
Defines functions sem.effect.size wp.mc.chisq.diff wp.mc.t wp.mc.sem.power.curve wp.mc.sem.boot wp.mc.sem.basic wp.popPar summary.power wp.blcsm plot.lcs.power wp.lcsm wp.anova.count wp.anova.binary wp.poisson wp.correlation estMRT3arm estMRT2arm estCRT3arm estCRT2arm wp.mediation wp.logistic wp.mrt3arm wp.mrt2arm wp.crt3arm wp.crt2arm nuniroot wp.effect.MRT3arm wp.effect.MRT2arm wp.effect.CRT3arm wp.effect.CRT2arm wp.rmanova wp.t2 wp.t1 wp.t wp.two.prop.two.n wp.two.prop wp.one.prop wp.prop wp.anova plot.webpower print.webpower

Documented in estCRT2arm estCRT3arm estMRT2arm estMRT3arm nuniroot plot.lcs.power plot.webpower print.webpower sem.effect.size summary.power wp.anova wp.anova.binary wp.anova.count wp.blcsm wp.correlation wp.crt2arm wp.crt3arm wp.effect.CRT2arm wp.effect.CRT3arm wp.effect.MRT2arm wp.effect.MRT3arm wp.lcsm wp.logistic wp.mc.chisq.diff wp.mc.sem.basic wp.mc.sem.boot wp.mc.sem.power.curve wp.mc.t wp.mediation wp.mrt2arm wp.mrt3arm wp.poisson wp.popPar wp.prop wp.rmanova wp.t

print.webpower <- function(x, ...) {
    cat(x$method, "\n\n", sep = "")
    note <- x$note
    url <- x$url
    x[c("method", "note", "url", "alternative", "family", "parameter")] <- NULL
    x <- do.call(cbind, x)
    rownames(x) <- rep("   ", nrow(x))
    if (!is.null(note)) 
        cat("\nNOTE: ", note, sep = "")
    cat("\nURL: ", url,  sep = "")

plot.webpower <- function(x, xvar = NULL, yvar = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, 
    ...) {
	wp <- x
    wp[c("method", "note", "url", "alternative", "family", "parameter")] <- NULL
    wp.matrix <- do.call(cbind, wp)
    check <- is.null(xvar) + is.null(yvar)
    if (check == 2) {
        if (!is.null(xlab)) 
            xlab <- xlab else xlab <- "Sample size"
        if (!is.null(ylab)) 
            ylab <- ylab else ylab <- "Power"
        plot(wp$n, wp$power, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
        lines(wp$n, wp$power, ...)
    } else if (check == 1) {
        stop("Both x and y need to be specified!")
    } else {
        if (!is.null(xlab)) 
            xlab <- xlab else xlab <- xvar
        if (!is.null(ylab)) 
            ylab <- ylab else ylab <- yvar
        plot(wp.matrix[, xvar], wp.matrix[, yvar], xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
        lines(wp.matrix[, xvar], wp.matrix[, yvar], ...)

wp.anova <- function(k = NULL, n = NULL, f = NULL, alpha = 0.05, power = NULL, 
    type = c("overall", "two.sided", "greater", "less")) {
    type <- type[1]
    if (sum(sapply(list(k, n, f, power, alpha), is.null)) != 1) 
        stop("exactly one of k, n, f, power, and alpha must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(f) && min(f) < 0) 
        stop("f must be positive")
    if (!is.null(k) && min(k) < 2) 
        stop("number of groups must be at least 2")
    if (!is.null(n) && min(n) < 2) 
        stop("number of observations in each group must be at least 2")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | alpha > 
        stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 
        stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (type == "overall") 
        p.body <- quote({
            lambda <- n * f^2
            pf(qf(alpha, k - 1, n - k, lower = FALSE), k - 1, n - k, lambda, 
                lower = FALSE)
    if (type == "two.sided") 
        p.body <- quote({
            lambda <- n * f^2
            pf(qf(alpha, 1, n - k, lower = FALSE), 1, n - k, lambda, lower = FALSE)
    if (type == "greater") 
        p.body <- quote({
            lambda <- sqrt(n) * f
            pt(qt(alpha, n - k, lower = FALSE), n - k, lambda, lower = FALSE)
    if (type == "less") 
        p.body <- quote({
            lambda <- sqrt(n) * f
            pt(qt(alpha, n - k), n - k, lambda)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body) else if (is.null(k)) 
        k <- uniroot(function(k) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 100))$root else if (is.null(n)) 
        n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + k + 1e-10, 
            1e+05))$root else if (is.null(f)) 
        f <- uniroot(function(f) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-07, 1e+07))$root else if (is.null(alpha)) 
        alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-10, 
            1 - 1e-10))$root else stop("internal error")
    NOTE <- "n is the total sample size"
    if (type == "overall") {
        NOTE <- paste(NOTE, " (overall)", sep = "")
    } else {
        NOTE <- paste(NOTE, " (contrast, ", type, ")", sep = "")
    METHOD <- "Power for One-way ANOVA"
    URL <- "http://psychstat.org/anova"
    structure(list(k = k, n = n, f = f, alpha = alpha, power = power, note = NOTE, 
        method = METHOD, url = URL), class = "webpower")

wp.prop <- function(h = NULL, n1 = NULL, n2 = NULL, alpha = 0.05, power = NULL, 
    type = c("1p", "2p", "2p2n"), alternative = c("two.sided", "less", 
        "greater")) {
    type <- type[1]
    if (type == "1p") 
        return(wp.one.prop(h = h, n = n1, alpha = alpha, power = power, 
            alternative = alternative))
    if (type == "2p") 
        return(wp.two.prop(h = h, n = n1, alpha = alpha, power = power, 
            alternative = alternative))
    if (type == "2p2n") 
        return(wp.two.prop.two.n(h = h, n1 = n1, n2 = n2, alpha = alpha, 
            power = power, alternative = alternative))

wp.one.prop <- function(h = NULL, n = NULL, alpha = 0.05, power = NULL, 
    alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")) {
    if (sum(sapply(list(h, n, power, alpha), is.null)) != 1) 
        stop("exactly one of h, n, power, and alpha must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(n) && min(n) < 1) 
        stop("number of observations in each group must be at least 1")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | alpha > 
        stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 
        stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    tside <- switch(alternative, less = 1, two.sided = 2, greater = 3)
    if (tside == 2 && !is.null(h)) 
        h <- abs(h)
    if (tside == 2) {
        p.body <- quote({
            pnorm(qnorm(alpha/2, lower = FALSE) - h * sqrt(n), lower = FALSE) + 
                pnorm(qnorm(alpha/2, lower = TRUE) - h * sqrt(n), lower = TRUE)
    if (tside == 3) {
        p.body <- quote({
            pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower = FALSE) - h * sqrt(n), lower = FALSE)
    if (tside == 1) {
        p.body <- quote({
            pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower = TRUE) - h * sqrt(n), lower = TRUE)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body) else if (is.null(h)) {
        if (tside == 2) {
            h <- uniroot(function(h) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-10, 10))$root
        if (tside == 1) {
            h <- uniroot(function(h) eval(p.body) - power, c(-10, 5))$root
        if (tside == 3) {
            h <- uniroot(function(h) eval(p.body) - power, c(-5, 10))$root
    } else if (is.null(n)) 
        n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 1e+05))$root else if (is.null(alpha)) 
        alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-10, 
            1 - 1e-10))$root else stop("internal error")
    METHOD <- "Power for one-sample proportion test"
    NOTE <- NULL
    URL <- "http://psychstat.org/prop"
    structure(list(h = h, n = n, alpha = alpha, power = power, url = URL, 
        method = METHOD, note = NOTE), class = "webpower")

wp.two.prop <- function(h = NULL, n = NULL, alpha = 0.05, power = NULL, 
    alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")) {
    if (sum(sapply(list(h, n, power, alpha), is.null)) != 1) 
        stop("exactly one of h, n, power, and alpha must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(n) && min(n) < 1) 
        stop("number of observations in each group must be at least 1")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | alpha > 
        stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 
        stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    tside <- switch(alternative, less = 1, two.sided = 2, greater = 3)
    if (tside == 2 && !is.null(h)) 
        h <- abs(h)
    if (tside == 3) {
        p.body <- quote({
            pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower = FALSE) - h * sqrt(n/2), lower = FALSE)
    if (tside == 2) {
        p.body <- quote({
            pnorm(qnorm(alpha/2, lower = FALSE) - h * sqrt(n/2), lower = FALSE) + 
                pnorm(qnorm(alpha/2, lower = TRUE) - h * sqrt(n/2), lower = TRUE)
    if (tside == 1) {
        p.body <- quote({
            pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower = TRUE) - h * sqrt(n/2), lower = TRUE)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body) else if (is.null(h)) {
        if (tside == 2) {
            h <- uniroot(function(h) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-10, 10))$root
        if (tside == 1) {
            h <- uniroot(function(h) eval(p.body) - power, c(-10, 5))$root
        if (tside == 3) {
            h <- uniroot(function(h) eval(p.body) - power, c(-5, 10))$root
    } else if (is.null(n)) 
        n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 1e+05))$root else if (is.null(alpha)) 
        alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-10, 
            1 - 1e-10))$root else stop("internal error")
    NOTE <- "Sample sizes for EACH group"
    URL <- "http://psychstat.org/prop2p"
    METHOD <- "Power for two-sample proportion (equal n)"
    structure(list(h = h, n = n, alpha = alpha, power = power, url = URL, 
        method = METHOD, note = NOTE), class = "webpower")

wp.two.prop.two.n <- function(h = NULL, n1 = NULL, n2 = NULL, alpha = 0.05, 
    power = NULL, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")) {
    if (sum(sapply(list(h, n1, n2, power, alpha), is.null)) != 1) 
        stop("exactly one of h, n1, n2, power, and alpha must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(n1) && min(n1) < 2) 
        stop("number of observations in the first group must be at least 2")
    if (!is.null(n2) && min(n2) < 2) 
        stop("number of observations in the second group must be at least 2")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | alpha > 
        stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 
        stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    tside <- switch(alternative, less = 1, two.sided = 2, greater = 3)
    if (tside == 2 && !is.null(h)) 
        h <- abs(h)
    if (tside == 3) {
        p.body <- quote({
            pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower = FALSE) - h * sqrt((n1 * n2)/(n1 + 
                n2)), lower = FALSE)
    if (tside == 1) {
        p.body <- quote({
            pnorm(qnorm(alpha, lower = TRUE) - h * sqrt((n1 * n2)/(n1 + 
                n2)), lower = TRUE)
    if (tside == 2) {
        p.body <- quote({
            pnorm(qnorm(alpha/2, lower = FALSE) - h * sqrt((n1 * n2)/(n1 + 
                n2)), lower = FALSE) + pnorm(qnorm(alpha/2, lower = TRUE) - 
                h * sqrt((n1 * n2)/(n1 + n2)), lower = TRUE)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body) else if (is.null(h)) {
        if (tside == 2) {
            h <- uniroot(function(h) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-10, 10))$root
        if (tside == 1) {
            h <- uniroot(function(h) eval(p.body) - power, c(-10, 5))$root
        if (tside == 3) {
            h <- uniroot(function(h) eval(p.body) - power, c(-5, 10))$root
    } else if (is.null(n1)) 
        n1 <- uniroot(function(n1) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 1e+05))$root else if (is.null(n2)) 
        n2 <- uniroot(function(n2) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 1e+05))$root else if (is.null(alpha)) 
        alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-10, 
            1 - 1e-10))$root else stop("internal error")
    NOTE <- "Sample size for each group"
    URL <- "http://psychstat.org/prop2p2n"
    METHOD <- "Power for two-sample proportion (unequal n)"
    structure(list(h = h, n1 = n1, n2 = n2, alpha = alpha, power = power, 
        url = URL, method = METHOD, note = NOTE), class = "webpower")

wp.t <- function(n1 = NULL, n2 = NULL, d = NULL, alpha = 0.05, power = NULL, 
    type = c("two.sample", "one.sample", "paired", "two.sample.2n"), alternative = c("two.sided", 
        "less", "greater"), tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25) {
    type <- type[1]
    if (type == "two.sample.2n") {
        return(wp.t2(n1 = n1, n2 = n2, d = d, alpha = alpha, power = power, 
            alternative = alternative, tol = tol))
    } else {
        return(wp.t1(n = n1, d = d, alpha = alpha, power = power, type = type, 
            alternative = alternative, tol = tol))

wp.t1 <- function(n = NULL, d = NULL, alpha = 0.05, power = NULL, type = c("two.sample", 
    "one.sample", "paired"), alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), 
    tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25) {
    if (sum(sapply(list(n, d, power, alpha), is.null)) != 1) 
        stop("exactly one of n, d, power, and alpha must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | alpha > 
        stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 
        stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    type <- match.arg(type)
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    tsample <- switch(type, one.sample = 1, two.sample = 2, paired = 1)
    ttside <- switch(alternative, less = 1, two.sided = 2, greater = 3)
    tside <- switch(alternative, less = 1, two.sided = 2, greater = 1)
    if (tside == 2 && !is.null(d)) 
        d <- abs(d)
    if (ttside == 1) {
        p.body <- quote({
            nu <- (n - 1) * tsample
            pt(qt(alpha/tside, nu, lower = TRUE), nu, ncp = sqrt(n/tsample) * 
                d, lower = TRUE)
    if (ttside == 2) {
        p.body <- quote({
            nu <- (n - 1) * tsample
            qu <- qt(alpha/tside, nu, lower = FALSE)
            pt(qu, nu, ncp = sqrt(n/tsample) * d, lower = FALSE) + pt(-qu, 
                nu, ncp = sqrt(n/tsample) * d, lower = TRUE)
    if (ttside == 3) {
        p.body <- quote({
            nu <- (n - 1) * tsample
            pt(qt(alpha/tside, nu, lower = FALSE), nu, ncp = sqrt(n/tsample) * 
                d, lower = FALSE)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body) else if (is.null(n)) 
        n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 1e+07), 
            tol = tol, extendInt = "upX")$root else if (is.null(d)) {
        if (ttside == 2) {
            d <- uniroot(function(d) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-07, 10), 
                tol = tol, extendInt = "upX")$root
        if (ttside == 1) {
            d <- uniroot(function(d) eval(p.body) - power, c(-10, 5), tol = tol, 
                extendInt = "upX")$root
        if (ttside == 3) {
            d <- uniroot(function(d) eval(p.body) - power, c(-5, 10), tol = tol, 
                extendInt = "upX")$root
    } else if (is.null(alpha)) 
        alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-10, 
            1 - 1e-10), tol = tol, extendInt = "upX")$root else stop("internal error", domain = NA)
    NOTE <- switch(type, paired = "n is number of *pairs*", two.sample = "n is number in *each* group", 
    METHOD <- paste(switch(type, one.sample = "One-sample", two.sample = "Two-sample", 
        paired = "Paired"), "t-test")
    URL <- "http://psychstat.org/ttest"
    structure(list(n = n, d = d, alpha = alpha, power = power, alternative = alternative, 
        note = NOTE, method = METHOD, url = URL), class = "webpower")

wp.t2 <- function(n1 = NULL, n2 = NULL, d = NULL, alpha = 0.05, power = NULL, 
    alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25) {
    if (sum(sapply(list(n1, n2, d, power, alpha), is.null)) != 1) 
        stop("exactly one of n1, n2, d, power, and alpha must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | alpha > 
        stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 
        stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(n1) && min(n1) < 2) 
        stop("number of observations in the first group must be at least 2")
    if (!is.null(n2) && min(n2) < 2) 
        stop("number of observations in the second group must be at least 2")
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    tsample <- 2
    ttside <- switch(alternative, less = 1, two.sided = 2, greater = 3)
    tside <- switch(alternative, less = 1, two.sided = 2, greater = 1)
    if (tside == 2 && !is.null(d)) 
        d <- abs(d)
    if (ttside == 1) {
        p.body <- quote({
            nu <- n1 + n2 - 2
            pt(qt(alpha/tside, nu, lower = TRUE), nu, ncp = d * (1/sqrt(1/n1 + 
                1/n2)), lower = TRUE)
    if (ttside == 2) {
        p.body <- quote({
            nu <- n1 + n2 - 2
            qu <- qt(alpha/tside, nu, lower = FALSE)
            pt(qu, nu, ncp = d * (1/sqrt(1/n1 + 1/n2)), lower = FALSE) + 
                pt(-qu, nu, ncp = d * (1/sqrt(1/n1 + 1/n2)), lower = TRUE)
    if (ttside == 3) {
        p.body <- quote({
            nu <- n1 + n2 - 2
            pt(qt(alpha/tside, nu, lower = FALSE), nu, ncp = d * (1/sqrt(1/n1 + 
                1/n2)), lower = FALSE)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body) else if (is.null(n1)) 
        n1 <- uniroot(function(n1) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 1e+07), 
            tol = tol, extendInt = "upX")$root else if (is.null(n2)) 
        n2 <- uniroot(function(n2) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 1e+07), 
            tol = tol, extendInt = "upX")$root else if (is.null(d)) {
        if (ttside == 2) {
            d <- uniroot(function(d) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-07, 10), 
                tol = tol, extendInt = "upX")$root
        if (ttside == 1) {
            d <- uniroot(function(d) eval(p.body) - power, c(-10, 5), tol = tol, 
                extendInt = "upX")$root
        if (ttside == 3) {
            d <- uniroot(function(d) eval(p.body) - power, c(-5, 10), tol = tol, 
                extendInt = "upX")$root
    } else if (is.null(alpha)) 
        alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-10, 
            1 - 1e-10), tol = tol, extendInt = "upX")$root else stop("internal error", domain = NA)
    NOTE <- "n1 and n2 are number in *each* group"
    METHOD <- "Unbalanced two-sample t-test"
    URL <- "http://psychstat.org/ttest2n"
    structure(list(n1 = n1, n2 = n2, d = d, alpha = alpha, power = power, 
        alternative = alternative, note = NOTE, method = METHOD, url = URL), 
        class = "webpower")

