
#  Name:       RNetCDF-test.R
#  Version:    2.8-1
#  Purpose:    Test functions to the NetCDF interface for R.
#  Author:     Pavel Michna (rnetcdf-devel@bluewin.ch)
#              Milton Woods (miltonjwoods@gmail.com)
#  Copyright (C) 2004-2023 Pavel Michna and Milton Woods.
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

# Fail on warnings:

# tools::assertWarning is not defined in old R versions,
# so define a local function with similar behaviour:
assertWarning <- function(expr) {
  warn <- FALSE
    warning=function(w) {
      warn <<- TRUE
  if (!warn) {
    stop("Expected warning from expression, but none occurred")

#  Load library

has_bit64 <- require(bit64)

#  Optional NetCDF features detected during package installation.
#  Note that config.nc is not intended for user code.
#  If necessary, users can handle missing features using 'try'.

cfg <- config.nc()

#  Run tests

#  NetCDF library functions

#--Initialize ------------------------------------------------------------------#
cat("Starting NetCDF tests...\n")

testfun <- function(x,y,tally=NULL) {
  if (is.null(tally)) {
    tally <- c(pass=0,fail=0)
  # Compare numeric values with single precision tolerance:
  if (isTRUE(all.equal(x,y,tolerance=2^(-23)))) {
  } else {

tally <- NULL

##  Create a new NetCDF dataset and define dimensions
for (format in c("classic","offset64","data64","classic4","netcdf4")) {

  ncfile <- tempfile(paste("RNetCDF-test", format, "", sep="_"),
  cat("Test", format, "file format in", ncfile, "...\n")

  if (format == "data64" && !cfg$data64) {
    message("NetCDF library does not support file format data64")
    nc <- try(create.nc(ncfile, format=format), silent=TRUE)
    tally <- testfun(inherits(nc, "try-error"), TRUE, tally)

  nc <- create.nc(ncfile, format=format)
  tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

  # Show library version:
  libvers <- file.inq.nc(nc)$libvers
  cat("Version of netcdf library ... ", libvers, "\n")
  verstr <- sub(' .*', '', file.inq.nc(nc)$libvers)

  nstation <- 5
  ntime <- 2
  nstring <- 7
  nempty <- 0

  cat("Defining dimensions ...\n")
  dim.def.nc(nc, "station", nstation)
  dim.def.nc(nc, "time", ntime)
  dim.def.nc(nc, "max_string_length", nstring)
  dim.def.nc(nc, "empty", unlim=TRUE)
  tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

  if (format == "netcdf4") {
    ## Define a group
    cat("Defining a group ...\n")
    ncroot <- nc
    nc <- grp.def.nc(nc, "testgrp")
    tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

    ## Define a type of each class:
    cat("Defining user-defined types ...\n")
    id_blob <- type.def.nc(nc, "blob", "opaque", size=128)
    inq_blob <- list(id=id_blob, name="blob", class="opaque", size=128)

    id_vector <- type.def.nc(nc, "vector", "vlen", basetype="NC_INT")
    inq_vector <- list(id=id_vector, name="vector", class="vlen",
                       size=NA, basetype="NC_INT")

    id_vector_char <- type.def.nc(nc, "vector_char", "vlen", basetype="NC_CHAR")
    inq_vector_char <- list(id=id_vector_char, name="vector_char", class="vlen",
                            size=NA, basetype="NC_CHAR")

    id_vector_string <- type.def.nc(nc, "vector_string", "vlen", basetype="NC_STRING")
    inq_vector_string <- list(id=id_vector_string, name="vector_string", class="vlen",
                              size=NA, basetype="NC_STRING")

    id_vector_blob <- type.def.nc(nc, "vector_blob", "vlen", basetype=id_blob)
    inq_vector_blob <- list(id=id_vector_blob, name="vector_blob", class="vlen",
                            size=NA, basetype="blob")

    id_factor <- type.def.nc(nc, "factor", "enum", basetype="NC_USHORT",
                             names=c("NA", "peanut butter", "jelly"),
                             values=c(100, 101, 102))
    inq_factor <- list(id=id_factor, name="factor", class="enum",
                       size=2, basetype="NC_USHORT",
                       value=c("NA"=100,"peanut butter"=101,"jelly"=102))

    id_struct <- type.def.nc(nc, "struct", "compound",
                             names=c("siteid", "height", "colour"),
                             subtypes=c("NC_INT", "NC_DOUBLE", "NC_SHORT"),
                             dimsizes=list(NULL, NULL, c(3)))
    inq_struct <- list(id=id_struct, name="struct", class="compound", size=18,

    typeids <- c(id_blob, id_vector, id_vector_char, id_vector_string,
                 id_vector_blob, id_factor, id_struct)

    if (package_version(verstr) >= package_version("4.9.0")) {
      id_vector_vector <- type.def.nc(nc, "vector_vector", "vlen", basetype=id_vector)
      inq_vector_vector <- list(id=id_vector_vector, name="vector_vector", class="vlen",
                              size=NA, basetype="vector")
      typeids <- c(typeids, id_vector_vector)

    tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)


  ##  Define variables
  cat("Defining variables for netcdf3 ...\n")
  var.def.nc(nc, "time", "NC_INT", "time")

  inq_temperature <- list()
  inq_temperature$id <- var.def.nc(nc, "temperature", "NC_DOUBLE", c(0,1),
                                   chunking=TRUE, chunksizes=c(5,1),
                                   deflate=5, shuffle=TRUE, big_endian=TRUE,
  inq_temperature$name <- "temperature"
  inq_temperature$type <- "NC_DOUBLE"
  inq_temperature$ndims <- as.integer(2)
  inq_temperature$dimids <- as.integer(c(0,1))
  inq_temperature$natts <- as.integer(0)
  inq_temperature$chunksizes <- as.numeric(c(5,1))
  inq_temperature$deflate <- as.integer(5)
  inq_temperature$shuffle <- TRUE
  inq_temperature$big_endian <- TRUE
  inq_temperature$fletcher32 <- TRUE

  var.def.nc(nc, "packvar", "NC_BYTE", c("station"))
  var.def.nc(nc, "name", "NC_CHAR", c("max_string_length", "station"))
  var.def.nc(nc, "name_fill", "NC_CHAR", c("max_string_length", "station"))
  var.def.nc(nc, "qcflag", "NC_CHAR", c("station"))
  var.def.nc(nc, "int0", "NC_INT", NA)
  var.def.nc(nc, "char0", "NC_CHAR", NA)
  var.def.nc(nc, "numempty", "NC_FLOAT", c("station","empty"))
  varcnt <- 9

