
output_name = NULL,
...) {
### Things needed for calculating the sensibilities:
# - Structure of the model ->$n
# - Weights of the model ->$wts
# - Name of the inputs ->$coefnames
# - trData [output + inputs], output's name must be .outcome
# Obtain structure of fitted model
mlpstr <-$n
# Obtain weights
nwts <- NeuralNetTools::neuralweights($wts, struct = mlpstr)
wts <- nwts$wts
# VariableNames
varnames <-$coefnames
# Correct varnames
varnames[which(substr(varnames,1,1) == "`")] <- substr(varnames[which(substr(varnames,1,1) == "`")],
2,nchar(varnames[which(substr(varnames,1,1) == "`")])-1)
# Check if the output_name has been specified
if (!".outcome" %in% names(trData)) {
if (!is.null(output_name)) {
names(trData)[names(trData) == output_name] <- ".outcome"
} else {
stop("Output variable has not been found in trData")
# TestData
dummies <-
~ .,
data = trData[,names(trData) != output_name, drop = FALSE],
fullRank = TRUE,
sep = NULL
if (!is.null(terms)) {
dummies$terms <- terms
TestData <- data.frame(stats::predict(dummies, newdata = trData))
# Check names of the variables and correct is there any error
for(i in which(!names(TestData) %in% varnames)) {
# Check which varname is different
for (j in which(!varnames %in% names(TestData))){
# The problem with the names are with the variables that are factors
# that they store the names with different notations
# In the following code we check if the variables are equal without
# the notation quotes
a <- unlist(strsplit(names(TestData)[i],""))
b <- unlist(strsplit(varnames[j],""))
if(all(a[stats::na.omit(pmatch(b,a))] == b[stats::na.omit(pmatch(a,b))])){
names(TestData)[i] <- varnames[j]
TestData <- TestData[, varnames, drop = FALSE]
if (!is.null(preProc)) {
TestData <- stats::predict(preProc, TestData[, varnames])
# Intermediate structures with data necessary to calculate the structures above
# - Z stores the values just before entering the neuron, i.e., sum(weights*inputs)
# for each layer of neurons (z)
# - O stores the output values of each layer of neurons (o)
# - W stores the weights of the inputs of each layer of neurons (W)
# - D stores the derivative of the output values of each layer of neurons (Jacobian^l_l)
# - D2 stores the second derivatives of the output values of each layer of neurons (Hessian^l_l)
# - X stores the cross derivatives of the output value of a layer with respect of two inputs (Hessian^l_p)
# - Q stores the cross derivatives of the input value of a layer with respect of two inputs
# - D_ stores the derivatives of the output values with respect of one input (Jacobian^l_p)
Z <- list()
O <- list()
W <- list()
D <- list()
D2 <- list()
# X <- list()
# Q <- list()
# D_ <- list()
# Initialize the activation and the derivative of the activation function for each layer
if (is.null(deractfunc)) deractfunc <- actfunc
if (is.null(der2actfunc)) der2actfunc <- actfunc
ActivationFunction <- lapply(actfunc, NeuralSens::ActFunc)
DerActivationFunction <- lapply(deractfunc, NeuralSens::DerActFunc)
Der2ActivationFunction <- lapply(der2actfunc, NeuralSens::Der2ActFunc)
W[[1]] <- rbind(rep(0,ncol(TestData)),diag(ncol(TestData)))
# For each row in the TestData
Z[[1]] <- as.matrix(TestData)
O[[1]] <- ActivationFunction[[1]](Z[[1]])
D[[1]] <- array(0, dim=c(mlpstr[1],mlpstr[1],nrow(TestData)))
D2[[1]] <- array(0, dim=c(mlpstr[1],mlpstr[1],mlpstr[1],nrow(TestData)))
