
Defines functions skeweDF_auto write_input_table write_summary_table write_parameter_table plot_model calculate_label_coords parameter_post_processing global_fit_RGHD_ratio global_fit_function local_fit_RGHD_ratio local_fit_function get_p0 psi_criterion_RGHD_ratio psi_criterion_function psi_criterion right_tail_cdf weighted_left_tail_cdf weighted_right_tail_cdf Generalized_Yule Yule Lorentzian Lorentzian_calc Exponential get_median_CI get_CI

Documented in calculate_label_coords Exponential Generalized_Yule get_CI get_median_CI get_p0 global_fit_function global_fit_RGHD_ratio local_fit_function local_fit_RGHD_ratio Lorentzian Lorentzian_calc parameter_post_processing plot_model psi_criterion psi_criterion_function psi_criterion_RGHD_ratio right_tail_cdf skeweDF_auto weighted_left_tail_cdf weighted_right_tail_cdf write_input_table write_parameter_table write_summary_table Yule

## usethis namespace: start
#' @useDynLib SkeweDF, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom stats sd qt lm cor ks.test
#' @importFrom zipfR Ibeta
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% filter desc arrange bind_rows
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster clusterExport clusterCall stopCluster parLapply
#' @importFrom purrr invoke
#' @importFrom optimr multistart
#' @importFrom methods formalArgs
#' @importFrom matrixStats colSds colMedians
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off png rgb
#' @importFrom graphics abline plot points text
#' @importFrom utils write.table
## usethis namespace: end

#' Get Mean Confidence Interval Function
#' This function generates a vector of confidence interval based on mean of data. 
#' @param data Data to get confidence interval from
#' @param alpha Alpha for confidence interval calculation
#' @export
get_CI <- function(data, alpha){
  std <- sd(data)
  mean <- mean(data)
  sample_size <- length(data)
  mean_error <- qt(1-alpha, sample_size-1) * std / sqrt(sample_size)
  return(c(mean - mean_error, mean + mean_error))

#' Get Median Confidence Interval Function
#' This function generates a vector of ranked 95% confidence interval based on median of data. 
#' @param data Data to get confidence interval from
#' @export
get_median_CI <- function(data){
  n <- length(data)
  lower_rank <- (n/2) - (1.96 * sqrt(n) / 2)
  upper_rank <- 1 + (n/2) + (1.96 * sqrt(n) / 2)
  lower_rank <- lower_rank %>% round(0)
  upper_rank <- upper_rank %>% round(0)
  data <- sort(data)
  return(c(data[lower_rank], data[upper_rank]))

#' Exponential Distribution Function
#' This function generates a vector of n length of the Exponential distribution with parameters a and b.
#' @param n Length of vector to be generated.
#' @param a Parameter of the Exponential distribution function
#' @param b Parameter of the Exponential distribution function
#' @examples
#' Exponential(100, 10000, 0.8)
#' @export
Exponential <- function(n, a , b){
  p <- a * exp(-b * (1:n))

#' Lorentzian Distribution Function calculation
#' This function calculates value of Lorentzian function at x
#' @param x Index of function
#' @param gamma Parameter of the Lorenzian distribution function
#' @param x0 Parameter of the Lorenzian distribution function indicating center of function
#' @param c Parameter of the Lorenzian distribution function indicating center of function
#' @examples
#' Lorentzian_calc(5, 5.5, 6, 2)
#' @export
Lorentzian_calc <- function(x, gamma, x0, c){
  a <- abs(x- x0) ^ c
  b <- gamma / 2
  output <- b / (a + b^c)

#' Lorentzian Distribution Function
#' This function generates a vector of n length of the Lorentzian distribution
#' @param n Length of vector to be generated.
#' @param gamma Parameter of the Lorenzian distribution function
#' @param x0 Parameter of the Lorenzian distribution function indicating center of function
#' @param c Parameter of the Lorenzian distribution function indicating center of function
#' @examples
#' Lorentzian_calc(5, 5.5, 6, 2)
#' @export
Lorentzian <- function(n, gamma, x0, c){
  out <- lapply(1:n, function(i){
         return(Lorentzian_calc(i, gamma, x0, c))
  out <- unlist(out)
  out <- out / sum(out)

#' Yule Distribution Function
#' This function generates a vector of n length of the Yule distribution with parameter rho.
#' @param n Length of vector to be generated.
#' @param rho Parameter of the Yule distribution function
#' @examples
#' Yule(100, 3)
#' @export
Yule <- function(n, rho){
  p <- beta(1:n,rho+1)
  p <- p * rho 
  p <- p / sum(p)

#' Generalized Yule Distribution Function
#' This function generates a vector of n length of the Generalized Yule distribution with parameters rho and alpha.
#' @param n Length of vector to be generated.
#' @param rho Parameter of the Generalized Yule distribution function
#' @param alpha Parameter of the Generalized Yule distribution function: 0 <= alpha < 1
#' @examples
#' Generalized_Yule(100, 3, 0.1)
#' @export
Generalized_Yule <- function(n, rho, alpha){
  out <- rho / (1 - alpha^rho)
  two <- Ibeta(alpha,1:n, rho+1)
  out <- out * two
  return(out / sum(out))

#' Weighted Right-Tail Cumulative Distribution Function
#' This function generates a vector of the weighted right-tail cumulative distribution function of a given vector of values. The weight of of each variable is determined by its position in the vector. For example, with a vector of length 5, element 5 will have weight 5/(5+4+3+2+1). Element 1 will have weight 1/(5+4+3+2+1)
#' @param x Length of vector to be generated.
#' @examples
#' x <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' weighted_right_tail_cdf(x)
#' @export
weighted_right_tail_cdf <- function(x){
  output_cdf <- x[length(x):1]
  output_cdf <- output_cdf * length(x):1
  output_cdf <- output_cdf / sum(output_cdf)
  for(i in 2:length(output_cdf)){
    output_cdf[i] <- output_cdf[i] + output_cdf[i-1]
  output_cdf <- output_cdf[length(output_cdf):1]

#' Weighted Left-Tail Cumulative Distribution Function
#' This function generates a vector of the weighted left-tail cumulative distribution function of a given vector of values. The weight of of each variable is determined by its position in the vector. For example, with a vector of length 5, element 1 will have weight 5/(5+4+3+2+1). Element 1 will have weight 5/(5+4+3+2+1)
#' @param x Length of vector to be generated.
#' @examples
#' x <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' weighted_left_tail_cdf(x)
#' @export
weighted_left_tail_cdf <- function(x){
  output_cdf <- x * length(x):1
  output_cdf <- output_cdf / sum(output_cdf)
  for(i in 2:length(output_cdf)){
    output_cdf[i] <- output_cdf[i] + output_cdf[i-1]
  output_cdf <- output_cdf[length(output_cdf):1]

#' Right-Tail Cumulative Distribution Function
#' This function generates a vector of the right-tail cumulative distribution function of a given vector of values.
#' @param x Length of vector to be generated.
#' @examples
#' x <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
#' right_tail_cdf(x)
#' @export
right_tail_cdf <- function(x){
  output_cdf <- x[length(x):1]
  #output_cdf <- output_cdf / sum(output_cdf)
  for(i in 2:length(output_cdf)){
    output_cdf[i] <- output_cdf[i] + output_cdf[i-1]
  output_cdf <- output_cdf[length(output_cdf):1]

#' Psi Criterion
#' This function generates the Psi Criterion goodness of fit value given an empirical distribution, theoretical modeled distribution, and number of parameters in the theoretical distribution.
#' @param data Vector of observed values 
#' @param model Vector of theoretical values to be compared
#' @param n_parameters Number of parameters of function used to generate model
#' @examples
#' obs_data <- c(100,75,20,1)
#' model_data <- Kolmogorov_Waring(length(obs_data), 2, 3, 0.9)
#' psi <- psi_criterion(obs_data, model_data, 3)
#' @export
psi_criterion <- function(data, model, n_parameters){
  var_data <- data - mean(data)
  var_data <- var_data * var_data
  diff <- data - model
  diff <- diff * diff
  psi <- log(sum(var_data) / sum(diff)) - (2 * n_parameters / length(data))

