
Defines functions spotAlgEsSelection spotAlgEsObjMutation spotAlgEsStratMutation spotAlgEsDominantReco spotAlgEsInterReco spotAlgEsInterRecoBeSw02 spotAlgEsMarriage spotAlgEsMarriageWithReplace spotAlgEsInitParentPop spotAlgEsIndividualInitial spotAlgEsGetSuccessRate spotAlgEsHps spotAlgEsTermination spotAlgEs optimES

Documented in optimES spotAlgEs spotAlgEsDominantReco spotAlgEsGetSuccessRate spotAlgEsHps spotAlgEsIndividualInitial spotAlgEsInitParentPop spotAlgEsInterReco spotAlgEsInterRecoBeSw02 spotAlgEsMarriage spotAlgEsMarriageWithReplace spotAlgEsObjMutation spotAlgEsSelection spotAlgEsStratMutation spotAlgEsTermination

#' @title Evolution Strategy 
#' @description  This is an implementation of an Evolution Strategy.
#' @param x optional start point, not used
#' @param fun objective function, which receives a matrix x and returns observations y
#' @param lower is a vector that defines the lower boundary of search space (this also defines the dimensionality of the problem)
#' @param upper is a vector that defines the upper boundary of search space (same length as lower)
#' @param control list of control parameters. The \code{control} list can contain the following settings:
#' \describe{
#' 			\item{funEvals}{number of function evaluations, stopping criterion, default is \code{500}}
#' 			\item{mue}{number of parents, default is \code{10}}
#' 			\item{nu}{selection pressure. That means, number of offspring (lambda) is mue multiplied with nu. Default is \code{10}}
#' 			\item{mutation}{string of mutation type, default is \code{1}}
#' 			\item{sigmaInit}{initial sigma value (step size), default is \code{1.0}}
#' 			\item{nSigma}{number of different sigmas, default is \code{1}}
#' 			\item{tau0}{number, default is \code{0.0}. tau0 is the general multiplier.}
#' 			\item{tau}{number, learning parameter for self adaption, i.e. the local multiplier for step sizes (for each dimension).default is \code{1.0}}
#' 			\item{rho}{number of parents involved in the procreation of an offspring (mixing number), default is \code{"bi"}}
#' 			\item{sel}{number of selected individuals, default is \code{1}}
#' 			\item{stratReco}{Recombination operator for strategy variables. \code{1}: none. \code{2}: dominant/discrete (default). \code{3}: intermediate. \code{4}: variation of intermediate recombination. }
#' 			\item{objReco}{Recombination operator for object variables. \code{1}: none. \code{2}: dominant/discrete (default). \code{3}: intermediate. \code{4}: variation of intermediate recombination. }
#' 			\item{maxGen}{number of generations, stopping criterion, default is \code{Inf}}
#' 			\item{seed}{number, random seed, default is \code{1}}
#' 			\item{noise}{number, value of noise added to fitness values, default is \code{0.0}}
#' 			\item{verbosity}{defines output verbosity of the ES, default is \code{0}}
#' 			\item{plotResult}{boolean, specifies if results are plotted, default is \code{FALSE}}
#' 			\item{logPlotResult}{boolean, defines if plot results should be logarithmic, default is \code{FALSE}}
#' 			\item{sigmaRestart}{number, value of sigma on restart, default is \code{0.1}}
#' 			\item{preScanMult}{initial population size is multiplied by this number for a pre-scan, default is \code{1}}
#' 			\item{globalOpt}{termination criterion on reaching a desired optimum value, default is \code{rep(0,dimension)}}
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed on to \code{fun}
#' @return list, with elements
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{x}}{NULL, currently not used}
#'   \item{\code{y}}{NULL, currently not used}
#'   \item{\code{xbest}}{best solution}
#'   \item{\code{ybest}}{best observation}
#'   \item{\code{count}}{number of evaluations of \code{fun}}
#' }
#' @examples 
#' cont <- list(funEvals=100)
#' optimES(fun=funSphere,lower=rep(0,2), upper=rep(1,2), control= cont) 
#' @export
optimES <- function(x=NULL
                      , fun
                      , lower
                      , upper
                      , control=list()
											, ...){					  
	con <- list(
		mue = 10,
		nu = 10,
		mutation = 2,
		sigmaInit = 1.0,
		nSigma = 1,
		tau0 = 0.0,
		tau = 1.0,
		rho = "bi",
		sel = -1,
		stratReco = 1,
		objReco = 2,
		maxGen = Inf,
		noise = 0.0, 
		sigmaRestart = 0.1,
		preScanMult= 1);
	con[names(control)] <- control
	control <- con;
	## vectorization wrapper
  fn <- function(x,...)fun(matrix(x,1),...) 
	dimension <- length(lower)
### call SPOT	
	esResult <- spotAlgEs(
		mue = control$mue,
		nu = control$nu,
		dimension = dimension,
		mutation = control$mutation,
		sigmaInit = control$sigmaInit,
		nSigma = control$nSigma,
		tau0 = control$tau0,
		tau = control$tau,
		rho = control$rho,
		sel = control$sel,
		stratReco = control$stratReco,
		objReco = control$objReco,
		maxGen = control$maxGen,
		maxIter = control$funEvals,
		seed = control$seed,
		noise = control$noise,
		fName = fn,
		lowerLimit = lower,
		upperLimit = upper,
		verbosity = control$verbosity,
		plotResult = control$plotResult,
		logPlotResult = control$logPlotResult,
		sigmaRestart = control$sigmaRestart,
		preScanMult = control$preScanMult,
		globalOpt = control$globalOpt,		
	### return Results	
				count= esResult$counts) 

