
Defines functions designMatrices.mfr

Documented in designMatrices.mfr

## File Name: designMatrices.mfr.R
## File Version: 9.419

designMatrices.mfr <- function( resp, formulaA=~ item + item:step, facets=NULL,
            constraint=c("cases", "items"), ndim=1,
            Q=NULL, A=NULL, B=NULL, progress=FALSE )

tamcat_active <- TRUE
tamcat_active <- FALSE
z0 <- Sys.time()

    ### Basic Information and Initializations
    constraint <- match.arg(constraint)
    ## restructure formulaA
    t1 <- attr( stats::terms(formulaA), "term.labels" )
    t2 <- intersect( c("item", "step", "item:step"), t1 )
    t0 <- attr( stats::terms(formulaA), "intercept" )
    inc <- ""
    if ( t0 %in% c(0,-1) ){ inc <- "0 + "}

    formulaA <- paste(  paste( c(t2, setdiff(t1, t2 ) ), collapse=" + " ) )
    formulaA <- stats::as.formula( paste( " ~ ", inc, formulaA ) )

    #--- change formate in facets
    FF <- ncol(facets)
    NFF <- nrow(facets)
    if (progress){
      cat( "        o Check facets (", paste(Sys.time()), ")\n") ; flush.console();
    if ( is.null(FF) ){ FF <- 0 }
    if (FF>0){
      for (ff in 1:FF){
        # ff <- 1
        #**** inclusion ARb 2013-09-07
        #        cff <- nchar(facets[,ff] )
        cff <- nchar(paste( facets[,ff] ) )
        Mff <- max(cff)
        sff <- paste( rep("_", Mff ), collapse="" )
        if( min(cff) < Mff ){
          facets.ff0 <- facets[,ff]
          #            facets[,ff] <- paste0( facets[,ff], substring( sff, 1, Mff - cff ) )
          facets[,ff] <- paste0( "_", facets[,ff], substring( sff, 1, Mff - cff ) )
          if (progress){
            u1 <- unique( setdiff( paste(facets[,ff]), paste( facets.ff0 ) ) )
            p1 <- paste0( "          * Changed levels of facet ", colnames(facets)[ff], ":" )
            p1 <- paste( p1, paste( paste0("'",u1,"'"), collapse=" " ) )
            cat(p1, "\n")

z0 <- tamcat( " ---  z50", z0, tamcat_active )

    #    resp[ is.na(resp) ] <- 0
    # maxKi <- apply( resp, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE )
    maxKi <- tam_max_categories(resp=resp)
    maxK <- max( maxKi )
    I <- nI <- ncol( resp )
    item <- rep( 1:nI, maxKi+1 )
    if ( is.null( colnames(resp) ) ){
      colnames(resp) <- paste0( "item", 1:nI )

z0 <- tamcat( " ---  before .A.matrix", z0, tamcat_active )

    # A Matrix
    if( is.null(A) ){
#!!!! work on speeding this step!!
      AX <- .A.matrix( resp, formulaA=formulaA, facets=facets, constraint=constraint,
z0 <- tamcat( " ---  after .A.matrix", z0, tamcat_active )

      A <- AX$A; X <- AX$X; otherFacets <- AX$otherFacets
      xsi.constr <- AX$xsi.constr
      facet.design <- AX$facet.design
      facet.list <- facet.design$facet.list
      facets <- facet.design$facets
      X.noStep <- unique(X[,- grep("step", colnames(X)), drop=FALSE ])
      rownames(X.noStep) <- gsub("-step([[:digit:]])*", "", rownames(X.noStep))

z0 <- tamcat( " ---  A matrix (is.null(A)", z0, tamcat_active )

    # TK: 2014-03-12
    # Consider long vector response matrix
    if( "item" %in% colnames(facets) & "item" %in% t2 ) otherFacets <-  c("item", otherFacets)
    X.ind <-  if( "item" %in% colnames(facets) | nI==1) rep(1,nrow(X)) else as.numeric(X[,"item"])
    X.noStep.ind <-  if( "item" %in% colnames(facets) | nI==1)
             rep(1,nrow(X.noStep)) else as.numeric(X.noStep[,"item"])

    if (progress){
      cat( "        o Created A Matrix (", paste(Sys.time()), ")\n") ; flush.console();

z0 <- tamcat( " ---  created A matrix", z0, tamcat_active )

