
Defines functions apc.polygon apc.forecast.apc apc.forecast.ap apc.forecast.ac

Documented in apc.forecast.ac apc.forecast.ap apc.forecast.apc apc.polygon

#	apc package
#	Bent Nielsen, 18 nov 2019, version 1.3.4
#	Bent Nielsen,  7 Sep 2016, version
#	Bent Nielsen,  8 Jan 2016, version 1.2
#	Forecasting
#	Copyright 2016 Bent Nielsen
#	Nuffield College, OX1 1NF, UK
#	bent.nielsen@nuffield.ox.ac.uk
#	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

apc.forecast.ac <- function(apc.fit,sum.per.by.age=NULL,sum.per.by.coh=NULL,quantiles=NULL,suppress.warning=TRUE)
#	BN 13 Nov 2019	extention to log.normal.response
#	Based on Kuang and Nielsen (2018)
#	BN 6 Sep 2016	extention to od.poisson.response
#	Based on Harnau and Nielsen (2018) JASA
#	BN 31 Jan 2016
#	Based on Martinez Miranda, Nielsen and Nielsen (2015) JRSS-A
#	Requires AC structure
#	Computes linear predictors for all models
#	Computes distribution forecasts for a Poisson response model.
#	This is done for the triangle which shares age and cohort indices with the data.
#	in
#			apc.fit						List. Output for apc.fit.model
#										Note: apc.fit.model should be run first for a Poisson response model with AC structure so that
#										apc.fit$model.design=="AC"
#										apc.fit$model.family=="poisson.response"
#														or	  "od.poisson.response"		
#														or	  "log.normal.response"		
#			sum.per.by.age
#			sum.per.by.coh
#			quantiles					vector or NULL.
#			suppress.warning			Logical.
#	out
#			linear.predictors.forecast	Vector. Linear predictors for forecast area
#			index.trap.J				Matrix. age-coh coordinates for vector. Similar structure to index.trap in apc.index
#			trap.response.forecast		Matrix. Includes data and point forecasts. Forecasts in lower right triangle.
#			response.forecast.cell		Matrix. 4 columns.
#										1: Point forecasts.
#										2: corresponding forecast standard errors
#										3: process standard errors
#										4: estimation standard errors
#										Note that the square of column 2 equals the sums of squares of columns 3 and 4
#										Note that index.trap.J gives the age-coh coordinates for each entry 
#			response.forecast.age		Same as response.forecast.cell, but point forecasts cumulated by age.
#			response.forecast.per		Same as response.forecast.cell, but point forecasts cumulated by per.
#			response.forecast.coh		Same as response.forecast.cell, but point forecasts cumulated by coh.
#			response.forecast.all		Same as response.forecast.cell, but point forecasts cumulated by age & coh.
#			response.forecast.per.ic	Same as response.forecast.cell, but point forecasts cumulated by per and intercept corrected by
#										multiplying column 1 of response.forecast.per by intercept.correction.per
#			intercept.correction.per	Numeric.
#										The intercept correction is constructed as the ratio of
#										the sum of data entries for the last period and the sum of the corresponding fitted values
{	#	apc.forecast.ac
	#	get values
	age1			        <- apc.fit$age1			   	
	per1			        <- apc.fit$per1
	coh1			        <- apc.fit$coh1
	unit					<- apc.fit$unit
	age.max			        <- apc.fit$age.max			   	
	per.max			        <- apc.fit$per.max	
	coh.max			        <- apc.fit$coh.max	
	per.odd			        <- apc.fit$per.odd
	per.zero		        <- apc.fit$per.zero
	U				        <- apc.fit$U
	n.data					<- apc.fit$n.data
	response		        <- apc.fit$response
	index.data		        <- apc.fit$index.data
	index.trap		        <- apc.fit$index.trap
	model.design			<- apc.fit$model.design
	model.family			<- apc.fit$model.family
	coefficients.canonical	<- apc.fit$coefficients.canonical
	covariance.canonical	<- apc.fit$covariance.canonical
	fitted.values			<- apc.fit$fitted.values
	data.format				<- apc.fit$data.format
	n.decimal				<- apc.fit$n.decimal
	deviance                <- apc.fit$deviance
	df.residual             <- apc.fit$df.residual
	s2						<- apc.fit$s2
	#	derived values
	per.forecast.J			<- age.max+coh.max-1-per.zero-per.max
	n.data.J				<- (per.forecast.J*(per.forecast.J+1)) %/% 2	# note %/% has higher precedence than *
	#	Check Input
		return(cat("ERROR apc.forecast.ac: model.design must be 'AC'\n"))
		return(cat("ERROR apc.forecast.ac: forecast area empty since per.forecast=age.max+coh.max-1-per.zero-per.max=0\n"))
	distribution.forecasts	<- TRUE	
	if(isTRUE(model.family %in% c("poisson.response","od.poisson.response","log.normal.response"))==FALSE)
	{	return(cat("WARNING apc.forecast.ac: model.family is not 'poisson.response' or 'od.poisson.response' or 'log.normal.response': only point forecasts are generated\n"))
