
Defines functions .adjpin_ml .adjpin_ecm .adjpin_ecm_oneset initials_adjpin_cl initials_adjpin_rnd initials_adjpin adjpin

Documented in adjpin initials_adjpin initials_adjpin_cl initials_adjpin_rnd

## - | FILE  HEADER |
## Script name:
##    model_adjpin.R
## Purpose of script:
##    Implement the algorithms for generation of initial parameter sets,
##    as well as, the estimation methods of the Adjusted PIN model of
##    Duarte and Young (2009)
## Author:
##    Montasser Ghachem
## Last updated:
##    2023-03-17
## License:
##    GPL 3
## Email:
##    montasser.ghachem@pinstimation.com
## Public functions:
## ++++++++++++++++++
## adjpin():
##    Estimates the adjusted PIN 'adjPIN' as well as the
##    probability of Symmetric Order-flow Shock 'PSOS'
##    from the AdjPIN model of Duarte and Young(2009).
## initials_adjpin():
##    Based on the algorithm in Ersan and Ghachem (2022b),
##    generates sets of initial parameters to be used in
##    the maximum likelihood estimation of AdjPIN model.
## initials_adjpin_cl():
##    Based on an extension of the algorithm in Cheng and
##    Lai(2021), generates sets of initial parameters to be
##    used in maximum likelihood estimation of AdjPIN model.
## initials_adjpin_rnd():
##    Generates random initial parameter sets to be used in
##    the estimation of the AdjPIN model.
## ++++++++++++++++++
## --
## Package: PINstimation
## website: www.pinstimation.com
## Authors: Montasser Ghachem and Oguz Ersan

##       +++++++++++++++++++++++++
## ++++++| |  PUBLIC FUNCTIONS | |
##       +++++++++++++++++++++++++

#' @title Estimation of adjusted PIN model
#' @description Estimates the Adjusted Probability of Informed Trading
#' (`adjPIN`) as well as the Probability of Symmetric Order-flow Shock
#' (`PSOS`) from the `AdjPIN` model of Duarte and Young(2009).
#' @usage adjpin(data, method = "ECM", initialsets = "GE", num_init = 20,
#'               restricted = list(), ..., verbose = TRUE)
#' @param data A dataframe with 2 variables: the first
#' corresponds to buyer-initiated trades (buys), and the second corresponds
#' to seller-initiated trades (sells).
#' @param method A character string referring to the method
#' used to estimate the model of \insertCite{Duarte09;textual}{PINstimation}.
#' It takes one of two values: `"ML"` refers to the standard maximum likelihood
#' estimation, and `"ECM"` refers to the expectation-conditional maximization
#' algorithm. The default value is `"ECM"`. Details of the ECM method,
#' and comparative results can be found in
#' \insertCite{Ghachem2022;textual}{PINstimation}, and in
#' \insertCite{Ghachem2022b;textual}{PINstimation}.
#' @param initialsets It can either be a character string referring to
#' prebuilt algorithms generating initial parameter sets or a dataframe
#' containing custom initial parameter sets.
#' If `initialsets` is a character string, it refers to the method of generation
#' of the initial parameter sets, and takes one of three values: `"GE"`, `"CL"`,
#' or `"RANDOM"`. `"GE"` refers to initial parameter sets generated by the
#' algorithm of \insertCite{Ersan2022b;textual}{PINstimation}, and implemented
#' in `initials_adjpin()`, `"CL"` refers to initial parameter sets generated by
#' the algorithm of \insertCite{ChengLai2021;textual}{PINstimation}, and
#' implemented in `initials_adjpin_cl()`, while `"RANDOM"` generates random
#' initial parameter sets as implemented in `initials_adjpin_rnd()`.
#' The default value is `"GE"`. If `initialsets` is a dataframe, the function
#' `adjpin()` will estimate the AdjPIN model using the provided initial
#' parameter sets.
#' @param num_init An integer specifying the maximum number of
#' initial parameter sets to be used in the estimation.
#' If `initialsets="GE"`, the generation of initial parameter sets will stop
#' when the number of initial parameter sets reaches `num_init`. It can stop
#' earlier if the number of all possible generated initial parameter sets is
#' lower than `num_init`. If `initialsets="RANDOM"`, exactly `num_init`
#' initial parameter sets are returned. If `initialsets="CL"`: then `num_init`
#' is ignored, and all `256` initial parameter sets are used. The default
#' value is `20`. `[i]` The argument `num_init` is ignored when the argument
#' `initialsets` is a dataframe.
#' @param restricted A binary list that allows estimating restricted
#' AdjPIN models by specifying which model parameters are assumed to be equal.
#' It contains one or multiple of the following four elements
#' `{theta, mu, eps, d}`. For instance, If `theta` is set to `TRUE`,
#' then the probability of liquidity shock in no-information days, and in
#' information days is assumed to be the same (\thetaB`=`\thetaS). If any of
#' the remaining rate elements `{mu, eps, d}` is set to `TRUE`,
#' (say  `mu=TRUE`), then the rate is assumed to be the same on the buy side,
#' and on the sell side (\mub`=`\mus). If more than one element is set to
#' `TRUE`, then the restrictions are combined. For instance, if the argument
#' `restricted` is set to `list(theta=TRUE, eps=TRUE, d=TRUE)`, then the
#' restricted AdjPIN model is estimated, where \thetaB`=`\thetaS, \eb`=`\es,
#' and \Db`=`\Ds. If the value of the argument `restricted` is the empty list
#' (`list()`), then all parameters of the model are assumed to be independent,
#' and the unrestricted model is estimated. The default value is the empty
#' list `list()`.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed on to the function `adjpin()`. The
#' recognized arguments are `hyperparams`, and `fact`. The argument
#' `hyperparams` consists of a list containing the hyperparameters of the `ECM`
#' algorithm. When not empty, it contains one or more  of the following
#' elements: `maxeval`, and `tolerance`. It is used only when the `method`
#' argument is set to `"ECM"`. The argument `fact` is a binary value that
#' determines which likelihood functional form is used: A factorization of
#' the likelihood function by \insertCite{Ersan2022b;textual}{PINstimation}
#' when it is set to `TRUE`, otherwise, the original likelihood function of
#' \insertCite{Duarte09;textual}{PINstimation}. The default value is `TRUE`.
#' More about these arguments are in the Details section.
#' @param verbose A binary variable that determines whether
#' detailed information about the steps of the estimation of the AdjPIN model
#' is displayed. No output is produced when \code{verbose} is set to
#' \code{FALSE}. The default value is \code{TRUE}.
#' @details The argument 'data' should be a numeric dataframe, and contain
#' at least two variables. Only the first two variables will be considered:
#' The first variable is assumed to correspond to the total number of
#' buyer-initiated trades, while the second variable is assumed to
#' correspond to the total number of seller-initiated trades. Each row or
#' observation correspond to a trading day. `NA` values will be ignored.
#' If `initialsets` is neither a dataframe, nor a character string from the
#' set `{"GE",` `"CL",` `"RANDOM"}`, the estimation of the `AdjPIN` model is
#' aborted. The default initial parameters (`"GE"`) for the estimation
#' method are generated using a modified hierarchical agglomerative
#' clustering. For more information, see \code{initials_adjpin()}.
#' The argument `hyperparams`  contains the hyperparameters of the `ECM`
#' algorithm. It is either empty or contains one or two  of the following
#' elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item `maxeval`: (`integer`) It stands for maximum number of iterations of
#' the `ECM`  algorithm for each initial parameter set. When missing, `maxeval`
#' takes the default value of `100`.
#'  \item `tolerance` (`numeric`) The `ECM` algorithm is stopped when the
#' (relative) change of log-likelihood is  smaller than tolerance. When
#' missing, `tolerance` takes the default value of `0.001`.
#'  }
#' @return Returns an object of class \code{estimate.adjpin}.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited
#' @examples
#' # We use 'generatedata_adjpin()' to generate a S4 object of type 'dataset'
#' # with 60 observations.
#' sim_data <- generatedata_adjpin(days = 60)
#' # The actual dataset of 60 observations is stored in the slot 'data' of the
#' # S4 object 'sim_data'. Each observation corresponds to a day and contains
#' # the total number of buyer-initiated transactions ('B') and seller-
#' # initiated transactions ('S') on that day.
#' xdata <- sim_data@data
#' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
#' # Compare the unrestricted AdjPIN model with various restricted models     #
#' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
#' # Estimate the unrestricted AdjPIN model using the ECM algorithm (default),
#' # and show the estimation output
#' estimate.adjpin.0 <- adjpin(xdata, verbose = FALSE)
#' show(estimate.adjpin.0)
#' # Estimate the restricted AdjPIN model where mub=mus
#' \donttest{
#' estimate.adjpin.1 <- adjpin(xdata, restricted = list(mu = TRUE),
#'                                   verbose = FALSE)
#' # Estimate the restricted AdjPIN model where eps.b=eps.s
#' estimate.adjpin.2 <- adjpin(xdata, restricted = list(eps = TRUE),
#'                                   verbose = FALSE)
#' # Estimate the restricted AdjPIN model where d.b=d.s
#' estimate.adjpin.3 <- adjpin(xdata, restricted = list(d = TRUE),
#'                                   verbose = FALSE)
#' # Compare the different values of adjusted PIN
#' estimates <- list(estimate.adjpin.0, estimate.adjpin.1,
#'                   estimate.adjpin.2, estimate.adjpin.3)
#' adjpins <- sapply(estimates, function(x) x@adjpin)
#' psos <- sapply(estimates, function(x) x@psos)
#' summary <- cbind(adjpins, psos)
#' rownames(summary) <- c("unrestricted", "same.mu", "same.eps", "same.d")
#' show(round(summary, 5))
#' }
#' @export
adjpin <- function(data, method = "ECM", initialsets = "GE", num_init = 20,
                   restricted = list(), ..., verbose = TRUE) {

  # Check that all variables exist and do not refer to non-existent variables
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  allvars <- names(formals())
  allvars <- allvars[-6]
  environment(.xcheck$existence) <- environment()
  .xcheck$existence(allvars, err = uierrors$adjpin()$fn)

