
Defines functions .make.dir.cache.block .put.file

setGeneric("put.adf.file", function(x, source, destination, date, comment) standardGeneric("put.adf.file"))

#' Put a file onto an amigaDisk object
#' Put a file onto a virtual Amiga floppy disk represented by
#' an \code{\link{amigaDisk}} object.
#' Put a file or raw data from your local system onto a virtual
#' Amiga floppy disk represented by an \code{\link{amigaDisk}}
#' object. Make sure that the virtual disk is DOS formatted.
#' This method can only put one file at a time onto the virtual
#' virtual disk. It is therefore not allowed to use wild cards
#' in the source or destination names. Use loops to add multiple
#' files onto a virtual disk.
#' @docType methods
#' @name put.adf.file
#' @rdname put.adf.file
#' @aliases put.adf.file,amigaDisk,raw,character,POSIXt,character-method
#' @param x An \code{\link{amigaDisk}} onto which the file should be put.
#' @param source Either a \code{character} string of the source
#' file's path; or a \code{vector} of \code{raw} data that
#' should be written to the destination file. Wildcards are not allowed (see details)
#' @param destination A \code{character} string of the destination
#' path on the virtual floppy disk where the source file should be put. The
#' path should be conform Amiga specs (see \code{\link{current.adf.dir}}). When
#' the destination is missing or only specifies a directory, the file will be put
#' into the current directory (\code{\link{current.adf.dir}}) or specified path of
#' \code{x} respectively. In that case, the same file name as that
#' of the source file is used. Wild cards are not allowed (see details).
#' @param date A \code{\link[base:DateTimeClasses]{POSIXt}} object that will be used as the
#' file modification date. When missing the system time will used.
#' @param comment An optional \code{character} string that will be included
#' in the file header as a comment. Should not be longer than 79 characters.
#' @return Returns an \code{\link{amigaDisk}} object onto which the
#' source file is put at the specified destination.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## create a blank disk to put files onto:
#' blank.disk <- blank.amigaDOSDisk("blank", "DD", "OFS", TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)
#' ## let's copy the base package 'INDEX' file onto the
#' ## virtual disk:
#' blank.disk <- put.adf.file(blank.disk, system.file("INDEX"))
#' ## We can also put raw data onto the virtual disk:
#' blank.disk <- put.adf.file(blank.disk, raw(2048), "DF0:null.dat")
#' ## check whether we succeeded:
#' list.adf.files(blank.disk)
#' }
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("put.adf.file", c("amigaDisk", "raw", "character", "POSIXt", "character"), function(x, source, destination, date, comment) {
  .put.file(x, source, destination, "ST_FILE", date, comment)

#' @name put.adf.file
#' @rdname put.adf.file
#' @aliases put.adf.file,amigaDisk,raw,character,POSIXt,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("put.adf.file", c("amigaDisk", "raw", "character", "POSIXt", "missing"), function(x, source, destination, date, comment) {
  .put.file(x, source, destination, "ST_FILE", date)

#' @name put.adf.file
#' @rdname put.adf.file
#' @aliases put.adf.file,amigaDisk,raw,character,missing,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("put.adf.file", c("amigaDisk", "raw", "character", "missing", "missing"), function(x, source, destination, date, comment) {
  .put.file(x, source, destination, "ST_FILE")

#' @name put.adf.file
#' @rdname put.adf.file
#' @aliases put.adf.file,amigaDisk,character,character,POSIXt,character-method
#' @export
setMethod("put.adf.file", c("amigaDisk", "character", "character", "POSIXt", "character"), function(x, source, destination, date, comment) {
  .put.file(x, source, destination, "ST_FILE", date, comment)

#' @name put.adf.file
#' @rdname put.adf.file
#' @aliases put.adf.file,amigaDisk,character,character,POSIXt,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("put.adf.file", c("amigaDisk", "character", "character", "POSIXt", "missing"), function(x, source, destination, date, comment) {
  .put.file(x, source, destination, "ST_FILE", date)