		distribution.forecasts	<- FALSE
	if(is.null(sum.per.by.age)==FALSE && distribution.forecasts==TRUE)
	{	if(is.vector(sum.per.by.age)==FALSE) 
			return(cat("ERROR apc.forecast.ac: sum.per.by.age argument should be vector\n"))
			sum.per.by.age <- c(1,1)*sum.per.by.age
			return(cat("ERROR apc.forecast.ac: sum.per.by.age argument should have element 1 <= element 2'\n"))
			return(cat("ERROR apc.forecast.ac: sum.per.by.age[1] too small'\n"))
			return(cat("ERROR apc.forecast.ac: sum.per.by.age[2] too large'\n"))
	if(is.null(sum.per.by.coh)==FALSE && distribution.forecasts==TRUE)
	{	if(is.vector(sum.per.by.coh)==FALSE) 
			return(cat("ERROR apc.forecast.ac: sum.per.by.coh argument should be vector\n"))
			sum.per.by.coh <- c(1,1)*sum.per.by.coh
			return(cat("ERROR apc.forecast.ac: sum.per.by.coh argument should have element 1 <= element 2'\n"))
			return(cat("ERROR apc.forecast.ac: sum.per.by.coh[1] too small'\n"))
			return(cat("ERROR apc.forecast.ac: sum.per.by.coh[2] too large'\n"))
	#	Generate forecast trapezoid
	trap.response.forecast	<- apc.data.list.subset(apc.fit,suppress.warning=suppress.warning)$response
	#	index for forecast area
	index.trap.J		<- matrix(nrow=n.data.J,ncol=2)
	s	<- 0
	for(row in 1:per.forecast.J)
	{	index.trap.J[(s+1):(s+row),1]	<- seq(age.max-row+1,age.max)	# age
		index.trap.J[(s+1):(s+row),2]	<- coh.max-per.forecast.J+row	# cohort
		s	<- s + row
	colnames(index.trap.J)	<- c("age","coh")
	#	Get design for forecast area
	#	apc index list for forecast area
	apc.index.J	<- list(	age.max		=  age.max			,		
							per.max		=  age.max+coh.max-1-per.zero,
							coh.max		=  coh.max			,
							index.trap	=  index.trap.J		,
							per.zero	=  per.zero			,
							per.odd		=  per.odd			,
							U			=  U				,
							n.data		=  n.data.J			)
	#	get design matrix
   	design.J	<- apc.get.design(apc.index.J,model.design)$design
	#	Get design for sample area
	#	apc index list for sample area
	apc.index	<- list(	age.max		=  age.max			,		
							per.max		=  per.max			,
							coh.max		=  coh.max			,
							age1		=  age1				,	# this entry used in intercept correction
							per1		=  per1				,	# this entry used in intercept correction
							coh1		=  coh1				,	# this entry used in intercept correction
							unit		=  unit				,	# this entry used in intercept correction
							index.trap	=  index.trap 		,
							index.data	=  index.data		,	# this entry used in intercept correction
							per.zero	=  per.zero			,
							per.odd		=  per.odd			,
							U			=  U				,
							n.data		=  n.data			)	
	#	get design matrix
   	design	<- apc.get.design(apc.index,model.design)$design
	#	Get point forecasts	for out-of-sample triangle
	#			(nJxp) x (px1) = (nJx1)
	linear.predictors.J						<- design.J %*% coefficients.canonical[,1]
		#	transform linear predictor using link to forecasts	
		response.forecast.cell					<- exp(linear.predictors.J)
			response.forecast.cell				<- response.forecast.cell*exp(s2/2)
		trap.response.forecast[index.trap.J]	<- response.forecast.cell
		#	Get standard deviations
		#	Use Martinez-Miranda, Nielsen, Nielsen (2005) JRSS-A, Appendix A.2, A.3
		#	and Harnau, Nielsen (2016)
		#	and Kuang, Nielsen (2018)
		#	13 nov 2019 extended with log normal
		#	#	for poisson and od.poisson
		if(model.family  %in% c("poisson.response","od.poisson.response"))
		{	xi.dim	<- nrow(coefficients.canonical)
			tau		<- sum(fitted.values)
			#	MMNN (4.4) pi - multinomial probabilities
			#	HN (5)
			v.pi	<- fitted.values / tau
			#	MMNN (A.2): H.2 insample design
			#	HN after (5)
			design.2.average	<- colSums(v.pi * design[,2:xi.dim])
			H.2		<- design[,2:xi.dim] - matrix(data=design.2.average,nrow=n.data,ncol=(xi.dim-1),byrow=T)
			#	MMNN (A.12): H.2.J outofsample design
			#	HN after (5)
			v.pi.J		<- as.vector(exp(linear.predictors.J) / tau)
			H.2.J		<- design.J[,2:xi.dim] - matrix(data=design.2.average,nrow=n.data.J,ncol=(xi.dim-1),byrow=T)
			m.pi.H.2.J	<- v.pi.J * H.2.J
			#	note information per obs is covariance.canonical/tau 
			s2.est.J	<- (tau^2) * m.pi.H.2.J %*%	covariance.canonical[2:xi.dim,2:xi.dim] %*% t(m.pi.H.2.J)
		# 	for log normal model
		#   note s2 included in covariance.canonical
		if(model.family == "log.normal.response")
		{	dim.J <- length(linear.predictors.J)
			cov.linear.predictors.J <- design.J %*% covariance.canonical %*% t(design.J)
			v.proc.J	<- s2 * exp(2*linear.predictors.J) 
			m.est.J		<- (as.vector(exp(linear.predictors.J)) * design.J) %*% covariance.canonical %*% t(as.vector(exp(linear.predictors.J)) * design.J)
		#	Function to generate particular forecasts
		#	6 Sep 2016 extended with od.poisson.response
