#' ---
#' title: "Using RBesT to reproduce Schmidli et al. \"Robust MAP Priors\""
#' author: "Sebastian Weber"
#' date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
#' output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
#' vignette: >
#' %\VignetteIndexEntry{Using RBesT to reproduce Schmidli et al. "Robust MAP Priors"}
#' %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
#' %\VignetteDepends{foreach}
#' %\VignetteDepends{reshape2}
#' ---
#' The following script demonstrates the ` RBesT` library to reproduce the
#' main results from Schmidli et al., Biometrics 70, 1024, 2014.
#' The two main ideas of the paper are
#' 1. use mixture priors to approximate accuratley numerical MCMC MAP
#' priors
#' 2. robustify informative MAP priors by adding a suitable
#' non-informative component to the informative MAP prior
#' As example an adaptive design for a binomial endpoint is considered:
#' - Stage 1: mI in test treatment and nI in control (e.g., mI = 20, nI = 15);
#' - Stage 2: (m - mI ) in test treatment and max(n - ESSI, nmin) in control (e.g., nmin = 5).
#' To render a report with all the figures, please run:
#' - ` rmarkdown::render("robustMAP.R")`
#' - ` rmarkdown::render("robustMAP.R", "pdf_document")` (for a pdf version)
fig.width = 7,
fig.height = 4
#' ## Operating Characteristics, Table 1
#' the different priors
map <- list()
map$beta <- mixbeta(c(1.0, 4, 16) )
map$mix90 <- mixbeta(c(0.9, 4, 16), c(0.1, 1, 1))
##map$mix70 <- mixbeta(c(0.7, 4, 16), c(0.3, 1, 1))
map$mix50 <- mixbeta(c(0.5, 4, 16), c(0.5, 1, 1))
##map$mix30 <- mixbeta(c(0.3, 4, 16), c(0.7, 1, 1))
##map$mix10 <- mixbeta(c(0.1, 4, 16), c(0.9, 1, 1))
map$unif <- mixbeta( c(1.0, 1, 1))
unif <- map$unif
## for the adaptive design the calculation is a bit involved as we
## have to calculate all possible ctl sample sizes which is determined
## by the ESS at the intermediate
OC_adaptBinary2S <- function(N1, Ntarget, Nmin, M, ctl.prior, treat.prior, pc, pt, decision) {
## calculate the different possible ESS values which we get after
## stage1
r1 <- 0:N1
ESSstage1 <- vector("double", N1+1)
for(r in r1)
ESSstage1[r+1] <- round(ess(postmix(ctl.prior, r=r, n=N1), method="morita"))
## number of patients enrolled in stage 2
N2 <- pmax(Ntarget-ESSstage1, Nmin)
## total number of patients enrolled
N <- N1 + N2
P <- try(data.frame(pc = pc, pt = pt))
if (inherits(P, "try-error")) {
stop("pc and pt need to be of same size")
## calculate for each scenario and sample size of the control the
## power
power_all <- matrix(0, N1+1, nrow(P))
for(r in r1) {
##power_all[r+1,] <- OC_binary2S(N[r+1], M, ctl.prior, treat.prior, P$pc, P$pt, crit)
design_calc <- oc2S(treat.prior, ctl.prior, M, N[r+1], decision)
power_all[r+1,] <- design_calc(P$pt, P$pc)
## finally take the mean with the respective weight which corresponds
## to the weight how the respective sample size occur
w <- sapply(P$pc, function(p) dbinom(r1, N1, p))
data.frame(power=colSums(power_all * w), samp=colSums(w * N))
## minimum of patients enrolled in stage 2
Nmin <- 5
## number of patients enrolled to control in stage 1
N1 <- 15
## target number of patients overall
Ntarget <- 40
## target number of patients in treatment group
M <- 40
## decision function: P(x1 - x2 > 0) > 0.975
dec <- decision2S(0.975, 0, lower.tail=FALSE)
cases <- expand.grid(prior=names(map), pc=seq(0.1,0.6,by=0.1), delta=c(0,0.3))
## the mixture cases have a varying ess at the interim and need the
## adaptive function ...
cases.mix <- grep("mix", names(map), value=TRUE)
cases.fix <- grep("mix", names(map), value=TRUE, invert=TRUE)
resMix <- foreach(i=cases.mix, .combine=rbind) %do% {
design <- subset(cases, prior==i)
cbind(design, OC_adaptBinary2S(N1, Ntarget, Nmin, M, map[[i]], unif, design$pc, design$pc+design$delta, dec))
## ... for the non-mixture priors the ESS is fixed at the intermediate
## step such that the much faster oc2S can be used directly
resFix <- foreach(i=cases.fix, .combine=rbind) %do% {
design <- subset(cases, prior==i)
prior <- map[[i]]
Nc <- Ntarget - round(ess(prior, method="morita"))
design_calc <- oc2S(unif, prior, M, Nc, dec)
cbind(design, power=design_calc(design$pc+design$delta, design$pc), samp=Nc)
powerTable <- rbind(resMix, resFix)
P <- expand.grid(pc=c(0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5), pt=seq(0.05,0.95,by=0.025))
powerMix <- foreach(i=cases.mix, .combine=rbind) %do% {
cbind(P, prior=i, OC_adaptBinary2S(N1, Ntarget, Nmin, M, map[[i]], unif, P$pc, P$pt, dec))
powerFix <- foreach(i=cases.fix, .combine=rbind) %do% {
prior <- map[[i]]
Nc <- Ntarget - round(ess(prior, method="morita"))
design_calc <- oc2S(unif, prior, M, Nc, dec)
cbind(P, prior=i, power=design_calc(P$pt, P$pc), samp=Nc)
##cbind(P, prior=i, power=OC_binary2S(Nc, M, prior, unif, P$pc, P$pt, dec), samp=Nc)
power <- rbind(powerMix, powerFix)
ocAdapt <- powerTable[,-ncol(powerTable)] %>%
unite(case, delta, prior) %>%
transform(power=100*power) %>%
spread(case, power)
ocAdaptSamp <- powerTable[,- ( ncol(powerTable)-1 )] %>%
unite(case, delta, prior) %>%
spread(case, samp)
kable(ocAdapt, digits=1, caption="Type I error and power")
kable(ocAdaptSamp, digits=1, caption="Sample size")
#' ## Additional power Figure under varying pc
qplot(pt-pc, power, data=power, geom=c("line"), colour=prior) +
facet_wrap(~pc) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0,1,by=0.2)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(-0.8,0.8,by=0.2)) +
coord_cartesian(xlim=c(-0.15,0.5)) +
geom_hline(yintercept=0.025, linetype=2) +
geom_hline(yintercept=0.8, linetype=2) +
ggtitle("Prob. for alternative for different pc")
#' ## Bias and rMSE, Figure 1
#' Reproduction of Fig. 1 in Robust MAP Prior paper.
