
Defines functions NominalLogisticBiplot summary.nominal.logistic.biplot plot.nominal.logistic.biplot

Documented in NominalLogisticBiplot plot.nominal.logistic.biplot summary.nominal.logistic.biplot

# file NominalLogisticBiplot/R/NominalLogisticBiplot.R
# copyright (C) 2012-2013 J.C. Hernandez and J.L. Vicente-Villardon
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License
#  (at your option).
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

#Function that calculate the object for the Nominal Logistic Biplot with the 
#estimation for the rows and columns depending on the parameters selected.
  #datanom: matrix with the data to do the analysis
  #sFormula: S Formula for selecting variables from a data frame o a matrix
  #numFactors: number of dimensions retained
  #method: Valid values: "EM", "ACM", "MIRT" o "PCOA". This is the method to calculate the row coordinates
  #rotation: "varimax". Type of rotation if the coordinates election is MIRT
  #metfsco : it can be: "EAP", "ML","MAP", o "WLE". Type of method to calculate the MIRT coordinates for the rows.
  #nnodos = 10: number of nodes in the quadrature procedure with EM coordinates method.
  #tol = 1e-04, maxiter = 100, penalization = 0.1, cte, show: items used in the alternated method used in EM procedure to calculate the parameters estimates.
#This function returns a list with the original data matrix and the coordinates for the individuals
#with so many colums like factors.
NominalLogisticBiplot <- function(datanom,sFormula=NULL,numFactors=2,method="EM",
          rotation="varimax",metfsco="EAP",nnodos = 10, tol = 1e-04, maxiter = 100,
          penalization = 0.1,cte=TRUE, initial=1,alfa=1,show=FALSE){       

  #We have to check if datanom is a data frame or a matrix to tackle with sFormula parameter
      datanom = model.frame(formula=sFormula,data=datanom)
    }else if(is.matrix(datanom)){
              datanom = model.frame(formula=sFormula,data=as.data.frame(datanom))
              datanom = as.matrix(datanom)
            print("It is not posible to use the formula passed as parameter. Data should be a data frame or a matrix")
  if(ncol(datanom) <= numFactors){
    stop("It is not posible to reduce dimension because number of factors is lower than variables in our data set")
  dataSet = CheckDataSet(datanom)
  #We have now in dataSet structure all our data, the names for the row and colums and de levels if exists
  datanom = dataSet$datanom
  nRowsdata <- dim(datanom)[1]
  nColsdata <- dim(datanom)[2]
  numVar <- ncol(datanom)    
  datanomcats = apply(datanom[,1:numVar], 2, function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))

  x <- matrix(0,nRowsdata,numFactors)

 if (method == "EM"){
    xEM = NominalLogBiplotEM(datanom, dim = numFactors, nnodos = nnodos, tol = tol,
                   maxiter = maxiter, penalization = penalization,initial=initial,showResults=show)
    x = xEM$RowCoordinates
    VariableModels = xEM$ColumnModels
    rotation=" "
    metfsco=" "

  }else if (method == "MIRT"){
      varStudy = matrix(0,nRowsdata,numVar)
      for(i in 1:numVar){
        varStudy[,i]= as.numeric(datanom[,i])
      technical = list()
      technical$NCYCLES = maxiter
      nominalHighLow = matrix(0,2,numVar)
      for(i in 1:numVar){
      nominalHighLow[1,i] = as.numeric(max(as.matrix(datanom)[,i]))
      nominalHighLow[2,i] = as.numeric(min(as.matrix(datanom)[,i]))
      mod = mirt(varStudy,numFactors,"nominal",rotate = rotation,nominal.highlow=nominalHighLow,technical=technical)           
      VariableModels = CalculateVariableModels(datanom,x, penalization, tol, maxiter,show)
      nnodos=" "
  }else if (method == "ACM"){ 
      G = NominalMatrix2Binary(datanom)
      VariableModels = CalculateVariableModels(datanom,x, penalization, tol, maxiter,show)
      rotation=" "
      metfsco=" "
      nnodos=" "
      datanom.hamm <- NominalDistances(datanom[1:nRowsdata,1:numVar])
     datanom.pco <- PCoA(datanom.hamm, r = numFactors)
      x = as.matrix(datanom.pco$RowCoordinates)
      VariableModels = CalculateVariableModels(datanom,x, penalization, tol, maxiter,show)
      rotation=" "
      metfsco=" "
      nnodos=" "