  # Check the additional dot-dot-dot arguments
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  hyperparams <- list()
  fact <- TRUE
  vargs <- list(...)
  # check for unknown keys in the argument "..."
  unknown <- setdiff(names(vargs), c("hyperparams", "fact"))
  ux$stopnow(length(unknown) > 0, s = uierrors$mpin()$fn,
             m = uierrors$arguments()$unknown(u = unknown))
  if ("hyperparams" %in% names(vargs)) hyperparams <- vargs$hyperparams
  if ("fact" %in% names(vargs)) fact <- vargs$fact
  vargs <- NULL

  # Check that all arguments are valid
  # Exceptionally, we check the value of restricted before initialsets, since
  # checking the size of initialsets requires a valid value for restricted.
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  largs <- list(data, method, restricted, initialsets,   num_init,  0, verbose)
  names(largs) <- c("data", "method", "restricted", "initialsets",
                    "num_init", "...", "verbose")
  largs[["..."]] <- NULL
  largs$fact <- fact
  largs$hyperparams <- hyperparams
  if (is.null(hyperparams)) largs["hyperparams"] <- list(NULL)
  rst <- .xcheck$args(arglist = largs, fn = "adjpin")
  ux$stopnow(rst$off, m = rst$error, s = uierrors$adjpin()$fn)

  rst <- .xcheck$hyperparams(hyperparams, nrow(data), adj = TRUE)
  ux$stopnow(rst$off, m = rst$error, s = uierrors$adjpin()$fn)
  hyperparams <- rst$hyperparams

  restricted <- .xadjpin$allrestrictions(restricted)

  # Check, prepare and initialize variables
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  data <- ux$prepare(data)
  initialpoints <- data.frame()
  xclusters <- 0

  # Generate or load initial sets
  if (is.data.frame(initialsets)) {

    init_type <- "CUSTOM"

    ux$show(verbose, m = uix$adjpin()$start)
      verbose, m = uix$adjpin(nrows = nrow(initialsets))$loadinitials)

    initialpoints <- initialsets

  }  else {

    if (!is.character(initialsets)) initialsets <- "GE"

    if (is.character(initialsets)) {
      initialsets <- toupper(initialsets)

    get_cl_initialsets <- function(num_init) {

      initialpoints <- suppressWarnings(
        initials_adjpin_cl(data, restricted = restricted, verbose = FALSE))


    get_rnd_initialsets <- function(num_init) {
        data, restricted = restricted, num_init = num_init, verbose = FALSE)))

    get_eg_initialsets <- function(num_init, xclusters) {

      initialpoints <- data.frame()
      xclusters <- 0

      while ((nrow(initialpoints) < num_init) &
             (xclusters < 0.5 * nrow(data))) {

        new_initialsets <- suppressWarnings(initials_adjpin(
          data, xtraclusters = xclusters, restricted = restricted,
          verbose = FALSE))

        temp_initialpoints <- rbind(initialpoints, new_initialsets)

        # Remove duplicates among the probability variables
        if (nrow(temp_initialpoints) > 0)
          temp_initialpoints <- unique(temp_initialpoints)

        # If the combination of both sets exceeds num_init initial sets, then
        # pick randomly initial parameter sets, in order to have exactly
        # num_init initial sets.

        if (nrow(temp_initialpoints) > num_init) {
          add_initialpoints <- new_initialsets[
                   num_init - nrow(initialpoints)), ]
          initialpoints <- rbind(initialpoints, add_initialpoints)

        } else {
          initialpoints <- temp_initialpoints

        rownames(initialpoints) <- NULL

            init = "GE", nrows = nrow(initialpoints))$computinginitials,
          skip = FALSE)

        xclusters <- xclusters + 1

    ux$show(verbose, uix$adjpin()$start)

    init_type <- toupper(initialsets)
    .unknowntype <- (!(init_type %in% c("GE", "CL", "RANDOM")))
    if (.unknowntype) init_type <- "GE"

    ux$show(verbose && .unknowntype, uix$adjpin()$unknowntype)

    ux$show(verbose, uix$adjpin(init = init_type)$computinginitials,
                 skip = FALSE)

    initialpoints <- switch(toupper(initialsets),
                            "CL" = get_cl_initialsets(num_init),
                            "RANDOM" = get_rnd_initialsets(num_init),
                            get_eg_initialsets(num_init, xclusters))

    ux$show(verbose, uix$adjpin(init = init_type,
                         nrows = nrow(initialpoints))$computinginitials)

  # Reorganize the initial sets and call the appropriate function
  initialpoints <- as.data.frame(initialpoints)
  colnames(initialpoints) <- .xadjpin$varnames(restricted)

  # Transform initialpoints into a list
  initialpoints <- ux$tolist(initialpoints)

  # Perturb a bit the probabilities when they are zero or one, since ECM can't
  # increase the probability of a cluster than has initially a probability zero
  nu <- 10^-4
  initialpoints <- lapply(
    initialpoints, function(x) x + (x == 0) * nu -  (x == 1) * nu)

  if (method == "ML" | restricted$theta == TRUE) {
    return(.adjpin_ml(data, initialsets = initialpoints, init_type = init_type,
                     restricted = restricted, fact = fact, verbose = verbose))
  if (method == "ECM") {
    return(.adjpin_ecm(data, initialsets = initialpoints, init_type = init_type,
                     restricted = restricted, hyperparams = hyperparams,
                     verbose = verbose))

#' @title AdjPIN initial parameter sets of Ersan & Ghachem (2022b)
#' @description
#' Based on the algorithm in \insertCite{Ersan2022b;textual}{PINstimation},
#' generates sets of initial parameters to be used in the maximum likelihood
#' estimation of `AdjPIN` model.
#' @usage initials_adjpin(data, xtraclusters = 4, restricted = list(),
#'  verbose = TRUE)
#' @param data A dataframe with 2 variables: the first
#' corresponds to buyer-initiated trades (buys), and the second corresponds
#' to seller-initiated trades (sells).
#' @param xtraclusters An integer used to divide trading days into
#' #\code{(4 + xtraclusters)} clusters, thereby resulting in
#' #\code{comb(4 + xtraclusters - 1, 4 - 1)} initial parameter sets in line
#' with \insertCite{ErsanAlici2016;textual}{PINstimation}, and
#' \insertCite{Ersan2022b;textual}{PINstimation}.The default value is `4` as
#'  chosen in \insertCite{Ersan2016;textual}{PINstimation}.
#' @param restricted A binary list that allows estimating restricted
#' AdjPIN models by specifying which model parameters are assumed to be equal.
#' It contains one or multiple of the following four elements
#' `{theta, mu, eps, d}`. For instance, If `theta` is set to `TRUE`,
#' then the probability of liquidity shock in no-information days, and in
#' information days is assumed to be the same (\thetaB`=`\thetaS). If any of
#' the remaining rate elements `{mu, eps, d}` is set to `TRUE`,
#' (say  `mu=TRUE`), then the rate is assumed to be the same on the buy side,
#' and on the sell side (\mub`=`\mus). If more than one element is set to
#' `TRUE`, then the restrictions are combined. For instance, if the argument
#' `restricted` is set to `list(theta=TRUE, eps=TRUE, d=TRUE)`, then the
#' restricted AdjPIN model is estimated, where \thetaB`=`\thetaS, \eb`=`\es,
#' and \Db`=`\Ds. If the value of the argument `restricted` is the empty list,
#' then all parameters of the model are assumed to be independent,
#' and the unrestricted model is estimated. The default value is the empty
#' list `list()`.
#' @param verbose a binary variable that determines whether information messages
#' about the initial parameter sets, including the number of the initial
#' parameter sets generated. No message is shown when \code{verbose} is set
#' to \code{FALSE}. The default value is \code{TRUE}.
#' @details The argument 'data' should be a numeric dataframe, and contain
#' at least two variables. Only the first two variables will be considered:
#' The first variable is assumed to correspond to the total number of
#' buyer-initiated trades, while the second variable is assumed to
#' correspond to the total number of seller-initiated trades. Each row or
#' observation correspond to a trading day. `NA` values will be ignored.
#' The function \code{initials_adjpin()} implements the algorithm suggested in
#' \insertCite{Ersan2022b;textual}{PINstimation}, and uses a hierarchical
#' agglomerative clustering (HAC) to find initial parameter sets for
#' the maximum likelihood estimation.
#' @return Returns a dataframe of numerical vectors of ten elements
#' \{\eqn{\alpha}, \eqn{\delta}, \eqn{\theta}, \eqn{\theta'},
#' \eb, \es, \mub, \mus, \Db, \Ds\}.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited
#' @examples
#' # There is a preloaded quarterly dataset called 'dailytrades' with 60
#' # observations. Each observation corresponds to a day and contains the
#' # total number of buyer-initiated trades ('B') and seller-initiated
#' # trades ('S') on that day. To know more, type ?dailytrades
#' xdata <- dailytrades
#' # Obtain a dataframe of initial parameter sets for the maximum likelihood
#' # estimation using the algorithm of Ersan and Ghachem (2022b).
#' init.sets <- initials_adjpin(xdata)
#' # Use the list to estimate adjpin using the adjpin() method
#' # Show the value of adjusted PIN
#' estimate <- adjpin(xdata, initialsets = init.sets, verbose = FALSE)
#' show(estimate@adjpin)
#' @export
initials_adjpin <- function(data, xtraclusters = 4, restricted = list(),
                            verbose = TRUE) {

  # Check that all variables exist and do not refer to non-existent variables
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  allvars <- names(formals())
  environment(.xcheck$existence) <- environment()
  .xcheck$existence(allvars, err = uierrors$adjpin()$fn)

  # Check that all arguments are valid
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  largs <- list(data, xtraclusters, restricted, verbose)
  names(largs) <- names(formals())
  rst <- .xcheck$args(arglist = largs, fn = "adjpin")
  ux$stopnow(rst$off, m = rst$error, s = uierrors$adjpin()$fn)

  # Check, prepare and initialize variables
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  data <- ux$prepare(data)
  restricted <- .xadjpin$allrestrictions(restricted)
  initials <- NULL

  bxdata <- sxdata <- data
  cls <- 3

  # Create data clustering into 4 clusters:
  # by buys (bxmeans), and by sells (sxmeans)
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  bxclusters <- hclust(dist(bxdata$b), method = "complete")
  bxdata$cluster <- cutree(bxclusters, cls + 1 + xtraclusters)
  bxmeans <- aggregate(. ~ cluster, bxdata, mean, drop = FALSE)
  bxmeans <- bxmeans[order(bxmeans$b), ]
  bxclrank <- bxmeans$cluster
  bxdata$cluster <- match(bxdata$cluster, bxclrank)

  sxclusters <- hclust(dist(sxdata$s), method = "complete")
  sxdata$cluster <- cutree(sxclusters, cls + 1 + xtraclusters)
  sxmeans <- aggregate(. ~ cluster, sxdata, mean, drop = FALSE)
  sxmeans <- sxmeans[order(sxmeans$s), ]
  sxclrank <- sxmeans$cluster
  sxdata$cluster <-  match(sxdata$cluster, sxclrank)

