## Authors
## Martin Schlather,
## Copyright (C) 2015 -- 2017 Martin Schlather
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
## meta-function that generates functions like RMplus, RMwhittle, which
## the user will use to generate explicit covariance models, i.e. objects
## of class 'RMmodels'
param.text.fct <- function(catheg, nick, names, havedistr=TRUE, Const=NULL,
ifHasArg <- paste(" if (hasArg('", names,
"') && !is.null(subst <- substitute(", names,
"))) \n", sep="")
if (ismath && any(idx <- names == "new" & Const == NN2)) {
ifHasArg[idx] <- " if (!(hasArg('new') && !is.null(subst <- substitute(new)))) new <- UNREDUCED\n"
x <- paste(ifHasArg, "\t", catheg, "[['", names, "']] <- ", sep="")
for (i in 1:length(names)) {
if (#!ismath && ## deleted Feb 2017
names[i] == "proj")
x[i] <- paste(x[i], "CheckMixed(proj, subst, PROJECTION_NAMES)", sep="")
## Version brasilien
## x[i] <- paste(x[i], "CheckProj(proj, subst)", sep="")
else if (length(Const) > 0 && Const[i] == MixedInputType)
x[i] <- paste(x[i], "CheckMixed(", names[i], ", subst, ",
toupper(nick), "_", toupper(names[i]),
# ", ", havedistr,
")", sep="")
else if (length(Const) > 0 && Const[i] == CharInputType)
x[i] <- paste(x[i], "CheckChar(", names[i], ", subst, ",
toupper(nick), "_", toupper(names[i]),
## ", ", havedistr,
", FALSE",
")", sep="")
else if (length(Const) > 0 && Const[i] >= NN1)
x[i] <- paste(x[i], "CheckChar(", names[i], ", subst, ",
NAMES_OF_NAMES[Const[i] - NN1 + 1], ", ",
havedistr, ")", sep="")
else if (ismath)
x[i] <- paste(x[i], "CheckMaths(", names[i], ", subst, ",
havedistr, ")", sep="")
else x[i] <- paste(x[i], "CheckArg(", names[i], ", subst, ",
havedistr, ")", sep="")
rfGenerateModels <- function(package="RandomFields", assigning,
RFpath = "~/svn/RandomFields/RandomFields",
RMmodels.file = paste(RFpath,
PL = RFoptions()$basic$printlevel
) {
# if file already exists, remove it.
if (assigning && file.exists(RMmodels.file))
write(file = RMmodels.file, append = TRUE,
"\n## This file has been created automatically by 'rfGenerateModels'.\n\n")
## defined constants
diminf <- 999999
# define empty strings
empty <- paste(rep(" ", MAXCHAR_RF), collapse="")
empty2 <- paste(rep(" ", MAXCHAR_RF), collapse="")
# inialized attribute parameter
nr <- GetCurrentNrOfModels()
vn <- nr * MAXVARIANTS
# get attribute parameter
A <- .C(C_GetAttr, nr=integer(vn), type=integer(vn), operator=integer(vn),
monotone=integer(vn), finiterange=integer(vn),
simpleArguments=integer(vn), internal=integer(vn),
domains=integer(vn), isos=integer(vn),
maxdim=integer(vn), vdim=integer(vn),
includevariants= as.integer(TRUE),
paramtype = integer(vn * MAXPARAM),
va = integer(1) )
va <- A$va
dim(A$paramtype) <- c(MAXPARAM, vn)
i <- 1
while (i <= va) {
step <- 1
## sequential steps for each model
if (A$internal[i] && A$internal[i] != INTERN_SHOW) {
if (PL > 1)
cat(i, "internal", .C(C_GetModelName,as.integer(A$nr[i]),
name=empty, nick=empty2)$name,"\n")
i <- i + 1
domains <- A$domains[i]
if (domains == PREVMODEL_D) domains <- c(XONLY, KERNEL)
# get model name
ret <- .C(C_GetModelName,as.integer(A$nr[i]),
name=empty, nick=empty2)
internal.nick <- nick <- ret$nick
if (A$internal[i]) internal.nick <- paste("i", internal.nick, sep="")
ismath <- substr(nick, 1, 2) == "R."