#' Evolution Strategy Implementation
#' This function is used by \code{\link{optimES}} as a main loop for running
#' the Evolution Strategy with the given parameter set specified by SPOT.
#' @param mue number of parents, default is \code{10}
#' @param nu selection pressure. That means, number of offspring (lambda) is mue multiplied with nu. Default is \code{10}
#' @param dimension dimension number of the target function, default is \code{2}
#' @param mutation mutation type, either \code{1} or \code{2}, default is \code{1}
#' @param sigmaInit initial sigma value (step size), default is \code{1.0}
#' @param nSigma number of different sigmas, default is \code{1}
#' @param tau0 number, default is \code{0.0}. tau0 is the general multiplier.
#' @param tau number, learning parameter for self adaption, default is \code{1.0}. tau is the local multiplier for step sizes (for each dimension).
#' @param rho number of parents involved in the procreation of an offspring (mixing number), default is \code{"bi"}
#' @param sel number of selected individuals, default is \code{-1}
#' @param stratReco Recombination operator for strategy variables. \code{1}: none. \code{2}: dominant/discrete (default). \code{3}: intermediate. \code{4}: variation of intermediate recombination. 
#' @param objReco Recombination operator for object variables. \code{1}: none. \code{2}: dominant/discrete (default). \code{3}: intermediate. \code{4}: variation of intermediate recombination. 
#' @param maxGen number of generations, stopping criterion, default is \code{Inf}
#' @param maxIter number of iterations (function evaluations), stopping criterion, default is \code{100}
#' @param seed number, random seed, default is \code{1}
#' @param noise number, value of noise added to fitness values, default is \code{0.0}
# @param thrs threshold string, default is \code{"no"}
# @param thrsConstant number, default is \code{0.0}
#' @param fName function, fitness function, default is \code{\link{funSphere}}
#' @param lowerLimit number, lower limit for search space, default is \code{-1.0}
#' @param upperLimit number, upper limit for search space, default is \code{1.0}
#' @param verbosity defines output verbosity of the ES, default is \code{0}
#' @param plotResult boolean, asks if results are plotted, default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param logPlotResult boolean, asks if plot results should be logarithmic, default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param sigmaRestart number, value of sigma on restart, default is \code{0.1}
#' @param preScanMult initial population size is multiplied by this number for a pre-scan, default is \code{1}
#' @param globalOpt termination criterion on reaching a desired optimum value, should be a vector of length dimension (LOCATION of the optimum). Default to NULL, which means it is ignored.
# @param conf config number passed to the result file, default is \code{-1}
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed on to \code{fName}
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom graphics lines
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @export
spotAlgEs <- function(mue = 10,
											nu = 10,
											dimension = 2,
											mutation = 2,
											sigmaInit = 1.0,
											nSigma = 1,
											tau0 = 0.0,
											tau = 1.0,
											rho = "bi",
											sel = -1,
											stratReco = 1,
											objReco = 2,
											maxGen = Inf,
											maxIter = Inf,
											seed = 1,
											noise = 0.0,
											#thrs = "no",
											#thrsConstant = 0.0,
											fName = funSphere,
											lowerLimit = -1.0,
											upperLimit = 1.0,
											sigmaRestart = 0.1,
											preScanMult= 1,
	### Parameter corrections
	lambda <- round(mue*nu)
	mue <- round(mue)
	nSigma <- round(nSigma)
	### Currently, there are 4 recombination operators:
	stratReco <- max(round(stratReco) %% 5,1) 
	objReco <- max(round(objReco) %% 5,1) 	
