
Defines functions ImportCSV CreateMinMaxGroup MarginalProba CredibleInterval MarginalStatistics MarginalPlot DatesHiatus PhaseTimeRange PhaseStatistics PhasePlot PhaseDurationPlot PhasesGap PhasesTransition SuccessionPlot MultiCredibleInterval MultiHPD MultiDatesPlot MultiPhaseTimeRange MultiPhasesGap MultiPhasesTransition MultiSuccessionPlot MultiPhasePlot TempoPlot TempoActivityPlot

Documented in CreateMinMaxGroup CredibleInterval DatesHiatus ImportCSV MarginalPlot MarginalProba MarginalStatistics MultiCredibleInterval MultiDatesPlot MultiHPD MultiPhasePlot MultiPhasesGap MultiPhasesTransition MultiPhaseTimeRange MultiSuccessionPlot PhaseDurationPlot PhasePlot PhasesGap PhaseStatistics PhasesTransition PhaseTimeRange SuccessionPlot TempoActivityPlot TempoPlot


#             Importing a CSV file                  #

#' Importing a CSV file 
#' Importing a CSV file containing the output of the MCMC algorithm from any software
#' @details 
#' @param file the name of the CSV file containing the output of the MCMC algorithm 
#' @param dec the character used in the file for decimal points for the use of read.csv()
#' @param sep the field separator character for the use of read.csv()
#' @param comment.char a character vector of length one containing a single character or an empty string for the use of read.csv()
#' @param header a character vector of length one containing a single character or an empty string for the use of read.csv()
#' @return A data frame (data.frame) containing a representation of the data in the file.
#' @export
ImportCSV <- function(file, dec='.', sep=',', comment.char = '#', header = TRUE){
  # importing the CSV file
  data = read.csv(file, dec = dec, sep=sep, comment.char = comment.char, header=header)

#         Constructing the Phases min max            #

#' Constructing the minimum and the maximum for each phase  
#' Constructing a dataframe containing the output of the MCMC algorithm corresponding to the minimum and the maximum of each group of events
#' @details 
#' @param data dataframe containing the output of the MCMC algorithm 
#' @param position numeric vector containing the position of the column corresponding to the MCMC chains of all dates included in the phase of interest
#' @param name name of the current group of dates or phase
#' @param add the name of the dataframe in which the current minimum and maximum should be added. Null by default. 
#' @param exportFile the name of the final file that will be saved if chosen. Null by default. 

#' @return A dataframe containing the minimum and the maximum of the group of dates included in the phase of interest. These values may be added to an already existing file "addFile" if given. 
#' @export
CreateMinMaxGroup <- function(data, position, name ="Phase", add=NULL, exportFile=NULL){
  # importing the CSV file
  dataTemp = data[position]
  Alpha = apply(dataTemp, 1, min)
  Beta = apply(dataTemp, 1, max)
  name.Alpha = paste(name,".Alpha")
  name.Beta = paste(name,".Beta")
  MinMaxCurrentPhase = cbind(Alpha,Beta)
  colnames(MinMaxCurrentPhase) <- c(name.Alpha,name.Beta)
  if (is.null(add)){
    MinMaxPhase = MinMaxCurrentPhase
  } else {
    MinMaxPhase = cbind(add, MinMaxCurrentPhase)
  if (is.null(exportFile)){
  } else {
    write.csv(MinMaxPhase, "exportFile.csv", row.names=FALSE)

#     Anteriority / posteriority Probability        #

#' Bayesian test for anteriority / posteriority
#' Tests that a_chain < b_chain
#' @param a_chain : numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the parameter a
#' @param b_chain : numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the parameter b
#' @return The baysesian probability that a < b knowing the data
#' @export
MarginalProba <- function(a_chain,b_chain){

  mean(ifelse(a_chain < b_chain, 1, 0))   ## bayesion test : a < b


#     Estimation of Credible interval        #

#' Bayesian credible interval
#' Estimation of the shorest credible interval of the output of the MCMC algorithm for the parameter a
#' @details A 100*level % credible interval is an interval that keeps N*(1-level) elements of the sample outside the interval
#' The 100*level % credible interval is the shortest of all those intervals.
#' @param a_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the parameter a
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence used for the credible interval and the highest density region
#' @return The endpoints of the shortest credible interval
#' @export
CredibleInterval <- function(a_chain, level=0.95){

  sorted_sample <- sort(a_chain)     # ordering the sample
  N = length(a_chain)                # calculation of the sample size
  OutSample = N * (1-level)          # calculation of the number of data to be outside the interval

  I =  cbind(sorted_sample[1:(OutSample+1)] , sorted_sample[(N-OutSample):N])    #   combinasion of all credible intervals

  l = I[,2]-I[,1]   # length of intervals
  i <- which.min(l) # look for the shortest interval

  c(level = level, CredibleIntervalInf=I[i,1],CredibleIntervalSup=I[i,2])   # returns the level and the endpoints


#            Marginal  Statistics                   #
#' Summary statistics
#' Estimation of all usual statistics
#' @param a_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the parameter a
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence used for the credible interval and the highest density region
#' @param max_decimal maximum number of decimal
#' @param title title of the summary statistics
#' @return A list of values corresponding to all the following statistics
#' @export
MarginalStatistics <- function(a_chain, level=0.95, max_decimal=0){

  # Position
  mean = round(mean(a_chain), max_decimal)
  hdr = hdr(a_chain, prob = c(level * 100))
  map = round(hdr$mode, max_decimal)
  quantiles = round(quantile(a_chain, c(0.25,0.5,0.75)), max_decimal)

  # Dispersion
  sd = round(sd(a_chain), max_decimal)            # standard deviation using the 'sd' function
  CI = c(round(CredibleInterval(a_chain, level)[2], max_decimal), round(CredibleInterval(a_chain, level)[3], max_decimal))           # Credible Interval using the function 'CredibleInterval' from the package 'Rchronomodel'
  HPDR = round(hdr$hdr, max_decimal)              # Highest posterior density function region using the function 'hdr' from the package 'hdrcde'

  # Resulted
  res = c(mean, map, sd, quantiles[1], quantiles[2], quantiles[3], level, CI[1], CI[2], HPDR)
  Mat = matrix(nrow=length(res), ncol=1)
  Mat[,1] = res
  for( k in (1: (length(HPDR)/2) ) ) {
  names1 = c("mean", "MAP", "sd", "Q1", "median", "Q2", "level", "CredibleInterval Inf", "CredibleInterval Sup")
  rownames(Mat) = c(names1, nom)