#' Psi Criterion given a function 
#' This function generates the Psi Criterion goodness of fit value given an empirical distribution. The function and parameters are given, as well as desired weight of pmf and use of the weighted right-tail cumulative distribution function.
#' @param params Vector of parameters for model_fn, not including n. For example, for Generalized_Yule(n, rho, alpha), params will be c(rho, alpha)
#' @param data Vector of observed values 
#' @param model_fn Function of theoretical model to be used. For example, for Generalized_Yule(n, rho, alpha), model_fn <- Generalied_Yule
#' @param pmf_weight Numeric of weight given to probability mass function for generation of Psi Criterion. For example, if pmf_weight <- 0.5, 50 percent of the Psi Criterion value will be attributed to the probability mass function while the other 50 percent will be attributed to the right-tail cumulative distribution function.
#' @param weighted_rt Boolean used to determine if the weighted right-tail cumulative distribution function should be used or not.
#' @param left_trunc Int used to determine starting index of model to use for optimization
#' @param right_trunc Int used to determine ending index of model to use for optimization
#' @examples
#' obs_data <- c(100,75,20,1)
#' parameters <- c(1,2,0.8)
#' psi <- psi_criterion_function(parameters, obs_data, Kolmogorov_Waring)
#' @export
psi_criterion_function <- function(params, data, model_fn, pmf_weight = 0, weighted_rt = FALSE, left_trunc = 1, right_trunc = left_trunc + length(data) - 1){
  model_function <- match.fun(model_fn)
  model <- invoke(model_function, c(right_trunc, params) %>% unlist() %>% unname())
  model <- model[left_trunc:right_trunc]
  model <- model / sum(model)
    data_cdf <- weighted_right_tail_cdf(data)
    model_cdf <- weighted_right_tail_cdf(model)
    data_cdf <- right_tail_cdf(data)
    model_cdf <- right_tail_cdf(model)
  return((((pmf_weight)*psi_criterion(data, model, length(params))) + ((1-pmf_weight)*psi_criterion(data_cdf, model_cdf, length(params)))) * -1)

#' Psi Criterion for RGHD parameter ratios
#' This function generates the Psi Criterion goodness of fit value given an empirical distribution for the 2m-RGHD function. Parameters r and q/r ratios are given, as well as desired weight of pmf and use of the weighted right-tail cumulative distribution function.
#' @param params Vector of parameters for model_fn, not including n. For example, for 2m-RGHD (m=2), params <- c(3, 5, 0.3, 1.5). In this case r1 = 3, r2 = 5, q1/r1 = 0.3, and q2/r2 = 1.5
#' @param data Vector of observed values 
#' @param m m parameter for 2m-RGHD function
#' @param pmf_weight Numeric of weight given to probability mass function for generation of Psi Criterion. For example, if pmf_weight <- 0.5, 50 percent of the Psi Criterion value will be attributed to the probability mass function while the other 50 percent will be attributed to the right-tail cumulative distribution function.
#' @param weighted_rt Boolean used to determine if the weighted right-tail cumulative distribution function should be used or not.
#' @param left_trunc Int used to determine starting index of model to use for optimization
#' @param right_trunc Int used to determine ending index of model to use for optimization
#' @examples
#' obs_data <- c(100,75,20,1)
#' parameters <- c(3, 5, 0.3, 1.5)
#' psi <- psi_criterion_RGHD_ratio(parameters, obs_data, 2)
#' @export
psi_criterion_RGHD_ratio <- function(params, data, m, pmf_weight = 0, weighted_rt = FALSE, left_trunc = 1, right_trunc = left_trunc + length(data) - 1){ ## multistart can't maximize atm so I just negate the criterion for simple minimization
  model <- RGHD(right_trunc, m, unlist(params[1:m]), unlist(params[1:m]) * unlist(params[(m+1):(m+m)]))
  model <- model[left_trunc:right_trunc]
  model <- model / sum(model)
    data_cdf <- weighted_right_tail_cdf(data)
    model_cdf <- weighted_right_tail_cdf(model)
    data_cdf <- right_tail_cdf(data)
    model_cdf <- right_tail_cdf(model)
  return((((pmf_weight)*psi_criterion(data, model, m*2)) + ((1-pmf_weight)*psi_criterion(data_cdf, model_cdf, m*2))) * -1)

#' Psi Criterion for RGHD parameter ratios
#' This function generates the Psi Criterion goodness of fit value given an empirical distribution for the 2m-RGHD function. Parameters r and q/r ratios are given, as well as desired weight of pmf and use of the weighted right-tail cumulative distribution function.
#' @param params Vector of parameter for the model function
#' @param model_fn_name name of function as a character vector
#' @examples
#' params <- c(2, 3, 0.9)
#' get_p0(params, 'Kolmogorov Waring')
#' @export
get_p0 <- function(params, model_fn_name){
  if(model_fn_name == 'Yule'){
  }else if(model_fn_name == 'Generalized_Yule'){
  }else if(model_fn_name == 'Kolmogorov_Waring'){
  }else if(model_fn_name == 'RGHD'){
    m <- length(params)/2
    return(RGHD_P0_calc(100,m,params[1:m] %>% unlist(), params[(m+1):(m+m)] %>% unlist()))

#' Local optimization of a given function given empirical data and parameter bounds
#' This function generates a table of optimized parameters and Psi Criterion for a given function within specified starting parameter bounds. This function uses Limited Memory BFGS as it's gradient descent algorithm.
#' @param param_bounds A list of sequences which indicate space where parameters should be generated and fit
#' @param data Vector of observed values 
#' @param model_fn_name Character vector indicating name of function of theoretical model to be used. For example, for Generalized_Yule(n, rho, alpha), model_fn_name <- 'Generalied Yule'
#' @param weighted_rt Boolean used to determine if the weighted right-tail cumulative distribution function should be used or not.
#' @param par_chunk Integer used to indicate number of optimization chunks to be run. Total number of rows in the output table = par_chunk * par_chunk_size
#' @param par_chunk_size Integer used to indicate number of starting parameters to be generated and optimized in a given chunk. Total number of rows in the output table = par_chunk * par_chunk_size
#' @param n_cores Integer used to indicate number of cores to be used for this function if a socket cluster object is not defined.
#' @param clust socket cluster object from 'parallel::makeCluster()'. This is used if you have already generated a socket cluster object and would like to run this functoin on it. If no object is defined, one will be made for this function call.
#' @param left_trunc Int used to determine starting index of model to use for optimization
#' @param right_trunc Int used to determine ending index of model to use for optimization
#' @export
local_fit_function <- function(param_bounds, data, model_fn_name, weighted_rt = FALSE, par_chunk = 100, par_chunk_size = 10, n_cores = 1, clust, left_trunc = 1, right_trunc = left_trunc+length(data)-1){
  skeweDF_gVar_data <- data / sum(data)
  standalone <- FALSE
  skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds <- param_bounds
  skeweDF_gVar_weighted_rt <- weighted_rt
  skeweDF_gVar_model_fn <- get(model_fn_name)
  skeweDF_gVar_par_chunk_size <- par_chunk_size
  skeweDF_gVar_left_trunc <- left_trunc
  skeweDF_gVar_right_trunc <- right_trunc
    standalone <- TRUE
    clust <- makeCluster(n_cores)
    clusterExport(clust, varlist = c('skeweDF_gVar_data','skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds','skeweDF_gVar_weighted_rt', 'skeweDF_gVar_par_chunk_size','skeweDF_gVar_model_fn','skeweDF_gVar_left_trunc','skeweDF_gVar_right_trunc'), envir = environment())
    clusterCall(clust, function() library(SkeweDF))

  clusterExport(clust, varlist = c('skeweDF_gVar_data','skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds','skeweDF_gVar_weighted_rt', 'skeweDF_gVar_par_chunk_size','skeweDF_gVar_model_fn','skeweDF_gVar_left_trunc','skeweDF_gVar_right_trunc'), envir = environment())
  parameters <- parLapply(clust,1:par_chunk, function(q){
    par_mat <- lapply(1:skeweDF_gVar_par_chunk_size, function(i){
      par_vec <- c(rep(0, length(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds)))
      for(i in 1:length(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds)){
        par_vec[i] <- sample(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds[[i]], size = 1, replace = TRUE)
    }) %>% as.data.frame() %>% t() %>% as.matrix()
    param_lower <- c(rep(0, length(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds)))
    param_upper <- c(rep(0, length(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds)))
    for(i in 1:length(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds)){
      param_lower[i] <- min(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds[[i]])
      param_upper[i] <- max(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds[[i]])
    fn_parameters <- multistart(parmat = par_mat, fn = psi_criterion_function,method = 'L-BFGS-B', #control = list(fnscale = -1),
                                lower = param_lower, upper = param_upper, 
                                data = skeweDF_gVar_data, model_fn = skeweDF_gVar_model_fn, pmf_weight = 0.0, weighted_rt = skeweDF_gVar_weighted_rt,
                                left_trunc = skeweDF_gVar_left_trunc, right_trunc = skeweDF_gVar_right_trunc); 
    colnames(fn_parameters)[1:(length(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds)+1)] <- c(formalArgs(skeweDF_gVar_model_fn)[-1],'Psi_RTCDF')
    fn_parameters$Psi_RTCDF <- fn_parameters$Psi_RTCDF * -1
  }) %>% bind_rows()

  parameters <- arrange(parameters, desc(parameters$Psi_RTCDF))
  parameters$fevals <- NULL
  parameters$gevals <- NULL
  parameters$convergence <- NULL
  parameters <- parameter_post_processing(parameters, model_fn_name, skeweDF_gVar_data)



