
Defines functions IntegrateSRTData correct_genes_subsampleR correct_genesR SelectHKgenes selectHKFeatures transferGeneNames FAST AddParSettingFAST FAST_structure model_set_FAST AddAdj get_r2_mcfadden FAST_run get_indexList vec2list mat2list approxPCA Diag .logTime .logDiffTime get_varfeature_fromSeurat

Documented in AddAdj AddParSettingFAST FAST FAST_run FAST_structure get_r2_mcfadden IntegrateSRTData model_set_FAST SelectHKgenes transferGeneNames

# generate man files
# devtools::document()
# R CMD check --as-cran ProFAST_1.4.tar.gz
## usethis::use_data(pbmc3k_subset)
# pkgdown::build_site()
# pkgdown::build_home()
# pkgdown::build_reference()
# pkgdown::build_article("FASTdlpfc") #FASTsimu; pbmc3k; CosMx
# pkgdown::build_article("FASTdlpfc2")

# Compatize with Seurat V5 --------------------------------------------------

get_varfeature_fromSeurat <- function(seu, assay=NULL){
  if(is.null(assay)) assay <- DefaultAssay(seu)
  if(inherits(seu[[assay]], "Assay5")){
    var.features <- seu[[assay]]@meta.data$var.features
    var.features <- var.features[!is.na(var.features)] 
    var.features <- seu[[assay]]@var.features

# Basic functions ---------------------------------------------------------
.logDiffTime <- function(main = "", t1 = NULL, verbose = TRUE, addHeader = FALSE,
                         t2 = Sys.time(), units = "mins", header = "*****",
                         tail = "elapsed.", precision = 3){
  # main = ""; t1 = NULL; verbose = TRUE; addHeader = FALSE;
  # t2 = Sys.time(); units = "mins"; header = "###########";
  # tail = "elapsed."; precision = 3
  if (verbose) {
    timeStamp <- tryCatch({
      dt <- abs(round(difftime(t2, t1, units = units),
      if (addHeader) {
        msg <- sprintf("%s\n%s : %s, %s %s %s\n%s",
                       header, Sys.time(), main, dt, units, tail,
      else {
        msg <- sprintf("%s : %s, %s %s %s", Sys.time(),
                       main, dt, units, tail)
      if (verbose)
    }, error = function(x) {
      if (verbose)
        message("Time Error : ", x)

.logTime <- function(main='', prefix='*****', versoe=TRUE){
    message(paste0(Sys.time()," : ", prefix," ",  main))

Diag<- function(vec){
  q <- length(vec)
  if(q > 1){
    y <- diag(vec)
    y <- matrix(vec, 1,1)

#' @importFrom irlba irlba
approxPCA <- function(X, q){ ## speed the computation for initial values.
  n <- nrow(X)
  svdX  <- irlba(A =X, nv = q)
  PCs <- svdX$u %*% Diag(svdX$d[1:q])
  loadings <- svdX$v
  dX <- PCs %*% t(loadings) - X
  Lam_vec <- colSums(dX^2)/n
  return(list(PCs = PCs, loadings = loadings, Lam_vec = Lam_vec))

matlist2mat <- function (XList) 
  r_max <- length(XList)
  X0 <- XList[[1]]
  if (r_max > 1) {
    for (r in 2:r_max) {
      X0 <- rbind(X0, XList[[r]])
mat2list <- function(z_int, nvec){
  zList_int <- list()
  istart <- 1
  for(i in 1:length(nvec)){
    zList_int[[i]] <- z_int[istart: sum(nvec[1:i]), ]
    istart <- istart + nvec[i]
vec2list <- function(y_int, nvec){
  if(length(y_int) != sum(nvec)) stop("vec2list: Check the argument: nvec!")
  yList_int <- list()
  istart <- 1
  for(i in 1:length(nvec)){
    yList_int[[i]] <- y_int[istart: sum(nvec[1:i])]
    istart <- istart + nvec[i]

