
Defines functions .checkPIC .isVirginW .getLowUpB .getLowerSol .getUpperSol

Documented in .checkPIC .getLowerSol .getLowUpB .getUpperSol .isVirginW

## get optimally robust IC for convex asymptotic risks
setMethod("getInfRobIC", signature(L2deriv = "UnivariateDistribution", 
                                   risk = "asGRisk", 
                                   neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood"),
    function(L2deriv, risk, neighbor, symm, Finfo, trafo, upper = NULL,
             lower = NULL, maxiter, tol,
             warn, noLow = FALSE, verbose = NULL, ...){

        if(missing(verbose)|| is.null(verbose))
           verbose <- getRobAStBaseOption("all.verbose")

        if(missing(warn)|| is.null(warn)) warn <- FALSE

        biastype <- biastype(risk)
        normtype <- normtype(risk)
        radius <- neighbor@radius

        p <- nrow(trafo)
        k <- ncol(trafo)

        ## non-standard norms
        FI <- distr::solve(trafo%*%matrix(1/Finfo,1,1)%*%t(trafo))
        if(is(normtype,"InfoNorm") || is(normtype,"SelfNorm") ){
           QuadForm(normtype) <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(FI)
           normtype(risk) <- normtype
        std <- if(is(normtype,"QFNorm"))
                  QuadForm(normtype) else diag(p)
        FI0 <- sum(diag(std%*%as.matrix(FI)))

        if(identical(all.equal(radius, 0), TRUE)){
            if(warn) cat("'radius == 0' => (classical) optimal IC\n", 
                         "in sense of Cramer-Rao bound is returned\n")
            res <- getInfRobIC(L2deriv = L2deriv, risk = asCov(), 
                        neighbor = neighbor, Finfo = Finfo, trafo = trafo,
                        verbose = verbose)
            res <- c(res, list(biastype = biastype, normtype = NormType()))
            if(!is(risk, "asMSE")){
                Risk <- getAsRisk(risk = risk, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
                                  biastype = biastype, normtype = normtype, 
                                  clip = res$b, cent = res$a, 
                                  stand = res$A, trafo = trafo, FI = FI0)
                res$risk <- c(Risk, res$risk)
            Cov <- res$risk$asCov
            res$risk$asBias <- list(value = b, biastype = biastype, 
                                   normtype = NormType(), 
                                   neighbortype = class(neighbor))
            res$risk$asMSE <- list(value = Cov + radius^2*b^2, 
                                   r = radius,
                                   at = neighbor)
        z <- 0
        c0 <- 0
        iter <- 0
        if(is(symm, "SphericalSymmetry"))
            S <- symm@SymmCenter == 0
            S <- FALSE
### print ---
##        assign("l2D",L2deriv,.GlobalEnv)
        prec <- 1
        problem <- FALSE
            iter <- iter + 1
            z.old <- z
            c0.old <- c0
            ## new
               L1n <- getL1normL2deriv(L2deriv = L2deriv, cent = z)
               lower0 <-  L1n/(1 + radius^2)
#            if(is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood")) {
#                   lower0 <- (L1n-z)/(1 + radius^2)/2}
               upper0 <- max(L1n/radius,
                   sqrt( as.numeric( Finfo + z^2 )/(( 1 + radius^2)^2 - 1) ))
               if (is.null(lower))
                  lower <- .Machine$double.eps^0.75
               else {if(iter>1) lower <- min(lower0,2*lower)}
               if (is.null(upper))#|(iter == 1))
                   upper <- getUp(L2deriv)
               else {if(iter>1) upper <- max(0.5*upper,3*upper0)}
##            print(c(lower,upper))
            #lower <- 0; upper <- 100
              if(is.null(lower)) lower <- 10^-9
              if(is.null(upper)) upper <- 40
            c0 <- try(uniroot(getInfClip, 
                  ## new
                        lower = lower, upper = upper,
                        tol = tol, L2deriv = L2deriv, risk = risk, 
                        neighbor = neighbor,  biastype = biastype,
                        cent = z, symm = S, 
                        trafo = trafo)$root, silent = TRUE)