#' Local optimization of the 2m-RGHD function given empirical data, r bounds, and q/r bounds.
#' This function generates a table of optimized parameters and Psi Criterion for a given function within specified starting parameter bounds. This function uses Limited Memory BFGS as it's gradient descent algorithm.
#' @param param_bounds A list of sequences which indicate space where parameters should be generated and fit
#' @param data Vector of observed values 
#' @param weighted_rt Boolean used to determine if the weighted right-tail cumulative distribution function should be used or not.
#' @param par_chunk Integer used to indicate number of optimization chunks to be run. Total number of rows in the output table = par_chunk * par_chunk_size
#' @param par_chunk_size Integer used to indicate number of starting parameters to be generated and optimized in a given chunk. Total number of rows in the output table = par_chunk * par_chunk_size
#' @param n_cores Integer used to indicate number of cores to be used for this function if a socket cluster object is not defined.
#' @param clust socket cluster object from 'parallel::makeCluster()'. This is used if you have already generated a socket cluster object and would like to run this functoin on it. If no object is defined, one will be made for this function call.
#' @param left_trunc Int used to determine starting index of model to use for optimization
#' @param right_trunc Int used to determine ending index of model to use for optimization
#' @export
local_fit_RGHD_ratio <- function(param_bounds, data, weighted_rt = FALSE, par_chunk = 100, par_chunk_size = 10, n_cores = 1, clust, left_trunc = 1, right_trunc = left_trunc+length(data)-1){
  if(length(param_bounds) %% 2 != 0){
    stop('Must have even number of parameters!')
  skeweDF_gVar_data <- data / sum(data)
  standalone <- FALSE
  skeweDF_gVar_m <- length(param_bounds) / 2
  skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds <- param_bounds
  skeweDF_gVar_weighted_rt <- weighted_rt
  skeweDF_gVar_left_trunc <- left_trunc
  skeweDF_gVar_right_trunc <- right_trunc
  skeweDF_gVar_par_chunk_size <- par_chunk_size
    standalone <- TRUE
    clust <- makeCluster(n_cores)
    clusterExport(clust, varlist = c('skeweDF_gVar_data','skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds','skeweDF_gVar_weighted_rt', 'skeweDF_gVar_par_chunk_size','skeweDF_gVar_m','skeweDF_gVar_left_trunc','skeweDF_gVar_right_trunc'), envir = environment())
    clusterCall(clust, function() library(SkeweDF))
  clusterExport(clust, varlist = c('skeweDF_gVar_data','skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds','skeweDF_gVar_weighted_rt', 'skeweDF_gVar_par_chunk_size','skeweDF_gVar_m','skeweDF_gVar_left_trunc','skeweDF_gVar_right_trunc'), envir = environment())
  parameters <- parLapply(clust,1:par_chunk, function(q){
    par_mat <- lapply(1:skeweDF_gVar_par_chunk_size, function(i){
      par_vec <- c(rep(0, length(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds)))
      for(i in 1:length(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds)){
        par_vec[i] <- sample(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds[[i]], size = 1, replace = TRUE)
    }) %>% as.data.frame() %>% t() %>% as.matrix()
    param_lower <- c(rep(0, length(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds)))
    param_upper <- c(rep(0, length(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds)))
    for(i in 1:length(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds)){
      param_lower[i] <- min(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds[[i]])
      param_upper[i] <- max(skeweDF_gVar_param_bounds[[i]])
    fn_parameters <- multistart(parmat = par_mat,fn = psi_criterion_RGHD_ratio,method = 'L-BFGS-B',
                                lower = param_lower, upper = param_upper, 
                                data = skeweDF_gVar_data, m = skeweDF_gVar_m, pmf_weight = 0.0, weighted_rt = skeweDF_gVar_weighted_rt,
                                left_trunc = skeweDF_gVar_left_trunc, right_trunc = skeweDF_gVar_right_trunc);
    for(i in 1:skeweDF_gVar_m){
      colnames(fn_parameters)[i] <- paste0('r',i)
      colnames(fn_parameters)[i+skeweDF_gVar_m] <- paste0('q',i)
    colnames(fn_parameters)[skeweDF_gVar_m+skeweDF_gVar_m+1] <- 'Psi_RTCDF'
    fn_parameters$Psi_RTCDF <- fn_parameters$Psi_RTCDF * -1
  }) %>% bind_rows()
  parameters <- arrange(parameters, desc(parameters$Psi_RTCDF))
  for(i in 1:skeweDF_gVar_m){
    parameters[skeweDF_gVar_m+i] <- parameters[skeweDF_gVar_m+i] * parameters[i]
  parameters$fevals <- NULL
  parameters$gevals <- NULL
  parameters$convergence <- NULL
  parameters <- parameter_post_processing(parameters, 'RGHD', skeweDF_gVar_data)


#' Global optimization of a given function given empirical data and parameter bounds
#' This function generates a single set of optimized parameters and Psi Criterion for a given function within specified starting parameter bounds. This function uses a modified grid search method for optimization
#' @param param_bounds A list of sequences which indicate space where parameters should be generated and fit
#' @param data Vector of observed values 
#' @param model_fn_name Character vector indicating name of function of theoretical model to be used. For example, for Generalized_Yule(n, rho, alpha), model_fn_name <- 'Generalied Yule'
#' @param iter Integer indicating number of iterations to run grid search. Increasing iterations will increase decimal point precision of output parameters.
#' @param weighted_rt Boolean used to determine if the weighted right-tail cumulative distribution function should be used or not.
#' @param n_cores Integer used to indicate number of cores to be used for this function if a socket cluster object is not defined.
#' @param clust socket cluster object from 'parallel::makeCluster()'. This is used if you have already generated a socket cluster object and would like to run this functoin on it. If no object is defined, one will be made for this function call.
#' @export
global_fit_function <- function(param_bounds, data, model_fn_name, iter = 1, weighted_rt = FALSE, n_cores = 1, clust){
  standalone <- FALSE
  skeweDF_gVar_data <- data / sum(data)
  skeweDF_gVar_model_fn <- get(model_fn_name)
  skeweDF_gVar_weighted_rt <- weighted_rt
   standalone <- TRUE
   clust <- makeCluster(n_cores)
   clusterExport(clust, varlist = c('skeweDF_gVar_data'), envir = environment())
   clusterCall(clust, function() library(SkeweDF))
  skeweDF_gVar_n_parameters <- length(param_bounds)
  par_mat <- expand.grid(param_bounds)
  par_mat$n <- length(data)
  par_mat <- par_mat[c(length(par_mat),1:(length(par_mat)-1))]
  skeweDF_gVar_output <- par_mat
    skeweDF_gVar_right_cdf <- weighted_right_tail_cdf(skeweDF_gVar_data)
    skeweDF_gVar_right_cdf <- right_tail_cdf(skeweDF_gVar_data)
  print(paste('Parameter space generated - # parameters:', skeweDF_gVar_n_parameters))
  clusterExport(clust, varlist = c('skeweDF_gVar_data','skeweDF_gVar_model_fn','skeweDF_gVar_output','skeweDF_gVar_n_parameters','skeweDF_gVar_right_cdf','skeweDF_gVar_weighted_rt'), envir = environment())
  #clusterCall(clust, function() model_function <- model_fn)
  criterion_list <- parLapply(clust, 1:nrow(skeweDF_gVar_output),function(i){ 
    model <- invoke(skeweDF_gVar_model_fn, skeweDF_gVar_output[i,] %>% unlist() %>% unname())
      model_right_cdf <- weighted_right_tail_cdf(model)
      model_right_cdf <- right_tail_cdf(model)
    return(psi_criterion(skeweDF_gVar_right_cdf, model_right_cdf, skeweDF_gVar_n_parameters))
  }) %>% unlist()

