
Defines functions add_variables new_tplyr_meta tplyr_meta

Documented in add_variables tplyr_meta

#' Tplyr Metadata Object
#' If a Tplyr table is built with the `metadata=TRUE` option specified, then
#' metadata is assembled behind the scenes to provide traceability on each
#' result cell derived. The functions `get_meta_result()` and
#' `get_meta_subset()` allow you to access that metadata by using an ID provided
#' in the row_id column and the column name of the result you'd like to access.
#' The purpose is of the row_id variable instead of a simple row index is to
#' provide a sort resistant reference of the originating column, so the output
#' Tplyr table can be sorted in any order but the metadata are still easily
#' accessible.
#' The `tplyr_meta` object provided a list with two elements - names and
#' filters. The names contain every column from the target data.frame of the
#' Tplyr table that factored into the specified result cell, and the filters
#' contains all the necessary filters to subset the target data to create the
#' specified result cell. `get_meta_subset()` additionally provides a parameter to
#' specify any additional columns you would like to include in the returned
#' subset data frame.
#' @param names List of symbols
#' @param filters  List of expressions
#' @return tplyr_meta object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tplyr_meta(
#'    names = rlang::quos(x, y, z),
#'    filters = rlang::quos(x == 1, y==2, z==3)
#'  )
tplyr_meta <- function(names=list(), filters=exprs()) {
  meta <- new_tplyr_meta()
  meta <- add_variables(meta, names)
  meta <- add_filters(meta, filters)

#' Create a tplyr_meta object
#' @return tplyr_meta object
#' @noRd
new_tplyr_meta <- function(names = list(), filters=exprs()) {
      names = names,
      filters = filters
    class = 'tplyr_meta'

#' Add variables to a tplyr_meta object
#' Add additional variable names to a `tplyr_meta()` object.
#' @param meta A tplyr_meta object
#' @param names A list of names, providing variable names of interest. Provide
#'   as a list of quosures using `rlang::quos()`
#' @return tplyr_meta object
#' @md
#' @family Metadata additions
#' @rdname metadata_additions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' m <- tplyr_meta()
#' m <- add_variables(m, rlang::quos(a, b, c))
#' m <- add_filters(m, rlang::quos(a==1, b==2, c==3))
#' m
add_variables <- function(meta, names) {

  if (!all(map_lgl(names, ~ is_quosure(.) && quo_is_symbol(.)))) {
    stop("Names must be provided as a list of names", call.=FALSE)

  if (!inherits(meta, 'tplyr_meta')) {
    stop("meta must be a tplyr_meta object", call.=FALSE)

  add_variables_(meta, names)

#' Internal application of variables onto tplyr_meta object
#' @noRd
add_variables_ <- function(meta, names) {
  meta$names <- append(meta$names, names)

#' @param filters A list of symbols, providing variable names of interest. Provide
#'   as a list of quosures using `rlang::quos()`
#' @family Metadata additions
#' @rdname metadata_additions
#' @export
add_filters <- function(meta, filters) {

  if (!all(map_lgl(filters, ~ is_quosure(.) && quo_is_call(.)))) {
    stop("Filters must be provided as a list of calls", call.=FALSE)

  if (!inherits(meta, 'tplyr_meta')) {
    stop("meta must be a tplyr_meta object", call.=FALSE)

  add_filters_(meta, filters)

#' Internal application of filters onto tplyr_meta object
#' @noRd
add_filters_ <- function(meta, filters) {
  meta$filters <- append(meta$filters, filters)

#' Get the metadata dataframe from a tplyr_table
#' Pull out the metadata dataframe from a tplyr_table to work with it directly
#' @param t A Tplyr table with metadata built
#' @return Tplyr metadata dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples
#' t <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>%
#'   add_layer(
#'     group_desc(wt)
#'   )
#' t %>%
#'   build(metadata=TRUE)
#' get_metadata(t)
get_metadata <- function(t) {

  if (!inherits(t, 'tplyr_table')) {
    stop("t must be a tplyr_table object", call.=FALSE)

  if (is.null(t$metadata)){
      "t does not contain a metadata dataframe.",
      "Make sure the tplyr_table was built with `build(metadata=TRUE)`"))