#if (PL > 1)cat(i, nick, "\n");
type <- A$type[i]
iso <- A$isos[i]
while (i + step <= va &&
nick == .C(C_GetModelName,as.integer(A$nr[i + step]),
name=empty, nick=empty2)$nick) {
if (PL > 1)cat("...variant added\n")
type <- c(type, A$type[i + step])
iso <- c(iso, A$isos[i + step])
step <- step + 1
finiterange <- as.logical(A$finiterange)
finiterange[A$finiterange < 0] <- NA
## get names of submodels<- .Call(C_GetSubNames, as.integer(A$nr[i]))
subnames <-[[1]]
subintern <-[[2]]
subnames.notintern <- subnames[!subintern]
# get names of parameters
paramnames <- .Call(C_GetParameterNames, as.integer(A$nr[i]) )
internal <- which(paramnames == INTERNAL_PARAM)
if (length(internal) > 0) paramnames <- paramnames[-internal]
elmnt <- which(paramnames == "element")
if (length(elmnt) > 0) {
stopifnot(length(elmnt) == 1)
paramnames <- c(paramnames[-elmnt], "element")
par.intern <- paramnames %in% subnames
if (any(par.intern)) stop(nick, ": subnames (",
paste(subnames, collapse=", "),
") and parameter names (",
paste(paramnames, collapse=", "),
") match.")
ex.anysub <- length(subnames)>0
ex.sub <- length(subnames.notintern)>0
ex.par <- length(paramnames)>0
ex.std <- ((nick != DOLLAR[2] && any(isVariogram(type))) ||
nick %in% c("RMball", "RMsum", "RMconstant",
"RMfixcov", "RMcovariate")
|| nick == RM_PLUS[1] || nick[1] == RM_MULT[1]) &&
!(nick %in% c("RMtrafo", "RMsine")) && !ismath
std.variables <-
if (nick %in% c("RMid")) NULL
else if (nick %in% c("RMfixcov")) c("var", "proj")
else if (nick %in% c("RMconstant", "RMcovariate")) "var"
else if (nick == "RMnugget") c("var", "Aniso", "proj")
else c("var", "scale", "Aniso", "proj")
# cat(nick, ":", std.variables, "\n")
# if (PL > 1) cat( std.variables, ex.std)
#stopifnot(i < 50)
if (PL > 1)cat(i, "\t", internal.nick, ",\t",
paste(std.variables, collapse=", "), "\t",
ex.std, "\t",
paste(DOMAIN_NAMES[domains+1], collapse="; "), "\t",
paste(type, collapse="/"), "\n", sep="")
if(nick == DOLLAR[2]){
text.fct.head <-
paste(nick, " <- function(phi, var, scale, Aniso, proj, anisoT)")
##Print(type, isVariogram(type), ShapeType, paramnames, A$paramtype[,i])
} else {
text.fct.head <-
" <- function(",
if (ex.sub) {
paste(paste(subnames.notintern, collapse=", "), sep="")
if (ex.sub && (ex.par || ex.std)) ", ",
if (ex.par) {
paste(paste(paramnames, collapse=", "), sep="")
if (ex.par && ex.std) ", ",
if (ex.std) paste(std.variables, collapse =", "),
if (ex.par) {
par.body <- param.text.fct(catheg="par.model", nick=nick,
|| any(type==ShapeType)
# || any(type==RandomOrShapeType)
Const=A$paramtype[1:length(paramnames), i],
if (any(idx <- paramnames == 'envir'))
warning(internal.nick, ": envir not internal")
# if (any(idx))
# par.body[idx] <-
# "par.model[['envir']] <- if (hasArg(envir)) envir else new.env()"
} else par.body <- NULL
text.fct.body <-
paste("{\n ",
"cl <-",
"\n ",
"submodels <- par.general <- par.model <- list() \n ",
## get submodels
if (ex.anysub) {
paste("if (hasArg(", subnames, ")) submodels[['", subnames,
"']] <- ", subnames, sep="", collapse="\n ")
if (ex.anysub) "\n ",
## get model specific parameter
if (ex.par) paste(par.body, collapse="\n"),
if (ex.par) "\n ",
## get general model parameter
if (ex.std) {
paste(param.text.fct(catheg="par.general", nick=nick,
collapse="\n ")
"\n ",
# create RMmodel object
"model <- methods::new('", CLASS_CLIST, "', ",
"call = cl, ",
"name = ", "'", nick, "'", ", \n \t\t",