## function for repeated measures anova analysis
wp.rmanova <- function(n = NULL, ng = NULL, nm = NULL, f = NULL, nscor = 1, 
    alpha = 0.05, power = NULL, type = 0) {
    if (sum(sapply(list(n, ng, nm, f, nscor, power, alpha), is.null)) != 
        stop("exactly one of n, ng, nm, power, and alpha must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(f) && min(f) < 0) 
        stop("Effect size must be positive")
    if (!is.null(n) && min(n) < 1) 
        stop("Sample size has to be larger than 1")
    if (!is.null(ng) && min(ng) < 1) 
        stop("Number of groups have to be at least 1")
    if (!is.null(nm) && min(nm) < 2) 
        stop("number of measurements must be at least 1")
    if (!is.null(nscor) && !is.numeric(nscor) || any(0 > nscor | nscor > 
        stop("Nonsphericity correction must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | alpha > 
        stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 
        stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    ## function to evaluate
    if (type == 0) {
        p.body <- quote({
            df1 <- ng - 1
            df2 <- n - ng
            lambda <- f^2 * n * nscor
            pf(qf(alpha, df1, df2, lower = FALSE), df1, df2, lambda, lower = FALSE)
    if (type == 1) {
        p.body <- quote({
            df1 <- (nm - 1) * nscor
            df2 <- (n - ng) * df1
            lambda <- f^2 * n * nscor
            pf(qf(alpha, df1, df2, lower = FALSE), df1, df2, lambda, lower = FALSE)
    if (type == 2) {
        p.body <- quote({
            df1 <- (ng - 1) * (nm - 1) * nscor
            df2 <- (n - ng) * (nm - 1) * nscor
            lambda <- f^2 * n * nscor
            pf(qf(alpha, df1, df2, lower = FALSE), df1, df2, lambda, lower = FALSE)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body) else if (is.null(n)) {
        n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(5 + ng, 1e+07))$root
    } else if (is.null(ng)) {
        ng <- uniroot(function(ng) eval(p.body) - power, c(1 + 1e-10, 
    } else if (is.null(nm)) {
        nm <- uniroot(function(nm) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-07, 1e+07))$root
    } else if (is.null(f)) {
        f <- uniroot(function(f) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-07, 1e+07))$root
    } else if (is.null(alpha)) {
        alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-10, 
            1 - 1e-10))$root
    } else stop("internal error")
    if (type == 0) 
        NOTE <- "Power analysis for between-effect test"
    if (type == 1) 
        NOTE <- "Power analysis for within-effect test"
    if (type == 2) 
        NOTE <- "Power analysis for interaction-effect test"
    URL <- "http://psychstat.org/rmanova"
    METHOD <- "Repeated-measures ANOVA analysis"
    structure(list(n = n, f = f, ng = ng, nm = nm, nscor = nscor, alpha = alpha, 
        power = power, note = NOTE, method = METHOD, url = URL), class = "webpower")

## Effect size and ICC calculation for CRT with 2 arms based on
## empirical data The data has to be in text format where the first
## column of the data is the ID variable, the second column represents
## cluster, the third column is the outcome variable, and the fourth
## column is the condition variable (0 for control, 1 for condition).
## The first line of the data should be the variable names.
wp.effect.CRT2arm <- function(file) {
    if (is.character(file)){
		dat <- read.table(file, header = TRUE)
		dat <- file
    J <- length(unique(dat[, 2]))
    n <- nrow(dat)/J
    dat.trt <- dat[dat[, 4] == 1, ]
    dat.ctl <- dat[dat[, 4] == 0, ]
    mutj <- aggregate(dat.trt[, 3], by = list(dat.trt[, 2]), FUN = mean)
    mucj <- aggregate(dat.ctl[, 3], by = list(dat.ctl[, 2]), FUN = mean)
    mu_j <- rbind(mutj, mucj)
    names(mu_j) <- c(names(dat)[2], "mu")
    dat.mu <- merge(dat, mu_j, by = names(dat)[2])
    SSW <- sum((dat.mu[, 3] - dat.mu[5])^2)/(n * J - J)
    mut <- mean(mutj[, 2])
    muc <- mean(mucj[, 2])
    SSB <- (sum((mutj[, 2] - mut)^2) + sum((mucj[, 2] - muc)^2))/(J - 2)
    f <- (mut - muc)/sqrt(SSB + (1 - 1/n) * SSW)
    rho <- (SSB - SSW/n)/(SSB + (1 - 1/n) * SSW)
    return(list(f = f, ICC = rho))

## Effect size and ICC calculation for CRT with 3 arms based on
## empirical data The data has to be in text format, where the first
## column of the data is the ID variable, the second column represents
## cluster, the third column is the outcome variable, and the fourth
## column is the condition variable (0 for control, 1 for treatment1, 2
## for treatment2).  The first line of the data should be the variable
## names.
wp.effect.CRT3arm <- function(file) {
    if (is.character(file)){
		dat <- read.table(file, header = TRUE)
		dat <- file
    J <- length(unique(dat[, 2]))
    n <- nrow(dat)/J
    dat.ctl <- dat[dat[, 4] == 0, ]
    dat.trt1 <- dat[dat[, 4] == 1, ]
    dat.trt2 <- dat[dat[, 4] == 2, ]
    mut1j <- aggregate(dat.trt1[, 3], by = list(dat.trt1[, 2]), FUN = mean)
    mut2j <- aggregate(dat.trt2[, 3], by = list(dat.trt2[, 2]), FUN = mean)
    mucj <- aggregate(dat.ctl[, 3], by = list(dat.ctl[, 2]), FUN = mean)
    mu_j <- rbind(mut1j, mut2j, mucj)
    names(mu_j) <- c(names(dat)[2], "mu")
    dat.mu <- merge(dat, mu_j, by = names(dat)[2])
    SSW <- sum((dat.mu[, 3] - dat.mu[5])^2)/(n * J - J)
    mut1 <- mean(mut1j[, 2])
    mut2 <- mean(mut2j[, 2])
    muc <- mean(mucj[, 2])
    SSB <- (sum((mut1j[, 2] - mut1)^2) + sum((mut2j[, 2] - mut2)^2) + sum((mucj[, 
        2] - muc)^2))/(J - 3)
    tau_hat <- SSB - SSW/n
    f1 <- (0.5 * mut1 + 0.5 * mut2 - muc)/sqrt(tau_hat + SSW)
    f2 <- (mut1 - mut2)/sqrt(tau_hat + SSW)
    f3 <- sqrt((((0.5 * (mut1 + mut2) - muc)^2)/4.5 + ((mut1 - mut2)^2)/6)/(tau_hat + 
    rho <- tau_hat/(tau_hat + SSW)
    return(list(f1 = f1, f2 = f2, f3 = f3, ICC = rho))
    # f1: effect size of treatment main effect f2: effect size of comparing
    # two treatments f3: effect size of omnibus test

## Effect size for MRT with 2 arms based on empirical data The data has
## to be in text format where the first column of the data is the ID
## variable, the second column represents cluster, the third column is
## the outcome variable, and the fourth column is the condition variable
## (0 for control, 1 for condition).  The first line of the data should
## be the variable names.
wp.effect.MRT2arm <- function(file) {
    if (is.character(file)){
		dat <- read.table(file, header = TRUE)
		dat <- file
    J <- length(unique(dat[, 2]))
    n <- nrow(dat)/J
    mutcj <- aggregate(dat[, 3], by = list(dat[, 2], dat[, 4]), FUN = mean)
    mutj <- mutcj[mutcj[, 2] == 1, ]
    mucj <- mutcj[mutcj[, 2] == 0, ]
    beta0 <- aggregate(mutcj[, 3], by = list(mutcj[, 1]), FUN = mean)
    names(beta0) <- c(names(dat)[2], "beta0")
    dat1 <- merge(dat, beta0, by = names(dat)[2])  #merge beta0
    mut_c <- merge(mutj, mucj, names(mutj)[1])
    mut_c$beta1 <- mut_c[, 3] - mut_c[, 5]
    mut_c1 <- mut_c[, c(1, 6)]
    names(mut_c1) <- c(names(dat)[2], "beta1")
    dat2 <- merge(dat1, mut_c1, by = names(dat)[2])  #merge beta1
    mud <- sum(mut_c[, 3] - mut_c[, 5])/J
    Xij <- dat[, 4] - 0.5
    sg2 <- sum((dat2[, 3] - dat2[, 5] - dat2[, 6] * Xij)^2)/(J * (n - 2))
    f <- mud/sqrt(sg2)
    return(list(f = f))

## Effect size for MRT with 3 arms based on empirical data The data has
## to be in text format, where the first column of the data is the ID
## variable, the second column represents cluster, the third column is
## the outcome variable, and the fourth column is the condition variable
## (0 for control, 1 for treatment1, 2 for treatment2).  The first line
## of the data should be the variable names.
wp.effect.MRT3arm <- function(file) {
    if (is.character(file)){
		dat <- read.table(file, header = TRUE)
		dat <- file
    J <- length(unique(dat[, 2]))
    n <- nrow(dat)/J
    mutcj <- aggregate(dat[, 3], by = list(dat[, 2], dat[, 4]), FUN = mean)
    mut1j <- mutcj[mutcj[, 2] == 1, ]
    names(mut1j)[3] <- "y1"
    mut2j <- mutcj[mutcj[, 2] == 2, ]
    names(mut2j)[3] <- "y2"
    mucj <- mutcj[mutcj[, 2] == 0, ]
    names(mucj)[3] <- "y0"
    beta0 <- aggregate(mutcj[, 3], by = list(mutcj[, 1]), FUN = mean)
    names(beta0) <- c(names(dat)[2], "beta0")
    dat1 <- merge(dat, beta0, by = names(dat)[2])  #merge beta0
    mut_c1 <- merge(mut1j, mucj, names(mut1j)[1])
    mut_c <- merge(mut2j, mut_c1, names(mut2j)[1])
    mut_c <- mut_c[, c(1, 3, 5, 7)]
    mut_c$beta1 <- (mut_c$y1 + mut_c$y2)/2 - mut_c$y0
    mut_c$beta2 <- (mut_c$y1 - mut_c$y2)
    names(mut_c)[1] <- names(dat)[2]
    dat2 <- merge(dat1, mut_c, by = names(dat)[2])  #merge beta1 and beta2
    mud1 <- sum(mut_c$y1 - mut_c$y0)/J
    mud2 <- sum(mut_c$y2 - mut_c$y0)/J
    X1ij <- rep(0, nrow(dat))  # 0.5 for trt1 and trt2, -1 for ctl
    X2ij <- rep(0, nrow(dat))  # 1 for trt1, -1 for trt2, 0 for ctl
    X1ij[dat[, 4] == 1] <- 0.5
    X1ij[dat[, 4] == 2] <- 0.5
    X1ij[dat[, 4] == 0] <- -1
    X2ij[dat[, 4] == 1] <- 1
    X2ij[dat[, 4] == 2] <- -1
    X2ij[dat[, 4] == 0] <- 0
    sg2 <- sum((dat2[, 3] - dat2$beta0 - dat2$beta1 * X1ij - dat2$beta2 * 
        X2ij)^2)/(J * (n - 3))
    f1 <- (mud1 + mud2)/2/sqrt(sg2)  #effect size of treatment main effect
    f2 <- (mud1 - mud2)/sqrt(sg2)  #effect size of comparing the two treatments
    return(list(f1 = f1, f2 = f2))

nuniroot <- function(f, interval, maxlength = 100) {
    if (length(interval)!=2) stop("Please provide an interval with two values such as c(0,1).")
	x <- seq(min(interval), max(interval), length = maxlength)
    f.out <- f(x)
    if (min(f.out) * max(f.out) > 0) 
        stop("The specified parameters do not yield valid results. Please try to supply a different interval, e.g., using interval=c(0,1), for your parameter.") else {
        low <- max(f.out[f.out < 0])
        high <- min(f.out[f.out > 0])
        interval <- c(x[f.out == low][1], x[f.out == high][1])
        uniroot(f, interval)

####################################################### function for cluster randomized trials with 2 arms##
wp.crt2arm <- function(n = NULL, f = NULL, J = NULL, icc = NULL, power = NULL, 
    alpha = 0.05, alternative = c("two.sided", "one.sided"), interval = NULL) {
    alternative <- alternative[1]
    if (sum(sapply(list(J, n, f, icc, alpha, power), is.null)) != 1) 
        stop("exactly one of J, n, f, icc, and alpha,power must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(f) && min(f) < 0) 
        stop("Effect size must be positive")
    if (!is.null(n) && min(n) < 1) 
        stop("Sample size has to be larger than 1")
    if (!is.null(J) && min(J) < 2) 
        stop("Number of clusters has to be at least 2")
    if (!is.null(icc) && !is.numeric(icc) || any(0 > icc | icc > 1)) 
        stop("Intraclass correlation must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | alpha > 
        stop("alpha must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 
        stop("Power must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    ## function to evaluate two-sided
    if (alternative == "two.sided") {
        p.body <- quote({
            df <- J - 2
            lambda <- sqrt(J * f^2/(4 * icc + 4 * (1 - icc)/n))
            1 - pt(qt(1 - alpha/2, df), df, lambda) + pt(-qt(1 - alpha/2, 
                df), df, lambda)
    } else {
        ## one-sided
        p.body <- quote({
            df <- J - 2
            lambda <- sqrt(J * f^2/(4 * icc + 4 * (1 - icc)/n))
            1 - pt(qt(1 - alpha, J - 2), df, lambda)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body) else if (is.null(J)) 
        J <- nuniroot(function(J) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(2 + 1e-10, 1000), interval))$root else if (is.null(n)) 
        n <- nuniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(1, 1e+06), interval))$root else if (is.null(f)) 
        f <- nuniroot(function(f) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(1e-07, 1e+07), interval))$root else if (is.null(icc)) 
        icc <- nuniroot(function(icc) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(0, 1), interval))$root else if (is.null(alpha)) 
        alpha <- nuniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(1e-10, 1 - 1e-10), interval))$root else stop("internal error")
    NOTE <- "n is the number of subjects per cluster."
    METHOD <- "Cluster randomized trials with 2 arms"
    URL <- "http://psychstat.org/crt2arm"
    structure(list(J = J, n = n, f = f, icc = icc, power = power, alpha = alpha, note = NOTE, method = METHOD, url = URL), class = "webpower")