  # Find all different ways to partition cluster among no-information
  # cluster and information layers and store it in 'partitions'
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  bind_to_matrix <- function(x, mat) {
    return(cbind(rep(x, nrow(mat)), mat))

  positions <- function(sizesofar, cluster, extra = xtraclusters) {
    maxsize <- extra + cluster - sizesofar
    if (cluster >= cls) {
      return(matrix((sizesofar + 1):(sizesofar + maxsize), ncol = 1))
    if (cluster < cls) {
      sequence <- sizesofar + (1:maxsize)
      output <- Reduce(
        rbind, lapply(sequence, function(x)
          (bind_to_matrix(x, positions(x, cluster + 1)))))

  partitions <- positions(0, 1)
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # [+] Functions to be used in the function initials_adjpin()
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # A function creates a summary of average rates per cluster
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  create_datasummary <- function(thisdf, bylayer = TRUE) {

    thisdf$key <- if (bylayer) thisdf$layer else thisdf$cluster
    overview <- aggregate(. ~ key, thisdf, mean, drop = FALSE)
    overview <- cbind(overview, aggregate(. ~ key, thisdf, min)[, c("b", "s")])
    overview <- cbind(overview, aggregate(. ~ key, thisdf, max)[, c("b", "s")])
    colnames(overview) <- c("key", "b", "s", "cluster", "layer", "minb",
                            "mins", "maxb", "maxs")
    overview$days <- aggregate(b ~ key, thisdf, length)$b
    overview$key <- NULL
    overview[is.na(overview)] <- 0


  # A function divides a cluster into sub-clusters - based on order imbalance
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  into2clusters <- function(thiscluster) {

    # Initialize the return value 'xoverview' to the cluster to split.
    # The value 'xoverview' if the number of days in the cluster is larger
    # than 1, and therefore can be split into 2 clusters.
    xoverview <- thiscluster

    if (thiscluster$days > 1) {

      medlayers <- thiscluster[1, ]$layer

      if (is.list(thiscluster[1, ]$layer)) medlayers <- unlist(medlayers)
      xdata <- data[data$layer %in% medlayers, ]
      xdata$oi <- xdata$b - xdata$s

      clusters <- hclust(dist(xdata$oi), method = "complete")
      xdata$cluster <- cutree(clusters, 2)
      xdata$oi <- NULL
      xoverview <- create_datasummary(xdata, bylayer = FALSE)



  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Run the process of producing initial sets for all configurations
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  for (k in seq_len(nrow(partitions))) {

    cutoffs <- unname(unlist(c(0, partitions[k, ], cls + xtraclusters + 1)))

    bxdata$layer <- findInterval(bxdata$cluster, cutoffs, left.open = T)
    sxdata$layer <- findInterval(sxdata$cluster, cutoffs, left.open = T)

    # Create a summary of the data clustered by the variable 'layer'
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    bbxmeans <- create_datasummary(bxdata)
    bbxmeans <- bbxmeans[order(bbxmeans$b), ]

    ssxmeans <- create_datasummary(sxdata)
    ssxmeans <- ssxmeans[order(ssxmeans$s), ]

    # +++                                                                +++ #
    # ++++++                                                          ++++++ #
    # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
    # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
    # ++++++                                                          ++++++ #
    # +++                                                                +++ #

    # A box of parameters of mean buys, means sells and number of days
    # It contains six rows: one for each cluster in the AdjPIN model
    parambox <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = 6, ncol = 3))
    colnames(parambox) <- c("b", "s", "days")

    # Create a vector ([eb], [eb+db], [eb+mub], [eb+mub+db]) from the dataframe
    # bbxmeans, and call it buyrates.
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    int_buys <- bbxmeans[2:3, ]
    b2 <- int_buys[which.max(int_buys$s), ]$b
    b3 <- int_buys[which.min(int_buys$s), ]$b
    buyrates <- c(min(bbxmeans$b), b2, b3, max(bbxmeans$b))

    # Create a vector ([es], [es+ds], [es+mus], [es+mus+ds]) from the dataframe
    # ssxmeans, and call it sellrates.
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    int_sells <- ssxmeans[2:3, ]
    s2 <- int_sells[which.max(int_sells$b), ]$s
    s3 <- int_sells[which.min(int_sells$b), ]$s
    sellrates <- c(min(ssxmeans$s), s2, s3, max(ssxmeans$s))

    # Build the hypothetical distribution parambox
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Use the values of buyrates ([eb], [eb+db], [eb+mub], [eb+mub+db]), and the
    # values of sellrates ([es], [es+ds], [es+mus], [es+mus+ds]), to create a
    # hypothetical distribution and store in the dataframe 'parambox'
    #       |[buys]         |[sells]        |
    # c1    |[eb]           |[es]           |
    # c2    |[eb+db]        |[es+ds]        |
    # c3    |[eb+mub]       |[es]           |
    # c4    |[eb+mub+db]    |[es+ds]        |
    # c5    |[eb]           |[es+mus]       |
    # c6    |[eb+db]        |[es+mus+ds]    |

    # Gather all elements relative to buyfirst = T (= F) in a list bflist
    # (sflist). It will be easier to call all these elements, once the value
    # of buyfirst is determined
    bflist <- list(xmeans = bbxmeans, data = bxdata,
               indxmax = which.max(bbxmeans$b),
               indxliq = 1 + which.min(bbxmeans[2:3, ]$s))

    sflist <- list(xmeans = ssxmeans, data = sxdata,
                   indxmax = which.max(ssxmeans$s),
                   indxliq = 1 + which.min(ssxmeans[2:3, ]$b))

    xlists <- list(bflist, sflist)

    for (buyfirst in c(TRUE, FALSE)) {

      # Pick the active list based on the value of buyfirst
      xlist <- xlists[[2 - buyfirst]]

      # xmeans = bbxmeans when buyfirst = T, otherwise xmeans = ssxmeans
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      xmeans <- xlist$xmeans
      data <- xlist$data

      # Initialize parambox at its theoretical values
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      parambox[, 1] <- c(buyrates, buyrates[1:2])
      parambox[, 2] <- c(sellrates[1:2], sellrates)
      parambox[, 3] <- rep(0, 6)

      # +++                                                                +++ #
      # ++++++                                                          ++++++ #
      # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
      # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
      # ++++++                                                          ++++++ #
      # +++                                                                +++ #

      # indxmax: index of the cluster of maximum trades (eb+mub+db, es+mus+ds)
      # indxliq: index of the cluster with liquidity shocks (eb+db, es+ds)
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      indxmax <- xlist$indxmax
      indxliq <- xlist$indxliq

      # Identify the two clusters to be clustered further, different from
      # indxmax and indxliq, and gather them into a dataframe 'clusterfurther'
      # Gather all clusters in one dataframe called 'sixclusters'
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      sixclusters <- xmeans[c(indxmax, indxliq), ]
      clusterfurther <- xmeans[-c(indxmax, indxliq), ]

      if (nrow(clusterfurther) > 0) {
        for (rw in seq_len(nrow(clusterfurther))) {
          sixclusters <- rbind(sixclusters, into2clusters(clusterfurther[rw, ]))

      sixclusters$layer <- sixclusters$cluster <- NULL

      # +++                                                                +++ #
      # ++++++                                                          ++++++ #
      # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
      # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
      # ++++++                                                          ++++++ #
      # +++                                                                +++ #

      mergexrows <- function(rows) {

        newrow <- rows[1, ]
        newrow$days <- sum(rows$days)
        newrow$b <- sum(rows$days * rows$b) / newrow$days
        newrow$s <- sum(rows$days * rows$s) / newrow$days


      # Connect clusters to hypothetical clusters, using the vector 'xpositions'
      # where the nth entry contains the index of hypothetical cluster.
      # Compute a similarity score 'similarity$score', and pick the hypothetical
      # cluster as the cluster with the highest similarity score.
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      xpositions <- NULL

      for (row in seq_len(nrow(sixclusters))) {

        brow <- sixclusters[row, ]$b
        srow <- sixclusters[row, ]$s

        similarity <- parambox[, c("b", "s")]

        similarity$dpb <- apply(parambox, 1, function(x)
          abs(ppois(brow, x[1], log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = (x[1] < brow))))

        similarity$dps <- apply(parambox, 1, function(x)
          abs(ppois(srow, x[2], log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = (x[2] < srow))))

        similarity$score <- similarity$dpb * similarity$dps

        if (all(similarity$score == 0)) {
          similarity$dpb <- (parambox$b - brow)^2
          similarity$dps <- (parambox$s - srow)^2
          similarity$score <- - sqrt(similarity$dpb + similarity$dps)

        xposition <- tail(order(similarity$score), 1)
        xposition <- head(order(similarity$score, decreasing = TRUE), 1)
        xpositions <- c(xpositions, xposition)


      # Attach the current cluster 'xcluster' into the hypothetical cluster that
      # has the index 'hypo' in the hypothetical distribution 'parambox'.
      # If the cluster 'hypo' in 'parambox' already contain a cluster, merge
      # both clusters, using the function 'mergexrows()'.
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      for (i in seq_len(length(xpositions))) {

        hypo <- xpositions[i]
        xcluster <- sixclusters[i, c("b", "s", "days")]

        if (parambox[hypo, 3] == 0) {

          parambox[hypo, ] <- xcluster

        } else {
          xrows <- rbind(xcluster, parambox[hypo, ])
          parambox[hypo, ] <- mergexrows(xrows)
      parambox[parambox$days == 0, ] <- 0

      # +++                                                                +++ #
      # ++++++                                                          ++++++ #
      # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
      # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
      # ++++++                                                          ++++++ #
      # +++                                                                +++ #

      # Distribute the parambox into three variables avb, avs and days.
      # avb: average buys, avs: average sells, and days: number of days.
      # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
      avb <- unlist(parambox[, 1])
      avs <- unlist(parambox[, 2])
      days <- unlist(parambox[, 3])