for (irow in 1:nrow(TestData)) {
D[[1]][,,irow] <- DerActivationFunction[[1]](Z[[1]][irow,])
D2[[1]][,,,irow] <- Der2ActivationFunction[[1]](Z[[1]][irow,])
# For each layer, calculate the input to the activation functions of each layer
# This inputs are gonna be used to calculate the derivatives and the output of each layer
for (l in 2:length(mlpstr)){
W[[l]] <- data.matrix([(sum(mlpstr[1:(l-1)])-mlpstr[1]+1):(sum(mlpstr[1:l])-mlpstr[1])]))
Z[[l]] <- cbind(1, O[[l-1]]) %*% W[[l]]
O[[l]] <- ActivationFunction[[l]](Z[[l]])
D[[l]] <- array(diag(mlpstr[l]),dim=c(mlpstr[l],mlpstr[l],nrow(TestData)))
D2[[l]] <- array(diag(mlpstr[l]),dim=c(mlpstr[l],mlpstr[l],mlpstr[l],nrow(TestData)))
for (irow in 1:nrow(TestData)) {
D[[l]][,,irow] <- DerActivationFunction[[l]](Z[[l]][irow,])
D2[[l]][,,,irow] <- Der2ActivationFunction[[l]](Z[[l]][irow,])
# # Initialize the cross-derivatives
# D_[[1]] <- array(diag(mlpstr[1]), dim=c(mlpstr[1], mlpstr[1], nrow(TestData)))
# Q[[1]] <- array(0, dim = c(mlpstr[1],mlpstr[1],mlpstr[1],nrow(TestData)))
# X[[1]] <- D2[[1]]
# # Damn, there are no array multiplications, we need to use sapplys
# for (l in 2:length(mlpstr)) {
# # Now we add a third dimension for the second input
# D_[[l]] <- array(NA, dim=c(mlpstr[sens_origin_layer], mlpstr[l], nrow(TestData)))
# Q[[l]] <- array(NA, dim=c(mlpstr[sens_origin_layer], mlpstr[l], mlpstr[sens_origin_layer], nrow(TestData)))
# X[[l]] <- array(NA, dim=c(mlpstr[sens_origin_layer], mlpstr[l], mlpstr[sens_origin_layer], nrow(TestData)))
# for (irow in 1:nrow(TestData)) {
# D_[[l]][,,irow] <- D_[[l - 1]][,,irow] %*% D[[l-1]][,,irow] %*% W[[l]][2:nrow(W[[l]]),]
# Q[[l]][,,,irow] <- array(apply(X[[l-1]][,,,irow], 3, function(x) x %*% W[[l]][2:nrow(W[[l]]),]),
# dim = c(mlpstr[1], dim(W[[l]])[2], mlpstr[1]))
# X[[l]][,,,irow] <- array(apply(array(apply(array(D2[[l]][,,,irow], dim = dim(D2[[l]])[1:3]), 3,
# function(x) matrix(D_[[l]][,,irow], nrow = dim(D_[[l]])[1]) %*% x),
# dim = c(mlpstr[1], dim(D2[[l]])[2], dim(D2[[l]])[3])),
# 1, function(x) matrix(D_[[l]][,,irow], nrow = dim(D_[[l]])[1]) %*% x),
# dim = c(mlpstr[1], dim(D2[[l]])[2], mlpstr[1])) + # Here ends y^2/z^2 * z/x1 * z/x2
# array(apply(array(Q[[l]][,,,irow],dim = dim(Q[[l]])[1:3]),3,
# function(x){x %*% D[[l]][,,irow]}),
# dim = c(mlpstr[1], dim(D2[[l]])[2], mlpstr[1]))
# }
# }
args <- list(...)
out <- list(
sens = NULL,
raw_sens = NULL,
layer_derivatives = D,
layer_second_derivatives = D2,
mlp_struct = mlpstr,
mlp_wts = W,
layer_origin = sens_origin_layer,
layer_origin_input = sens_origin_input,
layer_end = sens_end_layer,
layer_end_input = sens_end_input,
trData = trData,
coefnames = varnames,
output_name = output_name
out <- ComputeHessMeasures(out)
out <- HessMLP(
if (plot) {
# show plots if required
args <- list(...)
zoom <- TRUE
quit.legend <- FALSE
der <- TRUE
if ("zoom" %in% names(args[[1]])) {
zoom <- args[[1]]$zoom
if ("quit.legend" %in% names(args[[1]])) {
quit.legend <- args[[1]]$quit.legend
if ("der" %in% names(args[[1]])) {
der <- args[[1]]$der
NeuralSens::SensitivityPlots(out, der, zoom, quit.legend)
#' @rdname HessianMLP
#' @export
#' @method HessianMLP train
HessianMLP.train <- function(,
.returnSens = TRUE,
plot = TRUE,
.rawSens = FALSE,
sens_origin_layer = 1,
sens_end_layer = "last",
sens_origin_input = TRUE,
sens_end_input = FALSE,
...) {
args <- list(...)
