
Defines functions BayesFactorSlope

Documented in BayesFactorSlope

#' Bayes Factor for Slope Parameters in Latent-Trait MPT
#' Uses the Savage-Dickey method to compute the Bayes factor that the slope
#' parameter of a continuous covariate in \code{\link{traitMPT}} is zero vs.
#' positive/negative/unequal to zero.
#' @param fittedModel a fitted latent-trait model fitted with
#'   \code{\link{traitMPT}} with predictor variables that have been defined via
#'   \code{predStructure}.
#' @param parameter name of the slope parameter (e.g.,
#'   \code{"slope_d_covariate"}).
#' @param direction alternative hypothesis: whether slope is smaller or larger
#'   than zero (\code{"<"} or \code{">"}) or unequal to zero (\code{"!="}).
#' @param approx how to approximate the posterior density of the slope parameter
#'   at zero: \code{approx="normal"} uses a normal approximation to all samples
#'   and \code{approx="logspline"} uses a nonparametric density estimate of the
#'   package \link[logspline]{logspline}. Usually, both methods provide similar
#'   results.
#' @param plot if \code{TRUE}, the prior and posterior densities and the ratio
#'   at slope=0 are plotted.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link[logspline]{logspline}},
#'   which is used to approximate the density of the posterior distribution.
#' @details The Bayes factor is computed with the Savage-Dickey method, which is
#' defined as the ratio of the density of the posterior and the density of the
#' prior evaluated at \code{slope=0} (Heck, 2019). Note that this method cannot
#' be used with default JZS priors (\code{IVprec="dgamma(.5,.5)"}) if more than
#' one predictor is added for an MPT parameter. As a remedy, a g-prior (normal
#' distribution) can be used on the slopes by setting the hyperprior parameter
#' \eqn{g} to a fixed constant when fitting the model: \code{traitMPT(...,
#' IVprec = 1)} (see Heck, 2019).
#' @references Heck, D. W. (2019). A caveat on the Savage-Dickey density ratio:
#' The case of computing Bayes factors for regression parameters. \emph{British
#' Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 72}, 316–333.
#' \doi{10.1111/bmsp.12150}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # latent-trait MPT model for the encoding condition (see ?arnold2013):
#' EQNfile <- system.file("MPTmodels/2htsm.eqn", package = "TreeBUGS")
#' d.enc <- subset(arnold2013, group == "encoding")
#' fit <- traitMPT(EQNfile,
#'   data = d.enc[, -(1:4)], n.thin = 5,
#'   restrictions = list("D1=D2=D3", "d1=d2", "a=g"),
#'   covData = d.enc[, c("age", "pc")],
#'   predStructure = list("D1 ; age")
#' )
#' plot(fit, parameter = "slope", type = "default")
#' summary(fit)
#' BayesFactorSlope(fit, "slope_D1_age", direction = "<")
#' }
#' @importFrom stats dcauchy
#' @importFrom logspline dlogspline logspline
#' @export
BayesFactorSlope <- function(
    direction = "!=",
    approx = "normal",
    plot = TRUE,
) {
  ######## Bayes factors:
  ## H0: slope beta = 0
  ## H1: slope beta < 0   (i.e., beta ~ Cauchy)

  approx <- match.arg(approx, c("normal", "logspline"))

  # hyperprior for "g" (numeric: g-prior; dgamma: JZS)
  IVprec <- fittedModel$mptInfo$hyperprior$IVprec
  if (length(IVprec) != 1) {
    stop("Fitted model must use the same 'IVprec' for all slope parameters.")
  if (is.numeric(IVprec)) {
    IVfamily <- "constant"
  } else {
    IVsplit <- strsplit(IVprec, "[\\(,\\)]")[[1]]
    IVfamily <- IVsplit[[1]]
    IVpars <- as.numeric(sapply(
      function(g) eval(as.expression(g))

  parlabels <- rownames(fittedModel$mcmc.summ)
  if (length(parameter) != 1 || !parameter %in% parlabels) {
    stop("'parameter' not in model or not of length=1.")

  if (substr(parameter, 1, 6) != "slope_") {
    stop("Only valid for slope parameters.")

  thetas <- fittedModel$mptInfo$thetaUnique
  theta <- thetas[sapply(paste0("_", thetas, "_"), grepl, parameter)]
  if (length(theta) != 1) {
      "Check that slope parameter includes the correct label of the MPT parameters:\n",
      "  theta:     ", paste(thetas, collapse = ", "), "  \n  parameter: ", parameter
  cov <- substr(parameter, 7 + nchar(theta) + 1, 999)
  if (!cov %in% colnames(fittedModel$mptInfo$covData)) {
    stop("Covariate", cov, "not in covariate data.")

  if (IVfamily == "dgamma" && sum(grepl(paste0("slope_", theta), parlabels)) > 1) {
      "The Savage-Dickey method provides incorrect Bayes factors if:\n",
      "     (A) one of the MPT parameters has more than one predictors AND \n",
      "     (B) the slope parameters have the default prior (known as JZS or Cauchy prior).\n",
      "     (cf. Heck (2018): Computing Bayes factors for regression models: \n",
      "                       A caveat on the Savage-Dickey density ratio)\n\n",
      "  As a remedy, refit the model \n",
      "      (1) with a maximum of one predictor per MPT parameter OR\n",
      "      (2) with standard-normal priors (g-prior) on the regression slopes: traitMPT(..., IVprec = 1)\n"

  # slope parameters are not standardized wrt covariate!
  s <- apply(fittedModel$mptInfo$covData, 2, sd)[cov]
  samples <- unlist(fittedModel$runjags$mcmc[, parameter]) # * s  # => no standardization!