      # Compute 'empirical' values for alpha (a), delta (d) theta (t)
      # and theta' (tp) and min_avb (min_avs) the minimum average buys (sells)
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      a <- sum(days[3:6]) / sum(days)
      d <- sum(days[c(5, 6)]) / sum(days[3:6])
      t <- days[2] / sum(days[1:2])
      tp <- sum(days[c(4, 6)]) / sum(days[3:6])

      params <- c(a, d, t, tp)
      params[is.na(params)] <- 0

      # Generation of parameters - See Ersan and Ghachem (2022)
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      eb <- c(avb[1], avb[5])
      eb <- max(eb[eb > 0], 0)
      if (eb == 0) eb <- buyrates[1]

      es <- c(avs[1], avs[3])
      es <- max(es[es > 0], 0)
      if (es == 0) es <- sellrates[1]

      db <- c(avb[2] - eb, avb[6] - eb,
              ifelse(avb[4] * avb[3] > 0, avb[4] - avb[3], 0))
      db <- max(db[db > 0], 0)

      ds <- c(avs[2] - es, avs[4] - es,
              ifelse(avb[6] * avb[5] > 0, avb[6] - avb[5], 0))
      ds <- max(ds[ds >= 0], 0)

      mub <- c(avb[4] - eb - db, avb[3] - eb)
      mub <- max(mub[mub > 0], 0)

      mus <- c(avs[6] - es - ds, avs[5] - es)
      mus <- max(mus[mus > 0], 0)

      xparams <- c(params, eb, es, mub, mus, db, ds)
      xparams[is.nan(xparams)] <- 0

      # Exclude initial parameter sets where:
      # [1] one or more probability parameters are negative
      # [2] one or more rate parameters are non-positive
      # [3] mub = 0, and delta != 1. If delta != 1, then there are
      # positive information days, so we can estimate a positive mub.
      # [4] mus = 0, and delta != 0. If delta != 0, then there are
      # negative information days, so we can estimate a positive mus.
      # [5] db = ds = 0, while either theta or thetap is different from zero
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      invalid <- (any(xparams[1:4] < 0)) |
        (floor(xparams[7]) == 0 & xparams[2] != 1) |
        (floor(xparams[8]) == 0 & xparams[2] != 0) |
        (min(floor(xparams[9:10])) == 0 & sum(xparams[3:4]) != 0)

      if (!invalid) {
        if (xparams[1] == 1) xparams[3] <- 0.5
        initials <- rbind(initials, xparams)

    } # for (buyfirst in c(TRUE, FALSE))

  } # for (k in seq_len(nrow(partitions)))

  # +++                                                                    +++ #
  # ++++++                                                              ++++++ #
  # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
  # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
  # ++++++                                                              ++++++ #
  # +++                                                                    +++ #

  if (!is.null(initials)) {

    initials <- unique(initials)
    initials <- as.data.frame(initials)
    colnames(initials) <- .xadjpin$varnames()
    temp <- initials[, 1:2]
    iv <- initials

    xtheta <- initials[, 3:4]
    if (restricted$theta)
      xtheta <- 0.5 * ((1 - iv$alpha) * iv$theta + iv$alpha * iv$thetap)

    temp <- cbind(temp, xtheta)

    xeps <- initials[, 5:6]
    if (restricted$eps)
      xeps <- 0.5 * (iv$eps.b + iv$eps.s)

    temp <- cbind(temp, xeps)

    xmu <- initials[, 7:8]
    if (restricted$mu) {
      wb <- iv$alpha * (1 - iv$delta)
      ws <- iv$alpha * iv$delta
      wmu <- wb + ws
      xmu <- (wb / wmu) * iv$mu.b + (ws / wmu) * iv$mu.s

    temp <- cbind(temp, xmu)

    xds <- initials[, 9:10]
    if (restricted$d)
      xds <- 0.5 * (iv$d.b + iv$d.s)

    temp <- cbind(temp, xds)

    initials <- temp

    rownames(initials) <- NULL
    colnames(initials) <- .xadjpin$varnames(restricted)

  pin_err <- uierrors$pin()
  ux$show(c = verbose, m = pin_err$displaysets(
    "initials_adjpin(...)", nrow(initials)), warning = TRUE)



#' @title AdjPIN random initial sets
#' @description
#' Generates random initial parameter sets to be used in the estimation of the
#' `AdjPIN` model of \insertCite{Duarte09;textual}{PINstimation}.
#' @usage initials_adjpin_rnd(data, restricted = list(), num_init = 20,
#'  verbose = TRUE)
#' @param data A dataframe with 2 variables: the first
#' corresponds to buyer-initiated trades (buys), and the second corresponds
#' to seller-initiated trades (sells).
#' @param restricted A binary list that allows estimating restricted
#' AdjPIN models by specifying which model parameters are assumed to be equal.
#' It contains one or multiple of the following four elements
#' `{theta, mu, eps, d}`. For instance, If `theta` is set to `TRUE`,
#' then the probability of liquidity shock in no-information days, and in
#' information days is assumed to be the same (\thetaB`=`\thetaS). If any of
#' the remaining rate elements `{mu, eps, d}` is set to `TRUE`,
#' (say  `mu=TRUE`), then the rate is assumed to be the same on the buy side,
#' and on the sell side (\mub`=`\mus). If more than one element is set to
#' `TRUE`, then the restrictions are combined. For instance, if the argument
#' `restricted` is set to `list(theta=TRUE, eps=TRUE, d=TRUE)`, then the
#' restricted AdjPIN model is estimated, where \thetaB`=`\thetaS, \eb`=`\es,
#' and \Db`=`\Ds. If the value of the argument `restricted` is the empty list
#' (`list()`), then all parameters of the model are assumed to be independent,
#' and the unrestricted model is estimated. The default value is the empty
#' list `list()`.
#' @param num_init An integer corresponds to the number of initial
#' parameter sets to be generated. The default value is `20`.
#' @param verbose a binary variable that determines whether information messages
#' about the initial parameter sets, including the number of the initial
#' parameter sets generated. No message is shown when \code{verbose} is set to
#' \code{FALSE}. The default value is \code{TRUE}.
#' @details The argument 'data' should be a numeric dataframe, and contain
#' at least two variables. Only the first two variables will be considered:
#' The first variable is assumed to correspond to the total number of
#' buyer-initiated trades, while the second variable is assumed to
#' correspond to the total number of seller-initiated trades. Each row or
#' observation correspond to a trading day. `NA` values will be ignored.
#' \cr\cr The buy rate parameters \{\eb, \mub, \Db\} are randomly generated
#' from the interval (`minB`, `maxB`), where `minB` (`maxB`) is the smallest
#' (largest) value of buys in the dataset, under the condition that
#' \eb`+`\mub`+`\Db< `maxB`. Analogously, the sell rate parameters
#' \{\es, \mus, \Ds\} are randomly generated from the interval (`minS`, `maxS`),
#' where `minS` (`maxS`) is the smallest(largest) value of sells in the
#' dataset, under the condition that \es`+`\mus`+`\Ds < `maxS`.
#' @return Returns a dataframe of numerical vectors of ten elements
#' \{\eqn{\alpha}, \eqn{\delta}, \eqn{\theta}, \eqn{\theta'},
#' \eb, \es, \mub, \mus, \Db, \Ds\}.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited
#' @examples
#' # There is a preloaded quarterly dataset called 'dailytrades' with 60
#' # observations. Each observation corresponds to a day and contains the
#' # total number of buyer-initiated trades ('B') and seller-initiated
#' # trades ('S') on that day. To know more, type ?dailytrades
#' xdata <- dailytrades
#' # Obtain a dataframe of 20 random initial parameters for the MLE of
#' # the AdjPIN model using the initials_adjpin_rnd().
#' initial.sets <- initials_adjpin_rnd(xdata, num_init = 20)
#' # Use the dataframe to estimate the AdjPIN model using the adjpin()
#' # function.
#' estimate <- adjpin(xdata, initialsets = initial.sets, verbose = FALSE)
#' # Show the value of adjusted PIN
#' show(estimate@adjpin)
#' @export
initials_adjpin_rnd <- function(data, restricted = list(),
                                num_init = 20, verbose = TRUE) {

  # Check that all variables exist and do not refer to non-existent variables
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  allvars <- names(formals())
  environment(.xcheck$existence) <- environment()
  .xcheck$existence(allvars, err = uierrors$adjpin()$fn)

  # Check that all arguments are valid
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  largs <- list(data, restricted, num_init, verbose)
  names(largs) <- names(formals())
  rst <- .xcheck$args(arglist = largs, fn = "adjpin")
  ux$stopnow(rst$off, m = rst$error, s = uierrors$adjpin()$fn)
  restricted <- .xadjpin$allrestrictions(restricted)

  # Check, prepare and initialize variables
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  data <- ux$prepare(data)
  initials <-  NULL
  min_tb <- min(data$b)
  max_tb <- max(data$b)
  min_ts <- min(data$s)
  max_ts <- max(data$s)

  # Collect random initial sets from generatedata_adjpin output
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  for (s in 1:num_init) {
    rb <- sample(1:100, 3, replace = TRUE)
    rs <- sample(1:100, 3, replace = TRUE)
    rb <- ceiling(min_tb + (rb / sum(rb)) * (max_tb - min_tb))
    rs <- ceiling(min_ts + (rs / sum(rs)) * (max_ts - min_ts))
    sdata <- generatedata_adjpin(series = 1, restricted = restricted,
                             ranges = list(mu.b = c(1, rb[1]),
    mu.s = c(1, rs[1]),
    d.b = c(1, rb[2]),
    d.s = c(1, rs[2]),
    eps.b = c(max(min_tb, 1), rb[3]),
    eps.s = c(max(min_ts, 1), rs[3]))
    initials <- rbind(initials, unlist(sdata@empiricals[1:10]))
  initials <- as.data.frame(unname(initials))
  colnames(initials) <- .xadjpin$varnames()

  # Create custom initial sets given the vector 'restricted' if needed
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (restricted$theta)
    initials$theta <- with(initials, ((1 - alpha) * theta + alpha * thetap))

  if (restricted$eps)
    initials$eps <- with(initials, (eps.b + eps.s) / 2)

  if (restricted$mu)
    initials$mu <- with(initials, (mu.b + mu.s) / 2)

  if (restricted$d)
      initials$d <- with(initials, (d.b + d.s) / 2)

  rownames(initials) <- NULL
  initials <- initials[, .xadjpin$varnames(restricted)]

  pin_err <- uierrors$pin()
  ux$show(c = verbose, m = pin_err$displaysets(
    "initials_adjpin_rnd(...)", nrow(initials)), warning = TRUE)