trData = if ("trData" %in% names(args)) {args$trData} else {$trainingData},
.returnSens = .returnSens,
.rawSens = .rawSens,
sens_origin_layer = sens_origin_layer,
sens_end_layer = sens_end_layer,
sens_origin_input = sens_origin_input,
sens_end_input = sens_end_input,
output_name = if ("output_name" %in% names(args)) {args$output_name} else {".outcome"},
preProc = if ("preProc" %in% names(args)) {args$preProc} else {$preProcess},
terms = if ("terms" %in% names(args)) {args$terms} else {$terms},
plot = plot,
args[!names(args) %in% c("trData","preProc","terms","output_name")])
#' @rdname HessianMLP
#' @export
#' @method HessianMLP H2OMultinomialModel
HessianMLP.H2OMultinomialModel <- function(,
.returnSens = TRUE,
plot = TRUE,
.rawSens = FALSE,
sens_origin_layer = 1,
sens_end_layer = "last",
sens_origin_input = TRUE,
sens_end_input = FALSE,
...) {
args <- list(...)
createDummiesH2O <- function(trData) {
# H2O dummies create all levels of factor variables and an extra level for missing (NA).
# This is different in caret where it creates all levels minus 1 of factor variables.
# To avoid compatibility problem, we create the dummies of H2O models here,
# so the caret dummies will just copy the dummies variables here created.
# Deleting the extra dummies that H2O creates is not feasible due to the
# neural network of h2o having input neurons for that inputs.
# Obtain which are the factor variables
nfactor <-[,sapply(trData,is.factor)])
if (length(nfactor) > 0) {
names(nfactor) <- names(trData)[sapply(trData,is.factor)]
# Obtain dummies with all the levels
dumm <- fastDummies::dummy_columns(trData)
# Check if variables with NAs have been created
# Number of columns in dummies must be the same as trData + levels + 1 missing variable per factor variable
if (ncol(dumm) != ncol(trData) + sum(lengths(lapply(nfactor,levels))) + ncol(nfactor)){
for (i in 1:ncol(nfactor)) {
search <- paste0(names(nfactor)[i], ".missing.NA.")
if (!search %in% names(dumm)) {
dumm[,eval(search)] <- 0
for (i in 1:ncol(nfactor)) {
for (namespos in which(names(nfactor)[i] == substr(names(dumm),1,nchar(names(nfactor)[i])) & names(nfactor)[i] != names(dumm))) {
prevname <- names(dumm)[namespos]
stringr::str_sub(prevname,nchar(names(nfactor)[i])+1,nchar(names(nfactor)[i])+1) <- "."
names(dumm)[namespos] <- prevname
# Remove factor variables duplicated
dumm[,names(nfactor)] <- NULL
} else {
# Create empty final model
finalModel <- NULL
finalModel$n <-$model_summary$units
# Try to establish connection with the h2o cluster
out <- tryCatch(
error=function(cond) {
stop("There is not an active h2o cluster, run h2o.init()\n")
# Try to extract the weights of the neural network
wts <- c()
for (i in 1:(length(c(finalModel$n))-1)) {
wtsi <-,matrix_id=i))
bi <-,vector_id=i))
wtsi <- cbind(bi,wtsi)
for (j in 1:nrow(wtsi)) {
wts <- unlist(c(wts, wtsi[j,]))
if (is.null(wts)) {
stop("No weights have been detected
Use argument export_weights_and_biases = TRUE when training the nnet")
finalModel$wts <- wts
# Try to extract the training data of the model
trData <- tryCatch({
if ("trData" %in% names(args)) {
} else { =$training_frame)))
}, error=function(cond) {
stop("The training data has not been detected, load the data to the h2o cluster\n")
# Change the name of the output in trData
if($y %in% names(trData)) {
names(trData)[which($y == names(trData))] <- ".outcome"
} else if (!".outcome" %in% names(trData)) {
stop(paste0("Output ",$y," has not been found in training data"))
trData <- trData[,c(".outcome",$x)]
# Create the preprocess of center and scale that h2o do automatically
preProc <- caret::preProcess(trData[,$x], method = c("center","scale"))
# Create dummies before calling the default
copy <- trData
trData <- createDummiesH2O(trData[,2:ncol(trData)])
# Order data as weights
trData <- trData[,names(wts)[2:(ncol(trData)+1)]]
finalModel$coefnames <- names(trData)
trData <- cbind(.outcome = copy$.outcome,trData)
# Create vector of activation functions
PrepActFuncs <- function(acfun) {
# Switch case to define which value it returns
Input = {
Tanh = {
Linear = {
TanhDropout = {
Rectifier = {
RectifierDropout = {
Maxout = {
stop("HessianMLP function is not ready for Maxout layers")
MaxoutDropout = {
stop("HessianMLP function is not ready for Maxout layers")
Softmax = {
stop("HessianMLP is not ready for the activation function used")
actfun <- sapply($model_summary$type, PrepActFuncs)
# Call to the default function
trData = trData,
actfunc = actfun,
.returnSens = .returnSens,
.rawSens = .rawSens,
sens_origin_layer = sens_origin_layer,
sens_end_layer = sens_end_layer,
sens_origin_input = sens_origin_input,
sens_end_input = sens_end_input,
preProc = preProc,
terms = NULL,
plot = plot,
output_name = if("output_name" %in% names(args)){args$output_name}else{$y},
deractfunc = if("deractfunc" %in% names(args)){args$deractfunc}else{NULL},
der2actfunc = if("der2actfunc" %in% names(args)){args$der2actfunc}else{NULL},
args[!names(args) %in% c("trData","output_name","deractfunc","der2actfunc")])
#' @rdname HessianMLP
#' @export
#' @method HessianMLP H2ORegressionModel
HessianMLP.H2ORegressionModel <- function(,
.returnSens = TRUE,
plot = TRUE,
.rawSens = FALSE,
sens_origin_layer = 1,
sens_end_layer = "last",
sens_origin_input = TRUE,
sens_end_input = FALSE,
...) {
args <- list(...)
