
Defines functions predict.RRlog RRlog.formula RRlog.default RRlog

Documented in predict.RRlog RRlog

#' Logistic randomized response regression
#' A dichotomous variable, measured once or more per person by a randomized
#' response method, serves as dependent variable using one or more continuous
#' and/or categorical predictors.
#' @param formula specifying the regression model, see \code{\link{formula}}
#' @param data \code{data.frame}, in which variables can be found (optional)
#' @param model Available RR models: \code{"Warner"}, \code{"UQTknown"},
#'   \code{"UQTunknown"}, \code{"Mangat"}, \code{"Kuk"}, \code{"FR"},
#'   \code{"Crosswise"}, \code{"Triangular"}, \code{"CDM"}, \code{"CDMsym"},
#'   \code{"SLD"}, \code{"custom"}. See \code{vignette("RRreg")} for details.
#' @param p randomization probability/probabilities (depending on model, see
#'   \code{\link{RRuni}} for details)
#' @param group vector specifying group membership. Can be omitted for
#'   single-group RR designs (e.g., Warner). For two-group RR designs (e.g.,
#'   \code{CDM} or \code{SLD}), use 1 and 2 to indicate the group membership,
#'   matching the respective randomization probabilities \code{p[1], p[2]}. If
#'   an RR design and a direct question (DQ) were both used in the study, the
#'   group indices are set to 0 (DQ) and 1 (RR; 1 or 2 for two-group RR
#'   designs). This can be used to test, whether the RR design leads to a
#'   different prevalence estimate by including a dummy variable for the
#'   question format (RR vs. DQ) as predictor. If the corresponding regression
#'   coefficient is significant, the prevalence estimates differ between RR and
#'   DQ. Similarly, interaction hypotheses can be tested (e.g., the correlation
#'   between a sensitive attribute and a predictor is only found using the RR
#'   but not the DQ design). Hypotheses like this can be tested by including the
#'   interaction of the DQ-RR-dummy variable and the predictor in \code{formula}
#'   (e.g., \code{RR ~ dummy*predictor}).
#' @param n.response number of responses per participant, e.g., if a participant
#'   responds to 5 RR questions with the same randomization probability \code{p}
#'   (either a single number if all participants give the same number of
#'   responses or a vector)
#' @param LR.test test regression coefficients by a likelihood ratio test, i.e.,
#'   fitting the model repeatedly while excluding one parameter at a time (each
#'   nested model is fitted only once, which can result in local maxima). The
#'   likelihood-ratio test statistic \eqn{G^2(df=1)} is reported in the table of
#'   coefficiencts as \code{deltaG2}.
#' @param fit.n Number of fitting replications using random starting values to
#'   avoid local maxima
#' @param EM.max maximum number of iterations of the EM algorithm. If
#'   \code{EM.max=0}, the EM algorithm is skipped.
#' @param optim.max Maximum number of iterations within each run of \code{optim}
#' @param ... ignored
#' @details The logistic regression model is fitted first by an EM algorithm, in
#'   which the dependend RR variable is treated as a misclassified binary
#'   variable (Magder & Hughes, 1997). The results are used as starting values
#'   for a Newton-Raphson based optimization by \code{\link{optim}}.
#' @return Returns an object \code{RRlog} which can be analysed by the generic
#'   method \code{\link{summary}}. In the table of coefficients, the column
#'   \code{Wald} refers to the Chi^2 test statistic which is computed as Chi^2 =
#'   z^2 = Estimate^2/StdErr^2. If \code{LR.test = TRUE}, the test statistic
#'   \code{deltaG2} is the likelihood-ratio-test statistic, which is computed by
#'   fitting a nested logistic model without the corresponding predictor.
#' @seealso \code{\link{anova.RRlog}} for model comparisons, \code{\link{plot.RRlog}} 
#' for plotting predicted regression curves, and \code{vignette('RRreg')} or
#' \url{https://www.dwheck.de/vignettes/RRreg.html} for a
#' detailed description of the RR models and the appropriate definition of
#' \code{p}
#' @author Daniel W. Heck
#' @references van den Hout, A., van der Heijden, P. G., & Gilchrist, R. (2007).
#'   The logistic regression model with response variables subject to randomized 
#'   response. \emph{Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51}, 6060-6069.
#' @examples
#' # generate data set without biases
#' dat <- RRgen(1000, pi = .3, "Warner", p = .9)
#' dat$covariate <- rnorm(1000)
#' dat$covariate[dat$true == 1] <- rnorm(sum(dat$true == 1), .4, 1)
#' # analyse
#' ana <- RRlog(response ~ covariate, dat, "Warner", p = .9, fit.n = 1)
#' summary(ana)
#' # check with true, latent states:
#' glm(true ~ covariate, dat, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
#' @export
RRlog <- function(
    n.response = 1,
    LR.test = TRUE,
    fit.n = 3,
    EM.max = 1000,
    optim.max = 500,
) {

