
Defines functions oos_linproj dt_rpca dt_phate_partial dt_mmds dt_spca dt_lmds dt_fa dt_mds dt_pca cpp_fosmod_crosscorr cpp_fosmod_orthogonalize cpp_fosmod_orthogonalize_vec dt_enet dt_lasso admm_lasso dt_cscore v2aux_pdist2 v2aux_pagerank main_bmds bmds_compute_SSR method_crca method_ispe method_spe method_ree method_lleM method_lleWauto method_lleW method_eigenmaps method_tsne method_snesym method_sne method_lsls method_scoresum method_nrsr method_rsr method_disr method_lspe method_spufs method_nnembedmin method_nnprojmin method_nnprojmax method_lfda_maximaldistance method_kmmcvec method_lspp_computeW method_trfextlpp method_bpca method_olpp method_npe method_fa method_rpgauss method_ica method_mdsD method_mds method_pca handy_hadamardABCsqrt handy_hadamardABC handy_plus aux_numderiv methods_boxcount aux_rank aux_expm linsolve.bicgstab.single.sparse linsolve.bicgstab.single aux_geigen aux_scatter_pairwise aux_scatter aux_regout aux_minmax aux_eigendecomposition aux_kernelcov aux_landmarkMaxMin aux_shortestpath aux_perplexity aux_preprocess

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

aux_preprocess <- function(X, flag) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_aux_preprocess`, X, flag)

aux_perplexity <- function(X, perplexity) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_aux_perplexity`, X, perplexity)

aux_shortestpath <- function(wmat) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_aux_shortestpath`, wmat)

aux_landmarkMaxMin <- function(pD, plandmark, seqnp) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_aux_landmarkMaxMin`, pD, plandmark, seqnp)

aux_kernelcov <- function(tX, knumber, par1, par2) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_aux_kernelcov`, tX, knumber, par1, par2)

aux_eigendecomposition <- function(X) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_aux_eigendecomposition`, X)

aux_minmax <- function(X, gap) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_aux_minmax`, X, gap)

aux_regout <- function(X, tgt) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_aux_regout`, X, tgt)

aux_scatter <- function(X, mu) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_aux_scatter`, X, mu)

aux_scatter_pairwise <- function(X) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_aux_scatter_pairwise`, X)

aux_geigen <- function(A, B) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_aux_geigen`, A, B)

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
linsolve.bicgstab.single <- function(A, b, xinit, reltol, maxiter, M) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_single_bicgstab`, A, b, xinit, reltol, maxiter, M)

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
linsolve.bicgstab.single.sparse <- function(A, b, xinit, reltol, maxiter, M) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_single_bicgstab_sparse`, A, b, xinit, reltol, maxiter, M)

aux_expm <- function(A) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_aux_expm`, A)

aux_rank <- function(A) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_aux_rank`, A)

methods_boxcount <- function(tX, Imin, currentr) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_methods_boxcount`, tX, Imin, currentr)

aux_numderiv <- function(x, y) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_aux_numderiv`, x, y)

handy_plus <- function(X) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_handy_plus`, X)

handy_hadamardABC <- function(A, B, C) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_handy_hadamardABC`, A, B, C)

handy_hadamardABCsqrt <- function(A, B, C) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_handy_hadamardABCsqrt`, A, B, C)

#' @keywords internal

#' @keywords internal
method_pca <- function(psdX) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_pca`, psdX)

#' @keywords internal
method_mds <- function(centerX) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_mds`, centerX)

#' @keywords internal
method_mdsD <- function(D) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_mdsD`, D)

#' @keywords internal
method_ica <- function(X, C, maxiter, tol, tnum, tpar, sym) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_ica`, X, C, maxiter, tol, tnum, tpar, sym)

#' @keywords internal
method_rpgauss <- function(X, k) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_rpgauss`, X, k)

method_fa <- function(X, k, maxiter, tolerance) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_fa`, X, k, maxiter, tolerance)

#' @keywords internal
method_npe <- function(X, W) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_npe`, X, W)

#' @keywords internal
method_olpp <- function(X, S, ndim) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_olpp`, X, S, ndim)

#' @keywords internal
method_bpca <- function(T, reltol, maxiter) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_bpca`, T, reltol, maxiter)

#' @keywords internal
method_trfextlpp <- function(D, a, b) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_trfextlpp`, D, a, b)

#' @keywords internal
method_lspp_computeW <- function(S, svec) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_lspp_computeW`, S, svec)

#' @keywords internal
method_kmmcvec <- function(X, partmat, param) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_kmmcvec`, X, partmat, param)

#' @keywords internal
method_lfda_maximaldistance <- function(tvec, tmat) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_lfda_maximaldistance`, tvec, tmat)

#' @keywords internal
method_nnprojmax <- function(C, Uinit, tol, maxiter) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_nnprojmax`, C, Uinit, tol, maxiter)

#' @keywords internal
method_nnprojmin <- function(C, Uinit, tol, maxiter) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_nnprojmin`, C, Uinit, tol, maxiter)

