
Defines functions mvnorm_extract_dim is_mixmv sigma.mvnormMix summary.mvnormMix print.mvnormMix mvnormsigma mvnorm_label mvnorm_dim_labels mvnormdim mvnorm mixmvnorm

Documented in mixmvnorm print.mvnormMix sigma.mvnormMix summary.mvnormMix

#' @name mixmvnorm
#' @title Multivariate Normal Mixture Density
#' @description The multivariate normal mixture density and auxiliary
#'     functions.
#' @param ... List of mixture components.
#' @param sigma Reference covariance.
#' @param param Determines how the parameters in the list are
#'     interpreted. See details.
#' @param object Multivariate normal mixture object.
#' @details Each entry in the \code{...} argument list is a numeric
#'     vector defining one component of the mixture multivariate
#'     normal distribution. The first entry of the component defining
#'     vector is the weight of the mixture component followed by the
#'     vector of means in each dimension and finally a specification
#'     of the covariance matrix, which depends on the chosen
#'     parametrization. The covariance matrix is expected to be given
#'     as numeric vector in a column-major format, which is standard
#'     conversion applied to matrices by the vector concatenation
#'     function \code{\link[base:c]{c}}. Please refer to the examples
#'     section below.
#' Each component defining vector can be specified in different ways
#' as determined by the \code{param} option:
#' \describe{
#' \item{ms}{Mean vector and covariance matrix \code{s}. Default.}
#' \item{mn}{Mean vector and number of observations. \code{n} determines the covariance for each component via the relation \eqn{\Sigma/n} with \eqn{\Sigma} being the known reference covariance.}
#' }
#' The reference covariance \eqn{\Sigma} is the known covariance in
#' the normal-normal model (observation covariance). The function
#' \code{sigma} can be used to query the reference covariance and may
#' also be used to assign a new reference covariance, see examples
#' below. In case \code{sigma} is not specified, the user has to
#' supply \code{sigma} as argument to functions which require a
#' reference covariance.
#' @family mixdist
#' @return Returns a multivariate normal mixture with the specified
#'     mixture components.
#' @examples
#' S <- diag(c(1, 2)) %*% matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), 2, 2) %*% diag(c(1, 2)) 
#' mvnm1 <- mixmvnorm(rob=c(0.2, c(0, 0), diag(c(5, 5))),
#'                    inf=c(0.8, c(0.5, 1), S/10), sigma=S)
#' print(mvnm1)
#' summary(mvnm1)
#' set.seed(657846)
#' mixSamp1 <- rmix(mvnm1, 500)
#' colMeans(mixSamp1)

#' @rdname mixmvnorm
#' @export
mixmvnorm <- function(..., sigma, param=c("ms", "mn")) {
    ## length of first mean vector determines dimension
    mix <- mixdist3(...)
    dim_labels <- rownames(mix)
    param <- match.arg(param)
    Nc <- ncol(mix)
    n <- colnames(mix)
    if(param == "ms") {
        ## mean vector & covariance parametrization
        l <- nrow(mix)
        p <- (sqrt(1 + 4 * (l - 1)) - 1) / 2
        assert_integerish(p, lower=1, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
        ## in this case we expect c(weight, mean, as.numeric(cov))
        mix <- do.call(mixdist3,
                              function(co) c(mix[1,co], mvnorm(mix[2:(p+1),co], matrix(mix[(1+p+1):(1+p+p^2),co], p, p)))
    if(param == "mn") {
        ## mean vector & number of observations
        l <- nrow(mix)
        p <- l - 2
        assert_integerish(p, lower=1, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
        assert_matrix(sigma, any.missing=FALSE, nrows=p, ncols=p)
        mix <- do.call(mixdist3, lapply(1:Nc,
                                        function(co) {
                                            assert_numeric(mix[l,co], lower=0, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE)
                                            c(mix[1,co], mvnorm(mix[2:(p+1),co], sigma/mix[l,co] ))
    colnames(mix) <- n
    p <- mvnormdim(mix[-1,1])
    if(is.null(dim_labels)) {
        dim_labels <- as.character(1:p)
    } else {
        dim_labels <- dim_labels[2:(p+1)]
    rownames(mix) <- c("w", mvnorm_label(mix[-1,1], dim_labels))
    if(!missing(sigma)) {
        assert_matrix(sigma, any.missing=FALSE, nrows=p, ncols=p)
        colnames(sigma) <- rownames(sigma) <- dim_labels
        attr(mix, "sigma") <- sigma
    class(mix) <- c("mvnormMix", "mix")
    likelihood(mix) <- "mvnormal"