# choose model and construct S3 method 'RRlog'

#' @export
RRlog.default <- function(
    n.response = 1,
    LR.test = TRUE,
    fit.n = 1,
    EM.max = 1000,
    optim.max = 500,
) {
  # not very nice: avoiding CMD CHECK errors by using the same parameter names as in the generic function
  x <- formula
  y <- data
  # construct design matrix on predictor side (Intercept first)
  #   if (!intercept){
  #     temp <- colnames(x)[colnames(x) != "(Intercept)"]
  #     x <- x[, colnames(x) != "(Intercept)"]
  #     x <- as.matrix(x)
  #     colnames(x) <- temp
  #   }
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  y <- as.numeric(y)
  n <- length(y)
  model <- match.arg(model, c(
    "Warner", "UQTknown", "UQTunknown", "Mangat",
    "Kuk", "FR", "Crosswise", "Triangular",
    "CDM", "CDMsym", "SLD", "custom"
  checkPerfectSeparation(y, x, n.response)
  # no DQ format included
  if (missing(group) || is.null(group)) {
    group <- rep(1, n)
  if (length(n.response == 1)) {
    n.response <- rep(n.response, n)
  RRcheck.log(model, y, p, group, n.response, names(y)[1]) ## for FR and Kuk: n model check for dichot. response
  # get estimates repeatedly (because of local minima and starting points)
  est <- list(logLik = -Inf, coef = Inf)
  ## EM: get sensitivity P(1 | 1) and specificity P(0 | 0) from missclassification matrices (separately for groups)
  # not working for n.resposne > 1 currently
  if (all(n.response <= 1)) {
    uni <- RRuni(response = y, model = model, p = p, group = group)
    sens <- rep(1, n)
    spec <- rep(1, n)
    #   if(model == "custom"){
    #     sens[group == 1] <- p[1]
    #     sens[group == 1] <- p[2]
    if (!(is2group(model))) {
      P <- getPW(model, p, group = 1)
      sens[group == 1] <- P[2, 2]
      spec[group == 1] <- P[1, 1]
    } else {
      P1 <- getPW(model, p, group = 1, summary(uni)$coef[2, 1])
      sens[group == 2] <- P1[2, 2]
      spec[group == 2] <- P1[1, 1]
      P2 <- getPW(model, p, group = 2, summary(uni)$coef[2, 1])
      sens[group == 2] <- P1[2, 2]
      spec[group == 2] <- P1[1, 1]
  for (cnt in 1:fit.n) {
    #  ( (est$logLik==-Inf |max(abs(est$coef))>fit.bound) & cnt <fit.n[2])
    # old scheme: fit.n=c(5,20)
    ####################### EM Algorithm: Magder & Hughes (1997)
    if (all(n.response <= 1)) {
      # random dependent variable to get different starting values for EM:
      yy <- ifelse(rbinom(n, 1, max(.5, cnt / fit.n)) == 1,
                   rbinom(n, 1, .5), y
      #     print(sum(yy == y) /n)
      # proporiton of identical RR outcomes for starting values
      glm.mod <- glm(cbind(yy, n.response - yy) ~ x + 0,
                     family = binomial(link = "logit")
      EM.cnt <- 0
        EM.cnt <- EM.cnt + 1
        eb <- glm.mod$fitted.values
        beta <- glm.mod$coef
        # Expectation: not corret for n.response > 1
        EY <- ifelse(y == 0,
                     (1 - sens) * eb / ((1 - sens) * eb + spec * (1 - eb)),
                     sens * eb / (sens * eb + (1 - spec) * (1 - eb))
        # Maximization:
        suppressWarnings(glm.mod <-
                           glm.fit(x, EY,
                                   family = binomial(link = "logit"),
                                   control = list(maxit = 5000), start = beta
        # glm(cbind(EY, n.response-EY)~x+0, family = binomial(link = "logit"),
        #   control=list(maxit=5000), start=beta))
        # stopping criterium
        if (EM.cnt >= EM.max | sqrt(sum((glm.mod$coef - beta)^2)) < 1e-5) break
      # starting values for optim
      start <- coef(glm.mod)
      if (is2group(model)) {
        start <- c(start, summary(uni)$coef[2, 1]) # par2: e.g. t for SLD
    } else {
      start <- rnorm(ncol(x), 0, .5)
      if (is2group(model)) {
        start <- c(start, runif(1, .4, .8))
    ####################### optim estimation of full likelihood
    try(est2 <- RRlog.fit(model, x, y, n.response, p, start, group, maxit = optim.max))
    if (!is.na(est2$logLik) && est2$logLik > est$logLik) {
