
Defines functions detailOperation buildNameOperation formatParameterList matchNames savePreprocess loadPreviousRes createResFolder importLabelSample sortLabel formatLabelSample makeFeatureSpaceOperations addOperation applyPreprocessing loadPreprocessFile purgeSample importSample featSpaceNameConvert listDerivableFeatureSpaces loadSample

Documented in addOperation applyPreprocessing buildNameOperation createResFolder detailOperation featSpaceNameConvert formatLabelSample formatParameterList importLabelSample importSample listDerivableFeatureSpaces loadPreprocessFile loadPreviousRes loadSample makeFeatureSpaceOperations matchNames purgeSample savePreprocess sortLabel

# RclusTool: clustering of items in datasets
# Copyright 2013 Guillaume Wacquet, Pierre-Alexandre Hebert, Emilie Poisson-Caillault
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' loadSample reads RDS sample file; sample is preprocessed by call to function preprocessSample()
#' @title Sample loading
#' @description Load and preprocess sample.
#' @param file.RDS character vector for the name of the .RDS file where built data.sample object is saved.
#' @param file.config character vector for the name of the configuration file.
#' @param RclusTool.env environment in which all global parameters, raw data and results are stored.
#' @return data.sample loaded data.sample. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{importSample}}
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'            matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'            matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf, sep=",", dec=".")
#' x <- importSample(tf, dir.save=dirname(tf))
#' res <- loadSample(x$files$RDS)       
#' @keywords internal
loadSample <- function(file.RDS, RclusTool.env=initParameters(), file.config="") {
    data.sample <- NULL

    if (file.exists(file.RDS)) {
        data.sample <- readRDS(file.RDS)

        if (file.exists(file.config)) {
            operations <- loadPreprocessFile(file.config)
        } else operations <- data.sample$config$operations

        new.data.sample <- applyPreprocessing(data.sample, operations, RclusTool.env)
        if (!is.null(new.data.sample)) {
            data.sample <- new.data.sample

#' listDerivableFeatureSpaces build the list of feature spaces matching parameters.
#' @title Builds list of derivable feature spaces
#' @description Builds list of derivable feature spaces.
#' @param scaling boolean TRUE if scaling required.
#' @param pca boolean TRUE if Principal Components Analysis required.
#' @param spectral boolean TRUE if Spectral Embedding required.
#' @param RclusTool.env environment in which all global parameters, raw data and results are stored.
#' @return character vector naming feature spaces.
#' @examples 
#' listDerivableFeatureSpaces(scaling=TRUE, spectral=TRUE)
#' @keywords internal
listDerivableFeatureSpaces <- function(scaling=FALSE, pca=FALSE, spectral=FALSE, RclusTool.env=initParameters())
    prefix.space.name <- c()
    space.names <- "preprocessed"
    if (scaling)
        space.names <- "." #point, doubled, will then be removed
        prefix.space.name <- c(prefix.space.name, "scaled")

    if (pca)
        space.names <- c(space.names, "pca")
    if (spectral)
        space.names <- c(space.names, "spectral")

    merged.prefix <- paste(prefix.space.name, collapse=".") 
    if (nchar(merged.prefix))
        space.names <- sapply(merged.prefix, paste, space.names, sep=".")

    # empty space name with prefix values contain ".." that must be set to ""
    space.names <- sapply(space.names, function(x) gsub(pattern="..", replacement="", x=x, fixed=TRUE))
    names(space.names) <- space.names

    # long names
    sapply(space.names, featSpaceNameConvert, short2long=TRUE, RclusTool.env)

#' featSpaceNameConvert converts feature space names: either long name to short name, or short name to long name.
#' @title Feature Space Name Conversion
#' @description Converts Feature Space Name.
#' @param name2convert character vector for name to convert.
#' @param short2long boolean setting the direction of conversion (higher priority).
#' @param RclusTool.env list of parameters.
#' @return character name.
#' @examples 
#' long.name <- "Scaled - Principal Component Analysis"
#' short.name <- "scaled.pca"
#' res1 <- featSpaceNameConvert(long.name, short2long=TRUE)
#' res2 <- featSpaceNameConvert(short.name, short2long=FALSE)
#' @keywords internal
featSpaceNameConvert <- function(name2convert, short2long=TRUE, RclusTool.env=initParameters())
    set <- RclusTool.env$param$preprocess$featSpaceNames
    result <- NULL
    if (!(short2long))
        split.names <- unlist(strsplit(name2convert, split=" - ", fixed=TRUE))
        reduced.names <- sapply(split.names, function(x) {names(set)[set==x]})
        result <- paste(rev(reduced.names), collapse=".")
    } else {
        split.names <- unlist(strsplit(name2convert, split=".", fixed=TRUE))
        long.names <- set[split.names]
        result <- paste(rev(long.names), collapse=" - ")