    nominal.logistic.biplot$dataSet = dataSet
    nominal.logistic.biplot$RowsCoords = x
    nominal.logistic.biplot$VariableModels = VariableModels
    nominal.logistic.biplot$NumFactors = numFactors
    nominal.logistic.biplot$Method = method
    nominal.logistic.biplot$Rotation = rotation
    nominal.logistic.biplot$Methodfscores = metfsco
    nominal.logistic.biplot$NumNodos = nnodos
    nominal.logistic.biplot$tol = tol
    nominal.logistic.biplot$maxiter = maxiter
    nominal.logistic.biplot$penalization = penalization
    nominal.logistic.biplot$cte = cte
    nominal.logistic.biplot$show = show

#This function shows a summary of the principal results from the estimation for rows and variables.
  #object: object with the information needed about all the variables and individuals
summary.nominal.logistic.biplot <- function(object,completeEstim = FALSE,coorInd = FALSE, ...) {
      x = object
    	cat(paste("Nominal Logistic Biplot Estimation", "with Ridge Penalizations", x$penalization, " and logit link"), "\n")
    	cat("n: ", nrow(x$dataSet$datanom), "\n")
    	for(i in 1:ncol(x$dataSet$datanom)){
    	     aic = aic + x$VariableModels[,i]$AIC
    	     bic = bic + x$VariableModels[,i]$BIC    	     
    	cat("AIC: ", aic, "\n")
    	cat("BIC: ", bic, "\n")
	    smmr = matrix(0,8,ncol(x$dataSet$datanom))
      dimnames(smmr)[[1]] = c("loglikelihood","Deviance","AIC","BIC","CoxSnell","Nagelkerke","McFaden","PCC") 
      dimnames(smmr)[[2]] = x$dataSet$ColumNames
    	cat("\nGoodness-of-Fit Statistics for the variables:\n")
 	    for(j in 1:ncol(x$dataSet$datanom)){
    	    smmr[1,j] = x$VariableModels[,j]$logLik
    	    smmr[2,j] = x$VariableModels[,j]$Deviance
    	    smmr[3,j] = x$VariableModels[,j]$AIC
    	    smmr[4,j] = x$VariableModels[,j]$BIC
    	    smmr[5,j] = x$VariableModels[,j]$CoxSnell
    	    smmr[6,j] = x$VariableModels[,j]$Nagelkerke
    	    smmr[7,j] = x$VariableModels[,j]$MacFaden
    	    smmr[8,j] = x$VariableModels[,j]$PercentCorrect

    	   cat("\nCoordinates for the individuals: \n\n")

    	    cat("\nCoefficients of the estimated variables: \n")
    	    dimNamesCols = "ind"
    	    dimNamesCols = c(dimNamesCols, "x1")
          if(x$NumFactors > 1){    	    
        	   for (i in 2:x$NumFactors)
                dimNamesCols = c(dimNamesCols, paste("x", i,sep=""))
          dimNamesRows = " "
        	for(i in 1:ncol(x$dataSet$datanom)){
              cat("Variable: ",x$dataSet$ColumNames[i],"\n")
            	coefs <- array(0, c(nrow(x$VariableModels[,i]$beta), x$NumFactors + 1, 4))
            	dimnames(coefs) = list(dimNamesRows,dimNamesCols, c("Estimate coefficients", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)"))
            	coefs[,,1] <- x$VariableModels[,i]$beta
            	coefs[,,2] <- x$VariableModels[,i]$stderr
            	coefs[,,3] <- x$VariableModels[,i]$beta/x$VariableModels[,i]$stderr
            	coefs[,,4] <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(coefs[,,3])))
            	cat("\n\n ----------------------------------------------- \n") 