  numtypes <- c("NC_BYTE", "NC_SHORT", "NC_INT", "NC_FLOAT", "NC_DOUBLE")

  tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

  if (format == "netcdf4") {
    cat("Defining variables for netcdf4 ...\n")
    var.def.nc(nc, "namestr", "NC_STRING", c("station"))
    var.def.nc(nc, "namestr_fill", "NC_STRING", c("station"))
    var.def.nc(nc, "profile", id_vector, c("station","time"))
    var.def.nc(nc, "profile_fill", id_vector, c("station","time"))
    var.def.nc(nc, "profile_pack", id_vector, c("station","time"))
    att.put.nc(nc, "profile_pack", "scale_factor", "NC_FLOAT", 10)
    var.def.nc(nc, "profile_char", id_vector_char, c("station","time"))
    var.def.nc(nc, "profile_string", id_vector_string, c("station","time"))
    var.def.nc(nc, "profile_blob", id_vector_blob, c("time"))
    var.def.nc(nc, "profile_scalar", id_vector, NA)
    var.def.nc(nc, "rawdata", id_blob, c("station","time"))
    var.def.nc(nc, "rawdata_scalar", id_blob, NA)
    var.def.nc(nc, "rawdata_vector", id_blob, c("station"))
    var.def.nc(nc, "snacks", "factor", c("station", "time"))
    var.def.nc(nc, "snacks_empty", "factor", c("station", "time"))
    var.def.nc(nc, "person", "struct", c("station", "time"))
    var.def.nc(nc, "person_fill", "struct", c("station", "time"))
    varcnt <- varcnt+16

    if (package_version(verstr) >= package_version("4.9.0")) {
      var.def.nc(nc, "profile_vector", id_vector_vector, c("station","time"))
      var.def.nc(nc, "profile_vector_fill", id_vector_vector, c("station","time"))
      varcnt <- varcnt+2

    tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

    numtypes <- c(numtypes, "NC_UBYTE", "NC_USHORT", "NC_UINT")

    if (has_bit64) {
      var.def.nc(nc, "stationid", "NC_UINT64", c("station"))
      varcnt <- varcnt+1
      numtypes <- c(numtypes, "NC_INT64", "NC_UINT64")
      tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

    inq_filter <- list()
    inq_filter$filter_id <- c(2,1) # Shuffle, deflate
    inq_filter$filter_params <- list(numeric(0),c(9))
    var.def.nc(nc, "temp_filter", "NC_FLOAT", c("station", "time"),
               chunking=TRUE, filter_id=inq_filter$filter_id,
    varcnt <- varcnt+1

  for (numtype in numtypes) {
    for (namode in seq(0,5)) {
      cat("Defining variables of type", numtype, "for na.mode", namode, "...\n")

      varname <- paste(numtype,namode,sep="_")
      var.def.nc(nc, varname, numtype, c("station"))
      tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

      varname <- paste(numtype,"int",namode,sep="_")
      var.def.nc(nc, varname, numtype, c("station"))
      tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

      varname <- paste(numtype,"fill",namode,sep="_")
      var.def.nc(nc, varname, numtype, c("station"))
      if (namode == 2) {
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "missing_value", numtype, 99)
      } else if (namode == 4) {
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "valid_range", numtype, c(1,5))
      } else {
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "_FillValue", numtype, 99)
      tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

      varname <- paste(numtype,"intfill",namode,sep="_")
      var.def.nc(nc, varname, numtype, c("station"))
      if (namode == 2) {
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "missing_value", numtype, 99)
      } else if (namode == 4) {
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "valid_min", numtype, 1)
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "valid_max", numtype, 5)
      } else {
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "_FillValue", numtype, 99)
      tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

      varname <- paste(numtype,"pack",namode,sep="_")
      var.def.nc(nc, varname, numtype, c("station"))
      att.put.nc(nc, varname, "scale_factor", numtype, 10)
      att.put.nc(nc, varname, "add_offset", numtype, 5)
      if (namode == 2) {
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "missing_value", numtype, 99)
      } else if (namode == 4) {
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "valid_min", numtype, 1)
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "valid_max", numtype, 5)
      } else {
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "_FillValue", numtype, 99)
      tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)
      varname <- paste(numtype,"intpack",namode,sep="_")
      var.def.nc(nc, varname, numtype, "station")
      att.put.nc(nc, varname, "scale_factor", numtype, 10)
      att.put.nc(nc, varname, "add_offset", numtype, 5)
      if (namode == 2) {
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "missing_value", numtype, 99)
      } else if (namode == 4) {
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "valid_range", numtype, c(1,5))
      } else {
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "_FillValue", numtype, 99)
      tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

      varname <- paste(numtype,"inf",namode,sep="_")
      var.def.nc(nc, varname, numtype, c("station"))
      tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

      varname <- paste(numtype,"packinf",namode,sep="_")
      var.def.nc(nc, varname, numtype, c("station"))
      att.put.nc(nc, varname, "scale_factor", numtype, 0)

      varname <- paste(numtype,"intpackinf",namode,sep="_")
      var.def.nc(nc, varname, numtype, c("station"))
      att.put.nc(nc, varname, "scale_factor", numtype, 0)

      varcnt <- varcnt+9

      if (numtype == "NC_DOUBLE") {
        varname <- paste(numtype,"fillna",namode,sep="_")
        var.def.nc(nc, varname, numtype, c("station"))
        if (namode == 2) {
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "missing_value", numtype, as.double(NA))
        } else if (namode == 4) {
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "valid_range", numtype, c(as.double(-Inf),as.double(Inf)))
        } else {
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "_FillValue", numtype, as.double(NA))
        tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)
        varcnt <- varcnt+1

      if (numtype == "NC_INT") {
        varname <- paste(numtype,"intfillna",namode,sep="_")
        var.def.nc(nc, varname, numtype, c("station"))
        if (namode == 2) {
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "missing_value", numtype, as.integer(NA))
        } else if (namode == 4) {
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "valid_min", numtype, 1)
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "valid_max", numtype, 5)
        } else {
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "_FillValue", numtype, as.integer(NA))
        tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)
        varcnt <- varcnt+1

      if (has_bit64) {
        varname <- paste(numtype,"bit64",namode,sep="_")
        var.def.nc(nc, varname, numtype, c("station"))
        if (namode == 2) {
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "missing_value", numtype, 99)
        } else if (namode == 4) {
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "valid_range", numtype, c(1,5))
        } else {
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "_FillValue", numtype, 99)
        tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