get_indexList <- function(alist){
  nsample <- length(alist)
  nr <- 0
  indexList <- list()
  for(i in 1:nsample){
    indexList[[i]] <- (nr+1):(nrow(alist[[i]] )+nr)
    nr <- nr + nrow(alist[[i]] )
## Define functions
#' (Varitional) ICM-EM algorithm for implementing FAST model
#' @description (Varitional) ICM-EM algorithm for implementing FAST model
#' @param XList an M-length list consisting of multiple matrices with class \code{dgCMatrix} or \code{matrix} that specifies the count/log-count gene expression matrix for each data batch used for FAST model.
#' @param AdjList an M-length list of sparse matrices with class \code{dgCMatrix}, specify the adjacency matrix used for intrisic CAR model in FAST. We provide this interface for those users who would like to define the adjacency matrix by themselves.
#' @param q an optional integer, specify the number of low-dimensional embeddings to extract in FAST. Larger q means more information extracted.
#' @param fit.model an optional string, specify the version of FAST to be fitted. The Gaussian version models the log-count matrices while the Poisson verions models the count matrices; default as \code{gaussian} due to fastter computation.
#' @param AList an optional list with each component being a vector whose length is equal to the rows of component in \code{XList}, specify the normalization factor in FAST. The default is \code{NULL} that means the normalization factor equal to 1. 
#' @param maxIter the maximum iteration of ICM-EM algorithm. The default is 30.
#' @param epsLogLik an optional positive vlaue, tolerance of relative variation rate of the observed pseudo loglikelihood value, defualt as '1e-5'.
#' @param error_heter a logical value, whether use the heterogenous error for FAST model, default as \code{TRUE}. If \code{error.heter=FALSE}, then the homogenuous error is used.
#' @param Psi_diag a logical value, whether set the conditional covariance matrix of the intrisic CAR to diagonal, default as \code{FALSE}.
#' @param verbose a logical value, whether output the information in iteration.
#' @param seed a postive integer, the random seed to be set in initialization.
#' @param Vint_zero an optional logical value, specify whether the intial value of intrisic CAR component is set to zero; default as \code{FALSE}.
#' @return return a list including the following components: (1) hV: an M-length list consisting of spatial embeddings in FAST; (2) nu: the estimated intercept vector; (3) Psi: the estimated covariance matrix; (4) W: the estimated shared loading matrix; (5) Lam: the estimated covariance matrix of error term; (6): ELBO: the ELBO value when algorithm convergence; (7) ELBO_seq: the ELBO values for all itrations.
#' @details None
#' @seealso \code{\link{FAST_structure}}, \code{\link{FAST}}, \code{\link{model_set_FAST}}
#' @references None
#' @export
#' @useDynLib ProFAST, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom  Matrix sparseMatrix
FAST_run <- function(XList, AdjList, q = 15,  fit.model = c("gaussian", "poisson"),
                       AList=NULL, maxIter = 25,
                       epsLogLik = 1e-5,verbose=TRUE, seed=1,
                       error_heter=TRUE, Psi_diag=FALSE, Vint_zero=FALSE){
  # XList is a sparse matrix
  # q = 15; maxIter = 25; seed=1;
  # epsLogLik = 1e-5;verbose=TRUE; error_heter=TRUE; Sigma_diag=TRUE
  ### Check arguments
  if(!is.list(XList)) stop("FAST_run: XList must be a list!")
  if(!is.list(AdjList)) stop("FAST_run: AdjList must be a list!")
  if(!is.list(AdjList) || !is.null(AList)) stop("FAST_run: AList must be a list or NULL!")
  if(q<1) stop("FAST_run: q must be an integer greater than 0!")
  for(r in seq_along(XList)){
      tmpMat <- XList[[r]]
      XList[[r]] <- as(tmpMat, "sparseMatrix")
  M <- length(XList)
  fit.model <- match.arg(fit.model)
    XList_log <- lapply(XList, function(x) log(1+x))
      AList <- list(); # Normalization factor in Poisson factor model
      for(r in 1:M){
        AList[[r]] <- rep(1, nrow(XList[[r]]))
  }else if(fit.model == 'gaussian'){
    XList_log <- XList
  XList_center <- lapply(XList_log, scale, scale=FALSE)
  nv_int <- t(sapply(XList_center, function(x) attr(x, "scaled:center")))
  princ <- approxPCA(matlist2mat(XList_center), q= q)
  Zmat <- princ$PCs
  indexList <- get_indexList(XList)
  Psi_int <- array(0, dim=c(q,q, length(XList)))
  for(r in 1:M){
    tmp_mat <- cov(Zmat[indexList[[r]],])
      diag(Psi_int[,,r]) <- diag(tmp_mat)
      Psi_int[,,r] <- tmp_mat
  W_int <- princ$loadings# loading list
  EvList <- mat2list(Zmat, nvec=sapply(XList, nrow))
  p <- ncol(XList[[1]])
  LamMat_int <- matrix(NA, nrow=M, ncol=p, byrow=T)
  for(r in 1: M){
      LamMat_int[r, ] <- apply(XList_center[[r]] - EvList[[r]] %*% t(W_int), 2, var)
      LamMat_int[r, ] <- apply(matlist2mat(XList_center) - Zmat %*% t(W_int), 2, var)
    for(r in seq_along(EvList)){
      EvList[[r]] <- matrix(0, nrow(EvList[[r]]), q)
    reslist <- profast_p_cpp(Xlist= XList, AList=AList, Adjlist=AdjList, nv_int=nv_int, W_int, 
                             Lam_int=LamMat_int, Psi_int, 
                             EvList=EvList, maxIter=maxIter, 
                             epsELBO=epsLogLik, verbose=verbose, homo = !error_heter, Psi_diag=Psi_diag)
  }else if(fit.model == 'gaussian'){
    reslist <- profast_g_cpp(Xlist=XList, Adjlist=AdjList, nv_int, W_int, Lam_int=LamMat_int, Psi_int, 
                             EvList=EvList, maxIter=maxIter, 
                             epsLogLik=epsLogLik, verbose, homo = !error_heter, Psi_diag=Psi_diag)
  ## Put the intercept term to nu
  reslist$nu <- reslist$nu + t(reslist$W %*% sapply(reslist$hV, colMeans))
  reslist$hV <- lapply(reslist$hV, scale, scale=FALSE)

# Metrics -----------------------------------------------------------------

#'  Calcuate the the adjusted McFadden's pseudo R-square 
#' @description  Calcuate the the adjusted McFadden's pseudo R-square  between the  embeddings and the  labels
#' @param embeds a n-by-q matrix, specify the embedding matrix.
#' @param y a n-length vector, specify the labels.
#' @return return the adjusted McFadden's pseudo R-square. 
#' @details None
#' @references McFadden, D. (1987). Regression-based specification tests for the multinomial logit model. Journal of econometrics, 34(1-2), 63-82.
#' @export
get_r2_mcfadden <- function(embeds, y){
  # library(nnet)
  # library(performance)
  r2_mcfadden <- function(...){
    if (requireNamespace("performance", quietly = TRUE)) {
      x <- performance::r2_mcfadden(...)
    } else {
      stop("get_r2_mcfadden: performance is not available. Install performance to use this functionality.")
  multinom <- function(...){
    if (requireNamespace("nnet", quietly = TRUE)) {
      x <- nnet::multinom(...)
    } else {
      stop("get_r2_mcfadden: nnet is not available. Install nnet to use this functionality.")
  dat_r2_mac <- NULL
  # data('dat_r2_mac', package = "FAST")
  y <- as.numeric(as.factor(y))
  model1 <- multinom(y~embeds)
  R2 <- r2_mcfadden(model1)

# FAST for single SRT data ------------------------------------------------

#' Calculate the adjacency matrix given a spatial coordinate matrix
#' @description Calculate the adjacency matrix given a spatial coordinate matrix with 2-dimension or 3-dimension or more.
#' @param pos a matrix object, with columns representing the spatial coordinates that can be any diemsion, i.e., 2, 3 and >3.
#' @param type an optional string, specify which type of neighbors' definition. Here we provide two definition: one is "fixed_distance", the other is "fixed_number".
#' @param platform a string, specify the platform of the provided data, default as "Others". There are more platforms to be chosen, including "Visuim", "ST" and "Others" ("Others" represents the other SRT platforms except for 'Visium' and 'ST')
#'  The platform helps to calculate the adjacency matrix by defining the neighborhoods when type="fixed_distance" is chosen.
#' @param neighbors an optional postive integer,  specify how many neighbors used in calculation, default as 6. 
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{\link{getAdj_auto}}.
#' @return return a sparse matrix, representing the adjacency matrix.
#' @details When the type = "fixed_distance", then the spots within the Euclidean distance cutoffs from one spot are regarded as the neighbors of this spot. When the type = "fixed_number", the K-nearest spots are regarded as the neighbors of each spot.
#' @seealso None
#' @references None
#' @export
#' @importFrom DR.SC getAdj_auto
#' @importFrom PRECAST getAdj_reg getAdj_fixedNumber
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @examples
#' data(CosMx_subset)
#' pos <- as.matrix(CosMx_subset@meta.data[,c("x", "y")])
#' Adj_sp <- AddAdj(pos)
AddAdj <- function(pos, type="fixed_distance", platform=c("Others","Visium", "ST"),
  if(!inherits(pos, 'matrix')) stop("AddAdj: pos must be a matrix!")
  platform <- match.arg(platform)
  dim.coord <- ncol(pos)
  message("The spatial cooridnates are ", dim.coord, " dimensions")
  if(dim.coord == 2){
      if(tolower(platform) %in% c("st", "visium")){
        Adj <-  PRECAST::getAdj_reg(pos, platform=platform)
        Adj <- getAdj_auto(pos, lower.med=neighbors-2, upper.med=neighbors+2,...)
    }else if (tolower(type) == "fixed_number") {
      Adj <- PRECAST::getAdj_fixedNumber(pos, number=neighbors)
    } else {
      stop("AddAdj: Unsupported adjacency  type \"", type, "\".")
  }else{## Compute the Adj for multivariate coordinates
    nn2_here <- function(...) {
      if (requireNamespace("RANN", quietly = TRUE)) {
        x <- RANN::nn2(...)
      } else {
        stop("AddAdj: RANN is not available. Install RANN to use plotting functionalities.")
    calAdjd <- function(coord.mat, k = 6) {
      n <- nrow(coord.mat)
      nn.idx <- nn2_here(data = coord.mat, k = k + 1)$nn.idx
      j <- rep(1:n, each = k + 1)
      i <- as.vector(t(nn.idx))
      Adj <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = i, j = j, x = 1, dims = c(n, n))
      diag(Adj) <- 0
    Adj <- calAdjd(pos, k=neighbors)