#' @name put.adf.file
#' @rdname put.adf.file
#' @aliases put.adf.file,amigaDisk,character,character,missing,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("put.adf.file", c("amigaDisk", "character", "character", "missing", "missing"), function(x, source, destination, date, comment) {
  .put.file(x, source, destination, "ST_FILE")

#' @name put.adf.file
#' @rdname put.adf.file
#' @aliases put.adf.file,amigaDisk,character,missing,missing,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("put.adf.file", c("amigaDisk", "character", "missing", "missing", "missing"), function(x, source, destination, date, comment) {
  .put.file(x, source, type = "ST_FILE")

.put.file <- function(x, source, destination, type = "ST_FILE", date = Sys.time(), comment = "") {
  if (missing(destination)) {
    ## use file name from source when destination is missing
    destination <- basename(source)
  if (adf.file.exists(x, destination) && class(source) == "character") {
    if (substr(destination, nchar(destination), nchar(destination)) != "/")
      destination <- paste0(destination, "/")
    destination <- paste0(destination, basename(source))
  if (adf.file.exists(x, destination)) {
    stop("File already exists! Remove it first before putting a file with the same name there.")
  if (type == "ST_USERDIR") source <- raw(0)
  if (class(source) == "character") {
    con <- file(source, "rb")
    test.byte <- readBin(con, "raw", 1)
    if (length(test.byte) > 0) stop ("Not enough space on virtual disk for source file.")
    source <- temp
    rm(temp, test.byte)
  date <- as.POSIXct(date)
  ## hash table size
  ht_length  <- BLOCK_SIZE/4 - 56
  ## file size:
  fsize <- length(source)
  dest.split <- strsplit(destination[[1]], "[/]|[:]")[[1]]
  dest.base <- substr(destination, 0, nchar(destination) - nchar(dest.split[[length(dest.split)]]))
  destination <- dest.split[[length(dest.split)]]
  if (nchar(destination) > 30 || nchar(destination) == 0) stop("Destination filename should be between 1 and 30 characters long.")
  ## TODO Comment in cache block can only be 22 characters long...
  if (nchar(comment) > 79) stop("Comment cannot be longer than 79 characters.")
  ## get the pointer to the base directory
  ## for the destination file
  if (nchar(dest.base) == 0) {
    cur.dir <- x@current.dir
  } else {
    cur.dir <- find.file.header(x, dest.base)
  bi <- boot.info(x)
  hi <- header.info(x, cur.dir)[[1]]
  ri <- root.info(x)
  ## required number of data blocks
  ndata <- ceiling(fsize/BLOCK_SIZE)
  ## If the disk uses the Old File System, data blocks hold 24 bytes less data:
  if (!bi$flag$fast.file.system) ndata <- ceiling(fsize/(BLOCK_SIZE - 24))
  ## a header / extension block is needed for every ht_length data blocks
  nheader <- ceiling(ndata / ht_length)
  ## But also for an empty file, a header is required:
  nheader[nheader == 0] <- 1

  extra.dc.blocks <- -1
  ## check if the disk uses directory cache mode and if
  ## the directory cache block can hold the file info
  ## or whether a new block needs to be reserved.
  if (bi$flag$dir.cache.mode) {
    record.required.length <- 25 + nchar(destination) + nchar(comment)
    record.required.length <- 2*ceiling(record.required.length/2)
    dc <- dir.cache.info(x, cur.dir)
    current.dc.blocks <- attributes(dc)$dc.blocks
    dc <- lapply(dc, as.data.frame)
    dc <- do.call(rbind, dc)

    ## if the dc is empty (NULL) then we don't need to create additional dc blocks
    if (!is.null(dc)) {
      rec.length <- cumsum(with(dc, 25 + as.numeric(as.character(name_len)) +
      rec.length <- c(rec.length, rec.length[[length(rec.length)]] +
      while (any(rec.length > (BLOCK_SIZE - 24))) {
        rec.length[rec.length > (BLOCK_SIZE - 24)] <-
          rec.length[rec.length > (BLOCK_SIZE - 24)] -
          rec.length[which(rec.length > (BLOCK_SIZE - 24))[[1]] - 1]
      ## records in table that should start in a new block
      tab.start.new <- which(diff(c(BLOCK_SIZE, rec.length)) < 0)
      extra.dc.blocks <- length(tab.start.new) - length(current.dc.blocks)
      if (extra.dc.blocks < 0) {
        ## clear the blocks that are no longer necessary
        x <- clear.amigaBlock(x, current.dc.blocks[(1 + length(current.dc.blocks) + extra.dc.blocks):length(current.dc.blocks)])
        current.dc.blocks <- current.dc.blocks[1:(length(current.dc.blocks) + extra.dc.blocks)]
        extra.dc.blocks <- 0
    } else {
      extra.dc.blocks <- 0