"submodels = submodels, ", "\n \t\t",
"par.model = par.model, ",
"par.general = par.general)",
"\n ",
text.fct <- paste(text.fct.head, text.fct.body)
# assign class CLASS_RM (CLASS_RM) and attributes like stationarity
# to the function:
text.assign.class <-
paste(internal.nick, " <- new(CLASS_RM, \n\t",
".Data = ", internal.nick, ",", "\n\t",
"type = ", "c('", paste(TYPE_NAMES[type+1], collapse="', '"), "'),",
"isotropy = ", "c('", paste(ISO_NAMES[iso+1], collapse="', '"), "'),",
"domain = ", "c('", paste(DOMAIN_NAMES[domains+1], collapse="', '"), "'),", "\n\t",
"operator = ", as.logical(A$operator[i]), ",", "\n\t",
"monotone = ", "'", MONOTONE_NAMES[A$monotone[i] + 1 - MON_UNSET],
"',", "\n\t",
"finiterange = ", finiterange[i], ",", "\n\t",
"simpleArguments = ", as.logical(A$simpleArguments[i]), ",", "\n\t",
"maxdim = ", if(A$maxdim[i]>diminf) Inf else A$maxdim[i], ",", "\n\t",
"vdim = ", A$vdim[i], "\n\t",
text <- paste(text.fct, "\n", text.assign.class, "\n\n\n", sep="")
if (internal.nick == "RMwhittle") {
if (PL > 1)cat(text.assign.class)
# stop("KKKK")
if (assigning) {
#sink(file = RMmodels.file, append = TRUE, type='output')
write(file = RMmodels.file, append = TRUE, text)
#if (PL > 1) cat(text)
i <- i + step
} ## matches for (i in 1:nr)
# if help page to the function does not exist, throw warning
if (length(as.character(help(nick))) == 0) {
if (file.exists("/home/schlather/R/RF/RandomFields/R/rf.RXX")||
file.exists("do.not.rm.this.file")) {
if (!any(nick == c("list of exceptions"))) {
warn <- paste("Warning: help page for '", nick,"' does not exist.",
cat(warn, "\n")
clean_value <- function(s) {
s <- clean_name(s)
if (s == "NA_INTEGER") s <- "as.integer(NA)"
kind <- function(Zeilen, i, start, cont="", ignore=" ",
endofname=" ", stops=NULL) {
if (substr(Zeilen[i], 1, nchar(start)) == start) {
s <- substring(Zeilen[i], nchar(start) + 1)
j <- 2
while (j <= nchar(s) && substr(s, j, j) != endofname) j <- j + 1
stopifnot(j <= nchar(s))
name <- substr(s, 1, j -1)
u <- strsplit(substring(s, j + 1), "//")[[1]]
kommentar <- paste(u[-1], collapse = " ")
RC <- nchar(kommentar) > 0 &&
nchar(strsplit(kommentar, "RC")[[1]][1]) < nchar(kommentar)
value <- u <- clean_value(u[1])
i <- i + 1
if (any(cont != "")) {
repeat {
if (i > length(Zeilen) ||
(length(stops) > 0 && length(strsplit(u, stops)[[1]]) > 1)) break;
## cat(i, " >>", Zeilen[i], "<<\n", sep="")
j <- nchar(u)
if (ignore != "") while (substr(u, j, j) %in% ignore) {
j <- j - 1
## print(u); print(j) ;print(cont)
##print(c(substr(u, j,j), cont, !(substr(u, j,j) %in% cont) , j))
if (!(substr(u, j,j) %in% cont) && j > 0) break
while (Zeilen[i] == "") i <- i + 1
u <- strsplit(Zeilen[i], "//")[[1]]
kommentar <- paste(u[-1], collapse = " ")
u <- u[1]
RCX <- c(RCX, nchar(kommentar) > 0 &&
nchar(strsplit(kommentar, "RC")[[1]][1]) < nchar(kommentar))
value <- paste(value, clean_value(u[1]))
## cat("u=", u, "\n")
i <- i + 1
res <- list(name=name, value=value,
RC=if (length(RCX) == 0 || all(!RCX)) RC else RCX,
## cat("value=", value, "\n\n")
} else return(NULL)
clean_name <- function(x) {
## str(x)
coll <- paste(strsplit(x, "\t")[[1]], collapse="")
i <- 1
while(i <= nchar(coll)) {
## Print(i, coll, substr(coll, i, i))
if (substr(coll, i, i) %in% c("\"", "'")) {
repeat {
i <- i + 1
if (substr(coll, i, i) %in% c("\"", "'")) {
i <- i + 1
if (substr(coll, i, i) == " ") {