FAST_s <- function (X, Adj_sp, q = 15, fit.model='gaussian', features = NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(features)) {
    features <- row.names(X)
  else {
    features <- intersect(features, row.names(X))
  reslist <- FAST_run(XList = list(Matrix::t(X[features, ])), 
                      AdjList = list(Adj_sp), q = q, fit.model = fit.model, 
  ce_cell <- reslist$hV[[1]]
  row.names(ce_cell) <- colnames(X)

#' Fit FAST model for single-section SRT data
#' @description  Fit FAST model for single-section SRT data.
#' @param seu a Seurat object.
#' @param Adj_sp a sparse matrix, specify the adjacency matrix among spots.
#' @param q an optional integer, specify the number of low-dimensional embeddings to extract in FAST. Larger q means more information extracted.
#' @param fit.model an optional string, specify the version of FAST to be fitted. The Gaussian version models the log-count matrices while the Poisson verions models the count matrices; default as possion model.
#' @param verbose a logical value, whether output the information in iteration.
#' @param slot  an optional string, specify the slot in Seurat object as the input of FAST model, default as `data`.
#' @param assay an optional string, specify the assay in Seurat object, default as `NULL` that means the default assay in Seurat object.
#' @param reduction.name an optional string, specify the reduction name for the fast embedding, default as `fast`. 
#' @param ... other arguments passed to \code{\link{FAST_run}}.
#' @export
#' @return return a list including the parameters set in the arguments.
#' @importFrom Seurat DefaultAssay FindVariableFeatures CreateDimReducObject
#' @seealso \code{\link{FAST_run}}
FAST_single <- function (seu, Adj_sp, q = 15, fit.model=c('poisson', 'gaussian'), 
                         slot = "data", assay = NULL, reduction.name = "fast", 
  fit.model <- match.arg(fit.model)
  if (is.null(assay)) 
    assay <- DefaultAssay(seu)
  X_all <- as.matrix(GetAssayData(object = seu, slot = slot, 
                                  assay = assay))
  # Adj_sp <- AddAdj(pos=as.matrix(seu@meta.data[,coords]), platform=platform)
  var.fe.tmp <- get_varfeature_fromSeurat(seu, assay=assay)
  if (length(var.fe.tmp) == 0) {
    stop("FAST_single: please find the variable features in seu before running this function!")
  var.features <- var.fe.tmp
      message( "******","Run the Poisson version of FAST...")
    }else if(fit.model== "gaussian"){
      message( "******","Run the Gaussian version of FAST...")
      stop("FAST_single: Check the argument: fit.model! It is not supported for this fit.model!")
  tstart <- Sys.time()
  cellsCoordinates <- FAST_s(X = X_all, Adj_sp = Adj_sp, q = q, 
                             features = var.features, ...)
  colnames(cellsCoordinates) <- paste0(reduction.name, 1:q)
  .logDiffTime(sprintf(paste0("%s Finish FAST"), "*****"), t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose)
  seu@reductions[[reduction.name]] <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings = cellsCoordinates[colnames(seu), ],
                                                           key = paste0(gsub("_","", reduction.name), "_"), assay = assay)

# Design high-level function using PRECAST objects -------------------------
#' Set parameters for FAST model
#' @description  Prepare parameters setup for FAST model fitting.
#' @param maxIter the maximum iteration of ICM-EM algorithm. The default is 30.
#' @param epsLogLik an optional positive vlaue, tolerance of relative variation rate of the observed pseudo loglikelihood value, defualt as '1e-5'.
#' @param error_heter a logical value, whether use the heterogenous error for FAST model, default as \code{TRUE}. If \code{error.heter=FALSE}, then the homogenuous error is used.
#' @param Psi_diag a logical value, whether set the conditional covariance matrices of intrisic CAR to diagonal, default as \code{FALSE}
#' @param verbose a logical value, whether output the information in iteration.
#' @param seed a postive integer, the random seed to be set in initialization.
#' @export
#' @return return a Seurat object with new reduction  (named reduction.name) added to the `reductions` slot.
#' @examples
#' model_set_FAST(maxIter = 30, epsLogLik = 1e-5,
#'   error_heter=TRUE, Psi_diag=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, seed=2023)
model_set_FAST <- function(maxIter = 30, epsLogLik = 1e-5,
                              error_heter=TRUE, Psi_diag=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, seed=1){
  para_settings <- list(maxIter = maxIter, seed=seed,
                        epsLogLik = epsLogLik,verbose=verbose,
                        error_heter=error_heter, Psi_diag=Psi_diag)