		function.sum.forecasts <- function(m.X,row.label=NULL)
		#	in		m.X		matrix 	nrow=per.forecast.J,ncol=n.data.J
		#	note	v.pi.J	vector	nrow=n.data.J
		{	#	point forecast
			forecast	<- m.X %*% response.forecast.cell[,1]				
			#	forecast poisson and od.poisson
			if(model.family  %in% c("poisson.response","od.poisson.response"))
			{	#	HN sec 5.3: pi_A
				v.pi.A	<- rowSums(m.X %*% v.pi.J)	#
				forecast.est.J	<- diag(m.X %*% s2.est.J %*% t(m.X) )
				forecast.proc.J	<- tau*v.pi.A
				forecast.tau.J	<- tau*(v.pi.A^2)
				forecast.J		<- forecast.proc.J + forecast.est.J
			#	adjust with over dispersion for od.poisson
			if(model.family == "od.poisson.response")
			{	forecast.proc.J	<- forecast.proc.J*deviance/df.residual	
				forecast.est.J	<- forecast.est.J *deviance/df.residual	
				forecast.tau.J	<- forecast.tau.J *deviance/df.residual
				forecast.J		<- forecast.proc.J + forecast.est.J + forecast.tau.J				
			#	forecast log normal model
			if(model.family == "log.normal.response")
			{	forecast.est.J	<- diag(m.X %*% m.est.J %*% t(m.X) )
				forecast.proc.J	<- rowSums(m.X %*% v.proc.J)
				forecast.J		<- forecast.proc.J + forecast.est.J
			#	combine forecasts for all distributions
			forecast	<- cbind(forecast,sqrt(forecast.J))	
			forecast	<- cbind(forecast,sqrt(forecast.proc.J))	
			forecast	<- cbind(forecast,sqrt(forecast.est.J))	
			col.names	<- c("forecast","se","se.proc","se.est")
			#	combine forecasts adjusted when od.poisson.response
			if(model.family == "od.poisson.response")
			{	forecast	<- cbind(forecast,sqrt(forecast.tau.J))					
				col.names		<- c(col.names,"tau.est")
			#	optional, add quantiles
			{	if(model.family == "poisson.response")
		  			for(row in 1:length(quantiles))
					{	forecast	<- cbind(forecast,forecast[,1]+forecast[,2]*qnorm(quantiles[row]))
						col.names	<- c(col.names,paste("n-",apc.internal.function.date.2.character(quantiles[row],3),sep=""))	
				if(model.family %in% c("od.poisson.response","log.normal.response"))
					for(row in 1:length(quantiles))
					{	forecast	<- cbind(forecast,forecast[,1]+forecast[,2]*qt(quantiles[row],df.residual))
						col.names	<- c(col.names,paste("t-",apc.internal.function.date.2.character(quantiles[row],3),sep=""))	
			#	add labels
			colnames(forecast)  <- col.names
				rownames(forecast)	<- row.label
		#	Generate partial sum forecasts
		#	matrices
		m.partial.sum.age	<- matrix(data=0,nrow=per.forecast.J,ncol=n.data.J)
		m.partial.sum.per	<- matrix(data=0,nrow=per.forecast.J,ncol=n.data.J)
		m.partial.sum.coh	<- matrix(data=0,nrow=per.forecast.J,ncol=n.data.J)
		m.partial.sum.all	<- matrix(data=1,nrow=1,      		 ncol=n.data.J)
		s	<- 0
		for(row in 1:per.forecast.J)
		{	for(age in 1:row)
				m.partial.sum.age[per.forecast.J-row+age,s+age]	<- 1
			for(per in 1:row)
				m.partial.sum.per[per,s+per]		<- 1
			m.partial.sum.coh[row,(s+1):(s+row)]	<- 1	
			s	<- s + row
		#	labels
		label.age	<- c(paste("age_",apc.internal.function.date.2.character(age1+seq(age.max-per.forecast.J,age.max-1)*unit,n.decimal),sep=""))
		label.per	<- c(paste("per_",apc.internal.function.date.2.character(per1+seq(per.max,per.max+per.forecast.J-1)*unit,n.decimal),sep=""))
		label.coh	<- c(paste("coh_",apc.internal.function.date.2.character(coh1+seq(coh.max-per.forecast.J,coh.max-1)*unit,n.decimal),sep=""))
		label.all	<-  "all"                                                                               	
		#	forecasts
		response.forecast.age	<- function.sum.forecasts(m.partial.sum.age,label.age)
		response.forecast.per	<- function.sum.forecasts(m.partial.sum.per,label.per)
		response.forecast.coh	<- function.sum.forecasts(m.partial.sum.coh,label.coh)
		response.forecast.all	<- function.sum.forecasts(m.partial.sum.all,label.all)
		response.forecast.cell	<- function.sum.forecasts(diag(1,n.data.J))
		#	Intercept correction
		response.sums		<- apc.data.sums(list(response=response),		data.type="r",apc.index=apc.index)
		m.fitted.values				<- response
		m.fitted.values[index.data]	<- fitted.values
		fitted.values.sums	<- apc.data.sums(list(response=m.fitted.values),data.type="r",apc.index=apc.index)
		intercept.correction.per		<- response.sums$sums.per[per.max] / fitted.values.sums$sums.per[per.max]
		response.forecast.per.ic		<- response.forecast.per
		response.forecast.per.ic[,1]	<- response.forecast.per.ic[,1] * intercept.correction.per
		#	Generate partial sum forecasts for sub-groups
		#	by age
		sum.per.by.age.ic <- NULL
		sum.per.by.coh.ic <- NULL
		intercept.correction.per.by.age	<- NULL
		intercept.correction.per.by.coh	<- NULL
		{	#	for intercept correction