####################################################### function for cluster randomized trials with 3 arms##
wp.crt3arm <- function(n = NULL, f = NULL, J = NULL, icc = NULL, power = NULL, 
    alpha = 0.05, alternative = c("two.sided", "one.sided"), type = c("main", 
        "treatment", "omnibus"), interval = NULL) {
    side <- alternative[1]
    type <- type[1]
    if (sum(sapply(list(J, n, f, icc, alpha, power), is.null)) != 1) 
        stop("exactly one of J, n, f, icc, and alpha,power must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(f) && min(f) < 0) 
        stop("Effect size must be positive")
    if (!is.null(n) && min(n) < 1) 
        stop("Sample size has to be larger than 1")
    if (!is.null(J) && min(J) < 3) 
        stop("Number of clusters has to be at least 3")
    if (!is.null(icc) && !is.numeric(icc) || any(0 > icc | icc > 1)) 
        stop("Intraclass correlation must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | alpha > 
        stop("alpha must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 
        stop("Power must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    ## compare the average treatment with control
    if (type == "main") {
        if (side == "two.sided") {
            ## two-sided
            p.body <- quote({
                df <- J - 3
                lambda1 <- sqrt(J) * f/sqrt(4.5 * (icc + (1 - icc)/n))
                t0 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
                1 - pt(t0, df, lambda1) + pt(-t0, df, lambda1)
        } else {
            ## one-sided
            p.body <- quote({
                df <- J - 3
                lambda1 <- sqrt(J) * f/sqrt(4.5 * (icc + (1 - icc)/n))
                t0 <- qt(1 - alpha, df)
                1 - pt(t0, df, lambda1)
    ## compare the two treatments
    if (type == "treatment") {
        if (side == "two.sided") {
            ## two-sided
            p.body <- quote({
                df <- J - 3
                lambda2 <- sqrt(J) * f/sqrt(6 * (icc + (1 - icc)/n))
                t0 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
                1 - pt(t0, df, lambda2) + pt(-t0, df, lambda2)
        } else {
            ## one-sided
            p.body <- quote({
                df <- J - 3
                lambda2 <- sqrt(J) * f/sqrt(6 * (icc + (1 - icc)/n))
                t0 <- qt(1 - alpha, df)
                1 - pt(t0, df, lambda2)
    ## omnibus test
    if (type == "omnibus") {
        p.body <- quote({
            df1 <- 2
            df2 <- J - 3
            lambda3 <- J * f^2/(icc + (1 - icc)/n)
            f0 <- qf(1 - alpha, df1, df2)
            1 - pf(f0, df1, df2, lambda3)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body) else if (is.null(J)) 
        J <- nuniroot(function(J) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(3 + 1e-10, 1000), interval))$root else if (is.null(n)) 
        n <- nuniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(2 + 1e-10, 1e+06), interval))$root else if (is.null(f)) 
        f <- nuniroot(function(f) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(1e-07, 1e+07), interval))$root else if (is.null(icc)) 
        icc <- nuniroot(function(icc) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(0, 1), interval))$root else if (is.null(alpha)) 
        alpha <- nuniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(1e-10, 1 - 1e-10), interval))$root else stop("internal error")
    NOTE <- "n is the number of subjects per cluster."
    METHOD <- "Cluster randomized trials with 3 arms"
    URL <- "http://psychstat.org/crt3arm"
    structure(list(J = J, n = n, f = f, icc = icc, power = power, alpha = alpha, 
        note = NOTE, method = METHOD, url = URL), class = "webpower")

######################################################### function for multisite randomized trials with 2 arms##
wp.mrt2arm <- function(n = NULL, f = NULL, J = NULL, tau00 = NULL, tau11 = NULL, 
    sg2 = NULL, power = NULL, alpha = 0.05, alternative = c("two.sided", 
        "one.sided"), type = c("main", "site", "variance"), interval = NULL) {
    type <- type[1]
    side <- alternative[1]
    if (sum(sapply(list(f, n, J, power), is.null)) != 1 & type == "main") 
        stop("exactly one of f, J, n and power must be NULL")
    if (sum(sapply(list(n, J, power), is.null)) != 1 & type != "main") 
        stop("exactly one of J, n and power must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(f) && min(f) < 0) 
        stop("Effect size must be positive")
    if (!is.null(n) && min(n) < 2) 
        stop("Sample size has to be larger than 2")
    if (!is.null(J) && min(J) < 2) 
        stop("Number of sites has to be at least 2")
    if (!is.null(tau00) && min(tau00) < 0) 
        stop("Variance of site means must be positive")
    if (!is.null(tau11) && min(tau11) < 0) 
        stop("Variance of treatment main effects across sites must be positive")
    if ((!is.null(sg2) && min(sg2) < 0) || is.null(sg2)) 
        stop("Between-person variation must be a positive number")
    if (is.null(alpha) || (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > 
        alpha | alpha > 1))) 
        stop("alpha must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 
        stop("Power must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (is.null(tau11) && (type == "main" || type == "variance")) 
        stop("For this type of test, variance of treatment main effects across sites must be specified")
    if (is.null(tau00) && type == "site") 
        stop("For this type of test, variance of site means must be specified")
    ## test treatment main effect #no tau00 needed
    if (type == "main") {
        if (side == "two.sided") {
            ## two-sided
            p.body <- quote({
                df <- J - 1
                lambda1 <- sqrt(J) * f/sqrt(4/n + tau11/sg2)
                t0 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
                1 - pt(t0, df, lambda1) + pt(-t0, df, lambda1)
        } else {
            ## one-sided #no tau00 needed
            p.body <- quote({
                df <- J - 1
                lambda1 <- sqrt(J) * f/sqrt(4/n + tau11/sg2)
                t0 <- qt(1 - alpha, df)
                1 - pt(t0, df, lambda1)
    ## test site variability #no tau11 and f needed
    if (type == "site") {
        p.body <- quote({
            df1 <- J - 1
            df2 <- J * (n - 2)
            f0 <- qf(1 - alpha, df1, df2)
            1 - pf(f0/(n * tau00/sg2 + 1), df1, df2)
    ## test variance of treatment effects #no tau00 and f needed
    if (type == "variance") {
        p.body <- quote({
            df1 <- J - 1
            df2 <- J * (n - 2)
            f0 <- qf(1 - alpha, df1, df2)
            1 - pf(f0/(n * tau11/sg2/4 + 1), df1, df2)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body) else if (is.null(J)) 
        J <- nuniroot(function(J) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(1 + 1e-10, 1000), interval))$root else if (is.null(n)) 
        n <- nuniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(3 - 1e-10, 1e+06), interval))$root else if (is.null(f) & type == 1) 
        f <- nuniroot(function(f) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(1e-07, 1e+07), interval))$root else stop("internal error")
    NOTE <- "n is the number of subjects per cluster"
    METHOD <- "Multisite randomized trials with 2 arms"
    URL <- "http://psychstat.org/mrt2arm"
    structure(list(J = J, n = n, f = f, tau00 = tau00, tau11 = tau11, sg2 = sg2, 
        power = power, alpha = alpha, note = NOTE, method = METHOD, url = URL), 
        class = "webpower")

######################################################### function for multisite randomized trials with 3 arms##
wp.mrt3arm <- function(n = NULL, f1 = NULL, f2 = NULL, J = NULL, tau = NULL, 
    sg2 = NULL, power = NULL, alpha = 0.05, alternative = c("two.sided", 
        "one.sided"), type = c("main", "treatment", "omnibus"), interval = NULL) {
    type <- type[1]
    side <- alternative[1]
    if (type == "main") 
        if (sum(sapply(list(f1, n, J, power, alpha), is.null)) != 1) 
            stop("exactly one of f1, J, n, power and alpha must be NULL")
    if (type == "treatment") 
        if (sum(sapply(list(f2, n, J, power, alpha), is.null)) != 1) 
            stop("exactly one of f2, J, n, power and alpha must be NULL")
    if (type == "omnibus") {
        if (sum(sapply(list(n, J, power, alpha), is.null)) != 1) 
            stop("exactly one of J, n, power and alpha must be NULL")
        if (is.null(f1) || is.null(f2)) 
            stop("f1 & f2 must be given")
    if (!is.null(f1) && min(f1) < 0) 
        stop("Effect size must be positive")
    if (!is.null(f2) && min(f2) < 0) 
        stop("Effect size must be positive")
    if (!is.null(n) && min(n) < 3) 
        stop("Sample size has to be larger than 3")
    if (!is.null(J) && min(J) < 2) 
        stop("Number of sites has to be at least 2")
    if (!is.null(tau) && min(tau) < 0) 
        stop("Variance of treatment main effects across sites must be positive")
    if ((!is.null(sg2) && min(sg2) < 0) || is.null(sg2)) 
        stop("Between-person variation must be a positive number")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | alpha > 
        stop("alpha must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 
        stop("Power must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    ## Test treatment main effect
    if (type == "main") {
        if (side == "two.sided") {
            ## two-sided
            p.body <- quote({
                df <- J - 1
                lambda1 <- sqrt(J) * f1/sqrt(4.5/n + 1.5 * tau/sg2)
                t0 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
                1 - pt(t0, df, lambda1) + pt(-t0, df, lambda1)
        } else {
            ## one-sided
            p.body <- quote({
                df <- J - 1
                lambda1 <- sqrt(J) * f1/sqrt(4.5/n + 1.5 * tau/sg2)
                t0 <- qt(1 - alpha, df)
                1 - pt(t0, df, lambda1)
    ## Compare two treatments
    if (type == "treatment") {
        if (side == "two.sided") {
            ## two-sided
            p.body <- quote({
                df <- J - 1
                lambda2 <- sqrt(J) * f2/sqrt(6/n + 2 * tau/sg2)
                t0 <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
                1 - pt(t0, df, lambda2) + pt(-t0, df, lambda2)
        } else {
            ## one-sided
            p.body <- quote({
                df <- J - 1
                lambda2 <- sqrt(J) * f2/sqrt(6/n + 2 * tau/sg2)
                t0 <- qt(1 - alpha, df)
                1 - pt(t0, df, lambda2)
    ## Omnibus test
    if (type == "omnibus") {
        p.body <- quote({
            df1 <- 2
            df2 <- 2 * (J - 1)
            lambda1 <- sqrt(J) * f1/sqrt(4.5/n + 1.5 * tau/sg2)
            lambda2 <- sqrt(J) * f2/sqrt(6/n + 2 * tau/sg2)
            lambda3 <- lambda1^2 + lambda2^2
            f0 <- qf(1 - alpha, df1, df2)
            1 - pf(f0, df1, df2, lambda3)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body) else if (is.null(J)) 
        J <- nuniroot(function(J) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(2 - 1e-10, 1000), interval))$root else if (is.null(n)) 
        n <- nuniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(3 - 1e-10, 1e+07), interval))$root else if (is.null(f1) && type != 2) 
        f1 <- nuniroot(function(f1) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(1e-07, 1e+07), interval))$root else if (is.null(f2) && type != 1) 
        f2 <- nuniroot(function(f2) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(1e-07, 1e+07), interval))$root else stop("internal error")
    NOTE <- "n is the number of subjects per cluster"
    METHOD <- "Multisite randomized trials with 3 arms"
    URL <- "http://psychstat.org/mrt3arm"
    structure(list(J = J, n = n, f1 = f1, f2 = f2, tau = tau, sg2 = sg2, 
        power = power, alpha = alpha, note = NOTE, method = METHOD, url = URL), 
        class = "webpower")

wp.regression <- function (n = NULL, p1 = NULL, p2 = 0, 
f2 = NULL, alpha = 0.05, power = NULL, 
type=c("regular", "Cohen")){
    if (sum(sapply(list(n, f2, power, alpha), is.null)) != 1) 
        stop("exactly one of n, f2, power, and alpha must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(f2) && min(f2) < 0) 
        stop("f2 must be positive")
    if (!is.null(n) && min(n) < 5) 
        stop("sample size has to be at least 5")
    if (!is.null(p1) && min(p1) < 1) 
        stop("number of predictor in the full model has to be larger than 1")
    if (!is.null(p2) && p1 < p2) 
        stop("number of predictor in the full model has to be larger than that in the reduced model")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | 
        alpha > 1)) 
        stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | 
        power > 1)) 
        stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    p.body <- quote({
        u <- p1 - p2
        v <- n - p1 - 1
        if (type[1]=="Cohen"){
			lambda <- f2 * (u + v + 1)
			lambda <- f2 * n
        pf(qf(alpha, u, v, lower = FALSE), u, v, lambda, lower = FALSE)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body)
    else if (is.null(n)) 
        n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(5 + 
            p1 + 1e-10, 1e+05))$root
    else if (is.null(f2)) 
        f2 <- uniroot(function(f2) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-07, 
    else if (is.null(alpha)) 
        alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - power, 
            c(1e-10, 1 - 1e-10))$root
    else stop("internal error")
    METHOD <- "Power for multiple regression"
    URL <- "http://psychstat.org/regression"
    structure(list(n = n, p1 = p1, p2 = p2, f2 = f2, alpha = alpha, 
        power = power, method = METHOD, url = URL), class = "webpower")