  nblocks <- ndata + nheader
  ndircache <- 0
  if (extra.dc.blocks > -1){
    nblocks <- nblocks + extra.dc.blocks
    ndircache <- extra.dc.blocks

  n.sub.dc <- 0
  if (type == "ST_USERDIR" && bi$flag$dir.cache.mode) {
    n.sub.dc <- 1
    nblocks <- nblocks + 1

  allocated.blocks <- NULL
  try(allocated.blocks <- allocate.amigaBlock(x, nblocks), T)
  if (is.null(allocated.blocks)) stop("Not enough space on virtual disk for source file.")
  new.dir.cache <- numeric(0)
  if (extra.dc.blocks > 0) new.dir.cache <- allocated.blocks[1:extra.dc.blocks]
  if (bi$flag$fast.file.system) {
    header.blocks <- allocated.blocks[ndircache + 1]
    if (nheader > 1) {
      ## max. 3 extension blocks after each other (so it seems)
      sep <- (((2:nheader) - 2) %% 3) +
        (ht_length + 1)*3*floor(((2:nheader) - 2) / 3)
      header.blocks <- c(header.blocks, allocated.blocks[ndircache + ht_length + sep + 2])
  } else {
    header.blocks <- allocated.blocks[ndircache + (ht_length + 1)*((1:nheader) - 1) + 1]
  if (ndata == 0) {
    data.blocks <- numeric(0)
  } else {
    data.blocks   <- allocated.blocks[!(allocated.blocks %in% c(header.blocks, new.dir.cache))]

  if (type == "ST_USERDIR" && bi$flag$dir.cache.mode) sub.dc.block <- allocated.blocks[nheader + 1]

  hash.value <- hash.name(destination, bi$flag$intl.mode || bi$flag$dir.cache.mode)
  hashchain <- hi$datablocks[[hash.value + 1]]
  protect.count <- 0
  while (hashchain[[length(hashchain)]] > 0) {
    hashchain <- c(hashchain, header.info(x, hashchain[[length(hashchain)]])[[1]]$hash_chain)
    protect.count <- protect.count + 1
      stop("Hash chain is unrealistically long.")
  ## Hash chain should be sorted by block id...
  hashchain <- c(sort(c(hashchain[hashchain != 0], header.blocks[[1]])), 0)
  x@data[cur.dir*BLOCK_SIZE + 25:28 + hash.value*4] <- amigaIntToRaw(hashchain[[1]], 32)
  x@data[cur.dir*BLOCK_SIZE + 21:24] <- calculate.checksum(x@data[cur.dir*BLOCK_SIZE + 1:BLOCK_SIZE])

  if (length(hashchain) > 2){
    ## set new hash values
    x@data[as.vector(outer(-15:-12, (hashchain[-length(hashchain)] + 1)*BLOCK_SIZE, "+"))] <-
      amigaIntToRaw(hashchain[-1], 32)
    ## calculate and update checksums for each file header in the hash chain
    for (i in hashchain[-length(hashchain)]) {
      x@data[i*BLOCK_SIZE + 21:24] <- calculate.checksum(x@data[i*BLOCK_SIZE + 1:BLOCK_SIZE])