#' @title AdjPIN initial parameter sets of Cheng and Lai (2021)
#' @description
#' Based on an extension of the algorithm in
#' \insertCite{ChengLai2021;textual}{PINstimation}, generates sets of initial
#' parameters to be used in the maximum likelihood
#' estimation of `AdjPIN` model.
#' @usage initials_adjpin_cl(data, restricted = list(), verbose = TRUE)
#' @param data A dataframe with 2 variables: the first
#' corresponds to buyer-initiated trades (buys), and the second corresponds
#' to seller-initiated trades (sells).
#' @param restricted A binary list that allows estimating restricted
#' AdjPIN models by specifying which model parameters are assumed to be equal.
#' It contains one or multiple of the following four elements
#' `{theta, mu, eps, d}`. For instance, If `theta` is set to `TRUE`,
#' then the probability of liquidity shock in no-information days, and in
#' information days is assumed to be the same (\thetaB`=`\thetaS). If any of
#' the remaining rate elements `{mu, eps, d}` is set to `TRUE`,
#' (say  `mu=TRUE`), then the rate is assumed to be the same on the buy side,
#' and on the sell side (\mub`=`\mus). If more than one element is set to
#' `TRUE`, then the restrictions are combined. For instance, if the argument
#' `restricted` is set to `list(theta=TRUE, eps=TRUE, d=TRUE)`, then the
#' restricted AdjPIN model is estimated, where \thetaB`=`\thetaS, \eb`=`\es,
#' and \Db`=`\Ds. If the value of the argument `restricted` is the empty list,
#' then all parameters of the model are assumed to be independent,
#' and the unrestricted model is estimated. The default value is the empty
#' list `list()`.
#' @param verbose a binary variable that determines whether information messages
#' about the initial parameter sets, including the number of the initial
#' parameter sets generated. No message is shown when \code{verbose} is set
#' to \code{FALSE}. The default value is \code{TRUE}.
#' @details The argument 'data' should be a numeric dataframe, and contain
#' at least two variables. Only the first two variables will be considered:
#' The first variable is assumed to correspond to the total number of
#' buyer-initiated trades, while the second variable is assumed to
#' correspond to the total number of seller-initiated trades. Each row or
#' observation correspond to a trading day. `NA` values will be ignored.
#' \cr\cr The function implements an extension of the algorithm of
#' \insertCite{ChengLai2021;textual}{PINstimation}. In their paper, the authors
#' assume that the probability of liquidity shock is the same in no-information,
#' and information days, i.e., \thetaB`=`\thetaS, and use a procedure similar to
#' that of \insertCite{Yan2012;textual}{PINstimation} to generate 64 initial
#' parameter sets. The function implements an extension of their algorithm,
#' by relaxing the assumption of equality of liquidity shock probabilities,
#' and generates thereby `256` initial parameter sets for the unrestricted
#' `AdjPIN` model.
#' @return Returns a dataframe of numerical vectors of ten elements
#' \{\eqn{\alpha}, \eqn{\delta}, \eqn{\theta}, \eqn{\theta'},
#' \eb, \es, \mub, \mus, \Db, \Ds\}.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited
#' @examples
#' # There is a preloaded quarterly dataset called 'dailytrades' with 60
#' # observations. Each observation corresponds to a day and contains the
#' # total number of buyer-initiated trades ('B') and seller-initiated
#' # trades ('S') on that day. To know more, type ?dailytrades
#' xdata <- dailytrades
#' # The function adjpin(xdata, initialsets="CL") allows the user to directly
#' # estimate the AdjPIN model using the full set of initial parameter sets
#' # generated using the algorithm Cheng and Lai (2021)
#' \donttest{
#' estimate.1 <- adjpin(xdata,  initialsets="CL", verbose = FALSE)
#' }
#' # Obtaining the set of initial parameter sets using initials_adjpin_cl
#' # allows us to estimate the PIN model using a subset of these initial sets.
#' # Use initials_adjpin_cl() to generate 256 initial parameter sets using the
#' # algorithm of Cheng and Lai (2021).
#' initials_cl <- initials_adjpin_cl(xdata, verbose = FALSE)
#' # Use 20 randonly chosen initial sets from the dataframe 'initials_cl' in
#' # order to estimate the AdjPIN model using the function adjpin() with custom
#' # initial parameter sets
#' numberofsets <- nrow(initials_cl)
#' selectedsets <- initials_cl[sample(numberofsets, 20),]
#' estimate.2 <- adjpin(xdata, initialsets = selectedsets, verbose = FALSE)
#' # Compare the parameters and the pin values of both specifications
#' \donttest{
#' comparison <- rbind(
#' c(estimate.1@parameters, adjpin = estimate.1@adjpin, psos = estimate.1@psos),
#' c(estimate.2@parameters, estimate.2@adjpin, estimate.2@psos))
#' rownames(comparison) <- c("all", "50")
#' show(comparison)
#' }
#' @export
initials_adjpin_cl <- function(data, restricted = list(), verbose = TRUE) {

  # Check that all variables exist and do not refer to non-existent variables
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  allvars <- names(formals())
  environment(.xcheck$existence) <- environment()
  .xcheck$existence(allvars, err = uierrors$adjpin()$fn)

  # Check that all arguments are valid
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  largs <- list(data, restricted, verbose)
  names(largs) <- names(formals())
  rst <- .xcheck$args(arglist = largs, fn = "adjpin")
  ux$stopnow(rst$off, m = rst$error, s = uierrors$adjpin()$fn)

  restricted <- .xadjpin$allrestrictions(restricted)
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Prepare 'data' and initialize variables
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  data <- ux$prepare(data)
  restricted <- .xadjpin$allrestrictions(restricted)
  days <- nrow(data)

  # Generate the set of values of a, d, theta (t), and theta' (tp)
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  a_values <- seq(0.2, 0.8, 0.2)
  d_values <- seq(0.2, 0.8, 0.2)
  t_values <- seq(0.2, 0.8, 0.2)

  # Take the cartesian product of the values of a, and d; and
  # store them in dataframe called initials.
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  if (restricted$theta) {
    initials <- expand.grid(a_values, d_values, t_values)
    colnames(initials) <- c("a", "d", "t")
    initials$tp <- initials$t
  } else {
    initials <- expand.grid(a_values, d_values, t_values,
    colnames(initials) <- c("a", "d", "t", "tp")

  initials <- as.data.frame(initials)

  # Different prob (day share) for the six groups
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  xtemp <- lapply(ux$tolist(initials), .xadjpin$distribution)
  xtemp <- days * ux$todframe(xtemp)

  # Use the functions getbparams(), and getsparams()
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  getbparams <- function(cl) {

    vecb <- data[order(data$b), ]
    vecs <- data[order(data$s), ]

    # Calculate eb from the first cl[1] + cl[3] rows, then delete them
    # along cluster cl[6] with buy rate (eb + mub + db)
    # --------------------------------------------------------
    eb <- mean(vecb[1:ceiling(cl[1] + cl[3]), ]$b)

    remaining <- as.numeric(
      rownames(vecb[(1 + ceiling(cl[1] + cl[3])):(days - ceiling(cl[6])), ]))
    vecb <- vecb[row.names(vecb) %in% remaining, ]
    vecs <- vecs[row.names(vecs) %in% remaining, ]

    # Calculate mub from cl[5] (the one with lowest sell rate), then
    # delete it.
    # --------------------------------------------------------
    mub <- mean(vecs[1:cl[5], ]$b) - eb

    w5 <- as.numeric(rownames(vecs[1:cl[5], ]))
    vecb <- vecb[!(rownames(vecb) %in% w5), ]
    vecs <- vecs[!(rownames(vecs) %in% w5), ]

    # Clusters cl[2] and cl[4] remains with trade intensity (eb + db)
    # Use the average buy to find db
    # --------------------------------------------------------
    mb2 <- mean(vecb$b)
    db <- mb2 - eb

    list(eb = eb, mub = mub, db = db)

  getsparams <- function(cl) {

    vecb <- data[order(data$b), ]
    vecs <- data[order(data$s), ]

    # Calculate es from the first cl[1] + cl[5] rows, then delete them
    # along cluster cl[4] with buy rate (es + mus + ds)
    # --------------------------------------------------------
    es <- mean(vecs[1:ceiling(cl[1] + cl[5]), ]$s)

    remaining <- as.numeric(
        vecs[(1 + ceiling(cl[1] + cl[5])):(days - ceiling(cl[4])), ]))
    vecb <- vecb[row.names(vecb) %in% remaining, ]
    vecs <- vecs[row.names(vecs) %in% remaining, ]

    # Calculate mus from cl[3] (the one with lowest buy rate), then
    # delete it.
    # --------------------------------------------------------
    mus <- mean(vecb[1:cl[3], ]$s) - es

    w3 <- as.numeric(rownames(vecb[1:cl[3], ]))
    vecb <- vecb[!(rownames(vecb) %in% w3), ]
    vecs <- vecs[!(rownames(vecs) %in% w3), ]

    # Clusters cl[2] and cl[6] remains with trade intensity (es + ds)
    # Use the average buy to find ds
    # --------------------------------------------------------
    ds <- mean(vecs$s) - es

    list(es = es, mus = mus, ds = ds)

  # Apply the function getbparams() and getsparams() to get the
  # buy and sell parameters
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  btemp <- ux$todframe(apply(xtemp, 1, getbparams))
  stemp <- ux$todframe(apply(xtemp, 1, getsparams))
  tempx <- cbind(btemp, stemp)
  colnames(tempx) <- c("eb", "mub", "db", "es", "mus", "ds")

  tempx <- tempx[, .xadjpin$vars()]
  colnames(initials) <- c("alpha", "delta", "theta", "thetap")
  initials <- cbind(initials, tempx)

  colnames(initials) <- .xadjpin$varnames()