createDummiesH2O <- function(trData) {
# H2O dummies create all levels of factor variables and an extra level for missing (NA).
# This is different in caret where it creates all levels minus 1 of factor variables.
# To avoid compatibility problem, we create the dummies of H2O models here,
# so the caret dummies will just copy the dummies variables here created.
# Deleting the extra dummies that H2O creates is not feasible due to the
# neural network of h2o having input neurons for that inputs.
# Obtain which are the factor variables
nfactor <-[,sapply(trData,is.factor)])
if (length(nfactor) > 0) {
names(nfactor) <- names(trData)[sapply(trData,is.factor)]
# Obtain dummies with all the levels
dumm <- fastDummies::dummy_columns(trData)
# Check if variables with NAs have been created
# Number of columns in dummies must be the same as trData + levels + 1 missing variable per factor variable
if (ncol(dumm) != ncol(trData) + sum(lengths(lapply(nfactor,levels))) + ncol(nfactor)){
for (i in 1:ncol(nfactor)) {
search <- paste0(names(nfactor)[i], ".missing.NA.")
if (!search %in% names(dumm)) {
dumm[,eval(search)] <- 0
for (i in 1:ncol(nfactor)) {
for (namespos in which(names(nfactor)[i] == substr(names(dumm),1,nchar(names(nfactor)[i])) & names(nfactor)[i] != names(dumm))) {
prevname <- names(dumm)[namespos]
stringr::str_sub(prevname,nchar(names(nfactor)[i])+1,nchar(names(nfactor)[i])+1) <- "."
names(dumm)[namespos] <- prevname
# Remove factor variables duplicated
dumm[,names(nfactor)] <- NULL
} else {
# Create empty final model
finalModel <- NULL
finalModel$n <-$model_summary$units
# Try to establish connection with the h2o cluster
out <- tryCatch(
error=function(cond) {
stop("There is not an active h2o cluster, run h2o.init()\n")
# Try to extract the weights of the neural network
wts <- c()
for (i in 1:(length(c(finalModel$n))-1)) {
wtsi <-,matrix_id=i))
bi <-,vector_id=i))
wtsi <- cbind(bi,wtsi)
for (j in 1:nrow(wtsi)) {
wts <- unlist(c(wts, wtsi[j,]))
if (is.null(wts)) {
stop("No weights have been detected
Use argument export_weights_and_biases = TRUE when training the nnet")
finalModel$wts <- wts
# Try to extract the training data of the model
trData <- tryCatch({
if ("trData" %in% names(args)) {
} else { =$training_frame)))
}, error=function(cond) {
stop("The training data has not been detected, load the data to the h2o cluster\n")
# Change the name of the output in trData
if($y %in% names(trData)) {
names(trData)[which($y == names(trData))] <- ".outcome"
} else if (!".outcome" %in% names(trData)) {
stop(paste0("Output ",$y," has not been found in training data"))
trData <- trData[,c(".outcome",$x)]
# Create the preprocess of center and scale that h2o do automatically
preProc <- caret::preProcess(trData[,$x], method = c("center","scale"))
# Create dummies before calling the default
copy <- trData
trData <- createDummiesH2O(trData[,2:ncol(trData)])
# Order data as weights
trData <- trData[,names(wts)[2:(ncol(trData)+1)]]
finalModel$coefnames <- names(trData)
trData <- cbind(.outcome = copy$.outcome,trData)
# Create vector of activation functions
PrepActFuncs <- function(acfun) {