  print('Iteration: 1')
  skeweDF_gVar_output$criterion <- criterion_list
  skeweDF_gVar_output <- skeweDF_gVar_output[!is.na(skeweDF_gVar_output$criterion ),]
  if(iter >= 2){
    for(q in 1:(iter-1)){
      bVars <- skeweDF_gVar_output[skeweDF_gVar_output$criterion == max(skeweDF_gVar_output$criterion),][1,] %>% unlist()
      bVars <- bVars[2:(length(bVars)-1)]
      bVars_decimal <- gsub("^.*\\.","",  bVars %>% as.character()) %>% nchar()
      bVars_decimal <- bVars_decimal + 1
      seq_list <- 1:length(bVars) %>% as.list()
      for(i in 1:length(seq_list)){
        seq_list[[i]] <- seq(bVars[i] - 5 * (10 ^ -bVars_decimal[i]),bVars[i] + 5 * (10 ^ -bVars_decimal[i]),by = 10 ^ -bVars_decimal[i]) %>% round(bVars_decimal[i])
      skeweDF_gVar_output <- expand.grid(seq_list)
      skeweDF_gVar_output$n <- length(skeweDF_gVar_data)
      skeweDF_gVar_output <- skeweDF_gVar_output[,c(length(skeweDF_gVar_output),1:(length(skeweDF_gVar_output)-1))]
      colnames(skeweDF_gVar_output) <- formalArgs(skeweDF_gVar_model_fn)
      clusterExport(clust, varlist = c('skeweDF_gVar_output'), envir = environment())
      criterion_list <- parLapply(clust, 1:nrow(skeweDF_gVar_output),function(i){ 
        model <- invoke(skeweDF_gVar_model_fn, skeweDF_gVar_output[i,] %>% unlist() %>% unname())
          model_right_cdf <- weighted_right_tail_cdf(model)
          model_right_cdf <- right_tail_cdf(model)
        return(psi_criterion(skeweDF_gVar_right_cdf, model_right_cdf, skeweDF_gVar_n_parameters))
      }) %>% unlist()
      skeweDF_gVar_output$criterion <- criterion_list
      skeweDF_gVar_output <- skeweDF_gVar_output[!is.na(skeweDF_gVar_output$criterion ),]
      print(paste('Iteration:', q+1))
  colnames(skeweDF_gVar_output) <- c(formalArgs(skeweDF_gVar_model_fn),'Psi_RTCDF')
  params <- skeweDF_gVar_output[skeweDF_gVar_output$Psi_RTCDF == max(skeweDF_gVar_output$Psi_RTCDF),][1,]


#' Global optimization of the 2m-RGHD function given empirical data, r bounds, and q/r bounds.
#' This function generates a single set of optimized parameters and Psi Criterion for a given function within specified starting parameter bounds. This function uses Limited Memory BFGS as it's gradient descent algorithm.
#' @param param_bounds A list of sequences which indicate space where parameters should be generated and fit
#' @param data Vector of observed values 
#' @param iter Integer indicating number of iterations to run grid search. Increasing iterations will increase decimal point precision of output parameters.
#' @param weighted_rt Boolean used to determine if the weighted right-tail cumulative distribution function should be used or not.
#' @param n_cores Integer used to indicate number of cores to be used for this function if a socket cluster object is not defined.
#' @param clust socket cluster object from 'parallel::makeCluster()'. This is used if you have already generated a socket cluster object and would like to run this functoin on it. If no object is defined, one will be made for this function call.
#' @export
global_fit_RGHD_ratio <- function(param_bounds, data, iter, weighted_rt = FALSE, n_cores = 1, clust){
  if(length(param_bounds) %% 2 != 0){
    stop('Must have even number of parameters!')
  standalone <- FALSE
  skeweDF_gVar_data <- data / sum(data)
  skeweDF_gVar_weighted_rt <- weighted_rt
    standalone <- TRUE
    clust <- makeCluster(n_cores)
    clusterExport(clust, varlist = c('skeweDF_gVar_data'), envir = environment())
    clusterCall(clust, function() library(SkeweDF))
  skeweDF_gVar_m <- length(param_bounds) / 2
  skeweDF_gVar_n_parameters <- skeweDF_gVar_m * 2
  par_mat <- expand.grid(param_bounds)
  par_mat$n <- length(data)
  par_mat <- par_mat[c(length(par_mat),1:(length(par_mat)-1))]
  skeweDF_gVar_output <- par_mat
    skeweDF_gVar_right_cdf <- weighted_right_tail_cdf(data)
    skeweDF_gVar_right_cdf <- right_tail_cdf(data)
  print(paste('Parameter space generated - # parameters:', skeweDF_gVar_n_parameters))
  clusterExport(clust, varlist = c('skeweDF_gVar_data','skeweDF_gVar_output','skeweDF_gVar_n_parameters','skeweDF_gVar_right_cdf','skeweDF_gVar_weighted_rt','skeweDF_gVar_m'), envir = environment())
  criterion_list <- parLapply(clust, 1:nrow(skeweDF_gVar_output),function(i){ 
    model <- RGHD(length(skeweDF_gVar_data), skeweDF_gVar_m, unlist(skeweDF_gVar_output[i,1:skeweDF_gVar_m]), unlist(skeweDF_gVar_output[i,1:skeweDF_gVar_m]) * unlist(skeweDF_gVar_output[i,(skeweDF_gVar_m+1):(skeweDF_gVar_m+skeweDF_gVar_m)]))
      model_right_cdf <- weighted_right_tail_cdf(model)
      model_right_cdf <- right_tail_cdf(model)
    return(psi_criterion(skeweDF_gVar_right_cdf, model_right_cdf, skeweDF_gVar_n_parameters))
  }) %>% unlist()
  print('Iteration: 1')
  skeweDF_gVar_output$criterion <- criterion_list
  skeweDF_gVar_output <- skeweDF_gVar_output[!is.na(skeweDF_gVar_output$criterion ),]
  if(iter >= 2){
    for(q in 1:(iter-1)){
      bVars <- skeweDF_gVar_output[skeweDF_gVar_output$criterion == max(skeweDF_gVar_output$criterion),][1,] %>% unlist()
      bVars <- bVars[2:(length(bVars)-1)]
      bVars_decimal <- gsub("^.*\\.","",  bVars %>% as.character()) %>% nchar()
      bVars_decimal <- bVars_decimal + 1
      seq_list <- 1:length(bVars) %>% as.list()
      for(i in 1:length(seq_list)){
        seq_list[[i]] <- seq(bVars[i] - 5 * (10 ^ -bVars_decimal[i]),bVars[i] + 5 * (10 ^ -bVars_decimal[i]),by = 10 ^ -bVars_decimal[i]) %>% round(bVars_decimal[i])
      skeweDF_gVar_output <- expand.grid(seq_list)
      skeweDF_gVar_output$n <- length(data)
      skeweDF_gVar_output <- skeweDF_gVar_output[,c(length(skeweDF_gVar_output),1:(length(skeweDF_gVar_output)-1))]
      clusterExport(clust, varlist = c('skeweDF_gVar_output'), envir = environment())
      criterion_list <- parLapply(clust, 1:nrow(skeweDF_gVar_output),function(i){ 
        model <- RGHD(length(skeweDF_gVar_data), skeweDF_gVar_m, unlist(skeweDF_gVar_output[i,1:skeweDF_gVar_m]), unlist(skeweDF_gVar_output[i,1:skeweDF_gVar_m]) * unlist(skeweDF_gVar_output[i,(skeweDF_gVar_m+1):(skeweDF_gVar_m+skeweDF_gVar_m)]))
          model_right_cdf <- weighted_right_tail_cdf(model)
          model_right_cdf <- right_tail_cdf(model)
        return(psi_criterion(skeweDF_gVar_right_cdf, model_right_cdf, skeweDF_gVar_n_parameters))
      }) %>% unlist()
      skeweDF_gVar_output$criterion <- criterion_list
      skeweDF_gVar_output <- skeweDF_gVar_output[!is.na(skeweDF_gVar_output$criterion ),]
      print(paste('Iteration:', q+1))
  for(i in 1:skeweDF_gVar_m){
    colnames(skeweDF_gVar_output)[i+1] <- paste0('r',i)
    colnames(skeweDF_gVar_output)[i+1+skeweDF_gVar_m] <- paste0('q',i)
  colnames(skeweDF_gVar_output)[length(skeweDF_gVar_output)] <- 'Psi_RTCDF'
  params <- skeweDF_gVar_output[skeweDF_gVar_output$Psi_RTCDF == max(skeweDF_gVar_output$Psi_RTCDF),][1,]