coll <- paste0(substr(coll, 1, i-1), substr(coll, i+1, nchar(coll)))
} else i <- i + 1
## x <- paste(strsplit(coll, " ")[[1]], collapse=""); Print(x); xx
## Print(coll)
CC <- function(x, envir) {
if (is.numeric(x)) {
Real <- TRUE
Integer <- x == as.integer(x)
y <- x
} else {
if (substr(x, 1, 1) =='"') #'"')
warn <- options()$warn
options(warn = -1)
y <- try(as.numeric(eval(parse(text=x), envir=envir)), silent=TRUE)
options(warn = warn)
if (Real <- !is(y, "try-error") && ! {
Integer <- nchar(strsplit(x, "\\.")[[1]][1]) == nchar(x) &&
abs(y) <= .Machine$integer.max
## cat(Integer, "", y,"", .Machine$integer.max, "",abs(y) <= .Machine$integer.max)
} else Real <- Integer <- FALSE
y <- paste(strsplit(paste(strsplit(x, "\t")[[1]], collapse=""), " ")[[1]],
if (Real) {
y <- paste("as.", if (Integer) "integer" else "double", "(", y, ")", sep="")
rfGenerateConstants <-
function(package="RandomFields", aux.package = "RandomFieldsUtils",
RFpath = paste0("~/svn/",package, "/", package),
RCauto.file = paste(RFpath, "R/aaa_auto.R", sep="/"),
header.source =
c(if (length(aux.package) > 0) paste0("../../", aux.package,"/",
aux.package, "/src/Auto", aux.package, ".h"),
c.source = paste0("src/Auto", package, ".cc")) {
write(file = RCauto.file,
"# This file has been created automatically by 'rfGenerateConstants'")
envir <- new.env()
for (s in header.source) {
write(file = RCauto.file, append = TRUE, paste("\n\n ## from ", s))
rfGenerateConstantsHeader(RFpath = RFpath, RCauto.file=RCauto.file,
header.source = s, envir=envir)
cat("** header files done\n");
for (s in c.source) {
write(file = RCauto.file, append = TRUE, paste("\n\n ## from ", s))
rfGenerateConstantsC(package = package,
RFpath = RFpath, RCauto.file=RCauto.file,
c.source = s)
rfGenerateConstantsHeader <- function(RFpath, RCauto.file, header.source,
envir) {
s <- scan(paste(RFpath, header.source, sep="/"),
what=character(), sep="\n", blank.lines.skip=FALSE, skip=2)
#if (PL > 1)for (i in 1:length(s)) cat(s[i], "\n")
i <- 1
typedef <- character(0) ## nur fuer alte defs a la "typedef int dom_type;"
while (i <= length(s)) {
if (!is.null(k <- kind(s, i, start="#define", cont="\\", ignore=""))) {
## if (i>130 && i<140)
value <- clean_value(k$value)
if (length(typedef) > 0)
for (j in 1:length(typedef)) {
value <- paste(strsplit(value, typedef[j])[[1]], collapse=" ")
v <- clean_name(k$name)
## Print(i, k, v); stopifnot(i < 70)
if (v != "") {
w <- if (k$RC) paste("RC_", v, " <-", sep="") else ""
line <- paste(w, v , "\t<-", CC(value, envir=envir))
eval(parse(text=line), envir=envir)
write(file = RCauto.file, append = TRUE, line)
} else if (!is.null(k <- kind(s, i, start ="typedef enum",
cont=c(",", "{"), ignore=" ", stops=";"))) {
##Print(i, k, v); stopifnot(i < 72)
value <- strsplit(clean_value(k$value), "\\{")[[1]]
if (value[1] != "")
typedef <- c(typedef, paste("\\(", strsplit(value[1], ";")[[1]][1] ,
"\\)", sep=""))
value <- strsplit(strsplit(value[2], "\\}")[[1]][1], ",")[[1]]
zaehler <- 0
for (j in 1:length(value)) {
v <- clean_value(value[j])
## Print(v, value)
if (v != "") {
w <- if ((length(k$RC) == 1 && k$RC) || (length(k$RC) > 1) && k$RC[j])
paste("RC_", v, " <-", sep="") else ""
v <- strsplit(v, "=")[[1]]
if (length(v) > 1) {
stopifnot(length(v) == 2)
nr <- v[2]
v <- v[1]
} else {
nr <- zaehler
zaehler <- zaehler + 1
line <- paste(w, v , "\t<-", CC(nr, envir=envir))