wp.logistic <- function(n = NULL, p0 = NULL, p1 = NULL, alpha = 0.05, power = NULL, 
    alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), family = c("Bernoulli", 
        "exponential", "lognormal", "normal", "Poisson", "uniform"), parameter = NULL) {
	sig.level <- alpha
    if (sum(sapply(list(n, power), is.null)) != 1) 
        stop("exactly one of n, power, and alpha must be NULL")
    if (is.null(p0) || !is.null(p0) && !is.numeric(p0) || any(0 > p0 | 
        p0 > 1)) 
        stop(sQuote("p0"), " must be numeric in (0,1)")
    if (is.null(p1) || !is.null(p1) && !is.numeric(p1) || any(0 > p1 | 
        p1 > 1)) 
        stop(sQuote("p1"), " must be numeric in (0,1)")
    if (!is.null(n) && min(n) < 5) 
        stop("number of observations must be at least 5")
    if (is.null(alpha) || !is.null(alpha) & !is.numeric(alpha) || any(alpha < 
        0 | alpha > 1)) 
        stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) & !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 
        stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!(family %in% c("Bernoulli", 
        "exponential", "lognormal", "normal", "Poisson", "uniform"))) 
        stop ("family must be one of Bernoulli, exponential, lognormal, normal, Poisson, or uniform")
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    tside <- switch(alternative, less = 1, two.sided = 2, greater = 3)
    p.body <- quote({
        s * pnorm(-qnorm(1 - alpha) - sqrt(n)/sqrt(g * v0 + (1 - g) * v1) * 
            beta1) + t * pnorm(-qnorm(1 - alpha) + sqrt(n)/sqrt(g * v0 + 
            (1 - g) * v1) * beta1)
    if (family == "Bernoulli") {
        ## binomial predictor
        if (is.null(parameter)) {
            B <- 0.5
        } else {
            B <- parameter
        g <- 0
        odds <- p1/(1 - p1)/(p0/(1 - p0))
        beta1 <- log(odds)  ##beta1 under H_A in the population 
        beta0 <- log(p0/(1 - p0))
        d <- B * p1 * (1 - p1) + (1 - B) * p0 * (1 - p0)
        e <- B * p1 * (1 - p1)
        f <- B * p1 * (1 - p1)
        v1 <- d/(d * f - e^2)
        ### v0
        mu1 <- B * p1 + (1 - B) * p0
        i00 <- log(mu1/(1 - mu1))
        pn <- 1/(1 + exp(-i00))
        a <- pn * (1 - pn)  #00
        b <- B * pn * (1 - pn)  #11
        c <- B * pn * (1 - pn)  #01
        v0 <- b/(a * b - c^2)
        if (tside == 1) {
            s <- 1
            t <- 0
            alpha <- alpha
        if (tside == 2) {
            s <- 1
            t <- 1
            alpha <- alpha/2
        if (tside == 3) {
            s <- 0
            t <- 1
            alpha <- alpha
        if (is.null(power)) 
            power <- eval(p.body)
        if (is.null(n)) 
            n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 
    if (family == "exponential") {
        ## Exponential predictor
        if (is.null(parameter)) {
            lambda <- 1
        } else {
            lambda <- parameter
        g <- 0
        beta0 <- log(p0/(1 - p0))
        odds <- p1/(1 - p1)/(p0/(1 - p0))
        beta1 <- log(odds)  ##beta1 under H_A in the population##beta1 under H_A in the population
        d <- integrate(function(x) (1 - (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1)) * 
            (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1) * dexp(x, lambda), 0, Inf, 
            subdivisions = 100L)$value
        e <- integrate(function(x) x * (1 - (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1)) * 
            (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1) * dexp(x, lambda), 0, Inf, 
            subdivisions = 100L)$value
        f <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * (1 - (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * 
            x))^(-1)) * (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1) * dexp(x, lambda), 
            0, Inf, subdivisions = 100L)$value
        v1 <- d/(d * f - e^2)
        mu1 <- integrate(function(x) 1/(1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x)) * 
            dexp(x, lambda), 0, Inf, subdivisions = 100L)$value
        i00 <- log(mu1/(1 - mu1))
        pn <- 1/(1 + exp(-i00))
        a <- pn * (1 - pn)  #00
        b <- 2 * lambda^(-2) * pn * (1 - pn)  #11
        c <- lambda^(-1) * pn * (1 - pn)  #01
        v0 <- a/(a * b - c^2)
        if (tside == 1) {
            s <- 1
            t <- 0
            alpha <- alpha
        if (tside == 2) {
            s <- 1
            t <- 1
            alpha <- alpha/2
        if (tside == 3) {
            s <- 0
            t <- 1
            alpha <- alpha
        if (is.null(power)) 
            power <- eval(p.body)
        if (is.null(n)) 
            n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 
    if (family == "lognormal") {
        g <- 0
        if (is.null(parameter)) {
            mu <- 0
            sigma <- 1
        } else {
            if (length(parameter) != 2) 
                stop("Both mean and standard deviation of the log-normal distribution have to be provided as a vector.")
            mu <- parameter[1]
            sigma <- parameter[2]
        beta0 <- log(p0/(1 - p0))
        odds <- p1/(1 - p1)/(p0/(1 - p0))
        beta1 <- log(odds)  ##beta1 under H_A in the population
        d <- integrate(function(x) (1 - (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1)) * 
            (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1) * dlnorm(x, mu, sigma), 
            0, Inf, subdivisions = 100L)$value
        e <- integrate(function(x) x * (1 - (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1)) * 
            (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1) * dlnorm(x, mu, sigma), 
            0, Inf, subdivisions = 100L)$value
        f <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * (1 - (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * 
            x))^(-1)) * (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1) * dlnorm(x, 
            mu, sigma), 0, Inf, subdivisions = 100L)$value
        v1 <- d/(d * f - e^2)
        mu1 <- integrate(function(x) 1/(1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x)) * 
            dlnorm(x, mu, sigma), 0, Inf, subdivisions = 100L)$value
        i00 <- log(mu1/(1 - mu1))
        pn <- 1/(1 + exp(-i00))
        a <- pn * (1 - pn)  #00
        b <- (exp(sigma * sigma) - 1) * exp(2 * mu + sigma^2) * pn * (1 - 
            pn)  #11
        c <- exp(mu + 0.5 * sigma^2) * pn * (1 - pn)  #01
        v0 <- a/(a * b - c^2)
        if (tside == 1) {
            s <- 1
            t <- 0
            alpha <- alpha
        if (tside == 2) {
            s <- 1
            t <- 1
            alpha <- alpha/2
        if (tside == 3) {
            s <- 0
            t <- 1
            alpha <- alpha
        if (is.null(power)) 
            power <- eval(p.body)
        if (is.null(n)) 
            n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 
    if (family == "normal") {
        g <- 0
        if (is.null(parameter)) {
            mu <- 0
            sigma <- 1
        } else {
            if (length(parameter) != 2) 
                stop("Both mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution have to be provided as a vector.")
            mu <- parameter[1]
            sigma <- parameter[2]
        beta0 <- log(p0/(1 - p0))
        odds <- p1/(1 - p1)/(p0/(1 - p0))
        beta1 <- log(odds)  ##beta1 under H_A in the population
        d <- integrate(function(x) (1 - (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1)) * 
            (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1) * dnorm(x, mu, sigma), -Inf, 
            Inf, subdivisions = 100L)$value
        e <- integrate(function(x) x * (1 - (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1)) * 
            (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1) * dnorm(x, mu, sigma), -Inf, 
            Inf, subdivisions = 100L)$value
        f <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * (1 - (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * 
            x))^(-1)) * (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1) * dnorm(x, mu, 
            sigma), -Inf, Inf, subdivisions = 100L)$value
        v1 <- d/(d * f - e^2)
        mu1 <- integrate(function(x) 1/(1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x)) * 
            dnorm(x, mu, sigma), -Inf, Inf, subdivisions = 100L)$value
        i00 <- log(mu1/(1 - mu1))
        pn <- 1/(1 + exp(-i00))
        a <- pn * (1 - pn)  #00
        b <- sigma^2 * pn * (1 - pn)  #11
        c <- mu * pn * (1 - pn)  #01
        v0 <- a/(a * b - c^2)
        if (tside == 1) {
            s <- 1
            t <- 0
            alpha <- alpha
        if (tside == 2) {
            s <- 1
            t <- 1
            alpha <- alpha/2
        if (tside == 3) {
            s <- 0
            t <- 1
            alpha <- alpha
        if (is.null(power)) 
            power <- eval(p.body)
        if (is.null(n)) 
            n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 
    if (family == "Poisson") {
        g <- 0
        if (is.null(parameter)) {
            lambda <- 1
        } else {
            lambda <- parameter
        beta0 <- log(p0/(1 - p0))
        odds <- p1/(1 - p1)/(p0/(1 - p0))
        beta1 <- log(odds)  ##beta1 under H_A in the population
        d <- sum(sapply(0:1e+05, function(x) (1 - (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * 
            x))^(-1)) * (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1) * dpois(x, lambda)))
        e <- sum(sapply(0:1e+05, function(x) x * (1 - (1 + exp(-beta0 - 
            beta1 * x))^(-1)) * (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1) * dpois(x, 
        f <- sum(sapply(0:1e+05, function(x) x^2 * (1 - (1 + exp(-beta0 - 
            beta1 * x))^(-1)) * (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1) * dpois(x, 
        v1 <- d/(d * f - e^2)
        mu1 <- sum(sapply(0:1e+05, function(x) 1/(1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * 
            x)) * dpois(x, lambda)))
        i00 <- log(mu1/(1 - mu1))
        pn <- 1/(1 + exp(-i00))
        a <- pn * (1 - pn)  #00
        b <- lambda * pn * (1 - pn)  #11
        c <- lambda * pn * (1 - pn)  #01
        v0 <- a/(a * b - c^2)
        if (tside == 1) {
            s <- 1
            t <- 0
            alpha <- alpha
        if (tside == 2) {
            s <- 1
            t <- 1
            alpha <- alpha/2
        if (tside == 3) {
            s <- 0
            t <- 1
            alpha <- alpha
        if (is.null(power)) 
            power <- eval(p.body)
        if (is.null(n)) 
            n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 
    if (family == "uniform") {
        g <- 0
        if (is.null(parameter)) {
            L <- 0
            R <- 1
        } else {
            if (length(parameter) != 2) 
                stop("The lower and upper bounds have to be provided as a vector")
            L <- parameter[1]
            R <- parameter[2]
        beta0 <- log(p0/(1 - p0))
        odds <- p1/(1 - p1)/(p0/(1 - p0))
        beta1 <- log(odds)  ##beta1 under H_A in the population
        d <- integrate(function(x) (1 - (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1)) * 
            (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1)/(R - L), L, R, subdivisions = 100L)$value
        e <- integrate(function(x) x * (1 - (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1)) * 
            (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1)/(R - L), L, R, subdivisions = 100L)$value
        f <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * (1 - (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * 
            x))^(-1)) * (1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))^(-1)/(R - L), L, 
            R, subdivisions = 100L)$value
        v1 <- d/(d * f - e^2)
        mu1 <- integrate(function(x) 1/(1 + exp(-beta0 - beta1 * x))/(R - 
            L), L, R, subdivisions = 100L)$value
        i00 <- log(mu1/(1 - mu1))
        pn <- 1/(1 + exp(-i00))
        a <- pn * (1 - pn)  #00
        b <- (R - L)^2/12 * pn * (1 - pn)  #11
        c <- (R + L)/2 * pn * (1 - pn)  #01
        v0 <- a/(a * b - c^2)
        if (tside == 1) {
            s <- 1
            t <- 0
            alpha <- alpha
        if (tside == 2) {
            s <- 1
            t <- 1
            alpha <- alpha/2
        if (tside == 3) {
            s <- 0
            t <- 1
            alpha <- alpha
        if (is.null(power)) 
            power <- eval(p.body)
        if (is.null(n)) 
            n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 
    METHOD <- "Power for logistic regression"
    URL <- "http://psychstat.org/logistic"
    structure(list(p0 = p0, p1 = p1, beta0 = beta0, beta1 = beta1, n = n, 
        alpha = sig.level, power = power, alternative = alternative, family = family, 
        parameter = parameter, method = METHOD, url = URL), class = "webpower")

wp.mediation <- function(n = NULL, power = NULL, a = 0.5, b = 0.5, varx = 1, 
    vary = 1, varm = 1, alpha = 0.05, interval = NULL) {
    if (sum(sapply(list(n, a, b, varx, varm, vary, power, alpha), is.null)) != 
        stop("exactly one of n, a, b, varx, varm, vary, power, and alpha must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | alpha > 
        stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 
        stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    ## power formulae
    p.body <- quote({
        numer <- sqrt(n) * a * b
        denom <- sqrt(a^2 * vary/(varm - a^2 * varx) + b^2 * (varm - a^2 * 
        delta <- numer/denom
        alpha2 <- alpha/2
        za2 <- qnorm(1 - alpha2)
        1 - pnorm(za2 - delta) + pnorm(-za2 - delta)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body) else if (is.null(n)) 
        n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(1e-07, 1e+07), interval))$root else if (is.null(a)) {
        astart <- varm/varx
        alow <- -sqrt(astart) + 1e-06
        aup <- sqrt(astart) - 1e-06
        a <- nuniroot(function(a) eval(p.body) - power, c(alow, aup))$root
    } else if (is.null(b)) 
        b <- nuniroot(function(b) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(-10, 10), interval))$root else if (is.null(varx)) 
        varx <- nuniroot(function(varx) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(1e-10, 1e+07), interval))$root else if (is.null(vary)) 
        vary <- nuniroot(function(vary) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(1e-10, 1e+07), interval))$root else if (is.null(varm)) 
        varm <- nuniroot(function(varm) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(1e-10, 1e+07), interval))$root else if (is.null(alpha)) 
        alpha <- nuniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - power, ifelse(rep(is.null(interval), 2), c(1e-10, 1 - 1e-10), interval))$root else stop("internal error")
    METHOD <- "Power for simple mediation"
    URL <- "http://psychstat.org/mediation"
    structure(list(n = n, power = power, a = a, b = b, varx = varx, varm = varm, 
        vary = vary, alpha = alpha, method = METHOD, url = URL), class = "webpower")

estCRT2arm <- function(file) {
    dat <- read.table(file, header = TRUE)
    X <- dat[, 4] - 0.5
    newdata <- data.frame(dat, X)
    model <- summary(lmer(score ~ X + (1 | cluster), data = newdata))
    parest <- model$coefficients
    J <- model$ngrps
    p.value <- (1 - pt(abs(parest[, 3]), J - 2)) * 2
    test <- cbind(parest, p.value)
    cat("Fixed effects (X: Treatment main effect):\n")

estCRT3arm <- function(file) {
    dat <- read.table(file, header = T)
    X1 <- X2 <- rep(0, dim(dat)[1])
    X1[dat[, 4] == 1] <- X1[dat[, 4] == 2] <- 1/3
    X1[dat[, 4] == 0] <- -2/3
    X2[dat[, 4] == 1] <- 1/2
    X2[dat[, 4] == 2] <- -1/2
    newdata <- data.frame(dat, X1, X2)
    model <- summary(lmer(score ~ X1 + X2 + (1 | cluster), data = newdata))
    parest <- model$coefficients
    rownames(parest)[2] <- "X"
    rownames(parest)[3] <- "X1-X2"
    J <- model$ngrps
    p.value <- (1 - pt(abs(parest[, 3]), J - 3)) * 2
    test <- cbind(parest, p.value)
    # Omnibus test
    model1 <- lmer(score ~ X1 + X2 + (1 | cluster), data = newdata, REML = FALSE)
    model2 <- lmer(score ~ (1 | cluster), data = newdata, REML = FALSE)
    omnibus <- anova(model1, model2)$"Pr(>Chisq)"[2]
    cat("Fixed effects (X: Treatment main effect; X1-X2: Comparing two treatments):\n")
    cat("Omnibust test: p-value = ")

estMRT2arm <- function(file) {
    dat <- read.table(file, header = TRUE)
    X <- dat[, 4] - 0.5
    newdata <- data.frame(dat, X)
    model <- summary(lmer(score ~ X + (X | cluster), data = newdata))
    parest <- model$coefficients
    J <- model$ngrps
    p.value <- (1 - pt(abs(parest[, 3]), J - 1)) * 2
    test <- cbind(parest, p.value)
    cat("Fixed effects (X: Treatment main effect):\n")

estMRT3arm <- function(file) {
    dat <- read.table(file, header = T)
    X1 <- X2 <- rep(0, dim(dat)[1])
    X1[dat[, 4] == 1] <- X1[dat[, 4] == 2] <- 1/3
    X1[dat[, 4] == 0] <- -2/3
    X2[dat[, 4] == 1] <- 1/2
    X2[dat[, 4] == 2] <- -1/2
    newdata <- data.frame(dat, X1, X2)
    model <- summary(lmer(score ~ X1 + X2 + (X1 + X2 | cluster), data = newdata))
    parest <- model$coefficients
    rownames(parest)[2] <- "X"
    rownames(parest)[3] <- "X1-X2"
    J <- model$ngrps
    p.value <- (1 - pt(abs(parest[, 3]), J - 1)) * 2
    test <- cbind(parest, p.value)
    # Omnibus test
    model1 <- lmer(score ~ X1 + X2 + (X1 + X2 | cluster), data = newdata, 
        REML = FALSE)
    model2 <- lmer(score ~ (X1 + X2 | cluster), data = newdata, REML = FALSE)
    omnibus <- anova(model1, model2)$"Pr(>Chisq)"[2]
    cat("Fixed effects (X: Treatment main effect; X1-X2: Comparing two treatments):\n")
    cat("Omnibust test: p-value = ")

wp.correlation <- function(n = NULL, r = NULL, power = NULL, p = 0, rho0 = 0, 
    alpha = 0.05, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")) {
    if (sum(sapply(list(n, r, power, alpha), is.null)) != 1) 
        stop("exactly one of n, r, power, and alpha must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | alpha > 
        stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 
        stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(n) && min(n) < 4) 
        stop("number of observations must be at least 4")
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    tside <- switch(alternative, less = 1, two.sided = 2, greater = 3)
    if (tside == 2 && !is.null(r)) 
        r <- abs(r)
    if (tside == 3) {
        p.body <- quote({
            delta <- sqrt(n - 3 - p) * (log((1 + r)/(1 - r))/2 + r/(n - 
                1 - p)/2 * (1 + (5 + r^2)/(n - 1 - p)/4 + (11 + 2 * r^2 + 
                3 * r^4)/(n - 1 - p)^2/8) - log((1 + rho0)/(1 - rho0))/2 - 
                rho0/(n - 1 - p)/2)
            v <- (n - 3 - p)/(n - 1 - p) * (1 + (4 - r^2)/(n - 1 - p)/2 + 
                (22 - 6 * r^2 - 3 * r^4)/(n - 1 - p)^2/6)
            zalpha <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
            pnorm((delta - zalpha)/sqrt(v))
    if (tside == 1) {
        p.body <- quote({
            delta <- sqrt(n - 3 - p) * (log((1 + r)/(1 - r))/2 + r/(n - 
                1 - p)/2 * (1 + (5 + r^2)/(n - 1 - p)/4 + (11 + 2 * r^2 + 
                3 * r^4)/(n - 1 - p)^2/8) - log((1 + rho0)/(1 - rho0))/2 - 
                rho0/(n - 1 - p)/2)
            v <- (n - 3 - p)/(n - 1 - p) * (1 + (4 - r^2)/(n - 1 - p)/2 + 
                (22 - 6 * r^2 - 3 * r^4)/(n - 1 - p)^2/6)
            zalpha <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
            pnorm((-delta - zalpha)/sqrt(v))
    if (tside == 2) {
        p.body <- quote({
            delta <- sqrt(n - 3 - p) * (log((1 + r)/(1 - r))/2 + r/(n - 
                1 - p)/2 * (1 + (5 + r^2)/(n - 1 - p)/4 + (11 + 2 * r^2 + 
                3 * r^4)/(n - 1 - p)^2/8) - log((1 + rho0)/(1 - rho0))/2 - 
                rho0/(n - 1 - p)/2)
            v <- (n - 3 - p)/(n - 1 - p) * (1 + (4 - r^2)/(n - 1 - p)/2 + 
                (22 - 6 * r^2 - 3 * r^4)/(n - 1 - p)^2/6)
            zalpha <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
            pnorm((delta - zalpha)/sqrt(v)) + pnorm((-delta - zalpha)/sqrt(v))
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body) else if (is.null(n)) 
        n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(4 + p + 1e-10, 
            1e+07))$root else if (is.null(r)) {
        if (tside == 2) {
            r <- uniroot(function(r) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-10, 1 - 
        } else {
            r <- uniroot(function(r) eval(p.body) - power, c(-1 + 1e-10, 
                1 - 1e-10))$root
    } else if (is.null(alpha)) 
        alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-10, 
            1 - 1e-10))$root else stop("internal error")
    METHOD <- "Power for correlation"
    URL <- "http://psychstat.org/correlation"
    structure(list(n = n, r = r, alpha = alpha, power = power, alternative = alternative, 
        method = METHOD, url = URL), class = "webpower")