#' Parameter Optimization Helper Function
#' This function adds in additional columns to the optimized parameter output dataframe
#' @param parameter_df Output dataframe of optimized parameters using local algorithm
#' @param model_fn_name Character vector used to indicate name of model function used for optimization
#' @param data Vector of observed values 
#' @export
parameter_post_processing <- function(parameter_df, model_fn_name, data){
  #Psi PDF, Psi weighted RTCDF, Error sum of squares pdf, Esos cdf, esos wtrtcdf, r2, ks pdf, ks rtcdf, ks weighted rtcdf
  n_parameters <- length(parameter_df) - 1
  model_fn <- get(model_fn_name)
  model_list <- vector('list',nrow(parameter_df))
  if(!(model_fn_name == 'RGHD')){
    model_list <- lapply(1:length(model_list), function(i){
      output <- invoke(model_fn, c(length(data), parameter_df[i,1:n_parameters]) %>% unlist() %>% unname())
      output <- output / sum(output)

    m <- n_parameters / 2
    model_list <- lapply(1:length(model_list), function(i){
      output <- RGHD(length(data), m, c(parameter_df[i,1:m] %>% unlist() %>% unname()), c(parameter_df[i,(m+1):(m+m)] %>% unlist() %>% unname()))
      output <- output / sum(output)
  if(model_fn_name == 'Kolmogorov_Waring'){
    #get p0
    parameter_df$p0 <- 0
    for(i in 1:nrow(parameter_df)){
      parameter_df$p0[i] <- get_p0(parameter_df[i,-c(length(parameter_df)-1, length(parameter_df))] %>% unlist(),model_fn_name)

    #calculate a/b ratio
    parameter_df$ab_ratio <- parameter_df$a / parameter_df$b
  else if(model_fn_name == 'RGHD'){
    m <- n_parameters / 2
    #get p0
    parameter_df$p0 <- 0
    for(i in 1:nrow(parameter_df)){
      parameter_df$p0[i] <- get_p0(parameter_df[i,-c(length(parameter_df)-1, length(parameter_df))] %>% unlist(),'RGHD')
    #get ratios
    for(i in 1:m){
      parameter_df[paste0('r',i,'q',i,'_ratio')] <-  parameter_df[i] / parameter_df[i+m]
      if( m > 1){
        #reorder such that r1q1_ratio > r2q2_ratio > r3q3_ratio ...
        for(i in 1:nrow(parameter_df)){
          tmp_params <- parameter_df[i,1:(m+m)] %>% unlist()
          tmp_ratios <- parameter_df[i,(length(parameter_df)-m+1):(length(parameter_df))] %>% unlist()
          ranked_ratios <- rank(-tmp_ratios)
          output_params <- tmp_params
          output_ratios <- tmp_ratios
          for( r in 1:length(ranked_ratios)){
            ratio_rank <- ranked_ratios[r]
            output_params[c(ratio_rank, ratio_rank + m)] <- tmp_params[c(r,r+m)]
            output_ratios[ratio_rank] <- tmp_ratios[r]
          parameter_df[i,1:(m+m)] <- output_params
          parameter_df[i,(length(parameter_df)-m+1):(length(parameter_df))] <- output_ratios
  parameter_df$Psi_PDF <- lapply(1:length(model_list), function(i){
    psi_criterion(data / sum(data), model = model_list[[i]], n_parameters = n_parameters)
  }) %>% unlist()
  parameter_df$Psi_weighted_RTCDF <- lapply(1:length(model_list), function(i){
    psi_criterion(weighted_right_tail_cdf(data / sum(data)), model = weighted_right_tail_cdf(model_list[[i]]), n_parameters = n_parameters)
  }) %>% unlist()
  parameter_df$Error_sum_of_squares_PDF <- lapply(1:length(model_list), function(i){
    one <- data / sum(data)
    two <- model_list[[i]]
    output <-  sum((one - two) ^ 2)
  }) %>% unlist()
  parameter_df$Error_sum_of_squares_RTCDF <- lapply(1:length(model_list), function(i){
    one <- data / sum(data)
    two <- model_list[[i]]
    output <-  sum((right_tail_cdf(one) - right_tail_cdf(two)) ^ 2)
  }) %>% unlist()
  parameter_df$Error_sum_of_squares_weighted_RTCDF <- lapply(1:length(model_list), function(i){
    one <- data / sum(data)
    two <- model_list[[i]]
    output <-  sum((weighted_right_tail_cdf(one) - weighted_right_tail_cdf(two)) ^ 2)
  }) %>% unlist()
  parameter_df$R_squared <- lapply(1:length(model_list), function(i){
    output <-  cor(data, model_list[[i]]) ^ 2
  }) %>% unlist()
  parameter_df$KS_PDF <- lapply(1:length(model_list), function(i){
    output <-  ks.test(data / sum(data), model_list[[i]])$statistic
  }) %>% unlist()
  parameter_df$KS_RTCDF <- lapply(1:length(model_list), function(i){
    output <-  ks.test(right_tail_cdf(data / sum(data)), right_tail_cdf(model_list[[i]]))$statistic
  }) %>% unlist()
  parameter_df$KS_weighted_RTCDF <- lapply(1:length(model_list), function(i){
    output <-  ks.test(weighted_right_tail_cdf(data / sum(data)), weighted_right_tail_cdf(model_list[[i]]))$statistic
  }) %>% unlist()

#' Label Coordinate Calculate Helper Function
#' This function calculates coordinates for a plot given x and y bounds and location represented as percentage of plot area
#' @param x_lower_bound Numeric lowest value of x axis
#' @param x_upper_bound Numeric highest value of x axis
#' @param y_lower_bound Numeric lowest value of y axis
#' @param y_upper_bound Numeric highest value of y axis
#' @param x_buffer Numeric indicating location on x axis (0 - 1)
#' @param y_buffer Numeric indicating location on y axis (0 - 1)
#' @param log_scale_x Boolean indicating if x axis is log scale
#' @param log_scale_y Boolean indicating if y axis is log scale
#' @export
calculate_label_coords <- function(x_lower_bound, x_upper_bound, y_lower_bound, y_upper_bound, x_buffer = 0.5, y_buffer = 0.5, log_scale_x = FALSE, log_scale_y = FALSE){
  output_x <- 0
  output_y <- 0
    x_lower_bound <- log(x_lower_bound,10)
    x_upper_bound <- log(x_upper_bound,10)
    y_lower_bound <- log(y_lower_bound,10)
    y_upper_bound <- log(y_upper_bound,10)
  diff_x <- x_upper_bound - x_lower_bound
  diff_y <- y_upper_bound - y_lower_bound
  output_x <- x_lower_bound + (x_buffer * diff_x)
  output_y <- y_lower_bound + (y_buffer * diff_y)
    output_x <- 10 ^ output_x
    output_y <- 10 ^ output_y
  return(c(output_x, output_y))