#' @keywords internal
mvnorm <- function(mean, sigma) {
    ## TODO: far more checks!!! Allow to pass in directly a cholesky factor
    assert_numeric(mean, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE)
    p <- length(mean)
    assert_matrix(sigma, any.missing=FALSE, nrows=p, ncols=p)
    rho <- cov2cor(sigma)
    s <- sqrt(diag(sigma))
    mvn <- c(mean, s, rho[lower.tri(rho)])
    names(mvn) <- mvnorm_label(mvn)

#' @keywords internal
mvnormdim <- function(mvn) {
    p <- (-3 + sqrt(9 + 8 * length(mvn))) / 2
    assert_integerish(p, lower=1, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)

#' @keywords internal
mvnorm_dim_labels <- function(mvn) {
    p <- mvnormdim(mvn)
    n <- names(mvn)
    if(is.null(n)) {
    return(gsub("\\]$", "", gsub("^[^\\[]*\\[", "", n[1:p])))

#' @keywords internal
mvnorm_label <- function(mvn, dim_labels) {
    p <- mvnormdim(mvn)
        dim_labels <- mvnorm_dim_labels(mvn)
    if(p > 1) {
        Rho_labs_idx <- outer(dim_labels, dim_labels, paste, sep=",")[lower.tri(diag(p))]
        lab <- c(paste0("m[", dim_labels,"]"), paste0("s[", dim_labels, "]"), paste0("rho[", Rho_labs_idx, "]"))
    } else {
        lab <- c(paste0("m[", dim_labels,"]"), paste0("s[", dim_labels, "]"))

#' @keywords internal
mvnormsigma <- function(mvn) {
    p <- mvnormdim(mvn)
    n <- length(mvn)
    s <- mvn[(p+1):(2*p)]
    Rho <- diag(p)
    Rho[lower.tri(Rho)] <- mvn[(2*p+1):n]
    Rho[upper.tri(Rho)] <- t(Rho)[upper.tri(Rho)]
    diag(s, nrow=p) %*% Rho %*% diag(s, nrow=p)

#' @rdname mixmvnorm
#' @method print mvnormMix
#' @param x The mixture to print
#' @export
print.mvnormMix <- function(x, ...) {
    cat("Multivariate normal mixture\n")
    cat(paste0("Outcome dimension: ", mvnormdim(x[-1,1]), "\n"))
    if(!is.null(sigma(x))) {
        cat("Reference covariance:\n")
        print(sigma(x), ...)

#' @rdname mixmvnorm
#' @method summary mvnormMix
#' @export
summary.mvnormMix <- function(object, ...) {
    w <- object[1,]
    p <- mvnormdim(object[-1,1])
    m <- object[2:(p+1),,drop=FALSE]
    Nc <- ncol(object)
    mmix <- rowSums(sweep(m, 2, w, "*"))
    ## Cov(x,x) = E(x x') - E(x) E(x')
    ## E(x x') = Sigma + m m' (see matrix cookbook eq 377)
    if(Nc == 1) {
        S <- w[1] * mvnormsigma(object[-1,1])
    } else {
        S <- -1 * tcrossprod(mmix)
        for(i in 1:Nc) {
            S <- S + w[i] * ( mvnormsigma(object[-1,i]) + tcrossprod(unname(m[,i,drop=FALSE]) ))
    rownames(S) <- colnames(S) <- names(mmix) <- mvnorm_dim_labels(object[-1,1])
    list(mean=mmix, cov=S)

#' @rdname mixmvnorm
#' @method sigma mvnormMix
#' @export
#' @export sigma
sigma.mvnormMix <- function(object, ...) {
    attr(object, "sigma")

#' @keywords internal
is_mixmv <- function(mix) {
    inherits(mix, "mvnormMix")

#' @keywords internal
mvnorm_extract_dim <- function(mix, sub) {
    Nc <- ncol(mix)
    sub_comp <- list()
    p <- mvnormdim(mix[-1,1])
    assert_numeric(sub, lower=1, upper=p, any.missing=FALSE)
    for(i in seq_len(Nc)) {
        sub_comp[[i]] <- c(mix["w", i], mix[1 + sub, i], mvnormsigma(mix[-1,i])[sub, sub, drop=FALSE])
        sub_comp$sigma <- sigma(mix)
    do.call(mixmvnorm, sub_comp)

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