			data.data.trunc	<- apc.data.list.subset(list(response=response,data.format=data.format,dose=NULL),sum.per.by.age[1]-1,age.max-sum.per.by.age[2],0,0,0,0,apc.index,TRUE)
			data.fit.trunc	<- apc.data.list.subset(list(response=m.fitted.values,data.format=data.format,dose=NULL),sum.per.by.age[1]-1,age.max-sum.per.by.age[2],0,0,0,0,apc.index,TRUE)
				response.sums		<- data.data.trunc$response[length(data.data.trunc$response)]
				fitted.values.sums	<- data.fit.trunc$response[length(data.fit.trunc$response)]
				intercept.correction.per.by.age	<- response.sums/fitted.values.sums
				response.sums		<- apc.data.sums(data.data.trunc)
				fitted.values.sums	<- apc.data.sums(data.fit.trunc)
				intercept.correction.per.by.age	<- response.sums$sums.per[length(response.sums$sums.per)] / fitted.values.sums$sums.per[length(fitted.values.sums$sums.per)]
			#	computeting forecast sums	
			sum.length	<- sum.per.by.age[2]-age.max+per.forecast.J
			m.partial.sum.per.by.age	<- matrix(data=0,nrow=sum.length,ncol=n.data.J)
			sum.discard	<- age.max-sum.per.by.age[2]
			s	<- (sum.discard+1)*sum.discard/2
			for(row in (sum.discard+1):per.forecast.J)
			{	per.discard <- max(row-sum.discard-sum.per.by.age[2]+sum.per.by.age[1]-1,0)
				for(per in (1+per.discard):(row-sum.discard))
				 	m.partial.sum.per.by.age[per,s+per]		<- 1
				s	<- s + row
			label.sum	<- c(paste("per_",apc.internal.function.date.2.character(per1+seq(per.max,per.max+sum.length-1)*unit,n.decimal),sep=""))
			sum.per.by.age	<- function.sum.forecasts(m.partial.sum.per.by.age,label.sum)
			sum.per.by.age.ic		<- sum.per.by.age
			sum.per.by.age.ic[,1]	<- sum.per.by.age.ic[,1] * intercept.correction.per.by.age
		#	by cohort
		{	#	for intercept correction
			data.data.trunc	<- apc.data.list.subset(list(response=response,data.format=data.format,dose=NULL)		,0,0,0,0,sum.per.by.coh[1]-1,coh.max-sum.per.by.coh[2],apc.index,TRUE)
			data.fit.trunc	<- apc.data.list.subset(list(response=m.fitted.values,data.format=data.format,dose=NULL),0,0,0,0,sum.per.by.coh[1]-1,coh.max-sum.per.by.coh[2],apc.index,TRUE)
				response.sums		<- data.data.trunc$response[length(data.data.trunc$response)]
				fitted.values.sums	<- data.fit.trunc$response[length(data.fit.trunc$response)]
				intercept.correction.per.by.coh	<- response.sums/fitted.values.sums
				response.sums		<- apc.data.sums(data.data.trunc)
				fitted.values.sums	<- apc.data.sums(data.fit.trunc)
				intercept.correction.per.by.coh	<- response.sums$sums.per[length(response.sums$sums.per)] / fitted.values.sums$sums.per[length(fitted.values.sums$sums.per)]
			#	computeting forecast sums	
			sum.length	<- sum.per.by.coh[2]-coh.max+per.forecast.J
			m.partial.sum.per.by.coh	<- matrix(data=0,nrow=sum.length,ncol=n.data.J)
			sum.discard	<- sum.per.by.coh[1]-coh.max+per.forecast.J-1
			s	<- (sum.discard+1)*sum.discard/2
			for(row in 1:(sum.per.by.coh[2]-sum.per.by.coh[1]+1))
			{	for(per in 1:(sum.discard+row))
				 	m.partial.sum.per.by.coh[per,s+per]		<- 1
				s	<- s + sum.discard + row
			label.sum	<- c(paste("per_",apc.internal.function.date.2.character(per1+seq(per.max,per.max+sum.length-1)*unit,n.decimal),sep=""))
			sum.per.by.coh	<- function.sum.forecasts(m.partial.sum.per.by.coh,label.sum)
			sum.per.by.coh.ic		<- sum.per.by.coh
			sum.per.by.coh.ic[,1]	<- sum.per.by.coh.ic[,1] * intercept.correction.per.by.coh
		output.list	<- list(	linear.predictors.forecast		= linear.predictors.J				,
					    		index.trap.J					= index.trap.J						,
					    		trap.response.forecast			= trap.response.forecast			,
					    		response.forecast.cell			= response.forecast.cell			,
					    		response.forecast.age			= response.forecast.age				,
					    		response.forecast.per			= response.forecast.per				,
					    		response.forecast.per.ic		= response.forecast.per.ic			,
					    		response.forecast.coh			= response.forecast.coh				,
					    		response.forecast.all			= response.forecast.all				,
								response.forecast.per.by.age	= sum.per.by.age					,
					    		response.forecast.per.by.age.ic	= sum.per.by.age.ic					,
								response.forecast.per.by.coh	= sum.per.by.coh					,
								response.forecast.per.by.coh.ic	= sum.per.by.coh.ic					,
					    		intercept.correction.per		= intercept.correction.per			,
					    		intercept.correction.per.by.age	= intercept.correction.per.by.age	,
					    		intercept.correction.per.by.coh	= intercept.correction.per.by.coh	)
		return(list(linear.predictors.forecast		= linear.predictors.J	,
					index.trap.J					= index.trap.J			))
}	#	apc.forecast.ac


apc.forecast.ap <- function(apc.fit,extrapolation.type="I0",suppress.warning=TRUE)