wp.poisson <- function(n = NULL, exp0 = NULL, exp1 = NULL, alpha = 0.05, power = NULL,
                        alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
                        family = c("Bernoulli", "exponential", "lognormal",
                                   "normal", "Poisson", "uniform"), 
                        parameter = NULL, subdivisions=200L,
                       i.method=c("numerical", "MC"), mc.iter=20000)
  sig.level <- alpha
  if(sum(sapply(list(n, power), is.null)) != 1)
     stop("exactly one of n, power, andalpha must be NULL")
  if(is.null(exp0) || !is.null(exp0) && !is.numeric(exp0) ||
      exp0 <= 0)
    stop(sQuote("exp0"), " must be numeric in (0,Infinity)")
  if(is.null(exp1) || !is.null(exp1) && !is.numeric(exp1) ||
      exp1 <= 0)
    stop(sQuote("exp1"), " must be numeric in (0,Infinity)")
  if(!is.null(n) && min(n) < 5)
    stop("number of observations must be at least 5")
  if(is.null(alpha) || !is.null(alpha) & !is.numeric(alpha) ||
      any(alpha < 0 | alpha > 1))
    stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
  if(!is.null(power) & !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power |
                                                  power > 1))
    stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
  tside <- switch(alternative, less = 1, two.sided = 2, greater = 3)
  p.body <- quote({
    s * pnorm(-qnorm(1 - alpha) - sqrt(n)/sqrt(v1) * beta1) +
      t * pnorm(-qnorm(1 - alpha) + sqrt(n)/sqrt(v1) *
  if (family == "Bernoulli") {
    if (is.null(parameter)) {
      B <- 0.5
    else {
      B <- parameter
    beta1 <- log(exp1)
    beta0 <- log(exp0)
    a <- (1 - B) * exp(beta0) + B * exp(beta0 + beta1)
    b <- B * exp(beta0 + beta1)
    c <- B * exp(beta0 + beta1)
    v1 <- a/(a * c - b^2)
    if (tside == 1) {
      s <- 1
      t <- 0
      alpha <- alpha
    if (tside == 2) {
      s <- 1
      t <- 1
      alpha <- alpha/2
    if (tside == 3) {
      s <- 0
      t <- 1
      alpha <- alpha
    if (is.null(power)) {
      power <- eval(p.body)
    if (is.null(n)) {
      n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 +
                                                         1e-10, 1e+07))$root
  if (family == "exponential") {
    if (is.null(parameter)) {
      lambda <- 1
    else {
      lambda <- parameter
    beta1 <- log(exp1); beta0 <- log(exp0)
    if (i.method[1] == "MC"){
        lambda*exp(beta0)/(beta1-lambda)*x*exp((beta1-lambda)*x) -1/(beta1-lambda)*d.integ(x,beta0,beta1,lambda)
        f=f.integ(100/(lambda-beta1), beta0,beta1,lambda)-f.integ(0,beta0,beta1,lambda)
        f=f.integ(100/abs(lambda-beta1), beta0,beta1, lambda)-f.integ(0,beta0,beta1,lambda)
        v1=0.00001#the actual value is 0
    v1 <- d/(d * f - e^2)
    if (tside == 1) {
      s <- 1
      t <- 0
      alpha <- alpha
    if (tside == 2) {
      s <- 1
      t <- 1
      alpha <- alpha/2
    if (tside == 3) {
      s <- 0
      t <- 1
      alpha <- alpha
    if (is.null(power)) {
      power <- eval(p.body)
    if (is.null(n)) {
      n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 +
                                                         1e-10, 1e+07))$root
  if (family == "lognormal") {
    if (is.null(parameter)) {
      mu <- 0
      sigma <- 1
    else {
      if (length(parameter) != 2)
        stop("Both mean and standard deviation of the log-normal distribution have to be provided as a vector.")
      mu <- parameter[1]
      sigma <- parameter[2]
    beta1 <- log(exp1)
    beta0 <- log(exp0)
    if (i.method[1] == "MC"){
      d <- integrate(function(x) exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) * dlnorm(x, mu, sigma), 0, Inf, subdivisions = subdivisions)$value
      e <- integrate(function(x) x * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) * dlnorm(x, mu, sigma), 0, Inf, subdivisions = subdivisions)$value
      f <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x) * dlnorm(x, mu, sigma), 0, Inf, subdivisions = subdivisions)$value
     v1 <- d/(d * f - e^2)
    if (tside == 1) {
      s <- 1
      t <- 0
      alpha <- alpha
    if (tside == 2) {
      s <- 1
      t <- 1
      alpha <- alpha/2
    if (tside == 3) {
      s <- 0
      t <- 1
      alpha <- alpha
    if (is.null(power)) {
      power <- eval(p.body)
    if (is.null(n)) {
      n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 +
                                                         1e-10, 1e+07))$root
  if (family == "normal") {
    if (is.null(parameter)) {
      mu <- 0
      sigma <- 1
    else {
      if (length(parameter) != 2)
        stop("Both mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution have to be provided as a vector.")
      mu <- parameter[1]
      sigma <- parameter[2]
    beta1 <- log(exp1)
    beta0 <- log(exp0)
    v1 <- d/(d * f - e^2)
    if (tside == 1) {
      s <- 1
      t <- 0
      alpha <- alpha
    if (tside == 2) {
      s <- 1
      t <- 1
      alpha <- alpha/2
    if (tside == 3) {
      s <- 0
      t <- 1
      alpha <- alpha
    if (is.null(power)) {
      power <- eval(p.body)
    if (is.null(n)) {
      n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 +
                                                         1e-10, 1e+07))$root
  if (family == "Poisson") {
    if (is.null(parameter)) {
      lambda <- 1
    else {
      lambda <- parameter
    beta1 <- log(exp1)
    beta0 <- log(exp0)
    d <- sum(sapply(0:1e+05, function(x) exp(beta0 + beta1 *
                                               x) * dpois(x, lambda)))
    e <- sum(sapply(0:1e+05, function(x) x * exp(beta0 +
                                                   beta1 * x) * dpois(x, lambda)))
    f <- sum(sapply(0:1e+05, function(x) x^2 * exp(beta0 +
                                                     beta1 * x) * dpois(x, lambda)))
    v1 <- d/(d * f - e^2)
    if (tside == 1) {
      s <- 1
      t <- 0
      alpha <- alpha
    if (tside == 2) {
      s <- 1
      t <- 1
      alpha <- alpha/2
    if (tside == 3) {
      s <- 0
      t <- 1
      alpha <- alpha
    if (is.null(power)) {
      power <- eval(p.body)
    if (is.null(n)) {
      n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 +
                                                         1e-10, 1e+07))$root
  if (family == "uniform") {
    if (is.null(parameter)) {
      L <- 0
      R <- 1
    else {
      if (length(parameter) != 2)
        stop("The lower and upper bounds have to be provided as a vector")
      L <- parameter[1]
      R <- parameter[2]
    beta1 <- log(exp1)
    beta0 <- log(exp0)
    d <- integrate(function(x) exp(beta0 + beta1 * x)/(R -
                                                         L), L, R, subdivisions = subdivisions)$value
    e <- integrate(function(x) x * exp(beta0 + beta1 * x)/(R -
                                                             L), L, R, subdivisions = subdivisions)$value
    f <- integrate(function(x) x^2 * exp(beta0 + beta1 *
                                           x)/(R - L), L, R, subdivisions = subdivisions)$value
    v1 <- d/(d * f - e^2)
    if (tside == 1) {
      s <- 1
      t <- 0
      alpha <- alpha
    if (tside == 2) {
      s <- 1
      t <- 1
      alpha <- alpha/2
    if (tside == 3) {
      s <- 0
      t <- 1
      alpha <- alpha
    if (is.null(power)) {
      power <- eval(p.body)
    if (is.null(n)) {
      n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 +
                                                         1e-10, 1e+07))$root
  METHOD <- "Power for Poisson regression"
  URL <- "http://psychstat.org/poisson"
  structure(list(n = n, power = power, alpha = sig.level, exp0 = exp0,
                exp1 = exp1, beta0 = beta0, beta1 = beta1, alternative = alternative,
                family = family, method = METHOD,
                url = URL), class = "webpower")

wp.sem.chisq <- 
function (n = NULL, df = NULL, effect = NULL, power = NULL, alpha = 0.05) 
    if (sum(sapply(list(n, df, power, alpha, effect), is.null)) != 1) 
        stop("exactly one of sample size, degrees of freedom, effect size, alpha and power must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > 
        alpha | alpha > 1)) 
        stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | 
        power > 1)) 
        stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")

    p.body <- quote({
        	calpha<-qchisq(1-alpha, df)
        	1-pchisq(calpha, df, ncp)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body)
    else if (is.null(n)) 
        n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(10 + 
            1e-10, 1e+08))$root
    else if (is.null(df))
        df <- uniroot(function(df) eval(p.body) - power, c(1, 
    else if (is.null(alpha)) 
        alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - 
            power, c(1e-10, 1 - 1e-10))$root
    else if (is.null(effect))
    	effect <- uniroot(function(effect) eval(p.body) - power, c(0, 1))$root
    else stop("internal error")
	METHOD <- "Power for SEM (Satorra & Saris, 1985)"
	URL <- "http://psychstat.org/semchisq"
    structure(list(n = n, df = df, effect = effect, power = power, alpha = alpha, url=URL, method=METHOD), 
        class = "webpower")

wp.sem.rmsea <- 
function (n = NULL, df = NULL, rmsea0 = NULL, rmsea1 = NULL,  power = NULL, alpha = 0.05, type=c('close','notclose')) {
    if (sum(sapply(list(n, df, power, alpha, rmsea0, rmsea1), is.null)) != 1) 
        stop("exactly one of sample size, degrees of freedom, rmsea0, rmsea1, alpha and power must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > 
        alpha | alpha > 1)) 
        stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | 
        power > 1)) 
        stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    type <- match.arg(type)    
    htype <- switch(type, close = 1, notclose = 2)

    if (htype==1){
    	p.body <- quote({
        	calpha<-qchisq(1-alpha, df, ncp0)
        	1-pchisq(calpha, df, ncp1)
    	p.body <- quote({
        	calpha<-qchisq(alpha, df, ncp0)
        	pchisq(calpha, df, ncp1)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body)
    else if (is.null(n)) 
        n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 
            1e-10, 1e+05))$root
    else if (is.null(df))
        df <- uniroot(function(df) eval(p.body) - power, c(1, 
    else if (is.null(alpha)) 
        alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - 
            power, c(1e-10, 1 - 1e-10))$root
    else if (is.null(rmsea0))
    	rmsea0 <- uniroot(function(rmsea0) eval(p.body) - 
            power, c(0, 1))$root
    else if (is.null(rmsea1))
    	rmsea1 <- uniroot(function(rmsea1) eval(p.body) - 
            power, c(0, 1))$root
    else stop("internal error")
	METHOD <- "Power for SEM based on RMSEA"
	URL <- "http://psychstat.org/rmsea"
    structure(list(n = n, df = df, rmsea0 = rmsea0, rmsea1 = rmsea1, power = power, alpha = alpha, method=METHOD, url=URL), 
        class = "webpower")

wp.kanova<-function (n = NULL, ndf = NULL, f = NULL, ng=NULL, alpha = 0.05, power = NULL) 
    if (sum(sapply(list(n, ndf, f, ng, power, alpha), is.null)) != 
        stop("exactly one of n, ndf, f, ng, power, alpha must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(f) && min(f) < 0) 
        stop("f must be positive")
    if (!is.null(n) && min(n) < 1) 
        stop("degree of freedom u for numerator must be at least 1")
    if (!is.null(ndf) && min(ndf) < 1) 
        stop("degree of freedom v for denominator must be at least 1")
	if (!is.null(ng) && min(ng) < 1) 
        stop("number of groups must be at least 1")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > 
        alpha | alpha > 1)) 
        stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | 
        power > 1)) 
        stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    p.body <- quote({
        lambda <- f^2 * n
		ddf <- n - ng
        pf(qf(alpha, ndf, ddf, lower = FALSE), ndf, ddf, lambda, 
            lower = FALSE)
    if (is.null(power)) 
        power <- eval(p.body)
    else if (is.null(n)){ 
        n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(1 + 
            ng, 1e+07))$root
		ddf <- n - ng
    else if (is.null(ndf)){ 
        ndf <- uniroot(function(ndf) eval(p.body) - power, c(1 + 
            1e-10, 1e+05))$root
			ddf <- n -ng
	else if (is.null(ng)) {
        ng <- uniroot(function(ng) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-07, 
			ddf <- n -ng
    else if (is.null(f)){ 
        f <- uniroot(function(f) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-07, 
			ddf <- n -ng
    else if (is.null(alpha)){ 
        alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - 
            power, c(1e-10, 1 - 1e-10))$root
			ddf <- n -ng
    else stop("internal error")
    METHOD <- "Multiple way ANOVA analysis"
	URL <- "http://psychstat.org/kanova"
	NOTE <- "Sample size is the total sample size"
    structure(list(n = n, ndf = ndf, ddf=ddf, f = f,  ng=ng, alpha = alpha, 
        power = power, method = METHOD, url=URL, note=NOTE), class = "webpower")

## ANOVA with binary data
wp.anova.binary<-function(k = NULL, n = NULL, V = NULL, alpha = 0.05, power = NULL){
  if (sum(sapply(list(k, n, V, power, alpha), is.null)) != 1) 
    stop("exactly one of k, n, V, power, and alpha must be NULL")
  if (!is.null(V) && min(V) < 0) 
    stop("V must be positive")
  if (!is.null(k) && min(k) < 2) 
    stop("number of groups must be at least 2")
  if (!is.null(n) && min(n) < 2) 
    stop("number of observations in each group must be at least 2")
  if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | alpha > 1)) 
    stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
  if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 1)) 
    stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
  p.body <- quote({
    chi <- (V)^2*n*(k-1)
    df <- k - 1
    crit.val <-  qchisq(p=1-alpha,df=df,ncp=0)
  if (is.null(power)) 
    power <- eval(p.body)
  else if (is.null(k)) 
    k <- uniroot(function(k) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 100))$root
  else if (is.null(n)) 
    n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + k + 1e-10, 1e+05))$root
  else if (is.null(V)) 
    V <- uniroot(function(V) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-07, 1e+07))$root
  else if (is.null(alpha)) 
    alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-10, 1 - 1e-10))$root
  else stop("internal error")
  NOTE <- "n is the total sample size"
  METHOD <- "One-way Analogous ANOVA with Binary Data"
  URL <- "http://psychstat.org/anovabinary"
  structure(list(k = k, n = n, V = V, alpha = alpha, power = power, 
                 note = NOTE, method = METHOD, url=URL), class = "webpower")

wp.anova.count<-function(k = NULL, n = NULL, V = NULL, alpha = 0.05, power = NULL){
  if (sum(sapply(list(k, n, V, power, alpha), is.null)) != 1) 
    stop("exactly one of k, n, V, power, and alpha must be NULL")
  if (!is.null(V) && min(V) < 0) 
    stop("V must be positive")
  if (!is.null(k) && min(k) < 2) 
    stop("number of groups must be at least 2")
  if (!is.null(n) && min(n) < 2) 
    stop("number of observations in each group must be at least 2")
  if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | alpha > 1)) 
    stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
  if (!is.null(power) && !is.numeric(power) || any(0 > power | power > 1)) 
    stop(sQuote("power"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
  p.body <- quote({
    chi <- (V)^2*n*(k-1)
    df <- k - 1
    crit.val <-  qchisq(p=1-alpha,df=df,ncp=0)
  if (is.null(power)) 
    power <- eval(p.body)
  else if (is.null(k)) 
    k <- uniroot(function(k) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + 1e-10, 100))$root
  else if (is.null(n)) 
    n <- uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power, c(2 + k + 1e-10, 1e+05))$root
  else if (is.null(V)) 
    V <- uniroot(function(V) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-07, 1e+07))$root
  else if (is.null(alpha)) 
    alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(p.body) - power, c(1e-10, 1 - 1e-10))$root
  else stop("internal error")
  NOTE <- "n is the total sample size"
  METHOD <- "One-way Analogous ANOVA with Count Data"
  URL <- "http://psychstat.org/anovacount"
  structure(list(k = k, n = n, V = V, alpha = alpha, power = power, note = NOTE, method = METHOD, url=URL), class = "webpower")

### Univariate Latent Change Score Models
wp.lcsm<-function(N=100, T=5, R=1000,
	betay=0, my0=0, mys=0, varey=1, vary0=1, varys=1, vary0ys=0, alpha=0.05, ...){
	#if (sum(N < 2*T)>0) stop("The sample size has to be at least 2 times of the number of occasions")
	pop.model <- function(T){
	## latent y
	## Intercept
		model<-"y0 =~ 1*y1\n"
		## path from y(t-1) to y(t) with path 1
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"~1*y",(i-1),"\n", sep="")
		## loading from dy(t) to y(t) with path 1
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"=~1*y",i,"\n", sep="")
		## path from y(t) to dy(t+1) with path betay
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"~", betay, "*y", (i-1), "\n", sep="")
		## latent slope ys factor model
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "ys=~1*dy", i, "\n", sep="")
		## variance for dy constraints to 0
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"~~0*dy",i,"\n", sep="")
		## variance for y constraints to 0
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"~~0*y",i,"\n", sep="")
		## variance and covariance for intercept and slope
		model<-paste(model, "ys~~", vary0ys, "*y0\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "y0~~", vary0, "*y0\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "ys~~", varys, "*ys\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "ys~", mys, "*1\n", sep="")	
		model<-paste(model, "y0~", my0, "*1\n", sep="")