                if(warn) cat("The IC algorithm did not converge!\n", 
                             "'radius >= maximum radius' for the given risk?\n",
                             "=> the minimum asymptotic bias (lower case) solution is returned\n")
                res <- getInfRobIC(L2deriv = L2deriv, risk = asBias(biastype = biastype(risk),
                                                              normtype = normtype(risk)), 
                                neighbor = neighbor, Finfo = Finfo, 
                                symm = symm, trafo = trafo, upper = upper, 
                                maxiter = maxiter, tol = tol, warn = warn,
                                verbose = verbose)
                Risk <- getAsRisk(risk = risk, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
                                  biastype = biastype,  normtype = normtype, 
                                  clip = res$b, cent = res$a, 
                                  stand = res$A, trafo = trafo, FI = FI0)
                res$risk <- c(Risk, res$risk)
            z <- getInfCent(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,  biastype = biastype,
                            clip = c0, cent = z, symm = S, trafo = trafo, tol.z = tol)
##            cat("c0:\t", c0, "c0.old:\t", c0.old, "z:\t", z, "z.old:\t", z.old, "\n")

            if(S) break

            prec.old <- prec
##            print(c(c0,z))
            prec <- max(abs(z - z.old), abs(c0-c0.old))
               if(verbose && iter%%5==1){
                  cat("current precision in IC algo:\t", prec, "\n")
            if(prec < tol) break
            if(abs(prec.old - prec) < 1e-10){
                   problem <- TRUE
                   if(warn) cat("algorithm did not converge!\n", "achieved precision:\t", prec, "\n")
            if(iter > maxiter){
                   problem <- TRUE
                   if(warn) cat("maximum iterations reached!\n", "achieved precision:\t", prec, "\n")
        info <- paste("optimally robust IC for", sQuote(class(risk)[1]))
        A <- getInfStand(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,
                     biastype = biastype, clip = c0, cent = z, trafo = trafo)
        a <- as.vector(A)*z
        b <- abs(as.vector(A))*c0
        if(!is(risk, "asMSE")){
            Risk <- getAsRisk(risk = risk, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
                              biastype = biastype, normtype = normtype, 
                              clip = b, cent = a, stand = A, 
                              trafo = trafo, FI = FI0)
            Risk <- NULL
        Cov <- getInfV(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, 
                       biastype = biastype, clip = c0, cent = z, stand = A)

        Risk <- c(Risk, list(asCov = Cov,  
                     asBias = list(value = b, biastype = biastype, 
                                   normtype = normtype(risk), 
                                   neighbortype = class(neighbor)), 
                     trAsCov = list(value = Cov, normtype = normtype(risk)),
                     asMSE = list(value = Cov + radius^2*b^2, 
                                  r = radius,
                                  at = neighbor)))

            w <- new("HampelWeight")
            clip(w) <- b
            cent(w) <- as.numeric(z)
            stand(w) <- A
        }else if (is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood")){
            w <- new("BdStWeight")
            clip(w) <- c(0,b)+a
            stand(w) <- A

        weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype, 
                               normW = NormType())
##        print(list(A = A, a = a, b = b))
        return(list(A = A, a = a, b = b, d = NULL, risk = Risk, info = info, w = w,
                    biastype = biastype, normtype = normtype(risk), problem = problem ))

# multivariate solution G-Risk   --- new 10-08-09

setMethod("getInfRobIC", signature(L2deriv = "RealRandVariable",
                                   risk = "asGRisk",
                                   neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood"),
    function(L2deriv, risk, neighbor, Distr, DistrSymm, L2derivSymm,
             L2derivDistrSymm, Finfo, trafo, onesetLM = FALSE,
             z.start, A.start, upper = NULL, lower = NULL,
             OptOrIter = "iterate",
             maxiter, tol, warn, verbose = NULL, withPICcheck = TRUE,
             ..., .withEvalAsVar = TRUE){

        if(missing(verbose)|| is.null(verbose))
           verbose <- getRobAStBaseOption("all.verbose")

        mc <- match.call()

        ## some abbreviations / checks
        radius <- neighbor@radius
        biastype <- biastype(risk)
        normtype <- normtype(risk)

        p <- nrow(trafo)
        k <- ncol(trafo)

        if( is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood") && p>1)
           stop("Not yet implemented")

        ## non-standard norms
        FI <- distr::solve(trafo%*%distr::solve(Finfo)%*%t(trafo))
        if(is(normtype,"InfoNorm") || is(normtype,"SelfNorm") ){
           QuadForm(normtype) <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(FI)
           normtype(risk) <- normtype
        std <- if(is(normtype,"QFNorm"))
                  QuadForm(normtype) else diag(p)
        FI0 <- sum(diag(std%*%as.matrix(FI)))