#' (Varitional) ICM-EM algorithm for implementing FAST model with structurized parameters
#' @param XList an M-length list consisting of multiple matrices with class dgCMatrix or matrix that specify the count/log-count gene expression matrix for each data batch used for FAST model.
#' @param AdjList an M-length list of sparse matrices with class dgCMatrix, specify the adjacency matrix used for intrisic CAR model in FAST. We provide this interface for those users who would like to define the adjacency matrix by themselves.
#' @param q an optional integer, specify the number of low-dimensional embeddings to extract in FAST
#' @param fit.model an optional string, specify the version of FAST to be fitted. The Gaussian version models the log-count matrices while the Poisson verions models the count matrices; default as gaussian due to fastter computation.
#' @param parameterList an optional list, specify other parameters in FAST model; see \code{\link{model_set_FAST}} for other paramters. The default is \code{NULL} that means the default parameters produced by \code{\link{model_set_FAST}} is used.
#' @return return a list including the following components: (1) hV: an M-length list consisting of spatial embeddings in FAST; (2) nu: the estimated intercept vector; (3) Psi: the estimated covariance matrix; (4) W: the estimated shared loading matrix; (5) Lam: the estimated covariance matrix of error term; (6): ELBO: the ELBO value when algorithm convergence; (7) ELBO_seq: the ELBO values for all itrations.
#' @details None
#' @seealso \code{\link{FAST_run}}, \code{\link{FAST}}, \code{\link{model_set_FAST}}
#' @references None
#' @export
FAST_structure <- function(XList, AdjList, q= 15,  fit.model = c("poisson", "gaussian"), 
                               parameterList = NULL){
    parameterList <- model_set_FAST()
  ### initialize para: 6 arguments.
  maxIter <- epsLogLik<- verbose<- NULL
  error_heter<- Psi_diag<-  seed<-  NULL
  para_names <- c("maxIter", "epsLogLik", "verbose", "error_heter", "Psi_diag", "seed")
  for(iname in para_names){
    assign(iname, parameterList[[iname]])
  fit.model <- match.arg(fit.model)
  resList <- FAST_run(XList=XList, AdjList=AdjList, q = q,  fit.model = fit.model,
                         AList= NULL, maxIter = maxIter, seed=seed,
                         epsLogLik = epsLogLik,verbose=verbose,
                         error_heter=error_heter, Psi_diag=Psi_diag, Vint_zero=FALSE)

#' Add FAST model settings for a PRECASTObj object
#' @param PRECASTObj a PRECASTObj object created by \code{\link{CreatePRECASTObject}}.
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed to \code{\link{model_set_FAST}} function.
#' @references None
#' @return  Return a revised PRECASTObj object with slot \code{parameterList} changed.
#' @export
AddParSettingFAST <- function(PRECASTObj, ...){
  PRECASTObj@parameterList <- model_set_FAST(...)
#' Run FAST model for a PRECASTObj object
#' @param PRECASTObj a PRECASTObj object created by \code{\link{CreatePRECASTObject}}.
#' @param q an optional integer, specify the number of low-dimensional embeddings to extract in FAST
#' @param fit.model an optional string, specify the version of FAST to be fitted. The Gaussian version models the log-count matrices while the Poisson verions models the count matrices; default as poisson.
#' @references None
#' @return  Return a revised PRECASTObj object with slot \code{PRECASTObj@resList} added by a \code{FAST} compoonent.
#' @export
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom Seurat DefaultAssay 

FAST <- function(PRECASTObj, q= 15, fit.model=c("poisson", "gaussian")){
  # suppressMessages(rrequire(Matrix))
  # suppressMessages(rrequire(Seurat))
  ## Arguments checking
  if(!inherits(PRECASTObj, "PRECASTObj")) 
    stop("FAST: Check the argument: PRECASTObj!  PRECASTObj must be a PRECASTObj object.")
  if(q < 1) stop("FAST: Check the argument: q!  q must be a positive integer.")
  if(is.null(PRECASTObj@seulist)) stop("FAST: Check the argument: PRECASTObj! The slot seulist in PRECASTObj is NULL!")
  if(!(fit.model %in% c("poisson", "gaussian")))
    stop("FAST: Check the argument: fit.model! fit.model must either be 'poisson' or 'gaussian'.")
    stop("FAST: Check the argument: PRECASTObj! The slot AdjList in PRECASTObj is NULL! Please run AddAdjList() first!")
  para_names <- c("maxIter", "epsLogLik", "verbose", "error_heter", "Psi_diag", "seed")
  if(length(setdiff(para_names, names(PRECASTObj@parameterList))) > 0)
     stop("FAST: Check the argument: PRECASTObj! The slot parameterList lacks some key arguments! Please run AddParSettingFAST() first!")
  ## Finish checking
  fit.model <- match.arg(fit.model)
  verbose <- PRECASTObj@parameterList$verbose
      message( "******","Run the Poisson version of FAST...")
    }else if(fit.model== "gaussian"){
      message( "******","Run the Gaussian version of FAST...")
      stop("FAST: Check the argument: fit.model! It is not supported for this fit.model!")
  tstart <- Sys.time()
  ## Get normalized data 
  get_data <- function(seu, assay = NULL, fit.model='poisson'){
    if(is.null(assay)) assay <- DefaultAssay(seu)
      dat <- Matrix::t(seu[[assay]]@counts)
    }else if(fit.model=='gaussian'){
      dat <- Matrix::t(seu[[assay]]@data)
      stop("FAST: Check the argument: fit.model! It is not supported for this fit.model!")
  XList <- lapply(PRECASTObj@seulist,  get_data, fit.model=fit.model)
  # PRECASTObj@resList$FAST <- list()
  PRECASTObj@resList$FAST <- FAST_structure(XList, q= 15,  fit.model = fit.model, 
                                          AdjList = PRECASTObj@AdjList, parameterList = PRECASTObj@parameterList)
  .logDiffTime(sprintf(paste0("%s Finish FAST"), "*****"), t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose)