      est <- est2
  if (is.null(est$convergence) || est$convergence != 0) {
    warning("Model did not convergence in ML estimation using optim.")
  try(if (est$convergence != 0) {
      "optim$convergence=", est$convergence,
      ". Check convergence of model (e.g. by refitting using fit.n=c(20,20)."
  }, silent = T)
  est$n <- length(y)
  est$n.dq <- sum(group == 0)
  est$npar <- length(est$param)
  names(est$coefficients) <- est$param
      est$vcov <- solve(-est$hessian)
      names(est$gradient) <- est$param
      colnames(est$hessian) <- est$param
      rownames(est$hessian) <- est$param
      colnames(est$vcov) <- est$param
      rownames(est$vcov) <- est$param
    silent = T
  est$start <- start
  names(est$start) <- est$param
  # LR test for each parameter
  if (LR.test) {
    ncoef <- ncol(x)
    deltaLogLik <- rep(NA, est$npar)
    if (ncoef > 1) {
      start <- est$coefficients
      for (i in 1:ncoef) {
        xx <- x[, -i, drop = FALSE]
        # xx[,i] <- rep(0,length(y))
          est.res <- RRlog.fit(model, xx, y, n.response, p, start[-i],
                               setPar2 = -1, maxit = optim.max
          # [bugfix]: sanity check for local maxima -> crosscheck LR test with Wald test
          deltaLogLik[i] <- est.res$logLik - est$logLik
          chi2_wald <- est$coef[i]^2 / est$vcov[i, i]
          if (abs(deltaLogLik[i] - chi2_wald) > 1) {
            est.res2 <- RRlog.fit(model, xx, y, n.response, p, start[-i] * .2,
                                  setPar2 = -1, maxit = optim.max
            if (est.res2$logLik > est.res$logLik) {
              deltaLogLik[i] <- est.res2$logLik - est$logLik
      # multi group models: additional parameter
      if (is2group(model)) {
        par2fix <- fix.par2(model)
        try(est.res <- RRlog.fit(model, x, y, n.response, p, start[1:ncol(x)],
                                 setPar2 = par2fix, maxit = optim.max
        cnt <- 0
        while (is.na(est.res$logLik) && cnt < 5) {
          cnt <- cnt + 1
          try(est.res <- RRlog.fit(model, x, y, n.response, p, rnorm(ncol(x), 0, .2),
                                   setPar2 = par2fix, maxit = optim.max
        deltaLogLik[est$npar] <- est.res$logLik - est$logLik
    prob <- pchisq(-2 * deltaLogLik, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
    est$prob <- prob
    est$deltaLogLik <- deltaLogLik
    names(est$prob) <- est$param
    names(est$deltaLogLik) <- est$param
  coef <- est$coefficients
  if (is2group(model)) {
    coef <- coef[-est$npar]
      latent.values <- as.vector(x %*% coef)
      if (!is2group(model)) {
        P <- getPW(model, p)
        est$fitted <- P[2, 1] + (P[2, 2] - P[2, 1]) / (1 + exp(-latent.values))
      } else {
        est$fitted <- rep(NA, length(latent.values))
        for (i in 1:2) {
          P <- getPW(model, p, par2fix, group = i)
          est$fitted[group == i] <- P[2, 1] + (P[2, 2] - P[2, 1]) / (1 + exp(-latent.values[group == i]))
      ## pi estimate
      e <- exp(latent.values)
      est$pi <- mean(e / (1 + e)) # mean cheating rate
      est$fit.n <- fit.n
    silent = TRUE
  # SE: Scheers & Dayton 1988: propagation of error  page 970
  # ableitung von pi = e/(1+e) nach den coeffizienten (gradient)
  #   ncoef <- length(coef)
  #   pi.grad <- rep(NA,ncoef)
  #   for (i in 1:length(coef)){
  #     pi.grad[i] <- mean( e*x[,i] / (1+ e)^2)
  #   }
  #   est$piSE <- sqrt(  sum( pi.grad %*% est$vcov[1:ncoef,1:ncoef] %*% pi.grad))
  # Scheers: df
  # multiple group models: andere df
  #   if (model %in% c("SLD","CDM","CDMsym","UQTunknown")){
  #     est$df <- 2*length(table(x))- (est$npar-1) -3
  #   }else{
  #     est$df <- length(table(x)) - est$npar -1
  #   }
  #   print("pi: first calc odds: e/(1+e) ; then mean() . BETTER ESTIMATE!")
  #   print(est$pi)
  #   print("pi: first mean of fitted.values, then odds e/(1+e)")
  #   e <- mean(est$fitted.values)
  #   print(exp(e)/(1+exp(e)))
  est$call <- match.call()
  class(est) <- "RRlog"