# Switch case to define which value it returns
Input = {
Tanh = {
Linear = {
TanhDropout = {
Rectifier = {
RectifierDropout = {
Maxout = {
stop("HessianMLP function is not ready for Maxout layers")
MaxoutDropout = {
stop("HessianMLP function is not ready for Maxout layers")
Softmax = {
stop("HessianMLP is not ready for the activation function used")
actfun <- sapply($model_summary$type, PrepActFuncs)
# Call to the default function
trData = trData,
actfunc = actfun,
.returnSens = .returnSens,
.rawSens = .rawSens,
sens_origin_layer = sens_origin_layer,
sens_end_layer = sens_end_layer,
sens_origin_input = sens_origin_input,
sens_end_input = sens_end_input,
preProc = preProc,
terms = NULL,
plot = plot,
output_name = if("output_name" %in% names(args)){args$output_name}else{$y},
deractfunc = if("deractfunc" %in% names(args)){args$deractfunc}else{NULL},
der2actfunc = if("der2actfunc" %in% names(args)){args$der2actfunc}else{NULL},
args[!names(args) %in% c("trData","output_name","deractfunc","der2actfunc")])
#' @rdname HessianMLP
#' @export
#' @method HessianMLP list
HessianMLP.list <- function(,
.returnSens = TRUE,
plot = TRUE,
.rawSens = FALSE,
sens_origin_layer = 1,
sens_end_layer = "last",
sens_origin_input = TRUE,
sens_end_input = FALSE,
...) {
# For a neural nnet
args <- list(...)
## Detect that it's from the neural package
neuralfields <- c("weight","dist", "neurons", "actfns", "diffact")
if (!all(neuralfields %in% names({
stop("Object detected is not an accepted list object")
finalModel <- NULL
finalModel$n <-$neurons
# Try to extract the weights of the neural network
wts <- c()
for (i in 1:(length(c(finalModel$n))-1)) {
for (j in 1:finalModel$n[i+1]) {
wtsi <-$weight[[i]][,j]
bsi <-$dist[[i+1]][j]
wts <- c(wts, bsi, wtsi)
finalModel$wts <- wts
if ("output_name" %in% names(args)) {
finalModel$coefnames <- names(trData)[names(trData) != args$output_name]
} else {
finalModel$coefnames <- names(trData)[names(trData) != ".outcome"]
# By default, the activation functions is linear, sigmoid, sigmoid
if (is.null(actfunc)) {
actfunc <- c("linear","sigmoid","sigmoid")
} else {
# See ?neural::mlptrain to see which number correspond to which activation function
actfunc <- c("linear",
ifelse(actfunc == 1, "sigmoid",
ifelse(actfunc == 2, "tanh",
ifelse(actfunc == 3, "Gauss", "linear"))))
trData = trData,
.returnSens = .returnSens,
.rawSens = .rawSens,
sens_origin_layer = sens_origin_layer,
sens_end_layer = sens_end_layer,
sens_origin_input = sens_origin_input,
sens_end_input = sens_end_input,
actfunc = actfunc,
preProc = NULL,
terms = NULL,
plot = plot,
output_name = if("output_name" %in% names(args)){args$output_name}else{".outcome"},
deractfunc = if("deractfunc" %in% names(args)){args$deractfunc}else{NULL},
der2actfunc = if("der2actfunc" %in% names(args)){args$der2actfunc}else{NULL},
args[!names(args) %in% c("output_name","deractfunc","der2actfunc")])
#' @rdname HessianMLP
#' @export
#' @method HessianMLP mlp
HessianMLP.mlp <- function(,
.returnSens = TRUE,
plot = TRUE,
.rawSens = FALSE,
sens_origin_layer = 1,
sens_end_layer = "last",
sens_origin_input = TRUE,
sens_end_input = FALSE,
preProc = NULL,
terms = NULL,
...) {
args <- list(...)