		## constrain means of y and dy to be zero
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"~0*1\n", sep="")
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"~0*1\n", sep="")
		## for observed data part
		## y(t) to Y(t)
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"=~1*", "Y",i, "\n", sep="")				
		## set means of Y to be zero
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "Y",i, "~0*1\n", sep="")		
		## set the variance for Y
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "Y",i, "~~", varey, "*", "Y",i, "\n", sep="")		
	fit.model <- function(T){
	## latent y
	## Intercept
		model<-"y0 =~ 1*y1\n"
		## path from y(t-1) to y(t) with path 1
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"~1*y",(i-1),"\n", sep="")
		## loading from dy(t) to y(t) with path 1
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"=~1*y",i,"\n", sep="")
		## path from y(t) to dy(t+1) with path betay
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"~start(", betay, ")*y", (i-1)," + betay*y", (i-1), "\n", sep="")
		## latent slope ys factor model
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "ys=~1*dy", i, "\n", sep="")
		## variance for dy constraints to 0
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"~~0*dy",i,"\n", sep="")
		## variance for y constraints to 0
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"~~0*y",i,"\n", sep="")
		## variance and covariance for intercept and slope
		model<-paste(model, "ys~~start(", vary0ys, ")*y0 + vary0ys*y0\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "y0~~start(", vary0, ")*y0 + vary0*y0\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "ys~~start(", varys, ")*ys + varys*ys\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "ys~start(", mys, ")*1 + label('mys')*1\n", sep="")	
		model<-paste(model, "y0~start(", my0, ")*1 + label('my0')*1\n", sep="")

		## constrain means of y and dy to be zero
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"~0*1\n", sep="")
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"~0*1\n", sep="")
		## for observed data part
		## y(t) to Y(t)
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"=~1*", "Y",i, "\n", sep="")				
		## set means of Y to be zero
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "Y",i, "~0*1\n", sep="")		
		## set the variance for Y
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "Y",i, "~~start(", varey, ")*", "Y", i, " + varey*Y",i, "\n", sep="")		
	sem.est <- function(model, data){
		temp.res <- sem(model=model, data=data)
		label <- temp.res@ParTable$label
		c(temp.res@ParTable$est[label!=""], temp.res@ParTable$se[label!=""])
	## do it once for a given N and T
	fit.once <- function(N, T){
		## generate data
		pop.model.T <- pop.model(T)
		pop.model.T.res <- sem(pop.model.T, do.fit=FALSE)
		pop.model.T.cov <- inspect(pop.model.T.res, "cov.ov")
		pop.model.T.mean <- inspect(pop.model.T.res, "mean.ov")
		ynames <- row.names(pop.model.T.cov)
		gen.data <- lapply(1:R, mvrnorm, n=N, mu=pop.model.T.mean, Sigma=pop.model.T.cov)
		## conduct the analysis
		fit.model.T <- fit.model(T)
		fit.res <- lapply(gen.data, sem.est, model=fit.model.T)
		## run once to get the model information
		model.info.res <- sem(fit.model.T, gen.data[[1]])
		label <- model.info.res@ParTable$label
		label <- label[label!=""]
		label.unique <- !duplicated(label)
		label <- label[label.unique]
		npar <- length(label)
		## get the parameter estimates, sd, se, power, CI of power
		all.res <- do.call(rbind, fit.res)
		all.res <- all.res[, c(label.unique, label.unique)]
		all.res <- na.omit(all.res)
		mc.est <- colMeans(all.res[, 1:npar], na.rm=TRUE)
		mc.se <- apply(all.res[, (npar+1):(2*npar)], 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
		mc.sd <- apply(all.res[, 1:npar], 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
		mc.z.score <- all.res[, 1:npar]/all.res[, (npar+1):(2*npar)]
		mc.z.score.check <- abs(mc.z.score) >= qnorm(1-alpha/2)
		mc.power <- colMeans(mc.z.score.check, na.rm=TRUE)
		pop.par <- unlist(lapply(label, function(x){eval(parse(text=x))}))
		mc.output <- cbind(pop.par, mc.est, mc.sd, mc.se, mc.power, N, T)
		row.names(mc.output) <- label
		label.sort <- sort(label)
		mc.output[label.sort, ]
	if (length(N)>1 | length(T)>1){
		all.output <- list()
		for (i in N){
			for (j in T){
				all.output [[paste('N',i,'-T',j, sep="")]]<- fit.once(i,j)
		all.output <- fit.once(N,T)
	class(all.output) <- "lcs.power"

plot.lcs.power <- function(x, parameter, ...){
	## x is the output from power analysis
	power.mat <- do.call('rbind', x)
	power.par <- power.mat[rownames(power.mat)==parameter, ]
	unique.N <- unique(power.par[ ,6])
	unique.T <- unique(power.par[ ,7])
	if (length(unique.N)==1 & length(unique.T)==1) stop("Multiple N or T is needed for power plot.")
	if (length(unique.N)==1){
		## plot the power along T
		plot(power.par[, 7], power.par[, 5], type='l', xlab='Number of Occasions', ylab=paste('Power of ',parameter, sep=""), ylim=c(0,1))
		points(power.par[, 7], power.par[, 5])
	if (length(unique.T)==1){
		plot(power.par[, 6], power.par[, 5], type='l', xlab='Sample size', ylab=paste('Power of ',parameter, sep=""), ylim=c(0,1))
		points(power.par[, 6], power.par[, 5])
	if (length(unique.N)>1 & length(unique.T)>1){
		for (N in unique.N){
			## plot power with time for a given sample size
			temp.power <- power.par[power.par[, 6]==N, ]
			plot(temp.power[, 7], temp.power[, 5], type='l', xlab='Number of Occasions', ylab=paste('Power of ',parameter, sep=""), ylim=c(0,1))
			points(temp.power[, 7], temp.power[, 5])
			cat ("Press [enter] to continue")
			line <- readline()
		for (T in unique.T){
			## plot power with time for a given sample size
			temp.power <- power.par[power.par[, 7]==T, ]
			plot(temp.power[, 6], temp.power[, 5], type='l', xlab='Sample size', ylab=paste('Power of ',parameter, sep=""), ylim=c(0,1))
			points(temp.power[, 6], temp.power[, 5])
			cat ("Press [enter] to continue")
			line <- readline()

wp.blcsm<-function(N=100, T=5, R=1000,
	betay=0, my0=0, mys=0, varey=1, vary0=1, varys=1, vary0ys=0, alpha=0.05,
	betax=0, mx0=0, mxs=0, varex=1, varx0=1, varxs=1, varx0xs=0, varx0y0=0,  
	varx0ys=0, vary0xs=0, varxsys=0, gammax=0, gammay=0, ...){
	pop.model <- function(T){
		## for y
		## latent y
		## Intercept
		model<-"y0 =~ 1*y1\n"
		## path from y(t-1) to y(t) with path 1
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"~1*y",(i-1),"\n", sep="")
		## loading from dy(t) to y(t) with path 1
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"=~1*y",i,"\n", sep="")
		## path from y(t) to dy(t+1) with path betay
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"~", betay, "*y", (i-1), "\n", sep="")
		## latent slope ys factor model
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "ys=~1*dy", i, "\n", sep="")
		## variance for dy constraints to 0
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"~~0*dy",i,"\n", sep="")
		## variance for y constraints to 0
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"~~0*y",i,"\n", sep="")
		## variance and covariance for intercept and slope
		model<-paste(model, "ys~~", vary0ys, "*y0\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "y0~~", vary0, "*y0\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "ys~~", varys, "*ys\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "ys~", mys, "*1\n", sep="")	
		model<-paste(model, "y0~", my0, "*1\n", sep="")

		## constrain means of y and dy to be zero
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"~0*1\n", sep="")
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"~0*1\n", sep="")
		## for observed data part
		## y(t) to Y(t)
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"=~1*", "Y",i, "\n", sep="")				
		## set means of Y to be zero
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "Y",i, "~0*1\n", sep="")		
		## set the variance for Y
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "Y",i, "~~", varey, "*", "Y",i, "\n", sep="")		
		## for x
		## latent x
		## Intercept
		model<-paste(model, "x0 =~ 1*x1\n")
		## path from x(t-1) to x(t) with path 1
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "x",i,"~1*x",(i-1),"\n", sep="")
		## loading from dx(t) to x(t) with path 1
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dx",i,"=~1*x",i,"\n", sep="")
		## path from x(t) to dx(t+1) with path betax
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dx",i,"~", betax, "*x", (i-1), "\n", sep="")
		## latent slope xs factor model
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "xs=~1*dx", i, "\n", sep="")
		## variance for dx constraints to 0
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dx",i,"~~0*dx",i,"\n", sep="")
		## variance for x constraints to 0
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "x",i,"~~0*x",i,"\n", sep="")
		## variance and covariance for intercept and slope
		model<-paste(model, "xs~~", varx0xs, "*x0\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "x0~~", varx0, "*x0\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "xs~~", varxs, "*xs\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "xs~", mxs, "*1\n", sep="")	
		model<-paste(model, "x0~", mx0, "*1\n", sep="")

		## constrain means of x and dx to be zero
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "x",i,"~0*1\n", sep="")
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dx",i,"~0*1\n", sep="")
		## for observed data part
		## x(t) to X(t)
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "x",i,"=~1*", "X",i, "\n", sep="")				
		## set means of X to be zero
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "X",i, "~0*1\n", sep="")		
		## set the variance for X
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "X",i, "~~", varex, "*", "X",i, "\n", sep="")		
		## coupling effects
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"~", gammax, "*x",i-1, "\n", sep="")
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dx",i,"~", gammay, "*y",i-1, "\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "x0~~", varx0y0, "*y0\n", sep="")	
		model<-paste(model, "x0~~", varx0ys, "*ys\n", sep="")	
		model<-paste(model, "y0~~", vary0xs, "*xs\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "xs~~", varxsys, "*ys\n", sep="")
	fit.model <- function(T){
		## latent y
		## Intercept
		model<-"y0 =~ 1*y1\n"
		## path from y(t-1) to y(t) with path 1
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"~1*y",(i-1),"\n", sep="")
		## loading from dy(t) to y(t) with path 1
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"=~1*y",i,"\n", sep="")
		## path from y(t) to dy(t+1) with path betay
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"~start(", betay, ")*y", (i-1)," + betay*y", (i-1), "\n", sep="")
		## latent slope ys factor model
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "ys=~1*dy", i, "\n", sep="")
		## variance for dy constraints to 0
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"~~0*dy",i,"\n", sep="")
		## variance for y constraints to 0
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"~~0*y",i,"\n", sep="")
		## variance and covariance for intercept and slope
		model<-paste(model, "ys~~start(", vary0ys, ")*y0 + vary0ys*y0\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "y0~~start(", vary0, ")*y0 + vary0*y0\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "ys~~start(", varys, ")*ys + varys*ys\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "ys~start(", mys, ")*1 + label('mys')*1\n", sep="")	
		model<-paste(model, "y0~start(", my0, ")*1 + label('my0')*1\n", sep="")

		## constrain means of y and dy to be zero
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"~0*1\n", sep="")
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"~0*1\n", sep="")
		## for observed data part
		## y(t) to Y(t)
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "y",i,"=~1*", "Y",i, "\n", sep="")				
		## set means of Y to be zero
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "Y",i, "~0*1\n", sep="")		
		## set the variance for Y
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "Y",i, "~~start(", varey, ")*", "Y", i, " + varey*Y",i, "\n", sep="")		
		## latent x
		## Intercept
		model<-paste(model, "x0 =~ 1*x1\n")
		## path from x(t-1) to x(t) with path 1
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "x",i,"~1*x",(i-1),"\n", sep="")
		## loading from dx(t) to x(t) with path 1
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dx",i,"=~1*x",i,"\n", sep="")
		## path from x(t) to dx(t+1) with path betax
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dx",i,"~start(", betax, ")*x", (i-1)," + betax*x", (i-1), "\n", sep="")
		## latent slope xs factor model
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "xs=~1*dx", i, "\n", sep="")
		## variance for dx constraints to 0
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dx",i,"~~0*dx",i,"\n", sep="")
		## variance for x constraints to 0
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "x",i,"~~0*x",i,"\n", sep="")
		## variance and covariance for intercept and slope
		model<-paste(model, "xs~~start(", varx0xs, ")*x0 + varx0xs*x0\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "x0~~start(", varx0, ")*x0 + varx0*x0\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "xs~~start(", varxs, ")*xs + varxs*xs\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "xs~start(", mxs, ")*1 + label('mxs')*1\n", sep="")	
		model<-paste(model, "x0~start(", mx0, ")*1 + label('mx0')*1\n", sep="")

		## constrain means of x and dx to be zero
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "x",i,"~0*1\n", sep="")
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dx",i,"~0*1\n", sep="")
		## for observed data part
		## x(t) to X(t)
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "x",i,"=~1*", "X",i, "\n", sep="")				
		## set means of X to be zero
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "X",i, "~0*1\n", sep="")		
		## set the variance for X
		for (i in 1:T){
			model<-paste(model, "X",i, "~~start(", varex, ")*", "X", i, " + varex*X",i, "\n", sep="")		
		## coupling effects
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dy",i,"~start(", gammax, ")*x", i-1, " + gammax*x", i-1, "\n", sep="")
		for (i in 2:T){
			model<-paste(model, "dx",i,"~start(", gammay, ")*y", i-1, " + gammay*y", i-1, "\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "x0~~start(", varx0y0, ")*y0 + varx0y0*y0\n", sep="")	
		model<-paste(model, "x0~~start(", varx0ys, ")*ys + varx0ys*ys\n", sep="")	
		model<-paste(model, "y0~~start(", vary0xs, ")*xs + vary0xs*xs\n", sep="")
		model<-paste(model, "xs~~start(", varxsys, ")*ys + varxsys*ys\n", sep="")
	sem.est <- function(model, data){
		temp.res <- sem(model=model, data=data)
		label <- temp.res@ParTable$label
		c(temp.res@ParTable$est[label!=""], temp.res@ParTable$se[label!=""])
	## do it once for a given N and T
	fit.once <- function(N, T){
		## generate data
		pop.model.T <- pop.model(T)
		pop.model.T.res <- sem(pop.model.T, do.fit=FALSE)
		pop.model.T.cov <- inspect(pop.model.T.res, "cov.ov")
		pop.model.T.mean <- inspect(pop.model.T.res, "mean.ov")
		ynames <- row.names(pop.model.T.cov)
		gen.data <- lapply(1:R, mvrnorm, n=N, mu=pop.model.T.mean, Sigma=pop.model.T.cov)
		## conduct the analysis
		fit.model.T <- fit.model(T)
		fit.res <- lapply(gen.data, sem.est, model=fit.model.T)
		## run once to get the model information
		model.info.res <- sem(fit.model.T, gen.data[[1]])
		label <- model.info.res@ParTable$label
		label <- label[label!=""]
		label.unique <- !duplicated(label)
		label <- label[label.unique]
		npar <- length(label)
		## get the parameter estimates, sd, se, power, CI of power
		all.res <- do.call(rbind, fit.res)
		all.res <- all.res[, c(label.unique, label.unique)]
		all.res <- na.omit(all.res)
		mc.est <- colMeans(all.res[, 1:npar], na.rm=TRUE)
		mc.se <- apply(all.res[, (npar+1):(2*npar)], 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
		mc.sd <- apply(all.res[, 1:npar], 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
		mc.z.score <- all.res[, 1:npar]/all.res[, (npar+1):(2*npar)]
		mc.z.score.check <- abs(mc.z.score) >= qnorm(1-alpha/2)
		mc.power <- colMeans(mc.z.score.check, na.rm=TRUE)
		pop.par <- unlist(lapply(label, function(x){eval(parse(text=x))}))
		mc.output <- cbind(pop.par, mc.est, mc.sd, mc.se, mc.power, N, T)
		row.names(mc.output) <- label
		label.sort <- sort(label)
		mc.output[label.sort, ]
	if (length(N)>1 | length(T)>1){
		all.output <- list()
		for (i in N){
			for (j in T){
				all.output [[paste('N',i,'-T',j, sep="")]]<- fit.once(i,j)
		all.output <- fit.once(N,T)
	class(all.output) <- "lcs.power"

summary.power<-function(object, ...) {

    # Show some basic about the simulation methods

    # main part: parameter estimates
    cat("Basic information:\n\n")
	if(object$out@Options$test %in% c("satorra.bentler", "yuan.bentler",
                                  "scaled.shifted") &&
       length(object$out@Fit@test) > 1L) {
        scaled <- TRUE
        if(object$out@Options$test == "scaled.shifted")
            shifted <- TRUE
            shifted <- FALSE
    } else {
        scaled <- FALSE
        shifted <- FALSE
	t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", "Esimation method")
    t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10s", object$out@Options$estimator)
    t2.txt <- ifelse(scaled, 
              sprintf("  %10s", "Robust"), "")
    cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, t2.txt, "\n", sep="")
	t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", "Standard error")
    t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10s", object$out@Options$se)
	cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, "\n", sep="")
	if (!is.null(object$info$bootstrap)){
		t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", "Number of requested bootstrap")
		t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10i", object$info$bootstrap)
		cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, "\n", sep="")

    t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", "Number of requested replications")
    t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10i", object$info$nrep)
    cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, "\n", sep="")
    t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", "Number of successful replications")
    t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10i", nrow(object$results$estimates))
    cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, "\n", sep="")