#' function to import sample from CSV files; sample is preprocessed
#' @title Sample importation
#' @description Import the required and the optional files, and build a dataset.
#' @param file.features character vector specifying the csv file containing features data.
#' @param file.meta character vector specifying the txt file containing metadata.
#' @param file.profiles character vector specifying the csv file containing profiles data.
#' @param file.RDS character vector for a RDS file containing a data.sample object. This file is automatically saved when importing a (csv-)file-features. When both a csv-file-features and a RDS file are given, the last one is ignored.
#' @param file.config character vector for the name of the configuration file.
#' @param dir.images character vector containing the path of images directory.
#' @param dir.save character vector specifying path of the working directory to save results ; "" to not save any results
#' @param sepFeat character specifying the field separator for the csv file containing features data.
#' @param decFeat character specifying the decimal points for the csv file containing features data.
#' @param naFeat vector containing missing values for the csv file containing features data.
#' @param sepSig character specifying the field separator for the csv file containing profiles data.
#' @param decSig character specifying the decimal point for the csv file containing profiles data.
#' @param naSig vector containing missing values for the csv file containing profiles data.
#' @param headerCSV boolean if TRUE (default) the file contains the names of the variables as its first line. 
#' @param RclusTool.env environment in which data and intermediate results are stored.
#' @param ... parameters adressed to read.csv functions.
#' @return data.sample loaded data.sample.
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext file_ext file_path_as_absolute
#' @importFrom utils read.csv read.table
#' @seealso \code{\link{loadSample}}
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' tf1 <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf1, sep=",", dec=".")
#' metadat <- rbind("First metadata: ...", "Second metadata: ...")
#' tf2 <- tempfile()
#' writeLines(metadat, tf2)
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf1, file.meta=tf2)
#' @export 
importSample <- function(file.features="", file.meta="", file.profiles="", file.RDS="", file.config="", dir.images="", dir.save="", sepFeat = ",", decFeat = ".", naFeat=c("","NA"), sepSig = ",", decSig= ".", naSig=c("","NA"), headerCSV=TRUE, RclusTool.env=new.env(), ...) {
    data.sample <- NULL
    naFeat <- unique(c("","NA",naFeat))
    naSig <- unique(c("","NA",naSig))

    if ((file.features!="")&&(file.RDS!=""))
        message("Function importSample can't accept both csv-features file and RDS file: in this case, the RDS file is ignored.")
        file.RDS <- ""

    if ( !dir.exists(dir.save) )
        message("Save directory does not exist: no RDS file saved.")

    if (!length(RclusTool.env))

    # get sample name
    if (file.exists(file.features)) {
        file.features.no.ext <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(file.features)
        sample.name <- basename(file.features.no.ext)
    } else if (file.exists(file.RDS)) {
        file.RDS.no.ext <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(file.RDS)
        sample.name <- basename(file.RDS.no.ext)
    } else return(NULL)

    data.sample <- list()
    feature.csv <- NULL

    # case : loading given RDS file
    if (file.exists(file.RDS)) {
        message("Import RDS...")
        data.sample <- loadSample(file.RDS, RclusTool.env, file.config)

    RDS.loaded <- length(data.sample)
    RDS.to.be.saved <- FALSE

    # case : no RDS file loaded or wrong loaded file
    if (!RDS.loaded)
        RDS.to.be.saved <- TRUE

    	# features extraction
        message("Import Features...")
        features.csv <- utils::read.csv(file.features, sep = sepFeat, dec = decFeat, na.strings=naFeat, header = headerCSV, ...)
        if (ncol(features.csv)==1) {
            data.sample <- NULL
        # ID extraction of features rows
        is.row.names <- is.element("row.names", names(match.call()))
        if (!is.row.names) {
            ind.id.feat <- which(toupper(names(features.csv))=="ID")[1]
            if (is.na(ind.id.feat)) {
            	ind.id.feat <- which(grepl('ID',names(features.csv)))
            	if (length(ind.id.feat)==0 || length(ind.id.feat)>1){
            if (!is.na(ind.id.feat)) {
                id.feat <- features.csv[[ind.id.feat]]
                if (!is.factor(id.feat))
                    features.csv[[ind.id.feat]] <- as.factor(id.feat)
                rownames(features.csv) <- id.feat

        #purge features from nan and na
        a.retirer <- sapply(features.csv, function (x) any(is.na(x)))
        if (any(a.retirer)) {
            message(paste("Drop variables containing NA values:", paste(colnames(features.csv)[a.retirer], collapse= " ")))
            features.csv[a.retirer] <- NULL
        a.retirer <- sapply(features.csv, function (x) any(is.nan(x)))
        if (any(a.retirer)) {
            message(paste("Drop variables containing NaN values:", paste(colnames(features.csv)[a.retirer], collapse= " ")))
            features.csv[a.retirer] <- NULL

        within(data.sample, {
               name <- sample.name
               size <- nrow(features.csv)

               files <- list(features=file.features, 
                             RDS=file.path(dir.save, paste(sample.name, ".RDS", sep="")),
                             meta=file.meta , 

               features <- list()
               features[["initial"]] <- list(x=features.csv, logscale=rep(FALSE,ncol(features.csv)), prefered=NULL)

               names(features[["initial"]]$logscale) <- colnames(features.csv)

               clustering <- list()

			   }) -> data.sample

	} else {
        data.sample$files$dir <- dirname(tools::file_path_as_absolute(file.RDS))
        data.sample$files$RDS <- file.RDS

	if (file.exists(file.profiles))
        RDS.to.be.saved <-TRUE

        message("Import Profiles...")
        profiles.csv <- NULL
        profiles.csv <- utils::read.csv(file.profiles, sep = sepSig, dec = decSig, na.strings=naSig, header = headerCSV, ...)
        ind.id.sig <- which(toupper(names(profiles.csv))=="ID")[1]
        if (is.na(ind.id.sig)) {
            ind.id.sig <- which(grepl('ID',names(profiles.csv)))
            if (length(ind.id.sig)==0 || length(ind.id.sig)>1){
        if (is.na(ind.id.sig))
            ind.id.sig <- 1 # ID 1st column ?