        varname <- paste(numtype,"fill64",namode,sep="_")
        var.def.nc(nc, varname, numtype, c("station"))
        if (namode == 2) {
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "missing_value", numtype, 99)
        } else if (namode == 4) {
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "valid_min", numtype, 1)
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "valid_max", numtype, 5)
        } else {
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "_FillValue", numtype, 99)
        tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

        varname <- paste(numtype,"pack64",namode,sep="_")
        var.def.nc(nc, varname, numtype, c("station"))
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "scale_factor", numtype, 10)
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "add_offset", numtype, 5)
        if (namode == 2) {
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "missing_value", numtype, 99)
        } else if (namode == 4) {
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "valid_min", numtype, 1)
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "valid_max", numtype, 5)
        } else {
          att.put.nc(nc, varname, "_FillValue", numtype, 99)
        tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)
        varname <- paste(numtype,"packinf64",namode,sep="_")
        var.def.nc(nc, varname, numtype, c("station"))
        att.put.nc(nc, varname, "scale_factor", numtype, 0)

        varcnt <- varcnt+4


  cat("Defining additional attributes ...")

  ##  Set a _FillValue attribute for temperature
  att.put.nc(nc, "temperature", "_FillValue", "NC_DOUBLE", -99999.9)
  inq_temperature$natts <- inq_temperature$natts + as.integer(1)

  ## Set a _FillValue attribute for name_fill:
  att.put.nc(nc, "name_fill", "_FillValue", "NC_CHAR", "X")

  ## Define the packing used by packvar
  id_double <- type.inq.nc(nc, "NC_DOUBLE")$id
  att.put.nc(nc, "packvar", "scale_factor", id_double, 10)
  att.put.nc(nc, "packvar", "add_offset", "NC_DOUBLE", -5)

  ## Define some additional test attributes:
  att_text <- "This is some text"
  att_text2 <- c("This is string 1", "This is string 2")
  att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "char_att", "NC_CHAR", att_text)
  att.put.nc(nc, "name", "char_att", "NC_CHAR", att_text)
  att.put.nc(nc, "name", "raw_att", "NC_CHAR", charToRaw(att_text))
  tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

  if (format == "netcdf4") {
    cat("Defining additional attributes for netcdf4 ...")
    att.put.nc(nc, "temperature", "string_att", "NC_STRING", att_text2)
    tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)
    inq_temperature$natts <- inq_temperature$natts + as.integer(1)

    if (has_bit64) {
      hugeint <- as.integer64("-1234567890123456789")
      att.put.nc(nc, "temperature", "int64_att", "NC_INT64", hugeint)
      inq_temperature$natts <- inq_temperature$natts + as.integer(1)
      tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

  ##  Define variable values
  mytime        <- c(1:2)
  mytemperature <- matrix(c(1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7, NA, NA, 9.9),ncol=ntime)
  mypackvar     <- seq_len(5)*10-5
  myname        <- c("alfa", "bravo", "charlie", "delta", "echo")
  myqcflag      <- "ABCDE"
  myint0        <- 12345
  mychar0       <- "?"

  mynamefill <- myname
  for (ii in seq_along(myname)) {
    mynamefill[ii] <- paste(rep("X", nstring), collapse="")
    substr(mynamefill[ii], 1, nstring) <- myname[ii]

  mynamestr <- myname
  mynamestr[5] <- "NA"
  mynamestr_fill <- myname
  mynamestr_fill[5] <- NA

  mysmall       <- as.double(c(1,2,3,4,5))
  mybig         <- mysmall*1e100
  myminus       <- -mysmall
  mysmallfill   <- as.double(c(1,2,NA,4,5))
  mybigfill     <- mysmallfill*1e100
  mypack        <- mysmallfill*10+5
  myinffill     <- c(-Inf,.Machine$double.xmin,NA,NaN,Inf)
  myinf         <- c(1,2,-Inf,4,5)
  if (has_bit64) { 
    mysmall64 <- as.integer64(mysmall)
    mysmallfill64 <- as.integer64(mysmallfill)
    myminus64 <- -mysmall64
    mybig64 <- as.integer64("1234567890123456789")+mysmall
    mybigfill64 <- as.integer64("1234567890123456789")+mysmallfill
    mypack64 <- as.integer64(mypack)

  if (format == "netcdf4") {
    profiles      <- vector("list", nstation*ntime)
    dim(profiles) <- c(nstation, ntime)
    for (ii in seq_len(nstation)) {
      for (jj in seq_len(ntime)) {
        # Profiles have increasing length, starting from 0:
	profiles[[ii,jj]] <- 10*seq_len(ii+jj-2)*(ii+jj)

    profiles_char <- lapply(profiles,function(x) {paste(as.character(x),collapse=",")})
    dim(profiles_char) <- dim(profiles)

    profiles_string <- lapply(profiles, as.character)
    dim(profiles_string) <- dim(profiles)

    if (package_version(verstr) >= package_version("4.9.0")) {
      profiles_vector <- lapply(profiles, function(x) {lapply(x, seq_len)})
      dim(profiles_vector) <- dim(profiles)
      profiles_vector_fill <- profiles_vector
      profiles_vector_fillval <- list(list(-999999999))
      profiles_vector[[3]][[2]][5] <- -999999999
      profiles_vector_fill[[3]][[2]][5] <- NA

    profiles_fill <- profiles
    profiles_fillval <- list(-999999999)
    profiles[[3]][2] <- -999999999
    profiles_fill[[3]][2] <- NA

    rawdata <- as.raw(seq_len(nstation*ntime*128) %% 256)
    dim(rawdata) <- c(128,nstation,ntime)

    profiles_blob <- list(rawdata[,3:5,1], rawdata[,0,1])
    dim(profiles_blob) <- ntime

    snack_foods <- names(inq_factor$value)
    snacks <- factor(rep(snack_foods, length.out=nstation*ntime),
    dim(snacks) <- c(nstation, ntime)
    snacks_fill <- snacks
    snacks_fill[snacks_fill == "NA"] <- NA
    snacks_empty <- snacks
    snacks_empty[] <- NA

    person <- list(siteid=array(rep(seq(1,nstation),ntime), c(nstation,ntime)),
                   height=array(1+0.1*seq(1,nstation*ntime), c(nstation,ntime)),
                   colour=array(rep(c(0,0,0,64,128,192),nstation), c(3,nstation,ntime)))
    person_fillval <- list(siteid=person$siteid[1,1],
    person_fill <- person
    person_fill$siteid[person_fill$siteid == person_fillval$siteid] <- NA
    person_fill$height[person_fill$height == person_fillval$height] <- NA
    # Note that array in compound uses same fill value for all elements:
    person_fill$colour[person_fill$colour == person_fillval$colour[1]] <- NA