eval(parse(text=line), envir=envir)
write(file = RCauto.file, append = TRUE, line)
write(file = RCauto.file, append = TRUE, "")
} else if (!is.null(k <- kind(s, i, start="typedef", cont="\\",
ignore="", stops=";"))) {
if (value[1] != "")
typedef <- c(typedef,
paste("\\(", strsplit(k$value, ";")[[1]][1] ,"\\)", sep=""))
} else if (!is.null(k <- kind(s, i, start="extern const", cont=",",
ignore=" ", stops=";"))) {
## ignored
} else write(file = RCauto.file, append = TRUE, "")
i <- if (is.null(k)) i+1 else k$i
rfGenerateConstantsC <- function(RFpath, RCauto.file, c.source, package="none") {
s <- scan(paste(RFpath, c.source, sep="/"),
what=character(), sep="\n", blank.lines.skip=FALSE, skip=1)
i <- 1
nl <- TRUE
while (i <= length(s)) {
if (!is.null(k <- kind(s, i, " *", c(",", "{"), " ", endofname="[",
stops="}"))) {
## Print(k); stopifnot(k$i != 55)
value <- strsplit((clean_value(k$value)), "\\{")[[1]]
value <- strsplit(value[2], "\\}")[[1]][1]
v <- clean_name(k$name)
if (v != "") {
w <- if (k$RC) paste("RC_", v, " <-", sep="") else ""
line <- paste(w, v, "<-\nc(", value, ")")
write(file = RCauto.file, append = TRUE, line)
write(file = RCauto.file, append = TRUE, "")
nl <- TRUE
} else if (nl) {
write(file = RCauto.file, append = TRUE, "")
nl <- FALSE
i <- if (is.null(k)) i+1 else k$i
if (package == "RandomFields") {
define_char <- function(name, value) {
if (is(value, "try-error")) value <- NULL
write(file = RCauto.file, append = TRUE,
paste("\n", name, " <- c('", sep="",
paste(value, collapse="', '"),
define_num <- function(name, value) {
if (is(value, "try-error")) value <- NULL
write(file = RCauto.file, append = TRUE,
paste("\n", name, " <- c(", sep="",
paste(value, collapse=", "),
envir <- as.environment("package:RandomFields")
all <- ls(envir=envir)
genuine <- all[substr(all, 1, 2) %in% c("iR", "RM", "R.", "RP" ,"RF", "RR")]
define_char("list2RMmodel_Names", genuine) ##, RM_TREND
try(RFgetModelNames(newnames=FALSE))) # , RM_INTERNALMIXED
names1 <- c("RMwhittle",
RFgetModelNames(type=TYPE_NAMES[c(TcfType, PosDefType) + 1],
isotropy=ISO_NAMES[ISOTROPIC + 1],
operator=FALSE,, = 1,#if (sim_only1dim)1 else 2,
simpleArguments = TRUE,
do.not.include <-
c("RMnugget", # macht kaum sinn
"RMwendland","RMcardinalsine","RMpoweredexp", # aliase
"RMparswmX", "RMtent", # convenience models
"RMconstant", ## macht aerger
"RMlsfbm", ## nur fuer |x| < 1 definiert
"RMdagum", ## internal parameter
"RMgneiting" ## integer parameter
names1 <- sort(names1[!(names1 %in% do.not.include)])
define_char("rfgui1_Names", names1)
names2 <- c("RMwhittle",
RFgetModelNames(type=TYPE_NAMES[c(TcfType, PosDefType) + 1],
isotropy=ISO_NAMES[ISOTROPIC + 1],
operator=FALSE,, = 2,#if (sim_only1dim)1 else 2,
simpleArguments = TRUE,
names2 <- sort(names2[!(names2 %in% do.not.include)])
define_char("rfgui2_Names", names2)
rfGenerateTest <- function(package = "RandomFields",
files = NULL,
RFpath = paste0("~/svn/", package, "/", package)) {
start.after <- "\\dontrun"
end.before <- c("\\", "}")
initial.text <- "if (RFoptions()$internal$do_tests){"
final.text <- "}"
comment <- "%"
if (length(files) == 0) return()
ncomment <- nchar(comment)[1]
nendbefore <- nchar(end.before)[1]
for (f in 1:length(files)) {
cat("creating ", files[f], ".R\n", sep="")
s <- scan(paste(RFpath, "/man/", files[f], ".Rd", sep=""),
what=character(), sep="\n", blank.lines.skip=FALSE, skip=2)
i <- 1