#          Marginal posterior Density               #
#' Marginal posterior Density
#' Plots the density of a_chain + statistics (mean, CI, HPDR)
#' @param a_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the parameter a
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence used for the credible interval and the highest density region
#' @param title label of the title
#' @param colors if TRUE  -> use of colors in the graph
#' @param GridLength length of the grid used to estimate the density
#' @return a plot with the density of a_chain + +CI + mean + HDR
#' @export
MarginalPlot <- function(a_chain, level=0.95, title="Marginal posterior density", colors=T, GridLength=1024){

  step <- max(density(a_chain, n=GridLength)$y) /50   # used to draw CI and mean above the curve
  maxValuex <- max(density(a_chain, n=GridLength)$x)
  minValuex <- min(density(a_chain, n=GridLength)$x)
  middleValuex <- minValuex + ( maxValuex - minValuex ) / 2
  P1Valuex <- minValuex + ( maxValuex - minValuex ) / 4
  P3Valuex <- middleValuex + ( maxValuex - minValuex ) / 4
  maxValuey <- max(density(a_chain, n=GridLength)$y)
  middleValuey <- maxValuey /2

  if (colors==T){
    plot(density(a_chain, n=GridLength), main = title, xlab = "Date", axes = F, ylim=c(0,max(density(a_chain, n=GridLength)$y) + step))
    # abscissa axis
    axis(1, at=c(minValuex, P1Valuex, middleValuex, P3Valuex, maxValuex) , labels =c(floor(minValuex), floor(P1Valuex), floor(middleValuex), floor(P3Valuex), floor(maxValuex )))
    # ordinate axis
    axis(2, at=c(0, middleValuey , maxValuey),labels =c(0, round(middleValuey, 3), round(maxValuey, 3)) )

    segments(CredibleInterval(a_chain, level)[2], 0, CredibleInterval(a_chain, level)[3], 0, lwd=6, col = 4)
    points(mean(a_chain), 0 , lwd=6, col = 2)

    # legend
    legend(P3Valuex, maxValuey, c("Density", "Credible Interval", "Mean"), lty=c(1, 1, 0), bty="n", pch=c(NA, NA,1), col = c("black","blue","red"), lwd=c(1,6,6), x.intersp=0.5, cex=0.9)

  }else {
    plot(density(a_chain, n=GridLength), main = title, xlab = "Date", axes = F, ylim=c(0,max(density(a_chain, n=GridLength)$y) + step))
    # abscissa axis
    axis(1, at=c(minValuex, P1Valuex, middleValuex, P3Valuex, maxValuex) , labels =c(floor(minValuex), floor(P1Valuex), floor(middleValuex), floor(P3Valuex), floor(maxValuex )))
    # ordinate axis
    axis(2, at=c(0, middleValuey , maxValuey),labels =c(0, round(middleValuey, 3), round(maxValuey, 3)) )

    segments(CredibleInterval(a_chain, level)[2], 0, CredibleInterval(a_chain, level)[3], 0, lwd=6, lty=1)
    points(mean(a_chain), 0 , lwd=6, pch=1)

    # legend
    legend(P3Valuex, maxValuey, c("Density", "Credible Interval", "Mean"), lty=c(1,1,0), pch=c(NA,NA,1), bty="n", lwd=c(1,6,6), x.intersp=0.5, cex=0.9)


#          Hiatus between two dates                 #
#'  Test of the hiatus between two dates
#' Finds if it exists a gap between two dates that is the longest interval that satisfies : P(a_chain < IntervalInf < IntervalSup < b_chain | M) = level
#' @param a_chain : numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the parameter a
#' @param b_chain : numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the parameter b
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence
#' @return The endpoints of the longest gap
#' @export
DatesHiatus <- function(a_chain, b_chain, level=0.95){

  if(length(a_chain) != length(b_chain)) {stop('Error : the parameters do not have the same length')} # test for the length of both chains
       gamma = mean((a_chain<b_chain))
       if (gamma < level) {print("No hiatus at this level")
       					   return(c(level=level, HiatusIntervalInf='NA',HiatusIntervalSup='NA')) } else # 
      interval <- function(epsilon, P1End, P2Beginning, level)
        q1 = quantile(P1End ,probs = 1-epsilon) ;
        indz = (P1End < q1)
        q2 = quantile(P2Beginning[indz],probs= (1-level-epsilon)/(1-epsilon))
      hia = Vectorize(interval,"epsilon")

      indz = which(a_chain<b_chain)
      epsilon = seq(0,1-level,gamma)
      p = hia(epsilon, a_chain[indz], b_chain[indz], level/gamma)
      rownames(p)<- c("HiatusIntervalInf", "HiatusIntervalSup")

      D<- p[2,]-p[1,]
      DD = D[D>0]

      if (length(DD) > 0){
        I = which(D==max(DD))
        interval2 = round( p[,I], 0)
        if (p[2,I] != p[1,I]) {
          c(level=level, interval2[1], interval2[2])
        } else {
          c(level=level, HiatusIntervalInf='NA',HiatusIntervalSup='NA')
        }#end if (p[2,I] != p[1,I])

      } else {
        c(level=level, HiatusIntervalInf='NA',HiatusIntervalSup='NA')
        }#end if (length(DD) > 0)

      } # end if( sum(ifelse(PhaseBeginning < PhaseEnd, 1, 0) == length(PhaseBeginning) ) ) {  # test for Beginning < End


#                 Phase Time Range                 #

#' Phase Time Range
#' Computes the shortest interval that satisfies : P(PhaseMin_chain =< IntervalInf < IntervalSup =< PhaseMax_chain | M) = level
#' @param PhaseMin_chain : numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the minimum of the events included in the phase
#' @param PhaseMax_chain : numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the maximum of the events included in the phase
#' @param level probability corresponding to the desired level of confidence
#' @param max_decimal maximum number of decimal
#' @return The endpoints of the shortest time range associated with the desired level
#' @export
PhaseTimeRange <- function(PhaseMin_chain, PhaseMax_chain, level=0.95, max_decimal=2){

  if(length(PhaseMax_chain) != length(PhaseMin_chain)) { print('Error : the parameters do not have the same length')}   # test the length of both chains

    if( sum(ifelse(PhaseMin_chain <= PhaseMax_chain, 1, 0)) != length(PhaseMin_chain) )  {  # test for Beginning < End
      print('Error : PhaseBeginning should be older than PhaseEnd')
    } else {

      periode <- function(epsilon, PMin, PMax, level){
        q1 = quantile(PMin, probs = epsilon)    # Computes the 'level'th quantile of the minimum of the events included in the phase
        indz = (PMin > q1)
        q2 = quantile(PMax[indz], probs= (level/(1-epsilon)))
      }   # end periode <- function(epsilon, PMin, PMax, level){
      per = Vectorize(periode,"epsilon")

      epsilon = seq(0,1-level,.001)       # sequence of values used to compute
      p = per(epsilon,PhaseMin_chain, PhaseMax_chain, level)
      rownames(p)<- c("TimeRangeInf", "TimeRangeSup")

      D<- p[2,]-p[1,]     # computes the length of all intervals
      I = which.min(D)    # finds the shortest interval
      range = round(p[,I], max_decimal)
      c(level=level, range[1], range[2]) # returns the endpoints of the shortest interval

    # end if( sum(ifelse(PhaseMin_chain < PhaseMin_chain, 1, 0) == length(PhaseMin_chain) ) ) {  # test for Beginning < End

  }# end if(length(PhaseMin_chain) != length(PhaseMin_chain)) {

} # end PhaseTimeRange <- function(PhaseMin_chain, PhaseMax_chain, level, plot = F){