		nSigma <- dimension # correction: if nSigma > dimension
		warning("In Evolution Strategy (spotAlgEs): nSigma should not be larger than dimension.")
	lambda <- max(mue,lambda) # correction: if lambda < mue
		###  tau <- tau/sqrt(dimension)
	#  tau0 <- tau/sqrt(2*dimension)
	#  tau <- tau/sqrt(2*sqrt(dimension))
	###  necessary for (1,+\mue):
	if(rho=="bi") rhoVal=min(2,mue) else rhoVal=mue   
	parentPop <- NULL
	gen <- 0
	#succ <- 1
		sigmaAvgList <- rep(sigmaInit,nSigma)
		sigmaMedList <- rep(sigmaInit,nSigma)
	bestFitness <- NULL
	realBest <-  NULL
	realBestPar <- NULL
	allTimeBest <- NULL
	alg.currentBest <- 0.0
	## Perform pre-scan:
	## the initial population size is multiplied by preScanMult, say 10. Then the mue best ind are
	## selected from 10*mue individuals
	#if (gen == 0)
	parentPop <- spotAlgEsInitParentPop(sigmaInit, dimension, nSigma, noise, fName, gen, lowerLimit, upperLimit, round(mue*preScanMult))
	iter <- nrow(parentPop) #number of initial function evaluations
	parentPop <- data.frame(parentPop)
	parentPop <- parentPop[order(parentPop$fitness),]
	if(verbosity==2) print(parentPop)	
	bestInd <- parentPop[1,]
	bestFitness <- parentPop$fitness[[1]]
	allTimeBest <- bestFitness
	realBest <- parentPop$realFitness[[1]]
	### End pre-scan
	##while(iter < maxIter && gen < maxGen ){
	while(alg.currentBest < Inf & spotAlgEsTermination(it=iter, maxIt=maxIter, ge=gen, maxGe=maxGen, xk=bestInd[1:dimension], xOpt=globalOpt)){
		gen <- gen +1
		if(verbosity==2)   print(paste("Gen:", gen))
		offspringPop <- NULL
		for(i in 1:lambda){
			marriagePop <- NULL
			marriagePop <- spotAlgEsMarriage(parentPop, rhoVal)
			if(verbosity==2)   print(paste("MarriagePop for Offspring:", i))
			if(verbosity==2)   print(marriagePop)
			# Recombination
			stratRecombinant <- switch(stratReco,
																 as.matrix(marriagePop[1,I(dimension+1):I(dimension+nSigma)]), ### 1 = perform no reco
																 spotAlgEsDominantReco(marriagePop, rhoVal, dimension, nSigma, objType="strat"),
																 spotAlgEsInterReco(marriagePop, rhoVal, dimension, nSigma, objType="strat"),
																 spotAlgEsInterRecoBeSw02(marriagePop, dimension, nSigma, objType="strat")
			objRecombinant <- switch(objReco,
															 as.matrix(marriagePop[1,1:dimension]), ### 1 = perform no reco
															 spotAlgEsDominantReco(marriagePop, rhoVal, dimension, nSigma, objType="obj"),
															 spotAlgEsInterReco(marriagePop, rhoVal, dimension, nSigma, objType="obj"),					
															 spotAlgEsInterRecoBeSw02(marriagePop, dimension, nSigma, objType="obj")
			if(verbosity==2)   print(paste("stratRecombinant:", i))
			if(verbosity==2)   print(stratRecombinant)
			if(verbosity==2)   print(paste("objRecombinant:", i))
			if(verbosity==2)   print(objRecombinant)
			sigmaNew <- switch(mutation,
												 stratRecombinant, ### 1 = perform no mutation
												 spotAlgEsStratMutation(stratRecombinant, tau0, tau, sigmaRestart, sigmaInit))
			xNew <- switch(mutation,
										 objRecombinant, ### 1 = perform no mutation
			if(verbosity==2)   print(paste("sigmaNew:", i))
			if(verbosity==2)   print(sigmaNew)
			if(verbosity==2)   print(paste("xNew:", i))
			if(verbosity==2)   print(xNew)
			### repair lower / upper limits
			xNew <- pmax(xNew,lowerLimit)
			xNew <- pmin(xNew,upperLimit)
			### evaluate
			result <- as.numeric(fName(xNew,...))
			realFitness <- result
			fitness <- result
			iter <- iter +1
			offspring <- NULL
			offspring <- c(x= xNew,
										 sigma= sigmaNew ,
										 realFitness=realFitness <-  realFitness,
										 fitness=fitness <- fitness,
										 generation= gen)
			if(verbosity==2)   print(offspring)
			offspringPop <- rbind(offspringPop, offspring)
			if(!spotAlgEsTermination(it=iter, maxIt=maxIter, ge=gen, maxGe=maxGen, xk=bestInd[1:dimension], xOpt=globalOpt)) break;
		row.names(offspringPop) <- 1:nrow(offspringPop)
		offspringPop <- data.frame(offspringPop)