        ## starting values
        if(is.null(z.start)) z.start <- numeric(k)
        if(is.null(A.start)) A.start <- trafo %*% distr::solve(Finfo)
        a.start <- as.numeric(A.start %*% z.start)

        ## sort out upper solution if radius = 0
        if(identical(all.equal(radius, 0), TRUE))
           return(.getUpperSol(L2deriv = L2deriv, radius = radius,
                               risk = risk, neighbor = neighbor,
                               biastype = biastype, normtype = normtype,
                               Distr = Distr, Finfo = Finfo, trafo = trafo,
                               QuadForm = std, verbose = verbose, warn = warn))

        ## determine which entries must be computed
        # by default everything
        z.comp <- rep(TRUE,k)
        A.comp <- matrix(rep(TRUE,k*k),nrow=k)

        # otherwise if trafo == unitMatrix may use symmetry info
            comp <- .getComp(L2deriv, DistrSymm, L2derivSymm, L2derivDistrSymm)
            z.comp <- comp$"z.comp"
            A.comp <- comp$"A.comp"
        ## selection of the algorithm
        pM <- pmatch(tolower(OptOrIter),c("optimize","iterate", "doubleiterate"))
        OptOrIter <- pM
        if (is.na(pM)) OptOrIter <- 1

        ## initialize
            w <- new("HampelWeight")
        }else{ if (is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood"))
            w <- new("BdStWeight")
        z <- z.start
        A <- A.start
        b <- 0
        a <- a.start
        iter <- 0
        prec <- 1
        iter.In <- 0
        problem <- FALSE

        ## determining A,a,b with either optimization of iteration:
        if(OptOrIter == 1){
               lowBerg <- .getLowerSol(L2deriv = L2deriv, risk = risk,
                                   neighbor = neighbor, Distr = Distr,
                                   DistrSymm = DistrSymm,
                                   L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
                                   L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
                                   z.start = z.start, A.start = A.start,
                                   trafo = trafo, maxiter = maxiter, tol = tol,
                                   warn = FALSE, Finfo = Finfo, QuadForm = std, 
                                   verbose = verbose, ...)
               lower <- lowBerg$b}
               upper <- 5*max(distr::solve(Finfo))

            OptIterCall <- numeric(1)
            Cov <- 0
            Risk <- 1e10
            normtype.old <- normtype
            a <- as.numeric(A %*% z)
            normtype.opt <- normtype

#            asGRiskb <- function(b0){
#               iter <<- iter + 1
            erg <- getLagrangeMultByOptim(b = 1, L2deriv = L2deriv, risk = risk,
                         FI = Finfo, trafo = trafo, neighbor = neighbor,
                         biastype = biastype, normtype = normtype, Distr = Distr,
                         a.start = a, z.start = z, A.start = A, w.start = w, std = std,
                         z.comp = z.comp, A.comp = A.comp,
                         maxiter = round(maxiter/50*iter^5), tol = tol^(iter^5/40),
                         verbose = verbose, ...)

            w <- erg$w
            A <- erg$A
            a <- erg$a
            z <- erg$z
            b <- erg$b
            OptIterCall <- erg$call
            std <- if(is.null(erg$std)) std else erg$std
            biastype <- erg$biastype
            normtype.old <- erg$normtype.old
            normtype <- erg$normtype

            std.n <- if(is(normtype,"QFNorm"))
                  QuadForm(normtype) else diag(p)
            FI0 <- sum(diag(std.n%*%as.matrix(FI)))

            risk <- erg$risk
            iter <- erg$iter
            prec <- prec.In <- iter.In <- NULL

                iter <- iter + 1
                a.old <- a
                z.old <- z
                b.old <- b
                A.old <- A
                ## get interval for b-search:
                LUB <- .getLowUpB(L2deriv = L2deriv, Finfo = Finfo, Distr = Distr,
                                  normtype = normtype, z = z, A = A, radius = radius,
                                  iter = iter)

                if (!is.null(upper)|(iter == 1))
                    {lower <- .Machine$double.eps^0.75;
                      if(is.null(upper)) upper <- 10*LUB$upper
                }else{ lower <- LUB$lower; upper <- LUB$upper}


