
Defines functions partGLFitNightRespRefOneWindow .tmp.f partGLSmoothTempSens .tmp.f partGLEstimateTempSensInBoundsE0Only isValidNightRecord partGLFitNightTempSensOneWindow simplifyApplyWindows applyWindows getStartRecsOfWindows fillNAForward partGLFitNightTimeTRespSens

partGLFitNightTimeTRespSens = function(
		### Estimate temperature sensitivity parameters for successive periods
		ds					##<< data.frame with numeric columns NEE, sdNEE, Temp (degC),
		  ## VPD, Rg, and logical columns isNight and isDay
		, winSizeRefInDays = 4L##<< Window size in days for daytime for
		  ## referencing windows to the same base
		, winSizeNight = 12L	##<< Window size in days for nighttime fits
		, winExtendSizes = winSizeNight * c(2L, 4L) ##<< successively increased
		  ## nighttime windows, to obtain a night-time fit
		, strideInDays = 2L	##<< step in days for shifting the windows
		, isVerbose = TRUE		##<< set to FALSE to suppress messages
		, nRecInDay = 48L		##<< number of records within one day
		  ## (for half-hourly data its 48)
		, controlGLPart = partGLControl()		##<< list of further default parameters
) {
	##seealso<< \code{\link{partGLFitNightTempSensOneWindow}}
	if (isVerbose) message(
	  "  Estimating temperature sensitivity from night time NEE "
	  , appendLF = FALSE)
	resNight <- simplifyApplyWindows(tmp <- applyWindows(ds
	        , partGLFitNightTempSensOneWindow, prevRes = data.frame(E0 = NA)
					, winSizeRefInDays = winSizeRefInDays
					, winSizeInDays = winSizeNight
					, isVerbose = isVerbose
					, nRecInDay = nRecInDay
					, controlGLPart = controlGLPart
	iNoSummary <- which(is.na(resNight$E0) )
	iExtend <- 1
	## Window sizes are successively increased to \code{winExtendSizes} in order
	## to obtain parameter estimates where fits with smaller window size failed.
	## This behaviour of repeated attempts can be avoid by setting
	## \code{controlGLPart$isExtendTRefWindow = FALSE}.
	if (!isTRUE(controlGLPart$isExtendTRefWindow) ) { winExtendSizes <- numeric(0) }
	while (length(iNoSummary) && (iExtend <= length(winExtendSizes)) ) {
		if (isVerbose) message(
		  "    increase window size to ", winExtendSizes[iExtend], appendLF = FALSE)
		resNightExtend <- simplifyApplyWindows(applyWindows(ds
		        , partGLFitNightTempSensOneWindow
						, prevRes = data.frame(E0 = NA)
						, winSizeRefInDays = winSizeRefInDays
						, winSizeInDays = winExtendSizes[iExtend]
						, isVerbose = isVerbose
						, nRecInDay = nRecInDay
						, controlGLPart = controlGLPart
		resNight[iNoSummary, ] <- resNightExtend[iNoSummary, ]
		#all(resNight$iCentralRec == resNightExtend$iCentralRec)
		iNoSummary <- which(is.na(resNight$E0) )
		iExtend <- iExtend + 1L
	##seealso<< \code{\link{partGLSmoothTempSens}}
	# remember E0 and sdE0 before overidden by smoothing
	nFiniteE0 <- sum(is.finite(resNight$E0))
	if ( (nFiniteE0 < 5) && (nFiniteE0 < 0.1 * nrow(resNight)) ) stop(
	  "Estimated valid temperature sensitivity for only ", nFiniteE0
	  , " windows. Stopping.")
	resNight$E0Fit <- resNight$E0
	resNight$sdE0Fit <- resNight$sdE0
	E0Smooth <- if (isTRUE(controlGLPart$smoothTempSensEstimateAcrossTime) ) {
	  if (isVerbose) message("  Smoothing temperature sensitivity estimates")
	  E0Smooth <- partGLSmoothTempSens(resNight)
	}else {
	  E0Smooth <- resNight
	  iNonFiniteE0 <- which(!is.finite(E0Smooth$E0))
	  # set uncertainty to the 90% quantile of the distribution of uncertainties
	  E0Smooth$sdE0[iNonFiniteE0] <- quantile(E0Smooth$sdE0, 0.9, na.rm = TRUE)
	  # fill NA with value from previous window
	  E0Smooth$E0 <- fillNAForward(E0Smooth$E0)
	# now all E0 and sdE0 are defined
	##seealso<< \code{\link{partGLFitNightRespRefOneWindow}}
	if (isVerbose) message(
	  "  Estimating respiration at reference temperature for smoothed temperature"
	  ," sensitivity from night time NEE ", appendLF = FALSE)
	resRef15 <- simplifyApplyWindows(tmp <- applyWindows(
	  , partGLFitNightRespRefOneWindow
	  , winSizeRefInDays = winSizeRefInDays
	  , winSizeInDays = winSizeNight
	  , nRecInDay = nRecInDay
	  , E0Win = E0Smooth
	  , controlGLPart = controlGLPart
	  , isVerbose = isVerbose
	# fill those NA caused by not enough night-time records
	E0Smooth$RRef <- fillNAForward(resRef15$RRef, firstValue =
	                                 # on NA at the start of the series, take the first  finite value
	                                 E0Smooth$RRef[which(is.finite(E0Smooth$RRef))[1] ]
	##value<< data.frame with columns of \code{winInfo}
	##from applyWindows, E0, sdE0, RRef

