#' Residency Analysis
#' The \code{\link{residency}} analysis runs the same initial checks as
#' \code{\link{explore}}, but, similarly to \code{\link{migration}}, explores
#' particular points of the animal behaviour. If you want to know where your animals
#' were in each day of the study, how many animals were in each section each day,
#' and other residency-focused variables, this is the analysis you are looking
#' for!
#' @param section.minimum DEPRECATED: Please use section.warning and section.error instead.
#' @param section.error If a tag has section movement events with less or equal to
#' \code{section.error} detections, user intervention is suggested.
#' Defaults to 1. To disable user intervention suggestions, set to 0.
#' @param section.warning If a tag has section movement events with less or equal to
#' \code{section.warning} detections, a warning is issued. Defaults to 1.
#' To disable section warnings, set to 0. Must be equal to or greater than \code{section.error}.
#' @param timestep The resolution desired for the residency calculations.
#' One of "days" (default) or "hours".
#' @inheritParams migration
#' @inheritParams explore
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Start by moving to a temporary directory
#' old.wd <- getwd()
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' # Deploy the example workspace
#' exampleWorkspace("residency_example")
#' # Move your R session into the example workspace
#' setwd("residency_example")
#' # run the residency analysis. Ensure the tz argument
#' # matches the time zone of the study area and that the
#' # sections match your array names. The line below works
#' # for the example data.
#' results <- residency(tz = "Europe/Copenhagen")
#' # to obtain an HTML report, run the analysis with report = TRUE
#' # return to original working directory
#' setwd(old.wd)
#' rm(old.wd)
#' }
#' @return A list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{detections}: A list containing all detections for each target tag;
#' \item \code{valid.detections}: A list containing the valid detections for each target tag;
#' \item \code{spatial}: A list containing the spatial information used during the analysis;
#' \item \code{deployments}: A data frame containing the deployments of each receiver;
#' \item \code{arrays}: A list containing the array details used during the analysis;
#' \item \code{movements}: A list containing all movement events for each target tag;
#' \item \code{valid.movements}: A list containing the valid movement events for each target tag;
#' \item \code{section.movements}: A list containing the valid section shifts for each target tag;
#' \item \code{status.df}: A data frame containing summary information for each tag, including the
#' following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{Times.entered.\[section\]}: Total number of times the tag
#' entered a given section
#' \item \emph{Average.entry.\[section\]}: Average entry time at a given
#' section
#' \item \emph{Average.time.\[section\]}: Average time the tag spent in a
#' given section during each visit
#' \item \emph{Average.departure.\[section\]}: Average departure time from
#' a given section
#' \item \emph{Total.time.\[section\]}: Total time spent in a given section
#' \item \emph{Very.last.array}: Last array where the tag was detected
#' \item \emph{Very.last.time}: Time of the last valid detection
#' \item \emph{Status}: Fate assigned to the animal
#' \item \emph{Valid.detections}: Number of valid detections
#' \item \emph{Invalid.detections}: Number of invalid detections
#' \item \emph{}: Number of valid events
#' \item \emph{}: Number of invalid events
#' \item \emph{P.type}: Type of processing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item 'Skipped' if no data was found for the tag,
#' \item 'Auto' if no user interaction was required,
#' \item 'Manual' if user interaction was suggested and the user made
#' changes to the validity of the events,
#' \item 'Overridden' if the user listed the tag in the
#' \code{override} argument.
#' }
#' \item \emph{Comments}: Comments left by the user during the analysis
#' }
#' \item \code{last.seen}: A data frame containing the number of tags last seen in
#' each study area section;
#' \item \code{array.times}: A data frame containing ALL the entry times of each tag
#' in each array;
#' \item \code{section.times}: A data frame containing all the entry times of each
#' tag in each section;
#' \item \code{residency.list}: A list containing the places of residency between first and last
#' valid detection for each tag;
#' \item \code{time.ratios}: A list containing the daily location per section (both in seconds spent
#' and in percentage of day) for each tag;
#' \item \code{time.positions}: A data frame showing the location where each
#' tag spent the most time per day;
#' \item \code{global.ratios}: A list containing summary tables showing the number of active tag
#' (and respective percentages) present at each location per day;
#' \item \code{efficiency}: A list containing the results of the inter-array Multi-way efficiency
#' calculations (see vignettes for more details);
#' \item \code{intra.array.CJS}: A list containing the results of the intra-array CJS calculations;
#' \item \code{}: A list containing appendix information for the RSP package;
#' \item \code{dist.mat}: The distance matrix used in the analysis (if a valid
#' distance matrix was supplied)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{explore}}, \code{\link{migration}}
#' @export
residency <- function(
tz = NULL,
section.order = NULL,
datapack = NULL,
max.interval = 60,
minimum.detections, = 2,
min.per.event = 1,
start.time = NULL,
stop.time = NULL,
speed.method = c("last to first", "last to last"),
speed.warning = NULL,
speed.error = NULL,
jump.warning = 2,
jump.error = 3,
inactive.warning = NULL,
inactive.error = NULL,
exclude.tags = NULL,
override = NULL,
report = FALSE, = TRUE,
discard.orphans = FALSE,
discard.first = NULL,
save.detections = FALSE,
section.warning = 1,
section.error = 1,
timestep = c("days", "hours"),
replicates = NULL,
GUI = c("needed", "always", "never"),
save.tables.locally = FALSE,
print.releases = TRUE,
detections.y.axis = c("auto", "stations", "arrays"))
# check deprecated argument
if (!missing(minimum.detections))
stop("'minimum.detections' has been deprecated. Please use '' and 'min.per.event' instead.", call. = FALSE)
if (!missing(section.minimum))
stop("'section.minimum' has been deprecated. Please use 'section.warning' and 'section.error' instead.", call. = FALSE)
# clean up any lost helpers
if (file.exists(paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_debug_file.txt")))
file.remove(paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_debug_file.txt"))
# ------------------------
# debug lines
if (getOption("actel.debug", default = FALSE)) { # nocov start
on.exit(message("Debug: Progress log available at ", gsub("\\\\", "/", paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_debug_file.txt"))))
on.exit(message("Debug: Saving carbon copy to ", gsub("\\\\", "/", paste0(tempdir(), "/actel.debug.RData"))), add = TRUE)
on.exit(save(list = ls(), file = paste0(tempdir(), "/actel.debug.RData")), add = TRUE)
message("!!!--- Debug mode has been activated ---!!!")