  ## Define some user-defined test attributes:
  if (format == "netcdf4") {
    cat("Defining user-defined attributes ...")
    person1 <- list(siteid=array(person$siteid[1,1], 1),
                    height=array(person$height[1,1], 1),
                    colour=array(person$colour[,1,1], c(3,1)))
    person3 <- list(siteid=array(person$siteid[1:3,1], 3),
                    height=array(person$height[1:3,1], 3),
                    colour=array(person$colour[,1:3,1], c(3,3)))
    att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "compound_scal_att", "struct", person1)
    att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "compound_vect_att", "struct", person3)
    att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "enum_scal_att", "factor", snacks[1])
    att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "enum_vect_att", "factor", snacks[1:3])
    att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "opaque_scal_att", "blob", rawdata[,1,1])
    att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "opaque_vect_att", "blob", rawdata[,1,])
    att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "vector_scal_att", "vector", profiles[1])
    att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "vector_vect_att", "vector", profiles[1:3])
    tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

    # Fill values for strings and user-defined variables:
    att.put.nc(nc, "namestr_fill", "_FillValue", "NC_STRING", "_MISSING")
    att.put.nc(nc, "snacks", "_FillValue", "factor", factor("NA"))
    att.put.nc(nc, "person_fill", "_FillValue", "struct", person_fillval)
    att.put.nc(nc, "profile_fill", "_FillValue", id_vector,

    if (package_version(verstr) >= package_version("4.9.0")) {
      att.put.nc(nc, "profile_vector_fill", "_FillValue", id_vector_vector,

  ##  Put the data
  cat("Writing netcdf3 variables ...")
  var.put.nc(nc, "time", mytime, 1, length(mytime))
  var.put.nc(nc, "temperature", mytemperature, c(1,1), c(nstation,ntime),
  var.put.nc(nc, "packvar", mypackvar, pack=TRUE)
  var.put.nc(nc, "name", myname, c(1,1), c(nstring,nstation))
  var.put.nc(nc, "name_fill", myname, na.mode=5)
  var.put.nc(nc, "qcflag", charToRaw(myqcflag))
  var.put.nc(nc, "int0", myint0)
  var.put.nc(nc, "char0", mychar0)
  tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

  if (format == "netcdf4") {
    cat("Writing extra netcdf4 variables ...")
    var.put.nc(nc, "namestr", mynamestr_fill)
    var.put.nc(nc, "namestr_fill", mynamestr_fill, na.mode=5)
    var.put.nc(nc, "profile", profiles)
    var.put.nc(nc, "profile_fill", profiles_fill, na.mode=5)
    var.put.nc(nc, "profile_pack", profiles, pack=TRUE)
    var.put.nc(nc, "profile_char", profiles_char)
    var.put.nc(nc, "profile_string", profiles_string)
    var.put.nc(nc, "profile_blob", profiles_blob)
    var.put.nc(nc, "profile_scalar", profiles[1])
    var.put.nc(nc, "rawdata", rawdata)
    var.put.nc(nc, "rawdata_scalar", rawdata[,1,1])
    var.put.nc(nc, "rawdata_vector", rawdata[,,1])

    if (package_version(verstr) >= package_version("4.9.0")) {
      var.put.nc(nc, "profile_vector", profiles_vector)
      var.put.nc(nc, "profile_vector_fill", profiles_vector_fill, na.mode=5)

    y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, "snacks", snacks_fill, na.mode=3), silent=TRUE)
    tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), TRUE, tally)
    var.put.nc(nc, "snacks", snacks_fill, na.mode=5)
    tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

    var.put.nc(nc, "person", person, na.mode=3)
    tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)
    var.put.nc(nc, "person_fill", person_fill, na.mode=5)
    tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

    if (has_bit64) {
      var.put.nc(nc, "stationid", mybig64)
      tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)
    var.put.nc(nc, "temp_filter", mytemperature)
    tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

  for (numtype in numtypes) {
    for (namode in seq(0,5)) {
      cat("Writing to variable type", numtype, "with na.mode", namode, "...\n")

      # Should not succeed except for NC_DOUBLE:
      cat("Writing huge values ...")
      y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,namode,sep="_"), mybig, na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
      tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), numtype!="NC_DOUBLE", tally)

      y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"fill",namode,sep="_"), mybigfill, na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
      tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), numtype!="NC_DOUBLE", tally)

      # Should not succeed except for NC_FLOAT and 64-bit types:
      if (has_bit64) {
        cat("Writing huge bit64 values ...")
        y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"bit64",namode,sep="_"), mybig64, na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
        tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), !(numtype %in% c("NC_FLOAT","NC_INT64","NC_UINT64","NC_DOUBLE")), tally)

      # Should not succeed for unsigned types:
      cat("Writing negative values ...")
      y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,namode,sep="_"), myminus, na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
      tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"),
                       any(numtype==c("NC_UBYTE", "NC_USHORT", "NC_UINT", "NC_UINT64")),

      # Allow wrapping of negative bit64 values when converting to NC_UINT64:
      if (has_bit64) {
        cat("Writing negative bit64 values ...")
        y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"bit64",namode,sep="_"), myminus64, na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
        tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), numtype %in% c("NC_UBYTE","NC_USHORT","NC_UINT"), tally)

      # Should succeed for all types:
      cat("Writing data without missing values ...")
      var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,namode,sep="_"), mysmall, na.mode=namode)
      var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"int",namode,sep="_"), as.integer(mysmall), na.mode=namode)
      tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

      if (has_bit64) {
        cat("Writing bit64 data without missing values ...")
        var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"bit64",namode,sep="_"), mysmall64, na.mode=namode)
        tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)

