#' @title Find Overlap within a Sequence
#' @description Establish which elements within a vector of horizontal positions overlap beyond a given threshold
#' @param x vector of relative horizontal positions, one for each profile
#' @param thresh threshold defining "overlap", typically < 1
#' @return unique index to affected (overlapping) elements in `x`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- c(1, 2, 3, 3.4, 3.5, 5, 6, 10)
#' findOverlap(x, thresh = 0.5)
#' @rdname overlapMetrics
findOverlap <- function(x, thresh) {
.Deprecated('overlapMetrics', msg = 'This function is deprecated, please use the `overLapMetrics()` function instead.')
# all pair-wise distance
d <- dist(x)
m <- as.matrix(d)
# diagonal isn't used here
diag(m) <- NA
# find matrix elements
idx <- which(m < thresh)
# use upper-triangle indexes to find elements in original vector
# only uniquely affected elements
col.idx <- unique(col(m)[idx])
#' @title Find and Quantify Overlap within a 1D Sequence
#' @description Desc.
#' @param x vector of relative horizontal positions, one for each profile
#' @param thresh threshold defining "overlap", typically < 1
#' @return a `list`:
#' * `idx`: unique index to overlapping elements in `x`
#' * `ov`: normalized overlap (see details)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- c(1, 2, 3, 3.4, 3.5, 5, 6, 10)
#' overlapMetrics(x, thresh = 0.5)
overlapMetrics <- function(x, thresh) {
## TODO:
# convert to diff(x) vs. dist(x)
# all pair-wise distance
d <- dist(x)
m <- as.matrix(d)
# diagonal isn't used here
diag(m) <- NA
# find matrix elements
idx <- which(m < thresh)
# use upper-triangle indexes to find elements in original vector
# only uniquely affected elements
col.idx <- unique(col(m)[idx])
# overlap = (thresh - distance[i,j]) when d < thresh, otherwise overlap = 0
# using full matrix, elements are mirrored over diagonal so divide by 2
ov <- sum(thresh - m[idx]) / 2
# normalize overlap by dividing by total possible overlap
# all elements overlapping results in values > 1
# ov_norm = ov / thresh * length(x)
ov <- ov / (thresh * length(x))
res <- list(
idx = col.idx,
ov = ov
## TODO: incorporate ideas from N-body simulation
#' @title Simulation of electrostatic force between two charged particles
#' @description This function computes a "force" (attraction or repulsion) between two charged "particles" (usually labels or other graphical elements), using a modification of the 1D electrostatic force equation. This function is used internally for label placement in the presence of overlap, as in [fixOverlap()].
#' @param Q1 numeric, charge on particle 1 (e.g. a label)
#' @param Q2 numeric, charge on particle 2 (e.g. another label)
#' @param Qk numeric, empirical constant
#' @param d numeric, distance between particles
#' @param tiny numeric, number used to represent very small distances (avoid division by 0)
#' @param ex numeric, exponent used in distance-weighting
#' @param const numeric, constant used in distance weighting function, increase to dampen oscillation
#' @return numeric
#' @author D.E. Beaudette and K.C. Thompson
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [fixOverlap()]
#' @examples
#' aqp:::.electricForce(Q1 = 1, Q2 = 1, Qk = 0.5, d = 5)
.electricForce <- function(Q1, Q2, Qk, d, tiny = 0.0001, ex = 2, const = 0.25) {
# fix for 0-distance where force is infinite
d <- ifelse(d < tiny, tiny, d)
# traditional definition of electrostatic force
# (Qk * Q1 * Q2) / (d^ex + const)
# modified version, c/o K.C. Thompson
# increase const --> dampen chaotic oscillation during simulation
# "softening" in N-body simulation
res <- (Qk * Q1 * Q2 ) / (d^ex + const)
#' @title Label placement based on a simulation of electrostatic forces
#' @description This function attempts to move labels along a 1D coordinate system such that overlap (as specified by threshold) is minimized. An electrostatic simulation applies forces of repulsion between labels that are within `thresh` (e.g. overlapping) and forces of attraction to a uniformly spaced sequence to iteratively perturb affected labels until either no overlap is reported, or a maximum number of iterations (`maxIter`) has been reached.