    # Q Matrix

    if( is.null(Q) ){
      if( ndim > 1 ) warning("random q matrix")
      Q <- matrix( 0, nrow=nI, ncol=ndim )
      Q[ cbind( 1:nI, sample(1:ndim, nI, replace=T) ) ] <- 1
    Q <- Q[X.ind,,drop=FALSE]
    dimnames(Q) <- list( rownames(X),
                         paste( "Dim", add.lead( 1:ndim, ceiling(log(ndim, 10)) ), sep="")
    # ndim
    ndim <- dim(Q)[2]

z0 <- tamcat( " ---  after Q", z0, tamcat_active )

    # B Matrix
    if( is.null(B) ){
      B.store.in <- NULL
      B <- Q * as.numeric(X$step)
      B.store.in <- B
      B <- Q * as.numeric(X$step)
    if (progress){
      cat( "        o Created B Matrix (", paste(Sys.time()), ")\n") ; flush.console();

    # gresp
    ind.resp.cols <- as.numeric(X.ind)
z0 <- tamcat( " ---  before gresp", z0, tamcat_active )
    gresp <- resp[,ind.resp.cols]
z0 <- tamcat( " ---  after gresp selection   ", z0, tamcat_active )

#    res <- gresp_selection( as.matrix(resp), ind.resp.cols-1 )
# no much time gain with Rcpp function
# cat(" ---  after gresp selection (Rcpp)  " ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
 #    gresp <- 1* ( gresp==t(array( X[, "step"], dim=dim(t(gresp)) )) )
#    gresp <- 1*(gresp==matrix( as.numeric(X[,"step"]), nrow(gresp), ncol(gresp), byrow=TRUE ))

    # This step is time-consuming!!
    #**** ARb 2014-05-30
    gresp <- tam_rcpp_mml_mfr_gresp_extend( gresp=as.matrix(gresp), xstep=as.numeric( X[,"step"] ) )
z0 <- tamcat( " ---  after gresp   ", z0, tamcat_active )

    ind.resp.cols <- as.numeric(X.noStep.ind)
    gresp.noStep <- resp[,ind.resp.cols]
z0 <- tamcat( " ---  gresp ind.resp.cols   ", z0, tamcat_active )

    if( length(otherFacets) > 0 ){
      rnFacets <- rownames( rownames.design2( as.matrix(facets[,otherFacets]) ))
      rnX <-      rownames( rownames.design2( as.matrix(X[,otherFacets]) ))
      rnX.noStep <-      rownames( rownames.design2( as.matrix(X.noStep[,otherFacets]) ))
z0 <- tamcat( " ---  rownames.design2   ", z0, tamcat_active )

      #*** ARb 2013-03-26:
      #*** Set all entries in gresp and gresp.noStep to missing
      #*** if they are not observed.
      #      gresp <- gresp * (1* outer(rnFacets, rnX, "=="))
#      gresp[ outer(rnFacets, rnX, "!=") ] <- NA
      #      gresp.noStep <- gresp.noStep * (1* outer(rnFacets, rnX.noStep, "=="))
#      gresp.noStep[ outer(rnFacets, rnX.noStep, "!=") ] <- NA

      gresp <- tam_rcpp_mml_mfr_gresp_na_facets( gresp=as.matrix(gresp),
                    rnfacets=rnFacets, rnx=rnX )
z0 <- tamcat( " ---  gresp na facets gresp   ", z0, tamcat_active )
      gresp.noStep <- tam_rcpp_mml_mfr_gresp_na_facets( gresp=as.matrix(gresp.noStep),
                        rnfacets=rnFacets, rnx=rnX.noStep )
z0 <- tamcat( " ---  gresp na facets gresp.noStep   ", z0, tamcat_active )

#  cat(" ---  after other facets" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
    colnames(gresp) <- rownames(X)

    X$empty <- tam_rcpp_mml_mfr_colsums_gresp( gresp )
z0 <- tamcat( " ---  col sums (gresp) in X (Rcpp)", z0, tamcat_active )

    colnames(gresp.noStep) <- rownames(X.noStep)
#    X.noStep$empty <- 1* (colSums( gresp.noStep, na.rm=TRUE )==0)
    X.noStep$empty <- tam_rcpp_mml_mfr_colsums_gresp( gresp.noStep )
z0 <- tamcat( " ---  col sums (gresp noStep) in X (Rcpp)", z0, tamcat_active )