      # Should succeed except in the following cases:
      inffail <- !(numtype %in% c("NC_FLOAT","NC_DOUBLE"))
      nafail <- (namode==3 && !(numtype %in% c("NC_FLOAT","NC_DOUBLE")))
      naintfail <- (namode==3 && !(numtype %in% c("NC_INT","NC_INT64","NC_FLOAT","NC_DOUBLE")))
      nabit64fail <- (namode==3 && !(numtype %in% c("NC_INT64","NC_UINT64","NC_FLOAT","NC_DOUBLE")))
      napack64fail <- (namode==3 && !(numtype %in% c("NC_INT64","NC_FLOAT","NC_DOUBLE")))

      cat("Writing Inf values ...")
      y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"inf",namode,sep="_"), myinf, na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
      tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), inffail, tally)

      cat("Writing doubles with non-finite packing ...")
      y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"packinf",namode,sep="_"), mypack, pack=TRUE, na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
      tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), inffail, tally)

      cat("Writing integers with non-finite packing ...")
      y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"intpackinf",namode,sep="_"), as.integer(mypack), pack=TRUE, na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
      tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), inffail, tally)

      cat("Writing data with missing values ...")
      y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"fill",namode,sep="_"), mysmallfill, na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
      tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), nafail, tally)
      y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"intfill",namode,sep="_"), as.integer(mysmallfill), na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
      tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), naintfail, tally)
      if (numtype == "NC_INT") {
        cat("Writing data with missing values and NA fill ...")
        y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"intfillna",namode,sep="_"), as.integer(mysmallfill), na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
        tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), naintfail, tally)
      } else if (numtype == "NC_DOUBLE") {
        cat("Writing data with non-finite values and NA fill ...")
        y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"fillna",namode,sep="_"), myinffill, na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
        tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), nafail, tally)

      cat("Writing data with missing values and packing ...")
      y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"pack",namode,sep="_"), mypack, pack=TRUE, na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
      tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), nafail, tally)
      y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"intpack",namode,sep="_"), as.integer(mypack), pack=TRUE, na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
      tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), naintfail, tally)

      if (has_bit64) {
        cat("Writing bit64 data with missing values ...")
        y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"fill64",namode,sep="_"), mysmallfill64, na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
        tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), nabit64fail, tally)

        cat("Writing bit64 data with missing values and packing ...")
        y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"pack64",namode,sep="_"), mypack64, pack=TRUE, na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
        tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), napack64fail, tally)

        cat("Writing integer64 with non-finite packing ...")
        y <- try(var.put.nc(nc, paste(numtype,"packinf64",namode,sep="_"), mypack64, pack=TRUE, na.mode=namode), silent=TRUE)
        tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), inffail, tally)


  if (format == "netcdf4") {
    # Check chunk cache settings for temperature:
    cat("Check chunk cache settings after writing temperature ...")
    x <- var.inq.nc(nc, "temperature")$cache_preemption
    if (is.na(x)) {
      cat("Feature not available in this NetCDF library version.\n")
    } else {
      y <- 0.5
      tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    # Check multi-filter inquiry:
    cat("Check filter settings after writing temp_filter ...")
    x <- var.inq.nc(nc, "temp_filter")
    if (is.null(x$filter_id) && is.null(x$filter_params)) {
      cat("Multi-filters not available in this NetCDF library version.\n")
    } else {
      tally <- testfun(x[names(inq_filter)], inq_filter, tally)

#  sync.nc(nc)
  if (format == "netcdf4") {
    ncroot <- open.nc(ncfile)
    nc <- grp.inq.nc(ncroot, "testgrp")$self
  } else {
    nc <- open.nc(ncfile)

  cat("Check file format ...")
  x <- file.inq.nc(nc)$format
  y <- format
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  ## Display file structure

  ## Read tests

  cat("Read NC_CHAR global attribute ...")
  x <- att_text
  y <- att.get.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "char_att")
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("Read NC_CHAR variable attribute ...")
  x <- att_text
  y <- att.get.nc(nc, "name", "char_att")
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("Read NC_CHAR variable attribute as raw bytes ...")
  x <- charToRaw(att_text)
  y <- att.get.nc(nc, "name", "raw_att", rawchar=TRUE)
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  if (format == "netcdf4") {
    cat("Read NC_STRING variable attribute ...")
    x <- att_text2
    y <- att.get.nc(nc, "temperature", "string_att")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    if (has_bit64) {
      cat("Read NC_INT64 variable attribute ...")
      x <- hugeint
      y <- att.get.nc(nc, "temperature", "int64_att", fitnum=TRUE)
      tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

      cat("Read NC_INT64 variable attribute as numeric ...")
      x <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(hugeint))
      y <- att.get.nc(nc, "temperature", "int64_att")
      tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  grpinfo <- grp.inq.nc(nc)
  cat("Inquire about groups in file/group ...")
  tally <- testfun(grpinfo$grps,list(),tally)
  cat("Inquire about dimension ids in file/group ...")
  tally <- testfun(grpinfo$dimids,c(0:3),tally)
  cat("Inquire about variable ids in file/group ...")
  tally <- testfun(grpinfo$varids,c(0:(varcnt-1)),tally)
  cat("Inquire about fullname of file/group ...")
  if (format == "netcdf4") {
    tally <- testfun(grpinfo$fullname,"/testgrp",tally)
  } else {
    tally <- testfun(grpinfo$fullname,"/",tally)
  cat("Inquire about unlimited dimension ids of file/group ...")
  if (format == "netcdf4") {
    # Some versions of netcdf4 do not list unlimited dimensions in ancestor groups:
    if (length(grpinfo$unlimids)==0) {
      tally <- testfun(grpinfo$unlimids,integer(0),tally)
    } else {
      tally <- testfun(grpinfo$unlimids,3,tally)
  } else {
    tally <- testfun(grpinfo$unlimids,3,tally)
  if (format == "netcdf4") {
    cat("Inquire about user-defined types in file/group ...")
    tally <- testfun(grpinfo$typeids,typeids,tally)

  cat("Read integer vector as double ... ")
  x <- mytime
  dim(x) <- length(x)
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, 0)
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
  tally <- testfun(is.double(y),TRUE,tally)

  for (numtype in numtypes) {
    for (namode in seq(0,5)) {
      x <- mysmall
      dim(x) <- length(x)

      varname <- paste(numtype,namode,sep="_")
      cat("Read", varname, "...")
      y <- var.get.nc(nc, varname, na.mode=namode)
      tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
      tally <- testfun(is.double(y),TRUE,tally)

      varname <- paste(numtype,"int",namode,sep="_")
      cat("Read", varname, "...")
      y <- var.get.nc(nc, varname, na.mode=namode)
      tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
      tally <- testfun(is.double(y),TRUE,tally)

      if (has_bit64) {
        varname <- paste(numtype,"bit64",namode,sep="_")
        cat("Read", varname, "...")
        y <- var.get.nc(nc, varname, na.mode=namode)
        tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
        tally <- testfun(is.double(y),TRUE,tally)