# formula interface: from formula to design matrix

#' @export
RRlog.formula <- function(
    data = list(),
    n.response = 1,
) {
  model <- match.arg(model, c(
    "Warner", "UQTknown", "UQTunknown", "Mangat",
    "Kuk", "FR", "Crosswise", "Triangular",
    "CDM", "CDMsym", "SLD", "custom"
  if (!missing(data)) {
        data <- as.data.frame(data)
        group <- eval(substitute(group), data, parent.frame())
      silent = T
        data <- as.data.frame(data)
        n.response <- eval(substitute(n.response), data, parent.frame())
      silent = T
  mf <- model.frame(formula = formula, data = data, na.action = na.omit)
  x <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data = mf)
  y <- model.response(mf)
  names(y) <- all.vars(formula)[1]
  # send to default function:
  est <- RRlog.default(x, y, model, p, group, n.response, ...)
  est$call <- match.call()
  est$formula <- formula
  est$model.frame <- mf

#' Predict Individual Prevalences of the RR Attribute
#' Predictions of the RR logistic regression model for the individual probabilities (or logits)
#' of having the sensitive RR attribute, or of the probability of the RR responses.
#' @param object A fitted \code{\link{RRlog}} model
#' @param newdata An optional vector, matrix, or data.frame with values on the
#'     predictor variables. Note that for matrices, the order of predictors
#'     should match the order of predictors in the formula. Uses the fitted
#'     values of the model if omitted.
#' @param type \code{"response"} returns predicted probabilities for the (observable) RR responses,
#'     \code{"link"} returns predicted logit-values for the (latent) sensitive attribute,
#'     and \code{"attribute"} returns predicted probabilities of having the (latent) sensitive attribute.
#' @param se.fit Return standard errors for the predicted values in addition to confidence intervals.
#'     SEs on the logit scale are computed using the observed Fisher information from the fitted model.
#'     Standard errors for the probability scale are computed using the delta method.
#' @param ci Confidence level for confidence interval. If \code{ci=FALSE}, no
#'     confidence interval is returned. Confidence intervals  on the probability
#'     scale (if \code{type="response"} or \code{type="attribute"}) are computed
#'     based on the CI on the logit-scale using the inverse link function
#'     (hence, the CI will in general not be symmetric).
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return either a vector of predicted values or a matrix with columns for the
#'     point estimates, confidence interval, and standard errors (if \code{se.fit=TRUE} and \code{ci=.95}).
#' @export
predict.RRlog <- function(
    newdata = NULL,
    type = c("link", "response", "attribute"),
    se.fit = FALSE,
    ci = 0.95,
) {
  if (is.null(newdata)) {
    x <- model.matrix(object$formula, object$model.frame)
  } else {
    if (!is.null(object$formula)) {
      newdata <- data.frame(newdata, predict = 1)
      ## model has been fitted using formula interface
      pred.formula <- update(object$formula, predict ~ .)
      x <- model.matrix(pred.formula, newdata, na.action = na.exclude)
    } else {
      x <- newdata
  # logit values:
  ypred <- predict <- as.vector(x %*% coef(object))
  vcov <- vcov(object)
  if (is2group(object$model)) {
    k <- length(object$coef)
    vcov <- vcov[1:k, 1:k]
  predict.vcov <- x %*% vcov %*% t(x)
  predict.se <- sqrt(diag(predict.vcov))
  zcrit <- qnorm((1 - ci) / 2, lower.tail = F)
  ci.lower <- predict - predict.se * zcrit
  ci.upper <- predict + predict.se * zcrit
  type <- match.arg(type, c("link", "response", "attribute"))
  # predict probability for RR response ("yes" or "no" etc.)
  if (type == "response") {
    # get complete link function (logit + RR response)
    p <- getPW(object$model, object$p)[2, ]
    linkfun <- RRloglink(p)
    predict <- linkfun$linkinv(ypred)
    ci.lower <- linkfun$linkinv(ci.lower)
    ci.upper <- linkfun$linkinv(ci.upper)
    # standard errors for probability scale (RR responses): delta method
    # https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/modmarg/vignettes/delta-method.html
    # c <- p[1]
    d <- p[2] - p[1]
    deriv <- d * exp(-ypred) / (1 + exp(-ypred))^2 # derivation of:    g(y) = c + d/(1 + exp(-y))
    j <- deriv * x # Jacobian for each prediction
    vcov_prob <- j %*% vcov %*% t(j)
    predict.se <- sqrt(diag(vcov_prob)) # computed SE refer to response probability scale
  # predict sensitive attribute  (one step between "link" / "response")
  if (type == "attribute") {
    predict <- plogis(ypred)
    ci.lower <- plogis(ci.lower)
    ci.upper <- plogis(ci.upper)
    # standard errors for probability scale (latent attribute): delta method
    # https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/modmarg/vignettes/delta-method.html
    deriv <- exp(-ypred) / (1 + exp(-ypred))^2 # derivation of:    g(y) = 1/(1+exp(-y))
    j <- deriv * x # Jacobian for each prediction
    vcov_prob <- j %*% vcov %*% t(j)
    predict.se <- sqrt(diag(vcov_prob)) # computed SE refer to latent-attribute probability scale
  # output
  if (!se.fit && ci == 0) {
  } else if (se.fit && ci != 0) {
    return(cbind(predict = predict, se = predict.se, ci.lower = ci.lower, ci.upper = ci.upper))
  } else if (se.fit) {
    return(cbind(predict = predict, se = predict.se))
  } else {
    return(cbind(predict = predict, ci.lower = ci.lower, ci.upper = ci.upper))

#' @export
print.RRlog <- function(x, ...) {
  print(round(x$coefficients, 5))