  # Apply the list 'restricted' to get the average value when the
  # value theta = TRUE, eps = TRUE, mu = TRUE, d = TRUE
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  if (restricted$eps)
    initials$eps <- (initials$eps.b + initials$eps.s) / 2

  if (restricted$mu)
    initials$mu <- (initials$mu.b + initials$mu.s) / 2

  if (restricted$d)
    initials$d <- (initials$d.b + initials$d.s) / 2

  # Reorder the columns of the dataframe in the following order
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  initials <- initials[, .xadjpin$varnames(restricted)]

  # Return the variables initialsets as a dataframe
  # ----------------------------------------------------------
  initialsets <- initials
  rownames(initialsets) <- NULL

  pin_err <- uierrors$pin()
  ux$show(c = verbose, m = pin_err$displaysets(
    "initials_adjpin_cl(...)", nrow(initials)), warning = TRUE)



##       +++++++++++++++++++++++++
## ++++++| | PRIVATE FUNCTIONS | |
##       +++++++++++++++++++++++++

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Main function implementing the ECM algorithm for one initial set             #
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#

.adjpin_ecm_oneset <- function(distribution, params, restricted = list(), data,
                  hyperparams) {
# Implements the expectation-conditional maximization algorithm for one set
# of AdjPIN model parameters
# Args:
#   distribution: the distribution of cluster probabilities
#   params      : a vector of (eps.b, eps.s, mu.b, mu.s, d.b, d.s)
#   es          : the value of uninformed trading (sells)
#   data        : the dataset of buys and sells
#   hyperparams : the set of hyperparameters
# Returns:
#   returns a list of optimal parameters output of ECM algorithm

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Log-likelihood of the AdjPIN model                                   #
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  adjpin_loglkhd <- function(j, eb, es, mub, mus, db, ds, buys, sells) {
    shock <- (j + 1) %% 2
    cluster <- floor((j - 0.5) / 2)
    is_good <- ifelse(cluster == 1, 1, 0)
    is_bad <- ifelse(cluster == 2, 1, 0)

    logprob <- dpois(buys, eb + is_good * mub + shock * db, log = TRUE) +
      dpois(sells, es + is_bad * mus + shock * ds, log = TRUE)
    logprob[is.na(logprob)] <- 0

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Posterior probabilities for  the AdjPIN model                        #
  # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  adjpin_posterior <- function(j, p, eb, es, mub, mus, db, ds, buys, sells) {
    shock <- (j + 1) %% 2
    cluster <- floor((j - 0.5) / 2)
    is_good <- ifelse(cluster == 1, 1, 0)
    is_bad <- ifelse(cluster == 2, 1, 0)
    posprob <- p[j] * dpois(buys, eb + is_good * mub + shock * db) *
      dpois(sells, es + is_bad * mus + shock * ds)

  # Check, prepare and initialize variables
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  data <- ux$prepare(data)
  clusters <- 6
  e <- mu <- adjpin_loglikd <- dx <- maxeval <- tolerance <- 0

  # Update 'hyperparams' by filling missing hyperparameters, and distribute the
  # new list to seven different variables: maxeval'
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  rst <- .xcheck$hyperparams(hyperparams, nrow(data), adj = TRUE)
  ux$stopnow(rst$off, m = rst$error, s = uierrors$adjpin()$fn)
  hps <- rst$hyperparams
  hpn <- names(hps)
  for (i in seq_len(length(hpn))) assign(hpn[i], unname(unlist(hps[[i]])))

  # Assign values to variables
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  variables <- .xadjpin$vars(restricted)
  values <- suppressWarnings(split(params, seq_len(length(variables))))
  for (i in seq_len(length(values))) assign(variables[i],

  # Adjust these values according to the restrictions on parameters
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (restricted$eps) eb <- es <- e
  if (restricted$mu) mub <- mus <- mu
  if (restricted$d) db <- ds <- dx

  # Define the function, create and initialize the log-likelihood vector
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  adjpin_loglikd <- function(z, p, eb, es, mub, mus, db, ds, buys, sells) {
    logdensity <- vapply(1:clusters, adjpin_loglkhd, eb, es, mub, mus, db,
                         ds, buys, sells, FUN.VALUE = double(length(buys)))
    logdensity[is.na(logdensity)] <- 0
    return(ux$finite_sum(z * log(p)) + ux$finite_sum(z * logdensity))

  loglik <- vector()
  loglik[1] <- 0
  loglik[2] <- adjpin_loglikd(z = distribution, p = distribution,
                          eb, es, mub, mus, db, ds, data$b, data$s)
  iter <- 2
  initialfail <- FALSE

  while (iter <= maxeval &&  abs(diff(tail(loglik,2))) > tolerance) {

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # ------------------------ EXPECTATION STEP ------------------------------ #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    estimateQ <- function(eb, es, mub, mus, db, ds, distribution) {

      # Compute the posterior probability matrix
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      posterior_mx <- vapply(1:clusters, adjpin_posterior, p = distribution,
                             eb, es, mub, mus, db, ds, data$b, data$s,
                             FUN.VALUE = double(length(data$b)))

      # if the matrix of posterior probabilities is zero or contain NA values
      # then skip the estimation process.
      if (any(is.na(posterior_mx)) || sum(posterior_mx) == 0)
        return(list(interrupted = iter))

      # Replace the content of a row whose sum is zero by equiprobable
      # assignment to clusters. The observations has equal probability to
      # belong to any of the six clusters.
      daily_posterior <- rowSums(posterior_mx)
      zerorows <- which(daily_posterior == 0)
      if (length(zerorows) > 0)
        posterior_mx[zerorows,] <- rep(1/6,6)

      # Compute estimates of the latent variable yn
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      yn <- sweep(posterior_mx, 1, rowSums(posterior_mx, na.rm = TRUE), `/`)
      yn[is.na(yn)] <- 0

      # Compute the optimal distribution Pi*
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      new_distrib <- colMeans(yn, na.rm = TRUE)

      # Compute the parameters of the optimization system (S)
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      # (1) ypqr is the sum of yi for p in {(b)uy,(s)ell}; good information q in
      #     {(y)es, (n)o} and liquidity shock is r in {(y)es,(n)o}
      n <- length(data$b)
      yl <- yn[, 3:length(yn[1, ])]
      yig <- yl[, 1:2]
      yib <- yl[, 3:4]
      yis <- yn[, c(FALSE, TRUE)]
      ybnn <- yn[, c(1, 5)]
      ybyn <- yn[, 3]
      ybny <- yn[, c(2, 6)]
      ybyy <- yn[, 4]
      ysnn <- yn[, c(1, 3)]
      ysyn <- yn[, 5]
      ysny <- yn[, c(2, 4)]
      ysyy <- yn[, 6]

      # (2) Compute R.* and Q.* as in Ersan and Ghachem (2022)
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      r0 <- sum(ybnn * data$b, na.rm = TRUE)
      r1 <- sum(ybyn * data$b, na.rm = TRUE)
      r2 <- sum(ybny * data$b, na.rm = TRUE)
      r3 <- sum(ybyy * data$b, na.rm = TRUE)
      q0 <- sum(ysnn * data$s, na.rm = TRUE)
      q1 <- sum(ysyn * data$s, na.rm = TRUE)
      q2 <- sum(ysny * data$s, na.rm = TRUE)
      q3 <- sum(ysyy * data$s, na.rm = TRUE)

      # (3) Compute yg and yb and ys as in Ersan and Ghachem (2022)
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      yg <- sum(yig, na.rm = TRUE)
      yb <- sum(yib, na.rm = TRUE)
      ys <- sum(yis)

      LQ <- list(r0 = r0, r1 = r1, r2 = r2, r3 = r3,
                q0 = q0, q1 = q1, q2 = q2, q3 = q3,
                yg = yg, yb = yb, ys = ys, yn = yn,
                distribution = new_distrib, n = n,
                interrupted = 0)


    # Use the function estimateQ() to estimate the complete data log-likelihood
    # function. If the expectation step failed at the first iteration, then
    # we have an initial fail of the estimation (initialfail = TRUE).

    LQ <- estimateQ(eb, es, mub, mus, db, ds, distribution)
    initialfail <- (LQ$interrupted == 2)
    if (LQ$interrupted) break

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # ---------------------ECM MAXIMIZATION STEP ----------------------------- #
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    # Use the ECM method to optimize the model parameters
    oldparams <- c(eb, mub, db, es, mus, ds)

    # Optimize mub conditional on the existing eb, and the new odb
    # Optimize mus conditional on the existing es, and the new ods
    if (restricted$mu) {
      omub <- omus <- .xadjpin$solve_eqx(
        c(LQ$r1, LQ$r3, LQ$q1, LQ$q3),
        c(eb, eb + db, es, es + ds), LQ$yg + LQ$yb, 0.5 * (mub + mus))
    } else {
      omub <- .xadjpin$solve_eqx(c(LQ$r1, LQ$r3), c(eb, eb + db), LQ$yg, mub)
      omus <- .xadjpin$solve_eqx(c(LQ$q1, LQ$q3), c(es, es + ds), LQ$yb, mus)

    # Optimize db conditional on the existing eb, and mub
    # Optimize ds conditional on the existing es, and mus
    if (restricted$d) {
      odb <- ods <- .xadjpin$solve_eqx(
        c(LQ$r2, LQ$r3, LQ$q2, LQ$q3),
        c(eb, eb + omub, es, es + omus), 2 * LQ$ys, 0.5 * (db + ds))
    } else {
      odb <- .xadjpin$solve_eqx(
        c(LQ$r2, LQ$r3), c(eb, eb + omub), LQ$ys, db)
      ods <- .xadjpin$solve_eqx(
        c(LQ$q2, LQ$q3), c(es, es + omus), LQ$ys, ds)

    # Optimize eb conditional on the newly optimized odb, omub
    # Optimize es conditional on the newly optimized ods, omus
    if (restricted$eps) {

      oeb <- oes <- .xadjpin$solve_eqx(
        c(LQ$r0 + LQ$q0, LQ$r1, LQ$r2, LQ$r3, LQ$q1, LQ$q2, LQ$q3),
        c(0, omub, odb, omub + odb,
          omus, ods, omus + ods), 2 * LQ$n, 0.5 * (eb + es))
    } else {
      oeb <- .xadjpin$solve_eqx(
        c(LQ$r0, LQ$r1, LQ$r2, LQ$r3),
        c(0, omub, odb, omub + odb),  LQ$n, eb)
      oes <- .xadjpin$solve_eqx(
        c(LQ$q0, LQ$q1, LQ$q2, LQ$q3),
        c(0, omus, ods, omus + ods),  LQ$n, es)