    ### output
    ind <- X[,"empty"]==1
    nStep <- maxK+1
    nGenit <- nrow(X)

    .generate.3d <- function(x){
      return( aperm( array( as.matrix(x), dim=c( nStep, nGenit/nStep, ncol(x) ),
                            dimnames=list( paste("_step",0:maxK, sep=""),
                                            unique(gsub("-step([[:digit:]])*", "", rownames(x))),
                                            colnames(x) ) )
, c(2,1,3)
      ) )

    # generate B
    .generateB.3d <- function(x){
      x2 <- array( 0, c(nStep, nGenit/nStep, ncol(x) ) )
      dimnames(x2) <- list( paste("_step",0:maxK, sep=""),
                            unique(gsub("(^|-)+step([[:digit:]])*", "", rownames(x))),
                            colnames(x) )
    for (ss in 0:(nStep-1)){
              str.ss <- paste0("step",ss )
              iss <- grep(  paste0(str.ss,"+(-|$)"), rownames(x) )#, fixed=TRUE )
                iss <- setdiff(iss,  grep( paste0( "step", ss, ss,"+(-|$)"), rownames(x) ) )
              str.ss2 <- gsub( paste0("(^|-)+",str.ss), "", rownames(x)[iss] )
              x2[ss+1,str.ss2,] <- x[ iss, ]
      x2 <- aperm( x2, c(2,1,3) )

# cat(" ---  before item rename" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
    # debugging ind manually
    ind <- FALSE * ind
    # rename items
    # TK 2014-03-12: consider "item" in facets or long vector response MX

    if( "item" %in% colnames(facets) ){
      itemren <- data.frame(
            "itemren"=paste0( "item", unique(facet.design$facets[,"item"]) ) )
    } else {
    #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ARb 2015-10-16
      n1 <- nI
        if ( xsi.constr$intercept_included ){ n1 <- nI - 1  }
      itemren <- data.frame( "item"=colnames(resp)[1:n1],
            "itemren"=paste0( "item", 1:n1 ) )

# cat(" --- .....before rename A" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
    A <- .rename.items( matr=A, itemren )
z0 <- tamcat( " --- .rename.items (A)", z0, tamcat_active )

    # print( dimnames(A) )
    # print(facet.list)
    dimnames(A)[[1]] <- .rename.items2aa( vec=dimnames(A)[[1]],
                                          facet.list=facet.list, I=I )
z0 <- tamcat( " --- .rename.items2aa (A)", z0, tamcat_active )
    xsi.table <- xsi.constr$xsi.table
    A <- .rename.items3a( matr=A, facet.list=facet.list, I=I, cols=TRUE, xsi.table=xsi.table )
z0 <- tamcat( " --- .rename.items3a (A)", z0, tamcat_active )

#    B <- .rename.items( matr=B, itemren )
# z0 <- tamcat( " --- .rename.items (B)", z0, tamcat_active )

    dimnames(B)[[1]] <- dimnames(A)[[1]]
z0 <- tamcat( " ---  dimnames(B)", z0, tamcat_active )
    #    B <- .rename.items3( matr=B, facet.list )
#    gresp <- t( .rename.items( matr=t(gresp), itemren, cols=FALSE) )
# z0 <- tamcat( " --- .rename.items (gresp)", z0, tamcat_active )
    dimnames(gresp)[[2]] <- dimnames(A)[[1]]
z0 <- tamcat( " ---  colnames(gresp) <- dimnames(A)", z0, tamcat_active )

#Revalpr("sum(dimnames(A)[[1]] !=colnames(gresp))")

    # gresp <- t( .rename.items3( matr=t(gresp), facet.list, cols=FALSE)    )
    dimnames(gresp)[[2]] <- dimnames(A)[[1]]
    gresp.noStep <- t( .rename.items( matr=t(gresp.noStep), itemren, cols=FALSE)    )
z0 <- tamcat( " --- .rename.items (gresp.noStep)", z0, tamcat_active )

    #    gresp.noStep <- t( .rename.items3( matr=t(gresp.noStep), facet.list, I, cols=FALSE)    )
    gresp.noStep <- t( .rename.items3a( matr=t(gresp.noStep), facet.list, I, cols=FALSE,
                                        xsi.table )    )
z0 <- tamcat( " --- .rename.items (gresp.noStep) facet list", z0, tamcat_active )