fillNAForward <- function(
  ### replace NA by value of previous record
  x		##<< numeric vector to fill NAs
  , firstValue = median(x, na.rm = TRUE)	##<< value to be used
  ## for NA at the beginning of x
) {
  iMissing <- which(!is.finite(x))
  if (length(iMissing) && (iMissing[1] == 1L)) {
    # set first vluae
    x[1L] <- firstValue
    iMissing <- iMissing[-1]
  if (length(iMissing)) {
    for (i in iMissing) {
      # set to value from previous window
      x[i] <- x[i - 1L]

getStartRecsOfWindows <- function(
  ### compute the starting positions of windows for given size
  nRec					##<< numeric scalar: number of records
  , winSizeInDays = winSizeRefInDays		##<< Window size in days
  , winSizeRefInDays = 4L				##<< Window size in days for reference window
  ## (e.g. day-Window for night time)
  , strideInDays = floor(winSizeRefInDays / 2L)	##<< step in days for
  ## shifting the window, for alligning usually a factor of winSizeRef
  , nRecInDay = 48L			##<< number of records within one day
  ## (for half-hourly data its 48)
) {
  nDay <- as.integer(ceiling(nRec / nRecInDay))
  # center of the reference window still in records
  nDayLastWindow <- nDay - (winSizeRefInDays / 2)
  # specifying the day for each record assuming equidistand records
  #iDayOfRec <- ((c(1:nRec)-1L) %/% nRecInDay) + 1L
  # starting days for each reference window
  startDaysRef <- seq(1, nDayLastWindow, strideInDays)
  # assuming equidistant records
  iCentralRec <- 1L + as.integer((startDaysRef - 1L) + winSizeRefInDays / 2) *
  # precomputing the starting and end records for all periods in vectorized way
  # may become negative, negative needed for computation of iRecEnd
  iRecStart0 <- as.integer(iCentralRec -winSizeInDays / 2 * nRecInDay)
  iRecStart <- pmax(1L, iRecStart0)