#' @export
summary.RRlog <- function(object, ...) {
  se <- sqrt(abs(diag(object$vcov)))
  if (length(se) == 0) {
    se <- rep(NA, length(object$coef))
  #   tval <- coef(object) / se
  wald_chi <- (object$coef / se)^2
  if (object$model == "SLD") {
    wald_chi[object$npar] <- ((1 - object$coef[object$npar]) / se[object$npar])^2
  TAB <- cbind(
    Estimate = object$coef,
    StdErr = se,
    "Wald test" = wald_chi,
    "Pr(>Chi2,df=1)" = 1 - pchisq(wald_chi, 1)
    #                oddsRatio = exp(coef(object)),
    #                StdErr = exp(se)
  if (!is.null(object$prob)) {
    TAB <- cbind(TAB,
                 "deltaG2" = -2 * object$deltaLogLik,
                 "Pr(>deltaG2)" = object$prob
  #   index <- pmatch("(Intercept)",object$param)
  #   if (!is.na(index) && !is.null(object$prob)){
  #     TAB[index,5] <- NA
  #     TAB[index,6] <- NA
  #   }
  # next lines: only if odds-ratios are printed
  #   if (object$model %in% c("UQTunknown","SLD","CDM","CDMsym")){
  #     TAB[length(se),3]=NA
  #     TAB[length(se),4]=NA
  #   }
  fitInfo <- cbind(
    n = object$n,
    logLik = object$logLik
  #                    df=object$df,
  #                    AIC=-2*object$logLik+2*object$npar,
  #                    BIC=-2*object$logLik+log(object$n)*object$npar)
  colnames(fitInfo) <- c("n", "logLik") # ,"df","AIC","BIC")
  rownames(fitInfo) <- c("")
  modelInfo <- paste(object$model, " with ", object$pString, sep = "")
  if (object$n.dq > 0) {
    modelInfo <- paste0(modelInfo, " (n=", object$n - object$n.dq, ") combined with DQ (n=", object$n.dq, ")")
  if (object$model == "Kuk") {
    modelInfo <- paste(modelInfo, " (", object$rep, " repetition/s)", sep = "")
  res <- list(
    call = object$call, modelInfo = modelInfo,
    coefficients = TAB, fitInfo = fitInfo,
    model = object$model, pi = object$pi, piSE = object$piSE
  class(res) <- "summary.RRlog"

#' @export
print.summary.RRlog <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("\nRR Model:\n")
  write(x$modelInfo, "")
  cat("\nModel fit:\n")
  printCoefmat(round(x$coefficients, 5))
  if (x$model == "SLD") {
    cat("Note that the parameter t is tested against the null hypothesis
        that all participants answered truthfully (i.e., H0: t=1).\n")

#' @export
fitted.RRlog <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
logLik.RRlog <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
vcov.RRlog <- function(object, ...) {

#' Plot Logistic RR Regression
#' Plot predicted logit values/probabilities of a randomized response logistic regression model.
#' @param x a fitted \link{RRlog} object
#' @param predictor character name of a predictor of the model to be fitted
#' @param center.preds whether to compute predictions by assuming that all other