while (i <= length(s) && substr(s[i], 1,
nchar(start.after)) != start.after) i <- i + 1
i <- i + 1
if (i <= length(s))
for (j in i:length(s)) {
if (substr(s[j], 1, ncomment) %in% comment) s[j] <- ""
if (substr(s[j], 1, nendbefore) %in% end.before) {
j <- j -1
if (j >= i) {
out <- paste(RFpath, "/tests/", files[f], ".R", sep="")
write(file = out, append = FALSE, initial.text)
write(file = out, append = TRUE, s[i:j])
write(file = out, append = TRUE, final.text)
.R.fmax <- function(...) {
a <- list(...)
if (length(a) == 1) if (is(a[[1]], CLASS_CLIST)) a[[1]] else R.c(a[[1]])
else R.fmax(if (is(a[[1]], CLASS_CLIST)) a[[1]] else R.c(a[[1]]),".R.fmax", a[-1]))
.R.fmin <- function(...) {
a <- list(...)
if (length(a) == 1) if (is(a[[1]], CLASS_CLIST)) a[[1]] else R.c(a[[1]])
else R.fmin(if (is(a[[1]], CLASS_CLIST)) a[[1]] else R.c(a[[1]]),".R.fmin", a[-1]))
rfGenerateMaths <- function(package = "RandomFields",
files = "/usr/include/tgmath.h",
do.cfile = FALSE,
## copy also in ../private/lit
Cfile = "QMath", Rfile = "RQmodels",
RFpath = paste0("~/svn/",package,"/", package)) {
prefix <- "R."
start.after <- "/* Unary functions"
end.before <- c("#define carg")
initial.text <- "if (RFoptions()$internal$do_tests){"
final.text <- "}"
comment <- c("/*", "#i", "#e")
nendbefore <- nchar(end.before)[1]
if (FALSE) {
stopifnot(length(files) > 0)
if (do.cfile) {
cfile <- paste(RFpath, "/src/", Cfile, ".cc", sep="")
write(file = cfile,
c("// This file has been created automatically by 'rfGenerateMaths'",
"#include <math.h>",
"#include \"RF.h\"",
"#include \"primitive.h\""
manfile <- paste(RFpath, "/man/", Cfile, ".Rd", sep="")
write(file = manfile,
scan(paste(manfile, 0, sep="."),
what=character(), sep="\n", blank.lines.skip=FALSE, skip=0))
Rfile <- paste(RFpath, "/R/", Rfile, ".R", sep="")
write(file = Rfile,
"# This file has been created automatically by 'rfGenerateMaths'")
usage <- include <- list()
for (f in 1:length(files)) {
cat("scanning ", f, files[f],"\n")
s <- scan(files[f], what=character(), sep="\n", blank.lines.skip=FALSE,
i <- 1
while (i <= length(s) && substr(s[i], 1, nchar(start.after)) !=start.after){
i <- i + 1
i <- i + 1
usage[[f]] <- include[[f]] <- rep("", length(s))
while (i <= length(s)) {
if (substr(s[i], 1, nendbefore) %in% end.before) break
if (!is.null(k <- kind(s, i, start="#define", cont="\\", ignore=" ",
endofname=")"))) {
x <- strsplit(k$name, "\\(")
name <- clean_name(x[[1]][1])
if (name == "") { i <- i + 1; next }
if (!(name %in% c("frexp", "ldexp", "remquo", "scalbn", "scalbln",
"fma"))) {
args <- length(strsplit(x[[1]][2], ",")[[1]])
#cat(name, args, k$name, "\n")
if (do.cfile) {
write(file = cfile, append = TRUE,
paste("void Math", name,
"(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v){",
"\nMATH_DEFAULT\n", sep=""))
write(file = cfile, append = TRUE,
if (name %in% c("cos", "sin", "tan")) {
paste("*v = ", name,
"(GLOBAL.coords.anglemode == radians",
" ? w[0] : w[0] * piD180);", sep="")
} else if (name %in% c("acos", "asin", "atan", "atan2")) {
paste("*v = ", name, "(w[0]",
if (args == 2) ", w[1]", ");\n",
"if (GLOBAL.coords.anglemode == degree) *v/=piD180);",
} else {
paste("*v = ", name, "(w[0]", if (args == 2) ", w[1]", ");",
write(file = cfile, append = TRUE, "\n}\n\n")
include[[f]][i] <-
'IncludeModel(".', name, '", MathDefType, 0, 0, ', args,
', NULL, XONLY,\n\t',## auch fuer kernel schreiben??