        if (!is.factor(profiles.csv[[ind.id.sig]]))
            profiles.csv[[ind.id.sig]] <- as.factor(profiles.csv[[ind.id.sig]]) # individuals IDs 

        profiles.ok <- !apply(profiles.csv,2,function(x) any(is.na(x)))
        profiles.csv <- profiles.csv[,profiles.ok,drop=FALSE]
        profiles <- NULL
        if (!is.null(profiles.csv)) {
            profiles <- by(profiles.csv, profiles.csv[[ind.id.sig]], function(x) as.matrix(x[,-ind.id.sig,drop=FALSE]))
        data.sample$profiles <- profiles

    if (dir.exists(dir.images))
        RDS.to.be.saved <- TRUE

    	message("Import Images...")
    	if (is.null(features.csv)){
    		features.csv <- data.sample$features[["initial"]]$x
    	images.dir <- ""
    	images <- rep(NA, nrow(features.csv))
    	names(images) <- rownames(features.csv)
        imgs <- list.files(dir.images)
        ind <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(imgs)
        names(imgs) <- ind
        ext <- tolower(tools::file_ext(imgs))
        ext.ok <- ext %in% c("jpg", "png")
        imgs <- imgs[ext.ok]
        imgs <- imgs[intersect(names(imgs), names(images))]
        images[names(imgs)] <- imgs
        data.sample$images <- images   
    if (file.exists(file.meta))
        RDS.to.be.saved <- TRUE

    	message("Import Metadata...")
		meta.txt <- as.character(unlist(utils::read.table(file.meta, sep = "\n")))
		metadata <- list()
        metadata$x <- meta.txt 
        data.sample$metadata$x <- metadata$x

    # Create the results folder
    old.results.dir <- data.sample$files$results

    if (dir.save != "") {
        data.sample <- createResFolder(data.sample = data.sample, dir.path=dir.save)
    } else
        data.sample$files$RDS <- NULL

    if (!identical(old.results.dir, data.sample$files$results))
        RDS.to.be.saved <- TRUE

    # Saving RDS file
    if (RDS.to.be.saved && (dir.save != ""))
        saveRDS(data.sample, file=data.sample$files$RDS, compress="bzip2")

    operations <- NULL
    if (file.exists(file.config))
        operations <- loadPreprocessFile(file.config)
    new.data.sample <- applyPreprocessing(data.sample, operations, RclusTool.env)
    if (!is.null(new.data.sample)) {
        data.sample <- new.data.sample

    # Load previous results and computations (pca and/or spectral embedding)
    data.sample <- loadPreviousRes(data.sample = data.sample, noise.cluster=RclusTool.env$param$preprocess$noise.cluster)

    message(paste("Sample size = ", data.sample$size))


#' Function to purgeSample from its temporary computing results
#' @title Sample purging
#' @description Purge sample from its temporary computing results.
#' @param data.sample sample object
#' @param purge.preprocessing boolean: if TRUE (default), the configuration is reset.
#' @param purge.clustering boolean: if TRUE (default), the clusterings are reset.
#' @param user.expert boolean : if FALSE (default), initial classification feature space is PCA.
#' @return data.sample purged data.sample.
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf, sep=",", dec=".")
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf)
#' x <- computeUnSupervised(x, K=3, method.name="K-means")
#' x <- purgeSample(x, purge.clustering=TRUE)
#' @export 
purgeSample <- function(data.sample, purge.preprocessing=TRUE, purge.clustering=TRUE, user.expert=FALSE) {
    if (!purge.preprocessing && !is.null(data.sample$config)) {
        data.sample$features <- data.sample$features[1:2]
    } else {
        data.sample$id.clean <- 1:data.sample$size
        data.sample$features <- data.sample$features[1]
        data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]] <- list()
        data.sample$sampling <- NULL

        numeric.ok <- sapply(data.sample$features[[1]]$x, is.numeric)
        data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x <- data.sample$features[[1]]$x[numeric.ok]
        space <- "initial"
        if (!user.expert)
            space <- "pca"
        data.sample$config <- list(selectFeat=c(), logFeat=c(), defaultFeat=c(), signalColor=c(), operations=NULL, space=space, pca.nb.dims=0)
    if (purge.clustering)
        data.sample$clustering <- list()

#' loadPreprocessFile reads a csv file configuration with instruction to remove bad particles and builds object config that describes all preprocessings done
#' @title Preprocessing loading
#' @description Load a csv file configuration with instruction to remove bad observations and builds object config that describes all preprocessings to apply.
#' @param file.config character vector specifying the name of a csv file with preprocessing instructions.
##' @param ... parameters adressed to read.csv functions.
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @return operations character matrix describing all preprocessing operations.
#' @seealso \code{\link{applyPreprocessing}}
#' @examples
#' instr <- rbind(c("select","x","log",""), c("select","y","log",""))
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' write.table(instr, tf, sep=",", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
#' operations <- loadPreprocessFile(tf)
#' @export 
loadPreprocessFile <- function(file.config, ...)
    operations <-  utils::read.csv(file.config, header=FALSE, na.strings=c("NA",""), colClasses="character", ...)
    if (ncol(operations)!=4)
        stop("Preprocessing error: bad config file (number of fields per line should be 4)")