#                lower <- LUB$lower
#                upper <- if(is.null(upper)) LUB$upper else min(upper,LUB$upper)

#                print(c(lower,upper))
                ## solve for b
                b <- try(uniroot(getInfClip,
                             lower = lower, upper = upper,
                             tol = tol, L2deriv = L2deriv, risk = risk,
                             biastype = biastype, Distr = Distr, neighbor = neighbor,
                             stand = A, cent = z, trafo = trafo, ...)$root, silent = TRUE)

                ## if no solution return lower case:
                   return(.getLowerSol(L2deriv = L2deriv, risk = risk,
                                       neighbor = neighbor, Distr = Distr,
                                       DistrSymm = DistrSymm,
                                       L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
                                       L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
                                       z.start = z.start, A.start = A.start,
                                       trafo = trafo, maxiter = maxiter, tol = tol,
                                       warn = warn, Finfo = Finfo, QuadForm = std, 
                                       verbose = verbose, ...)

                maxit2 <- if(OptOrIter==2) 0 else maxiter
                erg <- getLagrangeMultByIter(b = b, L2deriv = L2deriv, risk = risk,
                              trafo = trafo, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
                              normtype = normtype, Distr = Distr,
                              a.start = a, z.start = z, A.start = A, w.start = w,
                              std = std, z.comp = z.comp,
                              A.comp = A.comp, maxiter = maxit2, tol = tol,
                              verbose = verbose, warnit = warn&(OptOrIter!=2))

                 ## read out solution
                 w <- erg$w
                 A <- erg$A
                 a <- erg$a
                 z <- erg$z
                 biastype <- erg$biastype
                 normtype.old <- erg$normtype.old
                 normtype <- erg$normtype
                 risk <- erg$risk
                 iter.In <- iter.In + erg$iter
                 prec.In <- erg$prec
                 OptIterCall <- erg$call
                 std <- if(is.null(erg$std)) std else erg$std
#                 print(list(z=z,A=A,b=b))
                 FI0 <- sum(diag(std%*%as.matrix(FI)))

                 ## check precision and number of iterations in outer b-loop
                 prec.old <- prec
                 prec <- max(abs(b-b.old), max(abs(A-A.old)),
                             max(abs(z-z.old), max(abs(a-a.old))))
                 if(verbose && iter%%5==1){
                    cat("current precision in IC algo:\t", prec, "\n")
                 if(prec < tol) break
                 if(abs(prec.old - prec) < 1e-10){
                     problem <- TRUE
                     if(warn) cat("algorithm did not converge!\n", "achieved precision:\t", prec, "\n")
                 if(iter > maxiter){
                     problem <- TRUE
                     if(warn) cat("maximum iterations reached!\n", "achieved precision:\t", prec, "\n")

        if (onesetLM){
                  cent(w) <- as.numeric(z)
                  clip(w) <- c(0,b)+a
            stand(w) <- A
            weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
                                   normW = normtype)
        else normtype <- normtype.old

        ### issue some diagnostics if wanted
          if(verbose && withPICcheck){
             cat("Iterations needed: outer (b-loop):",
                  iter," inner (A,a-loop):", iter.In,"\n")
             cat("Precision achieved: all in all (b+A,a-loop):",
                 prec," inner (A,a-loop):", prec.In,"\n")

          if(verbose && withPICcheck) print(list(A=A,a=a,w=w))

        Cov <- substitute(do.call(getInfV, args = c(list(L2deriv = L2deriv0,
                          neighbor = neighbor0, biastype = biastype0,
                          Distr = Distr0, V.comp = A.comp0, cent = a0,
                          stand = A0, w = w0), dots0)), list(L2deriv0 = L2deriv,
                          neighbor0 = neighbor, biastype0 = biastype,
                          Distr0 = Distr, A.comp0 = A.comp, a0 = a,
                          A0 = A, w0 = w, dots0=list(...)))