#' @details
#' Difficult overlap problems can be addressed by reducing `thresh` and increasing `q`. Large values of `q` can lead to chaotic results.
#' This function will generate unpredictable output when `x` contains duplicate values.
#' This function requires input to be pre-sorted, although interesting "artistic" simulations will often result from unsorted `x`.
#' @param x numeric vector, pre-sorted sorted, without duplication, describing 1D label (particle) configuration
#' @param thresh numeric, overlap threshold, same as in [fixOverlap()]
#' @param q numeric, electrical charge (typically between 0.1 and 2)
#' @param chargeDecayRate numeric, exponential decay rate constant for `q` as a function of iteration `i`
#' @param QkA_GrowthRate numeric, growth rate constant for `Qk` applied to attraction to uniform spacing of labels, invoked when rank order is violated during the simulation
#' @param maxIter integer, maximum number of iterations before giving up
#' @param tiny numeric, 0-values replaced by this number to avoid division by 0 and infinite forces
#' @param const numeric, empirical constant added to the 1D electrostatic force equation to dampen oscillation: `(Qk * Q1 * Q2) / (d^ex + const)`
#' @param trace logical, include diagnostic output
#' @param \dots not used, absorbs additional arguments to [fixOverlap()]
#' @author D.E. Beaudette and K.C. Thompson
#' @return When `trace = TRUE` a `list`, otherwise numeric vector with `converged` attribute.
#' @seealso [fixOverlap()], [SANN_1D()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # vector of object locations, with potential overlap
#' x <- c(1, 2, 3, 3.3, 3.8, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
#' # full diagnostic output
#' z <- electroStatics_1D(x, thresh = 0.65, trace = TRUE, q = 1)
#' txt <- sprintf("Converged %s (%s iterations)", z$converged, length(z$cost))
#' plot(
#' seq_along(z$cost),
#' z$cost,
#' las = 1,
#' xlab = 'Iteration',
#' ylab = 'Overlap Cost',
#' type = 'b',
#' main = txt
#' )
#' abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = 2)
#' # final configuration only
#' xnew <- electroStatics_1D(x, thresh = 0.65, q = 1)
#' # check for convergence
#' attr(xnew, 'converged')
#' # compare original vs. modified
#' data.frame(orig = x, new = round(xnew, 2))
## TODO: what is a reasonable starting value for q?
## -> too low, not enough perturbation, does not converge
## -> too high, chaos
## TODO: allow for ties / un-sorted input
## TODO: implement domain[min, max] argument for convenient anchors
electroStatics_1D <- function(x, thresh, q = 1, chargeDecayRate = 0.01, QkA_GrowthRate = 0.05, maxIter = 100, tiny = 0.0001, const = 0.001, trace = FALSE, ...) {
# keep track of original range
.original_range <- range(x)
# re-scale to 0,1
x <- .rescaleRange(x, 0, 1)
# apply scaling factor to threshold
thresh <- thresh / abs(diff(.original_range))
# original configuration
x.orig <- x
x.n <- length(x)
r <- range(x)
# storage for new configurations / total force / const
xnew <- list()
F_total <- rep(NA_real_, times = maxIter)
cost <- rep(NA_real_, times = maxIter)
## constants used to control effect of force on charged particles
# mass
.m <- 100
# time step
.t <- 1
# initial attractive force constant (Qk) to uniform spacing
.Fu <- 1.5e-3
# repulsion force constant
.Qk <- 1e-2
# exponential decay schedule for particle charge
# from t = 1 -> maxIter
.q <- q * exp(-1 * chargeDecayRate * 1:maxIter)
# simulation
for(i in 1:maxIter) {
# compute initial overlap metrics at threshold
.om <- overlapMetrics(x, thresh = thresh)
# constraints:
# rank order, by element
.rank_test <- rank(x) == rank(x.orig)
# overlap test
.overlap_test <- length(.om$idx) < 1
# stop simulation if there is nothing left to do
if(all(.rank_test) & .overlap_test) {
xnew[[i]] <- x