#'     predictors are at their respective mean values (if \code{FALSE}: all other
#'     predictors are set to zero)
#' @param plot.mean whether to plot the mean of the predictor as a vertical line
#' @param ci level for confidence intervals. Use \code{ci=0} to omit.
#' @param xlim if provided, these boundaries are used for the predictor on the x-axis
#' @param steps number of steps for plotting
#' @param ... other arguments passed to the function \link{plot} (e.g., \code{ylim=c(0,1)}).
#' @inheritParams predict.RRlog
#' @seealso \code{\link{predict.RRlog}}
#' @examples
#' # generate data
#' n <- 500
#' x <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(n))
#' pi.true <- 1 / (1 + exp(.3 + 1.5 * x$x1))
#' true <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(pi.true))
#' dat <- RRgen(n, trueState = true, model = "Warner", p = .1)
#' x$response <- dat$response
#' # fit and plot RR logistic regression
#' mod <- RRlog(response ~ x1, data = x, model = "Warner", p = .1)
#' plot(mod, "x1", ci = .95, type = "attribute", ylim = 0:1)
#' @export
plot.RRlog <- function(
    predictor = NULL,
    type = c("link", "response", "attribute"),
    center.preds = TRUE,
    plot.mean = TRUE,
    ci = .95,
    xlim = NULL,
    steps = 50,
) {
  type <- match.arg(type, c("link", "response", "attribute"))
  # single predictor: choose automatically
  beta <- x$coef
  if (missing(predictor) | is.null(predictor)) {
    if (length(beta) == 2 & names(beta)[1] == "(Intercept)") {
      predictor <- names(beta)[2]
    } else {
      stop("Please specify a predictor for the x-axis.")
  # predict values
  if (missing(xlim) | is.null(xlim)) {
    predvals <- x$model.frame[, predictor]
    xlim <- c(min(predvals), max(predvals))
  xx <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length.out = steps)
  # construct new design matrix
  X.old <- model.matrix(x$formula, x$model.frame)
  X.new <- colMeans(X.old[, colnames(X.old) != predictor, drop = F])
  X <- cbind(matrix(X.new, length(xx), length(beta) - 1, byrow = T), predictor = xx)
  colnames(X) <- c(names(X.new), predictor)
  pred <- predict(x, newdata = X, ci = ci, type = type)
  if (is.null(dim(pred))) {
    yy <- pred
  } else {
    yy <- pred[, "predict"]
  plot(xx, yy,
       main = paste0(
         "Predictions for RRlog: ",
         substitute(x), " (type=", type[1], ")"
       ), type = "l",
       xlab = substitute(predictor), ylab = colnames(x$model.frame)[1], ...
  if (!is.null(dim(pred))) {
    polygon(c(xx, rev(xx)), c(pred[, 2], rev(pred[, 3])),
            border = NA,
            col = adjustcolor("gray", alpha.f = .5)
  if (plot.mean) {
    abline(v = mean(x$model.frame[, predictor]), lty = 3)
  lines(x = xx, y = yy)