        rifct <- function(std0, Cov0, rad0, b0){
                     sum(diag(std0%*%eval(Cov0))) + rad0^2 * b0^2}

        asMSE.0 <- substitute(do.call(ri.fct, args=list(std0=std1, Cov0=Cov1,
                                    rad0 = rad1, b0=b1)), list(ri.fct = rifct,
                                    std1=std, Cov1=Cov, rad1=radius, b1=b))
        if(!is(risk, "asMSE")){
               Risk <- substitute(do.call(getAsRisk, args =list(risk = risk0,
                          L2deriv = L2deriv0, neighbor = neighbor0,
                          biastype = biastype0, normtype = normtype0,
                          clip = b0, cent = a0, stand = A0,
                          trafo = trafo0, FI = FI000)), list(risk0=risk,
                          L2deriv0=L2deriv, neighbor0 = neighbor,
                          biastype0 = biastype, normtype0 = normtype,
                          b0 = b, a0 = a, A0 = A,
                          trafo0 = trafo, FI000 = FI0))
        }else{ Risk <- asMSE.0

        ### add some further informations for the pIC-slots info and risk
        info <- paste("optimally robust IC for", sQuote(class(risk)[1]))

        trAsCov.fct <- function(std0, Cov0) sum(diag(std0%*%eval(Cov0)))
        trAsCov <- substitute(do.call(tr.fct, args=list(std0=std1, Cov0=Cov1)),
                              list(tr.fct = trAsCov.fct, std1=std, Cov1=Cov))
        Risk <- c(Risk, list(asCov = Cov,
                     asBias = list(value = b, biastype = biastype,
                                   normtype = normtype,
                                   neighbortype = class(neighbor)),
                     trAsCov = list(value = trAsCov,
                                   normtype = normtype),
                     asMSE = list(value = asMSE.0,
                                  r = radius,
                                  at = neighbor)))

        if(.withEvalAsVar) Risk <- .evalListRec(Risk)

        if(verbose && withPICcheck)
           .checkPIC(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,
                     Distr = Distr, trafo = trafo, z = z, A = A, w = w,
                     z.comp = z.comp, A.comp = A.comp, ...)

        return(list(A = A, a = a, b = b, d = NULL, risk = Risk, info = info, w = w,
                    biastype = biastype, normtype = normtype,
                    call = mc, iter = iter, prec = prec, OIcall = OptIterCall,
                    iter.In = iter.In, prec.In = prec.In, problem = problem ))

### helper function to return the upper case solution if r=0
.getUpperSol <- function(L2deriv, radius, risk, neighbor, biastype,
                       normtype, Distr, Finfo, trafo,
                       QuadForm, verbose, warn, ...){

            if(warn) cat("'radius == 0' => (classical) optimal IC\n",
                         "in sense of Cramer-Rao bound is returned\n")
            res <- getInfRobIC(L2deriv = L2deriv, risk = asCov(), neighbor = neighbor,
                               Distr = Distr, Finfo = Finfo, trafo = trafo,
                               QuadForm = QuadForm, verbose = verbose)
            b <- res$b
            res <- c(res, list(biastype = biastype, normtype = normtype))
            if(!is(risk, "asMSE")){
                    FI <- trafo%*%distr::solve(Finfo)%*%t(trafo)
                    FI <- sum(diag(QuadForm %*% FI))
                Risk <- getAsRisk(risk = risk, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,
                                  biastype = biastype, normtype = normtype, 
                                  cent = res$a, stand = res$A, trafo = trafo,
                                  FI = FI, ...)
                res$risk <- c(Risk, res$risk)
            trAsCov <- sum(diag(QuadForm%*%res$risk$asCov));
            res$risk$trAsCov <- list(value = trAsCov, normtype = normtype)
            res$risk$asBias <- list(value = b, biastype = biastype,
                                   normtype = normtype,
                                   neighbortype = class(neighbor))
            res$risk$asMSE <- list(value = trAsCov + radius^2*b^2,
                                   r = radius,
                                   at = neighbor)

### helper function to return the lower case solution if b-search was not successful
.getLowerSol  <- function(L2deriv, risk, neighbor, Distr, DistrSymm,
                         L2derivSymm, L2derivDistrSymm,
                         z.start, A.start, trafo,
                         maxiter, tol, warn, Finfo, QuadForm, verbose,...){
                if(warn) cat("Could not determine optimal clipping bound!\n",
                             "'radius >= maximum radius' for the given risk?\n",
                             "=> the minimum asymptotic bias (lower case) solution is returned\n",
                             "If 'no' => Try again with modified starting values ",
                             "'z.start' and 'A.start'\n")
                res <- getInfRobIC(L2deriv = L2deriv,
                                   risk =  asBias(biastype = biastype(risk),
                                                  normtype = normtype(risk)),
                                   neighbor = neighbor, Distr = Distr, DistrSymm = DistrSymm,
                                   L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
                                   z.start = z.start, A.start = A.start, trafo = trafo,
                                   maxiter = round(maxiter), tol = tol, warn = warn, Finfo = Finfo,
                                   verbose = verbose,...)
                normtype(risk) <- res$normtype
                if(!is(risk, "asMSE")){
                    FI <- trafo%*%distr::solve(Finfo)%*%t(trafo)
                    FI <- sum(diag(QuadForm %*% FI))
                    Risk <- getAsRisk(risk = risk, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,
                                      biastype = biastype(risk), normtype = normtype(risk),
                                      clip = NULL, cent = res$a, stand = res$A, Distr = Distr, 
                                      FI = FI,w = res$w)
                    res$risk <- c(Risk, res$risk)