      # Some cases are expected to fail when writing the data,
      # so there is nothing to read:
      nafail <- (namode==3 && numtype != "NC_DOUBLE")
      naintfail <- (namode==3 && !(numtype %in% c("NC_INT","NC_INT64","NC_FLOAT","NC_DOUBLE")))
      nabit64fail <- (namode==3 && !(numtype %in% c("NC_INT64","NC_FLOAT","NC_DOUBLE")))

      x <- mysmallfill
      dim(x) <- length(x)

      if (!nafail) {
        varname <- paste(numtype,"fill",namode,sep="_")
        cat("Read", varname, "...")
        y <- var.get.nc(nc, varname, na.mode=namode)
        tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
        tally <- testfun(is.double(y),TRUE,tally)

      if (!naintfail) {
        varname <- paste(numtype,"intfill",namode,sep="_")
        cat("Read", varname, "...")
        y <- var.get.nc(nc, varname, na.mode=namode)
        if (namode==3) {
          tally <- testfun(x[!is.na(x)],y[!is.na(x)],tally)
          tally <- testfun(isTRUE(all.equal(x[is.na(x)],y[is.na(x)])),FALSE,tally)
        } else {
          tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
        tally <- testfun(is.double(y),TRUE,tally)

      if (has_bit64 && !nabit64fail) {
        varname <- paste(numtype,"fill64",namode,sep="_")
        cat("Read", varname, "...")
        y <- var.get.nc(nc, varname, na.mode=namode)
        if (namode==3) {
          tally <- testfun(x[!is.na(x)],y[!is.na(x)],tally)
          tally <- testfun(isTRUE(all.equal(x[is.na(x)],y[is.na(x)])),FALSE,tally)
        } else {
          tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
        tally <- testfun(is.double(y),TRUE,tally)

      if (numtype == "NC_INT" && !naintfail) {
        x <- mysmallfill
        dim(x) <- length(x)
        varname <- paste(numtype,"intfillna",namode,sep="_")
        cat("Read", varname, "...")
        y <- var.get.nc(nc, varname, na.mode=namode)
        if (namode==3) {
          tally <- testfun(x[!is.na(x)],y[!is.na(x)],tally)
          tally <- testfun(isTRUE(all.equal(x[is.na(x)],y[is.na(x)])),FALSE,tally)
        } else {
          tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
        tally <- testfun(is.double(y),TRUE,tally)
      } else if (numtype == "NC_DOUBLE" && !nafail) {
        x <- myinffill
        dim(x) <- length(x)
        varname <- paste(numtype,"fillna",namode,sep="_")
        cat("Read", varname, "...")
        y <- var.get.nc(nc, varname, na.mode=namode)
        tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
        tally <- testfun(is.double(y),TRUE,tally)

      x <- mypack
      dim(x) <- length(x)

      if (!nafail) {
        varname <- paste(numtype,"pack",namode,sep="_")
        cat("Read", varname, "...")
        y <- var.get.nc(nc, varname, unpack=TRUE, na.mode=namode)
        tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
        tally <- testfun(is.double(y),TRUE,tally)

      if (!naintfail) {
        varname <- paste(numtype,"intpack",namode,sep="_")
        cat("Read", varname, "...")
        y <- var.get.nc(nc, varname, unpack=TRUE, na.mode=namode)
        if (namode==3) {
          tally <- testfun(x[!is.na(x)],y[!is.na(x)],tally)
          tally <- testfun(isTRUE(all.equal(x[is.na(x)],y[is.na(x)])),FALSE,tally)
        } else {
          tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
        tally <- testfun(is.double(y),TRUE,tally)

      if (has_bit64 && !nabit64fail) {
        varname <- paste(numtype,"pack64",namode,sep="_")
        cat("Read", varname, "...")
        y <- var.get.nc(nc, varname, unpack=TRUE, na.mode=namode)
        if (namode==3) {
          tally <- testfun(x[!is.na(x)],y[!is.na(x)],tally)
          tally <- testfun(isTRUE(all.equal(x[is.na(x)],y[is.na(x)])),FALSE,tally)
        } else {
          tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
        tally <- testfun(is.double(y),TRUE,tally)


  cat("Read integer vector as smallest R type ... ")
  x <- mytime
  dim(x) <- length(x)
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, 0, fitnum=TRUE)
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
  tally <- testfun(is.integer(y),TRUE,tally)

  for (numtype in numtypes) {
    x <- mysmall
    if (has_bit64 && any(numtype==c("NC_INT64","NC_UINT64"))) {
      x <- as.integer64(x)
    dim(x) <- length(x)

    varname <- paste(numtype,namode,sep="_")
    cat("Read", varname, "...")
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, varname, fitnum=TRUE)
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
    tally <- testfun(is.integer(y),

    x <- mysmallfill
    if (has_bit64 && any(numtype==c("NC_INT64","NC_UINT64"))) {
      x <- as.integer64(x)
    dim(x) <- length(x)

    varname <- paste(numtype,"fill",namode,sep="_")
    cat("Read", varname, "...")
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, varname, fitnum=TRUE)
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
    tally <- testfun(is.integer(y),

  cat("Read numeric matrix ... ")
  x <- mytemperature
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "temperature", cache_preemption=0.4)
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("Inquire about numeric variable ...")
  x <- inq_temperature
  y <- var.inq.nc(nc, "temperature")
  var_inq_names <- c("id", "name", "type", "ndims", "dimids", "natts")
  if (format == "netcdf4") {
    var_inq_names_nc4 <- c(var_inq_names, "chunksizes", "deflate", "shuffle",
    tally <- testfun(x[var_inq_names_nc4], y[var_inq_names_nc4], tally)
    big_endian <- y$big_endian
    # May be NULL or NA for older netcdf libraries, TRUE otherwise.
    if (!is.null(big_endian) && !isTRUE(is.na(big_endian))) {
      tally <- testfun(TRUE, big_endian, tally)
    preempt <- y$cache_preemption
    # May be NULL for older netcdf libraries, numeric otherwise.
    if (!is.null(preempt)) {
      tally <- testfun(0.4, preempt, tally)
  } else {
    tally <- testfun(x[var_inq_names], y[var_inq_names], tally)

  cat("Read numeric matrix slice ... ")
  x <- mytemperature[,2,drop=FALSE]
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "temperature", c(NA,2), c(NA,1), collapse=FALSE)
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
  x <- mytemperature[,2]
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "temperature", c(NA,2), c(NA,1), collapse=TRUE)
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("Read numeric matrix empty slice ... ")
  x <- numeric(0)
  dim(x) <- c(0,1)
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "temperature", c(NA,2), c(0,1), collapse=FALSE)
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "temperature", c(NA,2), c(0,1), collapse=TRUE)
  tally <- testfun(drop(x),y,tally)