} # nocov end
# ------------------------
# check arguments quality
if (!is.null(datapack))
checkToken(token = attributes(datapack)$actel.token,
timestamp = attributes(datapack)$timestamp)
aux <- checkArguments(dp = datapack,
tz = tz, =,
min.per.event = min.per.event,
max.interval = max.interval,
speed.method = speed.method,
speed.warning = speed.warning,
speed.error = speed.error,
start.time = start.time,
stop.time = stop.time,
report = report, =,
save.detections = save.detections,
jump.warning = jump.warning,
jump.error = jump.error,
inactive.warning = inactive.warning,
inactive.error = inactive.error,
exclude.tags = exclude.tags,
override = override,
print.releases = print.releases,
replicates = replicates,
section.warning = section.warning,
section.error = section.error,
section.order = section.order,
detections.y.axis = detections.y.axis,
timestep = timestep)
min.per.event <- aux$min.per.event
speed.method <- aux$speed.method
speed.warning <- aux$speed.warning
speed.error <- aux$speed.error
jump.warning <- aux$jump.warning
jump.error <- aux$jump.error
inactive.warning <- aux$inactive.warning
inactive.error <- aux$inactive.error
detections.y.axis <- aux$detections.y.axis
timestep <- aux$timestep
section.warning <- aux$section.warning
section.error <- aux$section.error
GUI <- checkGUI(GUI, save.tables.locally)
# ------------------------
# Store function call <- paste0("residency(tz = ", ifelse(is.null(tz), "NULL", paste0("'", tz, "'")),
", section.order = ", ifelse(is.null(section.order), "NULL", paste0("c('", paste(section.order, collapse = "', '"), "')")),
", datapack = ", ifelse(is.null(datapack), "NULL", deparse(substitute(datapack))),
", max.interval = ", max.interval,
", = ",,
", min.per.event = ", paste0("c(", paste(min.per.event, collapse = ", "), ")"),
", start.time = ", ifelse(is.null(start.time), "NULL", paste0("'", start.time, "'")),
", stop.time = ", ifelse(is.null(stop.time), "NULL", paste0("'", stop.time, "'")),
", speed.method = ", paste0("c('", speed.method, "')"),
", speed.warning = ", ifelse(is.null(speed.warning), "NULL", speed.warning),
", speed.error = ", ifelse(is.null(speed.error), "NULL", speed.error),
", jump.warning = ", jump.warning,
", jump.error = ", jump.error,
", inactive.warning = ", ifelse(is.null(inactive.warning), "NULL", inactive.warning),
", exclude.tags = ", ifelse(is.null(exclude.tags), "NULL", paste0("c('", paste(exclude.tags, collapse = "', '"), "')")),
", override = ", ifelse(is.null(override), "NULL", paste0("c(", paste(override, collapse = ", "), ")")),
", report = ", ifelse(report, "TRUE", "FALSE"),
", = ", ifelse(, "TRUE", "FALSE"),
", discard.orphans = ", ifelse(discard.orphans, "TRUE", "FALSE"),
", discard.first = ", ifelse(is.null(discard.first), "NULL", discard.first),
", save.detections = ", ifelse(save.detections, "TRUE", "FALSE"),
", section.warning = ", section.warning,
", section.error = ", section.error,
", timestep = '", timestep, "'",
", replicates = ", ifelse(is.null(replicates),"NULL", paste0("list(", paste(sapply(1:length(replicates), function(i) paste0("'", names(replicates)[i], "' = c('", paste(replicates[[i]], collapse = "', '"), "')")), collapse = ", "), ")")),
", inactive.error = ", ifelse(is.null(inactive.error), "NULL", inactive.error),
", GUI = '", GUI, "'",
", save.tables.locally = ", ifelse(save.tables.locally, "TRUE", "FALSE"),
", print.releases = ", ifelse(print.releases, "TRUE", "FALSE"),
", detections.y.axis = '", detections.y.axis, "'",
# --------------------
# Prepare clean-up before function ends
finished.unexpectedly <- TRUE
on.exit({if (interactive() & finished.unexpectedly) emergencyBreak(}, add = TRUE)
if (!getOption("actel.debug", default = FALSE))
on.exit(deleteHelpers(), add = TRUE)
on.exit(tryCatch(sink(), warning = function(w) {hide <- NA}), add = TRUE)
# --------------------------------------
# Final arrangements before beginning
appendTo("Report", paste0("Actel R package report.\nVersion: ", utils::packageVersion("actel"), "\n"))
appendTo(c("Report"), paste0("Target folder: ", getwd(), "\nTimestamp: ", the.time <- Sys.time(), "\nFunction: residency()\n"))
report <- checkReport(report = report)
# -----------------------------------
# Load, structure and check the inputs
if (is.null(datapack)) { <- loadStudyData(tz = tz, override = override, save.detections = save.detections,
start.time = start.time, stop.time = stop.time, discard.orphans = discard.orphans,
section.order = section.order, exclude.tags = exclude.tags)
} else {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), paste0("M: Running analysis on preloaded data (compiled on ", attributes(datapack)$timestamp, ")."))
appendTo("Report", paste0("Messages displayed during preload:\n-------------------\n", paste0(attributes(datapack)$loading_messages, collapse = "\n"), "\n-------------------")) <- datapack
tz <-$tz
disregard.parallels <-$disregard.parallels
bio <-$bio
deployments <-$deployments
spatial <-$spatial
dot <-$dot
arrays <-$arrays
dotmat <-$dotmat
paths <-$paths
dist.mat <-$dist.mat
attributes(dist.mat)$speed.method <- speed.method
detections.list <-$detections.list
# -------------------------------------
# Final quality checks
# Verify the existance of sections
if (all(!grepl("^Section$", colnames(spatial$stations))))
stop("To run residency(), please assign the arrays to their sections using a 'Section' column in the spatial input.", call. = FALSE)
# Verify that replicate information is valid
if (!is.null(replicates) && any(, names(arrays)))))
stop("Some of the array names listed in the 'replicates' argument do not match the study's arrays.\n", call. = FALSE)
capture <- lapply(names(replicates), function(i) {
x <- replicates[[i]]
all.stations <- spatial$stations$[spatial$stations$Array == i]
if (any(link <- !x %in% all.stations)) {
stop(paste0("In replicates: Station",
ifelse(sum(link) > 1, "s ", " "),
paste(x[link], collapse = ", "),
ifelse(sum(link) > 1, " are", " is"),
" not part of ", i, " (available stations: ",
paste(all.stations, collapse = ", "), ")."),
call. = FALSE)
# -------------------------------------
# Discard early detections, if required
if (!is.null(discard.first) && discard.first > 0)
detections.list <- discardFirst(input = detections.list, bio, trim = discard.first)
# Compile array movements
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Creating movement records for the valid tags.")
movements <- groupMovements(detections.list = detections.list, bio = bio, spatial = spatial,
speed.method = speed.method, max.interval = max.interval, tz = tz,
dist.mat = dist.mat)
if (is.null(discard.first)) {
aux <- names(movements)
movements <- lapply(names(movements), function(tag) {
speedReleaseToFirst(tag = tag, bio = bio, movements = movements[[tag]],
dist.mat = dist.mat, speed.method = speed.method)
names(movements) <- aux
} else {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Not calculating time/speed from release to first detection because 'discard.first' was set.")
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Checking movement events quality.")
do.checkSpeeds <- FALSE
if (is.null(speed.warning)) {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report", "Warning"), "'speed.warning'/'speed.error' were not set, skipping speed checks.")
} else {
do.checkSpeeds <- TRUE
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report", "Warning"), "'speed.warning'/'speed.error' were set, but a valid distance matrix is not present. Aborting speed checks.")
do.checkInactiveness <- FALSE
if (is.null(inactive.warning)) {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report", "Warning"), "'inactive.warning'/'inactive.error' were not set, skipping inactivity checks.")
} else {
if (!attributes(dist.mat)$valid)
appendTo(c("Report", "Screen", "Warning"), "Running inactiveness checks without a distance matrix. Performance may be limited.")
do.checkInactiveness <- TRUE
movement.names <- names(movements) # this will be used further down to reinstate the names in the movements list.
# clean override based on movements
if (is.numeric(override))
trigger_override_warning <- any(link <- !override %in% extractSignals(movement.names))
trigger_override_warning <- any(link <- !override %in% movement.names)
if (trigger_override_warning) {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Warning", "Report"), paste0("Override has been triggered for ",
ifelse(sum(link) == 1, "tag ", "tags "), paste(override[link], collapse = ", "), " but ",
ifelse(sum(link) == 1, "this signal was", "these signals were"), " not detected."))
override <- override[!link]
# convert numeric override to full tag override to prevent problems downstream
if (is.numeric(override))
override <- movement.names[match(override, extractSignals(movement.names))]
movements <- lapply(seq_along(movements), function(i) {
tag <- names(movements)[i]
counter <- paste0("(", i, "/", length(movements), ")")
appendTo("debug", paste0("debug: Checking movement quality for tag ", tag,"."))
if (, override))) {
output <- checkMinimumN(movements = movements[[tag]], tag = tag, =,
min.per.event = min.per.event[1], n = counter)
output <- checkImpassables(movements = output, tag = tag, bio = bio, detections = detections.list[[tag]], n = counter,
spatial = spatial, dotmat = dotmat, GUI = GUI, save.tables.locally = save.tables.locally)
output <- checkJumpDistance(movements = output, bio = bio, tag = tag, dotmat = dotmat, paths = paths, arrays = arrays,
spatial = spatial, jump.warning = jump.warning, jump.error = jump.error, GUI = GUI,
detections = detections.list[[tag]], save.tables.locally = save.tables.locally, n = counter)
if (do.checkSpeeds) {
temp.valid.movements <- simplifyMovements(movements = output, tag = tag, bio = bio, discard.first = discard.first,
speed.method = speed.method, dist.mat = dist.mat)
output <- checkSpeeds(movements = output, tag = tag, valid.movements = temp.valid.movements,
detections = detections.list[[tag]], speed.warning = speed.warning, n = counter,
speed.error = speed.error, GUI = GUI, save.tables.locally = save.tables.locally)
if (do.checkInactiveness) {
output <- checkInactiveness(movements = output, tag = tag, detections = detections.list[[tag]], n = counter,
inactive.warning = inactive.warning, inactive.error = inactive.error,
dist.mat = dist.mat, GUI = GUI, save.tables.locally = save.tables.locally)
} else {
output <- overrideValidityChecks(moves = movements[[tag]], tag = tag, detections = detections.list[[tag]], # nocov
GUI = GUI, save.tables.locally = save.tables.locally, n = counter) # nocov
names(movements) <- movement.names
# -------------------------
# Compile section movements
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Compiling and checking section movements for the valid tags.")