### helper function to return upper & lower bounds for b for b-search
.getLowUpB <- function(L2deriv, Finfo, Distr, normtype, z, A, radius, iter){
            L1n <- getL1normL2deriv(L2deriv = L2deriv, cent = z, stand = A,
                                       Distr = Distr, normtype = normtype)
            lower0 <- L1n/(1+radius^2)
            if(is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood")) {
                   lower0 <- (L1n-A%*%z)/(1 + radius^2)/2}

            QF <- if(is(normtype,"QFNorm")) QuadForm(normtype) else diag(nrow(A))
            upper0 <- max(L1n/radius,
                    sqrt( (sum( diag(QF%*%A%*%Finfo%*%t(A))) + t(A%*%z)%*%QF%*%(A%*%z)) /
                          ((1 + radius^2)^2-1)))

            if (iter == 1){
                lower <- .Machine$double.eps^.6
                upper <- 10*upper0
                lower <- lower0
                upper <- 2*upper0

            return(list(lower=lower, upper=upper))

### helper function to check whether (TotalVariation) weight w has already been modified
.isVirginW <- function(w){
  w0 <- new("BdStWeight")

.checkPIC <- function(L2deriv, neighbor, Distr, trafo, z, A, w, z.comp, A.comp, ...){

         dotsI <- .filterEargsWEargList(list(...))
         if(is.null(dotsI$useApply)) dotsI$useApply <- FALSE

         cat("some check:\n-----------\n")
         nrvalues <- ncol(trafo)
         pvalues <- nrow(trafo)
              zx <- as.numeric(z)
         else zx <- numeric(nrvalues)

         L2v.f <- function(x)
              evalRandVar(L2deriv, as.matrix(x)) [,,1]

         w.f <- function(x) weight(w)(L2v.f(x))

         integrand0 <- function(x,ixx){
           L2v <- as.matrix(L2v.f(x)) - zx
           wv <- w.f(x)

         integrand1 <- function(x,ixx){
           L2v <- as.matrix(L2v.f(x)) - zx
           AL2v <- A %*% L2v
           wv <- w.f(x)

         integrand2 <- function(x,ixx,jxx){
           L2v <- as.matrix(L2v.f(x)) - zx
           AL2v <- integrand1(x,ixx = ixx)

         cent0 <- numeric(nrvalues)
         for(i in 1:nrvalues)
             if(z.comp[i]) cent0[i] <- do.call(E,c(list(Distr,integrand0,ixx=i), dotsI))

         cent1 <- numeric(pvalues)
         for(i in 1:pvalues)
             cent1[i] <- do.call(E,c(list(Distr,integrand1,ixx=i), dotsI))

         consist <- 0*trafo
         for(i in 1:pvalues){
             for(j in 1:nrvalues){
                    consist[i,j] <- do.call(E,c(list(Distr,integrand2,ixx=i,jxx=j), dotsI))
         consist <- consist-trafo
         cat("centering (k-space):",cent0,"\n")
         cat("centering (p-space):",cent1,"\n")
         cat("Fisher consistency:\n")