plot(map$beta, prob=1)
#' The bias and rMSE calculations are slightly involved as the sample
#' size depends on the first stage.
est <- foreach(case=names(map), .combine=rbind) %do% {
## prior to consider
prior <- map[[case]]
## calculate the different possible ESS values which we get after
## stage1
r1 <- 0:N1
ESSstage1 <- c()
for(r in r1) {
ESSstage1 <- c(ESSstage1, round(ess(postmix(prior, r=r, n=N1), method="morita", loc="mode")))
## number of patients enrolled in stage 2
N2 <- pmax(Ntarget-ESSstage1, 5)
## total number of patients enrolled
N <- N1 + N2
## we need the maximal possible number of patients
Nmax <- max(N)
## calculate for each i = 0 to N1 possible responders in stage one
## the posterior when observing 0 to N[i] in total. Calculate for
## each scenario outcome E(p) and E(p^2)
m <- matrix(0, N1+1, Nmax+1)
m2 <- matrix(0, N1+1, Nmax+1)
for(i in seq_along(N)) {
n <- N[i]
for(r in 0:n) {
res <- summary(postmix(prior,r=r,n=n))[c("mean", "sd")]
m[i,r+1] <- res["mean"]
m2[i,r+1] <- res["sd"]^2 + m[i,r+1]^2
## now collect the terms correctly weighted for each assumed true rate
bias <- rMSE <- c()
pt <- seq(0,1,length=101)
for(p in pt) {
## weight for each possible N at stage 1
wnp <- dbinom(0:N1, N1, p)
## E(p) and E(p^2) for each possible N at stage 1
Mnm <- rep(0, N1+1)
Mnm2 <- rep(0, N1+1)
## for a given weight at stage 1....
for(i in seq(N1+1)) {
n <- N[i]
## weights of possible outcomes when having n draws in
## stage1, we go up to Nmax+1 to get a vector of correct
## length; all entries above n are set to 0 from dbinom as
## expected as we can never observe more counts than the
## number of trials...
wp <- dbinom(0:Nmax, n, p)
Mnm[i] <- sum(m[i,] * wp)
Mnm2[i] <- sum(m2[i,] * wp)
## ... which we average over possible outcomes in stage 1
Mm <- sum(wnp * Mnm)
Mm2 <- sum(wnp * Mnm2)
bias <- c(bias, (Mm - p))
rMSE <- c(rMSE, sqrt(Mm2 - 2 * p * Mm + p^2))
data.frame(p=pt, bias=bias, rMSE=rMSE, prior=case)
qplot(p, 100*bias, data=est, geom="line", colour=prior, main="Bias")
qplot(p, 100*rMSE, data=est, geom="line", colour=prior, main="rMSE")
#' ## Ulcerative colitis example
#' Clinical example to exemplify the methodology.
## set seed to guarantee exact reproducible results
map <- gMAP(cbind(r, n-r) ~ 1 | study,
map_auto <- automixfit(map)
## advanced: look at AIC of all fitted models
sapply(attr(map_auto, "models"), AIC)
## use best fitting mixture model as prior
prior <- map_auto
pl <- plot(prior)
pl$mix + ggtitle("MAP prior for ulcerative colitis")
#' Colitis MAPs from paper for further figures.
mapCol <- list(
one = mixbeta(c(1,2.3,16)),
two = mixbeta(c(0.77, 6.2, 50.8), c(1-0.77, 1.0, 4.7)),
three = mixbeta(c(0.53, 2.5, 19.1), c(0.38, 14.6, 120.2), c(0.08, 0.9, 2.9))
mapCol <- c(mapCol, list(twoRob=robustify(mapCol$two, weight=0.1, mean=1/2),
threeRob=robustify(mapCol$three, weight=0.1, mean=1/2)
#' Posterior for different remission rates, Figure 3
N <- 20
post <- foreach(prior=names(mapCol), .combine=rbind) %do% {
res <- data.frame(mean=rep(NA, N+1), sd=0, r=0:N)
for(r in 0:N) {
res[r+1,1:2] <- summary(postmix(mapCol[[prior]], r=r, n=N))[c("mean", "sd")]
res$prior <- prior
qplot(r, mean, data=post, colour=prior, shape=prior) + geom_abline(slope=1/20)
qplot(r, sd, data=post, colour=prior, shape=prior) + coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0,0.17))
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