    # Update the trading intensity rates
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Round the value of the optimal rate parameters to a reasonable level of
    # precision. This will help with the convergence of the ECM algorithm,
    # without compromising the economic significance of the trading rates.
    # We settle for the precision level of 2 decimal digits:
    # Rates' digit precision: rdp = 3
    rdp <- 3
    db <- round(odb, rdp)
    eb <- round(oeb, rdp)
    mub <- round(omub, rdp)
    ds <- round(ods, rdp)
    es <- round(oes, rdp)
    mus <- round(omus, rdp)

    # Update the probability distribution over clusters
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Round the optimal probability parameters to a reasonable level of
    # precision. This will help with the convergence of the ECM algorithm,
    # without compromising the economic significance of the trading rates.
    # We settle for the precision level for probabilities of 5 decimal digits:
    # Probabilities' digit precision: pdp = 5
    pdp <- 5
    distribution <- round(LQ$distribution, pdp)

    # Append the new log-likelihood value and update the iterations' counter
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    cloglik <- adjpin_loglikd(
      z = LQ$yn, p = LQ$distribution, eb, es, mub, mus, db, ds, data$b, data$s)
    loglik[iter + 1] <- cloglik
    iter <- iter + 1


  # Compute and return the parameters of the AdjPIN model, start with alpha
  # in order to exclude invalid estimates occuring in the following cases:
  # [+] No optimization has occured, i.e., the initial parameter set did not
  # lead to a viable posterior distribution (initialfail == TRUE)
  # [+] optimal estimates do not contain any information days (a == 0), or do
  # not contain any non-information days (a == 1)
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  failure_output <- list(likelihood = -Inf, adjpin = NaN, psos = NaN,
                         parameters = NULL)

  a <- sum(distribution[3:6])

  if (initialfail == TRUE | a == 0 | floor(a) == 1 | !is.numeric(distribution))

  # if alpha != c(0,1), then calculate the remaining parameters.
  d <- sum(distribution[5:6]) / sum(distribution[3:6])
  theta <- distribution[2] / sum(distribution[1:2])
  thetap <- sum(distribution[c(4, 6)]) / sum(distribution[3:6])
  adjpin <- (a * ((1 - d) * mub + d * mus)) *
    (1 / ((a * ((1 - d) * mub + d * mus)) +
            (db + ds) * (a * thetap + (1 - a) * theta) + eb + es))
  psos <- ((db + ds) * (a * thetap + (1 - a) * theta)) *
    (1 / ((a * ((1 - d) * mub + d * mus)) + (db + ds) *
            (a * thetap + (1 - a) * theta) + eb + es))
  lkd <- loglik[iter]

  # We futher exclude these instances
  # [+] mub = 0 when delta != 1, i.e. delta < 0.999
  # [+] mus = 0 when delta != 0  i.e. delta > 0.001
   if ((floor(mub) == 0 & round(d, 3) != 1) |
       (floor(mus) == 0 & round(d, 3) != 0))

  optparams <- list( alpha = a, delta = d, theta = theta, thetap = thetap,
    eps.b = eb, eps.s = es, mu.b = mub, mu.s = mus, d.b = db, d.s = ds)

  output <- list(likelihood = -lkd, adjpin = adjpin, psos = psos,
                 parameters = optparams



# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Main function to estimate AdjPIN model using the ECM algorithm               #
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#

.adjpin_ecm <- function(data, initialsets, init_type = "GE", restricted = NULL,
                        hyperparams = list(), verbose = TRUE) {
# Estimates the Adjusted Probability of Informed Trading (`AdjPIN`) as well as
# the Probability of Symmetric Order-flow Shock (psos) from Duarte and Young
# (2009) using the ECM algorithm.
# Args:
#   data : a dataframe containing two variables 'b' and 's'
#   initialsets: a dataframe containing custom initial parameter sets.
#   init_type: the algorithm generating the initial sets, can take the values
#              "GE", "RANDOM" or "CUSTOM".
#   restricted  : a list specifying whether the model parameters are equal.
#           It can take the value `NULL`, or contain one or more keys from
#           the following keys (theta, mu, eps, d)
#   hyperparams: a list containing the hyperparameters of the ECM
#           algorithm. When not empty, it contains one or more  of the
#           following elements: minalpha, maxeval, tolerance, maxinit
#   verbose : Extended information about the steps of ECM estimation will
#             be displayed.
# Returns:
#   an object of class 'estimate.adjpin'

    # Check, prepare and initialize variables
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    tdata <- ux$prepare(data)
    restricted <- .xadjpin$allrestrictions(restricted)
    init_type <- toupper(init_type)
    optimal <- list(likelihood = -Inf)

    time_on <- Sys.time()

    # Prepare the initial sets to be used by the function ECM algorithm
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    initialpoints <- initialsets
    init_prob <- lapply(initialpoints,
                        function(x) .xadjpin$distribution(x, restricted))
    lng <- length(initialpoints[[1]])
    params <- lapply(initialpoints,
                     function(x) c(x[(5 - restricted$theta):lng]))

    # Initialize some other variables
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    runs <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 2 * lng + 3, nrow = 0))

    ux$show(verbose, uix$adjpin()$emmethod)

    convergent <- 0

    if (verbose) {
      pb_adjpin <- ux$progressbar(0, maxvalue = length(initialpoints))

    for (u in seq_len(length(initialpoints))) {

      # Prepare the initial sets
      cparam <- params[[u]]
      pp <- init_prob[[u]]
      temp_run <- initialpoints[[u]]

      # Estimate the model by ECM algorithm and pick the model with lowest BIC
      estimates <- .adjpin_ecm_oneset(pp, cparam, restricted, tdata,
      thisrun <- c(temp_run, rep(NA, lng + 3))

      if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb_adjpin, u)

      if (length(estimates$parameters) > 0) {

        # The likelihood factorization of Ersan and Ghachem (2022), could have
        # infinite value, in case some parameters are zero, these parameters are
        # replaced by very low values. Remember that the ECM algorithm maximizes
        # a different version of the likelihood function (See ECM paper by Ersan
        # and Ghachem (2022))
        estimates$likelihood <- .xadjpin$likelihood(tdata, estimates$parameters)

        convergent <-  convergent + is.finite(estimates$likelihood)

        # If the new 'estimates' has higher likelihood that the 'optimal', it
        # becomes the new optimal.
        optimal <- ux$update_optimal(estimates, optimal)

        # adjust the parameters sent using the variable 'restricted'
        xparams <- unlist(estimates$parameters)
        if (restricted$d) xparams <- xparams[-10]
        if (restricted$mu) xparams <- xparams[-8]
        if (restricted$eps) xparams <- xparams[-6]
        if (restricted$theta) xparams <- xparams[-4]

        thisrun <- c(temp_run, xparams, estimates$likelihood,
                      estimates$adjpin, estimates$psos)

      runs <- rbind(runs, thisrun)

      if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb_adjpin, u)


    ux$show(verbose, uix$adjpin()$complete)

    time_off <- Sys.time()

    # Make the initial parameter sets into a dataframe again
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    initialpoints <- ux$todframe(initialpoints)

    if (is.infinite(optimal$likelihood)) {

      adjpin_estimate <- new("estimate.adjpin", success = FALSE, method = "ECM",
                         convergent.sets = convergent, factorization = "GE",
                         restrictions = restricted, dataset = data,
                         algorithm = init_type, initialsets = initialpoints)

      adjpin_estimate@runningtime <- ux$timediff(time_on, time_off)
      adjpin_estimate@hyperparams <- hyperparams


    # Return the optimal results as an 'estimate.adjpin' S4 object
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    names(initialpoints) <- .xadjpin$varnames(restricted = restricted)

    colnames(runs) <- .xadjpin$varnames(restricted, details = TRUE)

    rownames(runs) <- paste("set.", seq_len(nrow(initialpoints)), sep = "")

    adjpin_estimate <- new("estimate.adjpin", success = TRUE, method = "ECM",
                       convergent.sets = convergent, factorization = "GE",
                       parameters = unlist(optimal$parameters),
                       likelihood = optimal$likelihood,
                       restrictions = restricted,
                       algorithm = init_type, adjpin = optimal$adjpin, psos =
                       initialsets = initialpoints, details = runs,
                       hyperparams = hyperparams, dataset = data,
                       runningtime = ux$timediff(time_on, time_off))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Main function to estimate AdjPIN model using the standard MLE                #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

.adjpin_ml <- function(data, initialsets, init_type = "GE",
                      restricted = NULL, fact = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
# Estimates the Adjusted Probability of Informed Trading (`AdjPIN`) as well as
# the Probability of Symmetric Order-flow Shock (psos) from Duarte and Young
# (2009) using the standard Maximum likelihood maximization.
# Args:
#   data : a dataframe containing two variables 'b' and 's'
#   initialsets: a dataframe containing custom initial parameter sets.
#   init_type: the algorithm generating the initial sets, can take the values
#              "GE", "RANDOM" or "CUSTOM".
#   restricted  : a list specifying whether the model parameters are equal.
#           It can take the value `NULL`, or contain one or more keys from
#           the following keys (theta, mu, eps, d)
#   fact : a binary value that determines which likelihood functional form is
#          used: A factorization of the likelihood function by Ersan and
#          Ghachem(2022) when it is 'TRUE', otherwise, the original likelihood
#          function of Duarte and Young (2009).
#   verbose : Extended information about the steps of ML estimation will
#             be displayed.
# Returns:
#   an object of class 'estimate.adjpin'

    # Check, prepare and initialize variables
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    data <- ux$prepare(data)
    restricted <- .xadjpin$allrestrictions(restricted)
    init_type <- toupper(init_type)

    ux$show(verbose, uix$adjpin()$mlemethod)

    time_on <- Sys.time()

    # 'fact': Choose the original or the factorized likelihood function
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    mlefn <- factorizations$adjpin(data, restricted = restricted)
    if (fact == FALSE)
      mlefn <- factorizations$adjpin_none(data, restricted = restricted)

    # Prepare initial sets
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (is.data.frame(initialsets))
      initialsets <- as.list(as.data.frame(t(initialsets)))
    if (!is.list(initialsets))
      initialsets <- list(initialsets)
    runs <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 0,
                              nrow = 2 * (10 - sum(unlist(restricted))) + 3))
    optimal <- list(likelihood = -Inf)