#	BN 2 May 2016
#	BN 31 Jan 2016
#	Computes point forecasts for a model with AP structure.
#	This is done for the triangle which shares age and cohort indices with the data.
#	in
#			apc.fit						List. Output for apc.fit.model
#										Note: apc.fit.model should be run first for a Poisson response model with AC structure so that
#										apc.fit$model.design=="AP"
#										apc.fit$model.family=="poisson.response"
#			extrapolation.type			Character.
#										For the extrapolation future Delta.beta are needed.
#										"I0": Forecasts future beta by average of estimated beta (note, that future Delta.beta invariant to level)
#										"I1": Forecasts future beta by most recent estimated beta
#	out
#			trap.predictors.forecast	Matrix. Includes estimates and point forecasts of linear predictor.
#										That is design*coefficient. Same as the glm.fit value linear.predictors when there is no offset.
#										Forecasts in lower right triangle. Trapezoid format.
#			index.trap.J				Matrix. age-coh coordinates for vector. Similar structure to index.trap in apc.index
#			D.xi.per.extrapolated 		Matrix. Extrapolated parameters.
#										Dimension per.forecast.J=age.max+coh.max-1-per.zero-per.max rows, 1 column.
#			trap.response.forecast		Matrix. Includes data and point forecasts. Forecasts in lower right triangle.
#										Only implemented for model.family="binomial.dose.response"
#										Equal to does in cell age,coh times 1 minus probability of surviving in that cell.
#			trap.dose.forecast			Matrix. Includes data and point forecasts. Forecasts in lower right triangle.
#										Dose in cell age,coh equal to dose in cell age-1,coh minus response in cell age-1,coh
#										Only implemented for model.family="binomial.dose.response"
#			trap.survival.forecast		Matrix. Point forecasts. Forecasts in lower right triangle
#										Probability of surviving
#										Only implemented for model.family="binomial.dose.response"
{	#	apc.forecast.ap
	#	get values
	age.max			        <- apc.fit$age.max			   	
	per.max			        <- apc.fit$per.max	
	coh.max			        <- apc.fit$coh.max
	per1					<- apc.fit$per1
	unit					<- apc.fit$unit
	per.odd			        <- apc.fit$per.odd
	per.zero		        <- apc.fit$per.zero
	U				        <- apc.fit$U
	index.trap		        <- apc.fit$index.trap
	model.design			<- apc.fit$model.design
	linear.predictors		<- apc.fit$linear.predictors
	predictors				<- apc.fit$predictors
	fitted.values			<- apc.fit$fitted.values
	n.decimal				<- apc.fit$n.decimal
	model.family			<- apc.fit$model.family
	#	derived values
	per.forecast.J			<- age.max+coh.max-1-per.zero-per.max
	n.data.J				<- (per.forecast.J*(per.forecast.J+1)) %/% 2	# note %/% has higher precedence than *
	#	Check Input
		return(cat("ERROR apc.forecast.ap: model.design must be 'AP'\n"))
		return(cat("ERROR apc.forecast.ap: forecast area empty since per.forecast=age.max+coh.max-1-per.zero-per.max=0\n"))
	#	index for forecast area
	index.trap.J		<- matrix(nrow=n.data.J,ncol=2)
	s	<- 0
	for(row in 1:per.forecast.J)
	{	index.trap.J[(s+1):(s+row),1]	<- seq(age.max-row+1,age.max)	# age
		index.trap.J[(s+1):(s+row),2]	<- coh.max-per.forecast.J+row	# cohort
		s	<- s + row
	colnames(index.trap.J)	<- c("age","coh")
	#	Get design for forecast area
	#	apc index list for forecast area
	apc.index.J	<- list(	age.max		=  age.max			,		
							per.max		=  age.max+coh.max-1,
							coh.max		=  coh.max			,
							index.trap	=  index.trap.J		,
							per.zero	=  per.zero			,
							per.odd		=  per.odd			,
							U			=  U				,
							n.data		=  n.data.J			)