# Select housekeeping genes for preparation of removing unwanted--------
#' Transfer gene names from one fortmat to the other format
#' @description  Transfer gene names from one fortmat to the other format for two species: human and mouse.
#' @param genelist a string vector, the gene list to be transferred.
#' @param now_name a string, the current format of gene names, one of 'ensembl', 'symbol'.
#' @param to_name a string, the  format of gene names to transfer, one of 'ensembl', 'symbol'.
#' @param species a string, the species, one of 'Human' and 'Mouse'.
#' @param Method a string, the method to use, one of 'biomaRt' and 'eg.db', default as 'eg.db'.
#' @return Return a string vector of transferred gene names. The gene names not matched in the database will not change.
#' @export
#' @importFrom org.Hs.eg.db org.Hs.eg.db
#' @importFrom org.Mm.eg.db org.Mm.eg.db
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi mapIds
#' @importFrom biomaRt useDataset getBM useMart
#' @examples
#' geneNames <- c("ENSG00000171885", "ENSG00000115756")
#' transferGeneNames(geneNames, now_name = "ensembl", to_name="symbol",species="Human", Method='eg.db')
transferGeneNames <- function(genelist, now_name = "ensembl", to_name="symbol",
                              species=c("Human", "Mouse"), Method=c('eg.db', 'biomart') ){
  firstup <- function(x) {
    ## First letter use upper capital
    x <- tolower(x)
    substr(x, 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(x, 1, 1))
  species <- match.arg(species)
  Method <- match.arg(Method)
  if(! toupper(species) %in% c("HUMAN", "MOUSE")) stop("Check species: the current version only support Human and Mouse!")
  transferredNames <- switch (toupper(species),
                              HUMAN = {
                                  mapIds(org.Hs.eg.db, keys = genelist,
                                         keytype = toupper(now_name), column=toupper(to_name))
                                }else if(tolower(Method)=='biomart'){
                                  mart <- useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", useMart("ensembl"))
                                  G_list <- getBM(filters= "ensembl_gene_id", attributes= c("ensembl_gene_id","hgnc_symbol"),
                                                  values=genelist,mart= mart)
                                  idx_in_genelst <- which(G_list$ensembl_gene_id %in% genelist)
                                  G_list <- G_list[idx_in_genelst,]
                                  idx_dup <- which(duplicated(G_list$ensembl_gene_id))
                                  G_list <- G_list[-idx_dup,]
                                  row.names(G_list) <- G_list$ensembl_gene_id
                                  symbol_list <- G_list[genelist,]$hgnc_symbol
                                  symbol_list[symbol_list==''] <- NA
                                  stop("Check Method: the current version only support biomaRt and eg.db!")
                              MOUSE= {
                                  mapIds(org.Mm.eg.db, keys = genelist,
                                         keytype = toupper(now_name), column=toupper(to_name))
                                }else if(tolower(Method)=='biomart'){
                                  mart <- useDataset(" mmusculus_gene_ensembl", useMart("ensembl"))
                                  G_list <- getBM(filters= "ensembl_gene_id", attributes= c("ensembl_gene_id","hgnc_symbol"),
                                                  values=genelist,mart= mart)
                                  idx_in_genelst <- which(G_list$ensembl_gene_id %in% genelist)
                                  G_list <- G_list[idx_in_genelst,]
                                  idx_dup <- which(duplicated(G_list$ensembl_gene_id))
                                  G_list <- G_list[-idx_dup,]
                                  row.names(G_list) <- G_list$ensembl_gene_id
                                  symbol_list <- G_list[genelist,]$hgnc_symbol
                                  symbol_list[symbol_list==''] <- NA
                                  stop("Check Method: the current version only support biomaRt and eg.db!")
  if(toupper(to_name) == 'SYMBOL'){
    if(toupper(species) == "MOUSE"){
      transferredNames <- firstup(transferredNames)
      transferredNames <- toupper(transferredNames)
  flag_na <- is.na(transferredNames)
    transferredNames[flag_na] <- genelist[flag_na]

selectHKFeatures <- function(seulist, HKFeatureList, HKFeatures=200){
  ## This function is used for selecting common informative features
  if(length(seulist) != length(HKFeatureList)) stop("The length of suelist and HKFeatureList must be equal!")
  if(length(seulist) ==1){
    if(length(HKFeatureList[[1]]) >= HKFeatures){
      genelist <- HKFeatureList[[1]][1:HKFeatures]
      genelist <- HKFeatureList[[1]]
      warning("The IntFeature is larger than the  number of elements in FeatureList!")
  geneUnion <- unique(unlist(HKFeatureList))
  ## ensure each seuobject has the genes in geneUnion
  # Remove zero-variance genes
  genes_zeroVar <- unique(unlist(lapply(seulist, function(x){
    assay <- DefaultAssay(x)
  #geneUnion[pbapply::pbapply(x@assays$RNA@counts[geneUnion,],1, sd)==0])))
  gene_Var <- setdiff(geneUnion, genes_zeroVar)
  # sort by number of datasets that identified this gene as the gene without spatial variation
  nsample <- length(seulist)
  numVec <- rep(0, length(gene_Var))
  rankMat <-matrix(NA,length(gene_Var), nsample)
  row.names(rankMat) <- gene_Var
  for(i in 1:length(gene_Var)){
    for(j in 1:nsample){
      if(is.element(gene_Var[i], HKFeatureList[[j]])){
        numVec[i] <- numVec[i] +1
        rank1 <- which(HKFeatureList[[j]]==gene_Var[i])
        rankMat[i, j] <- rank1
  cutNum <- sort(numVec, decreasing = T)[min(HKFeatures, length(numVec))]
  if(max(numVec)> cutNum){
    genelist1 <- gene_Var[numVec>cutNum]
    genelist1 <- NULL
  num_rest_genes <- min(HKFeatures, length(numVec)) - length(genelist1)
  gene2 <- gene_Var[numVec==cutNum]
  rankMat2 <- rankMat[gene2, ]
  rowMedian <- function(xmat, na.rm=TRUE){
    apply(xmat, 1, median, na.rm=na.rm)
  genes1rank <- gene2[order(rowMedian(rankMat2, na.rm=T))[1:num_rest_genes]]
  genelist <- c(genelist1, genes1rank)

# Select housekeeping genes for preparation of removing unwanted--------
#' Select housekeeping genes
#' @description  Select housekeeping genes for preparation of removing unwanted variations in expression matrices
#' @param seuList an M-length  list consisting of Seurat object, include the information of expression matrix and spatial coordinates (named \code{row} and \code{col}) in the slot \code{meta.data}.
#' @param species a string, the species, one of 'Human' and 'Mouse'.
#' @param HK.number an optional integer, specify the number of housekeeping genes to be selected.
#' @return Return a string vector of the selected gene names. 
#' @export
#' @importFrom  DR.SC FindSVGs
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
SelectHKgenes <- function(seuList, species= c("Human", "Mouse"), HK.number=200){
  ### Arguments checking
    stop("SelectHKgenes: Check the argument: seuList!  seuList must be a list consisting of Seurat objects!")
  ### Finish arguments checking
  gene_symbols <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(seuList, row.names))
  # gene_symbols <- transferGeneNames(gene_intersect, species="Human")
  if(tolower(species) =="human"){
    #data("Human_HK_genes", package = "PRECAST")
    idx_hk <- which(gene_symbols %in% as.character(PRECAST::Human_HK_genes$Gene))
    housekeep_genes <- gene_symbols[idx_hk]
  }else if(tolower(species) == "mouse"){
    # data("Mouse_HK_genes", package = "PRECAST")
    idx_hk <- which(gene_symbols %in% as.character(PRECAST::Mouse_HK_genes$Gene))
    housekeep_genes <- gene_symbols[idx_hk]
  if(length(housekeep_genes) < HK.number) HK.number <- length(housekeep_genes)
  if(length(housekeep_genes) < 5) warning("SelectHKgenes: the housekeeping genes are less than 5!")
  if(length(housekeep_genes) < 100){
  seulist_HK <- lapply(seuList, function(x) x[housekeep_genes,])
  seulist_HK <- pbapply::pblapply(seulist_HK, DR.SC::FindSVGs, nfeatures = nrow(seulist_HK[[1]]))
  geneList_noSpa <- lapply(seulist_HK, function(x) {
    order_idx <- order(x[['RNA']]@meta.features$adjusted.pval.SVGs, decreasing = T) # rank the gene with largest p-value the first
    genes <- row.names(x[['RNA']]@meta.features)[order_idx[1:HK.number]]
    # idx <- which(x[['RNA']]@meta.features$adjusted.pval.SVGs[order_idx]>0.05)
  final_HKgenes <- selectHKFeatures(seulist_HK, geneList_noSpa, HKFeatures=HK.number)