#' applyPreprocessing applies a new preprocess to a data.sample object
#' @title Preprocessing application
#' @description Apply a new preprocess to a data.sample object.
#' @param data.sample sample object.
#' @param operations list of data.frames describing all preprocessing operations. 
#' @param RclusTool.env environment in which all global parameters, raw data and results are stored.
#' @param reset boolean : if TRUE (default) the configuration is reset.
#' @param preprocessed.only boolean : if TRUE (default) processing are restricted to the "preprocessed" features.
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @return The \code{data.sample} sample object on which was applied the \code{operations} or NULL if preprocessing operations fail.
#' @seealso \code{\link{loadPreprocessFile}}
#' @examples
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(150, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 3), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(150, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 3), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(150, mean = 6, sd = 0.3), ncol = 3))
#' colnames(dat) <- c("x","y","z")
#' tf1 <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf1, sep=";", dec=",")
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf1, sepFeat=";", decFeat=",")
#' instr <- rbind(c("select","x","log",""), c("select","y","log",""))
#' tf2 <- tempfile()
#' write.table(instr, tf2, sep=",", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
#' operations <- loadPreprocessFile(tf2)
#' x <- applyPreprocessing(x, operations)
#' @export 

applyPreprocessing <- function(data.sample, operations=NULL, RclusTool.env=initParameters(), reset=TRUE, preprocessed.only=FALSE) {
    if (is.null(data.sample$config$operations))
        data.sample$config$operations <- matrix(ncol=4,nrow=0)

    if (!reset) {
        idem <- identical(data.sample$config$operations, operations)
        if (idem)

    if (reset)
        data.sample <- purgeSample(data.sample, purge.preprocessing=TRUE, purge.clustering=FALSE, user.expert=(RclusTool.env$gui$user.type=="expert"))
	#if (!nrow(data.sample$config$operations))
	#	return(data.sample)

    #if (!is.null(operations))
    #    operations <- tolower(operations)

    #develop short operations (combinations select+log for example)
    operations <- detailOperation(operations)

    if (preprocessed.only)
        to.remove <- tolower(operations[,1]) %in% c("projection", "space", "sampling")
        operations <- operations[!to.remove,,drop=FALSE]

    pca.compute <- FALSE
    pca.nb.dims <- NA
    spectral.compute <- FALSE
    sampling.compute <- FALSE
    scaling.compute <- FALSE
    sampling.size.max <- NA
    data.sample$config$scaling <- FALSE
    default.space.info <- NULL

    for (row in rownames(operations))
        op <- operations[row,]
        type <- tolower(op[1])

        feature <- NULL

        # filter observations
        if (type=="outlier")
            feature <- matchNames(op[2], colnames(data.sample$features$preprocessed$x))
            sign <- op[3]
            threshold <- as.numeric(op[4])
            if (length(feature)) {
                if (sign==">") {
                    data.sample$id.clean <- data.sample$id.clean[!(data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[data.sample$id.clean,feature] > threshold)]
                } else if (sign=="<") {
                    data.sample$id.clean <- data.sample$id.clean[!(data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[data.sample$id.clean,feature] < threshold)]
                } else if (sign=="=") {
                    data.sample$id.clean <- data.sample$id.clean[!(data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[data.sample$id.clean,feature] == threshold)]
            } else {
                message("Error: Corrupted preprocessing configuration, please retry with another one (filter operation).")
                warning("Corrupted preprocessing configuration, please retry with another one (filter operation).")
        #select features
        if (type=="select")
            feature <- matchNames(op[2], colnames(data.sample$features$preprocessed$x))
            if (length(feature)){
                data.sample$config$selectFeat <- c(data.sample$config$selectFeat, feature)
            } else {
                message("Error: Corrupted preprocessing configuration, please retry with another one (select operation).")
                warning("Corrupted preprocessing configuration, please retry with another one (select operation).")

        if (type=="default")
            feature <- matchNames(op[2], colnames(data.sample$features$preprocessed$x))
            if (length(feature))
                id <- which(data.sample$config$logFeat==feature)
                #if (length(id))
                #feature <- names(data.sample$config$logFeat)[id] #pour la visu, on vire le log
                data.sample$config$defaultFeat <- c(data.sample$config$defaultFeat, feature)
            } else {
                message("Error: Corrupted preprocessing configuration, please retry with another one (default operation).")
                warning("Corrupted preprocessing configuration, please retry with another one (default operation).")

        if ((type=="signalcolor")&&(!is.null(data.sample$profiles)))
            feature <- matchNames(op[2], colnames(data.sample$profiles[[1]]))
            if (length(feature)){
                data.sample$config$signalColor[feature] <- tolower(op[3])
            } else {
                message("Error: Corrupted preprocessing configuration, please retry with another one (signalColor operation). ")
                warning("Corrupted preprocessing configuration, please retry with another one (signalColor operation). ")

        if ((type=="/")||(type=="*")||(type=="+")||(type=="-"))
            operator <- type
            feature <- matchNames(op[2:3], colnames(data.sample$features$preprocessed$x)) 
            operation.name <- paste(feature[1], operator, feature[2])
            if (length(feature)==2)
                if (operator=="/") {
                    y <- data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[, feature[1]] / removeZeros(data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[, feature[2]], threshold=RclusTool.env$param$preprocess$zero.threshold) #attention au seuil
                } else if (operator=="+") {
                    y <- data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[, feature[1]] + data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[, feature[2]]
                } else if (operator=="-") {
                    y <- data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[, feature[1]] - data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[, feature[2]]
                } else if (operator=="*") {
                    y <- data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[, feature[1]] * data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[, feature[2]]
                y <- matrix(y, ncol=1)
                data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[,operation.name] <- y
            } else {
                message("Error: Corrupted preprocessing configuration, please retry with another one (/*+- operation).")
                warning("Corrupted preprocessing configuration, please retry with another one (/*+- operation).")
            feature <- operation.name

        if (type=="log")
            feature <- matchNames(op[2], colnames(data.sample$features$preprocessed$x))
            id <- which(colnames(data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x)==feature)
            z <- data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[, feature]
            ok <- all(z>=-RclusTool.env$param$preprocess$zero.threshold)
            if (ok && length(feature)) {
                newName <- paste(feature, "(log)")
                names(newName) <- feature
                data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[, newName] <- log10(removeZeros(z, threshold=RclusTool.env$param$preprocess$zero.threshold, positive=TRUE))
                data.sample$config$logFeat[feature] <- newName
            } else {
                message("Error: Corrupted preprocessing configuration, please retry with another one (log operation).")
                warning("Corrupted preprocessing configuration, please retry with another one (log operation).")