#' Plot Model Helper Function
#' This function generates various plots of empirical data and models
#' @param title Character vector indicating title of the empirical dataset, this will be present on every plot, this also determines the name of the folder where plots will be
#' @param model_fn_name Character vector used to indicate name of model function used for optimization
#' @param data Vector of observed values 
#' @param parameter_df Data frame of optimized parameters and other model function values (p0, Psi, etc)
#' @param n_parameters Int of number of parameters used in model funciton
#' @param plot_folder_name Character vector indicating folder or directory name to be used when outputting plot images
#' @param xlab Character vector indicating x axis label of plots, indicates what the random variable is
#' @param left_trunc Int indicating starting index of model function used for optimization
#' @export
plot_model <- function(title, model_fn_name, data, parameter_df, n_parameters, plot_folder_name, xlab, left_trunc = 1){
  all_parameter_df <- parameter_df
  if(model_fn_name == 'Kolmogorov_Waring' | model_fn_name == 'RGHD'){
    p0_med <- get_median_CI(parameter_df$p0)
    parameter_df <- parameter_df[parameter_df$p0 >= p0_med[1] & parameter_df$p0 <= p0_med[2],]
  bootstrap_n <- nrow(parameter_df)
  model_fn <- get(model_fn_name)
  model_list <- vector('list',nrow(parameter_df))
  if(!(model_fn_name == 'RGHD')){
    for(i in 1:length(model_list)){
      model_list[[i]] <- invoke(model_fn, c(length(data), parameter_df[i,1:n_parameters]) %>% unlist() %>% unname())
      model_list[[i]] <- model_list[[i]] /sum(model_list[[i]][left_trunc:length(data)])
    m <- n_parameters / 2
    for(i in 1:length(model_list)){
      model_list[[i]] <- RGHD(length(data), m, c(parameter_df[i,1:m] %>% unlist() %>% unname()), c(parameter_df[i,(m+1):(m+m)] %>% unlist() %>% unname()))
      model_list[[i]] <- model_list[[i]] /sum(model_list[[i]][left_trunc:length(data)])
  model <- model_list[[1]]
  #replace parameter df with tmp
  if(!(model_fn_name == 'RGHD')){
    fn_name <- str_replace(model_fn_name,'_',' ')
    plot_label <- paste0(names(parameter_df[1]),': ', signif(parameter_df[1,1], digits=3))
    if(n_parameters > 1){
      for(i in 2:n_parameters){
        plot_label <- paste0(plot_label,'\n',names(parameter_df[i]),': ', signif(parameter_df[1,i], digits=3))
    fn_name <- paste0('2m-RGHD (m=', n_parameters/2, ')')
    plot_label <- paste0(names(parameter_df[1]),': ', signif(parameter_df[1,1], digits=3),
                         ' ',names(parameter_df[(n_parameters/2)+1]),': ', signif(parameter_df[1,(n_parameters/2)+1], digits=3))
    if(n_parameters > 2){
      for(i in 2:(n_parameters/2)){
        plot_label <- paste0(plot_label,'\n', names(parameter_df[i]),': ', signif(parameter_df[1,i], digits=3),
                             ' ',names(parameter_df[(n_parameters/2)+i]),': ', signif(parameter_df[1,(n_parameters/2)+i], digits=3))
  if(model_fn_name == 'Kolmogorov_Waring' | model_fn_name == 'RGHD'){
    plot_label <- paste0(plot_label,'\np0: ', signif(parameter_df[1,'p0'], digits=5))
  plot_label <- paste0(plot_label,'\nPsi_RTCDF: ', signif(parameter_df[1,'Psi_RTCDF'], digits=5))
  plot_y_floor = 10 ^ (min(data[data != 0]) %>% log(10) %>% floor())
  tmp <- calculate_label_coords(1, length(data), min(data[data != 0]), max(data), x_buffer = 0, y_buffer = 0.25, log_scale_y = TRUE)
  pmf_text_x <- tmp[1]
  pmf_text_y <- tmp[2]
  tmp <- calculate_label_coords(1, length(data), 0, sum(data[left_trunc:length(data)]), x_buffer = 0.95, y_buffer = 0.85)
  cdf_text_x <- tmp[1]
  cdf_text_y <- tmp[2]
  png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/000.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
  plot(1:length(data), model * sum(data[left_trunc:length(data)]), log = 'xy',pch = 16, col = 'red', ylim = c(plot_y_floor,max(max(model), max(data))),
       main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name),
       xlab = xlab,
       ylab = 'Frequency')
  points(1:length(data), data)
  text(pmf_text_x,pmf_text_y,pos = 4,labels = plot_label)
  png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/001.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
  plot(1:length(data), model * sum(data[left_trunc:length(data)]),pch = 16, log = 'xy', col = 'red',
       main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name),
       xlab = xlab,
       ylab = 'Frequency')
  points(1:length(data), data)
  text(pmf_text_x,pmf_text_y,pos = 4,labels = plot_label)
  if(length(model_list) > 1){
    png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/002.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
    plot(1:length(data), model * sum(data[left_trunc:length(data)]), log = 'xy',pch = 16, col = 'red', ylim = c(plot_y_floor,max(max(model), max(data))),
         main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name,'\nTop 5%'),
         xlab = xlab,
         ylab = 'Frequency')
    for(i in 1:(bootstrap_n * 0.05)){
      points(1:length(data), model_list[[i]] * sum(data[left_trunc:length(data)]), col = 'red',pch = 16)
    points(1:length(data), data)
    points(1:length(data), model * sum(data[left_trunc:length(data)]), col = 'blue', pch = 16, cex = 0.5)
    text(pmf_text_x,pmf_text_y,pos = 4,labels = paste0('Psi_RTCDF: ', signif(mean(parameter_df['Psi_RTCDF'] %>% unlist()), digits=3), ' +- ', signif(sd(parameter_df['Psi_RTCDF'] %>% unlist()), digits=3)))
  if(length(model_list) > 1){
    png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/003.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
    plot(1:length(data), model * sum(data[left_trunc:length(data)]),pch = 16, log = 'xy', col = 'red',
         main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name,'\nTop 5%'),
         xlab = xlab,
         ylab = 'Frequency')
    for(i in 1:(bootstrap_n * 0.05)){
      points(1:length(data), model_list[[i]] * sum(data[left_trunc:length(data)]), col = 'red',pch = 16)
    points(1:length(data), data)
    points(1:length(data), model * sum(data[left_trunc:length(data)]), col = 'blue', pch = 16, cex = 0.5)
    text(pmf_text_x,pmf_text_y,pos = 4,labels = paste0('Psi_RTCDF: ', signif(mean(parameter_df['Psi_RTCDF'] %>% unlist()), digits=3), ' +- ', signif(sd(parameter_df['Psi_RTCDF'] %>% unlist()), digits=3)))
  lr <- data %>% log(10) %>% as.data.frame()
  colnames(lr) <- 'emp_data'
  lr$model <- (model * sum(data[left_trunc:length(data)])) %>% log(10)
  lr <- lr[lr$emp_data != -Inf,]
  lr_sum <- lm(formula = model ~ emp_data, data = lr) %>% summary()
  range <- abs(abs(min(min(lr$emp_data),min(lr$model))) - abs(max(max(lr$emp_data),max(lr$model))))
  png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/004.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
  plot(lr$emp_data, lr$model, xlim = c(min(min(lr$emp_data),min(lr$model)), max(max(lr$emp_data),max(lr$model))), ylim = c(min(min(lr$emp_data),min(lr$model)), max(max(lr$emp_data),max(lr$model))),
       main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name,'\nLog-Q-Q Plot'),
       xlab = paste0(title, ' Data'),
       ylab = fn_name)
  abline(lm(model ~ emp_data, data = lr))
  abline(a = lr_sum$coefficients[1,'Estimate'] - lr_sum$coefficients[1,'Std. Error'], b = lr_sum$coefficients[2,'Estimate'] - lr_sum$coefficients[2,'Std. Error'], col = 'red', lty = 'dashed')
  abline(a = lr_sum$coefficients[1,'Estimate'] + lr_sum$coefficients[1,'Std. Error'], b = lr_sum$coefficients[2,'Estimate'] + lr_sum$coefficients[2,'Std. Error'],col = 'red', lty = 'dashed')
  text(min(min(lr$emp_data),min(lr$model)) ,
       min(min(lr$emp_data),min(lr$model)) + (range * 0.75), pos = 4,
       labels = paste0('Intercept: ',signif(lr_sum$coefficients[1,'Estimate'], digits=3),' +- ',signif(lr_sum$coefficients[1,'Std. Error'], digits=3),
                       '\nSlope: ',signif(lr_sum$coefficients[2,'Estimate'], digits=3),' +- ',signif(lr_sum$coefficients[2,'Std. Error'], digits=3)))
  png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/005.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
  plot(1:length(data), (model * sum(data[left_trunc:length(data)])) %>% right_tail_cdf(), log = 'x', xlim = rev(range(1:length(data))), col = 'red', pch = 16,
       main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name,'\nRight-Tail CDF'),
       xlab = xlab,
       ylab = 'Cumulative Frequency')
  points(1:length(data), data %>% right_tail_cdf())
  text(cdf_text_x,cdf_text_y,pos = 4,labels = plot_label)
  if(length(model_list) > 1){
    png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/006.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
    plot(1:length(data), (model * sum(data[left_trunc:length(data)])) %>% right_tail_cdf(), log = 'x', xlim = rev(range(1:length(data))), col = 'red', pch = 16,
         main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name,'\nRight-Tail CDF Top 5%'),
         xlab = xlab,
         ylab = 'Cumulative Frequency')
    for(i in 1:(bootstrap_n * 0.05)){
      points(1:length(data), (model_list[[i]] * sum(data[left_trunc:length(data)])) %>% right_tail_cdf(), col = 'red',pch = 16)
    points(1:length(data), data %>% right_tail_cdf())