# if any rank order is violated
# progressively increase Qk for attractive force to uniform spacing
# this will progressively pull particles into the "right" order
if(!any(.rank_test)) {
.Fu <- .Fu + (.Fu * QkA_GrowthRate)
# pair-wise distances
m <- as.matrix(dist(x))
# remove distance to self
diag(m) <- NA
## TODO: consider given higher charge density to left/right anchors
# repelling forces (same charge) between all particles
.F <- .electricForce(Q1 = q, Q2 = q, Qk = .Qk, d = m, tiny = tiny, const = const)
# negative forces are to the left
# lower triangle is used for particles to the right of any given position
.F[lower.tri(.F)] <- - .F[lower.tri(.F)]
# net repelling force on each particle
# force vector: negative <--- | ---> positive
.F_repl <- colSums(.F, na.rm = TRUE)
# attractive forces between each particle <--> uniform spacing, rank order
# weaker than repelling forces
# distance from uniform spacing
.offset <- x - seq(from = r[1], to = r[2], length.out = x.n)
# note: sign(0) --> 0
# direction is based on offset vector
.direction <- sign(.offset)
# force vector: negative <--- | ---> positive
# weaker than repelling forces, set via Qk arg
.F_attr <- .electricForce(Q1 = q, Q2 = q, Qk = .Fu, d = abs(.offset), tiny = tiny, const = const)
# sum attractive + repelling forces
.F_net <- (.direction * .F_attr) + .F_repl
# ## debugging
# print(
# rbind(x, x.orig, .direction, .F_repl, .F_attr, .F_net)
# )
# displacement vector: d = 1/2 F/m * t
# negative <--- | ---> positive
.d <- 1/2 * (.F_net / .m) * .t^1
# displacement is only applied to overlapping AND out-of-order points
.affected_points <- unique(c(.om$idx, which(!.rank_test)))
.ignore <- setdiff(seq_along(x), .affected_points)
.d[.ignore] <- 0
# displacement of boundary points is always 0
.d[1] <- 0
.d[x.n] <- 0
# keep track of new locations at time step i
# displacement can't be outside of bounds
xnew[[i]] <- pmin(pmax(x + .d, x.orig[1]), x.orig[x.n])
# keep track of total force in system at time step i
F_total[i] <- sum(abs(.F_net))
# update locations
x <- xnew[[i]]
# exponential decay of all charges with each iteration
q <- .q[i]
# compute overlap metrics at threshold, after displacement
.om <- overlapMetrics(x, thresh = thresh)
cost[i] <- .om$ov
# stop simulation if there is no overlap in this iteration
# AND rank order is preserved
if(all(rank(x) == rank(x.orig)) & length(.om$idx) < 1) {
# done with iterations
message(sprintf("%s iterations", i))
# flatten
xnew <-'rbind', xnew)
## TODO: optionally return to lowest cost configuration
## TODO: optionally re-run with lower / higher q
# check for convergence
# 1. no overlap
# 2. no change in rank order
.converged <- all(rank(xnew[nrow(xnew), ]) == rank(x.orig) & length(.om$idx) < 1)
if(trace) {
# solutions(iteration) are re-scaled to original range
xnew <- t(apply(xnew, 1, .rescaleRange, .original_range[1], .original_range[2]))
# compile full results
.res <- list(
x = as.vector(xnew[nrow(xnew), ]),
F_total = as.vector(na.omit(F_total)),
cost = as.vector(na.omit(cost)),
states = xnew,
converged = .converged
} else {
# only the final configuration
# solution is re-scaled to original range
.res <- .rescaleRange(as.vector(xnew[nrow(xnew), ]), .original_range[1], .original_range[2])
attr(.res, 'converged') <- .converged
## background:
## TODO:
# * enforce rank in degenerate cases
# * secondary objective function: as close as possible to original configuration
# * cleanup variable names: stats -> overlap, log -> x.log, etc.
#' @title Fix Overlap within a Sequence via Simulated Annealing
#' @description This function makes small adjustments to elements of `x` until overlap defined by `thresh` is removed, or until `maxIter` is reached. Rank order and boundary conditions (defined by `min.x` and `max.x`) are preserved. The underlying algorithm is based on simulated annealing. The "cooling schedule" parameters `T0` and `k` can be used to tune the algorithm for specific applications.