        if (type=="projection")
            if (tolower(op[2])=="pca")
                pca.nb.dims <- as.numeric(op[3])
                pca.compute <- TRUE

            if (tolower(op[2])=="spectral")
                spectral.compute <- TRUE

        if (type=="scaling")
            scaling.compute <- TRUE
            data.sample$config$scaling <- TRUE

        if (type=="sampling")
            sampling.size.max <- as.numeric(op[2])
            sampling.compute <- TRUE

        if (type=="space")
            default.space.info <- tolower(op[2])

    # filter
    if (length(data.sample$id.clean) == 0)
        message("Problem: all observations are cleaned = considered as noise !!")

    # log
    logscale <- is.element(colnames(data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x), data.sample$config$logFeat)
    names(logscale) <- colnames(data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x)
    data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$logscale <- logscale

    # clusterings
    label <- rep(RclusTool.env$param$preprocess$noise.cluster, length(data.sample$id.clean))
    label <- formatLabelSample(label, data.sample, noise.cluster=RclusTool.env$param$preprocess$noise.cluster)
    summary <- clusterSummary(data.sample, label, summary.functions=RclusTool.env$param$analysis$summary.functions)
    data.sample$clustering[["no-clustering"]] <- list(label=label,
    data.sample$config$operations <- rbind(data.sample$config$operations, operations)

    if (is.null(data.sample$config$selectFeat))
            data.sample$config$selectFeat <- colnames(data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x)
    if (length(data.sample$config$selectFeat)<2)
        warning("The number of selected features is lower than 2: then, all features are selected.")
        data.sample$config$selectFeat <- colnames(data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x)

    data.sample$config$defaultFeat <- utils::tail(data.sample$config$defaultFeat, 2) # last 2 features are kept
    if (length(data.sample$config$defaultFeat)>=1)
        names(data.sample$config$defaultFeat)[1] <- "parH"
    if (length(data.sample$config$defaultFeat)>=2)
        names(data.sample$config$defaultFeat)[2] <- "parV"

    prefix.space.name <- c()
    space.name <- "preprocessed"

    # scaling check
	if (scaling.compute)
        prefix.space.name <- c(prefix.space.name, "scaled")
        space.name <- paste(prefix.space.name, collapse=".")

        if ((reset==TRUE)||is.null(data.sample$features[[space.name]]))
            data.sample$features[[space.name]] <- data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]
            data.sample$features[[space.name]]$x <- as.data.frame(scale(data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE))

    # sampling check
    if (sampling.compute)
        if (is.na(sampling.size.max) || (sampling.size.max<0)){
            warning("Please enter a valid number for sampling > 0")

        # Call 'computeSampling' function
        if ((reset==TRUE)||is.null(data.sample$sampling)|| (!is.null(data.sample$config$sampling.size.max)&&(sampling.size.max!=0)&&(data.sample$config$sampling.size.max!=sampling.size.max)))
            data.sample$sampling <- computeSampling(data.sample$features[[space.name]]$x[data.sample$id.clean,data.sample$config$selectFeat,drop=FALSE], K.max=RclusTool.env$param$classif$unsup$K.max, 
                                                    sampling.size.max=sampling.size.max, kmeans.variance.min=RclusTool.env$param$classif$unsup$kmeans.variance.min)
            data.sample$config$sampling.size.max <- sampling.size.max

    # projections
    if (pca.compute) 
        if ((is.na(pca.nb.dims) || (pca.nb.dims<0) || (pca.nb.dims==1) || (pca.nb.dims>length(data.sample$config$selectFeat) )
             || (pca.nb.dims>RclusTool.env$param$preprocess$pca$nb.dims.max))){
            warning(paste("Please enter a valid number of component principals <=",
                          min(ncol(data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x), RclusTool.env$param$preprocess$pca$nb.dims.max)))

        #prefix.space.name <- c(prefix.space.name, "pca")
        space.name <- paste(c(prefix.space.name, "pca"), collapse=".")
        space.name.full <- paste(c(prefix.space.name, "pca_full"), collapse=".")
        if ((reset==TRUE)||is.null(data.sample$features[[space.name]]))

            # Call 'computePcaSample' function
            data.sample$features[c(space.name.full,space.name)] <- computePcaSample(data.sample,
                                                                               pca.nb.dims = pca.nb.dims, selected.var=data.sample$config$selectFeat, 
                                                                                                   scale=scaling.compute), pca.variance.cum.min=RclusTool.env$param$preprocess$pca$variance.cum.min)
            data.sample$config$pca.nb.dims <- pca.nb.dims

    if (spectral.compute)
        prefix.space.name <- c(prefix.space.name, "spectral")
        space.name <- paste(prefix.space.name, collapse=".")