#             Statistics  for Phases               #

#' Summary statistics for phases
#' Estimation of all usual statistics of the beginning and the end of a phase and the duration of the phase
#' @param PhaseMin_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the minimum of the dates included in the phase
#' @param PhaseMax_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the maximum of the dates included in the phase
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence used for the credible interval and the highest density region
#' @param max_decimal maximum number of decimal
#' @return A matrix of values corresponding to all the summary statistics
#' @export
PhaseStatistics <- function(PhaseMin_chain, PhaseMax_chain, level=0.95, max_decimal=0){

  #Statistics according to PhaseMin_chain
  MinStat = MarginalStatistics(PhaseMin_chain, level, max_decimal)

  #Statistics according to PhaseMax_chain parameter
  MaxStat = MarginalStatistics(PhaseMax_chain, level, max_decimal)

  #Statistics according to the duration 
  DurationStat = MarginalStatistics(PhaseMax_chain-PhaseMin_chain, level, max_decimal)

  # Resulted List
  if (length(MinStat) > length(MaxStat)) {
    NbDiff = length(MinStat) - length(MaxStat)
    Add = rep(NA,NbDiff) 
    MaxStat = c(MaxStat, Add)

  }else if (length(MinStat) < length(MaxStat)) {
    NbDiff = length(MaxStat) - length(MinStat)
    Add = rep(NA,NbDiff) 
    MinStat = c(MinStat, Add)
  Mat1 = cbind(MinStat, MaxStat)
  if (dim(Mat1)[1] > length(DurationStat)) {
    NbDiff = dim(Mat1)[1] - length(DurationStat)
    Add = rep(NA,NbDiff) 
    DurationStat = c(DurationStat, Add)
  }else if (dim(Mat1)[1] < length(DurationStat))  {
    NbDiff = length(DurationStat) - dim(Mat1)[1]
    Add = cbind( rep(NA,NbDiff), rep(NA,NbDiff)) 
    Mat1 = rbind(Mat1, Add)
  Mat = cbind(Mat1, DurationStat) 
  colnames(Mat) = c("Minimum", "Maximum", "Duration")


#           Phase marginal density plot             #

#' Phase marginal density plot
#' Plot of the density of the minimum and the maximum of the events included in the phase and summary statistics (mean, CI)
#' @param PhaseMin_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the minimum of the events included in the phase
#' @param PhaseMax_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the maximum of the events included in the phase
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence used for the credible interval and the time range
#' @param title The Title of the graph
#' @param colors if TRUE  -> use of colors in the graph
#' @param GridLength length of the grid used to estimate the density
#' @return A plot with the density of PhaseMin_chain + PhaseMax_chain + additionnal summary statitsics
#' @export

PhasePlot <- function(PhaseMin_chain, PhaseMax_chain, level=0.95, title = "Characterisation of a phase", colors = T, GridLength=1024){

  if(length(PhaseMax_chain) != length(PhaseMin_chain)) { print('Error : the parameters do not have the same length')}   # test the length of both chains

  if( sum(ifelse(PhaseMin_chain <= PhaseMax_chain, 1, 0)) == length(PhaseMin_chain) ) {

    minValuex <- min(density(PhaseMin_chain, n=GridLength)$x)
    maxValuex <- max(density(PhaseMax_chain, n=GridLength)$x)
    middleValuex <- ( maxValuex + minValuex) / 2
    P1Valuex <- minValuex + ( maxValuex - minValuex ) / 4
    P3Valuex <- middleValuex + ( maxValuex - minValuex ) / 4

    maxValuey <- max ( max(density(PhaseMin_chain, n=GridLength)$y) , max(density(PhaseMax_chain, n=GridLength)$y))
    middleValuey <- maxValuey /2
    step <- maxValuey  /20

    if (colors==T){
    # first graph
    par(las=1, mfrow=c(1,1), cex.axis=0.8)
    plot(density(PhaseMax_chain, n=GridLength), main = title, xlab="Date", axes = F, ylim=c(0,maxValuey+step), xlim=c(minValuex, maxValuex), lty =1, lwd=2, col="steelblue4")
    lines(density(PhaseMin_chain, n=GridLength), lty =1, lwd=2, col ="steelblue1")

    # abscissa axis
    axis(1, at=c(minValuex, P1Valuex, middleValuex, P3Valuex, maxValuex) , labels =c(floor(minValuex), floor(P1Valuex), floor(middleValuex), floor(P3Valuex), floor(maxValuex)))
    # ordinate axis
    axis(2, at=c(0, middleValuey, maxValuey), labels =c(0, round(middleValuey, 3), round(maxValuey, 3)) )

    # segment representing the CredibleInterval of the max of the phase
    CIEnd = CredibleInterval(PhaseMax_chain, level)
    segments(CIEnd[2], 0, CIEnd[3], 0, lty = 1, lwd=6, col = "steelblue4")
    # point in red representing the mean
    points(mean(PhaseMax_chain), 0, lwd=6, col = "steelblue4")
    # segment representing the Time range of the phase in green
    PTR = PhaseTimeRange(PhaseMin_chain, PhaseMax_chain, level)
    segments(PTR[2], maxValuey+step, PTR[3], maxValuey+step, lwd=6, col = "violetred4")

    # segment representing the CredibleInterval in blue
    CIBeginning = CredibleInterval(PhaseMin_chain, level)
    segments(CIBeginning[2], step, CIBeginning[3], step, lty= 1, lwd=6, col = "steelblue1")
    # point in red representing the mean
    points(mean(PhaseMin_chain), step , lwd=6, col = "steelblue1")

    # legend
    legend(P3Valuex, maxValuey, c("Density of the Minimum", "Density of the Maximum", "with Credible Interval" ," and Mean (o)", " Phase Time Range"), lty=c(1,1,0,0,1), bty="n",col = c("steelblue1","steelblue4","black","black","violetred4"), lwd=c(2,2,6,6,6), x.intersp=0.5, cex=0.9)

    } else {

      # first graph
      par(las=1, mfrow=c(1,1), cex.axis=0.8)
      plot(density(PhaseMax_chain, n=GridLength), main = title, xlab="Date", axes = F, ylim=c(0,maxValuey+step), xlim=c(minValuex, maxValuex), lty =2, lwd=2)
      lines(density(PhaseMin_chain, n=GridLength), lty =3, lwd=2)

      # abscissa axis
      axis(1, at=c(minValuex, P1Valuex, middleValuex, P3Valuex, maxValuex) , labels =c(floor(minValuex), floor(P1Valuex), floor(middleValuex), floor(P3Valuex), floor(maxValuex)))
      # ordinate axis
      axis(2, at=c(0, middleValuey, maxValuey), labels =c(0, round(middleValuey, 3), round(maxValuey, 3)) )