#' @details Ideas for solving difficult overlap scenarios:
#' * widen the boundary conditions by adjusting `min.x` and `max.x` beyond the original scale of `x`
#' * reduce the allowable overlap threshold `thresh`
#' * reduce the magnitude of perturbations (`adj`) and increase `maxIter`
#' * increase `k`
#' @param x vector of horizontal positions, pre-sorted
#' @param thresh horizontal threshold defining "overlap" or distance between elements of `x`. For adjusting soil profile sketches values are typically < 1 and likely in (0.3, 0.8).
#' @param adj specifies the size of perturbations within `runif(min = adj * -1, max = adj)`. Larger values will sometimes reduce the number of iterations required to solve particularly difficult overlap conditions. See `coolingRate` argument when `adj` is large
#' @param min.x left-side boundary condition, consider expanding if a solution cannot be found within `maxIter`.
#' @param max.x right-side boundary condition, consider expanding if a solution cannot be found within `maxIter`.
#' @param maxIter maximum number of iterations to attempt before giving up and returning a regularly-spaced sequence
#' @param trace print diagnostics, result is a `list` vs `vector`
#' @param tiny the smallest allowable overlap
#' @param T0 starting temperature
#' @param k cooling constant
#' @param \dots not used, absorbs additional arguments to [fixOverlap()]
#' @return When `trace = FALSE`, a vector of the same length as `x`, preserving rank-ordering and boundary conditions. When `trace = TRUE` a list containing the new sequence along with information about objective functions and decisions made during iteration.
#' @author D.E. Beaudette and K.C. Thompson
#' @export
#' @seealso [electroStatics_1D()], [fixOverlap()]
#' @examples
#' x <- c(1, 2, 3, 3.4, 3.5, 5, 6, 10)
#' # easy
#' z <- fixOverlap(x, thresh = 0.2, trace = TRUE)
#' # harder
#' z <- fixOverlap(x, thresh = 0.6, trace = TRUE)
#' # much harder
#' z <- fixOverlap(x, thresh = 0.9, trace = TRUE)
#' # interpret `trace` output
#' # relatively challenging
#' x <- c(1, 2, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 13, 15, 15.5)
#' # fix overlap, return debugging information
#' set.seed(10101)
#' z <- fixOverlap(x, thresh = 0.8, trace = TRUE)
#' # setup plot device
#' par(mar = c(4, 4, 1, 1))
#' layout(matrix(c(1,2,3)), widths = 1, heights = c(1,1,2))
#' # objective function = overlap + SSD
#' plot(
#' seq_along(z$stats), z$stats,
#' type = 'h', las = 1,
#' xlab = 'Iteration', ylab = 'Overlap',
#' cex.axis = 0.8
#' )
#' # SSD: deviation from original configuration
#' plot(
#' seq_along(z$ssd), z$ssd,
#' type = 'h', las = 1,
#' xlab = 'Iteration', ylab = 'Deviation',
#' cex.axis = 0.8
#' )
#' # adjustments at each iteration
#' matplot(
#' z$states, type = 'l',
#' lty = 1, las = 1,
#' xlab = 'Iteration', ylab = 'x-position'
#' )
#' # trace log
#' # B: boundary condition violation
#' # O: rank (order) violation
#' # +: accepted perturbation
#' # -: rejected perturbation
#' table(z$log)
SANN_1D <- function(x, thresh = 0.6, adj = thresh * 2/3, min.x = min(x) - 0.2, max.x = max(x) + 0.2, maxIter = 1000, trace = FALSE, tiny = 0.0001, T0 = 500, k = 10, ...) {
## TODO: convert min.x and max.x to domain
# system energy ~ probability ~ metropolis step
# energy / cost function
# these are all length-1 vectors
# n0: starting cost
# n1: resulting cost adjustment i
# Te: temperature
# k: cooling constant (empirically determined)
.P <- function(n0, n1, Te, k = 1) {
if(n1 < n0) {
} else {
# delta-E: n1 - n0
return(exp(-(n1 - n0) / Te * k))