  file.headers <- lapply(1:nheader, function(y) {
    db <- data.blocks[(y - 1)*ht_length + 1:ht_length]
    db[is.na(db)] <- 0
    db <- rev(db)
    fname <- charToRaw(destination)
    fname <- rawToAmigaInt(c(as.raw(nchar(destination)), fname[1:30], raw(1)), 32)
    extension <- ifelse(type == "ST_USERDIR" && bi$flag$dir.cache.mode, sub.dc.block, 0)
    if (nheader > y) extension <- header.blocks[y + 1]
    if (y == 1) {
      fh <- c(TYPES$value[TYPES$type == "T_HEADER"], # primary block type
              header.blocks[[y]],                    # self pointer
              sum(db != 0),                          # high seq
              0,                                     # data size (not used)
              db[[length(db)]],                      # first_data
              0,                                     # checksum, calculate later
              db,                                    # data block pointers
              rep(0, 3),                             # unused, UID, GID, protection flags
              fsize,                                 # byte size
              rep(0, 23),                            # comm_len, com, unused
              rawToAmigaInt(amigaDateToRaw(date, tz = "UTC"), 32), # change date
              fname,                                 # file name length, file name and unused
              0,                                     # unused
              0,                                     # real_entry (FFS unused)
              0,                                     # next_link (unused)
              rep(0, 5),                             # unused
              0,                                     # next hash (zero as it is put at the end of the hash chain)
              cur.dir,                               # same as parent directory of current dir
              extension,                             # next extension block
              SEC_TYPES$value[SEC_TYPES$type == type]
    } else {
      fh <- c(TYPES$value[TYPES$type == "T_LIST"],   # primary block type (Extension)
              header.blocks[[y]],                    # self pointer
              sum(db != 0),                          # high seq
              0,                                     # data size (not used)
              0,                                     # Not used in extension
              0,                                     # checksum, calculate later
              db,                                    # data block pointers
              rep(0, 47),                            # unused
              header.blocks[[1]],                    # file header
              extension,                             # next extension block
              SEC_TYPES$value[SEC_TYPES$type == type]
    fh <- amigaIntToRaw(fh, 32)
    fh[21:24] <- calculate.checksum(fh)
    ## put the header block in the disk object:
    x@data[header.blocks[[y]]*BLOCK_SIZE + 1:BLOCK_SIZE] <<- fh

  if (type == "ST_USERDIR" && bi$flag$dir.cache.mode) {
    sub.dc <- .make.dir.cache.block(data.frame(), cur.dir, sub.dc.block)[[1]]
    x@data[sub.dc.block*BLOCK_SIZE + 1:BLOCK_SIZE] <- sub.dc
  if (ndata > 0) {
    data.idx <- lapply(1:ndata, function(y) {
      if (bi$flag$fast.file.system) {
        idx <- (y - 1)*BLOCK_SIZE + 1:BLOCK_SIZE
      } else {
        idx <- (y - 1)*(BLOCK_SIZE - 24) + 1:(BLOCK_SIZE - 24)
      if (bi$flag$fast.file.system) {
        rep.range <- 1:BLOCK_SIZE
        if (length(idx) < length(25:BLOCK_SIZE)){
          rep.range <- 1:length(idx)
          x@data[data.blocks[[y]]*BLOCK_SIZE + 1:BLOCK_SIZE] <- raw(1)
        x@data[data.blocks[[y]]*BLOCK_SIZE + rep.range] <<- source[idx]
      } else {
        ## Write OFS stuff to first 24 bytes...
        temp <- (1:fsize)[idx]
        nextblock <- 0
        if (y < ndata) nextblock <- data.blocks[[y + 1]]
        data_head <- c(
          TYPES$value[TYPES$type == "T_DATA"],  ## block primary type
          header.blocks[[1]],                   ## self pointer
          y,                                    ## seq_num
          sum(!is.na(temp)),                    ## data_size
          0                                     ## checksum, caculate below
        x@data[data.blocks[[y]]*BLOCK_SIZE + 1:24] <<- amigaIntToRaw(data_head, 32)
        rep.range <- 25:BLOCK_SIZE
        if (length(idx) < length(25:BLOCK_SIZE)){
          rep.range <- 25:(24 + length(idx))
          x@data[data.blocks[[y]]*BLOCK_SIZE + 25:BLOCK_SIZE] <- raw(1)
        x@data[data.blocks[[y]]*BLOCK_SIZE + rep.range] <<- source[idx]
        x@data[data.blocks[[y]]*BLOCK_SIZE + 21:24] <<- calculate.checksum(x@data[data.blocks[[y]]*BLOCK_SIZE + 1:BLOCK_SIZE])
  if (bi$flag$dir.cache.mode) {
    dc.blocks <- c(current.dc.blocks, new.dir.cache)
    dc <- rbind(dc, data.frame(
      dir.cache   = dc.blocks[length(dc.blocks)],
      header      = header.blocks[[1]],
      size        = fsize,
      protect     = 0,
      UID         = 0,
      GID         = 0,
      date        = date,
      type        = type,
      name_len    = nchar(destination),
      name        = destination,
      comment_len = nchar(comment),
      comment     = comment
    dc.block <- .make.dir.cache.block(dc, cur.dir, dc.blocks)
    x@data[as.vector(outer(1:BLOCK_SIZE, dc.blocks*BLOCK_SIZE, "+"))] <-
  x <- reserve.amigaBlock(x, allocated.blocks)