      # segment representing the CredibleInterval in blue
      CIEnd = CredibleInterval(PhaseMax_chain, level)
      segments(CIEnd[2], 0, CIEnd[3], 0, lty = 2, lwd=6, col = 1)
      # point in red representing the mean
      points(mean(PhaseMax_chain), 0, lwd=6, col = 1)
      # segment representing the Time range of the phase in green
      PTR = PhaseTimeRange(PhaseMin_chain, PhaseMax_chain, level)
      segments(PTR[2], maxValuey+step, PTR[3], maxValuey+step, lwd=6, col = 1)

      # segment representing the CredibleInterval in blue
      CIBeginning = CredibleInterval(PhaseMin_chain, level)
      segments(CIBeginning[2], step, CIBeginning[3], step, lty= 3, lwd=6, col = 1)
      # point in red representing the mean
      points(mean(PhaseMin_chain), step , lwd=6, col = 1)

      # legend
      legend(P3Valuex, maxValuey, c("Density of the Minimum", "Density of the Maximum", "with Credible Interval", "and Mean (o)", " Phase Time Range"), lty=c(3,2,0,0,1), bty="n",col = c(1,1,1,1,1), lwd=c(2,2,6,6,6), x.intersp=0.5, cex=0.9)


  } else {
    print('Error : PhaseMin_chain should be older than PhaseMax_chain')

  } # end if(length(PhaseMax_chain) != length(PhaseMin_chain))


#     Phase duration marginal density plot          #

#' Phase duration marginal density plot 
#' Plot of the density of the time elapsed between the minimum and the maximum of the events included in a phase and summary statistics (mean, CI)
#' @param PhaseMin_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the minimum of the events included in the phase
#' @param PhaseMax_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the maximum of the events included in the phase
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence used for the credible interval and the time range
#' @param title The Title of the graph
#' @param colors if TRUE  -> use of colors in the graph
#' @param GridLength length of the grid used to estimate the density
#' @return A plot with the density of the duration of the phase + additionnal summary statitsics
#' @export
PhaseDurationPlot <- function(PhaseMin_chain, PhaseMax_chain, level=0.95, title = "Duration of the phase", colors = T, GridLength=1024){
  if(length(PhaseMax_chain) != length(PhaseMin_chain)) { print('Error : the parameters do not have the same length')}   # test the length of both chains
    if( sum(ifelse(PhaseMin_chain < PhaseMax_chain, 1, 0)) == length(PhaseMin_chain) ) {
      par(las=1, mfrow=c(1,1), cex.axis=0.8)
      MarginalPlot(PhaseMax_chain -PhaseMin_chain, level, title = title, colors = colors, GridLength=GridLength)
    } else {
      print('Error : PhaseMin_chain should be older than PhaseMax_chain')
  } # end if(length(PhaseMax_chain) != length(PhaseMin_chain))

#          Hiatus between two phases             #
#'  Gap/Hiatus between two successive phases (for phases in temporal order constraint)
#' Finds if it exists a gap between two phases that is the longest interval that satisfies : P(Phase1Max_chain < IntervalInf < IntervalSup < Phase2Min_chain | M) = level
#' @param Phase1Max_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the maximum of the events included in the oldest phase
#' @param Phase2Min_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the minimum of the events included in the following phase
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence
#' @param max_decimal maximum number of decimal
#' @return The endpoints of the longest gap
#' @export
PhasesGap <- function(Phase1Max_chain, Phase2Min_chain, level=0.95, max_decimal=0){

  if(length(Phase1Max_chain) != length(Phase2Min_chain)) { stop('Error : the parameters do not have the same length')} # test for the length of both chains

      if( sum(ifelse(Phase1Max_chain <=Phase2Min_chain, 1, 0)) != length(Phase2Min_chain) )  {  # test for Phase1Max_chain < Phase2Min_chain
        stop('Error : Phase1Max_chain should be older than Phase2Min_chain')
      } else {

      interval <- function(epsilon, P1Max, P2Min, level)
        q1 = quantile(P1Max ,probs = 1-epsilon) ;
        indz = (P1Max < q1)
        q2 = quantile(P2Min[indz],probs= (1-level-epsilon)/(1-epsilon))
      hia = Vectorize(interval,"epsilon")

      epsilon = seq(0,1-level,.001)
      p = hia(epsilon, Phase1Max_chain, Phase2Min_chain, level)
      rownames(p)<- c("HiatusIntervalInf", "HiatusIntervalSup")

      D<- p[2,]-p[1,]
      DD = D[D>0]

      if (length(DD) > 0){
        I = which(D==max(DD))
        interval2 = round( p[,I], max_decimal)
        if (p[2,I] != p[1,I]) {
          c(level=level, interval2[1], interval2[2])
        } else {
          c(level=level, HiatusIntervalInf='NA',HiatusIntervalSup='NA')
        }#end if (p[2,I] != p[1,I])

      } else {
        c(level=level, HiatusIntervalInf='NA',HiatusIntervalSup='NA')
        }#end if (length(DD) > 0)

      } # end if( sum(ifelse(Phase2Min_chain < Phase1Max_chain, 1, 0) == length(Phase2Min_chain) ) ) {  # test for Phase1Max_chain < Phase2Min_chain

    } # if(length(Phase1Max_chain) != length(Phase2Min_chain)) {


#                Phases Transition                  #

#'  Transition range between two successive phases (for phases in temporal order constraint)
#' Finds if it exists the shortest interval that satisfies : P(TransitionRangeInf < Phase1Max_chain < Phase2Min_chain < TransitionRangeSup  | M) = level
#' @param Phase1Max_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the maximum of the events included in the oldest phase
#' @param Phase2Min_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the minimum of the events included in the following phase
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence
#' @param max_decimal maximum number of decimal
#' @return the endpoints of the transition interval
#' @export
PhasesTransition <- function(Phase1Max_chain, Phase2Min_chain, level=0.95, max_decimal=0){

  result = as.matrix( PhaseTimeRange(Phase1Max_chain, Phase2Min_chain, level=level, max_decimal=max_decimal))
  rownames(result)<- c(level=level, "TransitionRangeInf", "TransitionRangeSup")
  result <- t(result)


#             Succession Plot                  #

#' Density Plots of two successive phases (for phases in temporal order constraint)
#' Plot of the densities of two successive phases + statistics (mean, CI, HPDR)
#' @param Phase1Min_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the minimum of the events included in the oldest phase
#' @param Phase1Max_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the maximum of the events included in the oldest phase
#' @param Phase2Min_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the minimum of the events included in the youngest phase
#' @param Phase2Max_chain numeric vector containing the output of the MCMC algorithm for the maximum of the events included in the youngest phase
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence
#' @param title title of the graph
#' @param GridLength length of the grid used to estimate the density
#' @return a plot of all densities + CI + mean + HDR
#' @export