	#	Get difference parameters
	id.apc.fit			<- apc.identify(apc.fit)
	coefficients.dif	<- id.apc.fit$coefficients.dif
	index.per.dif		<- id.apc.fit$index.per.dif	
	#	Extrapolate period parameters
	#	extrapolation.type == "I0"
	#		form beta_per = beta_1 + sum_{i=2}^per Delta.beta_i , where beta_1 is arbitrary
	#		fit model beta_per = nu
	#		so estimate nu by sum_{per=1}^per.max beta_per
	#		forecast beta_{per.max+h} = nu
	#		thus Delta.beta_{per.max+1} = nu - beta_per.max , which is invariant to beta_1
	#		thus Delpa.beta_{per.max+h} = 0 for h>1
	D.xi.per.extrapolated		<- matrix(data=0,nrow=per.forecast.J,ncol=1)
	#	Add labels	12 Apr 2016
	rownames(D.xi.per.extrapolated)	<- paste("D_period",apc.internal.function.date.2.character(per1+(per.max-1+seq(1,per.forecast.J))*unit,n.decimal),sep="")
	#   I0 forecast	
	{	D.xi.per	<- coefficients.dif[index.per.dif]
		theta.per	<- cumsum(D.xi.per)
		nu			<- mean(c(0,theta.per))
		D.xi.per.extrapolated[1]	<- nu - theta.per[length(theta.per)]
	#	extrapolation.type == "I1"
	#		form beta_per = beta_1 + sum_{i=2}^per Delta.beta_i , where beta_1 is arbitrary
	#		forecast beta_{per.max+h} = beta_{per.max}
	#		thus Delpa.beta_{per.max+h} = 0 for h>0
	#		thus no change needed
	#	partial sum of forecast of Delta.beta
	xi.per.extrapolated	<- cumsum(D.xi.per.extrapolated)
	#	Add labels	16 Apr 2016
	#	Generate forecast trapezoid: predictor
	dim.names	<- dimnames(apc.data.list.subset(apc.fit,suppress.warning=suppress.warning)$response)
	trap.predictors	<- matrix(nrow=age.max,ncol=coh.max,dimnames=dim.names)
	#	Insert estimated predictors for data array
	trap.predictors[index.trap]	<- predictors
	#	Generate predictors for forecast array
	for(i in 1:per.forecast.J)
	{	#	First extrapolate predictor for last diagonal to forecast area
		trap.predictors[age.max-per.forecast.J+i,coh.max-seq(0,i-1)] <- trap.predictors[age.max-per.forecast.J+i,coh.max-i]
		#	Then add cumulative effect of forecast of Delta.beta		
		for(j in 1:i)
			trap.predictors[age.max-i+j,coh.max-j+1] <- trap.predictors[age.max-i+j,coh.max-j+1] + xi.per.extrapolated[per.forecast.J-i+1]
	#	FOR binomial.dose.response
	trap.response		<- NULL
	trap.dose			<- NULL
	trap.survival		<- NULL
	{	#	Generate forecast trapezoid
		trap.response	<- trap.dose	<- trap.survival	<- matrix(nrow=age.max,ncol=coh.max,dimnames=dim.names)
		#	Insert values for data array, but recast in trapezoid format
		data.list.subset	<- apc.data.list.subset(apc.fit,suppress.warning=suppress.warning)
		trap.response		<- data.list.subset$response
		trap.dose			<- data.list.subset$dose
		#	Generate survival probabilities, dose, respone
		for(i in 1:per.forecast.J)
		{	trap.survival[age.max-per.forecast.J+i,coh.max-seq(0,i-1)] 	<- 1/(1+exp(trap.predictors[age.max-per.forecast.J+i,coh.max-seq(0,i-1)]))
			trap.dose[age.max-per.forecast.J+i,coh.max-seq(0,i-1)]		<- trap.dose[age.max-per.forecast.J+i-1,coh.max-seq(0,i-1)]	- trap.response[age.max-per.forecast.J+i-1,coh.max-seq(0,i-1)]
			trap.response[age.max-per.forecast.J+i,coh.max-seq(0,i-1)]	<- trap.dose[age.max-per.forecast.J+i,coh.max-seq(0,i-1)] * (1-trap.survival[age.max-per.forecast.J+i,coh.max-seq(0,i-1)])
	return(list(trap.predictors.forecast	= trap.predictors			,
				index.trap.J				= index.trap.J				,
				D.xi.per.extrapolated		= D.xi.per.extrapolated		,
				trap.response.forecast		= trap.response				,
				trap.dose.forecast			= trap.dose					,
				trap.survival.forecast		= trap.survival				))	
}	#	apc.forecast.ap


apc.forecast.apc <- function(apc.fit,extrapolation.type="I0",suppress.warning=TRUE)