		if(verbosity==2)   print("OffspringPop")
		if(verbosity==2)   print(offspringPop)
		parentPop <- spotAlgEsSelection(parentPop,offspringPop, sel, gen, iter, maxIter)
		if(verbosity==2)   print("parentPop")
		if(verbosity==2)   print(parentPop)
		#succ <- spotAlgEsGetSuccessRate(gen,parentPop)
		alg.currentBest <- parentPop$fitness[[1]]
		currentReal <- parentPop$realFitness[[1]]
		currentPar <- as.numeric(parentPop[setdiff(names(parentPop),c("sigma","realFitness","fitness","generation"))][1,])
		if(verbosity>=1) {
			#      currentSigma<- parentPop[1,I(dimension+1)]
			#      currentSigma<- parentPop[1,I(dimension+1):I(dimension+nSigma)]
			currentSigma<- parentPop[1,I(dimension+1):I(dimension+nSigma)]
				print(c(alg.currentBest, currentReal, currentSigma))
			sigmaAvgList <- c(sigmaAvgList, mean(unlist(currentSigma)))
			sigmaMedList <- c(sigmaMedList, median(unlist(currentSigma)))
		# store only the doe values
			realBest <- currentReal
			realBestPar <- currentPar # TODO also log par for alltime best
			bestFitness <- alg.currentBest 
			if (alg.currentBest < allTimeBest){
				allTimeBest <- alg.currentBest
				bestInd <- parentPop[1,]
			## log every generation:
			realBest <-  c(realBest, currentReal)
			realBestPar <- rbind(realBestPar, currentPar)  
			allBest <- allTimeBest[length(allTimeBest)]
			bestFitness <- c(bestFitness, alg.currentBest)
			####cat(gen, "fitness: ", alg.currentBest, "\n")
			if (alg.currentBest < allBest) {
				allTimeBest <- c(allTimeBest, alg.currentBest)
				bestInd <- parentPop[1,]
				allTimeBest <- c(allTimeBest, allBest)
		#### Plotting ##################################
		if(sel==-1){stratName="Plus"} else{	stratName="Kappa"}
		if(verbosity>=1 && plotResult==TRUE){
			plot(bestFitness, ylim=c(min(min(bestFitness), min(realBest)), max(max(bestFitness), max(realBest))), type="l",
					 xlab = paste( "Generation: " , as.character(gen), "Fitness: ", as.character(alg.currentBest)),
					 main = paste(as.character(mue), stratName, as.character(lambda), ", nSgm: ",as.character(nSigma), ", tau0: ", as.character(tau0), ", tau: ", as.character(tau)  )
			lines(realBest, col="red", type="b")
			plot(sigmaAvgList, type="l", col="green", xlab = paste( "Generation: " , as.character(gen), "AvgSgm: ",
			lines(sigmaMedList, col="blue", type="l")
			## TBB 25 2 2009:
		if(verbosity>=1 && logPlotResult==TRUE){
			plot(log(bestFitness), ylim=c(min(min(log(bestFitness)), min(log(realBest))), max(max(log(bestFitness)), max(log(realBest)))), type="b",
					 xlab = paste( "Generation: " , as.character(gen), "Fitness: ", as.character(alg.currentBest)),
					 main = paste(as.character(mue), stratName, as.character(lambda), ", nSgm: ",as.character(nSigma), ", tau0: ", as.character(tau0), ", tau: ", as.character(tau)  )           
			lines(log(realBest), col="red", type="b")
			plot(log(sigmaAvgList), type="l", col="green")
			lines(log(sigmaMedList), col="blue", type="l")
	##print(  realBest[[length(realBest)]])
	##data frame written to the DOE file:
	##(1) bestInd is the allTimeBestInd, and *not* the bestInd in the last generation.
	##(2) realBest is the fitness of the bestInd (that is not necessarily a member of the last generation)
	##(3) allTimeBest is the best fitness found during the whole optimization run, the (noisy) fitness of the bestInd. 
	##(4) NoisyFitness is the best Fitness in the last generation.
	## special treatment for factors. Their indices should be written as strings.
	#recoType <- c("no", "disc","inter", "interRecoBeSw02")
	#OBJRECO = paste('"',toString((1:length(recoType))[recoType==objReco]),'"', sep="")
	#STRATRECO = paste('"',toString((1:length(recoType))[recoType==stratReco]),'"', sep="")
	## TODO: use which for the following selection:
	#OBJRECO = toString((1:length(recoType))[recoType==objReco])
	#STRATRECO = toString((1:length(recoType))[recoType==stratReco])
	list(Y=realBest[[length(realBest)]], # last value     #TODO: should be alltime best?