SuccessionPlot <- function(Phase1Min_chain, Phase1Max_chain, Phase2Min_chain, Phase2Max_chain, level=0.95,  title = "Characterisation of several phases", GridLength=1024){

  if(length(Phase1Max_chain) != length(Phase2Min_chain)) { stop('Error : the parameters do not have the same length')} # test for the length of both chains

  if( sum(ifelse(Phase1Min_chain <= Phase1Max_chain, 1, 0)) != length(Phase1Min_chain) ||  sum(ifelse(Phase2Min_chain <= Phase2Max_chain, 1, 0)) != length(Phase1Min_chain) || sum(ifelse( Phase1Max_chain <= Phase2Min_chain, 1, 0)) != length(Phase1Min_chain) ) {
    # test for PhaseMin_chain < PhaseMax_chain and Phase1 < Phase2
    stop('Error : PhaseMin_chain should be older than PhaseMax_chain')
  } else {

    minValuex <- min(density(Phase1Min_chain, n=GridLength)$x, density(Phase2Min_chain, n=GridLength)$x)
    maxValuex <- max(density(Phase1Max_chain, n=GridLength)$x, density(Phase2Max_chain, n=GridLength)$x)
    middleValuex <- ( maxValuex + minValuex) / 2
    P1Valuex <- minValuex + ( maxValuex - minValuex ) / 4
    P3Valuex <- middleValuex + ( maxValuex - minValuex ) / 4

    maxValuey <- max ( max(density(Phase1Min_chain, n=GridLength)$y) , max(density(Phase1Max_chain, n=GridLength)$y), max(density(Phase2Min_chain, n=GridLength)$y) , max(density(Phase2Max_chain, n=GridLength)$y))
    middleValuey <- maxValuey /2
    minValuey <- min ( min(density(Phase1Min_chain, n=GridLength)$y) , min(density(Phase1Max_chain, n=GridLength)$y), min(density(Phase2Min_chain, n=GridLength)$y) , min(density(Phase2Max_chain, n=GridLength)$y))

    haut = seq(minValuey,maxValuey,length.out=5)
    middleA <- maxValuey+ (haut[1] + haut[2]) / 2

    plot(density(Phase1Max_chain, n=GridLength), main = title, ylab="Density", xlab = "Date", ylim=c(0,maxValuey+maxValuey), xlim=c(minValuex, maxValuex), bty='n',lty =1, lwd=2, axes=F, col = "steelblue")
    lines(density(Phase1Min_chain, n=GridLength), lty =1, lwd=2, col = "steelblue")

    # abscissa axis
    axis(1, at=c(minValuex, P1Valuex, middleValuex, P3Valuex, maxValuex) , labels =c(floor( minValuex), floor( P1Valuex), floor( middleValuex), floor( P3Valuex), floor( maxValuex)))
    # ordinate axis
    axis(2, at=c(0, middleValuey, maxValuey), labels =c(0, round(middleValuey, 3), round(maxValuey, 3)) )

    ## Phase2
    lines(density(Phase2Min_chain, n=GridLength), lty =1, lwd=2, col ="violet")
    lines(density(Phase2Max_chain, n=GridLength), lty =1, lwd=2, col ="violet")

    ## Phase Time Range
    PTR1 = PhaseTimeRange(Phase1Min_chain, Phase1Max_chain, level=level)
    PTR2 = PhaseTimeRange(Phase2Min_chain, Phase2Max_chain, level=level)
    segments(PTR2[2],maxValuey+haut[3],PTR2[3],maxValuey+haut[3],lwd=6, col ="violet")
    text(minValuex, middleA,"Time range",srt =90)

    ## Phase Transition
    PTrans = PhasesTransition(Phase1Max_chain, Phase2Min_chain, level=level)
    segments(PTrans[2],maxValuey+haut[4],PTrans[3],maxValuey+haut[4],lwd=6, col = "steelblue")
    segments(PTrans[2],maxValuey+haut[4],PTrans[3],maxValuey+haut[4],lwd=6, col = "violet", lty=4)

    PGap = PhasesGap(Phase1Max_chain, Phase2Min_chain, level=level)
    if (PGap[2] == "NA" || PGap[3] == "NA") {
      points( (PTrans[3]+PTrans[2])/2, maxValuey+haut[5], lwd=2, col = "steelblue", pch=4)
    } else {
      segments(PGap[2],maxValuey+haut[5],PGap[3],maxValuey+haut[5],lwd=6, col = "steelblue")
      segments(PGap[2],maxValuey+haut[5],PGap[3],maxValuey+haut[5],lwd=6, col = "violet", lty=4)

    text(minValuex, maxValuey+haut[4],"Transition",srt =90)
    text(minValuex, maxValuey+haut[5],"Gap",srt =90)




#     Estimation of Credible interval        #

#' Bayesian credible interval for a series of MCMC chains
#' Estimation of the shorest credible interval of the output of the MCMC algorithm for the parameter a
#' @details A 100*level % credible interval is an interval that keeps N*(1-level) elements of the sample outside the interval
#' The 100*level % credible interval is the shortest of all those intervals.
#' @param data dataframe containing the output of the MCMC algorithm 
#' @param position numeric vector containing the position of the column corresponding to the MCMC chains of interest
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence used for the credible interval
#' @return The endpoints of the shortest credible interval
#' @export
MultiCredibleInterval <- function(data, position, level=0.95){

  # number of chains
  L = length(position)

  # matrix of results for each pair of phases
  result = matrix(nrow=L, ncol=3)

  colnames(result) <- c("Level","CredibleIntervalInf", "CredibleIntervalSup")
  # names
  rownames(result) <- names(data)[position]

  for (i in 1:L) {

    sorted_sample <- sort(data[,position[i]])     # ordering the sample
    N = length(sorted_sample)                     # calculation of the sample size of the chain
    OutSample = N * (1-level)          # calculation of the number of data to be outside the interval

    I =  cbind(sorted_sample[1:(OutSample+1)] , sorted_sample[(N-OutSample):N])    #   combinasion of all credible intervals

    l = I[,2]-I[,1]   # length of intervals
    j <- which.min(l) # look for the shortest interval

    result[i,] =   c(level, round(I[j,1], digits = 0) , round(I[j,2],digits = 0) )   # returns the level and the endpoints


#                   MultiHPD                        #

#' Bayesian HPD regions for a series of MCMC chains
#' Estimation of the HPD region of the output of the MCMC algorithm for the parameter a
#' @details Highest posterior density function region using the function 'hdr' from the package 'hdrcde'
#' @param data dataframe containing the output of the MCMC algorithm 
#' @param position numeric vector containing the position of the column corresponding to the MCMC chains of interest
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence used for the credible interval
#' @return The endpoints of the shortest credible interval
#' @export
MultiHPD <- function(data, position, level=0.95){
  # matrix of results for each pair of phases
    hdr = hdr(data[,position[1]], prob = c(level * 100))$hdr
    HPDR = round(hdr, digits = 0)  
    result = matrix( c(level, HPDR), nrow=1)
    dim = dim(result)[2]
    if(length(position) > 1){
      for (i in 2:length(position)) {
        hdr = hdr(data[,position[i]], prob = c(level * 100))$hdr
        HPDR = round(hdr, digits = 0) 
        res = c(level, HPDR)
        if (length(res) > dim) {
          NbCol = length(res) - dim
          AddColum = rep(NA, i-1) 
          Ajout = NULL 
          for (j in 1:NbCol){
            Ajout = cbind(Ajout, AddColum)
          resultTemp = cbind(result, Ajout)
          result =  rbind(resultTemp, res)
        }else if (length(res) < dim) {
          NbCol = dim - length(res) 
          Add = rep(NA, NbCol) 
          Ajout = c(res,Add)

          result = rbind(result, Ajout)
          result =  rbind(result, res)  
        dim = dim(result)[2] 


    for( k in (1:((dim-1)/2)) ) {
    colnames(result) <- c("Level", nom)
    rownames(result) <- names(data)[position]
  return(result) # returns a matrix with the level and the endpoints