## TODO: this will violate original ranks... don't do this
# sanity check: cannot have perfect overlap (duplicates) in the initial configuration
# jitter usually will resolve the problem
if(any(table(x) > 1)) {
x <- jitter(x)
if(trace) {
message('duplicates in `x`, applying jitter')
## TODO: consider a cost related to the preservation of "character", relative clustering
# initial value = 0
# deviation <- 1 - cor(dist(x), dist(x.test), method = 'spearman')
## TODO: this may not actually be a good "cost" metric
# SSD: sum squared differences between two configurations (via distance matrix)
# worst-possible SSD due to regular sequence
ssd.max <- sum((dist(x) - dist(seq(from = 1, to = length(x), by = 1)))^2)
# initial configuration
m <- overlapMetrics(x, thresh)
# initial cost
# at this point SSD = 0
cost <- m$ov
# save original for testing rank order
x.orig <- x
# original adjustment value
adj.orig <- adj
# counter to prevent run-away while-loop
i <- 1
## trace details
# overlap cost (total overlap)
stats <- rep(NA, times = maxIter)
# deviation from original configuration
# sum of squared differences between dist(x.orig), dist(
ssd <- rep(NA, times = maxIter)
# algorithm adjustment steps:
# B: boundary violation
# O: ordering (rank) violation
# +: accept adjustments
# -: reject adjustments
log <- rep(NA, times = maxIter)
# states
states <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = maxIter, ncol = length(x))
# short-circuit: only proceed if there is overlap
if(m$ov < tiny) {
# continue while total overlap > small number
while(m$ov > tiny) {
# fail-safe
if(i > maxIter) {
message('maximum number of iterations reached, using regular sequence')
s <- seq(from = min(x.orig), to = max(x.orig), length.out = length(x.orig))
if(trace) {
log <- factor(as.vector(na.omit(log)), levels = c('B', 'O', '+', '-'))
stats <- as.vector(na.omit(stats))
ssd <- as.vector(na.omit(ssd))
states <- na.omit(states)
attr(states, "na.action") <- NULL
x = s,
stats = stats,
ssd = ssd,
log = log,
converged = FALSE,
states = states
attr(s, 'converged') <- FALSE
# generate random perturbations to affected indices
perturb <- runif(n = length(m$idx), min = adj * -1, max = adj)
# attempt perturbation
x.test <- x
x.test[m$idx] <- x.test[m$idx] + perturb
# re-evaluate metrics
m.test <- overlapMetrics(x.test, thresh)
## TODO: consider correlation vs. SSD
# deviation <- 1 - cor(dist(x), dist(x.test), method = 'spearman')
ssd.test <- sum((dist(x) - dist(x.test))^2)
# normalize
ssd.test <- ssd.test / ssd.max
# combined cost: overlap + SSD
cost.test <- m.test$ov + ssd.test
# enforce boundary conditions
if(any(x.test < min.x) | any(x.test > max.x)) {
# print('boundary condition')
log[i] <- 'B'
stats[i] <- m.test$ov
ssd[i] <- ssd.test
states[i, ] <- x.test
i <- i + 1
# enforce rank ordering
if(any(rank(x.orig) != rank(x.test))) {
# print('rank violation')
log[i] <- 'O'
stats[i] <- m.test$ov
ssd[i] <- ssd.test
states[i, ] <- x.test
i <- i + 1
# compute current temperature
# differs from literature where i starts from 0
Temp <- T0 / i
# acceptance probability
# n0 = previous cost
# n1 = current cost
# Te = current temperature
# k = cooling constant
p <- .P(n0 = cost, n1 = cost.test, Te = Temp, k = k)
# accept a more costly proposition if randomly selected
p.acc <- p > runif(n = 1, min = 0, max = 1)
if( (cost.test < cost) | p.acc) {
# keep new state
log[i] <- '+'
# apply perturbation to working copy
x <- x.test
# save state
states[i, ] <- x
# keep track of overlap cost
stats[i] <- m.test$ov
ssd[i] <- ssd.test
# re-evaluate overlap for while() loop
m <- overlapMetrics(x, thresh)
# re-compute total cost
cost <- m$ov + ssd.test