    # local print function
    print.estimate <- function(name="ERROR", i=1, z.stat=TRUE) {       
        # cut name if (still) too long
        name <- strtrim(name, width=15L)
        txt <- sprintf("    %-15s %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n",
                               name, pop.value[i], est[i], mse[i], sd.est[i], power[i], cvg[i])

    est <- apply(object$results$estimates, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
    sd.est  <- apply(object$results$estimates, 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
	mse <- apply(object$results$se, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
	power <- object$power

    for(g in 1:object@Data@ngroups) {
        ov.names <- lavNames(object, "ov")
        lv.names <- lavNames(object, "lv")

        # group header
        if(object@Data@ngroups > 1) {
            if(g > 1) cat("\n\n")
            cat("Group ", g, 
                " [", object@Data@group.label[[g]], "]:\n\n", sep="")

        # estimates header
		#txt <- sprintf("%-13s %12s %12s %8s %8s %8s\n", "", "True", "Estimate", "MSE", "SD", "Power")
        cat("                       True  Estimate      MSE      SD     Power Coverage\n")
        makeNames <- function(NAMES, LABELS) {
            multiB <- FALSE
            if(any(nchar(NAMES) != nchar(NAMES, "bytes")))
                multiB <- TRUE
            if(any(nchar(LABELS) != nchar(LABELS, "bytes")))
                multiB <- TRUE
            # labels?
            l.idx <- which(nchar(LABELS) > 0L)
            if(length(l.idx) > 0L) {
                if(!multiB) {
                    LABELS <- abbreviate(LABELS, 4)
                    LABELS[l.idx] <- paste(" (", LABELS[l.idx], ")", sep="")
                    MAX.L <- max(nchar(LABELS))
                    NAMES <- abbreviate(NAMES, minlength = (13 - MAX.L), 
                                        strict = TRUE)
                } else {
                    # do not abbreviate anything (eg in multi-byte locales)
                    MAX.L <- 4L
                NAMES <- sprintf(paste("%-", (13 - MAX.L), "s%", MAX.L, "s",
                                       sep=""), NAMES, LABELS)
            } else {
                if(!multiB) {
                    NAMES <- abbreviate(NAMES, minlength = 13, strict = TRUE)
                } else {
                    NAMES <- sprintf(paste("%-", 13, "s", sep=""), NAMES)


        NAMES <- object@ParTable$rhs

        # 1a. indicators ("=~") (we do show dummy indicators)
        mm.idx <- which( object@ParTable$op == "=~" & 
                        !object@ParTable$lhs %in% ov.names &
                         object@ParTable$group == g)
        if(length(mm.idx)) {
            cat("Latent variables:\n")
            lhs.old <- ""
            NAMES[mm.idx] <- makeNames(  object@ParTable$rhs[mm.idx],
            for(i in mm.idx) {
                lhs <- object@ParTable$lhs[i]
                if(lhs != lhs.old) cat("  ", lhs, " =~\n", sep="")
                print.estimate(name=NAMES[i], i)
                lhs.old <- lhs

        # 1b. formative/composites ("<~")
        fm.idx <- which( object@ParTable$op == "<~" &
                         object@ParTable$group == g)
        if(length(fm.idx)) {
            lhs.old <- ""
            NAMES[fm.idx] <- makeNames(  object@ParTable$rhs[fm.idx],
            for(i in fm.idx) {
                lhs <- object@ParTable$lhs[i]
                if(lhs != lhs.old) cat("  ", lhs, " <~\n", sep="")
                print.estimate(name=NAMES[i], i)
                lhs.old <- lhs

        # 2. regressions
        eqs.idx <- which(object@ParTable$op == "~" & object@ParTable$group == g)
        if(length(eqs.idx) > 0) {
            lhs.old <- ""
            NAMES[eqs.idx] <- makeNames(  object@ParTable$rhs[eqs.idx],
            for(i in eqs.idx) {
                lhs <- object@ParTable$lhs[i]
                if(lhs != lhs.old) cat("  ", lhs, " ~\n", sep="")
                print.estimate(name=NAMES[i], i)
                lhs.old <- lhs

        # 3. covariances
        cov.idx <- which(object@ParTable$op == "~~" & 
                         !object@ParTable$exo &
                         object@ParTable$lhs != object@ParTable$rhs &
                         object@ParTable$group == g)
        if(length(cov.idx) > 0) {
            lhs.old <- ""
            NAMES[cov.idx] <- makeNames(  object@ParTable$rhs[cov.idx],
            for(i in cov.idx) {
                lhs <- object@ParTable$lhs[i]
                if(lhs != lhs.old) cat("  ", lhs, " ~~\n", sep="")
                print.estimate(name=NAMES[i], i)
                lhs.old <- lhs

        # 4. intercepts/means
        ord.names <- lavNames(object, "ov.ord")
        int.idx <- which(object@ParTable$op == "~1" & 
                         !object@ParTable$lhs %in% ord.names &
                         !object@ParTable$exo &
                         object@ParTable$group == g)
        if(length(int.idx) > 0) {
            NAMES[int.idx] <- makeNames(  object@ParTable$lhs[int.idx],
            for(i in int.idx) {
                print.estimate(name=NAMES[i], i)

        # 4b thresholds
        th.idx <- which(object@ParTable$op == "|" &
                        object@ParTable$group == g)
        if(length(th.idx) > 0) {
            NAMES[th.idx] <- makeNames(  paste(object@ParTable$lhs[th.idx],
            for(i in th.idx) {
                print.estimate(name=NAMES[i], i)

        # 5. (residual) variances
        var.idx <- which(object@ParTable$op == "~~" &
                         !object@ParTable$exo &
                         object@ParTable$lhs == object@ParTable$rhs &
                         object@ParTable$group == g)
        if(length(var.idx) > 0) {
            NAMES[var.idx] <- makeNames(  object@ParTable$rhs[var.idx],
            for(i in var.idx) {
                if(object@Options$mimic == "lavaan") {
                    print.estimate(name=NAMES[i], i, z.stat=FALSE)
                } else {
                    print.estimate(name=NAMES[i], i, z.stat=TRUE)

        # 6. latent response scales
        delta.idx <- which(object@ParTable$op == "~*~" &
                         object@ParTable$group == g)
        if(length(delta.idx) > 0) {
            cat("Scales y*:\n")
            NAMES[delta.idx] <- makeNames(  object@ParTable$rhs[delta.idx],
            for(i in delta.idx) {
                print.estimate(name=NAMES[i], i, z.stat=TRUE)

    } # ngroups

    # 6. variable definitions
    def.idx <- which(object@ParTable$op == ":=")
    if(length(def.idx) > 0) {
        if(object@Data@ngroups > 1) cat("\n")
        cat("Indirect/Mediation effects:\n")
        NAMES[def.idx] <- makeNames(  object@ParTable$lhs[def.idx], "")
        for(i in def.idx) {
            print.estimate(name=NAMES[i], i)


	for (i in 1:length(par.value)){
		if (is.na(par.value[i])){
			if (object@ParTable$op[i]=="~~"){
	## for indirect effec defined here
	for (i in 1:length(par.value)){
		if (object@ParTable$op[i]==":="){
			temp<-gsub(' +','',temp)
			temp<-gsub('-','+', temp, fixed=TRUE)
			temp<-unlist(strsplit(temp, '+', fixed=TRUE))
			for (j in 1:m){
				temp1<-unlist(strsplit(temp[j], '*', fixed=TRUE))
				par<-c(par, temp1)
			par.value[i]<-eval(ind.exp, par.list)

wp.mc.sem.basic<-function(model, indirect=NULL, nobs=100, nrep=1000, alpha=.95, skewness=NULL, kurtosis=NULL, ovnames=NULL, se="default", estimator="default", parallel="no", ncore=Sys.getenv('NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'), cl=NULL, ...){
	if (missing(model)) stop("A model is needed.")
	model.indirect<-paste(model, "\n", indirect, "\n")
	ngroups <- length(nobs)
	## Initial analysis for some model information
	newdata<-simulateData(model,sample.nobs=nobs,skewness=0,kurtosis=0, ...)			

	if (ngroups > 1){
		temp.res<-sem(model.indirect, data=newdata, se=se, estimator=estimator, group='group', ...)
		temp.res<-sem(model.indirect, data=newdata, se=se, estimator=estimator, ...)
	idx <- 1:length( temp.res@ParTable$lhs )
	#cnames<-paste(temp.res@ParTable$lhs[idx], temp.res@ParTable$op[idx], temp.res@ParTable$rhs[idx])
	## dealing with skewness and kurtosis
	if (length(skewness) > 1){
		if (length(skewness)!=length(ovnames)) stop("The number of skewness is not equal to the number observed variables")	
		index<-match(ov, ovnames)
	if (length(kurtosis) > 1){
		if (length(kurtosis)!=length(ovnames)) stop("The number of kurtosis is not equal to the number observed variables")	
		index<-match(ov, ovnames)
	newdata<-simulateData(model,sample.nobs=nobs,skewness=skewness,kurtosis=kurtosis, ...)		
	cnames<-paste(temp.res@ParTable$lhs[idx], temp.res@ParTable$op[idx], temp.res@ParTable$rhs[idx])
		## Step 1: generate data
		newdata<-simulateData(model,sample.nobs=nobs,skewness=skewness,kurtosis=kurtosis, ...)		
		## Step 2: fit the model 		
		if (ngroups > 1){
			temp.res<-try(sem(model.indirect, data=newdata, se=se, estimator=estimator, group='group', warn=FALSE, ...))
			temp.res<-try(sem(model.indirect, data=newdata, se=se, estimator=estimator, warn=FALSE, ...))
		## Step 3: Check significance
		if (!inherits(temp.res, "try-error")){
		idx <- 1:length( temp.res@ParTable$lhs )
		## Step 4: Check the coverage
		temp.cvg<- (ci.u>par.value[idx]) & (ci.l<par.value[idx])
			temp.est<-rep(NA, nna)
			temp.sig.ind<-rep(NA, nna)
			temp.se<-rep(NA, nna)
			temp.cvg<-rep(NA, nna)
		return(list(temp.sig.ind=temp.sig.ind, temp.est=temp.est, temp.se=temp.se, temp.cvg=temp.cvg))
	## run parallel or not
	# this is from the boot function in package boot
	old_options <- options(); options(warn = -1)
    have_mc <- have_snow <- FALSE
    ncore <- ncore
    if (parallel != "no" && ncore > 1L) {
        if (parallel == "multicore") have_mc <- .Platform$OS.type != "windows"
        else if (parallel == "snow") have_snow <- TRUE
        if (!have_mc && !have_snow) ncore <- 1L
    RR <- nrep
    res <- if (ncore > 1L && (have_mc || have_snow)) {
        if (have_mc) {
            parallel::mclapply(seq_len(RR), runonce, mc.cores = ncore)
        } else if (have_snow) {
            list(...) # evaluate any promises
            if (is.null(cl)) {
                cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(rep("localhost", ncore))
                if(RNGkind()[1L] == "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
                res <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(RR), runonce)
            } else parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(RR), runonce)
    } else lapply(seq_len(RR), runonce)
	all.sig<-do.call(rbind, lapply(res, "[[", 'temp.sig.ind'))

	all.par<-do.call(rbind, lapply(res, "[[", 'temp.est'))
	all.se<-do.call(rbind, lapply(res, "[[", 'temp.se'))
	all.cvg<-do.call(rbind, lapply(res, "[[", 'temp.cvg'))
	power<-apply(all.sig, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
	cvg<-apply(all.cvg, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
	info<-list(nobs=nobs, nrep=nrep, alpha=alpha, method="Normal", bootstrap=NULL)
	object<-list(power=power, coverage=cvg, pop.value=par.value, results=list(estimates=all.par, se=all.se, all=res), info=info, out=out, data=newdata)

wp.mc.sem.boot<-function(model, indirect=NULL, nobs=100, nrep=1000, nboot=1000, alpha=.95, skewness=NULL, kurtosis=NULL, ovnames=NULL, se="default", estimator="default", parallel="no", ncore=Sys.getenv('NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'), cl=NULL, ...){		
	if (missing(model)) stop("A model is needed.")	
	## internal function
		lavaan::coef(x, type='user', ...)
	model.indirect<-paste(model, "\n", indirect, "\n")
	ngroups <- length(nobs)
	## Initial analysis for some model information
	newdata<-simulateData(model,sample.nobs=nobs,skewness=0,kurtosis=0, ...)			
	if (ngroups > 1){
		temp.res<-sem(model.indirect, data=newdata, se=se, estimator=estimator, group='group', warn=FALSE, ...)
		temp.res<-sem(model.indirect, data=newdata, se=se, estimator=estimator, warn=FALSE, ...)
	idx <- 1:length( temp.res@ParTable$lhs )
	#cnames<-paste(temp.res@ParTable$lhs[idx], temp.res@ParTable$op[idx], temp.res@ParTable$rhs[idx])
	## dealing with skewness and kurtosis
	if (length(skewness) > 1){
		if (length(skewness)!=length(ovnames)) stop("The number of skewness is not equal to the number observed variables")	
		index<-match(ov, ovnames)
	if (length(kurtosis) > 1){
		if (length(kurtosis)!=length(ovnames)) stop("The number of kurtosis is not equal to the number observed variables")	
		index<-match(ov, ovnames)
	newdata<-simulateData(model,sample.nobs=nobs,skewness=skewness,kurtosis=kurtosis, ...)		
	ci.bc1<-function(x, b, cl=.95){
		z0<-qnorm(sum(x<b, na.rm=TRUE)/n)
		alpha<-c(alpha, 1-alpha)
		dig <- max(2L, getOption("digits"))
		qs<-quantile(x, alpha, na.rm=TRUE)
		names(qs) <- paste(if (np < 100) 
            formatC(100 * alpha1, format = "fg", width = 1, digits = dig)
        else format(100 * alpha1, trim = TRUE, digits = dig), 
            "%", sep = "")
	ci.bc<-function(par.boot, par0, cl=.95){
		se.boot<-apply(par.boot, 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
		for (i in 1:p){
			ci<-rbind(ci, ci.bc1(par.boot[,i], par0[i], cl))
		cbind(estimate, se.boot, ci)
	## repeated the following for nrep times
		## Step 1: generate data
		newdata<-simulateData(model,sample.nobs=nobs,skewness=skewness,kurtosis=kurtosis, ...)	
		## Step 2: fit the model 		
		#temp.res<-sem(model.indirect, data=newdata, se=se, estimator=estimator, ...)
		if (ngroups > 1){
			temp.res<-try(sem(model.indirect, data=newdata, se=se, estimator=estimator, group='group', warn=FALSE, ...))
			temp.res<-try(sem(model.indirect, data=newdata, se=se, estimator=estimator, warn=FALSE, ...))
		## Step 3: Conduct bootstrap analysis
		if (!inherits(temp.res, "try-error")){
		boot.res<-bootstrapLavaan(temp.res, FUN=coef.new, R=nboot, ...)
		ci.res<-ci.bc(boot.res, orig.res, cl=alpha)
		## Step 4: Check the coverage		
		temp.cvg<- (ci.res[,4]>=par.value[idx]) & (ci.res[,3]<par.value[idx])
		## Step 5: check significance
		for (jj in 1:length(ptype)){
			if (ptype[jj]=="~~"){
				ci.temp<-ci.res[jj, 1] + c(-1,1)*ci.res[jj, 2]*crit
				temp.sig<-c(temp.sig, (ci.temp[1]>0 | ci.temp[2]<0))
				temp.sig<-c(temp.sig, (ci.res[jj, 3]>0 | ci.res[jj, 4]<0))
			temp.est<-rep(NA, nna)
			temp.sig<-rep(NA, nna)
			temp.se<-rep(NA, nna)
			temp.cvg<-rep(NA, nna)