### Termination #################################################################
#' Termination
#' Handles the termination functions for the ES. 
#' @param it iteration (function evaluations)
#' @param maxIt Maximum number of iterations (function evaluations)
#' @param ge generation
#' @param maxGe Maximum number of generations
#' @param xk current best value of the optimization run
#' @param xOpt target value of the optimization run
#' @return \code{boolean} \cr
#' - TRUE as long as the current value has not yet reached its limit. Once the
#' given termination criterion is reached the function returns FALSE.
#' @seealso  \code{\link{spotAlgEs}} \code{\link{spotAlgEsHps}}
#' @keywords internal
spotAlgEsTermination <- function(it, maxIt, ge, maxGe, xk, xOpt=NULL){
	continue <- (it < maxIt) & (ge < maxGe)
		continue <- continue & spotAlgEsHps(xk,xOpt)

#' Termination hps
#' Termination function for the ES. Terminates the ES at a given target value.
#' @param xk current best value of the optimization run
#' @param xOpt target value of the optimization run
#' @return \code{boolean} \cr
#' - TRUE as long as the current value has not yet reached its limit. Once the
#' given termination criterion is reached the function returns FALSE.
#' @keywords internal
spotAlgEsHps <- function(xk, xOpt){
	n <- length(xk)
	tfVec <- 10*sqrt(n)*(xk-xOpt)<=1
	is.element(FALSE, tfVec)