## old routine
#setMethod("getInfRobIC", signature(L2deriv = "RealRandVariable",
#                                   risk = "asGRisk",
#                                   neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood"),
#    function(L2deriv, risk, neighbor, Distr, DistrSymm, L2derivSymm,
#             L2derivDistrSymm, Finfo, trafo, onesetLM = FALSE,
#             z.start, A.start, upper = NULL, maxiter, tol, warn, verbose = FALSE){
#        biastype <- biastype(risk)
#        normtype <- normtype(risk)
#        p <- nrow(trafo)
#        if( is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood") && p>1)
#           stop("Not yet implemented")
#        FI <- distr::solve(trafo%*%distr::solve(Finfo)%*%t(trafo))
#        if(is(normtype,"InfoNorm") || is(normtype,"SelfNorm") )
#           {QuadForm(normtype) <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(FI);
#            normtype(risk) <- normtype}
#        QF <- if(is(normtype,"QFNorm")) QuadForm(normtype) else diag(nrow(trafo))
#        if(is.null(z.start)) z.start <- numeric(ncol(trafo))
#        if(is.null(A.start)) A.start <- trafo %*% distr::solve(Finfo)
#        radius <- neighbor@radius
#        if(identical(all.equal(radius, 0), TRUE)){
#            if(warn) cat("'radius == 0' => (classical) optimal IC\n",
#                         "in sense of Cramer-Rao bound is returned\n")
#            res <- getInfRobIC(L2deriv = L2deriv, risk = asCov(), neighbor = neighbor,
#                               Distr = Distr, Finfo = Finfo, trafo = trafo,
#                               QuadForm = QF, verbose = verbose)
#            res <- c(res, list(biastype = biastype, normtype = normtype))
#            if(!is(risk, "asMSE")){
#                Risk <- getAsRisk(risk = risk, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,
#                                  biastype = biastype, cent = res$a,
#                                  stand = res$A, trafo = trafo)
#                res$risk <- c(Risk, res$risk)
#            }
#            trAsCov <- sum(diag(QF%*%res$risk$asCov));
#            res$risk$trAsCov <- list(value = trAsCov, normtype = normtype)
#            res$risk$asBias <- list(value = b, biastype = biastype,
#                                   normtype = normtype,
#                                   neighbortype = class(neighbor))
#            res$risk$asMSE <- list(value = trAsCov + radius^2*b^2,
#                                   r = radius,
#                                   at = neighbor)
#            return(res)
#        }
#        comp <- .getComp(L2deriv, DistrSymm, L2derivSymm, L2derivDistrSymm)
#        z.comp <- comp$"z.comp"
#        A.comp <- comp$"A.comp"
#        if(is(neighbor,"ContNeighborhood")){
#            w <- new("HampelWeight")
#        }else{ if (is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood"))
#            w <- new("BdStWeight")
#        }
#        z <- z.start
#        A <- A.start
#        b <- 0
#        a <- 0
#        iter <- 0
#        prec <- 1
#        repeat{
#            iter <- iter + 1
#            z.old <- z
#            b.old <- b
#            A.old <- A
#            ##
#            if(is(neighbor,"ContNeighborhood"))
#               cent(w) <- z
#            stand(w) <- A
#            ## new
#            L1n <- getL1normL2deriv(L2deriv = L2deriv, cent = z, stand = A,
#                                       Distr = Distr, normtype = normtype)
#            lower0 <- L1n/(1+radius^2)
#            if(is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood")) {
#                   lower0 <- (L1n-A%*%z)/(1 + radius^2)/2}
#            QF <- if(is(normtype,"QFNorm")) QuadForm(normtype) else diag(nrow(A))
#            upper0 <- max(L1n/radius,
#                    sqrt( (sum( diag(QF%*%A%*%Finfo%*%t(A))) + t(A%*%z)%*%QF%*%(A%*%z)) /
#                          ((1 + radius^2)^2-1)))
#            if (!is.null(upper)|(iter == 1))
#                    {lower <- .Machine$double.eps^0.6;
#                     if(is.null(upper)) upper <- 10*upper0
#                }else{ lower <- lower0; upper <- upper0}
#            ##
#            b <- try(uniroot(getInfClip,
#                  ## new
#                         lower = lower, upper = upper,
#                  ##
#                         tol = tol, L2deriv = L2deriv, risk = risk,
#                         biastype = biastype, Distr = Distr, neighbor = neighbor,
#                         stand = A, cent = z, trafo = trafo)$root, silent = TRUE)
#            if(!is.numeric(b)){
#                if(warn) cat("Could not determine optimal clipping bound!\n",
#                             "'radius >= maximum radius' for the given risk?