applyWindows <- function(
  ### apply a function to several windows of a data.frame
  ds						##<< dataframe to iterate
  , FUN					##<< function to apply to subsets of the data.frame
  ## taking a subset of the data.frame as first argument
  ## the second: a one-row data.frame with window information
  ## (iWindow, dayStart, dayEnd, iRecStart, iRecEnd, iCentralRec)
  ## the third: most recent valid result of calls FUN. Valid is a
  ## non-NULL result.
  , prevRes = list()						##<< initial values for the list that
  ##is carried between windows
  , winSizeInDays = winSizeRefInDays		##<< Window size in days
  , winSizeRefInDays = 4L				##<< Window size in days for reference window
  ## (e.g. day-Window for night time)
  , strideInDays = floor(winSizeRefInDays / 2L)	##<< step in days for
  ## shifting the window, for alligning usually a factor of winSizeRef
  , isVerbose = TRUE			##<< set to FALSE to suppress messages
  , nRecInDay = 48L			##<< number of records within one day
  ## (for half-hourly data its 48)
  , ...	##<< further arguments to FUN
) {
  ## Assumes equidistant rows with nRecInDay records forming one day
  ##  and reporting full days
  ## i.e. all of the nRecInDay records are in the first day.
  ## In order to have a common reference winSizeRefInDays is given so that
  ## results by a different window
  ## size correspond to each window of shifting a window of winSizeRefInDays
  ## Each window is anchord so that the center equals the center of the
  ## reference window.
  ## This becomes important when selecting records at the edges of the series.
  nRec <- nrow(ds)
  nDay <- as.integer(ceiling(nRec / nRecInDay))
  # center of the reference window still in records
  nDayLastWindow <- nDay - (winSizeRefInDays / 2)
  # specifying the day for each record assuming equidistand records
  #iDayOfRec <- ((c(1:nRec)-1L) %/% nRecInDay) + 1L
  # starting days for each reference window
  startDaysRef <- seq(1, nDayLastWindow, strideInDays)
  # assuming equidistant records
  iCentralRec <- 1L + as.integer((startDaysRef-1L) + winSizeRefInDays / 2) *
  nWindow <- length(startDaysRef)
  # precomputing the starting and end records for all periods in vectorized way
  # # may become negative, negative needed for computation of dayEnd
  dayStart0 <- as.integer(startDaysRef + winSizeRefInDays / 2 - winSizeInDays / 2)
  dayStart <- pmax(1L, dayStart0)
  dayEnd <- pmin(nDay, dayStart0-1L + winSizeInDays)
  # may become negative, negative needed for computation of iRecEnd
  iRecStart0 <- as.integer(iCentralRec -winSizeInDays / 2 * nRecInDay)
  iRecStart <- pmax(1L, iRecStart0)
  iRecEnd <- pmin(nRec, as.integer(iCentralRec-1L + winSizeInDays / 2 * nRecInDay))
  # central record in each window, only last record, refers to reference window
  # of size winSizeRefInDays
  ##value<< a list with first component a data.frame with columns
  dsRec <- data.frame(
    iWindow = 1:nWindow		##<< integer: counter of the window
    , dayStart = dayStart	##<< integer: starting day of the window
    , dayEnd = dayEnd			##<< integer: ending day of the window
    , iRecStart = iRecStart	##<< integer: first record number of the window
    , iRecEnd = iRecEnd		##<< integer: last record number of the window
    , iCentralRec = iCentralRec	##<< integer: central record within the window
    ## assuming equidistant records
  # each will hold a data.frame to be row-bound afterwards (dont know the cols yet)
  res2List <- vector("list", nWindow)
  for (iWindow in 1:nWindow) {
    if (isVerbose) message(", ", startDaysRef[iWindow], appendLF = FALSE)
    startRec <- iRecStart[iWindow]
    endRec <- iRecEnd[iWindow]
    dsWin <- ds[startRec:endRec, ]
    resFun <- FUN(dsWin, dsRec[iWindow, ], prevRes, ...)
    ##details<< Usually indicate an invalid result by returning NULL.
    ## If one still wants to store results but prevent updating the
    ## \code{prevRes} argument supplied to the next call
    ## then return a list item (or dataframe column) \code{isValid = TRUE}.
    if (length(resFun) ) {
      res2List[[iWindow]] <- resFun
      if (!is.list(resFun) || !length(resFun$isValid) || isTRUE(resFun$isValid) )
        prevRes <- resFun
  if (isVerbose) message("") # LineFeed
  #tmp <- res2List
  #res2List <- tmp
  # rbind res2List, but keep NULL results, therefore add dummy dataframe,
  # and delete dummy column afterward
  #res2List[sapply(res2List, is.null) ] <- list(data.frame(..DUMMY = 1))
  #res2$..DUMMY <- NULL
  ##value<< The second entry (\code{resFUN}) is a list (of length nrow(winInfo))
  ## with each entry a result of a call to FUN.
    winInfo = dsRec
    , resFUN = res2List

simplifyApplyWindows <- function(
  ### simplify the result returned by applyWindows
  resApply	##<< result of \code{\link{applyWindows}}
) {
  ## If FUN returns a named vector or a single-row data.frame,
  ## the resFUN result component of applyWindows can be condensed to a data.frame.
  ## This result is column-bound to the winInfo result component
  ## A single data.frame with columns of winInfo and results of FUN
  if (!length(resApply$winInfo) ) return(resApply$winInfo)
  ansFUN <- if (is.data.frame(resApply$resFUN[[1]]) ) {
  } else {
    do.call(rbind, resApply$resFUN)
  cbind(resApply$winInfo, ansFUN)