    # convergent initial sets
    convergent <- 0

    # Estimate the AdjPIN model for each initial parameter set, and pick
    # the one with highest likelihood.
    if (verbose) {
      pb_adjpin <- ux$progressbar(maxvalue = length(initialsets))

    for (i in seq_len(length(initialsets))) {

      temp_run <- unlist(initialsets[[i]])
      len <- length(initialsets[[i]])
      thisrun <- c(temp_run, rep(0, len + 3))

      estimates <- NULL

        len <- length(initialsets[[i]])
        low <- rep(0, len)
        up <- rep(+Inf, len - (4 - restricted$theta))
        up <- c(rep(1, 4 - restricted$theta), up)
        estimates <- suppressWarnings(nloptr::neldermead(
          initialsets[[i]], mlefn, lower = low, upper = up,
          control = list(maxeval = 1000)))

      if (!is.null(estimates)) {

        # The likelihood is the additive inverse of the value in estimates
        estimates$likelihood <- - estimates$value

        convergent <- convergent + is.finite(estimates$likelihood)

        optimal <- ux$update_optimal(estimates, optimal)

        pin_values <- .xadjpin$compute_pin(estimates[["par"]], restricted)

        thisrun <- c(temp_run, estimates[["par"]], estimates$likelihood,
                   pin_values$adjpin, pin_values$psos)


      runs <- rbind(runs, thisrun)

      if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb_adjpin, i)


    time_off <- Sys.time()

    ux$show(verbose, uix$adjpin()$complete)

    initialsets <- ux$todframe(initialsets)
    names(initialsets) <- .xadjpin$varnames(restricted)

    colnames(runs) <- .xadjpin$varnames(restricted, details = TRUE)

    rownames(runs) <- paste("set.", seq_len(nrow(initialsets)), sep = "")

    runs <- as.data.frame(runs)

    if (is.finite(optimal$likelihood)) {

      optpin <- .xadjpin$compute_pin(optimal[["par"]], restricted)
      xparams <- setNames(optpin$params, .xadjpin$varnames(restricted))

      optimal_adjpin <- new("estimate.adjpin", success = TRUE, method = "ML",
                       convergent.sets = convergent,
                       factorization = ifelse(fact, "GE", "NONE"),
                       parameters = xparams,
                       likelihood = optimal$likelihood,
                       restrictions = restricted, algorithm = init_type,
                       adjpin = optpin$adjpin, psos = optpin$psos,
                       initialsets = initialsets, details = runs)
      optimal_adjpin@runningtime <- ux$timediff(time_on, time_off)

    } else {

      optimal_adjpin <- new("estimate.adjpin", success = FALSE, method = "ML",
                        convergent.sets = convergent,
                        factorization = ifelse(fact, "GE", "NONE"),
                        restrictions = restricted,
                        algorithm = init_type, initialsets = initialsets,
                        parameters = NaN, adjpin = NaN,
                        psos = NaN, likelihood = NaN)
      optimal_adjpin@runningtime <- ux$timediff(time_on, time_off)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Various supporting functions in the list of function .xadjpin                #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

.xadjpin <- list(

  vars = function(restricted = NULL, all = FALSE) {
  # returns the list of variable names given the list 'restricted' to be used in
  # computation
  # Args:
  #   restricted  : a list specifying whether the model parameters are equal.
  #           It can take the value `NULL`, or contain one or more keys from
  #           the following keys (theta, mu, eps, d)
  # Returns:
  #   a vector of variable names.

    restricted <- .xadjpin$allrestrictions(restricted)

    vars <- list(list(c("eb", "es"), "e"), list(c("mub", "mus"), "mu"),
                 list(c("db", "ds"), "dx"))

    variables <- unlist(Map(function(x, y) x[[1 + y]], vars, restricted[2:4]))

    xtheta <- c("t", "tp")
    if (restricted$theta) xtheta <- "t"
    if (all) variables <- c("a", "d", xtheta, variables)


  varnames = function(restricted = NULL, details = FALSE) {
  # returns the list of variable names given the list 'restricted' to be used in
  # naming dataframes and lists
  # Args:
  #   restricted  : a list specifying whether the model parameters are equal.
  #           It can take the value `NULL`, or contain one or more keys from
  #           the following keys (theta, mu, eps, d)
  # Returns:
  #   a vector of variable names.

    restricted <- .xadjpin$allrestrictions(restricted)

    vars <- list(list(c("theta", "thetap"), "theta"),
                 list(c("eps.b", "eps.s"), "eps"),
                 list(c("mu.b", "mu.s"), "mu"),
                 list(c("d.b", "d.s"), "d"))

    variables <- unlist(Map(function(x, y) x[[1 + y]], vars, restricted))

    variables <- c("alpha", "delta", variables)

    if (details == TRUE)
      variables <- c(paste("in.", variables, sep = ""),
                     paste("op.", variables, sep = ""),
                     "likelihood", "adjpin", "psos")



  allrestrictions =  function(restricted = NULL) {
  # fills empty keys in the argument list 'restricted' and return the full list
  # Args:
  #   restricted  : a list specifying whether the model parameters are equal.
  #           It can take the value `NULL`, or contain one or more keys from
  #           the following keys (theta, mu, eps, d)
  # Returns:
  #   a list with four keys (theta, eps, mu, d)

    allnames <- c("theta", "eps", "mu", "d")
    restricted <- lapply(allnames, function(x) ifelse(
        is.null(restricted[[x]]), FALSE, restricted[[x]]))
    names(restricted) <- allnames


  distribution = function(z, restricted = NULL) {
    # finds the distribution of days among different clusters given the values
    # of the model parameters (alpha, delta, theta and thetap)
    # Args:
    #   z : a vector of model parameters consisting of (alpha, delta, theta) if
    #       restricted$theta = TRUE, otherwise, (alpha, delta, theta, thetap)
    #   restricted  : a list specifying whether the model parameters are equal.
    #           It can take the value `NULL`, or contain one or more keys from
    #           the following keys (theta, mu, eps, d)
    # Returns:
    #   a list of probabilities distributed a six DY clusters

    a <- d <- theta <- thetap <- 0
    values <- z
    restricted <- .xadjpin$allrestrictions(restricted)

    if (restricted$theta) values <- c(z[1:3], z[3])

    variables <- c("a", "d", "theta", "thetap")
    for (i in 1:4) assign(variables[i], values[i])

    distrib <- c(
      (1 - a) * (1 - theta),      # C1 : no info. no shock
      (1 - a) * theta,            # C2 : no info. shock
      a * (1 - d) * (1 - thetap), # C3 : good info. no shock
      a * (1 - d) * thetap,       # C4 : good info. shock
      a * d * (1 - thetap),       # C5 : bad info. no shock
      a * d * thetap              # C6 : bad info. shock


  compute_pin = function(params, restricted) {
  # computes the values of adjpin and psos and returns them along
  # the vector of parameters
  # Args:
  #   params: an eventually restricted vector of model parameters
  #   restricted  : a list specifying whether the model parameters are equal.
  #           It can take the value `NULL`, or contain one or more keys from
  #           the following keys (theta, mu, eps, d)
  # Returns:
  #   an list with three keys: + params containing a vector of 10 parameters
  #                            + adjpin containing the adjust pin
  #                            + psos containing the psos value

    # initialize the local variables
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    a <- dx <- d <- mu <- e <- t <- tp <- NULL

    # Recover the names of the variables, and assign them to their values
    variables <- .xadjpin$vars(restricted, all = TRUE)
    for (i in seq_len(length(params))) assign(variables[i], params[i])

    # Recover the ten parameters by assigning the common value to the values of
    # both sides buy and sell, e.g., if restricted$theta = TRUE, then set the
    # value of thetap = theta
    if (restricted$theta) tp <- t
    if (restricted$mu) mub <- mus <- mu
    if (restricted$eps) eb <- es <- e
    if (restricted$d) db <- ds <- dx

    # Compute adjpin, and psos
    adjpin <- (a * ((1 - d) * mub + d * mus)) /
      ((a * ((1 - d) * mub + d * mus)) +
         (db + ds) * (a * tp + (1 - a) * t) + eb + es)
    psos <- ((db + ds) * (a * tp + (1 - a) * t)) /
      ((a * ((1 - d) * mub + d * mus)) + (db + ds) *
         (a * tp + (1 - a) * t) + eb + es)

    response <- list(params = c(a, d, t, tp, eb, es, mub, mus, db, ds),
                     adjpin = adjpin, psos = psos)

  likelihood = function(data, params) {
    # returns the (adjpin) likelihood value given trade dataset 'data', and
    # a set of parameters 'params'
    # Args:
    #   data  : a dataframe of daily buys and sells
    #   params: a set of adjpin model parameters
    # Returns:
    #   a numeric value of the adjpin likelihood

    lkd <- -factorizations$adjpin(data)(unlist(params))
    if (is.na(lkd)) lkd <- +Inf


  solve_eqx = function(a, b, c, d) {

    # The rational equation to be solved is
    # :: a0 / (x + b0) + a1 / (x + b1) + ... = c
    # d is the default value, if solving equations fails.

    # Check if the b's are equal, and sum the a's corresponding
    # to these values
    ub <- unique(b)

    if (length(ub) < length(b)) {

      xb <- xa <- NULL
      for (i in seq_len(length(ub))) {
        xb <- c(xb, ub[i])
        xa <- c(xa, sum(a[b == ub[i]]))
      a <- xa
      b <- xb

    # Find the coefficients from the roots of the polynomials
    allcoeffs <- c * .xadjpin$getcoeff(b) -
      as.numeric(colSums(ux$todframe((Map(function(x) c(
          a[x] * .xadjpin$getcoeff(b[-x]), 0), seq_len(length(b))))

    fsol <- tryCatch(
      polyroot(allcoeffs), error = function(e) {

    if (length(fsol) > 0) {
      fsol <- fsol[Im(zapsmall(fsol)) == 0]
      fsol <- Re(fsol)
      fsol <- fsol[fsol > 0]

    if (length(fsol) == 0) fsol <- d



  getcoeff = function(roots) {

    if (length(roots) == 1) return(c(roots, 1))
    # The coefficients are generated from the roots
    coeffs <- Map(
      function(x) sum(exp(colSums(log(combn(roots, x))))),
    coeffs <- unlist(coeffs)


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PINstimation documentation built on March 31, 2023, 6:32 p.m.