.make.dir.cache.block <- function(records, dir.header.block, dir.cache.blocks){
  # Maybe code below can/should be made more efficient:
  if (nrow(records) > 0) {
    records$type    <- as.character(records$type)
    records$header  <- lapply(apply(matrix(amigaIntToRaw(records$header, 32), 4), 2, list), unlist)
    records$size    <- lapply(apply(matrix(amigaIntToRaw(records$size, 32), 4), 2, list), unlist)
    records$protect <- lapply(apply(matrix(amigaIntToRaw(records$protect, 32), 4), 2, list), unlist)
    records$UID     <- lapply(apply(matrix(amigaIntToRaw(records$UID, 16), 2), 2, list), unlist)
    records$GID     <- lapply(apply(matrix(amigaIntToRaw(records$GID, 16), 2), 2, list), unlist)
    records$date    <- lapply(apply(matrix(amigaDateToRaw(records$date, "short"), 6), 2, list), unlist)
    records$type <- lapply(1:nrow(records), function(x) {
      id  <- apply(outer(records$type, SEC_TYPES$type, "=="), 1, which)
      val <- SEC_TYPES$value[id]
      amigaIntToRaw(val, 32)[(x - 1)*4 + 4]
    records$name_len    <- lapply(apply(matrix(amigaIntToRaw(records$name_len, 8), 1), 2, list), unlist)
    records$name <- lapply(1:nrow(records), function(x) {
    records$comment_len <- lapply(apply(matrix(amigaIntToRaw(records$comment_len, 8), 1), 2, list), unlist)
    records$comment <- lapply(1:nrow(records), function(x) {
    records <- records[, names(records) != "dir.cache"]
    records <- apply(records, 1, unlist)

    if (class(records) == "matrix") records <- as.data.frame(records)
    records <- lapply(records, unlist)
    records <- lapply(records, function (x) if ((length(x) %% 2) == 1) c(x, raw(1)) else x)
    lengths <- lapply(records, length)
  } else {
    records <- list(raw(0))
    lengths <- list(0)
  recs <- list()
  dirc <- TYPES$value[TYPES$type == "DIRCACHE"]
  i <- 1
  while (length(records) > 0) {
    sel <- cumsum(unlist(lengths)) <= (BLOCK_SIZE - 24)
    sum_sel <- ifelse(lengths[[1]] != 0, sum(sel), 0)
    next.dc <- ifelse(i < length(dir.cache.blocks), dir.cache.blocks[i + 1], 0)
    recs[[length(recs) + 1]] <- c(
      amigaIntToRaw(c(dirc, dir.cache.blocks[i], dir.header.block, sum_sel, next.dc, 0),
    recs[[length(recs)]] <- c(
      raw(BLOCK_SIZE - length(recs[[length(recs)]]))
    recs[[length(recs)]][21:24] <- calculate.checksum(recs[[length(recs)]])
    records <- records[!sel]
    lengths <- lengths[!sel]
    i <- i + 1

setGeneric("adf.file.exists", function(x, file) standardGeneric("adf.file.exists"))

