
Defines functions GetProteinGOInfo

Documented in GetProteinGOInfo

#' Connect and parse UniProt proteins gene ontology information.
#' The function is work to retrieve proteins gene ontology  data from UniProt
#' for a list of proteins accessions.For more information about what included in the
#' proteins gene ontology data see https://www.uniprot.org/help/return_fields.
#' @usage GetProteinGOInfo(ProteinAccList , directorypath = NULL)
#' @param ProteinAccList Vector of UniProt Accession/s
#' @param directorypath path to save excel file containig results returened by the function.
#' @return DataFrame where rows names are the accession
#'      and columns contains the information of Gene ontology of protein from the UniProt
#' @examples Obj <- GetProteinGOInfo("O14520")
#' @note The function also, Creates a csv file with the retrieved information.
#' @export
#' @author Mohmed Soudy \email{Mohamed.soudy@57357.com} and Ali Mostafa \email{ali.mo.anwar@std.agr.cu.edu.eg}

GetProteinGOInfo <- function(ProteinAccList , directorypath = NULL)
    message("Please connect to the internet as the package requires internect connection.")
  ProteinInfoParsed_total = data.frame()

  baseUrl <- "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/search?query=accession:"
  message("Please wait we are processing your accessions ...")
  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(ProteinAccList))

  columns = "go_id,go,go_p,go_f,go_c"
  for (ProteinAcc in ProteinAccList)
    #to see if Request == 200 or not
    Request <- tryCatch(
        GET(paste0(baseUrl , ProteinAcc,"&format=tsv") , timeout(7))
      },error = function(cond)
        message("Internet connection problem occurs and the function will return the original error")
    #this link return information in tab formate (format = tab)
    #columns = what to return from all of the information (see: https://www.uniprot.org/help/uniprotkb_column_names)
    ProteinName_url <- paste0(ProteinAcc,"&format=tsv&fields=",columns)
    RequestUrl <- paste0(baseUrl , ProteinName_url)
    RequestUrl <- URLencode(RequestUrl)
    if (length(Request) == 0)
      message("nternet connection problem occurs")
    if (Request$status_code == 200){
      # parse the information in DataFrame
      ProteinDataTable <- tryCatch(read.csv(RequestUrl, header = TRUE, sep = '\t'), error=function(e) NULL)
      if (!is.null(ProteinDataTable))
        ProteinDataTable <- ProteinDataTable[1,]
        ProteinInfoParsed <- as.data.frame(ProteinDataTable,row.names = ProteinAcc)
        # add Dataframes together if more than one accession
        ProteinInfoParsed_total <- rbind(ProteinInfoParsed_total, ProteinInfoParsed)
    }else {
    write.csv(ProteinInfoParsed_total , paste0(directorypath , "/","Protein GO Info.csv"))

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UniprotR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:08 a.m.