    Q <- .rename.items( matr=Q, itemren, cols=FALSE)
    dimnames(Q)[[1]] <- dimnames(A)[[1]]
z0 <- tamcat( " --- .rename.items (Q)", z0, tamcat_active )
    #     Q <- .rename.items3( matr=Q, facet.list, cols=FALSE)
    X <- .rename.items( matr=X, itemren, cols=FALSE)
    dimnames(X)[[1]] <- dimnames(A)[[1]]
    #    X <- .rename.items3( matr=X, facet.list, cols=FALSE)
z0 <- tamcat( " --- .rename.items (Q,X)", z0, tamcat_active )
    X.noStep <- .rename.items( matr=X.noStep, itemren, cols=FALSE)
z0 <- tamcat( " --- .rename.items (X.noStep)", z0, tamcat_active )
    #    X.noStep <- .rename.items3( matr=X.noStep, facet.list, cols=FALSE)
    G1 <- xsi.constr$xsi.table
    G1$parameter <- .rename.items2( paste( G1$parameter), itemren)
z0 <- tamcat( " --- .rename.items2 (G1$parameter)", z0, tamcat_active )
    #    G1$parameter <- .rename.items2a( paste( G1$parameter), facet.list, I)
# cat(" --- .rename.items2a (G1$parameter)  " ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1
     G1$parameter <- .rename.items2b( paste( G1$parameter), facet.list, I, xsi.table )
    xsi.constr$xsi.table <- G1
z0 <- tamcat( " --- .rename.items2b (G1$parameter)", z0, tamcat_active )
    G1 <- xsi.constr$xsi.constraints
    rownames(G1) <- .rename.items2( rownames(G1), itemren)
    colnames(G1) <- .rename.items2( colnames(G1), itemren)
z0 <- tamcat( " --- .rename.items2 (colnames(G1))", z0, tamcat_active )
    colnames(G1) <- .rename.items2b( colnames(G1), facet.list, I, xsi.table, sel1=1)
    rownames(G1) <- .rename.items2b( rownames(G1), facet.list, I, xsi.table, sel1=2)
z0 <- tamcat( " --- .rename.items2b (dimnames(G1))", z0, tamcat_active )
    G1 -> xsi.constr$xsi.constraints
 #cat(" --- rename items" ) ; z1 <- Sys.time() ; print(z1-z0) ; z0 <- z1

    if (progress){
      cat( "        o Relabeled Variable Names (", paste(Sys.time()), ")\n") ; flush.console();
z0 <- tamcat( " --- after all renames", z0, tamcat_active )
    # A
    A.flat.0 <- A.flat <- A; A.flat.0[ind,] <- 0
    A.3d <- .generateB.3d( A.flat )
    A.flat <- A.flat[!ind,]
    A.3d.0 <- .generateB.3d( A.flat.0 )
z0 <- tamcat( " --- A generate 3d", z0, tamcat_active )

    # B
    B.flat.0 <- B.flat <- B; B.flat.0[ind,] <- 0
    B.3d <- .generateB.3d( B.flat )
    B.flat <- B.flat[!ind,]
    B.3d.0 <- .generateB.3d( B.flat.0 )
    if(!is.null(B.store.in)) B.3d.0[] <- B.store.in
z0 <- tamcat( " --- B generate 3d", z0, tamcat_active )

    # Q
    Q.flat.0 <- Q.flat <- Q; Q.flat.0[ind,] <- 0
    Q.3d <- .generateB.3d( Q.flat )
    Q.flat <- Q.flat[!ind,]
    Q.3d.0 <- .generateB.3d( Q.flat.0 )
z0 <- tamcat( " --- Q generate 3d", z0, tamcat_active )

    # out
    out <- list( "gresp"=list("gresp"=gresp, "gresp.noStep"=gresp.noStep),
                 "A"=list("A.flat"=A.flat, "A.flat.0"=A.flat.0,
                            "A.3d"=A.3d, "A.3d.0"=A.3d.0),
                 "B"=list("B.flat"=B.flat, "B.flat.0"=B.flat.0,
                            "B.3d"=B.3d, "B.3d.0"=B.3d.0),
                 "Q"=list("Q.flat"=Q.flat, "Q.flat.0"=Q.flat.0,
                            "Q.3d"=Q.3d, "Q.3d.0"=Q.3d.0),
                 "X"=list("X"=X, "X.noStep"=X.noStep),
    class(out) <- "designMatrices.mfr"

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