#' get Success Rate
#' This function determines the success rate.
#' @param gen Generation number
#' @param pop Population to be evaluated (only the generation \code{gen} will be evaluated)
#' @return number \cr
#' - the success rate of the given population
#' @seealso  \code{\link{spotAlgEs}} 
#' @keywords internal
spotAlgEsGetSuccessRate <- function(gen,pop){
	succ <- length(subset(pop, pop$generation==gen)[,1])
	len <- length(pop[,1])

### Initialization ########################################################

#' Individual Initialization
#' Creates a new Individual for the Evolution Strategy implemented in SPOT.
#' @param s sigma, step size
#' @param n n, number of diff. step sizes
#' @param dimension number of target function dimension
#' @param noise noise to be added to fitness value
#' @param fName target function
#' @param gen generation
#' @param low lower limit
#' @param high upper limit
#' @param des des scaling for placement between low and high
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed on to \code{fName}
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @return numeric vector \cr
#' - contains x value, sigma value, real fitness value, fitness with noise, and generation number
#' @seealso  \code{\link{spotAlgEs}}
#' @keywords internal
spotAlgEsIndividualInitial <- function(s,dimension,n,noise=0,fName,gen,low=-1.0,high=1.0,	des,...){
	x <- low + (high-low)*des
	sigma <- rep(s,n)
	realFitness <- as.numeric(fName(x,...))
	fitness <- realFitness + rnorm(1,0,noise)
	c(x = x,     #  *runif(dimension),
		sigma = sigma,
		realFitness =  realFitness,#spotAlgEsF(x,fName),
		fitness = fitness,
		generation = gen

#' Initialize Parent Population
#' Creates initial parent population
#' @param sigmaInit initial sigma value (standard deviation)
#' @param dimension number of target function dimension
#' @param nSigma number of standard deviations
#' @param noise noise to be added to fitness value
#' @param fName target function
#' @param gen generation
#' @param low lower limit
#' @param high upper limit
#' @param mue number of parents in the ES
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed on to \code{fName}
#' @return matrix \cr
#' - holds the parent population created by this function
#' @seealso  \code{\link{spotAlgEs}} \code{\link{spotAlgEsIndividualInitial}}
#' @keywords internal
spotAlgEsInitParentPop <- function(sigmaInit, dimension, nSigma, noise, fName, gen, low, high, mue,...)
	parentPop <- NULL	
	ld <- designLHDNorm(dimension,mue,FALSE)$design
	###ld <- optimumLHS(mue, dimension, 2, 0.1)
	for(i in 1:mue){      
		parentPop <- rbind(parentPop,
											 													 des = ld[i,],...))

### Recombination ######################################################
#' Marriage with replace
#' Recombination function for the Evolution Strategy.
#' @param pop Population
#' @param rhoVal number of parents involved in the procreation of an offspring
#' @return \code{pop} \cr
#' - \code{pop} Population
#' @seealso  \code{\link{spotAlgEs}} \code{\link{spotAlgEsMarriageWithReplace}} 
#' @keywords internal
spotAlgEsMarriageWithReplace <- function(pop,rhoVal){
	pop[sample(nrow(pop), rhoVal, replace=TRUE),]

#' Marriage
#' Recombination function for the Evolution Strategy.
#' @param pop Population
#' @param rhoVal number of parents involved in the procreation of an offspring
#' @return \code{pop} \cr
#' - \code{pop} Population
#' @seealso  \code{\link{spotAlgEs}} \code{\link{spotAlgEsMarriage}} 
#' @keywords internal
spotAlgEsMarriage <- function(pop,rhoVal){
	pop[sample(nrow(pop), rhoVal, replace=FALSE),]

#' spotAlgEsInterRecoBeSw02
#' Recombination function for the Evolution Strategy.
#' @param parents Parent individuals
#' @param dimension number of dimensions
#' @param nSigma number of standard deviations
#' @param objType string, default is "obj"
#' @seealso \code{\link{spotAlgEs}} \code{\link{spotAlgEsInterReco}} \code{\link{spotAlgEsDominantReco}} 
#' @keywords internal
spotAlgEsInterRecoBeSw02 <- function(parents, dimension, nSigma, objType="obj"){
	rObject <- NULL
		for(i in 1:dimension)  rObject <- c(rObject, mean(parents[,i]))
		for(i in 1:nSigma)  rObject <- c(rObject, mean(parents[,I(dimension+i)]))