partGLFitNightTempSensOneWindow = function(
  ### Estimate temperature sensitivity E0 within one window
  dss					##<< data.frame with numeric columns NEE, sdNEE, Temp (degC)
  ## , VPD, Rg, and logical columns isNight and isDay
  , winInfo			##<< one-row data.frame with window information, including iWindow
  , prevRes			##<< component prevRes from previous result, here with item prevE0
  , isVerbose = TRUE		##<< set to FALSE to suppress messages
  , nRecInDay = 48L	##<< number of records within one day
  ## (for half-hourly data its 48)
  , controlGLPart = partGLControl()	##<< list of further default parameters
) {
  ## TW
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{partitionNEEGL}}
  ## Estimation of respiration at reference temperature (RRef) and
  ## temperature sensitivity (E0) for one window.
  isValid <- isValidNightRecord(dss)
  # check that there are enough night and enough day-values for fitting,
  # else continue with next window
  if (sum(isValid) < controlGLPart$minNRecInDayWindow) return(data.frame(
    E0 = NA_real_, sdE0 = NA_real_, TRefFit = NA_real_, RRefFit = NA_real_))
  dssNight <- dss[isValid, ]
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{partGLEstimateTempSensInBoundsE0Only}}
  ## The reference temperature is taken as the median of the temperatures of
  ## valid records,
  ## unless a fixed reference temperature (in degree Celsius) is specified
  ## by argument \code{controlGLPart$fixedTRefAtNightTime}.
  TRefFitCelsius <- if (length(controlGLPart$fixedTRefAtNightTime) &&
  ) {
  } else{
    median(dssNight$Temp, na.rm = TRUE)
  resNightFit <- partGLEstimateTempSensInBoundsE0Only(
    , fConvertCtoK(dssNight$Temp)
    , prevE0 = prevRes$E0, TRefFit = fConvertCtoK(TRefFitCelsius))
  ans <- data.frame(
    E0 = resNightFit$E0, sdE0 = resNightFit$sdE0
    , TRefFit = resNightFit$TRefFit, RRefFit = resNightFit$RRefFit)

isValidNightRecord <- function(
  ### compute logical vector of each rows in ds is its a valid night record
  ds		##<< data.frame with columns isNight, NEE, Temp (degC)
) {
  isValid <- !is.na(ds$isNight) & ds$isNight & !is.na(ds$NEE) & is.finite(ds$Temp)
  ## For robustness, data is trimmed to conditions at temperature > 1 degC
  ## but only timmed if there are more at least 12 records left
  isFreezing <- ds$Temp[isValid] <= -1
  if (sum(!isFreezing) >= 12L) isValid[isValid][isFreezing] <- FALSE
  ##value<< a logical vector of length nrow(ds)

partGLEstimateTempSensInBoundsE0Only <- function(
  ### Estimate bounded temperature sensitivity E0 and RRef of ecosystem respiration
  REco					##<< numeric vector: night time NEE
  , temperatureKelvin		##<< numeric vector: temperature in Kelvin
  ## of same length as REco
  , prevE0	= NA			##<< numeric scalar: the previous guess of
  ## Temperature Sensitivity
  , TRefFit = median(temperatureKelvin, na.rm = TRUE)	##<< reference
  ## temperature for which RRef is estimated.
  ## Set it to the center of the data (the default) for best fit
  ## (lowest uncertainty)
) {
  ##author<< MM, TW
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{partGLFitLRCWindows}}
  ## Basal respiration is reported for temperature of 15 degree Celsius.
  ## However during the fit
  ## a reference temperature of the median of the dataset is used.
  ## This is done to avoid
  ## strong correlations between estimated parameters E0 and RRef,
  ## that occure if reference temperature
  ## is outside the center of the data.
  resFit <- try(
    nls(formula = R_eco ~ fLloydTaylor(RRef, E0, Temp, TRef = TRefFit)
        , algorithm = 'default', trace = FALSE,
        data = as.data.frame(cbind(R_eco = REco, Temp = temperatureKelvin))
        , start = list(RRef = mean(REco, na.rm = TRUE)
                       , E0 = as.vector({if (is.finite(prevE0)) prevE0 else 100}))
        , control = nls.control(maxiter = 20L)
    , silent = TRUE)
  #plot(REco ~ I(temperatureKelvin-273.15) )
  #lines(fLloydTaylor(coef(resFit)["RRef"], coef(resFit)["E0"]
  #, temperatureKelvin, TRef = TRefFit) ~ I(temperatureKelvin-273.15))
  if (inherits(resFit, "try-error")) {
    #stop("debug partGLEstimateTempSensInBounds")
    #plot(REco.V.n	~ temperatureKelvin.V.n)
    E0 <- NA
    sdE0 <- NA
    RRefFit <- NA
  } else {
    E0 <- coef(resFit)['E0']
    sdE0 <- coef(summary(resFit))['E0', 2]
    RRefFit <- coef(resFit)['RRef']
  # resFit$convInfo$isConv
  ## If E0 is out of bounds [50, 400] then report E0 as NA
  if (is.na(E0) || (E0 < 50) || (E0 > 400)) {
    E0 <- NA
    sdE0 <- NA
    RRefFit <- NA
  ##value<< list with entries
    E0 = E0				      ##<< numeric scalar of estimated temperature
    ## sensitivty E0 bounded to [50, 400]
    , sdE0 = sdE0			  ##<< numeric scalar of standard deviation of E0
    , TRefFit = TRefFit	##<< numeric scalar reference temperature used
    ## in the E0 fit
    , RRefFit = RRefFit	##<< numeric scalar respiration at TRefFit