#             MultiDatesPlot                  #

#' Plot of credible intervals or HPD regions of a series of dates
#' @param data dataframe containing the output of the MCMC algorithm 
#' @param position numeric vector containing the position of the column corresponding to the MCMC chains of interest
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence
#' @param title title of the graph
#' @return a plot of the endpoints of the credible intervals of a series of dates
#' @export

MultiDatesPlot <- function(data, position, level=0.95, intervals = c("CI", "HPD"), title = "Plot of intervals"){
  if(intervals =="CI"){
  Bornes = MultiCredibleInterval(data, position, level=level) 
  }else if(intervals =="HPD") {
  Bornes = MultiHPD(data, position, level=level) 
  Ordered = Bornes[order(Bornes[,2]),]
  nbCol = dim(Ordered)[2]
  NbDates = length(position)
  DatesNames <- rownames(Ordered)
  minValuex <- floor( min(Ordered[,2], na.rm = TRUE)/100) * 100
  maxValuex <- ceiling( max(Ordered[,-c(1,2)],na.rm = TRUE)/100) * 100
  middleValuex <- ( maxValuex + minValuex) / 2
  P1Valuex <- minValuex + ( maxValuex - minValuex ) / 4
  P3Valuex <- middleValuex + ( maxValuex - minValuex ) / 4
  seq = seq(minValuex, maxValuex)
  plot(0, main = title, ylab="", xlab = "Time", ylim=c(0, NbDates), xlim=c(minValuex, maxValuex), type="n", axes=F)

  # abscissa axis
  axis(1, at=c(minValuex, P1Valuex, middleValuex, P3Valuex, maxValuex) ) 
  # ordinate axis
  axis(2, at=1:NbDates, labels =DatesNames, las =2)
  ## Phase Time Range
  for (i in 1:NbDates ) { for (j in seq(2,(nbCol-1), by = 2)) { segments(Ordered[i,j], i, Ordered[i,j+1], i, lwd=6) } }

#         Multiple Phase Time Range                 #

#' Phase Time Range for multiple phases
#' Computes the shortest interval that satisfies : P(PhaseMin < IntervalInf < IntervalSup < PhaseMax | M) = level for each phase
#' @param data dataframe containing the output of the MCMC algorithm 
#' @param position_minimum numeric vector containing the column number corresponding to the minimum of the events included in each phase
#' @param position_maximum numeric vector containing the column number corresponding to the maximum of the phases set in the same order as in position_minimum
#' @param level probability corresponding to the desired level of confidence
#' @param max_decimal maximum number of decimal
#' @return The endpoints of the shortest time range associated with the desired level
#' @export

MultiPhaseTimeRange <- function(data, position_minimum, position_maximum=position_minimum+1, level=0.95, max_decimal=0){
  if (length(position_minimum)!= length(position_maximum)) {
    print('Error : the position vectors do not have the same length')
    } else {

  # number of phases
  L = length(position_minimum)
  # names
  names_beginning <- names(data)[position_minimum]
  names_end <- names(data)[position_maximum]
  # Construction of a new dataset containing the columns corresponding to the phases of interest
  phase = matrix(ncol = L*2, nrow=nrow(data))
  for (i in 1:L) {
    phase[,2*i-1] = data[,position_minimum[i]]
    phase[,2*i] = data[,position_maximum[i]]
  # matrix of results
  result = matrix(nrow=L, ncol=3)
  colnames(result)<- c("Level","TimeRangeInf", "TimeRangeSup")
  phasenames <- vector(length = L)
  for (i in 1:L) { phasenames[i] = paste(names_beginning[i], names_end[i] ) }
  rownames(result)<- phasenames
  for (i in 1:L){
    result[i,] = PhaseTimeRange(phase[,2*i-1], phase[,2*i], level=level, max_decimal=max_decimal)

#       Hiatus between a succession of  phases      #

#'  Gap/Hiatus between a succession of phases (for phases in temporal order constraint)
#' Finds if it exists a gap between two phases that is the longest interval that satisfies : P(Phase1Max < IntervalInf < IntervalSup < Phase2Min | M) = level
#' @param data dataframe containing the output of the MCMC algorithm 
#' @param position_minimum numeric vector containing the column number corresponding to the minimum of the events included in each phase
#' @param position_maximum numeric vector containing the column number corresponding to the end of the phases set in the same order as in position_minimum
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence
#' @param max_decimal maximum number of decimal
#' @return The endpoints of the longest gap
#' @export

MultiPhasesGap <- function(data, position_minimum, position_maximum = position_minimum+1, level=0.95, max_decimal=0){
  if (length(position_minimum)!= length(position_maximum)) {
    print('Error : the position vectors do not have the same length')
  } else {
  # number of phases
  L = length(position_minimum)
  names_Min <- names(data)[position_minimum]
  names_Max <- names(data)[position_maximum]
  # Construction of a new dataset containing the columns corresponding to the phases of interest
  phase = matrix(ncol = L*2, nrow=nrow(data))
  for (i in 1:L) {
    phase[,2*i-1] = data[,position_minimum[i]]
    phase[,2*i] = data[,position_maximum[i]]
  # matrix of results
  result = matrix(nrow=L-1, ncol=3)
  colnames(result)<- c("Level","HiatusIntervalInf", "HiatusIntervalSup")
  phasenames <- vector(length = (L-1))
  for (i in 1:L-1) { phasenames[i] = paste(names_Max[i], "&", names_Min[i+1]) }
  rownames(result)<- phasenames
  for (i in 1:(L-1)){
    result[i,] = PhasesGap(phase[,2*i], phase[,2*i+1], level=level, max_decimal=max_decimal)

#         Multiple Phases Transition               #

#'  Transition range for a succession of phases (for phases in temporal order constraint)
#' Finds if it exists the shortest interval that satisfies : P(TransitionRangeInf < Phase1Max < Phase2Min < TransitionRangeSup  | M) = level
#' @param data dataframe containing the output of the MCMC algorithm 
#' @param position_minimum numeric vector containing the column number corresponding to the minimum of the events included in each phase
#' @param position_maximum numeric vector containing the column number corresponding to the end of the phases set in the same order as in position_minimum
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence
#' @param max_decimal maximum number of decimal
#' @return the endpoints of the transition interval
#' @export