        sampling.change <- FALSE
        if (!is.null(data.sample$features[[space.name]]))
            sampling.ok <- (nrow(data.sample$features[[space.name]]$x) == length(data.sample$sampling$selection.ids))
            if (sampling.compute && !sampling.ok)
                sampling.change <- TRUE

            no.sampling.ok <- (nrow(data.sample$features[[space.name]]$x) == nrow(data.sample$features$preprocessed$x))
            if (!sampling.compute && !no.sampling.ok)
                sampling.change <- TRUE

        if (reset || is.null(data.sample$features[[space.name]]) || sampling.change)
            data.sample$features[[space.name]] <- computeSpectralEmbeddingSample(data.sample = data.sample, 
                                                                                 use.sampling = sampling.compute,,
                                                                                 selected.var = data.sample$config$selectFeat,

    if (!is.null(default.space.info))
        space <- "preprocessed"
        pattern <- tolower(default.space.info)
        if ((pattern=="pca")||(pattern=="principal components analysis"))
            space <- grep("pca", names(data.sample$features), fixed=TRUE, value=TRUE)[1]
        if ((pattern=="spectral")||(pattern=="spectral embedding"))
            space <- grep("spectral", names(data.sample$features), fixed=TRUE, value=TRUE)[1]
        data.sample$config$default.classif.feature.space <- space


#' addOperation create configuration object for the datasample
#' @title Add operation
#' @param parameterList, list of Preprocessing instructions for an operation. 
#' @param featureOperations, matrix where to list Operations on features.
#' @return The configuration object created by the list of preprocessing instructions \code{parameterList} in \code{featureOperations}.
#' @examples
#' featOp <- matrix(ncol=4,nrow=0)
#' #Adding two differents variables
#' featOp <- addOperation(list("+","x","y"), featOp)
#' #Select a variable
#' featOp <- addOperation(list("select","x"), featOp)
#' #Change a profile color
#' featOp <- addOperation(list("signalColor","x","grey"), featOp)
#' #Make a PCA projection (with the number of dimensions)
#' featOp <- addOperation(list("projection","pca","0"), featOp)
#' #Make a spectral projection
#' featOp <- addOperation(list("projection","spectral"), featOp)
#' #Scale the data
#' featOp <- addOperation(list("scaling","on"), featOp)
#' #Sample the data (with a sampling size)
#' featOp <- addOperation(list("sampling","150"), featOp)
#' #Make a log transformation of a variable
#' featOp <- addOperation(list("log","x"), featOp)
#' @export

addOperation <- function(parameterList, featureOperations){
    mat <- formatParameterList(parameterList)
    name <- row.names(mat)
    matchName <- matchNames(row.names(mat), row.names(featureOperations))
    	if (!is.null(matchName)) {
    		featureOperations[name,] <- mat
    	} else
    		featureOperations <- rbind(featureOperations, mat)
#' makeFeatureSpaceOperations create config object for datasample
#' @title Make operation config object to build feature spaces
#' @param pca boolean: if TRUE, Principal Components Analysis is applied to reduce the data space.
#' @param pca.nb.dims number of principal components kept. If pca.nb.dims=0, this number is computed automatically.
#' @param spectral boolean: if TRUE, spectral embedding is applied to reduce the data space.
#' @param sampling boolean: if TRUE, data sampling is used.
#' @param sampling.size.max : maximum size of the sampled dataframe.
#' @param scaling boolean: if TRUE, scaling is applied.
#' @return configuration object created from parameters.
#' @examples
#' operations <- makeFeatureSpaceOperations(pca=TRUE)
#' @keywords internal

makeFeatureSpaceOperations <- function(pca=FALSE, pca.nb.dims=0, spectral=FALSE, sampling=FALSE, sampling.size.max=0, scaling=FALSE) {
	featureOperations <- matrix(ncol=4,nrow=0)
	txt.scaling <- NULL
	txt.space <- "preprocessed"
	if (sampling==TRUE){
		featureOperations <- addOperation(list("sampling",as.character(sampling.size.max)), featureOperations)
	if (scaling==TRUE){
		featureOperations <- addOperation(list("scaling","on"), featureOperations)
		txt.space <- NULL
	if (pca==TRUE){
		featureOperations <- addOperation(list("projection","pca", as.character(pca.nb.dims)), featureOperations)
		txt.space<- "pca"
	if (spectral==TRUE){
		featureOperations <- addOperation(list("projection","spectral"), featureOperations)
		txt.space<- "spectral"
	char.vector <- c(txt.scaling, txt.space)
	space <- paste(char.vector, collapse=".")  
	operations <- list(instr=featureOperations, space=space)

#' formatLabelSample formats labels for unsupervised classification and adds cleaned observations as 'Noise'
#' @title Labels formatting
#' @description Format labels for unsupervised classification and add cleaned observations as 'Noise'.
#' @param label vector of labels.
#' @param data.sample sample object.
#' @param new.labels boolean: if TRUE (default), new names are given for each cluster (beginning by 'Cluster'). 
#' @param use.sampling boolean: if TRUE (not default), data.sample$sampling is used to generalize label from sampling set to the whole set.
#' @param noise.cluster character name of the cluster "noise".
#' @importFrom stats relevel
#' @return new.labels formatted labels.
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf, sep=",", dec=".")
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf)
#' res <- KmeansQuick(x$features$initial$x, K=3)
#' new.labels <- formatLabelSample(res$cluster, x)
#' @export
formatLabelSample <- function(label, data.sample, new.labels=TRUE, use.sampling=FALSE, noise.cluster="Noise") {
    label <- sortLabel(label)

    if (new.labels)
        levels(label) <- paste("Cluster", 1:length(levels(label)))

    niv <- levels(label)
    if (!(noise.cluster %in% niv)) {
        niv <- c(noise.cluster, niv)
        label <- factor(label, levels=niv)
    } else {
        label <- stats::relevel(label, noise.cluster)
        niv <- levels(label)

    if (use.sampling)
        names(label) <- data.sample$sampling$selection.ids
        label <- label[data.sample$sampling$matching]

    new.label <- factor(rep(noise.cluster, data.sample$size), levels=niv)
    new.label[data.sample$id.clean] <- label
    names(new.label) <- rownames(data.sample$features[[1]]$x)