#' Append the Tplyr table metadata dataframe
#' `append_metadata()` allows a user to extend the Tplyr metadata data frame
#' with user provided data. In some tables, Tplyr may be able to provided most
#' of the data, but a user may have to extend the table with other summaries,
#' statistics, etc. This function allows the user to extend the tplyr_table's
#' metadata with their own metadata content using custom data frames created
#' using the `tplyr_meta` object.
#' As this is an advanced feature of Tplyr, ownership is on the user to make
#' sure the metadata data frame is assembled properly. The only restrictions
#' applied by `append_metadata()` are that `meta` must have a column named
#' `row_id`, and the values in `row_id` cannot be duplicates of any `row_id`
#' value already present in the Tplyr metadata dataframe. `tplyr_meta()` objects
#' align with constructed dataframes using the `row_id` and output dataset
#' column name. As such, `tplyr_meta()` objects should be inserted into a data
#' frame using a list column.
#' @param t A tplyr_table object
#' @param meta A dataframe fitting the specifications of the details section of
#'   this function
#' @return A tplyr_table object
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
#' t <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>%
#'   add_layer(
#'     group_desc(wt)
#'   )
#' t %>%
#'   build(metadata=TRUE)
#' m <- tibble::tibble(
#'   row_id = c('x1_1'),
#'   var1_3 = list(tplyr_meta(rlang::quos(a, b, c), rlang::quos(a==1, b==2, c==3)))
#' )
#' append_metadata(t, m)
append_metadata <- function(t, meta) {

  if (!('row_id' %in% names(meta))) {
    stop("The provided metadata dataset must have a column named row_id", call.=FALSE)

  if (any(meta$row_id %in% t$metadata$row_id)) {
      paste("row_id values in the provided metadata dataset are duplicates of",
            "row_id values in the Tplyr metadata. All row_id values must be unique.",

  t$metadata <- bind_rows(t$metadata, meta)

#' @export
print.tplyr_meta <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(sprintf("tplyr_meta: %d names, %d filters\n", length(x$names), length(x$filters)))
  names <- map_chr(x$names, as_label)
  filters <- map_chr(x$filters, as_label)
  cat("    ", paste0(names, collapse = ", "), "\n")
  cat("    ", paste0(filters, collapse = ", "), "\n")
  if (!is.null(x$anti_join)) {
    cat("    Join Meta:\n")
    cat(paste0("        ", capture.output(x$anti_join$join_meta), "\n"), sep="")
    cat("    On:\n")
    aj_on <- map_chr(x$anti_join$on, as_label)
    cat("       ", paste0(aj_on, collapse = ", "), "\n")

#' Create an tplyr_meta_anti_join object
#' @return tplyr_meta_anti_join object
#' @noRd
new_anti_join <- function(join_meta, on) {
      join_meta = join_meta,
      on = on

#' Internal application of anti_join onto tplyr_meta object
#' @noRd
add_anti_join_ <- function(meta, aj) {
  meta$anti_join <- aj

#' Add an anti-join onto a tplyr_meta object
#' An anti-join allows a tplyr_meta object to refer to data that should be
#' extracted from a separate dataset, like the population data of a Tplyr table,
#' that is unavailable in the target dataset. The primary use case for this is
#' the presentation of missing subjects, which in a Tplyr table is presented
#' using the function `add_missing_subjects_row()`. The missing subjects
#' themselves are not present in the target data, and are thus only available in
#' the population data. The `add_anti_join()` function allows you to provide the
#' meta information relevant to the population data, and then specify the `on`
#' variable that should be used to join with the target dataset and find the
#' values present in the population data that are missing from the target data.
#' @param meta A tplyr_meta object referring to the target data
#' @param join_meta A tplyr_meta object referring to the population data
#' @param on A list of quosures containing symbols - most likely set to USUBJID.
#' @return A tplyr_meta object
#' @md
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tm <- tplyr_meta(
#'   rlang::quos(TRT01A, SEX, ETHNIC, RACE),
#'   rlang::quos(TRT01A == "Placebo", TRT01A == "SEX", ETHNIC == "HISPANIC OR LATINO")
#' )
#' tm %>%
#'   add_anti_join(
#'     tplyr_meta(
#'       rlang::quos(TRT01A, ETHNIC),
#'       rlang::quos(TRT01A == "Placebo", ETHNIC == "HISPANIC OR LATINO")
#'     ),
#'     on = rlang::quos(USUBJID)
#'   )
add_anti_join <- function(meta, join_meta, on){

  if (!inherits(meta, 'tplyr_meta')) {
    stop("meta must be a tplyr_meta object", call.=FALSE)

  if (!inherits(join_meta, 'tplyr_meta')) {
    stop("join_meta must be a tplyr_meta object", call.=FALSE)

  if (!all(map_lgl(on, ~ is_quosure(.) && quo_is_symbol(.)))) {
    stop("on must be provided as a list of names", call.=FALSE)

  aj <- new_anti_join(join_meta, on)

  add_anti_join_(meta, aj)

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Tplyr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:37 a.m.