  # approximation of posterior density
  lbnd <- switch(direction,
    "<" = -Inf,
    ">" = 0,
    "!=" = -Inf,
  ubnd <- switch(direction,
    "<" = 0,
    ">" = Inf,
    "!=" = Inf,
  if (is.na(lbnd)) stop("'direction' must be one of: '>', '<', or '!=' ")
  sel <- samples > lbnd & samples < ubnd

  xlim <- switch(direction,
    "<" = c(min(samples[sel], -.05 / s), 0),
    ">" = c(0, max(samples[sel], .05 / s)),
    "!=" = c(min(samples[sel], -.05 / s), max(samples[sel], .05 / s))

  if (sum(sel) == 0) {
      "No posterior samples are in line with the predicted direction of the effect!",
      "\n   Bayes factor can only be approximated with approx='normal'."
    approx <- "normal"
  } else if (sum(sel) < 1000) {
      "Less than 1000 posterior samples are in line with the predicted direction of the effect!",
      "\n    This might result in imprecise estimates of the Bayes factor"

  # posterior and prior density for beta=0:
  post0 <- NA
  if (approx == "logspline") {
      posterior <- switch(direction,
        "<" = logspline(samples[sel], ubound = 0, ...),
        ">" = logspline(samples[sel], lbound = 0, ...),
        "!=" = logspline(samples[sel], ...)
      post0 <- dlogspline(0, posterior)
  } else if (approx == "normal") {
    mm <- mean(samples)
    ss <- sd(samples)
    posterior <- function(x) {
      ifelse(x <= ubnd & x >= lbnd, 1, 0) * dnorm(x, mm, ss) /
        (pnorm(ubnd, mm, ss) - pnorm(lbnd, mm, ss))
    post0 <- posterior(0)

  if (IVfamily == "dgamma") {
    if (IVpars[[1]] != .5) {
      stop("First parameter in 'IVprec' must be equal to .5, that is: 'IVprec=dgamma(.5,.5*s^2)'.")
    scale <- sqrt(IVpars[[2]] * 2) / s
    prior0 <- dcauchy(0, 0, scale) * ifelse(direction == "!=", 1, 2) # one-sided

    # illustration of Savage-Dickey method:
    dprior <- function(x) {
      if (direction == ">") {
        dx <- dcauchy(x, 0, scale) * ifelse(x > 0, 2, 0)
      } else if (direction == "<") {
        dx <- dcauchy(x, 0, scale) * ifelse(x < 0, 2, 0)
      } else if (direction == "!=") {
        dx <- dcauchy(x, 0, scale)
  } else if (IVfamily == "constant") {
    scale <- 1 / sqrt(IVprec) / s
    prior0 <- dnorm(0, 0, scale) * ifelse(direction == "!=", 1, 2) # one-sided

    dprior <- function(x) {
      if (direction == ">") {
        dx <- dnorm(x, 0, scale) * ifelse(x > 0, 2, 0)
      } else if (direction == "<") {
        dx <- dnorm(x, 0, scale) * ifelse(x < 0, 2, 0)
      } else if (direction == "!=") {
        dx <- dnorm(x, 0, scale)
  } else {
    stop("Either a JZS prior 'IVprec=dgamma(.5,.5*s^2)' or g-prior 'IVprec=g' must be used.\n
         (where s and g are numeric constants).")

  # BF in favor of effect:
  bf <- data.frame(post0 / prior0, prior0 / post0)
  colnames(bf) <- paste0("BF_", c(0, direction), c(direction, 0))
  rownames(bf) <- parameter

  if (plot) {
      col = adjustcolor("gray", alpha.f = .3), 70,
      freq = FALSE, xlim = xlim,
      main = paste0(
        "Bayes factor B_10=", round(bf[1, 2], 3),
        " (prior red; posterior blue)"
      xlab = paste0("Unstandardized slope parameter: ", theta, " ~ ", cov)
    if (is.function(posterior)) {
      curve(posterior, add = TRUE, col = 4, lwd = 2, n = 1000)
    } else {
      try(plot(posterior, add = TRUE, col = 4, lwd = 2, n = 1000))
    curve(dprior, col = 2, add = TRUE, n = 1001, lwd = 2)
    points(c(0, 0), c(post0, prior0), col = c(4, 2), pch = 16, lwd = 2, cex = 2)
    # text(xlim[1]+.1, 3, col = 2,
    #      label = paste("Prior:\n", ifelse(IVfamily == "dgamma", "JZS (Cauchy)", "g-prior (normal)")))


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