.tmp.f <- function() {
  # from recover at fitting E0
  temp <- temperatureKelvin - 273.15
  plot(REco ~ temp)
  lines(fLloydTaylor(RRefFit, E0, temperatureKelvin, TRef = TRefFit) ~ temp)

partGLSmoothTempSens <- function(
  ### Smoothes time development of E0
  E0Win				##<< data.frame with columns E0 and sdE0, RRefFit,
  ## and TRefFit with one row for each window
) {
  #E0Win$E0[1] <- NA
  # TODO return NA in the first place where the previous window was used
  E0Win$E0[c(FALSE, (diff(E0Win$E0) == 0))] <- NA
  # mlegp does not work for long time series (Trevors report with Havard data)
  # hence, smooth one year at a time
  E0Win$year <- ceiling(E0Win$dayStart / 365)
  yr <- E0Win$year[1]
  resWin <- lapply(unique(E0Win$year), function(yr) {
    E0WinYr <- E0Win[E0Win$year == yr, , drop = FALSE]
    isFiniteE0 <- is.finite(E0WinYr$E0)
    E0WinFinite <- E0WinYr[isFiniteE0, ]
    if (!nrow(E0WinFinite)) {
        "No respiration-temperature relationship for any period of the ",yr,"th year. "
        , "Using mean temperature sensitivity of other years for this year.")
    } else {
      if (!requireNamespace("mlegp")) stop(
        "package mlegp is required for Lasslop daytime partitioning.",
        "Unfortunately, it is removed from CRAN.",
        "In order to still use daytime partitioning, please, install mlegp ",
        "(maybe an archived version) from ",
      output <- capture.output(
        gpFit <- mlegp::mlegp(X = E0WinFinite$iCentralRec, Z = E0WinFinite$E0
                       , nugget = E0WinFinite$sdE0^2)
        #gpFit <- mlegp(X = E0WinFinite$iCentralRec, Z = E0WinFinite$E0
        #              , nugget = (E0WinFinite$sdE0 * 2)^2, nugget.known = 1L)
      pred1 <- predict(gpFit, matrix(E0WinYr$iCentralRec, ncol = 1)
                       , se.fit = TRUE)
      nuggetNewObs <- quantile(gpFit$nugget, 0.9)
      nugget <- rep(nuggetNewObs, nrow(E0WinYr))
      nugget[isFiniteE0] <- gpFit$nugget
      E0WinYr$E0 <- as.vector(pred1$fit)
      E0WinYr$sdE0 <- as.vector(pred1$se.fit) + unname(sqrt(nugget))
  ##value<< dataframe E0Win with updated columns E0 and sdE0
  E0WinYrs <- do.call(rbind, resWin)
  iNoFiniteE0 <- which(!is.finite(E0WinYrs$E0))
  if (length(iNoFiniteE0)) {
    if (length(iNoFiniteE0) == nrow(E0WinYrs)) stop(
      "Could not estimate respiration~temperature relationship.")
    E0WinYrs$E0[iNoFiniteE0] <- mean(E0WinYrs$E0[-iNoFiniteE0])
    E0WinYrs$sdE0[iNoFiniteE0] <- quantile(E0WinYrs$sdE0[-iNoFiniteE0], 0.9)*1.5
.tmp.f <- function() {
  plot(E0 ~ iCentralRec, E0Win, type = "l")
  arrows(E0WinFinite$iCentralRec, E0WinFinite$E0 - E0WinFinite$sdE0
         , y1 = E0WinFinite$E0 + E0WinFinite$sdE0, length = 0, col = "grey")
  plot(E0 ~ iCentralRec, E0WinYrs, type = "l")
  plot(sdE0 ~ iCentralRec, E0WinYrs, type = "l")
  E0Win$day <- (E0Win$iCentralRec - 1) / 48 + 1
  E0WinFinite$day <- (E0WinFinite$iCentralRec - 1) / 48 + 1
  plot(E0WinFinite$E0 ~ E0WinFinite$day)
  plot(E0Win$E0Fit ~ E0Win$day)
  points(E0Win$E0 ~ E0Win$day, col = "blue", type = "b", lty = "dotted")
  #points(E0Win$E0 ~ E0Win$day, col = "blue")
  #arrows(E0Win$day, E0Win$E0Fit, y1 = E0Win$E0, col = "grey", length = 0.1)
  lines(I(E0Win$E0 + 1.06 * E0Win$sdE0) ~ E0Win$day, col = "lightblue")
  lines(I(E0Win$E0 - 1.06 * E0Win$sdE0) ~ E0Win$day, col = "lightblue")
  E0Win$E0 <- E0Win$E0Fit
  E0Win$sdE0 <- E0Win$sdE0Fit
  E0Win$E0[c(FALSE, (diff(E0Win$E0) == 0))] <- NA	# TODO ret NA in the first place
  E0Win$isFiniteE0 <- isFiniteE0
  E0Win[E0Win$E0 < 80, ]
  E0Win[65:75, ]
  subset(E0WinFinite, iWindow %in% 65:75)