#' sortLabel sorts clusters labels by decreasing sizes, in unsupervised classification
#' @title Clusters labels sorting
#' @description Sort clusters labels by decreasing sizes for unsupervised classification.
#' @param label vector of labels (integers).
#' @importFrom stats reorder
#' @return sorted labels
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf, sep=",", dec=".")
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf)
#' res <- KmeansQuick(x$features$initial$x, K=3)
#' sortLabel(res$cluster)
#' @keywords internal
sortLabel <- function(label) {
    stats::reorder(label, rep(1, length(label)), function(x) {-sum(x)})

#' importLabelSample imports labels
#' @title Labels importation
#' @description Import labels and add cleaned observations as 'noise'.
#' @param label vector of labels.
#' @param data.sample sample object.
#' @param noise.cluster character name of the cluster "Noise".
#' @importFrom stats relevel
#' @return new.labels imported labels.
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf, sep=",", dec=".")
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf)
#' res <- KmeansQuick(x$features$initial$x, K=3)
#' new.labels <- importLabelSample(res$cluster, x)
#' @keywords internal 
importLabelSample <- function(label, data.sample, noise.cluster="Noise") {
    new.label <- rep(noise.cluster, data.sample$size)
    names(new.label) <- rownames(data.sample$features[[1]]$x)

    if (length(unique(names(label)))!=length(label))
        warning("Clustering data.frame contains non-unique item IDs.")

    #matching <- match(names(label), rownames(data.sample$features[[1]]$x)
    #ind.ok <- !is.na(matching)
    #new.label[matching[ind.ok]] <- as.character(label[ind.ok])
    new.label[names(label)] <- as.character(label)

    new.label <- sortLabel(new.label)

    niv <- levels(new.label)
    if (!(noise.cluster %in% niv)) {
        niv <- c(noise.cluster, niv)
        new.label <- factor(new.label, levels=niv)
    } else {
        new.label <- stats::relevel(new.label, noise.cluster)
        niv <- levels(label)

    to.clean <- rep(TRUE, data.sample$size)
    to.clean[data.sample$id.clean] <- FALSE

    new.label[to.clean] <- noise.cluster


#' createResFolder creates results directories for the sample.
#' @title Results directories creation
#' @description Create results directories for the sample.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param data.sample sample object.
#' @param dir.name directory name where to store results.
#' @param dir.path path where to create results directory.
#' @return data.sample updated with results directories.
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf, sep=",", dec=".")
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf, dir.save=dirname(tf))
#' #Already called in importSample 
#' createResFolder(x, dir.path=dirname(tf))
#' @keywords internal
createResFolder <- function(data.sample, dir.name="", dir.path="") {
    if (!length(data.sample))

    if (!dir.exists(dir.path))
        resDir <- tempdir()
    } else {
        # What name to give???
        if (dir.name == "")
            dir.name <- paste(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(data.sample$files$features )), 
                              "_RclusTool", sep = "")

        resDir <- file.path(dir.path, dir.name)
    data.sample$files$results$dir <- resDir
    data.sample$files$results$preprocess <- file.path(resDir, "preprocess")
    data.sample$files$results$clustering <- file.path(resDir, "clustering")
    data.sample$files$results$rdata <- file.path(resDir, "rdata")
    data.sample$files$results$prototypes <- file.path(resDir, "prototypes")

    # Check if results directory already exists
    if (!dir.exists(resDir)) {
        dir.create(file.path(resDir, "preprocess"))
        dir.create(file.path(resDir, "clustering"))
        dir.create(file.path(resDir, "rdata"))
        dir.create(file.path(resDir, "prototypes"))


#' loadPreviousRes loads previous results obtained from previous analyses.
#' @title Previous clustering results loading
#' @description Load previous clustering results obtained from previous analyses.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param data.sample sample object.
#' @param noise.cluster character name of the cluster "Noise".
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @return data.sample updated with previous clustering results.
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf, sep=",", dec=".")
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf, dir.save=dirname(tf))
#' loadPreviousRes(x)
#' @keywords internal
loadPreviousRes <- function(data.sample, noise.cluster="Noise") {
    message("Search previous results...\n")

    # Load features spaces
    rep <- data.sample$files$results$rdata
    rdataFiles <- NULL
    if (is.character(rep) && dir.exists(rep)) {
        rdataFiles <- list.files(rep)
        for (i in rdataFiles) {
            message("Load", i, "...")
            data.sample$features[[i]] <- readRDS(file.path(data.sample$files$results$rdata, i))

    # Load clusterings
    rep <- data.sample$files$results$clustering
    clusteringFiles <- NULL
    if (is.character(rep) && dir.exists(rep)) {
        resultsFiles <- list.files(rep, pattern = ".csv")
        clusteringFiles <- resultsFiles[grep("clustering", resultsFiles)]
        for (i in clusteringFiles) {
            clustering_name <- unlist(strsplit(i, split='.csv', fixed=TRUE))[1]
            clustering_name <- unlist(strsplit(clustering_name, split='clustering ', fixed=TRUE))[2]
            message("Load", clustering_name, "...")
            clustering_name <- paste(clustering_name, "(Loaded)", sep=" ")
            data.sample$clustering[[clustering_name]] <- buildClusteringSample(file.path(data.sample$files$results$clustering, i), 
                                                                              data.sample, noise.cluster=noise.cluster)
            countFiles <- resultsFiles[grep("counts", resultsFiles)]
            countFiles <- countFiles[grep(i, countFiles)]
            if (length(countFiles) > 0) {
                file <- file.path(data.sample$files$results$clustering, countFiles)
                counts.df <- utils::read.csv(file, row.names=1)
                nbItems <- counts.df[[2]]
                names(nbItems) <- counts.df[[1]]
                data.sample$clustering[[i]]$nbItems <- nbItems


    if ((length(rdataFiles) == 0) && (length(clusteringFiles) == 0))
        message("No previous results to load!\n")