# Integration analysis ----------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom stats as.formula  coef cov lm median model.matrix model.matrix.lm residuals var 
correct_genesR <- function(XList, RList, HList, Tm, AdjList, covariateList=NULL, maxIter=30, epsELBO=1e-4, verbose=TRUE){
  dfList2df <- function(dfList){
    df <- dfList[[1]]
    r_max <- length(dfList)
      for(r in 2:r_max){
        df <- rbind(df, dfList[[r]])
  M <- length(XList);  p <- ncol(XList[[1]])
  q <- ncol(HList[[1]]); d <- ncol(Tm)
  Xmat <- matlist2mat(XList)
  R <- matlist2mat(RList)
  nvec <- sapply(XList, nrow)
    # covariates <- matlist2mat(covariateList)
    # covariates <- as.matrix(covariates)
    covarites_df <- dfList2df(covariateList)
    covariates <-  model.matrix.lm(object = ~.+1, data = covarites_df, na.action = "na.pass")
    rm(covariateList, covarites_df)
    R <- cbind(R, covariates[,-1])
    RList <- mat2list(R, nvec = nvec)
  colnames(R) <- NULL
  K <- ncol(RList[[1]]); 
  H <- matlist2mat(HList)
  colnames(H) <- NULL
  nvec <- sapply(RList, nrow)
  TmList <- list()
  for(m in 1:M){
    TmList[[m]] <- matrix(Tm[m,], nrow=nvec[m], ncol=ncol(Tm), byrow=T)
  TM <- matlist2mat(TmList)
  lm1 <- lm(Xmat~ R+H+TM+0)
  coef_all <- coef(lm1)
  rm(R, H, Xmat, lm1)
  alphaj_int <- coef_all[paste0("R", 1:K),]
  gammaj_int <- coef_all[paste0("H", 1:q),]
  if(d == 1){
    zetaj_int <- matrix(coef_all[paste0("TM"), ], nrow=1)
    zetaj_int <- coef_all[paste0("TM", 1:d)]
      stop("Tm must be a one-column matrix when it is full-zero!")
      zetaj_int <- matrix(1, 1, p)
  sigmaj_int <- matrix(1, M, p)
  psij_int <- matrix(1,M, p)
  # maxIter <- 30; epsELBO <- 1e-4; verbose<- TRUE
  reslist <- correct_genes(XList, RList, HList, Tm, Adjlist=AdjList, sigmaj_int, psij_int, 
                           alphaj_int, gammaj_int, zetaj_int, maxIter, epsELBO, verbose) 
  # str(reslist)
  correct_list <- list(XList_correct=lapply(1:M, function(j) XList[[j]] - HList[[j]] %*% reslist$gamma),
                       gammaj=reslist$gamma, alphaj=reslist$alpha, zetaj=reslist$zeta)


#' @importFrom stats as.formula  coef cov lm median model.matrix model.matrix.lm residuals var 
correct_genes_subsampleR <- function(XList, RList, HList, Tm, AdjList, subsample_rate=NULL, 
                                     covariateList=NULL, maxIter=30, epsELBO=1e-4, verbose=TRUE){
  dfList2df <- function(dfList){
    df <- dfList[[1]]
    r_max <- length(dfList)
      for(r in 2:r_max){
        df <- rbind(df, dfList[[r]])
  M <- length(XList);  p <- ncol(XList[[1]])
   q <- ncol(HList[[1]]);
  d <- ncol(Tm) ## the number of section-specified covariates.
  ## Xmat <- matlist2mat(XList)
  R <- matlist2mat(RList)
  nvec <- sapply(RList, nrow)
    # covariates <- matlist2mat(covariateList)
    # covariates <- as.matrix(covariates)
    covarites_df <- dfList2df(covariateList)
    covariates <-  model.matrix.lm(object = ~.+1, data = covarites_df, na.action = "na.pass")
    rm(covariateList, covarites_df)
    R <- cbind(R, covariates[,-1])
    RList <- mat2list(R, nvec = nvec)
    rm(covariates, R)
  # subsampling to speed up the computation!
  if(is.null(subsample_rate)) subsample_rate <- 1
  index_List <- get_indexList(RList)
  index_subsample <- sort(sample(sum(nvec), floor(sum(nvec)*subsample_rate)))
  ## calculate the number of indices belonging to the index of each slide
  nvec_subsample <- rep(NA, length(nvec))
  for(i in 1:length(nvec_subsample)){
    ## message("i = ", i)
    nvec_subsample[i] <- sum(index_subsample%in% index_List[[i]])
  index_List_new <- lapply(RList, function(x) 1: nrow(x))
  index_subsample_new <- unlist(index_List_new)[index_subsample]
  index_subsampleList <- vec2list(index_subsample_new, nvec_subsample)
  XList_sub <- list(); RList_sub <- list(); HList_sub <- list()
  AdjList_sub <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(XList)){
    # message("i = ", i)
    index_tmp <- index_subsampleList[[i]]
    XList_sub[[i]] <- XList[[i]][index_tmp,]
    RList_sub[[i]] <- RList[[i]][index_tmp, ]
    HList_sub[[i]] <- HList[[i]][index_tmp, ]
    AdjList_sub[[i]] <- AdjList[[i]][index_tmp, index_tmp]
  rm(RList,  AdjList)
  H <- matlist2mat(HList_sub)
  colnames(H) <- NULL
  TmList <- list()
  for(m in 1:M){
    TmList[[m]] <- matrix(Tm[m,], nrow=nvec_subsample[m], ncol=ncol(Tm), byrow=T)
  TM <- matlist2mat(TmList)
  colnames(TM) <- NULL
  R <- matlist2mat(RList_sub)
  colnames(R) <- NULL
  K <- ncol(R);
  ### Calculate the initial values for the algorithm of  spatial linear regression fitting
  Xmat <- matlist2mat(XList_sub)
  lm1 <- lm(Xmat~ R+H+TM+0)
  coef_all <- coef(lm1)
  rm(R, H, Xmat, lm1)
  alphaj_int <- coef_all[paste0("R", 1:K),]
  gammaj_int <- coef_all[paste0("H", 1:q),]
  if(d == 1){
    zetaj_int <- matrix(coef_all[paste0("TM"), ], nrow=1)
    zetaj_int <- coef_all[paste0("TM", 1:d)]
      stop("Tm must be a one-column matrix when it is full-zero!")
      zetaj_int <- matrix(1, 1, p)
  sigmaj_int <- matrix(1, M, p)
  psij_int <- matrix(1,M, p)
  # maxIter <- 30; epsELBO <- 1e-4; verbose<- TRUE
  reslist <- correct_genes(XList_sub, RList_sub, HList_sub, Tm, Adjlist=AdjList_sub, sigmaj_int, psij_int, 
                           alphaj_int, gammaj_int, zetaj_int, maxIter, epsELBO, verbose) 
  correct_list <- list(XList_correct=lapply(1:M, function(j) XList[[j]] - HList[[j]] %*% reslist$gamma),
                       gammaj=reslist$gamma, alphaj=reslist$alpha, zetaj=reslist$zeta)