# increment iteration counter
i <- i + 1
} else {
# reject proposed state
log[i] <- '-'
# save state
states[i, ] <- x.test
# keep track of overlap cost
stats[i] <- m.test$ov
ssd[i] <- ssd.test
i <- i + 1
# done with iterations
message(sprintf("%s iterations", i))
# full output
if(trace) {
log <- factor(as.vector(na.omit(log)), levels = c('B', 'O', '+', '-'))
stats <- as.vector(na.omit(stats))
ssd <- as.vector(na.omit(ssd))
states <- na.omit(states)
attr(states, "na.action") <- NULL
x = x,
stats = stats,
ssd = ssd,
log = log,
converged = TRUE,
states = states
} else {
# best configuration only
attr(x, 'converged') <- TRUE
#' @title Fix Overlap within a Sequence
#' @param x vector of initial positions, pre-sorted
#' @param thresh numeric, overlap threshold defined on the same scale as `x`
#' @param method character vector, 'S' for simulated annealing via [SANN_1D()] or 'E' for electrostatic simulation via [electroStatics_1D()]
#' @param trace logical, return full output
#' @param \dots additional arguments to [SANN_1D()] or [electroStatics_1D()]
#' @return When `trace = FALSE`, a vector of the same length as `x`, preserving rank-ordering and boundary conditions. When `trace = TRUE` a list containing the new sequence along with information about objective functions and decisions made during adjustment of `x`.
#' @export
#' @seealso [electroStatics_1D()], [SANN_1D()]
#' @examples
#' s <- c(1, 2, 2.3, 4, 5, 5, 7)
#' # simulated annealing, solution is non-deterministic
#' fixOverlap(s, thresh = 0.6, method = 'S')
#' # electrostatics-inspired simulation of particles
#' # solution is deterministic
#' fixOverlap(s, thresh = 0.6, method = 'E')
#' # create a very busy profile with lots of possible overlapping
#' # depth annotation
#' x <- quickSPC(
#' interval = 1
#' )
#' # convert horizon ID to numeric
#' x$z <- as.numeric(x$hzID)
#' # plotSPC arguments
#' .a <- list(
#' width = 0.2,
#' hz.depths = TRUE,
#' = 'center-center',
#' cex.names = 1.5,
#' depth.axis = FALSE,
#' name = NA,
#' color = 'z',
#' show.legend = FALSE,
#' = FALSE,
#' col.palette = hcl.colors(n = 25, palette = 'Spectral', rev = TRUE)
#' )
#' # set plotSPC default arguments
#' options(.aqp.plotSPC.args = .a)
#' # wrapper function to test label collision solutions
#' testIt <- function(x, ...) {
#' plotSPC(x, ...)
#' # a normalized index of label adjustment
#' .txt <- sprintf(
#' "LAI: %0.3f",
#' get('last_spc_plot', envir = aqp.env)$hz.depth.LAI
#' )
#' mtext(.txt, side = 1, at = 1, line = -2, cex = 0.8)
#' }
#' # compare and contrast
#' op <- par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mfcol = c(1, 6))
#' testIt(x)
#' title('ES (defaults)', line = -3)
#' testIt(x, fixOverlapArgs = list(method = 'S'))
#' title('SANN (defaults)', line = -3)
#' testIt(x, fixOverlapArgs = list(method = 'E', q = 1.5))
#' title('ES (q = 1.5)', line = -3)
#' testIt(x, fixOverlapArgs = list(method = 'E', q = 1))
#' title('ES (q = 1)', line = -3)
#' testIt(x, fixOverlapArgs = list(method = 'E', q = 0.5))
#' title('ES (q = 0.5)', line = -3)
#' testIt(x, fixOverlapArgs = list(method = 'E', q = 0.1))
#' title('ES (q = 0.1)', line = -3)
#' par(op)
fixOverlap <- function(x, thresh = 0.6, method = c('S', 'E'), trace = FALSE, ...) {
# sanity checks on method
method <- tolower(match.arg(method))
# check for un-sorted input
if(!all(x == sort(x))) {
warning('data should be pre-sorted', call. = FALSE)
.res <- switch(method,
'e' = {
electroStatics_1D(x = x, thresh = thresh, trace = trace, ...)
's' = {
SANN_1D(x = x, thresh = thresh, trace = trace, ...)
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