#This function plot the row points with the category points according to the options for all the variables.
  #nlbo: object with the information needed about all the variables and individuals
  #planex,planey: these two parameters keep the plane we choose for the representation  
  #QuitNotPredicted: boolean parameter that indicates if we will be represent on the graph the categories not predicted
  #ReestimateInFocusPlane: boolean parameter to choose if we will reestimate the models in the concrete plane or we will choose the columms of our plane in beta matrix
  #proofMode: boolean variable to plot each variable with its tesselation separate from the others.
              #Otherwise(false value) it shows all the variables in a single window with the legend for identifies each variable.
  #AtLeastR2Nagel <- 0.01   #It establishes the cut value to plot a variable attending to its R2 Nagelkerke value.
  #xlimi,xlimu,ylimi,ylimu: Limits to plot the graph
  #linesVoronoi: boolean variable that specify if lines of each tesselation will be plotted.
  #ShowAxis:boolean variable to choose if we want to see the axis in the plot
  #PlotVars:boolean variable to choose if we want to see the position of the variables
  #PlotInd:boolean variable to choose if we want to see the position of the individuals
  #LabelVar:boolean variable to choose if we want to see the labels of the variables
  #LabelInd:boolean variable to choose if we want to see the labels of the individuals
  #CexInd: parameter to specify the size of the individual points. It could be an array with the cex information for each row
  #CexVar: parameter to specify the size of the variable centers.It could be an array with the cex information for each variable
  #ColorInd: parameter to specify the color of the individual points.It could be an array with the color information for each row
  #ColorVar: parameter to specify the color of the variable centers.It could be an array with the color information for each variable
  #SmartLabels: boolean variable to plot the label text for the individuals to the right or left of the points            
  #PchInd: parameter to specify the symbol of the individual points.It could be an array with the pch information for each row
  #PchVar: parameter to specify the symbol of the variable centers.It could be an array with the pch information for each variable
  #LabelValuesVar: list with the labels text that will be plotted for all the variables
  #ShowResults: boolean parameter to show results from the process of estimation  
plot.nominal.logistic.biplot <- function(x,planex=1,planey=2,QuitNotPredicted=TRUE,
        ReestimateInFocusPlane=TRUE,proofMode=FALSE,AtLeastR2 = 0.01,
        xlimi=-1.5,xlimu=1.5,ylimi=-1.5,ylimu=1.5,linesVoronoi = FALSE,
        ShowAxis = TRUE, PlotVars = TRUE, PlotInd = TRUE, LabelVar = TRUE,
        LabelInd = TRUE,CexInd = NULL, CexVar = NULL, ColorInd = NULL, ColorVar = NULL,
        SmartLabels = FALSE, PchInd = NULL, PchVar = NULL,LabelValuesVar=NULL,ShowResults=FALSE,...) {
  nlbo = x
  if(nlbo$NumFactors == 1){
    stop("There is only one factor and it is not posible to represent the biplot on two dimensions.")
  if(planex == planey){
    stop("The plane of the biplot is not correct. It should be selected different factors.")
  if((planex > nlbo$NumFactors) | (planey > nlbo$NumFactors)){
    stop(paste("With ",nlbo$NumFactors, " factors it is not posible to analyze the plane ",planex,"-",planey,". Please,
                 select another plane.",sep=""))
  BLM = BuildTesselationsObject(nlbo,planex,planey,QuitNotPredicted,ReestimateInFocusPlane,ShowResults)
  n = nrow(nlbo$dataSet$datanom)
	p = ncol(nlbo$dataSet$datanom)
	RowNames = nlbo$dataSet$RowNames
	VarNames = nlbo$dataSet$ColumNames
	DimNames = "Dim 1"
	for (i in 2:nlbo$NumFactors)
     DimNames = c(DimNames, paste("Dim", i))

