olink_wilcox: Function which performs a Mann-Whitney U Test per protein

View source: R/Olink_wilcox.R

olink_wilcoxR Documentation


Performs a Welch 2-sample Mann-Whitney U Test at confidence level 0.95 for every protein (by OlinkID) for a given grouping variable using stats::wilcox.test and corrects for multiple testing by the Benjamini-Hochberg method (“fdr”) using stats::p.adjust. Adjusted p-values are logically evaluated towards adjusted p-value<0.05. The resulting Mann-Whitney U Test table is arranged by ascending p-values.


olink_wilcox(df, variable, pair_id, ...)



NPX or Quantified_value data frame in long format with at least protein name (Assay), OlinkID, UniProt and a factor with 2 levels.


Character value indicating which column should be used as the grouping variable. Needs to have exactly 2 levels.


Character value indicating which column indicates the paired sample identifier.


Options to be passed to wilcox.test. See ?wilcox_test for more information.


A data frame containing the Mann-Whitney U Test results for every protein.

Columns include:

  • Assay: "character" Protein symbol

  • OlinkID: "character" Olink specific ID

  • UniProt: "character" UniProt ID

  • Panel: "character" Name of Olink Panel

  • estimate: "numeric" median of NPX differences between groups

  • statistic: "named numeric" the value of the test statistic with a name describing it

  • p.value: "numeric" p-value for the test

  • conf.low: "numeric" confidence interval for the median of differences (lower end)

  • conf.high: "numeric" confidence interval for the median of differences (upper end)

  • method: "character" which wilcoxon method was used

  • alternative: "character" describes the alternative hypothesis

  • Adjusted_pval: "numeric" adjusted p-value for the test (Benjamini&Hochberg)

  • Threshold: "character" if adjusted p-value is significant or not (< 0.05)



npx_df <- npx_data1 %>% filter(!grepl('control',SampleID, ignore.case = TRUE))

wilcox_results <- olink_wilcox(df = npx_df,
                               variable = 'Treatment',
                               alternative = 'two.sided')

#Paired Mann-Whitney U Test
npx_df %>%
   filter(Time %in% c("Baseline","Week.6")) %>%
   olink_wilcox(variable = "Time", pair_id = "Subject")

OlinkAnalyze documentation built on Sept. 25, 2024, 9:07 a.m.