# For a RSNNS mlp
netInfo <- RSNNS::extractNetInfo(
nwts <- NeuralNetTools::neuralweights(
finalModel <- NULL
finalModel$n <- nwts$struct
# Fill NAs with the corresponding bias
for (i in netInfo$unitDefinitions$unitNo[netInfo$unitDefinitions$type %in%
c("UNIT_HIDDEN")]) {
hidname <- paste("hidden",
sep = " ")
nwts$wts[[which(hidname == names(nwts$wts))]][1] <- netInfo$unitDefinitions$unitBias[i]
for (i in netInfo$unitDefinitions$unitNo[netInfo$unitDefinitions$type %in%
c("UNIT_OUTPUT")]) {
outname <- paste("out",
sep = " ")
nwts$wts[[which(outname == names(nwts$wts))]][1] <- netInfo$unitDefinitions$unitBias[i]
wts <- c()
for (i in 1:length(nwts$wts)){
wts <- c(wts, nwts$wts[[i]])
wts[] <- 0
finalModel$wts <- wts
finalModel$coefnames <- substr(netInfo$unitDefinitions$unitName[1:finalModel$n[1]],
nchar("Input_")+1, 100000)
PrepActFun <- function(acfun) {
# Switch case to define which value it returns
Act_Identity = {
Act_TanH = {
Act_StepFunc = {
Act_Logistic = {
stop("HessianMLP is not ready for the activation function used")
actfun <- sapply(unique(cbind(substr(netInfo$unitDefinitions$unitName,1,5),
netInfo$unitDefinitions$actFunc))[,2], PrepActFun)
if(length(actfun) != length(finalModel$n)) {
# This is done in case of several hidden layers with same activation function
actfun <- c(actfun[1], rep(actfun[2], length(finalModel$n)-2),actfun[length(actfun)])
trData = trData,
actfunc = actfun,
.returnSens = .returnSens,
.rawSens = .rawSens,
sens_origin_layer = sens_origin_layer,
sens_end_layer = sens_end_layer,
sens_origin_input = sens_origin_input,
sens_end_input = sens_end_input,
preProc = preProc,
terms = terms,
plot = plot,
output_name = if("output_name" %in% names(args)){args$output_name}else{".outcome"},
deractfunc = if("deractfunc" %in% names(args)){args$deractfunc}else{NULL},
der2actfunc = if("der2actfunc" %in% names(args)){args$der2actfunc}else{NULL},
args[!names(args) %in% c("output_name","deractfunc","der2actfunc")])
#' @rdname HessianMLP
#' @export
#' @method HessianMLP nn
HessianMLP.nn <- function(,
.returnSens = TRUE,
plot = TRUE,
.rawSens = FALSE,
sens_origin_layer = 1,
sens_end_layer = "last",
sens_origin_input = TRUE,
sens_end_input = FALSE,
preProc = NULL,
terms = NULL,
...) {
# For a neuralnet nn
args <- list(...)
finalModel <- NULL
finalModel$coefnames <-$model.list$variables
trData <-$data
actfun <- c("linear",
rep(ifelse(attributes($act.fct)$type == "tanh", "tanh", "sigmoid"),
ifelse($linear.output, "linear", "sigmoid"))
sensit <- array(NA, dim = c(length($weights)*nrow(trData),
for (j in 1:length($weights)) {
finalModel$n <- NULL
wts <- c()
for (i in 1:length($weights[[j]])) {
wts <- c(wts, as.vector($weights[[j]][[i]]))
finalModel$n <- c(finalModel$n, dim($weights[[j]][[i]])[1]-1)
finalModel$n <- c(finalModel$n, dim($weights[[j]][[i]])[2])
finalModel$wts <- wts
sensitivities <- HessianMLP.default(finalModel,
trData = trData,
actfunc = actfun,
.returnSens = TRUE,
.rawSens = TRUE,
sens_origin_layer = sens_origin_layer,
sens_end_layer = sens_end_layer,
sens_origin_input = sens_origin_input,
sens_end_input = sens_end_input,
preProc = preProc,
terms = terms,
plot = FALSE,
output_name = names(trData)[names(trData) ==$model.list$response],
deractfunc = if("deractfunc" %in% names(args)){args$deractfunc}else{NULL},
der2actfunc = if("der2actfunc" %in% names(args)){args$der2actfunc}else{NULL},
args[!names(args) %in% c("deractfunc","der2actfunc")])
sensit[((j-1)*nrow(trData)+1):(j*nrow(trData)),,] <- sensitivities
colnames(sensit) <- finalModel$coefnames
sens <-
varNames = finalModel$coefnames,
mean = colMeans(sensit[, , 1], na.rm = TRUE),
std = apply(sensit[, , 1], 2, stats::sd, na.rm = TRUE),
meanSensSQ = colMeans(sensit[, , 1] ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE)
if (plot) {
# show plots if required
NeuralSens::SensitivityPlots(sens,der = sensit[,,1])
if (.returnSens) {
if(!.rawSens) {
# Check if there are more than one output
} else {
# Return sensitivities without processing
#' @rdname HessianMLP
#' @export
#' @method HessianMLP nnet
HessianMLP.nnet <- function(,
.returnSens = TRUE,
plot = TRUE,
.rawSens = FALSE,
sens_origin_layer = 1,
sens_end_layer = "last",
sens_origin_input = TRUE,
sens_end_input = FALSE,
preProc = NULL,
terms = NULL,
...) {
# For a nnet nnet
args <- list(...)