MultiPhasesTransition <- function(data, position_minimum, position_maximum = position_minimum+1, level=0.95, max_decimal=0){

  if (length(position_minimum)!= length(position_maximum)) {
    print('Error : the position vectors do not have the same length')
  } else {
  # number of phases
  L = length(position_minimum)
  names_min <- names(data)[position_minimum]
  names_max <- names(data)[position_maximum]
  # Construction of a new dataset containing the columns corresponding to the phases of interest
  phase = matrix(ncol = L*2, nrow=nrow(data))
  for (i in 1:L) {
    phase[,2*i-1] = data[,position_minimum[i]]
    phase[,2*i] = data[,position_maximum[i]]

  # matrix of results
  result = matrix(nrow=L-1, ncol=3)
  colnames(result)<- c(level, "TransitionRangeInf", "TransitionRangeSup")
  phasenames <- vector(length = L-1)
  for (i in 1:L-1) { phasenames[i] = paste(names_max[i], "&", names_min[i+1]) }
  rownames(result)<- phasenames

  for (i in 1:(L-1)){
    result[i,] = PhaseTimeRange(phase[,2*i], phase[,2*i+1], level=level, max_decimal=max_decimal)



#        Multiple Phases Density Plots              #

#' Successive Phases Density Plots (for phases in temporal order constraint)
#' Plot of the densities of several successive phases + statistics (mean, CI, HPDR)
#' @param data dataframe containing the output of the MCMC algorithm 
#' @param position_minimum numeric vector containing the column number corresponding to the minimum of the events included in each phase
#' @param position_maximum numeric vector containing the column number corresponding to the end of the phases set in the same order as in position_minimum
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence
#' @param title title of the graph
#' @return a plot of all densities + CI + mean + HDR
#' @export

MultiSuccessionPlot <- function(data, position_minimum, position_maximum = position_minimum+1, level=0.95, title = "Characterisation of a succession of phases"){
  if (length(position_minimum)!= length(position_maximum)) {
    print('Error : the position vectors do not have the same length')
  } else {
    # construction of the new dataset
    L = length(position_minimum)
    phase = matrix(ncol = L*2, nrow=nrow(data))
    densityX = matrix(ncol = L*2, nrow=GridLength)
    densityY = matrix(ncol = L*2, nrow=GridLength)
    for (i in 1:L) {
      phase[,2*i-1] = data[,position_minimum[i]]
      phase[,2*i] = data[,position_maximum[i]]
      densityX[,2*i-1] = density(data[,position_minimum[i]])$x
      densityX[,2*i] = density(data[,position_maximum[i]])$x
      densityY[,2*i-1] = density(data[,position_minimum[i]])$y
      densityY[,2*i] = density(data[,position_maximum[i]])$y
    minValuex <- min (apply(densityX,2,min))
    maxValuex <- max( apply(densityX,2,max) )
    middleValuex <- ( maxValuex + minValuex) / 2
    P1Valuex <- minValuex + ( maxValuex - minValuex ) / 4
    P3Valuex <- middleValuex + ( maxValuex - minValuex ) / 4
    maxValuey <- max( apply(densityY,2,max))
    middleValuey <- maxValuey /2
    minValuey <- min( apply(densityY,2,min))
    haut = seq(minValuey,maxValuey,length.out=(3*L+1) )
    pal = rainbow(L)
    colors = pal[sample(x=1:L,L)]
    plot(density(phase[,1], n=GridLength), main = title, ylab="Density", xlab = "Date", ylim=c(0,2*maxValuey), xlim=c(minValuex, maxValuex), bty='n',lty =1, lwd=2, axes=F, col = colors[1])
    lines(density(phase[,2], n=GridLength), lty =1, lwd=2, col = colors[1])
    # abscissa axis
    axis(1, at=c(minValuex, P1Valuex, middleValuex, P3Valuex, maxValuex) , labels =c(floor( minValuex), floor( P1Valuex), floor( middleValuex), floor( P3Valuex), floor( maxValuex)))
    # ordinate axis
    axis(2, at=c(0, middleValuey, maxValuey), labels =c(0, round(middleValuey, 5), round(maxValuey, 5)) )
    ## Following phases
    for(i in 2:L) {
      lines(density(phase[,2*i-1]), col=colors[i], lwd=2, lty=1)
      lines(density(phase[,2*i]), col=colors[i], lwd=2, lty=1)
    ## Phase Time Range
    MPTR = MultiPhaseTimeRange(data=data, position_minimum=position_minimum, position_maximum=position_maximum, level=level)
    for (i in 1:(L) ) { segments(MPTR[i,2], maxValuey + haut[i+1], MPTR[i,3], maxValuey + haut[i+1], lwd=6,col=colors[i]) }
    text(minValuex, maxValuey + haut[2] , "Time range",srt =90)
    ## Phase Transition / Gap
    segments(minValuex, maxValuey+haut[L+2],maxValuex, maxValuey+haut[L+2], lwd=.2)
    segments(minValuex, maxValuey+haut[2*L+2],maxValuex, maxValuey+haut[2*L+2], lwd=.2)
    text(minValuex, maxValuey+haut[L+3 + trunc((L-1)/2)],"Transition ",srt =90)
    text(minValuex, maxValuey+haut[2*L+3 + trunc((L-1)/2)]," Gap",srt =90)
    #mtext(outer=TRUE, side = 1, "Transition", srt =90)
    PTrans = MultiPhasesTransition(data=data, position_minimum=position_minimum, position_maximum=position_maximum, level=level)
    PGap = MultiPhasesGap(data=data, position_minimum=position_minimum, position_maximum=position_maximum, level=level)
    for (i in 1:(L-1) ) {
      segments(PTrans[i,2], maxValuey+haut[L+2+i],PTrans[i,3], maxValuey+haut[L+2+i],lwd=6, col = colors[i])
      segments(PTrans[i,2], maxValuey+haut[L+2+i],PTrans[i,3], maxValuey+haut[L+2+i],lwd=6, col = colors[i+1], lty=4)
      if (PGap[i,2] == "NA" || PGap[i,3] == "NA") {
        points( (PTrans[i,3]+PTrans[i,2])/2, maxValuey+haut[2*L+2+i], lwd=2, col = colors[i], pch=4)
      } else {
        segments(as.numeric(PGap[i,2]), maxValuey+haut[2*L+2+i], as.numeric(PGap[i,3]), maxValuey+haut[2*L+2+i], lwd=6, col = colors[i])
        segments(as.numeric(PGap[i,2]), maxValuey+haut[2*L+2+i], as.numeric(PGap[i,3]), maxValuey+haut[2*L+2+i], lwd=6, col = colors[i+1], lty=4)

#           Multiple Phases     Plots            #

#' Several Phases Density Plots
#' Plot of the densities of several phases + statistics (mean, CI, HPDR)
#' @param data dataframe containing the output of the MCMC algorithm 
#' @param position_minimum numeric vector containing the column number corresponding to the minimum of the events included in each phase
#' @param position_maximum numeric vector containing the column number corresponding to the end of the phases set in the same order as in position_minimum
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence
#' @param title title of the graph
#' @return a plot of all densities + CI + mean + HDR
#' @export