	if (is.null(CexInd)){
		CexInd = rep(0.5, n)
     if (length(CexInd) == 1){
       CexInd = rep(CexInd, n)
     }else if(length(CexInd) < n){
             CexInd = rep(0.5, n) 
             CexInd = CexInd[1:n]
  if (is.null(ColorInd)){
  		ColorInd = rep("black", n)
     if (length(ColorInd) == 1){
       ColorInd = rep(ColorInd, n)
     }else if(length(ColorInd) < n){
             ColorInd = rep("black", n) 
             ColorInd = ColorInd[1:n]
 	if (is.null(PchInd)){
		PchInd = rep(1, n)
     if (length(PchInd) == 1){
       PchInd = rep(PchInd, n)
     }else if(length(PchInd) < n){
             PchInd = rep(1, n) 
             PchInd = PchInd[1:n]
	if (is.null(CexVar)){
		CexVar = rep(0.8, p)
     if (length(CexVar) == 1){
       CexVar = rep(CexVar, p)
     }else if(length(CexVar) < p){
             print("It has been specified lower cex values for the variables than variables")
             CexVar = rep(0.8, p) 
             CexVar = CexVar[1:p]
	if (is.null(PchVar)){
    PchVar = c(0:(p-1))
    if (length(PchVar) == 1){
       PchVar = c(0:(p-1))
     }else if(length(PchVar) < p){
             print("It has been specified lower pch values for the variables than variables") 
             PchVar = c(0:(p-1)) 
             PchVar = PchVar[1:p]
  if (is.null(ColorVar)){
		ColorVar = colors()[20 + 2*c(1:p)]
     if (length(ColorVar) == 1){
       ColorVar = colors()[20 + 2*c(1:p)]
     }else if(length(ColorVar) < p){
             print("It has been specified lower color values for the variables than variables")      
             ColorVar = colors()[20 + 2*c(1:p)] 
             ColorVar = ColorVar[1:p]
	if (!is.null(LabelValuesVar)){
     if (length(LabelValuesVar) > p){
       LabelValuesVar = LabelValuesVar[1:p]    	   
   	   for(i in 1:p){
     	      if(length(LabelValuesVar[[i]]) < length(nlbo$dataSet$LevelNames[[i]])){
     	          LabelValuesVar[[i]] = c(1:max(nlbo$dataSet$datanom[,i]))
          	    LabelValuesVar[[i]] = LabelValuesVar[[i]][1:max(nlbo$dataSet$datanom[,i])]    	      
   	           LabelValuesVar[[i]] = c(1:max(nlbo$dataSet$datanom[,i]))
       print("Labels for the values of the variables probably will not be showed as desired because it exists
             variables not specified in the parameter") 
       for(i in 1:length(LabelValuesVar)){
               if(length(LabelValuesVar[[i]]) < length(nlbo$dataSet$LevelNames[[i]])){
         	          LabelValuesVar[[i]] = c(1:max(nlbo$dataSet$datanom[,i]))
              	    LabelValuesVar[[i]] = LabelValuesVar[[i]][1:max(nlbo$dataSet$datanom[,i])]    	      
    	        LabelValuesVar[[i]] = c(1:max(nlbo$dataSet$datanom[,i]))
       if ((p - length(LabelValuesVar)) > 0){
           LabelValuesVarAdd = list()
           for(j in 1:(p - length(LabelValuesVar))){
              if(is.null(nlbo$dataSet$LevelNames[[length(LabelValuesVar) + j]])){
          	    LabelValuesVarAdd[[j]] = c(1:max(nlbo$dataSet$datanom[,length(LabelValuesVar) + j])) 
         	      LabelValuesVarAdd[[j]] = nlbo$dataSet$LevelNames[[length(LabelValuesVar) + j]]
           LabelValuesVar = c(LabelValuesVar,LabelValuesVarAdd) 
  	 LabelValuesVar = list()  
     for(i in 1:p){
    	    LabelValuesVar[[i]] = c(1:max(nlbo$dataSet$datanom[,i])) 
   	      LabelValuesVar[[i]] = nlbo$dataSet$LevelNames[[i]]
	if (ShowAxis) {
		xaxt = "s"
		yaxt = "s"
	} else {
		xaxt = "n"
		yaxt = "n"
  if(proofMode == FALSE){
    if(PlotInd == TRUE){
      plot(BLM$rowCoords[,1], BLM$rowCoords[,2], cex = CexInd,, col=ColorInd, pch = PchInd, asp=1, xaxt = xaxt, yaxt = yaxt ,xlim=c(xlimi,xlimu),ylim=c(ylimi,ylimu),
          main="Nominal Logistic Biplot", xlab=paste("Axis ",BLM$planex,sep=""), ylab=paste("Axis ",BLM$planey,sep=""))
      if(LabelInd == TRUE){
  			   textsmart(cbind(BLM$rowCoords[,1], BLM$rowCoords[,2]), CexPoints = CexInd, ColorPoints = ColorInd)
           text(BLM$rowCoords[,1], BLM$rowCoords[,2],row.names(BLM$rowCoords), cex = CexInd,col=ColorInd,pos=1,offset=0.1)
       plot(BLM$rowCoords[,1], BLM$rowCoords[,2], cex = 0,asp=1, xaxt = xaxt, yaxt = yaxt ,xlim=c(xlimi,xlimu),ylim=c(ylimi,ylimu),
          main="Nominal Logistic Biplot", xlab=paste("Axis ",BLM$planex,sep=""), ylab=paste("Axis ",BLM$planey,sep=""))
      legend("bottomright", legend=VarNames, col= ColorVar,pch=PchVar,cex=0.5)