# Check if some arguments has been changed in a parent function
if(length(args) == 1 && is.list(args[[1]])) {
args <- as.list(...)
finalModel <- NULL
finalModel$n <-$n
finalModel$wts <-$wts
finalModel$coefnames <-$coefnames
output_name <- ".outcome"
if(!any(names(trData) == ".outcome")){
if (!"output_name" %in% names(args)) {
output_name <- ".outcome"
names(trData)[!names(trData) %in% attr($terms,"term.labels")] <- ".outcome"
} else {
output_name <- args$output_name
actfun <- c("linear","sigmoid",
trData = trData,
actfunc = actfun,
.returnSens = .returnSens,
sens_origin_layer = sens_origin_layer,
sens_end_layer = sens_end_layer,
sens_origin_input = sens_origin_input,
sens_end_input = sens_end_input,
.rawSens = .rawSens,
preProc = preProc,
terms = terms,
plot = plot,
output_name = output_name,
deractfunc = if("deractfunc" %in% names(args)){args$deractfunc}else{NULL},
der2actfunc = if("der2actfunc" %in% names(args)){args$der2actfunc}else{NULL},
args[!names(args) %in% c("output_name","deractfunc","der2actfunc")])
#' @rdname HessianMLP
#' @export
#' @method HessianMLP nnetar
HessianMLP.nnetar <- function(,
.returnSens = TRUE,
plot = TRUE,
.rawSens = FALSE,
sens_origin_layer = 1,
sens_end_layer = "last",
sens_origin_input = TRUE,
sens_end_input = FALSE,
...) {
# Create the lags in the trData
args = list(...)
if (!is.null($xreg)) {
if ("trData" %in% names(args)) {
xreg <-$trData[,attr($xreg,"dimnames")[[2]]])
if(".outcome" %in% names(args$trData)) {
outcome <- args$trData$.outcome
} else if ("output_name" %in% names(args)) {
outcome <- args$trData[,args$output_name]
} else {
stop("Change the name of the output variable to '.outcome' or
provide the name of the output using the 'output_name' argument")
} else {
xreg <-$xreg)[$subset,]
outcome <-$x[$subset]
} else {
outcome <-$x[$subset]
# Scale the regressors
if (!is.null($scalexreg)) {
for (i in 1:ncol(xreg)) {
varname <- names(xreg)[[i]]
indexscale <- which(attr($scalexreg$center,"names") == varname)
xreg[[i]] <- (xreg[[i]] -$scalexreg$center[indexscale])/$scalexreg$scale[indexscale]
# Scale the output
if (!is.null($scalex)) {
outcome <- (outcome -$scalex$center)/$scalex$scale
# Create lagged outcome as input
ylagged <- NULL
p <-$p
P <-$P
m <-$m
if (P > 0) {
lags <- sort(unique(c(1:p, m * (1:P))))
} else {
lags <- 1:p
# Create name for the lags
if ("output_name" %in% names(args)) {
out_nameLag <- paste0(".",args$output_name,"_Lag")
} else {
out_nameLag <- ".outcome_Lag"
for (i in lags) {
ylagged[[i]] <- Hmisc::Lag(outcome, i)
names(ylagged)[i] <- paste0(out_nameLag, as.character(i))
ylagged <-[lags])
if (!is.null($xreg)) {
trData <- cbind(ylagged, xreg,
varnames <- c(names(trData)[1:length(lags)],names($xreg)))
} else {
trData <- cbind(ylagged,
varnames <- names(trData)[1:length(lags)]
if ("output_name" %in% names(args)) {
names(trData)[ncol(trData)] <- args$output_name
} else {
names(trData)[ncol(trData)] <- ".outcome"
# Get rid of rows with NAs
trData <- trData[stats::complete.cases(trData),]
# For a nnet nnet
finalModel <- NULL
sensitivities <- list()
finalModel$n <-$model[[1]]$n
actfun <- c("linear","sigmoid",
finalModel$coefnames <- varnames
# Apply default function to all the models in the nnetar object
sensit <- array(NA, dim = c($model[[1]]$n[1],$model[[1]]$n[1],
for (i in 1:length($model)) {
finalModel$wts <-$model[[1]]$wts
sensitivities[[i]] <- HessianMLP.default(finalModel,
trData = trData,
actfunc = actfun,
deractfunc = if("deractfunc" %in% names(args)){args$deractfunc}else{NULL},