#' Integrate multiple SRT data into a Seurat object
#' @description  Integrate multiple SRT data based on the \code{PRECASTObj} object by FAST and other model fitting.
#' @param PRECASTObj a PRECASTObj object created by \code{\link{CreatePRECASTObject}}.
#' @param seulist_HK a list with Seurat object as component including only the housekeeping genes.
#' @param Method a string, specify the method to be used and two methods are supprted: \code{iSC-MEB} and \code{HarmonyLouvain}. The default is \code{iSC-MEB}.
#' @param seuList_raw an optional list with Seurat object, the raw data.
#' @param covariates_use a string vector, the colnames in \code{PRECASTObj@seulist[[1]]@meta.data}, representing other biological covariates to considered when removing batch effects. This is achieved by adding additional covariates for biological conditions in the regression, such as case or control. Default as 'NULL', denoting no other covariates to be considered.
#' @param Tm an optional numeric vector with the length equal to \code{PRECASTObj@seulist}, the time point information if the data include the temporal information. Default as \code{NULL} that means there is no temporal information.
#' @param subsample_rate a real ranging in (0,1], specify the rate of spot drawing for speeding up the computation when the number of spots is very large. Default is 1, meaing using all spots.
#' @param verbose an optional logical value, default as \code{TRUE}.
#' @return Return a Seurat object by integrating all SRT data batches into a SRT data, where the column "batch" in the meta.data represents the batch ID, and the column "cluster" represents the clusters. The embeddings are put in \code{seu@reductions} slot and \code{Idents(seu)} is set to cluster label. Note that only the normalized expression is valid in the data slot while count is invalid.
#' @export
#' @details If \code{seuList_raw} is not equal \code{NULL} or \code{PRECASTObj@seuList} is not \code{NULL}, this function will remove the unwanted variations for all genes in \code{seuList_raw} object. Otherwise, only the the unwanted variation of genes in \code{PRECASTObj@seulist} will be removed. The former requires a big memory to be run, while the latter not. To speed up the computation when the number of spots is very large, we also provide a subsampling schema controlled by the arugment \code{subsample_rate}. When the total number of spots is larger than 80,000, this function will automatically draws 50,000 spots to calculate the paramters in the spatial linear model for removing unwanted variations. 
#' @importFrom Matrix t sparseMatrix
#' @importFrom Seurat DefaultAssay CreateSeuratObject `DefaultAssay<-` `Idents<-`
#' @importFrom PRECAST Add_embed
#' @import gtools
#' @useDynLib ProFAST, .registration = TRUE
IntegrateSRTData <- function(PRECASTObj, seulist_HK, Method=c("iSC-MEB", "HarmonyLouvain"), seuList_raw=NULL, 
                             covariates_use=NULL, Tm=NULL, subsample_rate= 1, verbose=TRUE){
  # require(Matrix)
  # library(Seurat)
  # require(PRECAST)