  cat("Read numeric scalar ... ")
  x <- myint0
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "int0")
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("Read numeric empty array ... ")
  x <- numeric(0)
  dim(x) <- c(nstation,nempty)
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "numempty")
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("Read 2D char array ... ")
  x <- myname
  dim(x) <- length(x)
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "name")
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("Read 2D char array with fill value ... ")
  x <- mynamefill
  dim(x) <- length(x)
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "name_fill", na.mode=3)
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
  x <- myname
  dim(x) <- length(x)
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "name_fill", na.mode=5)
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("Read 2D char slice ... ")
  x <- substring(myname[2:3],1,4)
  dim(x) <- length(x)
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "name", c(1,2), c(4,2))
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("Read 2D char slice as raw bytes ... ")
  x <- substring(myname[2:3],1,4)
  dim(x) <- length(x)
  x <- apply(x,MARGIN=1,FUN=charToRaw)
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "name", c(1,2), c(4,2), rawchar=TRUE)
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("Read 2D char slice as characters ... ")
  x <- myname[2:3]
  dim(x) <- length(x)
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "name", c(1,2), c(NA,2))
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("Read empty 2D char array ... ")
  x <- character(0)
  dim(x) <- 0
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "name", NA, c(0,0), collapse=FALSE)
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "name", NA, c(0,0), collapse=TRUE)
  tally <- testfun(drop(x),y,tally)

  cat("Read 1D char slice ... ")
  x <- substring(myqcflag,2,3)
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "qcflag", c(2), c(2))
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("Read scalar char ... ")
  x <- mychar0
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "char0")
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  if (format == "netcdf4") {
    cat("Read 1D string array ...")
    x <- mynamestr
    dim(x) <- length(x)
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "namestr")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read 1D string array with fill values ...")
    x <- mynamestr_fill
    dim(x) <- length(x)
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "namestr_fill", na.mode=5)
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read 1D string slice ...")
    x <- mynamestr[2:3]
    dim(x) <- length(x)
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "namestr", c(2), c(2))
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    if (has_bit64) {
      cat("Read 1D int64 array as integer64 ...")
      x <- mybig64
      dim(x) <- length(x)
      y <- var.get.nc(nc, "stationid", fitnum=TRUE)
      tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read details of user-defined types ...")
    x <- inq_blob
    y <- type.inq.nc(nc, id_blob)
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    # Reported size may depend on netcdf version and pointer size:
    x <- inq_vector[-4]
    y <- type.inq.nc(nc, id_vector)[-4]
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    x <- inq_vector_char[-4]
    y <- type.inq.nc(nc, id_vector_char)[-4]
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    x <- inq_vector_blob[-4]
    y <- type.inq.nc(nc, id_vector_blob)[-4]
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    x <- inq_factor
    y <- type.inq.nc(nc, id_factor)
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    x <- inq_factor[1:5]
    y <- type.inq.nc(nc, id_factor, fields=FALSE)
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    # Size and offset of compound types may differ between writing and reading.
    # The layout for writing (reading) is defined by the user (compiler).
    x <- inq_struct[c(-4,-5)]
    y <- type.inq.nc(nc, id_struct)[c(-4,-5)]
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    x <- inq_struct[1:3]
    y <- type.inq.nc(nc, id_struct, fields=FALSE)[-4]
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read vlen as double ...")
    x <- profiles
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "profile")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
    tally <- testfun(isTRUE(all(sapply(y,is.double))), TRUE, tally)

    cat("Read vlen as integer ...")
    x <- profiles
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "profile", fitnum=TRUE)
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
    tally <- testfun(isTRUE(all(sapply(y,is.integer))), TRUE, tally)

    cat("Read vlen with fill ...")
    x <- profiles_fill
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "profile_fill", na.mode=5)
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read vlen scalar ...")
    x <- profiles[1]
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "profile_scalar")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Reading packed vlen ...")
    x <- profiles
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "profile_pack", unpack=TRUE)
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
    tally <- testfun(isTRUE(all(sapply(y,is.double))), TRUE, tally)

    cat("Read character vlen ...")
    x <- profiles_char
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "profile_char")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read character vlen as raw ...")
    x <- lapply(profiles_char,charToRaw)
    dim(x) <- dim(profiles_char)
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "profile_char", rawchar=TRUE)
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read string vlen ...")
    x <- profiles_string
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "profile_string")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    if (package_version(verstr) >= package_version("4.9.0")) {
      cat("Read nested vlen ...")
      x <- profiles_vector
      y <- var.get.nc(nc, "profile_vector", na.mode=3)
      tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

      cat("Read nested vlen with fill ...")
      x <- profiles_vector_fill
      y <- var.get.nc(nc, "profile_vector_fill", na.mode=5)
      tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read opaque ...")
    x <- rawdata
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "rawdata")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read opaque scalar ...")
    x <- rawdata[,1,1]
    dim(x) <- length(x)
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "rawdata_scalar")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read opaque vector ...")
    x <- rawdata[,,1]
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "rawdata_vector")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read opaque vlen ...")
    x <- profiles_blob
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "profile_blob")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read enum ...")
    x <- snacks
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "snacks", na.mode=3)
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)
    x <- snacks_fill
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "snacks", na.mode=5)
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read empty enum ...")
    x <- snacks_empty
    y <- NULL
    assertWarning(y <- var.get.nc(nc, "snacks_empty"))
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read compound ...")
    x <- person
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "person", na.mode=3)
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read compound with fill ...")
    x <- person_fill
    y <- var.get.nc(nc, "person_fill", na.mode=5)
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read compound scalar attribute ...")
    x <- person1
    y <- att.get.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "compound_scal_att")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read compound vector attribute ...")
    x <- person3
    y <- att.get.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "compound_vect_att")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read enum scalar attribute ...")
    x <- snacks[1]
    y <- att.get.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "enum_scal_att")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read enum vector attribute ...")
    x <- snacks[1:3]
    y <- att.get.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "enum_vect_att")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read opaque scalar attribute ...")
    x <- rawdata[,1,1]
    dim(x) <- c(length(x),1)
    y <- att.get.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "opaque_scal_att")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read opaque vector attribute ...")
    x <- rawdata[,1,]
    y <- att.get.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "opaque_vect_att")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read vlen scalar attribute ...")
    x <- profiles[1]
    y <- att.get.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "vector_scal_att")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

    cat("Read vlen vector attribute ...")
    x <- profiles[1:3]
    y <- att.get.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", "vector_vect_att")
    tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)


  cat("Read and unpack numeric array ... ")
  x <- mypackvar
  dim(x) <- length(x)
  y <- var.get.nc(nc, "packvar", unpack=TRUE)
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("Check that closing any NetCDF handle closes the file for all handles ... ")
  y <- try(file.inq.nc(grpinfo$self), silent=TRUE)
  tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), TRUE, tally)  

  cat("Check that garbage collector closes file that is not referenced ... ")
  attr(nc,"handle_ptr") <- NULL # NetCDF objects should not normally be modified
  y <- try(file.inq.nc(nc), silent=TRUE)
  tally <- testfun(inherits(y, "try-error"), TRUE, tally)

  cat("Removed test file", ncfile, "\n")