section.movements <- lapply(seq_along(movements), function(i) {
tag <- names(movements)[i]
counter <- paste0("(", i, "/", length(movements), ")")
appendTo("debug", paste0("debug: Compiling section movements for tag ", tag,"."))
aux <- sectionMovements(movements = movements[[i]], spatial = spatial, valid.dist = attributes(dist.mat)$valid)
aux <- checkMinimumN(movements = aux, tag = tag, = 0, # don't run the minimum total detections check here.
min.per.event = min.per.event[2], n = counter)
output <- checkSMovesN(secmoves = aux, tag = tag, section.warning = section.warning, section.error = section.error, GUI = GUI,
save.tables.locally = save.tables.locally, n = counter)
names(section.movements) <- names(movements)
# Update array movements based on section movements validity
movements <- updateValidity(arrmoves = movements, secmoves = section.movements)
# compile valid movements
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Filtering valid array movements.")
valid.movements <- assembleValidMoves(movements = movements, bio = bio, discard.first = discard.first,
speed.method = speed.method, dist.mat = dist.mat)
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Filtering valid section movements.")
section.movements <- assembleValidSecMoves(valid.moves = valid.movements, spatial = spatial,
valid.dist = attributes(dist.mat)$valid)
# Grab summary information
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Compiling residency objects.")
res.df <- assembleResidency(secmoves = section.movements, movements = movements, spatial = spatial)
status.df <- res_assembleOutput(res.df = res.df, bio = bio, spatial = spatial, tz = tz)
last.seen <-, table(Group, Status)))
residency.list <- getResidency(movements = section.movements, spatial = spatial)
# Circular data
aux <- list(valid.movements = valid.movements, section.movements = section.movements,
spatial = spatial, = list(bio = bio, analysis.type = "residency"))
array.times <- getTimes(input = aux, move.type = "array", event.type = "arrival", = "all")
section.times <- list(arrival = getTimes(input = aux, move.type = "section",
event.type = "arrival", = "all"),
departure = getTimes(input = aux, move.type = "section",
event.type = "departure", = "all"))
if (length(residency.list) == 0) {
stopAndReport("No tags have enough data for residency analysis. Consider running explore() instead.\n")
if (timestep == "days")
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Calculating daily locations for each tag.")
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Calculating hourly locations for each tag.")
time.ratios <- resRatios(res = residency.list, timestep = timestep, tz = tz)
time.positions <- resPositions(ratios = time.ratios, timestep = timestep)
global.ratios <- globalRatios(positions = time.positions, section.order = names(spatial$array.order))
group.ratios <- lapply(unique(bio$Group), function(i) {
# cat(as.character(i), '\n')
the.transmitters <- bio$Transmitter[bio$Group == i]
link <- match(the.transmitters, colnames(time.positions))
if (all( {
appendTo(c('screen', 'warning', 'report'),
paste0('Group ', as.character(i), ' has no detections. Skipping ratio calculations.'))
else {
link <- link[!]
trim.positions <- time.positions[, c(1, link)]
attributes(trim.positions)$timestep <- attributes(time.positions)$timestep
output <- globalRatios(positions = trim.positions, section.order = names(spatial$array.order))
names(group.ratios) <- unique(bio$Group)
appendTo("Screen", "M: Validating detections.")
recipient <- validateDetections(detections.list = detections.list, movements = valid.movements)
detections <- recipient$detections
valid.detections <- recipient$valid.detections
# ---------------
# Efficiency
if (length(arrays) == 0) {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Warning", "Report"), "Cannot calculate inter-array efficiency when there is only one array (will limit the report's output).")
efficiency <- NULL
} else {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Calculating inter-array efficiency.")
efficiency <- res_efficiency(arrmoves = valid.movements, bio = bio, spatial = spatial, arrays = arrays, paths = paths, dotmat = dotmat)
if (!is.null(replicates)) {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Calculating intra-array efficiency.")
intra.array.matrices <- getDualMatrices(replicates = replicates, CJS = NULL, spatial = spatial, detections.list = valid.detections)
recipient <- includeIntraArrayEstimates(m = intra.array.matrices, efficiency = efficiency, CJS = NULL)
efficiency <- recipient$efficiency
intra.array.CJS <- recipient$intra.CJS
} else {
intra.array.matrices <- NULL
intra.array.CJS <- NULL
# ----------
# ---------------
# wrap up in-R objects
deployments <-, deployments)
efficiency <- efficiency[1:3]
# extra info for potential RSP analysis <- list(analysis.type = "residency", analysis.time = the.time, bio = bio,
tz = tz, actel.version = utils::packageVersion("actel"))
if (!is.null(override))
override.fragment <- paste0('<span style="color:red">Manual mode has been triggered for **', length(override),'** tag(s).</span>\n')
override.fragment <- ""
if (file.exists(resultsname <- paste0("actel_residency_results.RData"))) {
continue <- TRUE
index <- 1
while (continue) {
if (file.exists(resultsname <- paste0("actel_residency_results.", index, ".RData"))) {
index <- index + 1
} else {
continue <- FALSE
rm(continue, index)
if (interactive()) { # nocov start
decision <- userInput(paste0("Would you like to save a copy of the results to ", resultsname, "?(y/n) "),
choices = c("y", "n"), hash = "# save results?")
} else { # nocov end
decision <- "n"
if (decision == "y") {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), paste0("M: Saving results as '", resultsname, "'."))
if (attributes(dist.mat)$valid)
save(detections, valid.detections, spatial, deployments, arrays, movements, valid.movements,
section.movements, status.df, last.seen, array.times, section.times, intra.array.matrices,
residency.list, time.ratios, time.positions, global.ratios, group.ratios, efficiency,
intra.array.CJS,, dist.mat, file = resultsname)
save(detections, valid.detections, spatial, deployments, arrays, movements, valid.movements,
section.movements, status.df, last.seen, array.times, section.times, intra.array.matrices,
residency.list, time.ratios, time.positions, global.ratios, group.ratios, efficiency,
intra.array.CJS,, file = resultsname)
} else {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), paste0("M: Skipping saving of the results."))
# ------------
# Print graphics <- TRUE
if (report) {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Producing the report.")
on.exit({if ( message("M: Producing the report failed. If you have saved a copy of the results, you can reload them using dataToList().")}, add = TRUE)
if (dir.exists(paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files")))
unlink(paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files"), recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files"))
if (!getOption("actel.debug", default = FALSE))
on.exit(unlink(paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files"), recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
biometric.fragment <- printBiometrics(bio = bio)
printDot(dot = dot,
spatial = spatial,
print.releases = print.releases)
printSectionTimes(section.times = section.times,
bio = bio,
detections = valid.detections)
printGlobalRatios(global.ratios = global.ratios,
group.ratios = group.ratios,
time.ratios = time.ratios,
spatial = spatial, =
individual.detection.plots <- printIndividuals(detections.list = detections,
movements = movements,
valid.movements = valid.movements,
spatial = spatial,
status.df = status.df, =,
y.axis = detections.y.axis)
array.circular.plots <- printCircular(times = timesToCircular(array.times),
bio = bio,
suffix = "_array")
section.arrival.circular.plots <- printCircular(times = timesToCircular(section.times$arrival),
bio = bio,
suffix = "_section_arrival")
section.departure.circular.plots <- printCircular(times = timesToCircular(section.times$departure),
bio = bio,
suffix = "_section_departure")
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Drawing individual residency graphics.")