#' spotAlgEsInterReco
#' Recombination function for the Evolution Strategy.
#' @param parents Parent individuals
#' @param rhoVal number of parents involved in the procreation of an offspring
#' @param dimension number of dimensions
#' @param nSigma number of standard deviations
#' @param objType string, default is "obj"
#' @seealso \code{\link{spotAlgEs}} \code{\link{spotAlgEsInterRecoBeSw02}} \code{\link{spotAlgEsDominantReco}} 
#' @keywords internal
spotAlgEsInterReco <- function(parents, rhoVal, dimension, nSigma, objType="obj"){
	rObject <- NULL
		for(i in 1:dimension){
			select2 <- sample(rhoVal,min(2,rhoVal)) # necessary for (1,+\mue)
			# if(verbosity==2)   print(paste("Selected for XReco: ", select2))
			rObject <- c(rObject, mean(parents[select2,i]))
		for(i in 1:nSigma){
			select2 <- sample(rhoVal,min(2,rhoVal)) # necessary for (1,+\mue)
			# if(verbosity==2)   print(paste("Selected for SReco: ", select2))
			rObject <- c(rObject, mean(parents[select2,I(dimension+i)]))

#' spotAlgEsDominantReco
#' Recombination function for the Evolution Strategy.
#' @param parents Parent individuals
#' @param rhoVal number of parents involved in the procreation of an offspring
#' @param dimension number of dimensions
#' @param nSigma number of standard deviations
#' @param objType string, default is "obj"
#' @seealso \code{\link{spotAlgEs}} \code{\link{spotAlgEsInterRecoBeSw02}}  \code{\link{spotAlgEsInterReco}} 
#' @keywords internal
spotAlgEsDominantReco <- function(parents, rhoVal, dimension, nSigma, objType="obj"){
	rObject <- NULL
		for (i in 1:dimension) rObject <- c(rObject, parents[sample(rhoVal,1),i])
		for (i in (1:nSigma))
			rObject <- c(rObject, parents[sample(rhoVal,1),I(dimension+i)])

### Mutation #############################################################

#' spotAlgEsStratMutation
#' Mutation function for the ES strategy parameter sigma. 
#' @param strat Strategy parameter (sigma), can be a vector or a single number
#' @param tau0 the global/general step size multiplier for self adaption
#' @param tau the step size multiplier for self adaption in each dimension
#' @param sigmaRestart sigma values are reset to initial values when a uniformly distributed random number is smaller than sigmaRestart
#' @param sigmaInit initial sigma value
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @return number \code{s} \cr
#' - \code{s} is the new sigma value
#' @keywords internal
spotAlgEsStratMutation <- function(strat, tau0, tau, sigmaRestart, sigmaInit){
	if (runif(1) < sigmaRestart){
		s <- rep(sigmaInit, length(strat))
		s <- exp(tau0*rnorm(1,0,1))*as.numeric(strat)*exp(tau*rnorm(length(strat),0,1))
#' spotAlgEsObjMutation
#' Mutation function for the ES individual parameters
#' @param obj Object to be mutated
#' @param strat Strategy parameter sigma to mutate with
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @keywords internal
spotAlgEsObjMutation <- function(obj, strat){
	obj + as.numeric(strat)*rnorm(length(obj),0,1)

### Selection ##################################################################
#' spotAlgEsSelection
#' Selection function for the ES
#' @param parentPop Parent population
#' @param offspringPop Offspring population
#' @param sel number of individuals to be selected
#' @param gen generation number
#' @param iter current iteration number
#' @param maxIter maximum iteration number
#' @keywords internal
spotAlgEsSelection <- function(parentPop, offspringPop, sel, gen, iter, maxIter){
	mue <- nrow(parentPop)
	names(offspringPop) <- names(parentPop)
	{ # plus selection
		parentPop <- rbind(parentPop,offspringPop)
	{ ## kappa selection 
		##parentPop <- parentPop[parentPop$generation>I(gen-sel)]
		##parentPop <- rbind(parentPop,offspringPop)
		## print(c(gen, sel))
		## print(parentPop)
		parentPop <- parentPop[parentPop[,"generation"] > gen - sel,]
		## cat("reduced parentPop: \n")
		## print(parentPop)
		parentPop <- rbind(parentPop,offspringPop)
		## cat("new parentPop: \n")
		## print(parentPop)
	parentPop <- parentPop[order(parentPop$fitness),]
	row.names(parentPop) <- 1:nrow(parentPop)

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SPOT documentation built on June 26, 2022, 1:06 a.m.