#'Function which performs a Mann-Whitney U Test per protein
#'Performs a Welch 2-sample Mann-Whitney U Test at confidence level 0.95 for every protein (by OlinkID)
#'for a given grouping variable using stats::wilcox.test and corrects for multiple testing by
#'the Benjamini-Hochberg method (“fdr”) using stats::p.adjust.
#'Adjusted p-values are logically evaluated towards adjusted p-value<0.05.
#'The resulting Mann-Whitney U Test table is arranged by ascending p-values.
#' @param df NPX or Quantified_value data frame in long format with at least protein name (Assay), OlinkID, UniProt and a factor with 2 levels.
#' @param variable Character value indicating which column should be used as the grouping variable. Needs to have exactly 2 levels.
#' @param pair_id Character value indicating which column indicates the paired sample identifier.
#' @param ... Options to be passed to wilcox.test. See \code{?wilcox_test} for more information.
#' @return A data frame containing the Mann-Whitney U Test results for every protein.
#' Columns include:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Assay:} "character" Protein symbol
#' \item{OlinkID:} "character" Olink specific ID
#' \item{UniProt:} "character" UniProt ID
#' \item{Panel:} "character" Name of Olink Panel
#' \item{estimate:} "numeric" median of NPX differences between groups
#' \item{statistic:} "named numeric" the value of the test statistic with a name describing it
#' \item{p.value:} "numeric" p-value for the test
#' \item{conf.low:} "numeric" confidence interval for the median of differences (lower end)
#' \item{conf.high:} "numeric" confidence interval for the median of differences (upper end)
#' \item{method:} "character" which wilcoxon method was used
#' \item{alternative:} "character" describes the alternative hypothesis
#' \item{Adjusted_pval:} "numeric" adjusted p-value for the test (Benjamini&Hochberg)
#' \item{Threshold:} "character" if adjusted p-value is significant or not (< 0.05)
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples \donttest{
#' library(dplyr)
#' npx_df <- npx_data1 %>% filter(!grepl('control',SampleID, = TRUE))
#' wilcox_results <- olink_wilcox(df = npx_df,
#' variable = 'Treatment',
#' alternative = 'two.sided')
#' #Paired Mann-Whitney U Test
#' npx_df %>%
#' filter(Time %in% c("Baseline","Week.6")) %>%
#' olink_wilcox(variable = "Time", pair_id = "Subject")
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr n group_by summarise n_distinct ungroup filter as_tibble select mutate pull all_of rename arrange do
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom broom tidy
#' @importFrom rlang ensym
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom stats wilcox.test
#' @importFrom tibble is_tibble
olink_wilcox <- function(df, variable, pair_id, ...){
if (missing(df) | missing(variable)) {
stop("The df and variable arguments need to be specified.")
#Filtering on valid OlinkID
df <- df %>%
#Removing SampleID:s with no level for variable
removed.sampleids <- NULL
removed.sampleids <- unique(c(removed.sampleids,
df <- df[![[variable]]), ]
if (!is.null(removed.sampleids) & length(removed.sampleids) > 0) {
message("Samples removed due to missing variable levels: ",
paste(removed.sampleids, collapse = ", "))
missing.pair <- NULL
missing.pair <- df$SampleID[[[pair_id]])]
if (!is.null(missing.pair) & length(missing.pair) > 0) {
message("Samples removed due to missing pair ID: ",
paste(missing.pair, collapse = ", "))
df <- df[![[pair_id]]), ]
removed.sampleids <- unique(c(removed.sampleids,missing.pair))
#Factor conversion
if (is.character(df[[variable]])) {
df[[variable]] <- factor(df[[variable]])
message(paste0("Variable converted from character to factor: ", variable))
else if (!is.factor(df[[variable]])) {
stop(paste0('The grouping variable ', variable, 'is neither factor nor character. Only character and factor variable types allowed.'))
var_levels <- levels(df[[variable]])
number_of_levels <- length(var_levels)
#Checking number of levels
if(!(number_of_levels == 2)){
stop(paste0('The number of levels in the factor needs to be 2. Your factor has ', number_of_levels,
' levels.'))
#Every sample needs to have a unique level of the factor
number_of_samples_w_more_than_one_level <- df %>%
dplyr::group_by(SampleID) %>%
dplyr::summarise(n_levels = dplyr::n_distinct(!!rlang::ensym(variable), na.rm = T)) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::filter(n_levels > 1) %>%
if (number_of_samples_w_more_than_one_level > 0) {
stop(paste0("There are ", number_of_samples_w_more_than_one_level,
" samples that do not have a unique level for your variable. Only one level per sample is allowed."))
#Check data format
npxCheck <- npxCheck(df)
data_type <- npxCheck$data_type #Temporary fix to avoid issues with rlang::ensym downstream
nas_in_level <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(!(OlinkID %in% npxCheck$all_nas)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(OlinkID, !!rlang::ensym(variable)) %>%
dplyr::summarise(n = dplyr::n(), n_na = sum(!!rlang::ensym(data_type)))) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::filter(n == n_na) %>%
if(length(nas_in_level) > 0) {
warning(paste0('The assays ',
paste(nas_in_level, collapse = ', '),
' have only NA:s in one level of the factor. They will not be tested.'),
call. = F)
if(!pair_id %in% colnames(df)) stop(paste0("Column ",pair_id," not found."))
message("Converting data frame to tibble.")
df <- dplyr::as_tibble(df)
#check that each "pair_id' has only 2 samples
ct_pairs <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(!(OlinkID %in% npxCheck$all_nas)) %>%
dplyr::filter(!(OlinkID %in% nas_in_level)) %>%
dplyr::filter(!!!rlang::ensym(variable))) %>%
dplyr::group_by(OlinkID,!!rlang::ensym(pair_id)) %>%
if(!all(ct_pairs$n <= 2)) stop(paste0("Each pair identifier must identify no more than 2 unique samples. Check pairs: ",
paste(unique(ct_pairs[[pair_id]][ct_pairs$n>2]),collapse=", ")))
message(paste0('Paired Mann-Whitney U Test is performed on ', var_levels[1], ' - ', var_levels[2], '.'))
p.val <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(!(OlinkID %in% npxCheck$all_nas)) %>%
dplyr::filter(!(OlinkID %in% nas_in_level)) %>%
dplyr::select(all_of(c("OlinkID", "UniProt", "Assay", "Panel", data_type,
variable, pair_id))) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = all_of(variable),
values_from = all_of(data_type)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(Assay, OlinkID, UniProt, Panel) %>%
dplyr::do(tidy(stats::wilcox.test(x = .[[var_levels[1]]],
y = .[[var_levels[2]]],
paired = TRUE, = TRUE,
...))) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::mutate(Adjusted_pval = p.adjust(p.value, method = "fdr")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Threshold = ifelse(Adjusted_pval < 0.05,
"Non-significant")) %>%
} else {
message(paste0('Mann-Whitney U Test is performed on ', var_levels[1], ' - ', var_levels[2], '.'))
p.val <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(!(OlinkID %in% npxCheck$all_nas)) %>%
dplyr::filter(!(OlinkID %in% nas_in_level)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(Assay, OlinkID, UniProt, Panel) %>%
dplyr::do(broom::tidy(stats::wilcox.test(!!rlang::ensym(data_type) ~ !!rlang::ensym(variable), data = ., = TRUE, ...))) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::mutate(Adjusted_pval = p.adjust(p.value, method = "fdr")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Threshold = ifelse(Adjusted_pval < 0.05, "Significant", "Non-significant")) %>%
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