individual.residency.plots <- printIndividualResidency(ratios = time.ratios,
global.ratios = global.ratios,
spatial = spatial, =
efficiency.fragment <- printEfficiency(efficiency = efficiency,
intra.CJS = intra.array.CJS,
type = "residency")
printLastSection(input = last.seen,
spatial = spatial)
if (any(sapply(valid.detections, function(x) any(!$Sensor.Value))))) {
sensor.plots <- printSensorData(detections = valid.detections,
spatial = spatial, =, = detections.y.axis)
} else {
sensor.plots <- NULL
# ---------------
# wrap up the txt report
appendTo("Report", "M: Analysis completed!\n\n-------------------")
if (file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "temp_comments.txt", sep = "/")))
appendTo("Report", paste0("User comments:\n-------------------\n", gsub("\t", ": ", gsub("\r", "", readr::read_file(paste(tempdir(), "temp_comments.txt", sep = "/")))), "-------------------")) # nocov
if (file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "temp_UD.txt", sep = "/")))
appendTo("Report", paste0("User interventions:\n-------------------\n", gsub("\r", "", readr::read_file(paste(tempdir(), "temp_UD.txt", sep = "/"))), "-------------------")) # nocov
if (!is.null(datapack))
appendTo("Report", paste0("Preload function call:\n-------------------\n", attributes(datapack)$function_call, "\n-------------------"))
appendTo("Report", paste0("Residency function call:\n-------------------\n",, "\n-------------------"))
# ------------------
# print html report
if (report) {
if (file.exists(reportname <- "actel_residency_report.html")) {
continue <- TRUE
index <- 1
while (continue) {
if(file.exists(reportname <- paste0("actel_residency_report.", index, ".html"))) {
index <- index + 1
} else {
continue <- FALSE
appendTo("Screen", paste0("M: An actel report is already present in the current directory.\n Saving new report as ", reportname, "."))
rm(continue, index)
} else {
appendTo("Screen", "M: Saving actel report as 'actel_residency_report.html'.")
appendTo("debug", "debug: Printing report md")
printResidencyRmd(override.fragment = override.fragment,
biometric.fragment = biometric.fragment,
efficiency.fragment = efficiency.fragment,
individual.detection.plots = individual.detection.plots,
individual.residency.plots = individual.residency.plots,
array.circular.plots = array.circular.plots,
section.arrival.circular.plots = section.arrival.circular.plots,
section.departure.circular.plots = section.departure.circular.plots,
sensor.plots = sensor.plots,
spatial = spatial,
deployments = deployments,
detections = detections,
valid.detections = valid.detections,
last.seen = last.seen,
detections.y.axis = detections.y.axis)
appendTo("debug", "debug: Converting report to html")
rmarkdown::render(input = paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files/actel_residency_report.Rmd"),
output_dir = paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files"),
quiet = TRUE)
appendTo("debug", "debug: Moving report")
file.copy(paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files/actel_residency_report.html"), reportname)
if (interactive() & { # nocov start
appendTo("debug", "debug: Opening report.")
} # nocov end
} <- FALSE
# ------------------
jobname <- paste0(gsub(" |:", ".", as.character(Sys.time())), ".actel.log.txt")
if (interactive() & !report) { # nocov start
decision <- userInput(paste0("Would you like to save a copy of the analysis log to ", jobname, "?(y/n) "),
choices = c("y", "n"), hash = "# save job log?")
} else { # nocov end
decision <- "n"
if (decision == "y") { # nocov start
appendTo("Screen", paste0("M: Saving job log as '",jobname, "'."))
file.copy(paste(tempdir(), "temp_log.txt", sep = "/"), jobname)
} # nocov end
output <- list(detections = detections,
valid.detections = valid.detections,
spatial = spatial,
deployments = deployments,
arrays = arrays,
movements = movements,
valid.movements = valid.movements,
section.movements = section.movements,
status.df = status.df,
efficiency = efficiency,
intra.array.matrices = intra.array.matrices,
intra.array.CJS = intra.array.CJS,
array.times = array.times,
section.times = section.times,
residency.list = residency.list,
time.ratios = time.ratios,
time.positions = time.positions,
global.ratios = global.ratios,
group.ratios = group.ratios,
last.seen = last.seen, =
if (attributes(dist.mat)$valid)
output$dist.mat <- dist.mat
appendTo("Screen", "M: Analysis completed!")
finished.unexpectedly <- FALSE
#' Print Rmd report
#' Creates a Rmd report and converts it to html.
#' @inheritParams printMigrationRmd
#' @inheritParams loadDetections
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @keywords internal
printResidencyRmd <- function(
work.path <- paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files/")
if (!is.null(spatial$unknowns)) {
unknown.fragment <- paste0('<span style="color:red"> Number of relevant unknown receivers: **', sum(sapply(spatial$unknowns, length)), '** (of which ', length(spatial$unknowns$included),' were included)</span>\n')
} else {
unknown.fragment <- ""
if (!is.null(sensor.plots)) {
sensor.fragment <- paste0("### Sensor plots
: The colouring in these plots will follow that of the individual detection plots, which can be modified using `detections.y.axis`.
: The data used for these graphics is stored in the `valid.detections` object.
: You can replicate these graphics and edit them as needed using the `plotSensors()` function.
<center>\n", sensor.plots, "\n</center>")
} else {
sensor.fragment <- NULL
report <- readr::read_file(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_log.txt"))
report <- gsub("(\\\\|\")", "\\\\\\1", report)
if (file.exists(paste0(tempdir(), '/temp_warnings.txt'))) {
warning.messages <- gsub("\\r", "", readr::read_file(paste0(tempdir(), '/temp_warnings.txt')))
warning.messages <- gsub("(\\\\|\")", "\\\\\\1", warning.messages)
} else {
warning.messages <- 'No warnings were raised during the analysis.'
if (file.exists(paste0(tempdir(), '/temp_comments.txt'))) {
comment.fragment <- gsub("\\r", "", readr::read_file(paste0(tempdir(), '/temp_comments.txt')))
comment.fragment <- gsub("(\\\\|\")", "\\\\\\1", comment.fragment)
} else {
comment.fragment <- 'No comments were included during the analysis.'
oldoptions <- options(knitr.kable.NA = "-")
on.exit(options(oldoptions), add = TRUE)
sink(paste0(work.path, "actel_residency_report.Rmd"))
title: "Acoustic telemetry residency analysis"
author: "Actel R package (', utils::packageVersion("actel"), ')"
after_body: ', work.path, 'toc_menu_residency.html
### Summary
Target folder: ', stringr::str_extract(pattern = '(?<=Target folder: )[^\r|^\n]*', string = report), '
Timestamp: **', stringr::str_extract(pattern = '(?<=Timestamp: )[^\r|^\n]*', string = report), '**
Number of target tags: **`r I(nrow(status.df))`**
', override.fragment,'
Number of listed receivers: **', stringr::str_extract(pattern = '(?<=Number of ALS: )[0-9]*', string = report), '** (of which **', stringr::str_extract(pattern = '(?<=of which )[0-9]*', string = report), '** had no detections)
', unknown.fragment,'
Data time range: ', stringr::str_extract(pattern = '(?<=Data time range: )[^\r|^\n]*', string = report), '
Percentage of post-release valid detections: ', round(sum(unlist(lapply(valid.detections, nrow))) / sum(unlist(lapply(detections, nrow))) * 100, 2), '%
Found a bug? [**Report it here.**](
Want to cite actel in a publication? Run `citation(\'actel\')`
### Study area
Arrays with the same background belong to the same section. Release sites are marked with "R.S.". Arrays connected with an arrow indicate that the animals can only pass in one direction.
<img src=', work.path, ifelse(file.exists(paste0(work.path, "mb_arrays.svg")), "mb_arrays.svg", "mb_arrays.png"), ' style="padding-top: 15px;"/>
### Receiver stations
', paste(knitr::kable(spatial$stations, row.names = FALSE), collapse = "\n"), '
### Deployments
', paste(knitr::kable(deployments, row.names = FALSE), collapse = "\n"), '
### Release sites
', paste(knitr::kable(spatial$release.sites, row.names = FALSE), collapse = "\n"), '
### Array efficiency
', efficiency.fragment,'
### Warning messages
```{r warnings, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
cat("', warning.messages, '")
### User comments
```{r comments, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
cat("', comment.fragment, '")
', ifelse(biometric.fragment == '', '', paste0('### Biometric graphics
: The data used in this graphic is the data present in the biometrics.csv file.