    for(l in 1:(BLM$numVar)){
      if(proofMode == TRUE){
        if(PlotInd == TRUE){
          plot(BLM$rowCoords[,1], BLM$rowCoords[,2], cex = CexInd, col=ColorInd, pch = PchInd,asp=1, xaxt = xaxt, yaxt = yaxt ,xlim=c(xlimi,xlimu),ylim=c(ylimi,ylimu),
              main=paste("Nominal Logistic Biplot for ",BLM$biplotNom[,l]$nameVar,sep=""), xlab=paste("Axis ",BLM$planex,sep=""), ylab=paste("Axis ",BLM$planey,sep=""))
          if((LabelInd) & (SmartLabels)){
      			 textsmart(cbind(BLM$rowCoords[,1], BLM$rowCoords[,2]), CexPoints = CexInd, ColorPoints = ColorInd)
          }else if((LabelInd) & (SmartLabels==FALSE)){
             text(BLM$rowCoords[,1], BLM$rowCoords[,2],row.names(BLM$rowCoords), cex = CexInd,col=ColorInd,pos=1,offset=0.1)             
           plot(BLM$rowCoords[,1], BLM$rowCoords[,2], cex = 0,asp=1, xaxt = xaxt, yaxt = yaxt ,xlim=c(xlimi,xlimu),ylim=c(ylimi,ylimu),
              main="Nominal Logistic Biplot", xlab=paste("Axis ",BLM$planex,sep=""), ylab=paste("Axis ",BLM$planey,sep=""))
                	text(Barx,Bary, paste(BLM$biplotNom[,l]$equivFit,"_",BLM$biplotNom[,l]$nameVar ,sep="") , col = ColorVar, cex = CexVar,pos=1,offset=0.1)
               	  text(Barx,Bary, LabelValuesVar[[l]][BLM$biplotNom[,l]$equivFit] , col = ColorVar, cex = CexVar,pos=1,offset=0.1)              
      }else if(BLM$biplotNom[,l]$numFit==2){
              if(max(nlbo$dataSet$datanom[,l]) == 2){
                  x = cbind(BLM$rowCoords[,1],BLM$rowCoords[,2])
               }else if(QuitNotPredicted == TRUE){
                         x = cbind(BLM$rowCoords[,1],BLM$rowCoords[,2])
    }#end for
  }#end if(PlotVars)

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NominalLogisticBiplot documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:03 a.m.