# Try diskless files:
ncfile <- tempfile("RNetCDF-test-diskless", fileext=".nc")
cat("Test diskless creation of ", ncfile, "...\n")
if (cfg$diskless) {
  nc <- create.nc(ncfile, diskless=TRUE)
  tally <- testfun(file.exists(ncfile), FALSE, tally)
} else {
  message("NetCDF library does not support diskless datasets")
  nc <- try(create.nc(ncfile, diskless=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
  tally <- testfun(inherits(nc, "try-error"), TRUE, tally)

#  UDUNITS calendar functions

# Test if udunits support is available:
if (!cfg$udunits) {

  message("UDUNITS calendar conversions not supported by this build of RNetCDF")
  x <- try(utcal.nc("seconds since 1970-01-01", 0), silent=TRUE)
  tally <- testfun(inherits(x, "try-error"), TRUE, tally)

} else {

  cat("utcal.nc - numeric values ...")
  x <- matrix(data=c(1899, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900,
		       12,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
		       31,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,
		       23,    0,    1,    2,    3,    4,
			0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
			0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0),
  colnames(x) <- c("year","month","day","hour","minute","second")
  y <- utcal.nc("hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00", c(0:5))
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("utcal.nc - string values ...")
  x <- c("1899-12-31 23:00:00", "1900-01-01 00:00:00", "1900-01-01 01:00:00",
	 "1900-01-01 02:00:00", "1900-01-01 03:00:00", "1900-01-01 04:00:00")
  y <- utcal.nc("hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00", c(0:5), type="s")
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("utcal.nc - POSIXct values ...")
  x <- ISOdatetime(c(1899,1900,1900,1900,1900,1900),
		   c(  12,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1),
		   c(  31,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1),
		   c(  23,   0,   1,   2,   3,   4),
		   c(   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0),
		   c(   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0), tz="UTC")
  y <- utcal.nc("hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00", c(0:5), type="c")
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("utinvcal.nc - numeric values ...")
  x <- 6.416667
  y <- utinvcal.nc("hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00", c(1900,1,1,5,25,0))
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("utinvcal.nc - string values ...")
  x <- 6.416667
  y <- utinvcal.nc("hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00", "1900-01-01 05:25:00")
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)

  cat("utinvcal.nc - POSIXct values ...")
  x <- 6.416667
  y <- utinvcal.nc("hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00",
  tally <- testfun(x,y,tally)


#  Parallel I/O demos

mpiexec <- cfg$mpiexec
parallel <- cfg$parallel

if (mpiexec != "") {
# mpiexec is specified, so assume that parallel I/O is meant to be enabled.

  # List of MPI packages to test:
  mpipkgs <- c("Rmpi", "pbdMPI")

  # Try to find demo script directory:
  demodirs <- c("demo",
                file.path("..", "demo"),
                file.path("..", "RNetCDF", "demo"))
  demodir <- demodirs[dir.exists(demodirs)]
  stopifnot(length(demodir) > 0)

  # Check if any of the packages are loaded:
  for (mpipkg in mpipkgs) {
    if (isNamespaceLoaded(mpipkg)) {
      warning("Package ", mpipkg, " is loaded, so mpiexec may fail")

  for (mpipkg in c("Rmpi", "pbdMPI")) {
    # We cannot use requireNamespace to check for installed MPI packages,
    # because they may initialise the MPI library via .onLoad,
    # which causes failure when we try to mpiexec another R script.
    if (length(find.package(mpipkg, quiet=TRUE) > 0)) {
      cat("Testing parallel I/O with package", mpipkg, "...\n")
      demoscripts <- list.files(
             pattern=paste0(mpipkg, ".*\\.R"),
      stopifnot(length(demoscripts) >= 1)
      for (demoscript in demoscripts) {
	ncfile <- tempfile("RNetCDF-MPI-test", fileext=".nc")
	cat("Running script", demoscript, "with MPI ...\n")
	x <- system2(mpiexec,
	  args=c('-n', '2', 'Rscript', '--vanilla', demoscript, ncfile))
	tally <- testfun(x, 0, tally)
    } else {
      message("Package ", mpipkg, " not available for parallel I/O tests\n")

} else if (parallel) {
# Parallel I/O may be enabled, but we cannot test without mpiexec being specified.

  cat("Skipping parallel I/O tests as mpiexec is not defined\n")

} else {
# Assume that parallel I/O is meant to be disabled,
# because parallel is FALSE and mpiexec is not specified.

  ncfile <- tempfile("RNetCDF-MPI-test", fileext=".nc")

  cat("Testing that create.nc fails with mpi_comm ... ")
  x <- try(create.nc(ncfile, format="netcdf4", mpi_comm=1), silent=TRUE)
  if (inherits(x, "try-error") &&
      conditionMessage(attr(x, "condition")) == "MPI not supported") {
    tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)
  } else {
    tally <- testfun(FALSE, TRUE, tally)

  cat("Testing that open.nc fails with mpi_comm ... ")
  x <- try(open.nc(ncfile, mpi_comm=1), silent=TRUE)
  if (inherits(x, "try-error") &&
      conditionMessage(attr(x, "condition")) == "MPI not supported") {
    tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)
  } else {
    tally <- testfun(FALSE, TRUE, tally)

  cat("Testing that var.par.nc fails ... ")
  ncid <- create.nc(ncfile, format="netcdf4")
  x <- try(var.par.nc(ncid, "dummy", "NC_COLLECTIVE"), silent=TRUE)
  if (inherits(x, "try-error") &&
      conditionMessage(attr(x, "condition")) == "MPI not supported") {
    tally <- testfun(TRUE, TRUE, tally)
  } else {
    tally <- testfun(FALSE, TRUE, tally)


# Check that package can be unloaded:

cat("Unload RNetCDF ...\n")

#  Overall summary
cat("Summary:", tally["pass"], "pass /", tally["fail"], "fail.\n")

if (tally["fail"]==0) {
  cat("Package seems to work properly.\n")
} else {
  stop(tally["fail"]," of ",sum(tally)," test cases failed.")



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RNetCDF documentation built on Oct. 23, 2023, 9:06 a.m.