MultiPhasePlot <- function(data, position_minimum, position_maximum = position_minimum+1, level=0.95, title = "Phases marginal posterior densities"){

  if (length(position_minimum)!= length(position_maximum)) {
    print('Error : the position vectors do not have the same length')
  } else {
  # construction of the new dataset
  L = length(position_minimum) 
  phase = matrix(ncol = L*2, nrow=nrow(data))
  GridLength = 1024
  densityX = matrix(ncol = L*2, nrow=GridLength)
  densityY = matrix(ncol = L*2, nrow=GridLength)

  for (i in 1:L) {
    phase[,2*i-1] = data[,position_minimum[i]]
    phase[,2*i] = data[,position_maximum[i]]
    densityX[,2*i-1] = density(data[,position_minimum[i]])$x
    densityX[,2*i] = density(data[,position_maximum[i]])$x
    densityY[,2*i-1] = density(data[,position_minimum[i]])$y
    densityY[,2*i] = density(data[,position_maximum[i]])$y

  minValuex <- min (apply(densityX,2,min))
  maxValuex <- max( apply(densityX,2,max) )
  middleValuex <- ( maxValuex + minValuex) / 2
  P1Valuex <- minValuex + ( maxValuex - minValuex ) / 4
  P3Valuex <- middleValuex + ( maxValuex - minValuex ) / 4

  maxValuey <- max( apply(densityY,2,max))
  middleValuey <- maxValuey /2
  minValuey <- min( apply(densityY,2,min))

  haut = seq(minValuey,middleValuey,length.out=(L+1) )

  pal = rainbow(L)
  colors = pal[sample(x=1:L,L)]

  plot(density(phase[,1], n=GridLength), main = title, ylab="Density", xlab = "Date", ylim=c(0,maxValuey+middleValuey), xlim=c(minValuex, maxValuex), bty='n',lty =1, lwd=2, axes=F, col = colors[1])
  lines(density(phase[,2], n=GridLength), lty =1, lwd=2, col = colors[1])

  # abscissa axis
  axis(1, at=c(minValuex, P1Valuex, middleValuex, P3Valuex, maxValuex) , labels =c(floor( minValuex), floor( P1Valuex), floor( middleValuex), floor( P3Valuex), floor( maxValuex)))
  # ordinate axis
  axis(2, at=c(0, middleValuey, maxValuey), labels =c(0, round(middleValuey, 5), round(maxValuey, 5)) )

  ## Following phases
  for(i in 2:L) {
    lines(density(phase[,2*i-1], n = GridLength), col=colors[i], lwd=2, lty=1)
    lines(density(phase[,2*i], n = GridLength), col=colors[i], lwd=2, lty=1)

  ## Phase Time Range
  MPTR = MultiPhaseTimeRange(data=data, position_minimum=position_minimum, position_maximum=position_maximum, level=level)
  for (i in 1:L ) { segments(MPTR[i,2], maxValuey+haut[i+1],MPTR[i,3], maxValuey+haut[i+1],lwd=6,col=colors[i]) }
  text(minValuex, maxValuey+haut[2], "Time range", srt =90)

###   Tempo plot   NEW 2016/09   ###

# The tempo plot introduced by T. S. Dye 
# A statistical graphic designed for the archaeological study of rhythms of the long term that embodies a theory of archaeological evidence for the occurrence of events
#' @param data dataframe containing the output of the MCMC algorithm 
#' @param position numeric vector containing the position of the column corresponding to the MCMC chains of interest
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence
#' @param count, if TRUE the counting process is a number, otherwise it is a probability
#' @param Gauss if TRUE, the Gaussian approximation of the CI is used
#' @param title title of the graph
#' @return a plot 
#' @export
TempoPlot <- function(data, position, level = 0.95 , count = TRUE, Gauss = FALSE, title = "Tempo plot") {

  # Construction of a new dataset containing the columns corresponding to the phases of interest
  L = length(position)
  groupOfDates = matrix(ncol = L, nrow=nrow(data))
  for (i in 1:L) {
    groupOfDates[,i] = data[,position[i]]
   min = min(apply(groupOfDates,2, min))
   max = max(apply(groupOfDates,2, max))
   t = seq( min, max, length.out = 50*ncol(groupOfDates))
  f= function(x){
    if (count)  y = y * ncol(groupOfDates)
  F = t( apply( groupOfDates,1,f ) )
  moy = apply(F,2,mean)
  ec = apply(F,2,sd)
  qu = cbind( apply(F,2, quantile, probs  = (1-level)/2 , type = 8) ,  apply(F,2, quantile, probs  = 1-((1-level)/2) , type = 8)  )
  if (Gauss==TRUE){

    matplot(t,cbind(moy,qu,quG) , lty = 1 ,xlab = "time " , ylab = "counting process " , type="l" , lwd = c(4,1,1,1,1), col=2  )
    polygon( c(t,rev(t)) , c(quG[,1] , rev(quG[,2] )),col = "lightpink", density=4)
    polygon( c(t,rev(t)) , c(qu[,1] , rev(qu[,2] )),col = "lightseagreen", density=4 ,angle= -45)
    lines(t,moy, col=2, lwd = 4)
    legend("bottomright" , legend=c("Bayes estimate", "Credible interval CI", "Gaussian Approx. of CI"), lty=1, col=c(2,"lightseagreen","lightpink"))

    matplot(t,cbind(moy,qu) , lty = 1 ,xlab = "time " , ylab = "counting process " , type="l" , lwd = c(4,1,1), col=c(2)  )
    polygon( c(t,rev(t)) , c(qu[,1] , rev(qu[,2] )),col = "lightseagreen",density=4 ,angle= -45)
    legend("bottomright" , legend=c("Bayes estimate", "Credible interval CI"), lty=1, col=c(2,"lightseagreen"))

###   Tempo Activity plot   NEW 2016/09   ###

# A statistical graphic designed for the archaeological study of rhythms of the long term that embodies a theory of archaeological evidence for the occurrence of events
#' @param data dataframe containing the output of the MCMC algorithm 
#' @param position numeric vector containing the position of the column corresponding to the MCMC chains of interest
#' @param level probability corresponding to the level of confidence
#' @param count, if TRUE the counting process is a number, otherwise it is a probability
#' @param title title of the graph
#' @return a plot 
#' @export
TempoActivityPlot <- function(data, position, level = 0.95, count = TRUE, title = "Activity plot") {
  # Construction of a new dataset containing the columns corresponding to the phases of interest
  L = length(position)
  groupOfDates = matrix(ncol = L, nrow=nrow(data))
  for (i in 1:L) {
    groupOfDates[,i] = data[,position[i]]
  min = min(apply(groupOfDates,2, min))
  max = max(apply(groupOfDates,2, max))
  t = seq( min, max, length.out = 50*ncol(groupOfDates))
  f= function(x){
    if (count)  y = y * ncol(groupOfDates)
  F = t( apply( groupOfDates,1,f ) )
  moy = apply(F,2,mean)
  ec = apply(F,2,sd)

  plot(x<-t[-1], y<-diff(moy)/diff(t), type = "l", xlab="Time", ylab="Incidence", main =title)  


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