', biometric.fragment,'
')), '
### Last seen
: The data used in this table and graphic is stored in the `last.seen` object.
', paste(knitr::kable(last.seen), collapse = "\n"), '
![](', work.path, 'last_section.png){width=90%}
### Average time of arrival at each Array
: Coloured lines on the outer circle indicate the mean value for each group and the respective ranges show the standard error of the mean. Each group\'s bars sum to 100%. The number of data points in each group is presented between brackets in the legend of each pannel.
: You can replicate these graphics and edit them as needed using the `plotTimes()` function.
: The data used in these graphics is stored in the `array.times` object.
: To obtain reports with the legacy linear circular scale, run `options(actel.circular.scale = "linear")` before running your analyses.
', array.circular.plots,'
### Time details for each section
#### Arrival days at each section
: The data used in these graphics is stored in the `section.times$arrival` object.
![](', work.path, 'arrival_days.png){ width=95% }
#### Arrival times at each section
: Coloured lines on the outer circle indicate the mean value for each group and the respective ranges show the standard error of the mean. Each group\'s bars sum to 100%. The number of data points in each group is presented between brackets in the legend of each pannel.
: You can replicate these graphics and edit them as needed using the `plotTimes()` function.
: The data used in these graphics is stored in the `section.times$arrival` object.
: To obtain reports with the legacy linear circular scale, run `options(actel.circular.scale = "linear")` before running your analyses.
', section.arrival.circular.plots,'
#### Departure days at each section
: The data used in these graphics is stored in the `section.times$departure` object.
![](', work.path, 'departure_days.png){ width=95% }
#### Departure times at each section
: Coloured lines on the outer circle indicate the mean value for each group and the respective ranges show the standard error of the mean. Each group\'s bars sum to 100%. The number of data points in each group is presented between brackets in the legend of each pannel.
: You can replicate these graphics and edit them as needed using the `plotTimes()` function.
: The data used in these graphics is stored in the `section.times$departure` object.
: To obtain reports with the legacy linear circular scale, run `options(actel.circular.scale = "linear")` before running your analyses.
', section.departure.circular.plots,'
### Global residency
: The data used in these graphics is stored in the `global.ratios` and `time.positions` objects.
: You can replicate these graphics and edit them as needed using the `plotRatios()` function.
: This data is also available split by group in the `group.ratios`object.
: You can plot these results by group using the \'group\' argument in `plotRatios()`.
#### Absolutes
![](', work.path, 'global_ratios_absolutes', ifelse(file.exists(paste0(work.path, 'global_ratios_absolutes.svg')), ".svg", ".png"), '){ width=95% }
#### Percentages
![](', work.path, 'global_ratios_percentages', ifelse(file.exists(paste0(work.path, 'global_ratios_percentages.svg')), ".svg", ".png"), '){ width=95% }
### Individual residency plots
: The data used in these graphics is stored in the `time.ratios` object (one table per tag). More condensed information can be found in the `section.movements` object.
: You can replicate these graphics and edit them as needed using the `plotResidency()` function.
', individual.residency.plots,'
### Individual detection plots
: You can choose to plot detections by station or by array using the `detections.y.axis` argument.
: The detections are coloured by ', ifelse(detections.y.axis == "stations", 'array', 'section'), '. The vertical black dashed line shows the release time. The full dark-grey line shows the movement events considered valid, while the dashed dark-grey line shows the movement events considered invalid.
', ifelse(detections.y.axis == "stations", ' : The movement event lines move straight between the first and last station of each event (i.e. in-between detections will not be individually linked by the line).\n', ''),
' : Manually **edited** tags are highlighted with **yellow** graphic borders.
: Manually **overridden** tags are highlighted with **red** graphic borders.
: The ', ifelse(detections.y.axis == "stations", 'stations', 'arrays'), ' have been aligned by ', ifelse(detections.y.axis == "stations", 'array', 'section'), ', following the order provided ', ifelse(detections.y.axis == "stations", '', 'either '), 'in the spatial input', ifelse(detections.y.axis == "stations", '.', ' or the `section.order` argument.'), '
: You can replicate these graphics and edit them as needed using the `plotDetections()` function.
: You can also see the movement events of multiple tags simultaneously using the `plotMoves()` function.
: The data used in these graphics is stored in the `detections` and `movements` objects (and respective valid counterparts).
', individual.detection.plots,'
', sensor.fragment,'
### Full log
```{r log, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
cat("', gsub("\\r", "", report), '")
'), fill = TRUE)
sink(paste0(work.path, "toc_menu_residency.html"))
h3 {
padding-top: 25px;
padding-bottom: 15px;
h4 {
padding-top: 25px;
padding-bottom: 15px;
img[src*="#diagram"] {
width = 100%;
padding-top = 200px;
padding-bottom = 15px;
/* The sidebar menu */
.sidenav {
height: 100%;
width: 130px;
position: fixed;
z-index: 1;
top: 0;
left: 0;
background-color: #fcfcfc;
overflow-x: hidden;
padding-top: 20px;
/* The navigation menu links */
.sidenav a {
padding: 6px 8px 6px 16px;
text-decoration: none;
/*font-size: 25px;*/
color: #818181;
display: block;
.sidenav p {
padding: 6px 8px 6px 16px;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 25px;
color: #818181;
display: block;
.sidenav a:hover {
background-color: #52a548;
color: #f1f1f1;
.fluid-row {
margin-left: 110px; /* Same as the width of the sidebar */
padding: 0px 10px;
.section {
margin-left: 110px; /* Same as the width of the sidebar */
padding: 0px 10px;
.level4 {
margin-left: 0px; /* Same as the width of the sidebar */
padding: 0px 0px;
/* On smaller screens, where height is less than 450px, change the style of the sidebar (less padding and a smaller font size) */
@media screen and (max-height: 450px) {
.sidenav {padding-top: 15px;}
.sidenav a {font-size: 18px;}
<div class="sidenav">
<a href="#summary">Summary</a>
<a href="#study-area">Study area</a>
<a href="#receiver-stations">Stations</a>
<a href="#deployments">Deployments</a>
<a href="#release-sites">Release sites</a>
<a href="#array-efficiency">Array efficiency</a>
<a href="#warning-messages">Warnings</a>
<a href="#user-comments">Comments</a>',
ifelse(biometric.fragment == '', '', '\n <a href="#biometric-graphics">Biometrics</a>'),'
<a href="#last-seen">Last seen</a>
<a href="#average-time-of-arrival-at-each-array">Array times</a>
<a href="#time-details-for-each-section">Section times</a>
<a href="#global-residency">Global residency</a>
<a href="#individual-residency-plots">Individual residency</a>
<a href="#individual-detection-plots">Individual detections</a>',
ifelse(is.null(sensor.fragment), '', '\n <a href="#sensor-plots">Sensor data</a>'),'
<a href="#full-log">Full log</a>
', fill = TRUE)
#' Collect summary information for the residency analysis
#' @param movements the array-movements (Valid and invalid)
#' @inheritParams migration
#' @return A data frame with the compiled residency values
#' @keywords internal
assembleResidency <- function(secmoves, movements, spatial) {
appendTo("debug", "Running assembleResidency")
Last.array <- NULL
Last.time <- NULL
Valid <- NULL
Section <- NULL
sections <- names(spatial$array.order)
recipient <- vector()
for (i in seq_along(sections)) {
recipient <- c(recipient, paste(c("Times.entered", "Average.entry", "Average.time", "Average.departure", "Total.time"), sections[i], sep = "."))