#' savePreprocess exports all preprocessing operations in a csv file
#' @title Preprocessing exportation
#' @description Export all preprocessing operations in a csv file.
#' @param filename.csv character vector specifying the name of the csv file.
#' @param config 4-columns character matrix describing all preprocessing operations.
#' @param dir character vector specifying the directory of the csv file.
#' @return csv file containing preprocessing.
#' @importFrom utils alarm write.table
#' @examples 
#' test.file <- tempfile()
#' config <- matrix(c("select","x",NA,NA,"select","y",NA,NA), byrow=TRUE, ncol=4)
#' savePreprocess(basename(test.file), config, dirname(test.file))
#' @export
savePreprocess <- function(filename.csv, config, dir) {
	filename.csv <- file.path(dir, filename.csv) 
    if (!nchar(filename.csv)) {
        tkmessageBox(message="Filename not valid.", title="Save preprocessing")
    utils::write.table(config, file = filename.csv, fileEncoding="UTF-8", 
                row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = ",", dec = ".")

#' matchNames correct Maj/Min to match operations and Features/Profiles columns
#' @title Match Names
#' @description make a new character from two characters with maj/min adjustment 
#' @param requested.names a character vector from an operation.
#' @param names.set a character vector from Features/Profiles column.
#' @return character
#' @examples 
#' matchedName<-matchNames("Profiles","profiles")
#' matchedName
#' @keywords internal

matchNames <- function(requested.names, names.set)
    formated.names <- make.names(toupper(as.character(requested.names)))

    if (!is.null(names.set))
        names(names.set) <- make.names(toupper(names.set))
    val <- names.set[formated.names]
    if (length(val)&&!is.na(val))
        val <- as.character(val)
    } else {
        val <- NULL

#' formatParameterList format parameters required by following functions, dealing with operations on features
#' @title Format Parameter List
#' @param parameterList list describing a single preprocessing instruction.
#' @param lowercase boolean to build lowercase operation name.
#' @return format Parameter character matrix
#' @examples
#' instr <- list("select","x","log")
#' formatParameterList <- formatParameterList(instr)
#' @keywords internal

formatParameterList <- function(parameterList, lowercase=FALSE)
    vec <- as.character(parameterList)
    n <- length(vec)
    if (n<4) {
        vec <- c(vec, rep(NA,4-n))

    mat <- matrix(vec, ncol=4)

    colnames(mat) <- paste("arg", 1:4, sep="") 
    rownames(mat) <- buildNameOperation(mat[1,], lowercase)


#' buildNameOperation build name of a single operation from its parameters
#' @title Build Name Operation
#' @param formatedRow vector describing preprocessing operations
#' @param lowercase boolean to build lowercase operation name.
#' @return name of a single operation
#' @examples 
#' formatedRow<-c(arg1="log", arg2="x", arg3="", arg4="")
#' buildNameOperation(formatedRow)
#' @keywords internal

buildNameOperation <- function(formatedRow, lowercase=FALSE)
    name <- NULL
    if (lowercase)
        formatedRow <- tolower(formatedRow)
    type <- tolower(formatedRow["arg1"])
    # attention : en minuscules !!
    if ((type=="select")||(type=="default")||(type=="signalcolor")||(type=="log")||(type=="projection")||(type=="space")||(type=="sampling")||(type=="scaling"))
        extension <- paste("(",type,")", sep="")
        name <- paste(formatedRow["arg2"], extension)
    } else
        if ((type=="/")||(type=="*")||(type=="+")||(type=="-"))
            name <- paste(formatedRow["arg2"], type, formatedRow["arg3"], sep = " ")
        } else
            if (type=="outlier")
                extension <- paste("(",formatedRow["arg3"],")", sep="")
                name <- paste(formatedRow["arg2"], extension)

#' detailOperation develop short operations (combinations select+log for example)
#' @description detail operation which are in config list
#' @title detail Operation
#' @param config list of data.frames describing all preprocessing operations.
#' @return newConfig
#' instr <- rbind(c("select","x","log",""), c("select","y","log",""))
#' tf2 <- tempfile()
#' write.table(instr, tf2, sep=",", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
#' operations <- loadPreprocessFile(tf2)
#' detailOperations<-detailOperation(operations)
#' @keywords internal

detailOperation <- function(config=NULL)
    if (is.null(config))
        config <- matrix(ncol=4,nrow=0)

    newConfig <- matrix(ncol=4,nrow=0)
    if (!nrow(config))
    for (i in 1:nrow(config))
        op <- formatParameterList(config[i,,drop=FALSE])
        if ((op[1]=="select") && (!is.na(op[3]))) # case: (op[3]=="log")
            newfeat <- formatParameterList(list(op[3], op[2]))
            newConfig <- rbind(newConfig, newfeat)
            newConfig <- rbind(newConfig, formatParameterList(list(op[1],row.names(newfeat))))
        } else
            if (((op[1]=="/")||(op[1]=="*")||(op[1]=="+")||(op[1]=="-")) && (!is.na(op[4]))) # case: (op[4]=="log")
                newfeat <- formatParameterList(op[-4])
                newConfig <- rbind(newConfig, newfeat)
                newConfig <- rbind(newConfig, formatParameterList(list(op[4],row.names(newfeat))))
            } else
                newConfig <- rbind(newConfig, op)

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