\n",
#                             "=> the minimum asymptotic bias (lower case) solution is returned\n",
#                             "If 'no' => Try again with modified starting values ",
#                             "'z.start' and 'A.start'\n")
#                res <- getInfRobIC(L2deriv = L2deriv,
#                                   risk =  asBias(biastype = biastype(risk),
#                                                  normtype = normtype(risk)),
#                                   neighbor = neighbor, Distr = Distr, DistrSymm = DistrSymm,
#                                   L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
#                                   z.start = z.start, A.start = A.start, trafo = trafo,
#                                   maxiter = maxiter, tol = tol, warn = warn, Finfo = Finfo,
#                                   verbose = verbose)
#                normtype(risk) <- res$normtype
#                if(!is(risk, "asMSE")){
#                    Risk <- getAsRisk(risk = risk, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,
#                                      biastype = biastype, clip = NULL,
#                                      cent = res$a, stand = res$A, trafo = trafo)
#                    res$risk <- c(Risk, res$risk)
#                }
#                return(res)
#            }
#            if(is(neighbor,"ContNeighborhood")){
#                clip(w) <- b
#            }else if(is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood")){
#                clip(w) <- if(iter==1) c(-1,1)*b/2 else c(0,b)+a
#            }
#            weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
#                                   normW = normtype)
#            z <- getInfCent(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,
#                            biastype = biastype, Distr = Distr, z.comp = z.comp,
#                            w = w)
#            if(is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood")){
#                  a <- z
#                  z <- distr::solve(A,a)
#                  zc <- numeric(ncol(trafo))
#            }else if(is(neighbor,"ContNeighborhood")) {
#                  zc <- z
#            }
#            A <- getInfStand(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,
#                         biastype = biastype, Distr = Distr, A.comp = A.comp,
#                         cent = zc, trafo = trafo, w = w)
#            normtype.old <- normtype
#            if (is(normtype,"SelfNorm"))
#                {normtype(risk) <- normtype <- updateNorm(normtype = normtype,
#                   L2 = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
#                   Distr = Distr, V.comp = A.comp, cent = as.vector(A %*% z),
#                   stand = A, w = w)}
#            prec.old <- prec
#            prec <- max(abs(b-b.old), max(abs(A-A.old)), max(abs(z-z.old)))
#            if(verbose)
#                cat("current precision in IC algo:\t", prec, "\n")
#            if(prec < tol) break
#            if(abs(prec.old - prec) < 1e-10){
#                cat("algorithm did not converge!\n", "achieved precision:\t", prec, "\n")
#                break
#            }
#            if(iter > maxiter){
#                cat("maximum iterations reached!\n", "achieved precision:\t", prec, "\n")
#                break
#            }
#        }
#        if (onesetLM){
#            if(is(neighbor,"ContNeighborhood"))
#               cent(w) <- z
#            if(is(neighbor,"TotalVarNeighborhood"))
#               clip(w) <- c(0,b)+a
#            stand(w) <- A
#            weight(w) <- getweight(w, neighbor = neighbor, biastype = biastype,
#                                   normW = normtype)
#        }else normtype <- normtype.old
#        if(is(neighbor,"ContNeighborhood"))
#           a <- as.vector(A %*% z)
#        info <- paste("optimally robust IC for", sQuote(class(risk)[1]))
#        if(!is(risk, "asMSE")){
#            Risk <- getAsRisk(risk = risk, L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,
#                              biastype = biastype, clip = b, cent = a, stand = A,
#                              trafo = trafo)
#        }else{
#            Risk <- NULL
#        }
#        Cov <- getInfV(L2deriv = L2deriv, neighbor = neighbor,
#                       biastype = biastype, Distr = Distr,
#                       V.comp = A.comp, cent = a,
#                       stand = A, w = w)
#        QF <- if(is(normtype,"QFNorm")) QuadForm(normtype) else diag(nrow(A))
#        trAsCov <- sum(diag(QF%*%Cov))
#        Risk <- c(Risk, list(asCov = Cov,
#                     asBias = list(value = b, biastype = biastype,
#                                   normtype = normtype,
#                                   neighbortype = class(neighbor)),
#                     trAsCov = list(value = trAsCov,
#                                   normtype = normtype),
#                     asMSE = list(value = trAsCov + radius^2*b^2,
#                                  r = radius,
#                                  at = neighbor)))
#        return(list(A = A, a = a, b = b, d = NULL, risk = Risk, info = info, w = w,
#                    biastype = biastype, normtype = normtype))
#    })

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