recipient <- c(recipient, "Very.last.array", "Very.last.time", "Status", "Valid.detections", "Invalid.detections", "", "", "P.type")
res.df <- matrix(nrow = length(secmoves), ncol = length(recipient))
res.df <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(res.df) <- recipient
rownames(res.df) <- names(secmoves)
capture <- lapply(names(secmoves), function(tag) {
# cat(tag, "\n")
aux <- split(secmoves[[tag]], secmoves[[tag]]$Section)
recipient <- lapply(seq_along(aux), function(i) {
# cat(i, "\n")
recipient <- rep(NA, ncol(res.df))
names(recipient) <- colnames(res.df)
recipient <- t(
total.time <- apply(aux[[i]][, c("First.time", "Last.time")], 1, function(x) difftime(x[2], x[1], units = "secs"))
recipient[1, paste0("Total.time.", names(aux)[i])] <- sum(total.time)
recipient[1, paste0("Average.time.", names(aux)[i])] <- mean(total.time)
recipient[1, paste0("Times.entered.", names(aux)[i])] <- nrow(aux[[i]])
entry.time <- mean(circular::circular(decimalTime(format(aux[[i]]$First.time, "%H:%M:%S")), units = "hours", template = "clock24"))
if (! {
if (entry.time < 0)
entry.time <- 24 + entry.time
recipient[1, paste0("Average.entry.", names(aux)[i])] <- minuteTime(entry.time, format = "h", seconds = FALSE)
} else { # failsafe in case the timestamps happen to be exactly simetrical. Yes, it happened...
recipient[1, paste0("Average.entry.", names(aux)[i])] <- NA
leave.time <- mean(circular::circular(decimalTime(format(aux[[i]]$Last.time, "%H:%M:%S")), units = "hours", template = "clock24"))
if (! {
if (leave.time < 0)
leave.time <- 24 + leave.time
recipient[1, paste0("Average.departure.", names(aux)[i])] <- minuteTime(leave.time, format = "h", seconds = FALSE)
} else { # failsafe in case the timestamps happen to be exactly simetrical. Yes, it happened...
recipient[1, paste0("Average.departure.", names(aux)[i])] <- NA
recipient <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# convert Total.times to numeric and replace NAs
the.cols <- which(grepl("Times.entered", colnames(recipient)))
recipient[, the.cols] <- as.numeric(recipient[, the.cols])
recipient[, the.cols[which([, the.cols]))]] <- 0
# --
recipient$Very.last.array <- secmoves[[tag]][.N, Last.array]
recipient$Very.last.time <- as.character(secmoves[[tag]][.N, Last.time])
recipient$Status <- paste0("Disap. in ", secmoves[[tag]][.N, Section])
recipient$Valid.detections <- sum(secmoves[[tag]]$Detections)
recipient$ <- sum(movements[[tag]]$Valid)
if (any(!movements[[tag]]$Valid)) {
recipient$Invalid.detections <- sum(movements[[tag]][!(Valid)]$Detections)
recipient$ <- sum(!movements[[tag]]$Valid)
} else {
recipient$Invalid.detections <- 0
recipient$ <- 0
recipient$P.type <- attributes(secmoves[[tag]])$p.type
res.df[tag, ] <<- recipient
# Convert time data
for (section in sections) {
for (the.col in c("Average.time.", "Total.time.")) {
# convert to numeric
res.df[, paste0(the.col, section)] <- as.numeric(res.df[, paste0(the.col, section)])
# grab the mean for later use
aux <- mean(res.df[, paste0(the.col, section)], na.rm = TRUE)
# convert to difftime
res.df[, paste0(the.col, section)] <- as.difftime(res.df[, paste0(the.col, section)], units = "secs")
units(res.df[, paste0(the.col, section)]) <- "secs"
if (!is.nan(aux)) {
if (aux > 86400)
units(res.df[, paste0(the.col, section)]) <- "days"
if (aux <= 86400 & aux > 3600)
units(res.df[, paste0(the.col, section)]) <- "hours"
if (aux <= 3600)
units(res.df[, paste0(the.col, section)]) <- "mins"
res.df[, paste0(the.col, section)] <- round(res.df[, paste0(the.col, section)], 3)
res.df$Transmitter <- row.names(res.df)
#' Create status.df
#' Combines the timetable and the original biometrics.
#' @inheritParams explore
#' @inheritParams splitDetections
#' @inheritParams simplifyMovements
#' @inheritParams loadDetections
#' @inheritParams groupMovements
#' @return A data frame containing all the final data for each tag.
#' @keywords internal
res_assembleOutput <- function(res.df, bio, spatial, tz) {
appendTo("debug", "Running res_assembleOutput")
status.df <- merge(bio, res.df, by = "Transmitter", all = TRUE)
sections <- names(spatial$array.order)
appendTo("debug", "Completing entries for tags that were never detected.")
status.df$Status[$Status)] <- "Disap. at Release"
status.df$Status <- factor(status.df$Status, levels = c(paste("Disap. in", sections), "Disap. at Release"))
status.df$Very.last.array[$Very.last.array)] <- "Release"
status.df$Very.last.array <- factor(status.df$Very.last.array, levels = c("Release", levels(spatial$stations$Array)))
status.df$P.type[$P.type)] <- "Skipped"
status.df$Valid.detections[$Valid.detections)] <- 0
status.df$Invalid.detections[$Invalid.detections)] <- 0
status.df$[$] <- 0
status.df$[$] <- 0
# Convert time stamps
status.df$ <- as.POSIXct(status.df$, tz = tz)
status.df$Very.last.time <- as.POSIXct(status.df$Very.last.time, tz = tz)
appendTo("debug", "Appending comments.")
if (file.exists(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_comments.txt"))) { # nocov start
temp <- read.table(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_comments.txt"), header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
status.df[, "Comments"] <- NA_character_
for (i in seq_len(nrow(temp))) {
link <- match(temp[i, 1], status.df$Transmitter)
if ($Comments[link])) {
status.df$Comments[link] <- paste(temp[i, 2])
} else {
status.df$Comments[link] <- paste(status.df$Comments[link], temp[i, 2], sep = "// ")
} # nocov end
appendTo("debug", "Done.")
#' Calculate array efficiency for residency analysis
#' @inheritParams updateValidity
#' @inheritParams splitDetections
#' @inheritParams createStandards
#' @param arrays a list containing information for each array
#' @param paths a list containing the shortest paths between arrays with distance > 1
#' @inheritParams dotPaths
#' @return A list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{absolutes}: A data frame with the number of tags detected and missed at each array.
#' \item \code{max.efficiency}: A vector of efficiency values calculated disregarding potentially missed tags.
#' \item \code{min.efficiency}: A vector of efficiency values calculated taking into account potentially missed tags.
#' \item \code{values.per.tag}: A list containing details on the arrays that have failed for each tag.
#' }
#' @keywords internal
res_efficiency <- function(arrmoves, bio, spatial, arrays, paths, dotmat) {
appendTo("debug", "Running res_efficiency")
values.per.tag <- lapply(names(arrmoves), function(tag) {
# cat(tag, "\n")
first.array <- firstArrayFailure(tag = tag, bio = bio, spatial = spatial, first.array = arrmoves[[tag]]$Array[1], paths = paths, dotmat = dotmat)
if (nrow(arrmoves[[tag]]) > 1)
subsequent <- countArrayFailures(moves = arrmoves[[tag]], paths = paths, dotmat = dotmat)
subsequent <- NULL
return(c(first.array, subsequent))
names(values.per.tag) <- names(arrmoves)
aux <- unlist(values.per.tag)
knownMissEvents <- table(aux[grepl("known", names(aux))])
unsureMissEvents <- table(aux[grepl("unsure", names(aux))])
aux <- lapply(arrmoves, function(x) rle(x$Array)$values)
recEvents <- table(unlist(aux))
absolutes <- = length(arrays), nrow = 3))
colnames(absolutes) <- unlist(spatial$array.order)
rownames(absolutes) <- c("Recorded events", "Known missed events", "Potentially missed events")
absolutes[] <- 0
absolutes[1, match(names(recEvents), colnames(absolutes))] <- recEvents
absolutes[2, match(names(knownMissEvents), colnames(absolutes))] <- knownMissEvents
absolutes[3, match(names(unsureMissEvents), colnames(absolutes))] <- unsureMissEvents
# do not calculate efficiency for arrays without before or after neighbours
aux <- unlist(lapply(arrays, function(x) (!is.null(x$after) & is.null(x$before)) | (is.null(x$after) & !is.null(x$before))))
one.side.neighbours <- names(aux)[aux]
# exclude arrays which are connected to a release site from the list above
one.side.neighbours <- one.side.neighbours[!one.side.neighbours %in% spatial$release.sites$Array]
# do not calculate efficiency for arrays without any neighbour at all
aux <- unlist(lapply(arrays, function(x) is.null(x$after) & is.null(x$before)))
two.side.neighbours <- names(aux)[aux]
# combine both types
no.neighbours <- unique(c(one.side.neighbours, two.side.neighbours))
# erase efficiency for them
absolutes[2, match(no.neighbours, colnames(absolutes))] <- NA
absolutes[3, match(no.neighbours, colnames(absolutes))] <- NA
max.efficiency <- apply(absolutes, 2, function(x) 1 - (x[2] / (x[1] + x[2])))
min.efficiency <- apply(absolutes, 2, function(x) 1 - ((x[2] + x[3]) / sum(x)))
return(list(absolutes = absolutes, max.efficiency = max.efficiency, min.efficiency = min.efficiency, values.per.tag = values.per.tag))
#' Determine if the first array after release has failed
#' @param tag The tag being analysed
#' @inheritParams splitDetections
#' @inheritParams createStandards
#' @param first.array The array of the first valid movement
#' @inheritParams res_efficiency
#' @inheritParams dotPaths
#' @return NULL if no arrays failed, or a list of arrays that failed.