    points(1:length(data), (model * sum(data[left_trunc:length(data)])) %>% right_tail_cdf(), col = 'blue', pch = 16, cex = 0.5)
    text(cdf_text_x,cdf_text_y,pos = 4,labels = paste0('Psi_RTCDF: ', signif(mean(parameter_df['Psi_RTCDF'] %>% unlist()), digits=3), ' +- ', signif(sd(parameter_df['Psi_RTCDF'] %>% unlist()), digits=3)))
  if(model_fn_name == 'Kolmogorov_Waring'){
    png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/007.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
    plot(all_parameter_df$p0, all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF,pch = 16, col = rgb(0,0,0,alpha = 0.1),
         main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name,'\np0 vs Psi_RTCDF'),
         xlab = 'p0',
         ylab = 'Psi_RTCDF')
    abline(v = get_CI(all_parameter_df$p0, 0.05)[1], lty = 1)
    abline(v = get_CI(all_parameter_df$p0, 0.05)[2], lty = 1)
    abline(h = get_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF, 0.05)[1], lty = 1)
    abline(h = get_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF, 0.05)[2], lty = 1)
    abline(v = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$p0)[1], lty = 2)
    abline(v = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$p0)[2], lty = 2)
    abline(h = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF)[1], lty = 2)
    abline(h = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF)[2], lty = 2)
    png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/008.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
    plot(all_parameter_df$ab_ratio, all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF,pch = 16, col = rgb(0,0,0,alpha = 0.1),
         main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name,'\na/b vs Psi_RTCDF'),
         xlab = 'a/b',
         ylab = 'Psi_RTCDF')
    abline(v = get_CI(all_parameter_df$ab_ratio, 0.05)[1])
    abline(v = get_CI(all_parameter_df$ab_ratio, 0.05)[2])
    abline(h = get_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF, 0.05)[1])
    abline(h = get_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF, 0.05)[2])
    abline(v = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$ab_ratio)[1], lty = 2)
    abline(v = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$ab_ratio)[2], lty = 2)
    abline(h = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF)[1], lty = 2)
    abline(h = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF)[2], lty = 2)
    png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/009.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
    plot(all_parameter_df$ab_ratio, all_parameter_df$p0,pch = 16, col = rgb(0,0,0,alpha = 0.1),
         main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name,'\na/b vs p0'),
         xlab = 'a/b',
         ylab = 'p0')
    abline(v = get_CI(all_parameter_df$ab_ratio, 0.05)[1])
    abline(v = get_CI(all_parameter_df$ab_ratio, 0.05)[2])
    abline(h = get_CI(all_parameter_df$p0, 0.05)[1])
    abline(h = get_CI(all_parameter_df$p0, 0.05)[2])
    abline(v = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$ab_ratio)[1], lty = 2)
    abline(v = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$ab_ratio)[2], lty = 2)
    abline(h = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$p0)[1], lty = 2)
    abline(h = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$p0)[2], lty = 2)
  }else if(model_fn_name == 'RGHD'){
    if(n_parameters >= 2){
      png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/007.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
      plot(all_parameter_df$p0, all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF,pch = 16, col = rgb(0,0,0,alpha = 0.1),
           main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name,'\np0 vs Psi_RTCDF'),
           xlab = 'p0',
           ylab = 'Psi_RTCDF')
      abline(v = get_CI(all_parameter_df$p0, 0.05)[1], lty = 1)
      abline(v = get_CI(all_parameter_df$p0, 0.05)[2], lty = 1)
      abline(h = get_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF, 0.05)[1], lty = 1)
      abline(h = get_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF, 0.05)[2], lty = 1)
      abline(v = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$p0)[1], lty = 2)
      abline(v = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$p0)[2], lty = 2)
      abline(h = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF)[1], lty = 2)
      abline(h = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF)[2], lty = 2)
      png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/008.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
      plot(all_parameter_df$r1q1_ratio, all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF,pch = 16, col = rgb(0,0,0,alpha = 0.1),
           main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name,'\nr1/q1 vs Psi_RTCDF'),
           xlab = 'r1/q1',
           ylab = 'Psi_RTCDF')
      abline(v = get_CI(all_parameter_df$r1q1_ratio, 0.05)[1])
      abline(v = get_CI(all_parameter_df$r1q1_ratio, 0.05)[2])
      abline(h = get_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF, 0.05)[1])
      abline(h = get_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF, 0.05)[2])
      abline(v = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$r1q1_ratio)[1], lty = 2)
      abline(v = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$r1q1_ratio)[2], lty = 2)
      abline(h = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF)[1], lty = 2)
      abline(h = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF)[2], lty = 2)
      png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/009.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
      plot(all_parameter_df$r1q1_ratio, all_parameter_df$p0,pch = 16, col = rgb(0,0,0,alpha = 0.1),
           main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name,'\nr1q1 vs p0'),
           xlab = 'r1q1',
           ylab = 'p0')
      abline(v = get_CI(all_parameter_df$r1q1_ratio, 0.05)[1])
      abline(v = get_CI(all_parameter_df$r1q1_ratio, 0.05)[2])
      abline(h = get_CI(all_parameter_df$p0, 0.05)[1])
      abline(h = get_CI(all_parameter_df$p0, 0.05)[2])
      abline(v = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$r1q1_ratio)[1], lty = 2)
      abline(v = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$r1q1_ratio)[2], lty = 2)
      abline(h = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$p0)[1], lty = 2)
      abline(h = get_median_CI(all_parameter_df$p0)[2], lty = 2)
    if(n_parameters >= 4){
      png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/010.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
      plot(parameter_df$r2q2_ratio, parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF,pch = 16, col = rgb(0,0,0,alpha = 0.1),
           main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name,'\nr2/q2 vs Psi_RTCDF'),
           xlab = 'r2/q2',
           ylab = 'Psi_RTCDF')
      abline(v = get_CI(parameter_df$r2q2_ratio, 0.05)[1])
      abline(v = get_CI(parameter_df$r2q2_ratio, 0.05)[2])
      abline(h = get_CI(parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF, 0.05)[1])
      abline(h = get_CI(parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF, 0.05)[2])
      abline(v = get_median_CI(parameter_df$r2q2_ratio)[1], lty = 2)
      abline(v = get_median_CI(parameter_df$r2q2_ratio)[2], lty = 2)
      abline(h = get_median_CI(parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF)[1], lty = 2)
      abline(h = get_median_CI(parameter_df$Psi_RTCDF)[2], lty = 2)
      png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/011.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
      plot(parameter_df$r2q2_ratio, parameter_df$p0,pch = 16, col = rgb(0,0,0,alpha = 0.1),
           main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name,'\nr2q2 vs p0'),
           xlab = 'r2q2',
           ylab = 'p0')
      abline(v = get_CI(parameter_df$r2q2_ratio, 0.05)[1])
      abline(v = get_CI(parameter_df$r2q2_ratio, 0.05)[2])
      abline(h = get_CI(parameter_df$p0, 0.05)[1])
      abline(h = get_CI(parameter_df$p0, 0.05)[2])
      abline(v = get_median_CI(parameter_df$r2q2_ratio)[1], lty = 2)
      abline(v = get_median_CI(parameter_df$r2q2_ratio)[2], lty = 2)
      abline(h = get_median_CI(parameter_df$p0)[1], lty = 2)
      abline(h = get_median_CI(parameter_df$p0)[2], lty = 2)
      png(paste0(plot_folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/012.png'), width = 2000, height = 2000, res = 300)
      plot(parameter_df$r1q1_ratio, parameter_df$r2q2_ratio,pch = 16, col = rgb(0,0,0,alpha = 0.1),
           main = paste0(title,'\n',fn_name,'\nr1q1 vs r2q2'),
           xlab = 'r1q1',
           ylab = 'r2q2')
      abline(v = get_CI(parameter_df$r1q1_ratio, 0.05)[1])
      abline(v = get_CI(parameter_df$r1q1_ratio, 0.05)[2])
      abline(h = get_CI(parameter_df$r2q2_ratio, 0.05)[1])
      abline(h = get_CI(parameter_df$r2q2_ratio, 0.05)[2])
      abline(v = get_median_CI(parameter_df$r1q1_ratio)[1], lty = 2)
      abline(v = get_median_CI(parameter_df$r1q1_ratio)[2], lty = 2)
      abline(h = get_median_CI(parameter_df$r2q2_ratio)[1], lty = 2)
      abline(h = get_median_CI(parameter_df$r2q2_ratio)[2], lty = 2)