'PREVMODEL_I,checkMath,rangeMath, PREF_TREND,\n\t',
'false, SCALAR, PREVMODEL_DEP, false, false); \n',
'nickname("', name, '");\n',
'kappanames("a", REALSXP',
if (args == 2) ', "b", REALSXP', ');\n',
'addCov(Math', name, ', NULL, NULL);\n',
'AddVariant(TrendType, PREVMODEL_I);\n', sep="")
write(file = manfile, append = TRUE,
paste("\\alias{", prefix, name, "}", sep=""))
usage[[f]][i] <- paste(prefix, name, "(a", if (args == 2) ", b",
")", sep="")
if (name %in% c(
"fabs", # abs
"gamma", # gamma
"fmin")) {
Rname <- switch(name,
"fabs" = "abs",
"pow" = "^",
"fmin" = "min",
"fmax" = "max",
"fmod" = "%%",
"ceil" = "ceiling",
## if (name == "fabs") "abs" else
#### if (name == "tgamma") "gamma" else
## if (name == "pow") "^" else
## if (name == "fmin") "min" else
## if (name == "fmax") "max" else name
write(file = manfile, append = TRUE,
paste("\\alias{", if (Rname=="%%") "\\%\\%" else Rname, "}",
args <- switch(Rname,
"atan2" = "y, x",
"min" = "...",
"max" = "...",
"round" = "x, digits=0",
"^" = "x, y",
"%%" = "x, y",
# "logb" = "x, base=exp(1)",
innerargs <- switch(Rname,
"round" = "x",
signature <- switch(Rname,
"round" = "c(CLASS_CLIST, 'missing')",
# "logb" = "c(CLASS_CLIST, 'missing')",
if (args != "...")
usage[[f]][i] <- paste(Rname, "(", args, ")\n",
usage[[f]][i], sep="")
write(file = Rfile, append=TRUE,
if (exists(Rname, envir=parent.env(parent.env(.GlobalEnv)))) {
if (args != "...")
paste(sep="", "setMethod(\"", Rname,
"\", signature = ", signature,
", definition=function(",
args, ") ", prefix, name,
"(", innerargs, "))")
else {
if (FALSE)
" <- function(", args, ") if (any(sapply(list(",
args, "), function(x) is(x, \"", CLASS_CLIST,
"\")))) .", prefix, name,
"(", args, ") else ", "base::", Rname,"(",
args, ")", sep="")
} else paste(sep="", name, " <- ", prefix, name)
} # !name in
} # !is.null k
i <- if (is.null(k)) i+1 else k$i
} ## while i <= length
} # for 1:files
if (do.cfile)
write(file = cfile, append=TRUE, "void includeStandardMath() {")
write(file = manfile, append=TRUE,
scan(paste(manfile, 1, sep="."),
what=character(), sep="\n", blank.lines.skip=FALSE, skip=0))
for (f in 1:length(files)) {
if (do.cfile)
write(file = cfile, append=TRUE, include[[f]][include[[f]] != ""]);
write(file = manfile, append=TRUE, usage[[f]][usage[[f]] != ""]);
if (do.cfile)
write(file = cfile, append=TRUE, "}")
write(file = manfile, append=TRUE,
scan(paste(manfile, 2, sep="."),
what=character(), sep="\n", blank.lines.skip=FALSE, skip=0))
} ## NO QMath.* generated anymore
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