		return(list(temp.sig=temp.sig, temp.est=temp.est, temp.se=temp.se, temp.cvg=temp.cvg, boot.res=boot.res, ci.res=ci.res))
	## run parallel or not
	# this is from the boot function in package boot
	old_options <- options(); options(warn = -1)
    have_mc <- have_snow <- FALSE
    ncore <- ncore
    if (parallel != "no" && ncore > 1L) {
        if (parallel == "multicore") have_mc <- .Platform$OS.type != "windows"
        else if (parallel == "snow") have_snow <- TRUE
        if (!have_mc && !have_snow) ncore <- 1L
    RR <- nrep
    res <- if (ncore > 1L && (have_mc || have_snow)) {
        if (have_mc) {
            parallel::mclapply(seq_len(RR), runonce, mc.cores = ncore)
        } else if (have_snow) {
            list(...) # evaluate any promises
            if (is.null(cl)) {
                cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(rep("localhost", ncore))
                if(RNGkind()[1L] == "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
                res <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(RR), runonce)
            } else parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(RR), runonce)
    } else lapply(seq_len(RR), runonce)
	all.sig<-do.call(rbind, lapply(res, "[[", 'temp.sig'))

	all.par<-do.call(rbind, lapply(res, "[[", 'temp.est'))
	all.se<-do.call(rbind, lapply(res, "[[", 'temp.se'))
	all.cvg<-do.call(rbind, lapply(res, "[[", 'temp.cvg'))
	power<-apply(all.sig, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
	cvg<-apply(all.cvg, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
	info<-list(nobs=nobs, nrep=nrep, alpha=alpha, method="Normal", bootstrap=nboot)
	## print(power)
	object<-list(power=power, coverage=cvg, pop.value=par.value, results=list(estimates=all.par, se=all.se, all=res), info=info, out=temp.res, data=newdata)

wp.mc.sem.power.curve<-function(model, indirect=NULL, nobs=100, type='basic', nrep=1000, nboot=1000, alpha=.95, skewness=NULL, kurtosis=NULL, ovnames=NULL, se="default", estimator="default", parallel="no", ncore=Sys.getenv('NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'), cl=NULL, ...){		
	if (missing(model)) stop("A model is needed.")	
	## check whether nobs is a vector or not
	if (is.vector(nobs)){	
		for (N in nobs){
			if (type == 'basic'){
				## sobel test based analysis
				indpower <- wp.mc.sem.basic(model=model, indirect=indirect, nobs=N, nrep=nrep, alpha=alpha, skewness=skewness, kurtosis=kurtosis, ovnames=ovnames, se=se, estimator=estimator, parallel=parallel, ncore=ncore, cl=cl, ...)			
				indpower <- wp.mc.sem.boot(model=model, indirect=indirect, nobs=N, nrep=nrep, nboot=nboot, alpha=alpha, skewness=skewness, kurtosis=kurtosis, ovnames=ovnames, se=se, estimator=estimator, parallel=parallel, ncore=ncore, cl=cl, ...)	
			allpower<-rbind(allpower, indpower$power)
		for (k in 1:nrow(nobs)){
			N <- nobs[k]
			if (type == 'basic'){
				## sobel test based analysis
				indpower <- wp.mc.sem.basic(model=model, indirect=indirect, nobs=N, nrep=nrep, alpha=alpha, skewness=skewness, kurtosis=kurtosis, ovnames=ovnames, se=se, estimator=estimator, parallel=parallel, ncore=ncore, cl=cl, ...)			
				indpower <- wp.mc.sem.boot(model=model, indirect=indirect, nobs=N, nrep=nrep, nboot=nboot, alpha=alpha, skewness=skewness, kurtosis=kurtosis, ovnames=ovnames, se=se, estimator=estimator, parallel=parallel, ncore=ncore, cl=cl, ...)	
			allpower<-rbind(allpower, indpower$power)

	#op <- par(ask=TRUE)
	pnames <- colnames(allpower)
	for (j in 1:ncol(allpower)){
		if (sum(is.nan(allpower[,j])) == 0){
			if (is.vector(nobs)){
			plot(nobs, allpower[, j], ylab=paste('Power of', pnames[j]), xlab='Sample size')
			lines(nobs, allpower[, j])
			N<-apply(nobs, 1, sum)
			plot(N, allpower[, j], ylab=paste('Power of', pnames[j]), xlab='Sample size')
			lines(N, allpower[, j])

## This function performs the sample size calculation for a mixed model of repeated measures with AR(1) correlation structure. See Lu, Luo, & Chen (2008) for parameter definitions and other details.
## power.mmrm.ar1 {longpower}

wp.mmrm.ar1 <-
function (N = NULL, rho = NULL, ra = NULL, sigmaa = NULL, rb = NULL, 
    sigmab = NULL, lambda = 1, times = 1:length(ra), delta = NULL, 
    alpha = 0.05, power = NULL, alternative = c("two.sided", 
    if (sum(sapply(list(N, rho, delta, power, alpha), is.null)) != 
        stop("exactly one of 'N', 'rho', 'delta', 'power', and 'alpha' must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > 
        alpha | alpha > 1)) 
        stop("'alpha' must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    if (length(times) != length(ra)) 
        stop("ra and times should be the same length")
    phia <- phib <- NULL
    n.body <- quote({
        J <- length(ra)
        phia <- 1/ra[J] - sum(rho^(2 * (times[J] - times[-J])) * 
            (1/ra[-1] - 1/ra[-J]))
        if (!is.null(rb)) {
            phib <- 1/rb[J] - sum(rho^(2 * (times[J] - times[-J])) * 
                (1/rb[-1] - 1/rb[-J]))
        } else {
            rb <- ra
            phib <- phia
        if (is.null(sigmab)) {
            sigma <- sigmaa
        } else {
            sigma <- mean(c(sigmaa, sigmab))
        Na <-lambda*N/(1+lambda)    
        pnorm( delta/sigma*sqrt(Na/((phia + lambda * phib))) +  qnorm(ifelse(alternative == "two.sided", alpha/2, alpha)) )
    if (is.null(alpha)) 
        alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(n.body) - 
            power, c(1e-10, 1 - 1e-10))$root
    else if (is.null(delta)) 
        delta <- uniroot(function(delta) eval(n.body) - 
            c(1e-10, 1e+05))$root
    else if (is.null(N)) uniroot(function(N) eval(n.body) - 
            power, c(10, 1e+05))$root
    else if (is.null(rho)) 
        rho <- uniroot(function(rho) eval(n.body) - power, c(1e-10, 
            1 - 1e-10))$root
    else power <- eval(n.body)
	NOTE <- "Based power.mmrm.ar1 in longpower (Lu, Luo, & Chen ,2008)"
  METHOD <- "Power for Mixed Model of Repeated Measures"
  URL <- "http://psychstat.org/longar"
    structure(list(n=N, n1 = lambda*N/(1+lambda), n2 = N/(1+lambda), rho = rho,  phi1 = phia, phi2 = phib, 
        delta = delta, alpha = alpha, 
        power = power, alternative = alternative, note = NOTE, 
        method = METHOD, url = URL), 
        class = "webpower")

## This function performs the sample size calculation for a mixed model of repeated measures with general correlation structure. See Lu, Luo, & Chen (2008) for parameter definitions and other details. This function executes Formula (3) on page 4.
## power.mmrm {longpower}

wp.mmrm<-function (N = NULL, Ra = NULL, ra = NULL, 
sigmaa = NULL, Rb = NULL, rb = NULL, sigmab = NULL, 
lambda = 1, delta = NULL, alpha = 0.05, 
power = NULL, alternative = c("two.sided", "one.sided")) 
    if (sum(sapply(list(N, delta, power, alpha), is.null)) != 
        stop("exactly one of 'N', 'delta', 'power', and 'alpha' must be NULL")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > 
        alpha | alpha > 1)) 
        stop("'alpha' must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    n.body <- quote({
        Ia <- 0
        ra <- c(ra, 0)
        for (j in 1:nrow(Ra)) {
            Raj <- matrix(0, nrow(Ra), nrow(Ra))
            Raj[1:j, 1:j] <- solve(Ra[1:j, 1:j])
            Ia <- Ia + (ra[j] - ra[j + 1]) * Raj
        phia <- solve(Ia)[j, j]
        if (is.null(rb)) rb <- ra
        if (is.null(Rb)) Rb <- Ra
        Ib <- 0
        rb <- c(rb, 0)
        for (j in 1:nrow(Rb)) {
            Rbj <- matrix(0, nrow(Rb), nrow(Rb))
            Rbj[1:j, 1:j] <- solve(Rb[1:j, 1:j])
            Ib <- Ib + (rb[j] - rb[j + 1]) * Rbj
        phib <- solve(Ib)[j, j]
        if (is.null(sigmab)) {
            sigma <- sigmaa
        } else {
            sigma <- mean(c(sigmaa, sigmab))

        Na <-lambda*N/(1+lambda)    
        pnorm( delta/sigma*sqrt(Na/((phia + lambda * phib))) +  qnorm(ifelse(alternative == "two.sided", alpha/2, alpha)) )    
    if (is.null(alpha)) 
        alpha <- uniroot(function(alpha) eval(n.body) - 
            power, c(1e-10, 1 - 1e-10))$root
    else if (is.null(delta)) 
        delta <- uniroot(function(delta) eval(n.body) - 
            c(1e-10, 1e+05))$root
    else if (is.null(N)) uniroot(function(N) eval(n.body) - 
            power, c(10, 1e+05))$root
    else power <- eval(n.body)
    NOTE <- "Based power.mmrm in longpower (Lu, Luo, & Chen ,2008)"
  METHOD <- "Power for Mixed Model of Repeated Measures"
  URL <- "http://psychstat.org/longmmrm"
    structure(list(n=N, n1 = lambda*N/(1+lambda), n2 = N/(1+lambda), delta = delta, alpha = alpha, power = power, alternative = alternative,  note = NOTE, method = METHOD, url = URL), class = "webpower")

wp.mc.t <- function(n = NULL, R0 = 1e+5, R1=1e+3, mu0 = 0, mu1 = 0, sd = 1, 
    skewness = 0, kurtosis = 3, alpha = 0.05,  
    type = c("two.sample", "one.sample", "paired"), alternative = c("two.sided", 
        "less", "greater")) {
    if (sum(sapply(list(n, mu0, R0, R1, mean, sd, skewness, kurtosis, alpha), 
        is.null)) >= 1) 
        stop("n, mu0, mean, sd, skewness, kurtosis, and alpha cannot be NULL")
    if (!is.null(alpha) && !is.numeric(alpha) || any(0 > alpha | 
        alpha > 1)) 
        stop(sQuote("alpha"), " must be numeric in [0, 1]")
    type <- match.arg(type)
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    tsample <- switch(type, one.sample = 1, two.sample = 2, paired = 1)
    tside <- switch(alternative, less = 1, two.sided = 2, greater = 3)
    if (tsample == 1) {
        ##### under null hypothesis
        moments0 <- c(mean = mu0, variance = sd^2, skewness = skewness, 
            kurtosis = kurtosis)
        data0 <- matrix(rpearson(n * R0, moments = moments0), ncol = n, 
            nrow = R0)
        y_bar0 <- apply(data0, 1, mean)
        var0 <- apply(data0, 1, var)
        t0 <- (y_bar0 - mu0)/sqrt(var0/n)
        ##### under alternative hypothesis
        momentsa <- c(mean = mu1, variance = sd^2, skewness = skewness, 
            kurtosis = kurtosis)
        dataa <- matrix(rpearson(n * R1, moments = momentsa), ncol = n, 
            nrow = R1)
        y_bara <- apply(dataa, 1, mean)
        vara <- apply(dataa, 1, var)
        ta <- (y_bara - mu0)/sqrt(vara/n)
    } else if (tsample == 2) {
        if (length(mu0) == 1) 
            mu0 <- rep(mu0, 2)
		if (length(mu1) == 1) 
            mu1 <- rep(mu1, 2)
        if (length(sd) == 1) 
            sd <- rep(sd, 2)
        if (length(skewness) == 1) 
            skewness <- rep(skewness, 2)
        if (length(kurtosis) == 1) 
            kurtosis <- rep(kurtosis, 2)
        if (length(n) == 1) 
            n <- rep(n, 2)
        ##### under null hypothesis
        moments01 <- c(mean = mu0[1], variance = sd[1]^2, skewness = skewness[1], 
            kurtosis = kurtosis[1])
        moments02 <- c(mean = mu0[2], variance = sd[2]^2, skewness = skewness[2], 
            kurtosis = kurtosis[2])
        data01 <- matrix(rpearson(n[1] * R0, moments = moments01), ncol = n[1], 
            nrow = R0)
        data02 <- matrix(rpearson(n[2] * R0, moments = moments02), ncol = n[2], 
            nrow = R0)
        y_bar01 <- apply(data01, 1, mean)
        var01 <- apply(data01, 1, var)
        y_bar02 <- apply(data02, 1, mean)
        var02 <- apply(data02, 1, var)
        t0 <- (y_bar01 - y_bar02)/sqrt(var01/n[1] + var02/n[2])
        ##### under alternative hypothesis
        momentsa1 <- c(mean = mu1[1], variance = sd[1]^2, skewness = skewness[1], 
            kurtosis = kurtosis[1])
        momentsa2 <- c(mean = mu1[2], variance = sd[2]^2, skewness = skewness[2], 
            kurtosis = kurtosis[2])
        dataa1 <- matrix(rpearson(n[1] * R1, moments = momentsa1), ncol = n[1], 
            nrow = R1)
        dataa2 <- matrix(rpearson(n[2] * R1, moments = momentsa2), ncol = n[2], 
            nrow = R1)
        y_bara1 <- apply(dataa1, 1, mean)
        vara1 <- apply(dataa1, 1, var)
        y_bara2 <- apply(dataa2, 1, mean)
        vara2 <- apply(dataa2, 1, var)
        ta <- (y_bara1 - y_bara2)/sqrt(vara1/n[1] + vara2/n[2])
    if (tside == 2) {
        t.cri <- quantile(sort(t0), c(alpha/2, 1 - alpha/2))
        power <- mean(ta >= t.cri[2] | ta <= t.cri[1])
    if (tside == 1) {
        t.cri <- quantile(sort(t0), alpha)
        power <- mean(ta <= t.cri)
    if (tside == 3) {
        t.cri <- quantile(sort(t0), 1 - alpha)
        power <- mean(ta >= t.cri)
    NOTE <- switch(type, paired = "n is number of *pairs*", two.sample = "n is number in *each* group", 
    METHOD <- paste(switch(type, one.sample = "One-sample", two.sample = "Two-sample", 
        paired = "Paired"), "t test power calculation")
	URL <- "http://psychstat.org/tnonnormal"
    if (tsample == 2) {
        structure(list(n1 = n[1], n2 = n[2], power = power, mean1 = mu1[1], mean2 = mu1[2], sd1 = sd[1], sd2 = sd[2], skewness1 = skewness[1], skewness2 = skewness[2], 
            kurtosis1 = kurtosis[1], kurtosis2 = kurtosis[1], alpha = alpha, 
            alternative = alternative, note = NOTE, method = METHOD, url=URL), 
            class = "webpower")
    } else if (tsample == 1) {
        structure(list(n = n, power = power, mu0=mu0, mu1 = mu1, sd = sd, skewness = skewness, 
            kurtosis = kurtosis, alpha = alpha,
            alternative = alternative, note = NOTE, method = METHOD, url=URL), class = "webpower")

wp.mc.chisq.diff <- function(full.model.pop, full.model, reduced.model, N=100, R=1000, alpha=0.05){
  chi.diff <- rep(0, R)

  for (i in 1:R){
    sim.data <- simulateData(full.model.pop, sample.nobs=N)
    full.res <- sem(full.model, data=sim.data)
    reduced.res <- sem(reduced.model, data=sim.data)
    chi.diff[i] <- reduced.res@Fit@test[[1]]$stat - full.res@Fit@test[[1]]$stat
  df <- reduced.res@Fit@test[[1]]$df - full.res@Fit@test[[1]]$df
  power <- mean(chi.diff > qchisq(1-alpha, df))
  list(power=power, df=df, chi.dff=chi.diff)
  structure(list(n = N, power = power, df=df, alpha = alpha), class = "webpower")

sem.effect.size <- function(full.model.pop, reduced.model){
  N <- 1000
  full.res<-sem(full.model.pop, do.fit=FALSE)
  reduced.res<-sem(reduced.model, sample.cov=sigma.F, sample.nobs=N)
  delta <- reduced.res@Fit@test[[1]]$stat/N 
  df <- reduced.res@Fit@test[[1]]$df
  RMSEA <- fitMeasures(reduced.res, "rmsea")
  list(delta=delta, df=df, RMSEA=RMSEA)

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WebPower documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 1:06 a.m.