#	BN 10 Sep 2016
#	Computes point forecasts for a model with AP structure
#	This is done for the triangle which shares age and cohort indices with the data.
#	in
#			apc.fit						List. Output for apc.fit.model
#										Note: apc.fit.model should be run first for a Poisson response model with AC structure so that
#										apc.fit$model.design=="APC"
#										apc.fit$model.family=="poisson.response"
#			extrapolation.type			Character.
#										For the extrapolation future Delta.beta are needed.
#										"I2": Forecasts future DDbeta by 0
#										"I1": Forecasts future DDbeta as follows.
#												Compute Dbeta=cumsum(DDbeta) for j=3,...,J.
#												This determines Dbeta upto arbitrary level
#												Compute average mean(Dbeta)
#												Forecast DDbeta[J+1]=mean(Dbeta)-Dbeta[J]
#												Forecast DDbeta[J+h]=0 for h>1
#												This forecast is invariant to arbitrary level
#										"I0": Forecasts future DDbeta as follows.
#												Compute beta=cumsum(cumsum(DDbeta)) for j=3,...,J.
#												This determines beta upto arbitrary linear trend
#												Regress on 1 and demeaned trend=j-(n+1)/2
#												giving estimates mu1 and mu2
#												Forecast beta[J+1]=mu1 + mu2*(n+1-(n+1)/2)
#												Forecast beta[J+2]=mu1 + mu2*(n+2-(n+1)/2)
#												Forecast DDbeta[J+h]=beta[J+h]-2*beta[J+h-1]+beta[J+h-2] for h=1,2
#												Forecast DDbeta[J+h]=0 for h>2
#												This forecast is invariant to arbitrary linear trend
#	out
{	#	apc.forecast.apc
	#	get values
	age.max			        <- apc.fit$age.max			   	
	per.max			        <- apc.fit$per.max	
	coh.max			        <- apc.fit$coh.max
	age1					<- apc.fit$age1
	per1					<- apc.fit$per1
	coh1					<- apc.fit$coh1
	unit					<- apc.fit$unit
	per.odd			        <- apc.fit$per.odd
	per.zero		        <- apc.fit$per.zero
	U				        <- apc.fit$U
	index.trap		        <- apc.fit$index.trap
	model.design			<- apc.fit$model.design
#	linear.predictors		<- apc.fit$linear.predictors
	predictors				<- apc.fit$predictors
#	fitted.values			<- apc.fit$fitted.values
	n.decimal				<- apc.fit$n.decimal
	model.family			<- apc.fit$model.family
	coefficients.canonical	<- apc.fit$coefficients.canonical
	index.age				<- apc.fit$index.age
	index.per				<- apc.fit$index.per
	index.coh				<- apc.fit$index.coh
#	#	derived values
	per.forecast.J			<- age.max+coh.max-1-per.zero-per.max
	n.data.J				<- (per.forecast.J*(per.forecast.J+1)) %/% 2	# note %/% has higher precedence than *
	#	Check Input
		return(cat("ERROR apc.forecast.apc: model.design must be 'APC'\n"))
		return(cat("ERROR apc.forecast.apc: forecast area empty since per.forecast=age.max+coh.max-1-per.zero-per.max=0\n"))
	#	index for forecast area
	index.trap.J		<- matrix(nrow=n.data.J,ncol=2)
	s	<- 0
	for(row in 1:per.forecast.J)
	{	index.trap.J[(s+1):(s+row),1]	<- seq(age.max-row+1,age.max)	# age
		index.trap.J[(s+1):(s+row),2]	<- coh.max-per.forecast.J+row	# cohort
		s	<- s + row
	colnames(index.trap.J)	<- c("age","coh")
	#	Get design for forecast area
	#	apc index list for forecast area
	apc.index.J	<- list(	age.max		=  age.max			,		
							per.max		=  age.max+coh.max-1-per.zero,
							coh.max		=  coh.max			,
							index.trap	=  index.trap.J		,
							per.zero	=  per.zero			,
							per.odd		=  per.odd			,
							U			=  U				,
							n.data		=  n.data.J			)
	#	get design matrix
   	design.J	<- apc.get.design(apc.index.J,model.design)$design
	#	Extrapolate period parameters
	#	get estimates
	xi.per.dd	<- coefficients.canonical[index.per,1]
	#	define extrapolation array
	xi.per.dd.extrapolated <- matrix(data=0,nrow=per.forecast.J,ncol=1)
	#	add row names
	rownames(xi.per.dd.extrapolated)	<- paste("DD_period_",apc.internal.function.date.2.character(per1+(per.max-1+seq(1,per.forecast.J))*unit,n.decimal),"_x",sep="")
	#	extrapolation.type == "I2"
	#	nothing happens
	#	extrapolation.type == "I1"
	if(extrapolation.type == "I1")	
		xi.per.dd.extrapolated[1,1] <-  mean(cumsum(xi.per.dd)) - cumsum(xi.per.dd)[length(xi.per.dd)] 
	#	extrapolation.type == "I0"
	if(extrapolation.type == "I0")	
	{	n	<- length(xi.per.dd)
		y	<- cumsum(cumsum(xi.per.dd))
		trend	<- seq(1,n)-(n+1)/2
		mu1 <- mean(y)
		mu2 <- (trend %*% y) / (trend %*% trend)
		y_n_plus_1	<- mu1 + mu2 * (n+1)/2
		y_n_plus_2	<- mu1 + mu2 * (n+3)/2
		xi.per.dd.extrapolated[1,1]	<- y_n_plus_1 - 2*y[n] + y[n-1]
		xi.per.dd.extrapolated[2,1]	<- y_n_plus_2 - 2*y_n_plus_1 + y[n]	
	#	Extrapolate xi parameters
	#	merge extrapolated DDbeta with estimated xi
	xi.extrapolated	<- c(coefficients.canonical[c(1:3,index.age,index.per),1],xi.per.dd.extrapolated[,1],coefficients.canonical[c(index.coh),1])
	xi.extrapolated <- as.matrix(xi.extrapolated)
	#	Generate forecast trapezoid: predictor
	dim.names	<- dimnames(apc.data.list.subset(apc.fit,suppress.warning=suppress.warning)$response)
	trap.linear.predictors	<- matrix(nrow=age.max,ncol=coh.max,dimnames=dim.names)
	#	Insert estimated predictors for data array
	trap.linear.predictors[index.trap]	<- predictors
	#	Generate predictors for forecast array