#' @keywords internal
method_nnembedmin <- function(M, Yinit, tol, maxiter) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_nnembedmin`, M, Yinit, tol, maxiter)

#' @keywords internal
method_spufs <- function(X, Ls, alpha, beta, epsilon) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_spufs`, X, Ls, alpha, beta, epsilon)

#' @keywords internal
method_lspe <- function(X, d, alpha, beta, L) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_lspe`, X, d, alpha, beta, L)

method_disr <- function(D, lbd1, lbd2) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_disr`, D, lbd1, lbd2)

#' @keywords internal
method_rsr <- function(X, lbd, verysmall) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_rsr`, X, lbd, verysmall)

#' @keywords internal
method_nrsr <- function(X, lbd, verysmall, p) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_nrsr`, X, lbd, verysmall, p)

method_scoresum <- function(X, S) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_scoresum`, X, S)

method_lsls <- function(X, nbd) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_lsls`, X, nbd)

method_sne <- function(P, ndim0, eta0, maxiter0, jitter0, decay0, momentum0) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_sne`, P, ndim0, eta0, maxiter0, jitter0, decay0, momentum0)

method_snesym <- function(P, ndim0, eta0, maxiter0, jitter0, decay0, momentum0) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_snesym`, P, ndim0, eta0, maxiter0, jitter0, decay0, momentum0)

method_tsne <- function(P, ndim0, eta0, maxiter0, jitter0, decay0, momentum0) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_tsne`, P, ndim0, eta0, maxiter0, jitter0, decay0, momentum0)

method_eigenmaps <- function(W) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_eigenmaps`, W)

method_lleW <- function(mat_tgt, vec_tgt, regparam) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_lleW`, mat_tgt, vec_tgt, regparam)

method_lleWauto <- function(mat_tgt, vec_tgt) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_lleWauto`, mat_tgt, vec_tgt)

method_lleM <- function(W) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_lleM`, W)

method_ree <- function(B, W, D, initc, abstol, maxiter) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_ree`, B, W, D, initc, abstol, maxiter)

method_spe <- function(R, iX, C, S, lambda, drate, matselector) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_spe`, R, iX, C, S, lambda, drate, matselector)

method_ispe <- function(R, iX, C, S, lambda, drate, matselector, cutoff) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_ispe`, R, iX, C, S, lambda, drate, matselector, cutoff)

method_crca <- function(Xij, Yinit, lambda, alpha, maxiter, tolerance, vecselector) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_method_crca`, Xij, Yinit, lambda, alpha, maxiter, tolerance, vecselector)

bmds_compute_SSR <- function(D, Delta) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_bmds_compute_SSR`, D, Delta)

main_bmds <- function(D, X0, sigg0, a, alpha, maxiter, constant, verbose, betas) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_main_bmds`, D, X0, sigg0, a, alpha, maxiter, constant, verbose, betas)

v2aux_pagerank <- function(A) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_v2aux_pagerank`, A)

v2aux_pdist2 <- function(X, Y) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_v2aux_pdist2`, X, Y)

dt_cscore <- function(X, ndim, label, myscore, mylbd) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_dt_cscore`, X, ndim, label, myscore, mylbd)

admm_lasso <- function(A, b, lambda) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_admm_lasso`, A, b, lambda)

dt_lasso <- function(X, ndim, y, lambda) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_dt_lasso`, X, ndim, y, lambda)

dt_enet <- function(X, ndim, y, lambda1, lambda2) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_dt_enet`, X, ndim, y, lambda1, lambda2)

cpp_fosmod_orthogonalize_vec <- function(orthovec, others) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_cpp_fosmod_orthogonalize_vec`, orthovec, others)

cpp_fosmod_orthogonalize <- function(orthovecs, others) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_cpp_fosmod_orthogonalize`, orthovecs, others)

cpp_fosmod_crosscorr <- function(data, ortho) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_cpp_fosmod_crosscorr`, data, ortho)

dt_pca <- function(X, ndim, cor) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_dt_pca`, X, ndim, cor)

dt_mds <- function(X, ndim) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_dt_mds`, X, ndim)

dt_fa <- function(X, ndim, maxiter, tolerance) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_dt_fa`, X, ndim, maxiter, tolerance)

dt_lmds <- function(X, ndim, npts) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_dt_lmds`, X, ndim, npts)

dt_spca <- function(X, ndim, mu, rho, abstol, reltol, maxiter) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_dt_spca`, X, ndim, mu, rho, abstol, reltol, maxiter)

dt_mmds <- function(X, ndim, maxiter, abstol) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_dt_mmds`, X, ndim, maxiter, abstol)

dt_phate_partial <- function(P, ndim, dtype, maxiter, abstol, smacof) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_dt_phate_partial`, P, ndim, dtype, maxiter, abstol, smacof)

dt_rpca <- function(X, mu, lambda, maxiter, abstol) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_dt_rpca`, X, mu, lambda, maxiter, abstol)

oos_linproj <- function(Xold, Yold, Xnew) {
    .Call(`_Rdimtools_oos_linproj`, Xold, Yold, Xnew)

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Rdimtools documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 1:44 a.m.