  ### Arguments checking
  if(!inherits(PRECASTObj, "PRECASTObj")) 
    stop("IntegrateSRTData: Check the argument: PRECASTObj!  PRECASTObj must be a PRECASTObj object.")
  if(is.null(PRECASTObj@seulist)) stop("IntegrateSRTData: The slot seulist in PRECASTObj is NULL!")
  if(!is.null(seulist_HK) && !is.list(seulist_HK))
    stop("IntegrateSRTData: Check the argument: seulist_HK!  seulist_HK must either be NULL or a list consisting of Seurat objects.")
  if(!(Method %in% c("iSC-MEB", "HarmonyLouvain")))
    stop("IntegrateSRTData: Check the argument: Method! Method must either be 'iSC-MEB' or 'HarmonyLouvain'.")
  if(!is.null(seuList_raw) && !is.list(seuList_raw))
    stop("IntegrateSRTData: Check the argument: seuList_raw!  seuList_raw must either be NULL or a list consisting of Seurat objects.")
  if(!is.null(covariates_use) &&  !is.character(covariates_use))
    stop("IntegrateSRTData: Check the argument: covariates_use! covariates_use must either be NULL or a character scalar/vector.")
  if(!is.null(Tm) && !is.numeric(Tm))
    stop("IntegrateSRTData: Check the argument: Tm! Tm must either be NULL or a numeric vector.")
  if(subsample_rate>1 || subsample_rate<=0){
    stop("IntegrateSRTData: Check the argument: subsample_rate!  subsample_rate must range in (0,1]!")
    stop("IntegrateSRTData:  Check the argument: subsample_rate!  verbose must be a logical value!")
  Method <- match.arg(Method)
  verbose <- verbose
    message( "******","Perform PCA on housekeeping gene expression matrix...")
  tstart <- Sys.time()
  nvec <- sapply(PRECASTObj@seulist, ncol)
      message("Use housekeeping genes and the results in iSC-MEB to remove unwanted variations...")
    }else if(Method=='HarmonyLouvain'){
      message("Use housekeeping genes and the results in Harmony and Louvain to remove unwanted variations...")
      stop("IntegrateSRTData: it does not support this Method!")
    M <- length(seulist_HK)
    seulist_HK <- lapply(1:M, function(r){
      seu_tmp <- seulist_HK[[r]]
      seu_tmp <- seu_tmp[, colnames(PRECASTObj@seulist[[r]])]
    XList_hk <- pbapply::pblapply(seulist_HK, function(x) Matrix::t(x[['RNA']]@data))
    nvec <- sapply(XList_hk, nrow)
    XList_hk <- pbapply::pblapply(XList_hk, as.matrix)
    Xmat_hk <- matlist2mat(XList_hk)
    princ <- approxPCA(Xmat_hk, q=10)
    HList <- mat2list(princ$PCs, nvec)
    rm(Xmat_hk, XList_hk)
      message("Only use the results in iSC-MEB to remove unwanted variations...")
      HList <- PRECASTObj@resList$iSCMEB$batchEmbed
    }else if(Method=='HarmonyLouvain'){
      message("Only use  the results in Harmony and Louvain to remove unwanted variations...")
      HList <- PRECASTObj@resList$Harmony$batchEmbed
      stop("IntegrateSRTData: it does not support this Method!")
  if(sum(nvec)> 8e4){
    subsample_rate <- 5e4/sum(nvec)
    message("The total number of spots exceeds 8e4, thus the subsampling schema will be used to speed up computation.")
  if(subsample_rate <1 && subsample_rate>0) message("IntegrateSRTData: the subsampling schema will be used to speed up computation since subsample_rate is smaller than 1.")
    covariateList <- lapply(PRECASTObj@seulist, function(x) x@meta.data[covariates_use])
    covariateList <- NULL
  if(is.null(seuList_raw) && !is.null(PRECASTObj@seuList)){
    seuList_raw <- PRECASTObj@seuList
  if(is.null(seuList_raw)){ ## remove the unwanted variation for the selected genes
    defAssay_vec <- sapply(PRECASTObj@seulist, DefaultAssay)
    if(any(defAssay_vec!=defAssay_vec[1])) warning("IntegrateSpaData: there are different default assays in PRECASTObj@seulist that will be used to integrating!")
    n_r <- length(defAssay_vec)
    XList <- lapply(1:n_r,  function(r) Matrix::t(PRECASTObj@seulist[[r]][[defAssay_vec[r]]]@data))
    XList <- lapply(XList, function(x) as.matrix(x))
  }else{ ## remove the unwanted variation for all genes in the data
    ## use the same genes
    gene_intersect <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(seuList_raw, row.names))
    ## keep the same spots as the filtered data in PRECASTObj
    seuList_raw <- lapply(1:M, function(r){
      seu_tmp <- seuList_raw[[r]][gene_intersect, ]
      seu_tmp <- seu_tmp[, colnames(PRECASTObj@seulist[[r]])]
    defAssay_vec <- sapply(seuList_raw, DefaultAssay)
    if(any(defAssay_vec!=defAssay_vec[1])) warning("IntegrateSpaData: there are different default assays in PRECASTObj@seulist that will be used to integrating!")
    n_r <- length(defAssay_vec)
    XList <- lapply(1:n_r,  function(r) Matrix::t(seuList_raw[[r]][[defAssay_vec[r]]]@data))
    XList <- lapply(XList, function(x) as.matrix(x))
  .logDiffTime(sprintf(paste0("%s Finish PCA"), "*****"), t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose)
  M <- length(PRECASTObj@seulist)
  p <- ncol(XList[[1]])
  if(is.null(Tm)){ # the temporal information
    Tm <- matrix(0, M, 1)
    message( "******","Remove the unwanted variations in gene expressions using spatial linear regression...")
  tstart <- Sys.time()
    RList <- PRECASTObj@resList$iSCMEB$RList
  }else if(Method=='HarmonyLouvain'){
    clusters_lovain <- PRECASTObj@resList$Louvain$cluster
    cluster_idMat <- model.matrix(~unlist(clusters_lovain)-1)
    RList <- mat2list(cluster_idMat, nvec = nvec)
    stop("IntegrateSRTData: it does not support this Method!")
    correct_List_pois <- correct_genesR(XList, RList, HList, Tm, PRECASTObj@AdjList,
                                        covariateList=covariateList, verbose=verbose)
    correct_List_pois <- correct_genes_subsampleR(XList, RList, HList, Tm, PRECASTObj@AdjList,
                                        covariateList=covariateList, subsample_rate = subsample_rate, verbose=verbose)
  .logDiffTime(sprintf(paste0("%s Finish unwanted variation removal"), "*****"), t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose)
    message( "******","Sort the results into a Seurat object...")
  tstart <- Sys.time()
  XList_correct_all_pois <- correct_List_pois$XList_correct
  ## Add row names and colnames (symbol) for each slice
  for(m in 1:M){
    row.names( XList_correct_all_pois[[m]]) <- paste0("slice", m, "_", row.names( XList[[m]]) )
    colnames(XList_correct_all_pois[[m]]) <- colnames(XList[[m]])
  hX_pois <- matlist2mat(XList_correct_all_pois)
  meta_data <- data.frame(batch=factor(get_sampleID(XList)))
  row.names(meta_data) <- row.names(hX_pois)
  count <- sparseMatrix(i=1,j=1, x=1, dims=dim(t(hX_pois)))
  row.names(count) <- colnames(hX_pois)
  colnames(count) <- row.names(hX_pois)
  seuInt <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = count, project = "FAST", assay = "RNA", meta.data = meta_data)
  row.names(hX_pois) <- colnames(seuInt)
  seuInt[["RNA"]]@data <- t(hX_pois)
  seuInt <- Add_embed(matlist2mat(PRECASTObj@resList$FAST$hV), seuInt, embed_name = 'FAST', assay='RNA')
    seuInt$cluster <- factor(unlist(PRECASTObj@resList$iSCMEB$cluster))
    seuInt <- Add_embed(matlist2mat(PRECASTObj@resList$iSCMEB$alignedEmbed), seuInt, embed_name = 'iscmeb', assay='RNA')
    Idents(seuInt) <- factor(seuInt$cluster)
  }else if(Method=='HarmonyLouvain'){
    seuInt$cluster <-factor(as.numeric(unlist(PRECASTObj@resList$Louvain$cluster)))
    seuInt <- Add_embed(matlist2mat(PRECASTObj@resList$Harmony$harmonyembed), seuInt, embed_name = 'harmony', assay='RNA')
    Idents(seuInt) <- factor(as.numeric(unlist(PRECASTObj@resList$Louvain$cluster)))
  posList <- lapply(PRECASTObj@seulist, function(x) cbind(x$row, x$col))
  seuInt <- Add_embed(matlist2mat(posList), seuInt, embed_name = 'position', assay='RNA')
  .logDiffTime(sprintf(paste0("%s Finish results arrangement"), "*****"), t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose)

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ProFAST documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:15 a.m.