#' Analysis of Deviance for Logistic RR Regression Models
#' Compute an analysis of deviance table for two logistic RR regression models.
#' @param object object of class \code{RRlog}, that is, logistic RR regression models fitted with the function \code{\link{RRlog}}.
#' @param ... a second \code{RRlog} model
#' @author Daniel W. Heck
#' @examples
#' # generate data
#' n <- 500
#' x <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(n))
#' pi.true <- 1 / (1 + exp(.3 + 1.5 * x$x1))
#' true <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(pi.true))
#' dat <- RRgen(n, trueState = true, model = "Warner", p = .1)
#' x$response <- dat$response
#' # fit and plot RR logistic regression
#' mod1 <- RRlog(response ~ x1, data = x, model = "Warner", p = .1)
#' mod0 <- RRlog(response ~ 1, data = x, model = "Warner", p = .1)
#' anova(mod1, mod0)
#' @export
anova.RRlog <- function(object, ...) {
  dotargs <- list(...)
  is.RRlog <- vapply(dotargs, function(x) inherits(x, "RRlog"), NA)
  dotargs <- dotargs[is.RRlog]
  if (length(dotargs) != 1)
    stop("anova.RRlog only works for model comparison of two models.")
  model_list <- c(list(object), dotargs)
  names(model_list)[1] <- deparse(substitute(object))
  names(model_list)[2] <- deparse(substitute(...))
  if (model_list[[1]]$model != model_list[[2]]$model)
    stop("RRlog models were fitted with different types of RR 'model'!")
  if (model_list[[1]]$p != model_list[[2]]$p)
    stop("RRlog models were fitted with different randomization probabilities 'p'!")
  if (model_list[[1]]$n != model_list[[1]]$n)
    stop("RRlog models were fitted with different sample sizes!")
  n <- model_list[[1]]$n
  logLik <- sapply(model_list, logLik)
  npar <- sapply(model_list, "[[", "npar")
  formula <- sapply(model_list, "[[", "formula")
  df <- n - npar
  table <- data.frame(
    n = n,
    logLik = logLik,
    Deviance = -2 * logLik,
    npar = npar,
    Delta.Deviance = c(NA, diff(-2 * logLik)),
    Df = c(NA, -diff(npar))
  p <- pchisq(q = table$Delta.Deviance[2], df = abs(table$Df[2]), lower.tail = FALSE)
  table$`Pr(>Chi)`[2] <- ifelse(table$Df[2] == 0, NA, p)
  title <- paste0("Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT)", 
                  "\n\nLogistic RR regression model: ", object$model, 
                  " (p = ", paste(round(object$p, 3), collapse = ", "), ")\n",
                  "\n",names(model_list)[1], ": ", formula[1],
                  "\n",names(model_list)[2], ": ", formula[2],
  structure(table, heading = title, class = c("anova", "data.frame"))

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RRreg documentation built on Nov. 25, 2022, 5:05 p.m.