#' Write Parameter Table Helper Function
#' This function generates table of optimized parameters
#' @param parameter_df Data frame of optimized parameters and other model function values (p0, Psi, etc)
#' @param folder_name Character vector indicating folder or directory name to be used when outputting table
#' @param model_fn_name Character vector used to indicate name of model function used for optimization
#' @param RGHD_m Int indicating m value of 2m-RGHD function if applicable
#' @export
write_parameter_table <- function(parameter_df, folder_name, model_fn_name, RGHD_m = 0){
  if(!(model_fn_name == 'RGHD')){
    fn_name <- str_replace(model_fn_name,'_',' ')
    fn_name <- paste0('2m-RGHD (m=', RGHD_m, ')')
  write.table(parameter_df, paste0(folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/',fn_name,' optimized_parameters.txt'), sep = '\t', quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

#' Write Summary Table Helper Function
#' This function generates summary statistics table of optimized parameters
#' @param parameter_df Data frame of optimized parameters and other model function values (p0, Psi, etc)
#' @param folder_name Character vector indicating folder or directory name to be used when outputting table
#' @param model_fn_name Character vector used to indicate name of model function used for optimization
#' @param RGHD_m Int indicating m value of 2m-RGHD function if applicable
#' @export
write_summary_table <- function(parameter_df, folder_name, model_fn_name, RGHD_m = 0){
  if(!(model_fn_name == 'RGHD')){
    fn_name <- str_replace(model_fn_name,'_',' ')
    fn_name <- paste0('2m-RGHD (m=', RGHD_m, ')')
  summary_df <- colnames(parameter_df) %>% as.data.frame()
  colnames(summary_df) <- 'Variable'
  summary_df$n <- nrow(parameter_df)
  summary_df$mean <- colMeans(parameter_df)
  summary_df$median <- colMedians(parameter_df %>% as.matrix())
  summary_df$std <- colSds(parameter_df %>% as.matrix())
  summary_df$mean_error_alpha_0.05 <- qt(1-0.05, summary_df$n-1) * summary_df$std / sqrt(summary_df$n)
  summary_df$mean_CI_alpha_0.05 <- paste0((summary_df$mean - summary_df$mean_error_alpha_0.05) %>% round(5), ', ',(summary_df$mean + summary_df$mean_error_alpha_0.05) %>% round(5))
  summary_df$median_CI_lower_rank <- ((summary_df$n/2) - (1.96 * sqrt(summary_df$n) / 2)) %>% round(0)
  summary_df$median_CI_upper_rank <- (1+ (summary_df$n/2) + (1.96 * sqrt(summary_df$n) / 2)) %>% round(0)
  summary_df$median_CI_approx_0.95 <- ''
  for(i in 1:length(parameter_df)){
    tmp <- sort(parameter_df[i] %>% unlist())
    summary_df$median_CI_approx_0.95[i] <- paste0(tmp[ summary_df$median_CI_lower_rank[i]]%>%round(5),', ',tmp[ summary_df$median_CI_upper_rank[i]]%>%round(5))
  write.table(summary_df, paste0(folder_name,'/',fn_name,'/',fn_name,' parameter_summary.txt'), sep = '\t', quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

#' Write Input Table Helper Function
#' This function generates table of input data
#' @param folder_name Character vector indicating folder or directory name to be used when outputting table
#' @param data Vector of observed values 
#' @export
write_input_table <- function(folder_name, data){
  input_df <- 1:length(data) %>% as.data.frame()
  colnames(input_df) <- 'x'
  input_df$data <- data
  write.table(input_df, paste0(folder_name,'/input_data.txt'), sep = '\t', quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

#' SkeweDF Auto Helper Function
#' This function will automatically optimize parameters for an empirical dataset given a model function and generate plots and tables
#' @param title Character vector indicating title of the empirical dataset, this will be present on every plot, this also determines the name of the folder where plots will be
#' @param data Vector of observed values 
#' @param xlab Character vector indicating x axis label of plots, indicates what the random variable is
#' @param param_bounds A list of sequences which indicate space where parameters should be generated and fit
#' @param model_fn_name Character vector used to indicate name of model function used for optimization
#' @param left_trunc Int used to determine starting index of model to use for optimization
#' @param right_trunc Int used to determine ending index of model to use for optimization
#' @param n_cores Integer used to indicate number of cores to be used for this function if a socket cluster object is not defined.
#' @export
skeweDF_auto <- function(title = 'Dataset', data, xlab = 'Random Variable', param_bounds, model_fn_name, left_trunc = 1, right_trunc = left_trunc + length(data) - 1, n_cores = 1){
  folder_name <- paste0('output/',title) # folder name processing
  # create all folders for all types of methods
  write_input_table(folder_name, data)
  if(model_fn_name == 'Kolmogorov Waring'){
    parameters <- local_fit_function(param_bounds = param_bounds, data = data[left_trunc:right_trunc], model_fn_name = 'Kolmogorov_Waring', n_cores, left_trunc = left_trunc, right_trunc = right_trunc)
    plot_model(title = title, model_fn_name = 'Kolmogorov_Waring',data = data, parameter_df = parameters[parameters$theta != 1,], n_parameters = 3, plot_folder_name = folder_name, xlab = xlab, left_trunc = left_trunc)
    write_parameter_table(parameter_df = parameters[parameters$theta != 1,],folder_name = folder_name,model_fn_name = 'Kolmogorov_Waring')
    write_summary_table(parameter_df = parameters[parameters$theta != 1,],folder_name = folder_name,model_fn_name = 'Kolmogorov_Waring')
  else if(model_fn_name == 'RGHD'){
    m <- length(param_bounds) / 2
    RGHD_parameters <- local_fit_RGHD_ratio(param_bounds, data, n_cores, left_trunc = left_trunc, right_trunc = right_trunc)
    plot_model(title = title, model_fn_name = 'RGHD',data = data, parameter_df = RGHD_parameters, n_parameters = m*2, plot_folder_name = folder_name, xlab = xlab, left_trunc = left_trunc)
    write_parameter_table(parameter_df = RGHD_parameters,folder_name = folder_name,model_fn_name = 'RGHD',RGHD_m = m)
    write_summary_table(parameter_df = RGHD_parameters,folder_name = folder_name,model_fn_name = 'RGHD',RGHD_m = m)
  else if(model_fn_name == 'Yule'){
    parameters <- local_fit_function(param_bounds = param_bounds, data = data[left_trunc:right_trunc], model_fn_name = 'Yule', n_cores, left_trunc = left_trunc, right_trunc = right_trunc)
    plot_model(title = title, model_fn_name = 'Yule',data = data, parameter_df = parameters, n_parameters = 1, plot_folder_name = folder_name, xlab = xlab, left_trunc = left_trunc)
    write_parameter_table(parameter_df = parameters,folder_name = folder_name,model_fn_name = 'Yule')
    write_summary_table(parameter_df = parameters,folder_name = folder_name,model_fn_name = 'Yule')
  else if(model_fn_name == 'Generalized Yule'){
    parameters <- local_fit_function(param_bounds = param_bounds, data = data[left_trunc:right_trunc], model_fn_name = 'Generalized Yule', n_cores, left_trunc = left_trunc, right_trunc = right_trunc)
    plot_model(title = title, model_fn_name = 'Generalized Yule',data = data, parameter_df = parameters, n_parameters = 2, plot_folder_name = folder_name, xlab = xlab, left_trunc = left_trunc)
    write_parameter_table(parameter_df = parameters,folder_name = folder_name,model_fn_name = 'Generalized Yule')
    write_summary_table(parameter_df = parameters,folder_name = folder_name,model_fn_name = 'Generalized Yule')

Try the SkeweDF package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

SkeweDF documentation built on Jan. 16, 2021, 5:38 p.m.