der2actfunc = if("der2actfunc" %in% names(args)){args$der2actfunc}else{NULL},
.returnSens = TRUE,
.rawSens = TRUE,
sens_origin_layer = sens_origin_layer,
sens_end_layer = sens_end_layer,
sens_origin_input = sens_origin_input,
sens_end_input = sens_end_input,
preProc = NULL,
terms = NULL,
plot = FALSE,
output_name = if("output_name" %in% names(args)){args$output_name}else{".outcome"},
args[!names(args) %in% c("output_name","deractfunc","der2actfunc")])
sensit[,,((i-1)*nrow(trData)+1):(i*nrow(trData))] <- sensitivities[[i]]$raw_sens[[1]]
colnames(sensit) <- finalModel$coefnames
rownames(sensit) <- finalModel$coefnames
rs <- list()
out <- list()
out[[1]] <- list(
mean = apply(sensit, c(1,2), mean, na.rm = TRUE),
std = apply(sensit, c(1,2), stats::sd, na.rm = TRUE),
meanSensSQ = apply(sensit^2, c(1,2), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
rs[[1]] <- sensit
names(out) <- if("output_name" %in% names(args)){args$output_name}else{".outcome"}
names(rs) <- if("output_name" %in% names(args)){args$output_name}else{".outcome"}
sens <- HessMLP(
if("output_name" %in% names(args)){args$output_name}else{".outcome"}
if (plot) {
# show plots if required
if (.returnSens) {
if(!.rawSens) {
# Check if there are more than one output
} else {
# Return sensitivities without processing
#' @rdname HessianMLP
#' @export
#' @method HessianMLP numeric
HessianMLP.numeric <- function(,
.returnSens = TRUE,
plot = TRUE,
.rawSens = FALSE,
sens_origin_layer = 1,
sens_end_layer = "last",
sens_origin_input = TRUE,
sens_end_input = FALSE,
actfunc = NULL,
preProc = NULL,
terms = NULL,
...) {
# Generic method when the weights are passed in the argument
finalModel <- NULL
finalModel$wts <-
# The mlp structure and the name of the explanatory variables should be passed
# as mlpstr and coefnames argument respectively
args <- list(...)
if (!"mlpstr" %in% names(args)) {
stop("MLP structure must be passed in mlpstr argument")
finalModel$n <- args$mlpstr
# Define the names of the explanatory variables
if ((".outcome" %in% names(trData)) || "output_name" %in% names(args)) {
if (!("coefnames" %in% names(args))) {
if ("output_name" %in% names(args)) {
finalModel$coefnames <- names(trData)[names(trData) != args$output_name]
} else {
finalModel$coefnames <- names(trData)[names(trData) != ".outcome"]
} else {
finalModel$coefnames <- args$coefnames
} else {
if (!("coefnames" %in% names(args))) {
stop("Names of explanatory variables must be passed in coefnames argument")
finalModel$coefnames <- args$coefnames
if (!all(args$coefnames %in% names(trData))) {
stop("Explanatory variables defined in coefnames has not been found in trData")
# Define the activation functions used in the neural network
# The activation functions must be passed as actfun argument
if (length(actfunc) != length(args$mlpstr)) {
stop("Number of activation functions does not match the structure of the MLP")
trData = trData,
actfunc = actfunc,
.returnSens = .returnSens,
.rawSens = .rawSens,
sens_origin_layer = sens_origin_layer,
sens_end_layer = sens_end_layer,
sens_origin_input = sens_origin_input,
sens_end_input = sens_end_input,
preProc = preProc,
terms = terms,
plot = plot,
output_name = if("output_name" %in% names(args)){args$output_name}else{".outcome"},
deractfunc = if("deractfunc" %in% names(args)){args$deractfunc}else{NULL},
der2actfunc = if("der2actfunc" %in% names(args)){args$der2actfunc}else{NULL},
args[!names(args) %in% c("output_name","deractfunc","der2actfunc")])
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