#' Test file or directory existsence in an amigaDisk object
#' Tests whether a specific file (or directory) exists in an
#' \code{\link{amigaDisk}} object.
#' This method will look for a file/directory header, based on its name.
#' If such a header exists, it is assumed that the file exists. The
#' file/directory itself is not checked for validity.
#' @docType methods
#' @name adf.file.exists
#' @rdname adf.file.exists
#' @aliases adf.file.exists,amigaDisk,character-method
#' @param x An \code{\link{amigaDisk}} object in which this method
#' will check for the file's existence.
#' @param file A \code{character} string representing a file or directory name.
#' Use Amiga specifications for file name (see \code{\link{current.adf.dir}}).
#' @return Returns a \code{logical} value indicating whether the file exists
#' or not.
#' @examples
#' data(adf.example)
#' ## This file exists:
#' adf.file.exists(adf.example, "df0:mods/mod.intro")
#' ## This file doesn't:
#' adf.file.exists(adf.example, "df0:idontexist")
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("adf.file.exists", c("amigaDisk", "character"), function(x, file){
  fh <- NULL
  try(fh <- find.file.header(x, file), T)

setGeneric("dir.create.adf", function(x, path, date, comment) standardGeneric("dir.create.adf"))

#' Create a directory on an amigaDisk object
#' Create a directory on a virtual Amiga floppy disk represented by
#' an \code{\link{amigaDisk}} object.
#' Create a directory on a virtual Amiga floppy disk represented by
#' an \code{\link{amigaDisk}} object. Make sure that the virtual disk
#' is DOS formatted.
#' @docType methods
#' @name dir.create.adf
#' @rdname dir.create.adf
#' @aliases dir.create.adf,amigaDisk,character,missing,missing-method
#' @param x An \code{\link{amigaDisk}} on which the directory should be created.
#' @param path Specify the directory that should be created on \code{x}.
#' You can specify the full path on the virtual disk conform Amiga DOS syntax
#' (see \code{\link{current.adf.dir}} details). When no full path is specified
#' the new directory will be created in the current directory. Note that
#' wild cards are not allowed.
#' @param date A \code{\link[base:DateTimeClasses]{POSIXt}} object that will be used as the
#' directory modification date. When missing the system time will used.
#' @param comment An optional \code{character} string that will be included
#' in the directory header as a comment. Should not be longer than 79 characters.
#' @return Returns an \code{\link{amigaDisk}} object on which the
#' directory is created.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## create a blank DOS disk:
#' blank.disk <- blank.amigaDOSDisk("blank", "DD", "FFS", TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)
#' ## creating a new directory on the blank disk is easy:
#' blank.disk <- dir.create.adf(blank.disk, "new_dir")
#' ## in the line above, the directory is placed in the
#' ## current directory (the root in this case). Directories
#' ## can also be created by specifying the full path:
#' blank.disk <- dir.create.adf(blank.disk, "DF0:new_dir/sub_dir")
#' ## check whether we succeeded:
#' list.adf.files(blank.disk)
#' ## we can even make it the current dir:
#' current.adf.dir(blank.disk) <- "DF0:new_dir/sub_dir"
#' }
#' @author Pepijn de Vries
#' @export
setMethod("dir.create.adf", c("amigaDisk", "character", "missing", "missing"), function(x, path, date, comment) {
  .put.file(x, raw(0), path, "ST_USERDIR")

#' @name dir.create.adf
#' @rdname dir.create.adf
#' @aliases dir.create.adf,amigaDisk,character,POSIXt,missing-method
#' @export
setMethod("dir.create.adf", c("amigaDisk", "character", "POSIXt", "missing"), function(x, path, date, comment) {
  .put.file(x, raw(0), path, "ST_USERDIR", date)

#' @name dir.create.adf
#' @rdname dir.create.adf
#' @aliases dir.create.adf,amigaDisk,character,POSIXt,character-method
#' @export
setMethod("dir.create.adf", c("amigaDisk", "character", "POSIXt", "character"), function(x, path, date, comment) {
  .put.file(x, raw(0), path, "ST_USERDIR", date, comment)

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adfExplorer documentation built on Sept. 5, 2021, 5:11 p.m.