  E0Win$sdE0 / E0Win$E0

partGLFitNightRespRefOneWindow = function(
  ### Estimate Reference temperature from nicht-time and given tempsens E0
  dss					  ##<< data.frame with numeric columns NEE, isNight, Temp, Rg
  , winInfo			##<< one-row data.frame with window information, including iWindow
  , prevRes = list()		##<< component prevRes from previous result, here not used.
  , E0Win				##<< data.frame with columns E0 and sdE0, RRefFit, and
  ## TRefFit with one row for each window
  , controlGLPart = partGLControl()	##<< list of further default parameters
  , TRef = 15			##<< numeric scalar of Temperature (degree Celsius) for
  ## reference respiration RRef
) {
  ##author<< TW
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{partitionNEEGL}}
  ## Estimation of respiration at reference temperature (RRef) and
  ## temperature sensitivity (E0) for one window.
  isValid <- isValidNightRecord(dss)
  # check that there are enough night and enough day-values for fitting,
  # else continue with next window
  ## If there are too few night-time records
  ## (< controlGLPart$minNRecInDayWindow) then return NA
  if (sum(isValid) < controlGLPart$minNRecInDayWindow) return(c(RRef = NA_real_))
  dssNight <- dss[isValid, ]
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{partGLEstimateTempSensInBoundsE0Only}}
  REco <- dssNight$NEE
  E0 <- E0Win$E0[winInfo$iWindow]
  TRefInKelvin <- 273.15 + TRef	# 15degC in Kelvin
  RRef <- if (length(REco) >= 3L) {
    temperatureKelvin <- 273.15 + dssNight$Temp
    T_0.n = 227.13         ##<< Regression temperature as
    ## fitted by LloydTaylor (1994) in Kelvin (degK)
    TFacLloydTaylor <-  exp(E0 * (1 / (TRefInKelvin - T_0.n) -
                                    1 / (temperatureKelvin - T_0.n) ) )
    lm15 <- lm(REco ~ TFacLloydTaylor -1)
  } else
    fLloydTaylor(E0Win$RRefFit[winInfo$iWindow], E0, TRefInKelvin
                 , TRef = E0Win$TRefFit[winInfo$iWindow])
  RRefBounded <- max(0, RRef)
  ##value<< named numeric vector with single entry RRef
  c(RRef = RRefBounded)

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