	linear.predictors.J						<- design.J %*% xi.extrapolated[,]
	trap.linear.predictors[index.trap.J]	<- design.J %*% xi.extrapolated[,]
	#	Go to original scale
	if(model.family %in% c("poisson.response","od.poisson.response"))
		trap.response.forecast	<- exp(trap.linear.predictors)
		trap.response.forecast	<- NULL
	#	Generate partial sum forecasts
	#	matrices
	if(model.family %in% c("poisson.response","od.poisson.response"))
	{	m.partial.sum.age	<- matrix(data=0,nrow=per.forecast.J,ncol=n.data.J)
		m.partial.sum.per	<- matrix(data=0,nrow=per.forecast.J,ncol=n.data.J)
		m.partial.sum.coh	<- matrix(data=0,nrow=per.forecast.J,ncol=n.data.J)
		m.partial.sum.all	<- matrix(data=1,nrow=1,      		 ncol=n.data.J)
		s	<- 0
		for(row in 1:per.forecast.J)
		{	for(age in 1:row)
				m.partial.sum.age[per.forecast.J-row+age,s+age]	<- 1
			for(per in 1:row)
				m.partial.sum.per[per,s+per]		<- 1
			m.partial.sum.coh[row,(s+1):(s+row)]	<- 1	
			s	<- s + row
		#	forecasts
		response.forecast.age	<- m.partial.sum.age %*% exp( design.J %*% xi.extrapolated[,] )
		response.forecast.per	<- m.partial.sum.per %*% exp( design.J %*% xi.extrapolated[,] )
		response.forecast.coh	<- m.partial.sum.coh %*% exp( design.J %*% xi.extrapolated[,] )
		response.forecast.all	<- m.partial.sum.all %*% exp( design.J %*% xi.extrapolated[,] )
		#	labels
		label.age	<- c(paste("age_",apc.internal.function.date.2.character(age1+seq(age.max-per.forecast.J,age.max-1)*unit,n.decimal),sep=""))
		label.per	<- c(paste("per_",apc.internal.function.date.2.character(per1+seq(per.max,per.max+per.forecast.J-1)*unit,n.decimal),sep=""))
		label.coh	<- c(paste("coh_",apc.internal.function.date.2.character(coh1+seq(coh.max-per.forecast.J,coh.max-1)*unit,n.decimal),sep=""))
		label.all	<-  "all"
		rownames(response.forecast.age)	<- label.age
		rownames(response.forecast.per)	<- label.per
		rownames(response.forecast.coh)	<- label.coh
		rownames(response.forecast.all)	<- label.all
		colnames(response.forecast.age)	<- "forecast"
		colnames(response.forecast.per)	<- "forecast"
		colnames(response.forecast.coh)	<- "forecast"
		colnames(response.forecast.all)	<- "forecast"
	{	response.forecast.age	<- NULL
		response.forecast.per	<- NULL
		response.forecast.coh	<- NULL
		response.forecast.all	<- NULL
	return(list(linear.predictors.forecast		= linear.predictors.J		,
				index.trap.J					= index.trap.J				,
				trap.linear.predictors.forecast	= trap.linear.predictors	,
				trap.response.forecast			= trap.response.forecast	,
				response.forecast.age			= response.forecast.age		,
				response.forecast.per			= response.forecast.per		,
				response.forecast.coh			= response.forecast.coh		,
				response.forecast.all			= response.forecast.all		,
				xi.per.dd.extrapolated			= xi.per.dd.extrapolated	,
				xi.extrapolated					= xi.extrapolated			))
}	#	apc.forecast.apc


apc.polygon <- function(m.forecast,x.origin=1,
#	BN 8 Jan 2016
#	Draws point forecasts as line and shaded area to indicate uncertainty
#	This is added to a plot, working like lines() or polygon()
#	In
#        m.forecast	Matrix.  Up to 4 columns.
#        				Column 1: point forecasts.
#								Column 2: forecast standard errors.
#								Column 3: process standard errors.
#								Column 4: estimation standard errors.
#        x.origin		Numerical. x-coordinate for first point forecast. Default: 1.
#        plot.se		Logical. Should forecast   standard errors be plotted? Default: TRUE.
#        plot.se.proc	Logical. Should process    standard errors be plotted? Default: FALSE.
#        plot.se.est	Logical. Should estimation standard errors be plotted? Default: FALSE.
#        unit			Numerical. step length for point forecasts. Default=1.
#        col.line		Point forecasts: Colour of line. Same as col for lines. Default: 1.
#        lty.line		Point forecasts: Type   of line. Same as lty for lines. Default: 1.
#        lwd.line		Point forecasts: Width  of line. Same as lwd for lines. Default: 1.
#        q.se			Vector of length 3. Multiplication factors for standard errors. Default: \code{c(2,2,2)}.}
#        angle.se		Standard error polygon: 3-vector: Angle  of shading.  Same as angle 	for polygon. Default: =c(45,45,45).
#        border.se		Standard error polygon: 3-vector: Border of polygon.  Same as border 	for polygon. Default: =c(NA,NA,NA).
#        col.se			Standard error polygon: 3-vector: Colour of polygon.  Same as col 		for polygon. Default: gray(c(0.50,0.80,0.90)).
#        density.se		Standard error polygon: 3-vector: Density of shading. Same as density 	for polygon. Default: =c(NULL,NULL,NULL).
#        lty.se			Standard error polygon: 3-vector: Type of shading.    Same as lty 		for polygon. Default: =c(1,1,1).
{   #	apc.polygon 
  	x   <- seq(x.origin+unit,by=unit,length=nrow(m.forecast))
  	polygon.forecast <- function(se.choice)
  	{	polygon(c(x,rev(x)),
  	if(plot.se)			polygon.forecast(1) 
  	if(plot.se.proc)  	polygon.forecast(2)
  	if(plot.se.est)		polygon.forecast(3)
}	#	apc.polygon

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