#' @keywords internal
firstArrayFailure <- function(tag, bio, spatial, first.array, paths, dotmat) {
appendTo("debug", "Running firstArrayFailure")
release <- as.character(bio$[$Transmitter == tag)])
aux <- as.character(with(spatial, release.sites[release.sites$ == release, "Array"]))
release.arrays <- unlist(strsplit(aux, "|", fixed = TRUE))
if (any(release.arrays == first.array)) {
} else {
if (length(release.arrays) == 1)
to.blame <- release.arrays
to.blame <- names(dotmat[release.arrays, first.array])[dotmat[release.arrays, first.array] == min(dotmat[release.arrays, first.array])]
if (min(dotmat[release.arrays, first.array]) == 1) {
if (table(dotmat[release.arrays, first.array])["1"] == 1)
return(unlist(list(known = to.blame)))
return(unlist(list(unsure = to.blame)))
} else {
if (table(dotmat[release.arrays, first.array])[1] == 1) {
aux <- blameArrays(from = to.blame, to = first.array, paths = paths)
return(unlist(list(known = c(to.blame, aux$known), unsure = aux$unsure)))
} else {
aux <- lapply(to.blame, function(x) blameArrays(from = x, to = first.array, paths = paths))
names(aux) <- to.blame
combined.unsure <- unique(unlist(aux))
aux.knowns <- unlist(lapply(aux, function(x) x$known))
knowns <- table(aux.knowns)
if (any(knowns == length(aux))) {
combined.knowns <- names(knowns)[knowns == length(aux)]
combined.unsure <- combined.unsure[!combined.unsure %in% combined.knowns]
} else {
combined.knowns <- NULL
return(unlist(list(known = combined.knowns, unsure = c(to.blame, combined.unsure))))
#' Assemble residency tables per tag
#' @param movements the movements list
#' @inheritParams loadDistances
#' @return a list containing residency tables for each tag.
#' @keywords internal
getResidency <- function(movements, spatial){
appendTo("debug", "Running getResidency")
output <- lapply(movements, function(x) {
recipient <-[, c("Section", "First.time", "Last.time")]
recipient$Index <- (1:nrow(recipient) * 2) - 1
if (nrow(recipient) > 1) {
to.add <- data.frame(
A = match(recipient$Section[-nrow(recipient)], names(spatial$array.order)),
B = match(recipient$Section[-1], names(spatial$array.order)),
First.time = recipient$Last.time[-nrow(recipient)],
Last.time = recipient$First.time[-1])
to.add$Section <- apply(to.add, 1, function(xi) {
if (xi[1] < xi[2]) {
return(paste0(names(spatial$array.order)[as.numeric(xi[1])], "-", names(spatial$array.order)[as.numeric(xi[2])]))
} else
return(paste0(names(spatial$array.order)[as.numeric(xi[2])], "-", names(spatial$array.order)[as.numeric(xi[1])]))
to.add <- to.add[, c("Section", "First.time", "Last.time")]
to.add$Index <- 1:nrow(to.add) * 2
output <- rbind(recipient, to.add)
output <- output[order(output$Index), ]
output <- output[, -ncol(output)]
row.names(output) <- 1:nrow(output)
} else {
output <- recipient
inst.exception <- sapply(output, function(x) nrow(x) == 1 && x$First.time == x$Last.time)
if (any(inst.exception)) {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report", "Warning"), paste("Valid detections for tag", paste(names(output)[inst.exception], collapse = ", "), "start and end on the same instant. Excluding them from residency analyses."))
output <- output[!inst.exception]
#' calculate residency ratios per tag
#' @param res a residency list
#' @param timestep the size of each frame
#' @return A list containing the residency ratios for each tag.
#' @keywords internal
resRatios <- function(res, timestep = c("days", "hours"), tz) {
appendTo("debug", "Running resRatios")
timestep <- match.arg(timestep)
num.step <- ifelse(timestep == "days", 86400, 3600)
counter <- 0
if (interactive())
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(res), style = 3, width = 60) # nocov
output <- lapply(res, function(x) {
counter <<- counter + 1
# cat("\n", counter, "\n")
res.range <- seq(from = round.POSIXt(x$First.time[1] - (num.step / 2), units = timestep),
to = round.POSIXt(x$Last.time[nrow(x)] - (num.step / 2), units = timestep), by = num.step)
# If a daily period starts in daylight saving time and timestep == days: Standardize so the break points are in "normal" time
if (timestep == "days" && as.POSIXlt(res.range[1])$isdst == 1) {
res.range <- res.range + 3600
# If readjustment causes the first time to fall off, add one day before.
if (x$First.time[1] < res.range[1])
res.range <- c(res.range[1] - (3600 * 24), res.range)
# If readjustment causes last day to be empty, remove last day.
if (x$Last.time[nrow(x)] < res.range[length(res.range)])
res.range <- res.range[-length(res.range)]
res.list <- lapply(res.range, function(d) {
# cat(as.character(d), "\n")
findSecondsPerSection(res = x, frame = d, the.range = range(res.range), num.step = num.step)
if (interactive())
setTxtProgressBar(pb, counter) # nocov
resRatiosIndOut(input = res.list, slots = res.range, tz = tz, tag = names(res)[counter])
if (interactive())
close(pb) # nocov
attributes(output)$timestep <- timestep
#' Calculate number of seconds at each location per day
#' @inheritParams resRatios
#' @param the.range the first and last start.time for the specific tag
#' @param num.step the size of the block
#' @return A data frame containing the number of seconds spent at each location for a specific timeframe
#' @keywords internal
findSecondsPerSection <- function(res, frame, the.range, num.step) {
appendTo("debug", "Running findSecondsPerSection")
aux <- c() <- which(res$First.time <= frame + num.step) <- which(res$First.time[] >= frame)
# IF potential events returns 0, then the only valid event is the very last candidate
if (length( == 0)
e <- tail(, 1)
e <-
# IF there is only one event
if (length(e) == 1) {
# and that event is the very first one
if (e == 1) {
# Exception for if the tag was only detected one frame, calculates difference between event start and stop.
if (the.range[2] == the.range[1]) {
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- difftime(res$Last.time[e], res$First.time[e], units = "secs")
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- res$Section[e]
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- 0
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- "Changes"
} else {
# Exception for if the frame being analysed is the last frame, calculates difference between frane start and event stop.
if (frame == the.range[2]) {
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- difftime(res$Last.time[e], frame, units = "secs")
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- res$Section[e]
# Otherwise calculate difference between event start and frame end, and trim at a full frame.
} else {
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- min(num.step, as.numeric(difftime(frame + num.step, res$First.time[e], units = "secs")))
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- res$Section[e]
# Regardless of path, if length(e) == 1 and the event is the first one, the number of changes is 0
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- 0
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- "Changes"
# If there is only one event but that event is not the very first one
} else {
# If the frame of the event is previous to the frame itself
if (res$First.time[e] < frame) {
# Exception for the last frame, calculates difference between frame start and event stop.
if (frame == the.range[2]) {
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- difftime(res$Last.time[e], frame, units = "secs")
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- res$Section[e]
# otherwise, since there are no more 'e', the tag has stayed the whole frame in the event
} else {
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- num.step
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- res$Section[e]
# In either case above the tag spends the whole time in the event, so changes = 0
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- 0
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- "Changes"
# If the frame of the event is already in the frame itself
} else {
# Start by storing the time spent in previous event (i.e. difference between frame start and event start)
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- difftime(res$First.time[e], frame, units = "secs")
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- res$Section[e - 1]
# Then, since there are no more events, calculate difference between event start and frame end.
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- difftime(frame + num.step, res$First.time[e], units = "secs")
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- res$Section[e]
# Since the frame is split in two events, there is 1 change
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- 1
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- "Changes"
# IF there is more than one 'e'
} else {
n <- length(e)
# calculate difference between frame start and first time
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- difftime(res$First.time[e[1]], frame, units = "secs")
# Exception for if the frame being analysed is the first frame (in which case this fragment should be excluded at the end)
if (frame == the.range[1])
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- "TO.EXCLUDE"
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- res$Section[e[1] - 1]
# For all events except the last, calculate the difference between first and last time of the event.
for (i in e[-n]) {
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- difftime(res$Last.time[i], res$First.time[i], units = "secs")
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- res$Section[i]
# For the very last frame
# exception for if the frame being analysed is the last frame, where the behaviour should be the same as the above
if (frame == the.range[2]) {
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- difftime(res$Last.time[e[n]], res$First.time[e[n]], units = "secs")
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- res$Section[e[n]]
# otherwise, remove the seconds already accounted for to a full frame, and store the result
} else {
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- 86400 - sum(as.vector(aux))
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- res$Section[e[n]]
# The number of changes will be the number of events - 1
aux[length(aux) + 1] <- length(e) - 1
names(aux)[length(aux)] <- "Changes"
# Conclude the exception started above, where the first fragment must be excluded
if (any(link <- names(aux) == "TO.EXCLUDE")) {
aux <- aux[!link]
aux["Changes"] <- aux["Changes"] - 1
#' compile output of dailyRatios
#' @param input a list containing the output of findSecondsPerSection for each day
#' @param slots the names of the time slots
#' @return A data frame with the daily ratios table for the target tag
#' @keywords internal
resRatiosIndOut <- function(input, slots, tz, tag) {
appendTo("debug", "Running resRatiosIndOut")
# sort out all column names
the.cols <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(input, names))))
the.cols <- the.cols[-match("Changes", the.cols)]
the.cols <- data.frame(V1 = the.cols, V2 = paste0("p", the.cols))
the.cols <- c(as.matrix(t(the.cols)))
the.cols <- c(the.cols, "Changes")
# turn vectors into tables
days.tables <- vectorsIntoTables(input = input, columns = the.cols)
# merge all tables
if ( {
output <- days.tables
output$Timeslot <- as.POSIXct(slots, tz = tz)
output <- output[, c(ncol(output), 1:(ncol(output) - 1))]
} else {
output <-, idcol = "Timeslot"))
output$Timeslot <- as.POSIXct(slots, tz = tz)
# Turn NA values into 0's (including proportion columns, for now)
output[] <- 0
# find proportion columns
aux <- which(grepl("^p", colnames(output)))
aux <- aux[![aux - 1], sub("p", "", colnames(output)[aux])))]
# convert absolute values (positioned at columns aux - 1) into proportion values
if (length(aux) == 1) {
output[, aux] <- apply(output[, aux - 1, drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) {
if (sum(x) > 0)
return(x / sum(x))
return(x) # we want to return 0's and all the values of x are 0's. Only happens if the fish's last detection is exactly at the start of a timeslot.
} else {
output[, aux] <- t(apply(output[, aux - 1, drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) {
if (sum(x) > 0)
return(x / sum(x))
return(x) # we want to return 0's and all the values of x are 0's. Only happens if the fish's last detection is exactly at the start of a timeslot.
# find out in which zone the fish spent the most time
issue.warning <- TRUE <- apply(output[, aux, drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) {
if (sum(x == max(x)) > 1 & issue.warning) {
message('') # to break from the progress bar
appendTo(c('report', 'warning', 'screen'), paste0('In at least one timeslot, tag ', tag, ' spent an equal ammount of time in two or more sections. Assigning the animal to the first section listed.'))
issue.warning <<- FALSE
return(which(x == max(x))[1])
# assign section name
output$Most.time <- colnames(output)[aux - 1][]
# finally, round the proportions to a more sensible format
output[, aux] <- round(output[, aux, drop = FALSE], 3)
#' Find the location where the tag spent most time per day
#' @param ratios the daily ratios
#' @return A data frame containing the section in which each tag spent more time per day.
#' @keywords internal
resPositions <- function(ratios, timestep = c("days", "hours")) {
appendTo("debug", "Running resPositions")
timestep <- match.arg(timestep)
num.step <- ifelse(timestep == "days", 86400, 3600)
# extract first and last time
first.time <- as.POSIXct(NA)[-1]
last.time <- as.POSIXct(NA)[-1]
capture <- lapply(ratios, function(x) {
first.time <<- c(first.time, x$Timeslot[1])
last.time <<- c(last.time, x$Timeslot[nrow(x)])
res.range <- seq(from = min(first.time), to = max(last.time), by = num.step)
attributes(res.range)$tzone <- attributes(ratios[[1]]$Timeslot)$tzone # I don't think this line is needed # Edit: Yes it is.
output <- matrix(ncol = length(ratios) + 1, nrow = length(res.range))
rownames(output) <- 1:length(res.range)
colnames(output) <- c("Timeslot", names(ratios))
output <-
output$Timeslot <- res.range
capture <- lapply(names(ratios), function(i) {
# cat(i, "\n"); flush.console()
link <- match.POSIXt(ratios[[i]]$Timeslot, output$Timeslot)
if (any(
stop("Something went wrong when creating the recipient for the global ratios. Contact the developer.")
output[link, i] <<- ratios[[i]]$Most.time
attributes(output)$timestep <- timestep
#' Transform vectors into data frames with specific columns
#' Used to prepare lists of vectors with partially matching names for combination with, x)
#' @param input the list of vectors
#' @param columns the columns that should be present in every element
#' @return A list of tables with matching columns
#' @keywords internal
vectorsIntoTables <- function(input, columns) {
appendTo("debug", "Running vectorsIntoTables")
counter <- 0
output <- lapply(input, function(x) {
counter <<- counter + 1
recipient <- matrix(ncol = length(columns), nrow = 1)
colnames(recipient) <- columns
recipient <-
link <- colnames(recipient)[match(unique(names(x)), colnames(recipient))]
for (i in link) {
recipient[1, i] <- sum(x[grepl(paste0("^", i, "$"), names(x))])
if (length(output) == 1)
#' Calculate number/percentage of tags at each location for each day
#' @param positions a positions table, supplied by dailyPositions
#' @return A list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{absolutes}: A data frame containing the absolute number of tags at each location per day,
#' \item \code{percentages}: A data frame containing the percentage of tag relative to the total
#' number of active tags at each location per day.
#' }
#' @keywords internal
globalRatios <- function(positions, section.order) {
appendTo("debug", "Running globalRatios")
aux <- apply(positions, 1, function(x)[-1])))))
the.cols <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(aux, names))))
the.tables <- vectorsIntoTables(input = aux, columns = the.cols)
absolutes <-, the.tables)
absolutes$Timeslot <- positions$Timeslot
absolutes <- absolutes[, c(ncol(absolutes), 1:(ncol(absolutes) - 1))]
rownames(absolutes) <- 1:nrow(absolutes)
absolutes[] <- 0
if (ncol(absolutes) > 2)
absolutes$Total <- apply(absolutes[, -1], 1, sum)
absolutes$Total <- absolutes[, 2]
link <- unlist(sapply(section.order, function(i) which(grepl(paste0("^", i), colnames(absolutes)))))
absolutes <- absolutes[, c(1, link, ncol(absolutes))]
percentages <- absolutes
percentages[, -1] <- round(percentages[, -1] / percentages[, ncol(percentages)], 3)
# failsafe in case totals are 0 in group ratios
percentages[, 2:ncol(percentages)][[, 2:ncol(percentages)])] <- 0
attributes(absolutes)$timestep <- attributes(positions)$timestep
attributes(percentages)$timestep <- attributes(positions)$timestep
return(list(absolutes = absolutes, percentages = percentages))
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